Esday. March 15, THE ASHEVILLE TIMES PAGE SEVEN Five Facts You Should Know (1) That disease Is the result of a disordered condition. ' (2) That when we correct the disordered condition, we eliminate the disease.' . ' ' (3) That the blood le the carrier of poisons throughout the body. (4) That te successfully treat any disease originating In the blood, we have to treat the blood, as the cause. (6) That 8. 8. 8. Is the most reliable remedy for removing Impurities from the blood. .'. 8. 8. S. Is no, experiment ot to- ; 'ft I ; LyearsJ I day, but Is a successful remedy for I the blood that has, been a blessing 'to thousands of sufferers for the last fifty years. There Is nothing mysterious about 8. 8. 8. It la an extract from natlre herbs, roots and bark, eaoh known for Its pecu liar medicinal Talue. These Ingre dients combine and act In a bene ficial and helpful way with nature. It doesn't matter whether your case ot blood trouble Is one ot the many forms ot Rheumatism, or Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, chronic skin trouble, or any other form ot blood trouble. R 8. 8 will go directly to the seat of the trouble; giving the blood a thor ough cleansing, driving out the Im purities in a natural way, and leav ing the. blood pure and refreshed, ready to do its full duty In building the tissues) up to a normal and heal thy state. Begin today on a bottle of 8. 8. 8. and note how soon you will begin to feel reliet We will gladly give special advice and free consultation. It 'you are in doubt about the nature of your case, write Medical Department, Boom 73. IV --' -Af ' I Jjf 1HE iwipt 5minc CO. 'ft afuMnMi, 1( U.S.A. M fcteSLOOtaBotfle. '(. - - tw swift swmrm SCHOLARSHIPS BY U.D.C. 0FN0RTI1 C. Best Educational Advantages Offered Ambitious Young " V People of the State. mm THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. OFFERINGS AT THE L T I LQGA HEITEHS TWO CAR LOADS OVERLAND AUTOMOBILES Just received. We now have the latest models in all sizes in loth TOURING CARS and ROADSTERS Wo Invito your early inspection of these wonderful values Overland-Asheville Sales Co. Temporary Show Rooms: 80 Nor 111 Ijoxliigton Avenue Our Garage is being erected between Broadway and Market oh Unlntlt. "', ... , in;J An Unusual Opportunity s being offered ambitious boys and girls to attend evening lasses in Bookkeeping, Banking, Higher Accountancy and vpowriting at ; ' . THE EMANUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE his class is in charge of an expert accountant, and young en and -women who are interested should not fail to avail liemsclves of this opportunity. ; all or phone, and let us give you full particulars. 0 E. College St. V Phone 1100 MHOBO STRATEGIC Also Gateway For Overland Trade From Central Asia . to Europe. The Number of Calls for Office Help made upon us during January and February, 1916, has exceeded the number of calls made' upon us during any two consecutive months in the history of our work. We are proud of this record because it is evidence of a state of (prosperity in our country, and because it shows a growing confidence on the part of the business and professional men in the training given at our Col lege. We shall need a big enrollment during "1916 to supplythe demand that is being made upon us. Our easy terms of payment makes it possible for ambitions boys and girls to secure our Commercial Training. Call and Talk Things Over With Us. - Emanuel Business College 30 E. College St. ' " . .. Washington, D. C, March 16. The city of Trebizondi according to a state ment given out here today by the National Geographic society; la by far the most '. important Turkish port on the Black sea. It is situated on the southern shore of that sea, about C50 miles east of its outlet through tho Bosphorus. "It lies only about one hundred miles west of the international boun dary between Russia-in-Asia and Tui-' key-in-Asia. It has always been tho gateway of the overland trade passing between Central Asia and Persia and Europe. The fortified city ot Erze rum, which recently surrendered to the Russians, was one of tho stations on 'this itner-continental highway. , ",The city has no direct communica tion with Asia Minor proper, except by sea, because it is thoroughly hem med in on its western and southwest em sides by a watershed so steep and forbidding that not a single river is able 'to break through and thus reach the Black sea. ., "Trebizond got its name from th situation. It originally was called Trapezus, or Table-land. ', ' ''The older part of Trebizond is still enclosed within a wall built by the Byzantines, but the newer part, which is the Christian quarter, is outside of the walls. . "The harbor Is not a good one, the entrance being so tilled with silt, de posited by the cross currents of the Black sea, as to shut out any but light draft vessels. ... "The road from this Turkish sea port to Erzerum is a very difficult one. It heretofore ha been too much brok en to admit of the transit of wheeled vehicles. In peace times long caravans of camels followed the trail between the port and the fortress, but in re cent years the railroad from Batum to Tlflis proved a formidable rival for the camel, and the 'ship of the desert' was slowly giving way before the iron horse.' " The following are the scholarships offered for 1916 and 1917 by the U. D. C. for the benefit of ambitious young people, who are desirous , of the best educational i advantages; I. Division scholarships open to descendants of Confederate, veterans in North Carolina, whq need aid in securing an education: 1. Agrlcultural-and Mechanical, col- lego tuition, 5. . ' . 2. King's Business college, Raleigh or Charlotte, tuition J50. S. Oxford college, tuition $50. 4. Trinity college, tuition for young man $50. 5. Trinity college, tuition for young woman $50. i. Warrenton High school, tuition '. Klovia Worth Moftitt college, pays $75. II. General scholarships open un der same- conditions as above 'to all states where U. D. C. are organize. 1. Vassar college, board aud tui tion $500. 2. University of N. C tuition $60. General Scholarships. . 3 and 4, Alabama Polytechnic-Au burn, Ala., tuition $50 each. 5. "Alice. Bristol" Bristol school, Washington, IX C, board and tuition, $1,000. :".. v 6.- Washington- & Lee, board and tuition, $350. 7. University of Pennsylvania, acad emic, tuition, $200. 8. University of Virginia, tuition $95. . - 9. "Thomas Martin Memorial, Martin college, Pulaski, Tenn., tuition $100. . v . 10. St. Mary s ' school, Memphis, Tenn. r tuition .$100. 11. Partial scholarship Converse college, $100. . . 12. Partial scholarship Fleet school Flat Rock, N. C, open to High school boys, $400. 13. Partial scholarship at Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Ga., $190. ' 14. Agnes Scott Decatur, Ga., tui tion $75, For application blanks apply before May 1st to (Miss) Annie Jean Gash, chairman Educational committee, N. C. Division U. D. Ci Plsgah Forest, N. C. ,; UGH! CALOMEL MAKES YQU SICK! GLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS lflY WAY Managers of local theaters make the following announcements today: At The Galax. "For a Woman's Fair Name," a five part Vltagraph Blue Ribbon feature with Robert Edeson in the leading male role will be the attraction at the Galax today. In connection, "You Know Me Al" will also be shown to day. Tomorrow, Blanche Sweet will be seen in "The Secret Orchard" a Paramount picture. Daughter of one of the stars of the Parisian Demi monde, the heroine of "The Secret Orchard" carries from birth a hidden taint of character, the more concealed! because of the sweetness of her nature and the beauty of . her personality. From a convent in which her mother. who had died, placed her as a child to escape the environment of her parent, Just Once! Try "Dodson's Liver Tone" When Bilious, Con stipated, Headachy Don't Lose a Day's Work, Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel fine and cheerful; make your work a pleasure; be vigorous and full of am bition. But take no nasty, dangerous calomel L-cause it makes you sick ar.l you may lose a day's work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel crashes Into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. Listen to me! If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced lust take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dodson s Liver Tone under my per- Auto Ruination." Besides Mack ance tomorrow Elsie McGeorge and Swain, who takes the leading role In! her musicial comedy company wlil Phone 1100 Read The Times' Classified . Pajre. A GAS RANGE IN THE KITCHEN Means a Smile on Mother's Face OAS MAKES . Cooking Easier. Work Lighter. - Expenses Smaller.-. OAS SAVES Unnecessary Steps. " Loss of Time. Ix88 of Temper. . OAS PAYS Because Gas is Cheaper. . ' , ,' Gas is Cleaner. ' i-No Kindling Expanse Learn about our easy payment plan. Have your Representative call Origin of Pajamas. Pajamas are garments which Euro peans adopted from tbo Mohammedans of India. The name means simply leg garments, and earlier generations in India knew them as "long drawers" and "mogul breeches." It la only of recent years that they have sprung into almost universal use In England la place of nightshirts which some ono characterized as equivalent to adopting trousers' In place of frock coats but references to the garments have been traced as early as 1828, ' Teejams." plgnrnmuhs" nud "pla jammah" were some of former vari ants in use. and Thackeray wrote of them as "peljammuus." Tbo standard spelling is only a recent agreeuieut. TRY THIS FOR A -ITS FIE COLD "Pape's Cold Compound" ends severe colds or grippe in few hours. Tou can end grippe and break up a severe cold either in head, chest, body or limbs, by taking a dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" every twO' hours un til three doses are taken. - - It promptly opens clogged-up nos trils and air passages in the head stops nasty discharge or nose running, relieves sick headache, dullness, fever ishness, sore throat, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffing! Ease your throbbing head nothing else In the world gives such prompt relief as "Pape's Cold Compound," which costs only 25 cents at any drug store. It acts without as sistance, tastes nice, and causes no In convenience. Be sure you get the gen uine. sonal money-back ' guarantee that each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. , Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know It next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working; head ache and di?.''.iess gone; stomach will be sweet and bowels regular. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely veg etable, therefore harmless and can not salivate. Give It to your children. Millions of people are using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous cal omel now. Tour druggist will tell you that the - sale of Calomel la almost stopped entirely here. this two act farce of Sennet's latest get-up. is Harry Gribbon and Louise Fa Zenda. The Strand orchestra plays Triangle music tomorrow for the dra matic offering, "Honor's Altar," at at the morning, afternoon, and even ing performances. At the Majestic. "The Blonde Stenographer," will be presented at the Majestic today and tonight for the last times. Com mencing with a matinee perform- present another comedy In one act called "The Slave Girl." This farce comedy Is said to contain excellent opportunities for the excellent chorua with this organization to introduce Iheir splendid specialty numbers. The play is also said to have a plot. - .' Cheap Herring. In many parts of Scotland 10 her rings can be bought 4or sixpence In normal times, .i -; OTTIS GREEN HARDWARE CO. Hardware Paints and Oils AS; Save 58 BLANCHE SWEET In "The Secret Orchard" at the Galax Tomorrow. . the girl steps into the world ignorant of her hidden weakness. Innocently, she falla-victim to the Duke of Cluny, whose wife, unknown to the Duke, had promised a home to a motherless girl. When the ward of the Duchess con fronts the Duke, each represses recog nition so as to save the Duchess, but when the young woman flrlds her real lover, an American naval officer, the truth is told. "The Secret Orchard,'' In novel form, by Agnes and Edgerton Castle, was said to be one of the most widely read books in America a few years ago. .Paramount dictograph will also be shown tomorrow. 11 PAKff cts, per gal. ITS SIMPLE ... THIS IS HOW Ju$t mix 3 Gals. Linseed Oil costing about $2.70 Into 4 Gals L, & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, ft $2.25 per gaL - 9.00 You then make 7 Gals. Pure Paint for $11.70 irs only $1.67 per gaL Made with right proportions of Lead, Zinc and . Linseed Oil, to' insure longest wear ' tlse a gal. out ol any L.&M. PAINT you buy and il not the best paint made,; return the paint and get ALL your money back. over 3- .40 years At tho Princess, "The Nature Man," or "A Struggle for Existence," will be the attraction at the Princess today, "The Nature Man," is a Broadway Universal fea ture and is shown in five parts wl'.h Joe Knowls in the leading male role, i Tomorrow Jess Willard will be seen' playing the leading role in a stirring' drama of the prize ring "The Heart: Punch." In. this photoplay Jess Wil lard Is seen In action. In addition to "The Heart Punch," "Dolly Scoops," a Rex drama, "The Disappearing Groom," a three part comedy and Universal weekly will be shown to morrow. Large crowds are expected to visit the Princess tomorrow in view of the fact that Willard is to fight Moran on March 25. TODAY Prompt Artlon Is n earing Many Ashc vlllo Citizen. Get down to the cause of every thing. l ad backs are frequently caused by weak kidneys. Help the kidneys to get rid of kid ney backache. Donn's Kidney Pills are for the kid. neis only. No time wasted trying to cure other troubles, - Asheville people endorse their merit. P. W. Cauble, Jr., plumber, SS East street, Asheville, s:iys: "My work ne cessitates a lot of heavy lifting and the result whs pain In my back. It both ered me when I ner.t my body In certt'ln position. Ji then gut a cntoh In my back, which was -very painful. I tarted taking Donn's Kidney Plllx, which 1 got at Htnllh' drug nUr, and ono box removed the troiiblu. 1 have not been bothered since." Price 60 cents, ot all dealers. Don't lmply onk for a kidney remedy gut Dunn's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Caublu had. Koster-MIJburn Co., Props., Huffnlo, N. Y. ' Asheville Power & Light Co. - SArESltOOM: 102 PATTpN AVENUE . M I t TIwm ttr CAPSULES r, tuparlor to lalMM ef CopallJ, flubebt tr tnlftclloftl.afld ""N iRUKVH la (WhY) 24 HOURS ft VV Mm (ImmM with tut InttnnnwiM. Th Planet Mars. Earth's astronomers know nothing of Mars beyond the fact that If the planet is of a formation more recent than the formatlqu of the terrestrial globe its evolutions must have been more rapid, because it fs so small. Mars is an older world tban the earth a world that represents the Intermediate stato be tween that of the earth aud that of the moon. The phenomena on Mars now under the observation of earth's as tronomers are the last manifestations of a dying life. Slowly, very slowly, time la flolng its work. Mars Is dying; of cold, ' the anesthetic that benumbs the worlds and steeps them in the sleep In which they die. Exchange. ' At the Strand. Marguerite Leslie, the great dra matic and .international favorite, Is appearing today at the Strand in! one of the greatest problem plays of, tho day. entitled "The Question."; This play is said to appeal mostly to women as It teaches an Invaluable lesson to all who see It. Tomorrow, Triangle dav at the Strand, Bessie Barrlscale, the wonderful Triangle emotional portrayer will be seen In the latest Thomas It. lnce dramatic offering, entitled "Honor's Altar." i She Is ably supported by Lewis S. 1 Stone and a number of other Trlan- glo favorites. This Is a Triangle play . I . 1.. I I ... . . jtis limb IB BUlll IU UD VL ti njiucwiiai uil- ferent . variety a gripping story -of domestic life that cannot fall to in terest every married man and worn ap. The Keystone comedy for tomor row is one in which Muck Swain the Keystone funmaker Is featured, "Ills ROBERT EDESON IN FOR A WOMAN S FAIR NAME VITAGRAPH BLUE RIBBON FEATURE, j fm GALAX blPEHB ORCHESTRA S g 5c ADMISSION 10c 1 Flight of the Looutt. Locusts In Bouth Africa are very tiny creatures, at most two or three inches long, yet giant jawed and shelled In a grim brown mall so hard that as they striko it causes a sharp smart Tbey travel In such numbers that It takes them four or Ave days to pass over. The scouts alone, hovering In patches like red dust clouds, are numerous enough to destroy the vegetation of a district, while the main body, high up In the air, a host of little black specks, stretches out Into an' interminable screen between heaven and earth. The fanning of their wings brings a fresh coolness. over the hot earth even in the depth of summer. There seems to be a fresh breath of ocone as of the Vea. Everlasting Bricks. Once made a brick Is practically lude- structlhlu. Nearly evory brick that has ever been made by man from the be ginning of time is still in existence on this earth. The, men who made aud laid them and who directed tlieso oper ations have long since been gathered into dust Some of them litre doubt less contributed In their bodies to the making of more bricks. Hut the stead fast and enduring square of baked clay poaisis sod wlil until the besvens sod carta are shriveled like scroll. Ex-' cuojtgo. 1 ' . Strand -TOMORROW IS Bessie Barriscale M ix M f "Honor's Altar" ffl I the Clipping ' ftifl t i Which I : very Man and tfA I Kvcry Woman Should I Till K3i WTM I M Keystone Comedy h2 i.ii 8 Triangle Play Which I : very Man and Kvery Woman Should Hce. AIX) Keystone Comedy "His Auto Ruination" TIUANC.I.K MI'HIC 8 P.: lAai.Ani i J.Ail PRINCESS TODAY IIGIITIIONT, MOST FASCIXATIXO KATl'RE I'RODVCJ.n PICTXRE EVER 'The Nature Ian OR . . "THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCE" A MOVINd PHTrnE Hl'XORD OF A MAN ENTERING THE I'llIMITIVE WILItS WITHOUT TOOLS, WEAI1JXH OR iROVI KIONH AND C'ONQIERING WII4 AMMAMI AND THE FORCES OF NATl'RE. ' , f Different From Any Picture You Have Ever Seen SAME PRICES Be TO ALL