Thursday, March 161916. Brjfiqjjiq JJp F ClthcV fl IT OH! HERE OME MRb JONE- 00 YOU KNOW HE A GREAT COLLCCTOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Time lc . . Timra 2c . Week 4o . Weeks 7c . ....... .per word ....... .per word per word ....... .per word . . ... . . .per word .per word WE 'V ' .M W 1 HOWM jV 7 ' UJ VV HMONEYrJ , "1 j ' jj toD THIS PAGE i Weeks JOo Month lac SITUATIONS WANTED. Spcciul Rates for Situations Want ed 20 words 1 time free; additional insertions 10 cents each insertion. No advertisement taken lor than 13 cents. The reduced rates are for consecu tive insertions, terms cask. PHONE "AD MAN" 202 AND PAT . LATER THE A B C COLUMN IIK.VDY REFERENCE DIOTTONAKY . i i KJ XV TIME YOU WANT A LOAD , of kiln dried kindling or stove wood call Plsgah Lumber Co. B'hono 321. 2-24-30t 1 A V TP TO I J IH MINUTE BHUK I f Shop. Prompt delivery. Satis. k faction to all. Pacel post paid lime way. G. Bowden. . Phone 1817, In East College St. tf ATLAS SHOE SHOP SHOE Re pairing new work. Try us for quick service, good, work.- Par rel post paid both ways. All work called for and delivered. P. W. Lowe, L. lirunner. Props. Phone 2885. No. 11 West College St ' 2-22-tf RUBBER HEELS, 35c. LI Men's, , sewed 60c Men's ',3 sole, tacked 50c RED CROSS SHOE HOSPITAL Phono 2207 42 Biltmore Ave. J-16-tf Wanted Miscellaneous. WANTED WATCH, CLOCK AND gun repairing.. We send tor and deliver work. ' Phone 1747 about your broken locks and keys. N. A. Harrison, opposite Langren hotel. . - 2-29-tf. WANTED A PARTNlCR WITH CAP ital to invest In well paying busi ness. Address "M. C F.", care Ga-sette-News. '. .t-26-llt l'LOWIXG IF YOU WANT YOUR garden plowed call $2. 3. V. HU- deb.and's Stable, (I and 60 Bllt more avenue. l-19-tf Wanted ladies and gentle- men to know about our perfnei cleaning and pressing service. Silk, velvet and woolen garments clean ed perfectly. Phones I8 and sis. J. C. Wllbar. l-6-tf CLEAN COTTON RAGS INQUIRE or the pressman, at The Times of lice. - tf WANTED TO RENT 6M ALL COT- tase with large lot near car line and good street. State price. Ad dress C. W. Care Times. 22-tf "ANTED TO RENT SMALL place In suburbs, suitable for gar den and chickens. Near car line ' d eqod road. Address W., Care Times. SS-tf HELP WANTED. "ANTED MAN TO ROLICIT Sim- rlptlons ,nd collect. In Western North Carolina. Apply Times oince. P-$-10-tf. 0a SALE OR EXCHANGE anything you want to own WESTERN CAROLINA , REALTY CO. x W. WOLFE, Ecc'y-Treas. "We 874 10 North Pack Rq. 1 FIRST EVERY AFTERNOON FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. NOWERDAYS A GENTLEMAN MAY OWN A "COUNTRY. GENTLE MAN'S HOME." HAVE such an one listed The nicest "LOG HOME," with-40 acres fine land In Buncombe Co. "LARGE NEW LOG BUNGALOW." Heated, BATH, S. P.'s and strictly up to the minute In every particular. Fenced and cross fenced. Large young or chard and vineyard. Nice enough for any rich man. The price and terms to suit. Will sell Lock, Stock and Barrel and leave the Dog. Buyer gets everything on place Standing furniture, lots of s feed, horse, buggy, wagons, etc., several splendid Jersey cows, hogs, goats, turkeys, chickens and a hundred other things. You can do business in Ashevllle and make the trip in John Henry Ford 20, minutes. Fackards and Saxons 29 minutes :. flat. It's the flulflllment of your dream elevated and views. Proa- pective customers must mean busi ness or this will not be shown. W. T. ROWLAND & CO., 60 PAT AVE "It Can Be Done!" - , s-16-tf. IF YOU DON'T FLY too high, this Is the place you ought , to buy 7 LARGE ROOMS, BATH, LIGHTS, GAS and Phone. Good nelghborhoodr-Paved, Paved, Paved Garage and chicken yard. 5 min utes walk to P. O. Terms $500 C. O. D. then little better than rent. Price $2,800. W. T. ROWLAND & CO. 60 PAT AVE "It Can Be Done!" 3-16-tf. - FOR SALE. -A MONEY making small size Print ing business. Best location In town. Splendid opportunlty'for one or two hustlers. Can make good terms. - - W. T. ROWLAND A CO. 50 PAT AVE "It Can Be Done!" ' 3-16-tf. MOALB AND CHILES , Real Estate 21 Patton Ave. - Phone 661. FOR BALE 300 TO 1,000 ACRES Mountain land. In one tract, well watered suitable for grazing. ' 2-2-tf W. T. ROWLAND CO. REAL ESTATE. ' ' NO. 60 PATTON AVENUE. "It Can Be Done!" . , . . : 8-16-tf. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SdiJE OLD DILAPIDATED shoes. FOUND In splendid repair at Atlas Shoe Shop. No. 11 West College St. Phone 2885. Try us with yours. 2-22-tf POUND LADIES' GOLD WATCTt , One may have same by proper Identification and paying for this "ad." H. D. Cleveland Ashevllle Telephone Co. Pl-14-$t LOST SUNDAY AFTERNOON watch fob. Medal given by Metro politan Life Ins. Co., with the In scription "Faithful Service" J899 and 15 years attached. Re wand If returned to Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., American National Bank Bid. ' P8-15-2t FOUND CHAMPION SHOE HOSPITAL TO BE the best place In town for service and quality. Phone 600-601. Parcel Post Prompt. , , 8-16-U ROOMS FOR RENT. . llMhlltD ROOMS FO.; LIGHT housekeeping. Modern conveniences. Rensonst'lo t Desirable pop! only. 176 Flint 8t " I-l-U THE AMERICAN 101 HAYWOOD Hteam Heated Rooms 60o, 75c and 111.00 per day. Msttls 25a t-18-tf CONNECTING ROOMS OR SINGLE room furnished for housekeeping. Close In, 16 Grady. Thone 819. . ' - I-7-tf Copyright 1915. International News Service) CLASSIFIED For Sale Miscellaneous,. ONION SETS YELLOW DANVEU : 10 cts. quart; Red Wethersfleld 10 cts; White Silver Skin 15 cts; Yel low Multiplying . 15 cts.; White Multiplying 15 cts. quart. Special prices In quantity. L. R. STRICK ER, Seedsman. S-14-30t FOR SALE NOW IS THE TIME TO manure your lawns and gardens. $1.00 per load delivered anywhere in city. J, V. Hildebrand. Stable 58 and 60 Biltmore Ave. Phone 82. , 2-24-301 MAINE SEED POTATOES EARLY Rose; Irish Cobblers; Bliss Trl umph; Burbank and Green Moun tain $2.25 per bushel. Our titock is selected for seed and Is best oi. tainable. L. R. STRICKER, Seeds, man. ' , 3-14-30t TYPEWRITERS RENT SALE . Machines for Every Requirement at prices from $22.60 up, cash or easy payments. Rent,. $3 month; throe months $7.60. Every machine Rem ington, guaranteed. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, 1, 2 and 3 Harkins Building, Phone 2676. 2-29-52t . ; : . SPRAY YOUR TREES WE CAN furnish spraying materials ' and sprayers to suit your needs. L. R. Strieker, Seedsman. . 3-14-10t wood: woorj'i wood i Sawed any length. $1.00 and $3.00 loads delivered. Phone 2599. 2-l-S0t CM) A L! COAL! COAL! The kind that burns and gives satis faction. Plsgah Fuel and Dray Co., 175 Roberta street Phone 1499. 2-26-tf HOUSES FOR RENT. FOR RENT FUKNISHED THE MOST ATTRACTIVE LIST OF furnished cottages, - bungalows and apartments In Ashevllle, See me before you decide upon place. JOHN ACEE f 68 Patton Ave. ' Phone 816 ' - ' 22-tf FOR RENT FURNISHED THE AT- tractive house "Knollacre." furnlsh , ed or unfurnished as tenant may elect, located In the Victoria section of Ashevllle; broad views, attractive grounds,- S bedrooms, dining and living rooms, parlor, pantries, bath and sorvsnts accommodations; gar age. Also two furnished houses In Biltmore village; Nos. 4 Short street and 15 All Souls' Crescent, each with ten rooms and bath; ample grounds kept In perfect order by the estate. Glad to show those proper ties to prospective tenants. Apply to Biltmore Estate, Biltmore or tele phone 68. 2-29-tf, UNFURNISHED TEN ROOM HOUSE on car line, near square, modern conveniences. Apply 29 Vance Street , 2-14-tf. -i . FOR RENT TWELVE - ROOM boarding house. Over 84 Broad way. Apply Excelsior Paint & Paper Co. t-15-7t BOARDERS WANTED. MRS. M. A. MILLER 108 MONT ford Ave. Private board. Steam heat and bath on all floors. No sick people Uken. Phone 2596. 302-26t. IF YOU want accommodation catch the Charlotte street car at tho do pot and have the conductor put you off at the Bon Air, 66 Ashland Ave. close In; thoroughly cleaned and new furniture from top to bottom. All modern eonvenlences. Good tuble. Reasonable . rates. 3-15-J0t SITUATIONS WANTED. HOURLY NURSING BY MISS Heme. Phone 109. Also by week or longer. l-34-IOt WHEN YOU WANT YOUR I1AIH drehwd or face mfumged, Phone 1491, Mamie Bartor. Hair D"- I J-l-lfil . - THE ASHEVILLE TIMES SPECIAL. :,, TRY . ATLAS SHOE SHOP 'The Home of White Oak Leather' I - and 'Quick Service, Material and Work , That Wears" 11 West College St. Phone 2885. F. L. Brunner, P.. W. Lowe, Props. AUTO SERVICE .$1.50 PER HOUR . PHONE 600 OR 392 3-16-tf EXPERT TYPEWRITER REPAnt- lng, typewriters for rent. New, sec ond hand, and rebuilt typewriters for sale. J. M. Hearn and com pany, 8 Battery Park place Near postoffice. Phone 448. , 2-24-tf SOUTHERN HIDE AND JUNK CO, 11 Eagle street, pays highest prices for Junk, motals, rags, rubber, cop per, brass, bags, burlaps. Gun smith, Locksmith, General Repair ing. - 3-2-30t ST. CHARLES BARBER SHOP Union barbers, sanitary conditions. M. E. Felmet, Mgr., 7 Haywood fit Phone 694. 2-28-tf MONEY "TO fiOAN JAN MAKE few loans on Ashevllle real estate. Revell-Long Co, 17 Paraeon Bldg. 8-1-tf AUTOS FOR HIRE RATES REV sonable. Calls answered promptly. Careful drivers. Phones 2091. erly Auto. Co. , p-3-S-30t. WE BUY, SEIX, RENT AND EX change second hard for new furnl ture. Ashevllle Furniture Co.. 29 Biltmore Ave. Phone 1861. 2-1-tf NOTICE. State of North Carolina, Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satlsfae tlon, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dls solution thereof by the tmanlmoui consent of all the stockholders, de posited In my office, that the Gruver .Stlrewalt company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office Is situated at Nd. 406 H Depot street, In the city of Ashevlll. county of Bun combe, state of North Carolina, (II. E. Gruver being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom procesx may be sevrd), has rcompltcd with the requirements of Chapter 2L-lte-vlsal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the Issuing of this Cer tificate. of Dissolution; Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Socretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 9th day of December, 1915, file In my office a duly executed and attested consent In writing to tho dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceeding aforesaid are, now on file In my said office as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official nal at Raleigh, this 9th day Of De enmher, A. D. 191. , J, liHYAN GR1MF.HJ (Seel) Secretary of State. March t-9-16-21. POULTRY AND EGGS. BUCKEYE INCUBATORS GET yours now and have ready for April' hatch. Priced as low as $7.50 and up. All guasanveed to hatch every hatchable egg. L. R. Strieker, Seedsman. : 3-14-30 FOR SALE PLYMOUTH ROCK, Wyandotte, Leghorn, Reds, Bant ams, 10 yards. 15 eggs $1.25; 30 eggs $2.00; 50 eggs 3.00. Write U. S. Furniture Mfg. Co., Biltmore, N. C. 3-11-301 EGGS FOR HATCHING EXHIBI- tion single comb R. I. Reds. Deep rich red. Two pens. One pen rose comb brown Leghorns. $2.00 for 15. S. P. Mears, 61 S. French Broad avenue. Phone 397. 8-9-tf POULTRY FEEDS STRICKER'S Hen-o-Lay Scratch $2.35; Hen-o-Lay Mash $2.50; Globe Scratch $2.85; Globe Mash $2.50; Purina Scratch $2.20; Purina Chowder $2.40. Full line poultry supplies. L. R. STRICKER, Seedsman. 3-14-30t SINGLE COMC WHITE LEGHORNS. Show birds and winter layers. Breeding stock and hatching eggs for sale. Edward S. West, Campo bello Poultry Farm, Ashevllle, N. C. 3-15-Tt. FELMETS BARRED ROCKS LAY, win and pay. Will sell four fine cockerel bred, cockerels. Booking orders for hatching, eggs. Phono 58C or 1088. 3-1 5-7t. STREET CAR SCHEDULE. IN EFFECT JAN 5, 3916 Zelliro and Return 6:00, 6:15; 6:30 a. m. Riverside Park- 6:15 and every lb minutes until 11:00 p. m. Depot via. Soutlistde Avenue 6:30 m. and every 15 minutes until 1:15. p. m., then every 7 4 minutes un til 3:45 p. m., then every 15 riln- utes until 11:00 p. n. Depot via. French Broad Avenn 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes un til 11:00 p. ra. Manor fi:00 a. n. and every 15 min utes until 11:00 p. m. fhaiioito Street Triii:nua 6:00 a. m. and every 15 minutes until 11:00 p. m. 11:30 car runs through; return leaves end or tine 12 00. Patten Avenue 1:00 u. m. and every 16 minutes until 11:00 p. m. East Streen 6:00 a. m. and every ' 5 minutes until 11:0 p. m. Gruco MiTi1mt vcm.e 8:00 6:80 a. m.. then every 15 minutes until 10 80 p. m.: then every 8u minutes until 11:00 p. m. UlltmojT C:uii s. m. a 'il then even It minutes until 11.00 p. m.. last car. tn-Mt atd West Antwl'lp vt. So- ' side Avenue 6:80 a, m. and every It jnlnuUa until 11:00 p. m. SUNDAY M lltl'lLli Ilt-RS IN THE FOLLOWING PAHTICtTl.ARS Car leaves Square for Manor 6:00 a, m., returning 6:15 a. m. a it ,ua . . Dep ' via Bouthatde avenn 6:00, 6:11, 1:80, 1:0t, ,:30, s:00, :30 ' a in Cars leave Square for Depot via. 1 French Broad avenue 4:16, 6:80, 6:46, 7:15, 7:46 and 8:11. Car for li put . .me 8:45 a m., both 8outhslde and French Broad. Firm car leaves th Square for Char lotte street at 4:00 a. m. and every 90 minutes until 8:30, next 8:45. first car lu- hp. .M,uure for Rlv ' ertlde 8:80, next :4f. rlrrn car leuvc tne Hiisre for We Ashevllle 6:11. 7;00; next 8:80. . ait abotc ix,i,i u..., hunili ecneauies commence at 9:00 a. m. and continue same as week days, Un evening,, i.ui. .. ..,iun... j In progress at the Auditorium the . last trip on all lines will be from entertainments, leaving Mqjare i regular time and holding over at Auditorium. ar leaves the Square to meet No. IS, ntght train, 80 minutes before i rrlvai. 1 ' ' " " e. Easy Ceneolenoe. Funby Yes, she's ulf attrV, bnt II you marry ber to the hope that sb H om da ronie Into fortune won't your eonsrlcoce trouble you? BporV love Ob. uol Not If she really gets the money I New York Glob. B v George McManus PUBLISH YOUR WANTS IN. . . ' NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BUNCOMBE Jn Superior Court. G. D. Gardner vs. L. F. Davis ; The Defendant aboe named will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Buncbmbe County, North Carolina, to remove a cloud upon the title of certain real estate in the County of Buncombe, which the said L. F. Davis claims an inter est; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear at the term of the SuDe rlqr uourt of said County, to be held on the 4th Monday after the first Monday in March, lGib', at the Court House of said County in Ashevllle North Carolina, to answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will 'apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said com plaint. This the 24th day of February. isle. , JOHN H. CATHEY, Clerk Superior Court. Sale & Penhell, Attorneys. Feb. 24 Mch 2-9-lfi Report of the Conditions of THE COMMONWEALTH BANK at mack Mountain, in the state of North Carolina, at the close of busi ncss March 7, 1916. Resources Loans and discounts ...,.$62,945.2 0 Overdrafts secured 54.76 United States Bonds on hand North Carolina State Bonds All other Stacks, Bonds and Mortgages none none 500.00 Premium on Bonds , . .none r Hanking houses. .$2,600.00 Furniture and Fix tures 1.200.00 3,700.00 Due from National Blinks . 1,443.7 Due from State Banks and Bankers 4,769.88 Cash items 769.39 Gold Coins 23.00 Silver coin, Including all minor coin currency 276.81 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 1,909.00 Total $76,393.80 Liabilities Capital stock paid In $10,000.00 urplus fund 4,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 607.56 Dividends unpaid Notes and bills redlscounted Bills payable nono none 4,000.00 41,803.84 16,023.73 none none none 68.67 none Deposits subject to check . . Demand Certificates of De posit Time Certificates of Deposit Savings Deposits Due to Banks and Bankers Cashier's Checks outstand ing Certified Checks Total $76,393.80 State of North Carolina, County of Buncombe, ss: I, Adrian A. Hegeman, Cashier of the abovo-nnmed Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ADRIAN A. 11EGEMAN, Cashier 'orreet A ttcst : C. DOUGHERTY, J. W. McCOY, W. C. HALL, I'4reetor. Subscribed find sworn to befon me, this 16th day of March, 1916. ELMER I). I-ANSING, Notary Public My commission expires June 19, 1916. COLLEGE GUAPPLERH IN IITLIS ROUT PrlnretJn. N". Mr.rch H. tit the Princeton university syninitst'im lo rn?.: n.w nl:(ht will take p'see tu fiint of th ci ; :nt to d.'clde tho Inter rpl'egluto Y 'cutllng wtoelatlor" ahim. plind.iiv, Tho flni'Is will ipH tl'.e fnturdnv. Tim oll.ts repr,)''tr'l n l re li-u. nsment v II include li,:t Mvtvunln. C.iliiml'la. Crmell, Pr lenyn und mIiIl-Ii. ::."(iiii I.o-'gs of t r. J tililn -d CiAeh Iil of f.-m'yl-vaniii Htnte hei.-e been .ln?:e' to referee the me!. c., PAGE SEVEN ASHEVILLE TIMES SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Premier Carrier of the outh Schedule figures published only as In formation and not guaranteed. EFFECTIVE JAN. 4th. 1018. No. Arrives From Eastern time: 9 Savannah and Jackson ville ... 2:10 ji. m. 11 Washington, New York, Norfolk & Richmond .. 2:40 p m 12 Chattanooga, Memphis St. Louis, Louisville, Cin- clnnatt .. ...... .. ..2:16 p. m. 15 New York St East . . 11:69 a. m. 18 Murphy ... ... ... 6:30 p. m. 20 Murphy ... ... ... 1:47 p. m. 21 trom Goldsboro ... . 8:00 p. m. 22 Waynesvllle 8:40 a. m. 27 Charleston, Columbia . 8:10 p. m. 28 Cincinnati, Chicago, Memphis, Chattanooga Birmingham and New Orleans ... .... ... 10:20 a. m. 35 New York and East . 2:40 a, :n. 41 Spartanburg, AC'anta Montgomery and New Orleans 11:15 a ,m 102 Bristol, Knoxville, Chattanooga ... ... 10:65 p. m. No. Departs for Eastern Time: ... . 10 Savannah, Jacksonville 4:10 p. m. . 11 Knoxville. Chattanooga, ; Louisville, Cincinnati . . , St. Louis 2:65 p. m. 12 Richmond, Norfolk New York, east ,. 2:35 p. m, 16 Washington, east ... .. 6:45 p. m. 17 Waynesvllle and Mur phy ... 8:80 a. m 19 Murphy, Wayne 'Ule 3:20 p. m. 21 Waynesvllle 8:15 p. m. 22 Goldsboro 8:50 a. in. 27 Chattanooga, Cincinnati, Memphis , Birmingham, Now Or leans 8:30 p. :n. 23 Charleston 10:30 a. m. 36 Richmond, Washington, East 6:30 a. -n. 42 Columbia, Atlanta ....7:00 a. m. 101 Bristol, Knoxville and Cl.attanooga 7:10 a. m. No. 2 1 Connects at HendersonvllJ with train for Lake Toxaway. No. 27 receives connection at Hen dersonvillo from Ijike Toxaway. No. 10 connects at Hendersonvlllo with train for Brevard and Lake Toxaway. Trains 12 and 15 handle Pullman sleeping cars between Ashevllle, Washington and New York . No. 41 receives connection at Hender sonville from Lake Toxaway and Brevard. Pullman parlor car service on trains 11 and 16 between Ashevllle an! Salisbury. No. 22 Parlor car between Ashevllle and Goldsboro. "Pullman buffet parlor cars on trains 27-28 between Ashevllle and TiuuUKh Bleeping car dally from New York,, Philadelphia, Baltimore Washington, Louisville, Chs-leston, Jacksonville, Savannah. Cli olnna tl St Louis, Memphis Baltimore and Louisville. Dining cars on trains 8, 10, 17, 28, 12 and It. . 1. H. Wood. Dlv. Passenger Agent 60 Patton Ave. ' Telephone 817 . 1 t. MAY FIGHT ON EIUVS DAY Chicago, March 16. St. Patrick's day will be celebrated tomorrow with a 'festival of fisticuffs that will exteitd pretty well over the country. Boxing bounts will be put on by clubs In many cities, and several of the bouts will be of more than ordinary Interest. One of these will he the Fred Fulton Jlm Flynn 10-round affair at Milwau kee. If Fulton wins he will chi llennH the winner of the Wlllar J-Momti right for a 20-ioiind bout In New Orleans. Tho St. Paul club will offer an attractive card In the shapo of a 10-round sctto betwoen Mike JII buns, the local Idol, end Jeff Smith, ii New Jersey scrapper. At Tusla, Ok la.. Carl Morris Is scheduled to go 10 rounds with Gunboat Smith, whone championship light was snuffed 'by Sam tangford. j AMATEl'IlS TO HAT-. TLH FOR Tin. Detroit. March 16. All Is lu readi ness for the Centrnl A. A. U. boxlns championships which aro to b hvld ' here tomorrow and Saturday tind.r the auspices of the Detroit Athletic el'ib. Several score, of boxers have entered the totirnmnnnt, Im-linKus sure from Cbleauo, Cloveland, Dtro t and other eHioa j