ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE. WEATHER REPORT FAIR AND WARMER. mrEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OP UUlr V fclfl WW VOLUME XXI. NO. 28. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 18, 1916. PRICE 2 CENTS00 Anun 8 FEARS AS TO POSSIBLE CLASH WITH CARRAKSZA FORCE ARE DISPELLED Seek Gypsies Believed To Have Youth Captive iMSIl American Cavalry Camps Out side of Casas Grandes, to Avoid Offending De Facto Troops. FORBIDDEN TO ENTER TOWN, REPORT SAYS Eumors of Refusal to Let Americans Enter Increases Doubt as to Carranza's Full Co-operation. MII'SIL House Measure to Increase Military Forres of U. S. Is President's Own Bill Hay Asserts. G.O.P. US Now Bern, N. C, March 18. The authorities In eastern North Caro lina are searching' for a band of gypsies who are believed to have with them James Glass, a small boy who disappeared from his home at Gree ly. Pa., last May, it was announced today. A nation-wide search has been made for the' boy since his disap pearance and his picture has been shown on many moving picture screens. .. CONTINUED m HOUSE The gypsies were In New Bern re-. THE GENERAL DEBATE cently and had with them at the time a boy who answered to the de-j scrlption of the missing lad. Several persons who saw the picture of the , rn missing boy and who saw the boy. with the gypsies expressed the be- ProSPectS Are NOW That MeaS- Vi In A tt4W V luinrl WAS iiM. VilCVi- wiv nun v"? James Glass. The band left here sev- i wr t Trnl,tt eral days ago and is believed to be Ure W1U ttOl B6 JSrOUgnt . The parents of the boy have offer- : 10 VOW JSeiOre I-iate ed a reward of J500 for his recovery. Next week. Calling of Convention of "All True Republicans" May Re sult in Trouble for N. C. Party Leaders. PUBLISHERS FORM AN ORGANIZATION I Publishers of Weekly Papers Elect Officers For Co-operative Association Work, NEGROES LIKELY TO , ENDORSE THE COLONEL in Mexico," one was constituted for speed, while the other was to move more slowly. The swift-footed col umn was an auxiliary army, seem ingly mostly- cavalry, which entered Mexico about 60 miles west of the main body of General ' Pershing's forces which crossed the border at Qolumbus, N. M. The secrecy which has surrounded the movements of tl;e main column has been slight as compared with the records of the western force. There is reason to believe from the official announcements that the western col umn may havetgone into Mexico earl ier than the main body. Every re port brought by arriving Americans asserts that the western wing has traveled further. El Paso, March 18. The American cavalry pursuing Villa, ' camped at dawn today at Colonla Dublan, one of the environs of Casas Grandes. . The. American cavalry arrived during the night. Through Colonla Dublan runs the road to the Galeana district,-25 miles to the southeast where Villa was last defintely reported to be. News of the encampment of Amer ican cavalry forces at Colonla Dublan rtisDels the fear, of , any dispute with the Carranza authorities over what nnsition the American troops would i nnciiDV at Caeas Grandes. Washinigton, March 18. The American troops pursuing Francisco Villa and his bandits do not intend and have no orders to occupy any; rifif's or towns during their march tnil Mexico. This statement was made at j ( tle while house and war department .-?y, after the receipt of reports f-pt fieneral Gavira, Carranza com m:irW nt Juarez, had (riven notice tr' forces would iv ho allowed to occupy Casas Scores Of Local C-trvtr or other towns, it was ae-j hv ffce administration otflclalsj ,v ti-e r-unnlt of VlUa, 'helns- entire- ,. tM.Ti't.ive,- had no characteristics of , (ii lnvasjion anil no object to.ooenny -tilt.Ins. bocaus the American ' tfni.tfir would keep constantly -on the j- Officials said todny that the situ a- FRATERNITY NIGHT' Masons and Many Visitors Attended'. '": Meeting Last Night. DIED LAST NIGHT Well Known Newspaper Man Succumbs to Long Illness Interment Probably Here. The second of ft series of ''Fratern- J Ity Nights" was held last night at the Washington, March 18. The house military bill is the president s own bill. Chairman Hay of the military com mittee informed the house today, when the debate on the measure was resum ed under the 10-hour rule. "I may say in reply to the ques tion," Chairman Hay said, "that in broad language this is the president's bill; he thoroughly approves of It." Represetnativo Moore of Pennsylva-, republican, said that the members of both sides were eager to know If the bill had the full approval of the administration. Vnilnwln? an evtnnrlpri Illness. Ed. I am not authorized to state, Mnn Ma, inat mirnt. Chairman Hay replied, "that the bill at 7 o'clock at the home of his pa1 meets with approval of the president. rnt nt Antnn The funeral arrange-1 It is his bill. It carries out the re- ments have not been completed as : commendation of his message. It goes o ua uvotii nf th relatives had not : a little farther. arrived thi mornlne. It Is nrobable Washington, March 18. The gen that tha interment will take Dlaca at eral debate on the army increase bill Riverside cemetery. was continued In the house today with Mr. Norburn was born at Mt. Airy, ! prospects that It would not be passed although he lived for many years at by tonight, as had been expected. Danville, Va, He was educated at Ro-1 When the house met today less anoke college and then entered the I than half of the set schedule of ten newspaper field, where for many years 1 hours of general debatae remained to he achieved brilliant success. He was be completed. connected with The Gazette-News After the conclusion of the genera. here for several years, the latter part debate, however, numerous- amend of his employment being on the .di-1 ments are to be presented as well as torial staff. He had held responsible i many five minute speeches to Members of the Western Carolina Weekly Press association this morning completed their program for co-opera tion In advertising this section and in promoting the interests of the organiz ation. Edwin McGill of the McGill of the McGill Advertising agency, Was appointed to represent the association in A8heville and he will open an of- fiia nt nn Anrlv rlatna In tha Ameri- Special to The Times. National Bank building. This RaletEh. March I8.r-The circular- .. i n,irinn t its duties in se. ization of Raleigh by negro republi- curInB advertisements for the pub cans who have called a "mass con- j ,lahers wlI1 purchase supplies for the ventlon for April 24, to which all' , naners whose reDresentatlves true republicans of North Carolina, jmet here yeaterday for the lmtai are inviieu, vauscu i meeting concern aiiiuug iuuu reuuuvwi. .v..-.. positions on several newspapers, bo- ing with The Chattanooga-News and was. c(tyi.,edltar,it. the . Arkansas ya Mttf at XJTttle "Roek for some time." ' Mr. Norburn retired from newspa per work about eighteen months ago, be made, so there is little if any hope of passing the measure tonight. ..The.lnaU vte ..'wiaj bsujtajten before tale next week." " ' v The outstanding feature thus far developed . In the debate ts that Rep iimn st Masonic temple on Broadway and a' owing to 111 health and since- Chat1 resentatlve London of New Tork, so Sinn iu Marve number or Mnsnna Tlf thA rttV tin. n m.J. hl hnma wltn hl l . V,n ,1 KAarino nn . ...... v ...... - i hiiiih, ,n liiv uiiij moiiiuai v liiv the pursuit of Villa. Reports received loi'ny by the war and state depart ments rontinued to oe opiimisuc. t.n m ninMH nnn riiiui I ti k 1 1 1 . ..... ulilrl i-'iviisim i.', ...... ..w ao WP 1 1 nn Moanni Trnm anvan nuraiiiA , nBMnt. at tnlnn Ho yuam nrAll Vnnwn ' vnllH 111. fprretarv of War Baker early to- 3u- Issued the following statement: "T'.pports received directly through r-Mltpry channels and those sent to thin department from other depart ments of the government Indicate r-Mipt alone; the entire border, except fn- some xcttement at Tamplco which is apparently temporary and tritHmit cause. "There pre no reports of the opera tion" nt th expedition available for publication." Jurisdictions were present. The af fair was most enjoyable and those In attendance expressed their apprecla in Ashevllle and his friends were deeply shocked to hear of his death. Surviving are the father, and tion to the committee in charge of the mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Norburn; Sun Antonio, March IS. General Gavtra's reported refusal to permit the American troops pursuing Villa. In Mexico to enter the town of Casas Urandes has served to revive doubts at Fort Sam Houston of the full co operation of the troops of the . de furto government The announcement of General Gavira that General Persh ing's troops had arrived almost at the outskirts of Casas Grandes and had plunned to enter the town during the nlsht was 'the first news received by General Funston that the punitive expedition had gone that far south. It was known that General Pershing was pushing his columns, but to have reached Casas Grandes last night the troops would have had to make an average march' of about SO miles a day. What General Pershing Intends to do In answer to the refusal of the Mexican commander to allow him to enter the town or to pass through It was not known at General Funston's headquarters, but It was not regard ed as probable that he would make an Issue of the point. It was believed here that he wou'.d te content to remain In the limits of the town. , The latest reports told of no clashes with Mexicans and do not .Indicate The exact location of Villa, U Is still believed that he Is In the mountains of the Galena district, but hat ha will continue his . shifting flight without offering serious resist ance perhaps for many days. El Paso, March 1. -The report nat American troops undor 'the com mand of Brigadier General Pershing bad been flrsd on by snipers as they ontlnued their hunt for Villa and his followers remained unconfirmed to day. Bnlplng and even the possibility of the killing or wounding of a few American soldiers by these long range marksmen was not regarded as lndl citing that the American army march ing Into Mexico Is otherwise than Peaceful expedition so far as the ma jority of the Mexican people are oon cerned. One fnlamn Moving Fast. A few definite facts about the American expedition stand out with eonalderable clearness as the result of reeont orflotit report and news brought here by the arrlml of Amerl rns who hav been In touch with nre parts of tha Amerkmn move- rnent. It iwm. rertnln that of the two columns which are "somewhere 'Fraternity Nights" for the excellent manner in which the event was ar ranged. ....... The feature of the meeting was a well prepared paper which was read by Dr. J. M. Lynch, on "Masonry As It Touches the Dally Life." Follow ing this paper about 25 of those pres ent made short Informal talks. In which they discussed the matttVfl re ferred to in the paper. The visitors were very mnch pleased with the hospitality shown them by the local Masons, many of them de claring that they had never seen a temple that equalled the local edifice In a town this size. CHARLES STEWART IS REAPPOINTED Charles Stewart of Bakersvllle, who was one of the first raiding officer appointed in the Internal revenue ser vice under the present administra tion, has recently been reappointed after about a year of retirement from government employment, When con gressional appropriation for the rev enue department was reduced a nun ber of the higher salaried men wens dropped' from the Hats and Mr. Bte wart waa one of these. - He la now a special employe. He has an enviable record as a fearless and efficient officer and his friends and associates will be pleased to learn of bis reappointment. - L TO BE RECONSTRUCTED Reports today from Tryon In refer ence to the destruction of Mimosa inn by fire yesterday morning state that the guests lost all their trunks and- most of their clothing and valuables. The loss Is saldl to amount to ISO,- 000 with Insurance of 15,009 or less. IE Is understood that W. II. Stearns, the owner, will rebuild at once and that majority of his guests will re main with him. Originally the hotel waa the old Mills tavern on the Howard Gap road between Tennessee and South Carolina.,. two brothers, Charles and Russell Norburn: and two sisters, Misses Mar tha E. and Helen Norburn. t CHAUFFEUR FOUND NOT GUHJY TODAY Machine of Henderson Struck and Killed Boy Last Sun- -, ' day Morning. Bernard Henderson, who last Sun day ran over Stafford Daniels, a 10. year-old boy on Southside avenue with his automobile, the boy dying an hour later, was found not guilty in Police court this morning on charges of driving In a ganderous and reckless manner. Henderson was exonerated by the coroner's Jury last Sunday evening, following the accident earlier in the day, but the police still had charges of violating the trafflo laws against him. The case was continued . nntll this morning. It was brought out In the evidence that the Daniels boy attempted to catch a street car and In doing so Jumped In front of the automobile driven by Henderson. The evidence showed that Henderson was not to blame In the affair and that he was driving his machine at a reasonable rate of speed. , Five new cases were called this morning, hut with, the exception of Ward Mitchell, charged with reytalt ing, which was continued, the charges were of a minor nature. ness as a national policy, More than two score speeches have been made, the . vast majority which were in favor of the bill. Washington, March 18. The army Increase bill was up for consideration in the house today with Indications that It would be passed before tomor row night. It is a part of the admin istration national defense program and was prepared by the house mill tory committee of which Representa tive Hay of Virginia is chairman, after montns of investigation. Chairman Hay Is in charge of the bill, and was ready when the house assembled today to open, the debate on the measure. The meeting hour was fixed Tor 11 o'clock, an hour ahead of the UBUal time In order to hasten action. While the house was debating tho bill senate leaders were taking steps to secure prompt consideration of the senate army increaso bill. The latter, which went to the public printer last night, after final review by the mill tary affairs committee, was ready to be reported to the senate by Senator Chamberlain, who was prepared Insist on Its prompt consideration. Hundreds Enlisting. Chicago, March 17. When the work during the last few days of the United States recruiting officers In the Chicago district waa summed up was found that more than 1,000 men bad applied for enlistment in the army. - One hundred of the appli cants have already been accepted and sent to the army training camps at Jefferson barracks, Missouri. Others will follow from day to day as their examinations are completed. FIRE AT MARSHALL DOES MUCH DAMAGE MEET NEXT AT CANTON. Three 5,us Held at Lan ren Interesting Talks GER1IISF1 TO REPLY TO ee County Has "Masked Mar vel" Candidate for Corpor ation Commission Big Revival In Health Work. On Objects in View. knew nothing of the movement. ,,Atir,o. t th. n.wnnBr The negroes may not know what , " they are doing, as many, democrats 1 ... have remarked today, but they do " u ,v,, ' wa in Times, talked to the members in re- the Chicago convent. Eight years gard to advertising and other matters ago a few representatives of the black "' Since the massed attacks of Thurs day night against the fort and village of Vaux, northeast of Verdun,, tho Germans have not advanced at any V point on the defenses of the fortress, the Paris official statement says. Last night passed without infantry action, was described as intermittent. Parla. reports that the Germans did not re ply to the concentrated fire directed . by the French against the German. -trenches' in the Corbeaux wood and in . the direction of Hill"- No.' 266, north west of Dead Man's hill. On the banks of the Meuse there has been heavy work by the artillery, notably in tha region of Vaux. m Reports of Important developments on the other battle fronts are lacking. There appears to be increasing mili tary activity In the Balkans, however, heavy troops movements being report ed from Bucharest. In Roumanla pas sengers traffic on tho line from Buch arest to the Bulgarian frontier has been suspended. -.-. Recent rumors of the assassination of Enver Pasha, Turkish minister of war, were followed today by the offi cial statement by Constantinople that ne had returned to Constantinople from a trip of Inspection to Syria, Palestine, and Arabia. republicans went to the Taft conven tion and from one of the delegates it was learned today that the white dele gates had a desperate fight for a seat in that body. And what is worse, the ! Ing adjournment at noon the editoTs be used to advantage. The association will meet quarterly and it was decided to hold the next session at Canton, April 29. Follow- whole business up . there was pretty sore on the white republicans for their divorce from and abandonment of the old voters. - The negro, delegates had not parttc- Inspected the mechanical department of The Times. First Session. The proceedings began with an In formal gathering of the publishers lpated In. the white convention and It yesterday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock it, hard to see what they coula do now I Kay Dixon, active vice president or since they have failed to make any the American National bank ana demands upon the white republicans. member of the entertainment com- Eut it is highly probable that they will mlttee of the board of trade, told the endorse Colonel Roosevelt for the charter members of the organization nresldencv. something that Senator that as a class they did more for Eutlers convention recently failed to I their communities without compensa do. doubtless through an Inadvertence , tion' than any other profession. Mr. of tho senator, and being first on the bandwagon, the blacks, like Sam .Tonesti would ','git there." . , .. ,w. In their fight for what they can their "political rights," the southern negroes are backed by very strong democratic papers. The republicans, however, hope for the -best,. They declare that their party is substantially as strong now as a voting body as It was with the ne groes and that counties re changing their politics every year by reason of the white emancipation from the black. They read with delight the at- ASHEVILLE WOMEN TO ATTEND MEET State Meeting of . Baptist W. M. U. In Winston-Salem Next Tuesday. . : LOCAL DELEGATES. Dixon stated that he found printer's ink a very effective advertising agen cy. Ashevllle newspaper men and gjiher business men Joined in Welcom ing the visitors. In the evening the following offi cers were elected: Noah M. Hollowed, Sylvan Valley News, president; bro dus H. DePriest, AurorOa Highland er, first vice president; R. L. San dldge, Bryson City Times, second vice president; Ora L. Jones, Sylvan Val ley News, secretary; W. F. Little, Tron News-Bee, treasurer; execu tive committee, J. D. Boone, Caro- tack on their leaders by the circular I Una Mountaineer, Gordon F. Gar- whlch says "we can no longer afford to be made the football of the bosses and designing politicians. With us llngton, French Broad Hustler; R. D. Marsh, Rutherfordton Sun; Dan Tompkins, of the Jackson County there is a great and fundamental prin- Journal was elected historian, CEO. SY1I0ND3 OF1 SALET1, MASS., DIES Oeorge Armonds of ftalam, Mass., died at the Mission honpltal this morn ing, fallowing an entended Illness. Tha body will be shipped to the for mer home today, where the funeral tnd Interment will be held. Fire at Marshall early Friday morn ing destroyed the Gem cafe owned by ' Oscar Crowd er, the dwelling houses of James Smart and Zeb Flsh- nr and damaged a part of the Mc-I company against Crohan, Devltt Feed house with slight damage company. , to the store of Knbi and Holcombe. t SUPERIOR COURT ADJOURNED TODAY Superior court, which has been In session here for the past two weeks, adjourned at noon today until. Mon day morning, at which time the, third and last week of the present term for civil cases wilt convene. The morning session of the court was spent by Judge W. F. Harding, In hearing motions and settling several matters of a minor nature. A verdict favorable to the defendants was re turned in the case of 8. Sternberg and Rodan and The volunteer fire department did CTniiiv muuncm almost mlreoulous work In saving the ai akb: store of Ebbs and Holcombe. as the . ' ' risher Borne Was only a few feet ,. .... u sway from this building.' T . Ml 8"l1t1' W"h" " Mpch , " T lose Is from 17,000 to 1 1.00. oomml-loa r-ntly appointed by The Malison County Betterment Secretary of Labor Wilson to InvestU league has organised the Madtson ,he MTlk wh,ch n11 con County Fair as-oclatlon with Guy y. ,lruc,lon on tn railway sails Rohrts president snd William A.01" to1r ,or tn north. The West soretary. flans are being made.con,",1,rto en"ta of Hywell Davlea for a big event In displaying the pro- ot Kentucky, John A. Moffltt of New tiict and resource of Madison ootio-! Jersey, and William A. Foster of the ty this fall, department ot labor, dole at stake, for which we must stand united ann forever contend." The white republicans - hope that means a shifting of the burden from themselves to tho dominant party. Walter IX SHer, solicitor of district embracing Lee, Wayne, Chatham and Johnston counties, walked into the office of the corporation again yester day and placed in nomination his Chatham fellow cltlnen to succeed Mr. Lee. Having obsterved that Uncle Dave Boyd of Waynesville is trying to make trouble on the tax question, Mr. Slier said: "My man Is the only man who can possibly be agreeable to every body. He lowered the assessment in his township in anticipation of what the corporation commission was going to do so when the blanket re-assessment came and raised the rates again, he was Just where he started. The commission had the moral effect of having done its duty and the assessor the political advantage of having dis tributed nothing. If that a int states manship I don't know where to go to find It. I am sorry for Mr. Dee, but I don't see how the party can afford to ignore my man s claims." "Who Is your man?" Mr, Siler was asked "He Is the 'Masked Marvel,' the Chatham lawyer said. Insurance Commissioner James R. Toung has returned from Edenton where he made a visit this week to discuss the school building plans. That town decided to adopt double tower feature now being generally Introduc ed Into the school construction and the architect waa Instructed to make the chango. In the offices of the state board of health- letters and visitors Indicate that a great revival In health work Is glng on. . .. Many towns that did not have a "baby week" have decided that they will, and the "fly swatting" campaign, generally deferred until the files take the people, has begun In March when the flies are weakest and fewest Sanatoria have been established In many counties fur the fight against tuberculosis and these counties are contracting work. r The secretary of state hss chartered Uie . A, Rjjfty and company general merchandise, Sallsbery, with H. B. Rufty, C. E. Stevenson and J. C. Ma son as Incorporators. They pay In 09 of their 116,000 capital. The White loe Cream company of Raleigh, a I SO. 000 bunlnexa with 111. 000 paid In, Is Incorporated. Oeorge U 1L White, Mrs. Man Whit and George D. Fleming are the Incorpora tor. It doen Ire manufacturing, stor age and other' business. The people's Bank of Goldsboro Is allowed to chang Its charter by add (Conliftued obj pase two). Horace Sentelle, of the Canton and Oo- -Tuesday, March 21, the eyes of all Baptist women of the state will be, , turned to Winston-Salem where the annual meeting of the W. M. V. Is to be held. At this time reports of the work for the past year will be heard, and plans for the new year made. This will embrace the work of the or ganized wome.n, young women, girls and boys of the state. Their activities are expressed In part by gifts, reaching last year a total of $48,832.63, the same being used to aid Christian work In foreign lands, in the United States, In Mexico, Cuba and needy ' parts In North Carolina, for preaching the Gospel, educating the young, training workers, I ellevlng the suffering of otherB, by doctors and server, orator; while J. D. Boone i nospuais ana ounaing nouses oi wor ths Carolina Mountaineer will bel8h'P ,or weak congregations. The past the poet' j year the president Miss Fannie s. Among those present weic: W. F. week, or naieign, tne guiding spirit Little, of the Tryon News-Bee; Dan!' the Union for the twenty-five years Tompkins of the Jackson County 'of its existence, was unable to attend Journal; Tate Powers, the Cherokee! to any of her duties through the year Scout; R. L. Sandidge, the Bryson and died In the fall. The women face City Times; J. D. Boone, the Caro- at this meeting the problem, of select Una Mountaineer; ' Horace Sentelle, ' ing a new president and a new secre the Canton Observer; B. B. Gilbert tary (Miss Blanche Barrus who has the Marshall News-Record; Brod us served for several years, feeling the H. DePriest .the Aurora Highlander; j necessity of resigning) and also of ft. it. Aiarsn, me rtutnerroraton sun; greeting a new co-laborer and helper Gordon F. Garllngton, the French1 in Walter N. Johnson, the new state Broad Hustler, and Rev. John Ker-,cretarv. shaw, of the same paper; Noah M.i Ashevllle will have a large number nonoweit ana ura L. Jones or the 0f representatives: Mrs. W. H. Wood Sylvan Valley News. 1. 11 Bt the sneelBl reauest of central Duvall, business manager of ! Pomn,ittie. will renort the meetings Times, made a brlefl,. .v. ,, ,i ju address to the association at the night jGeorfe Rhuford youn(t peopie work;. Mrs. B. S. Williams, Mrs. Frank Hen jdrick, Mrs. E. B. Moore, W. M. U.; j Misses Vonnle Lance and Elma Towe, business women, and Mrs. Chester L. R. The Ashevllle session In which he discussed adver tising rates and argued for simplicity in rate cards. A letter was read from J. H. Shet- tntl nf Plaplr MAimliln th. vm.nwAo publisher In this part of the state. ex. j Brown, T. W. A, pressing his regret that he could not; be present and asking to be enrolled as a member. Through arrangements made by Mr. Duvall with the S. A. Lynch En terprises the newspaper men received pnses to !l the Lvnrh amusement houses for last evenings perform ances. Other social entertainment wss also provide for the visitors by the Ashevllle dally papers. .. ONE OF FAMOUS ALLENS NAT L. NOMINEES OF SOCIALISTS NAMED Announcement Is mad from th of fice of the Ashevllle local of the so cialist party, of 'the nominations of is killed in mamkiLmT'J'iiXz. ark, N. J., as the standard bearers of " the party for the olflces of president and vlce-prexldent ' Th nominees were chosen on the first ballot by th rank and file of the Is announced, through na- . Roanok. Va., March II. Jack Al len, brother of Pldna Allen and Floyd Allen, the famous leaders ot the gang that assassinated the official of the Carroll county court, was killed lost!Prty It night at the home of Mrs. Blrt Martin, seven miles from Mount Airy. Will McCraw, who was with Allen tional referendum. The party launch es Its ltll campaign by the nomina tions of these men and enters th inl and who disappeared after the shoot- tional field three months ahead of any Ing was heard. Is believed to havo, other party. committed th crime. UEGE3 NITRATE iLANT ON NORTH 0. LINE BtXJJTT-DIUJIKEn WEDDING I Washington. M.roh II, A gov.rn- f w" a m.nt nltrat. plant to b. built near V?4,!"". V7 .t-JT the Interaction of the North Caro- J'n"f. auh ' "f Una. Georgia and Tenner, line. ha. Ifhlgh university and I Mr I f ern y . been recommended to th. s.nst - Drinker, nd William C. Bullitt, Jr., of rlcultural commute, by Thorns. IU ' ' . Th rony ws. I r. Norton, former American consul st formed at th hom of the bn.i. . Chemnlts. who Is now attached to th broth.r and .UKi -In-law. Mr 1 bureau of foreign and domesUo com-'Mrs. H.nrv 8. Drinker, at Vjm..i wood. Philadelphia, March II. Phlladr!.

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