'PAGE TEN THE ASHEVILLE TIMES KORRECT KITCHEN KOAL makes Work easier and cooking bet ter. Try our M. & W Coal next time and enjoy the fine quick fire, the bet ter cooking- and better results every way. Costs the same as common coal, though it is uncommonly good. Carolina Coal and Ice Co. BO Patton Ave. Dhrumor Bldg. WE CAN meet your wants at the fairest prices. A complete line of tin enamelet ware, china, glass, nickel and silverware. Dept. Store 14 BROADWAY Phone 107 Langton Bldg. e rnited States, County and City Depository . Yoimg People should open a SAVINGS AC COUNT in the CENTRAL BANK & TRUST COMPANY. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT to any ..young man or woman will"' en-. ; courage thrift, and will ' be ' an .assistance In saving money for future use. It also acts as a deterrent aKainst wasteful and extravagant habits. April 1-10 Beginning of New Interest Period Central Bank and Trust Company South Puck Square STOMACH PAI! 1, MS INDIGESTION III FIVE HI ES 'Tape's Diapepsin" is the only real stomach regulator . ""known : "Really does" put stomachs In order "really does" overcome indigestion, dyspepsia, gas heartburn and . sour ness, in Jive minutes that Just that makes' Pape's Diapepsin the larg est selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat ferments into eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated; your insides fill ed with bile and undigested waste, remember the moment "Pape's Dia pepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly, astonishing almost mar velous, and the joy is its harmless ness. '"" A large fifty-cent case of Pape5s Diapepsin will give you a hundred dol lars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back, It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stom achs regulated. It belongs In ' your home should always be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach dur ing the day or at . night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach regulator in the world. ': $10,000 ADDITION MATHERS' STORE J. Ij. Rmathers and Sons have started work on a $10,000 addition to their furniture store on Broadway. The structure will be a four story lirick building fronting on Iexington avenue and connected with the pres ent store. . Two rooms th the new building will lie used as display rooms, one floor being devoted entirely to carpets and draperies. On Friday The Times will publish the first Installment of the new serial, "The Girl and the Game," and the opening screen reproduction of the story will appear at the Princess the ater on Saturday. Fifteen chapters win complete the short story and its photoplay interpretation, The Times and the Princess giving their readers and patrons the successive incidents of this absorbing romance each week on Friday and Saturday. What Bret Harte did for the mining camps of the great west in frontier days; what O, Henry did to place in the short story the life of New York city, or Kipling did for the hills of In dia, Frank H. Spearman has done for the railroads preserving in literature the wonderful initiative and daring of the men who spread across the con tinent the network of steel rails that bind east and west together through the medium of the great transconti nental railways.' In "The Girl and the Game" Spear man has told a story of railroad kings in battle for the control of transpor tation. Millions of dollars are pawns in the game played by these financiers and all the motives that move the human heart are revealed In the de velopment of each climax. The girl plays a thrilling part; love, adventure, engineering genius, ambition for pow er and its occasional use for selfish ends, these elements are threaded to gether by the master hand of Spear man into one of the vital American stories of the day. EPWORTH INSTITUTE WILL BEGIN TONIGHT TVev. Dr. Fitzgerald Parker, gen eral secretary of the Epworth league board, will address the Asheville dis- ! trict league institute at its first session ; tonight, at the Central Methodist ! church, on the subject. "Individual ! Responsibility to Christ." Rev. Dr. ' Parker has had wide experience !n I Epworth leacue work and it is ex- I ported that he will be heard by a ; laree audience. Following the address i there will be a social hour. Among the other speakers who win deliver addresses during the Institute are Rev, Dr. K. L. Haln. of Charlotte, and , P.ev. O. P. Ader. PLANS MADE FOR IIOMEGARDENINO Committee Appointed at Meet ing of Civic Organizations Yesterday Afternoon. COMISSIONERS ACT ON ROUTINE MATTERS We pay Cask for Second Hr.nd Furniture, Stoves and Kanges. We sell, rent and exchange Furniture. ASHEVILLE FURNITURE 1 COMPANY 29 Biltmore Ave. Phone 1851 Special for One Week March 25th to April 1st. Wo will sell any of our portable lamps in stock at 10 per cent off. We have some beautiful designs to select from. 64 Patton Ave. Opp. P. O. Yesterday afternoon the city com missioners held a short session, granting two building permits and or- dering the construction of a railing to protect the southeast end of the tange. property on Else avenue. O. D. Allison received permission to construct a $2,000 residence on Merrl mon avenue; A. Blomherg secured the right to build a $100 sleeping porch at 55 Orchard street. 1 1 j TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Get a 20 -cent bottle of Danderlne at any drug store, pour a little Into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all, of this awful scruf will have I disappeared. Two or three applica ; tions will destroy every bit of dan druff; stop scalp itching and falling hair. BREAK A CHLID'S CI1G COAL Quality moann bo much toward satis faction in coal that one must give it se rious consider tion. But there is an ensy solution to this problem just order MONARCH Coal. This name means quality, ser vice and satisfac tion Southern Coal Co. 10 If. SYRUP OF PIGS Cleanses the Little Liver and bowels and they get well quick. w nen your cnua sutlers rrom cold, don't wait; give the little atom- isch. liver and bowels a gentle, thor ougn cleaMng at once. When cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, at or act naturally; It breath Is bad. stomach sour, give a teaapoonful of "California Syrup of Figs." and In a few hours all the rlogged-up, consti pated' waste, sour bile and undigested food will gently move out of the bow la. and you have a well, playful child again. If your child coughs, snuffle and has caught cold or Is feverish or has a sore throat give a good dose of "California ftyrup of rigs," to evac. uate the bowels no difference what other treatment la given. Rick rl.ildren needn't be coaxed to take this harmless "fruit laxative. Millions of mothers keep It handy be cause they know its action on th 'stomach, liver and bowels la prompt and sure. The also know a llttl given today serves a sick child tomor row. . I Ask your druggist for a SO-rent bit lie of "California Hyrup of Flits,' which contains directions for bahles, children of all ages and for grown-ups i plainly on the bottle. Heware of counterfeits sold here. Oat the genuine i made by "California rig Syrup Com 'pany." NEW SERIAL WILL APPEARIN TIMES Spearman's "The Girl and the Game" to Be Presented Also at Princess. RAILWAY ROMANCE. Horn earden plans took definite shape yesterday afternoon at the meeting held at the Y. M. C. A., those present being representatives of thi Civic league. Boar:! o' Yrade and the . . . i it ' A - f areni-xeacners assvriauon. ura number of short addresses and some round tahlo discussion a committee was named to have charge of the prizes and awards of merit. The com mittee Is composed of home garden supervisors E. D. Johnson of the High school and Montford avenue schools; Miss Ilor Johnston of Asheland; Miss Eugenia Rowe and Miss Jane Withers, of Park avenue; Mrs. Minnie Boutler, of Murray, together with Mrs. Charles A. Webb, Mrs. A. W. Faulkner ana Miss Lillian Fletcher. The committee win mnnt tn the Hoard of Trade rooms Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. This bodv will also co-operate with tho Parent-Teachers' associations in se curing vacant lots. Tho Acretnrv of the Board of Trade stated the object of the meeting, re viewing what has already been done toward securing lots and Interesting parents and children. Commissioner Ramsey spoke on the esthetlcal and spiritual values of ag riculture aside rrom the nesiraDie economic results to be derived. A. It. Patterson o Xenla. O., stated that the Welfare leaKue and the Chamber of Commerce of that city are Inaugurat ing similar plans for nome garoening and that he welcomed the opportunity of securing ideas from those engaged in the work at Asheville. KimorlntRndent Harrv Howell rave a summary of what was accomplished last yoar, showing mat tne enterprise mum a xnnd financial Investment. In addition to the moral and educational features. SUPPIEMTM LISTS PLtUSE OUR READERS New I'nlTerslUc Dictionary Praised for Completeoesa. Received a New Shipment of l unij g&Brothers MOTOR CAR Place your order now for future delivery, as all these ..)'' are spoken for. Asheville Automobile Co. 18 and 20 Church St. Phone 314 Blue Southern Auto Book No. 6 SHOWING ' ; . ."':..). "' 1 '. ASHEVILLE DISTRICT ROADS AND MAPS . : ; : $2.50 ROGERS BOOK STORE 39 Patton Avenue. Phone 254 Asheville, N. 0. In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of Oh, welL And in any event personal linens laundered the NICHOLS WAY will be found of consider able "first aid." Phone 2000.. - v Asheville Laundry J. A. Nichols, Mgr. IS Penlaod fft. PHONE YOCR WANTS TO SOS. SPRING COAL t BEST COAL . M. y. Goal Everybody's nsin' it. , ''-' Phone 40 Asheville Cod Company F. M. WEAVER, Man,,,, . North Pack Square. "' Paint Information Free Knowledge of surface to be painted and its correct treatment are of vital importance to a good paint job. The kind of wood, the'eondition of its surface, vfheii last painted, are facts that are necessary to know.' Our SERVICE DEPART MENT will give you informa tion FREE for the proper treatment of surfaces based on knowledge supplied by you. WE MAKE THE CANDY WE SELL. WE KNOW IT'S FRESH AND PCRE f What do you know about the shipped to Asheville candy that you buy? It takes more than a pretty box to make candy worth the price. . v CANDY KITCHEN & CLUB CAFE . Haywood fit Near P. O. Phones 110 and 111 This is a Short Ad It's about "Peerless" Sausage. We don't need to say much. Phone S HILL'S MARKET "Aak Your Neighbor"' - Phone 4 WE HAVE A FINE LOT OF COUNTRY CURED HAMS SizeB from 8 to 12 lbs. These hams are well trimmed and mild cure. ' EDWIN C. JARRETT 12 North Pack Square. And City Market . Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits JUST FILL IN THE COU PON. Send it to our SERV ICE DEPARTMENT. This valuable information will be sent you. FREE ADVICE COUPON Please advise me how I should treat and paint .my . which I Intend to paint about gtx, ; list Painted. Name . P. O. , R. F. D. Co. . ' State . Since 1899 WHOLESALE & RETAIL Swannanoa-Berkeley Building Phone 1779 THE VERY LATEST Creations from the rreat Overland Factories may be seen at 80 N. IiEXINOTOIf AVE. OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO. " Our Garage Is being erected i n Walnut Street between Broadway end Market GOOD, RICH, JCICY STEAKS The Star Quality Kind ' ' '. Make the weak stronger and the strong feel healthier and satisfied with life. Try one and you will better understand the feeling, STAR MARKET, Phone 1917 "We are successful caterer to a variety of aprx'tita" Now Ready for Business , A complete line of baseball, golf, tennis", fishing tackle, croquet, toys, fancy goods and novelties. BLOMBERG'S 'ON THE SQUARE The demand for Th New Univer sities Dictionary being offered by this paper continues Unabated despite th fact that great quantiUe have al ready been distributed, better from many reader expren In highest term) th general satisfaction wnicn mis re markable book ha given. Th twenty-flv supplementary dic tionaries giving the definition of word properly used In connection with commerce and law, war, golf, aviation, baseball and other form of sport are esteemed With particular favor by Individuals whose Interests centers on one or th other of theeo specialised actlvltle. Another feature eliciting special, comment Is the splendid way In which, th volume I Illustrated with color, plate and duotnnea. Included In these. Illustrations I an excellent photo of a ' submarine boat, that uncanny typ of craft which ha played such an lm-l portant part In the present war wlthi K ii rope, undergoing a sea test. Type of om of the most formldabl bat tleship" In th Fncllah, German and tTnlted Rtales navie r' also shown, and various kind of airship, which aleo hav figured o conspicuously In th militar eperatlnn of th EOro pesn armies art strikingly pictured In action. ASHEVILLE CONCRETE CO. Building Blocks, Lawn Furniture, Sewer Pipe, Porch Col-- umns, Etc. 24 American National Bank Building Phone 280 Furniture Moving Our Specialty ; LARGE, COVERED PADDED VANS CITIZENS TRANSFER CO. 48 Patton Ave. Phone 25 , Qf The Home of High Grade llano. fQPjf Variety is the Spice of Life Then Have a Good Garden and you ran be sure of a variety of fresh vegetable which promote BETTEB HEALTH and reduce th cost of living. Strieker' Vege table Seed will give you the good garden. Fee A a Frrtlliarr For the Garden rrXVEnWED MIEEP MANCnB . , 'Sold by L. R. STRICKER, Seedsman Cor. College and Irxlnftoa IT) on 1I2( Read The Times' Classified Page. Reach's Base Ball and Tennis Goods These are tho standard tho official goods. Wo carry in stock a very full assortmint and will bo glad to fit you out in anything you may want SEE OUR' WINDOW b i GUis Green Hardware Co. Wholesale and Retail . 11 Vest Pack Square. , , 'Phone 63