WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917 THE ASHEVILLE TEMES. PAGE TITREl Our Special Service to You It you anticipate selling your property. Is Worth Your Investigation. V': v. It you consider buying Asheville property, It Will Pay You To Secure Our Policy of Title Insurance. Bankers Trust & Title Insurance Co. funic. X. Brown. Vrr. flux LaBnrbr, V. Pr. 8. i. IIanr, Src.-Trean. CEO. H. WKHillT. Title Avny. HI t rXKR 1AMPB1X: , At. Tltl Altarnej Evidence In Bold Pasha Case Published In Paris Paris. Oct. 8 (Delayed) America's contribution to the investigation of the Bolo Tasha case, which is published for the first time today, fills literally half of the attenuated morning news papers. Consequently there is little room for editorial comment. Senator Charles Humbert,.' In the Journal, referring to cablegrams from New York, points out that the pay ment of ono million francs on Jan uary 3i, 1916, was simply to enable him to pay back money he had paid the month before to the Lenoir fam ily for their share in the.Iournal. It was agreed originally, the senator said; that the balance of 4,500 francs was to be met by installments, and it was not until he found himself called upon to provide money in lump sums that Mil Washington, Oft. 10 Giant Caproni aeroplanes rained bombs Monday night upon the great Austrian naval base at Cattarra, starting lire among the How Long Must I Suffer From the Pangs of Rheumatism? Is there no real relief in sight? Doubtless like other sufferers, you have often asked yourself this ques tion, which continues to remain un answered. Science has proven that your Rheu matism is caused by a germ in your blood, and the only way to reach it is by a remedy which eliminates and re moves these little pain demons from your blood. This explains why lini ments and lotions can do no perma Buster Brown and lige Are Here All Day Tomorrow Come One and All Grand Free Entertainment at THE 10 BILTMORE AVE. L. H. POLLOCK, Manager Presents for the Boys and Girls. "Burns Gasses which pass up the Chimney With Other Ranges' Jewel "Coal-Saver" Range A Range - Which Extracts The Greatest Heat Value From the Fuel. Few ranges are built with a firebox that insures the com plete combustion of the fuel gases; that means, heat pro ducing elements pass up the chimney. The patented Coal Saver Firebox overcomes this fault. Come in and let us ex plain why. Chas. L. Sluder Co. 'The Best 20 So, Pack Sq. Williams & Huffman Music House THE BEST IN PIANOS Elks' Building. We sell NOTES secured by first mortgage on real estate 7o he accepted Rolo's assistance. It appears, the senator says, that I?olo used his contract with him for the purpose of extracting moncv from Oermany, the first payment to Bolo being on Merch 13. six weeks after he signed the contract with Senator Humbert. Leon Daudet." editor of L'Action Krancaise, continued today to make his deposition berore Captain BoUchardon in regard to his ' allegations against Louis J. Malvy, former minister of the interior, Witnesses were examined in the case of the Bonnet Rouge, one of tne newspapers supposed to have been connected with the German propa ganda. A commission has been sent to Eng land to investigate the operations there of Holo Pasha. -biiillillngs in the navy yard and caus ing damage to Austrian ships in the harbor. The Austrians met the attack with the greatest vigor but were un able to drive off the airplanes until nearly daylight when the Italians withdrew without loss. According to advices from Rome, Gabriele D'An nunzlo, the Italian poet, who has at tained distinction as ono of the most daring aviators of the war, was in command of one of the aeroplanes. nent good, for they cannot possibly reach these germs which infest your blood by the millions. "S. S. S. has been successfully used for Rheumatism for more than fifty years. Try it to-day, and you will find yourself at last on the right track to get rid of your Rheumatism. You can get valuable advice about the treatment of your individual case by writing to the Chief Medical Adviser, Swift Specific Co., Dept. D At lanta, Ga. NEW GLOBE More Heat From Fuel Means Quicker Cooking and Baking. Quicker cooking and baking cuts down fuel consumption. Every pound of fuel you save reduces your fuel bills. Think of these things when you buy b range, nnd you will under stand , why far seeing folks are buying a Jewel "Coal Saver" Range. in Stoves" Phone 1509. Haywood St. 11 FOR FOOD SAVING Food Conservation Commit ' tee Plans to Secure Co operation "of Organiza tions and People Meeting yesterday in the board of trade rooms, the food conservation committee appointed by Chairman F. M. Weaver of the county council of defense, made complete plans for a county organization which shall enlist the patriotic co-operation of all the housewives of Buncombe county, its hotels, boarding houses, restaurants and sanitariums, in conserving the food supply. The committee named by Chairman Weai-cr, who is also county food ad ministrator, consists of George H. Wright, chairman; County School Superintendent W. H. Hipps; Farm Demonstrator E. D. Weaver, Mrs. J. M. Gudgcr, Jr.; district and county chairman of the women's council of defense; Miss Allie Rymer, county home demonstrator; R. H. McDuffle, S. P. Burton and Donald Gillls, the organization following the character indicated by State Food Conservator Henry Page. The plans look to securing the sign ing of cards pledging the signers to carry out the Hoover conservation plans so far as circumstances permit, during the week from. October 20 to 27, and the distribution of window cards , and printed recommendations to be followed. Realizing that the women of Bun combe county, city and county, are zealous to aid their country, the com mittee sought only to provide a system of co-operation and local committees to secure this co-operation and dis tribute the Hoover recommendations, ft was decided to organize the county by school districts, and the city and towns by wards of other units. Each school district is to have a food administration committee of foitr active persons, one to be a school teacher, who will spread the conser vation propaganda and the cards to be signed and the printed suggestions. It is hoped to have the list for most of the 107 districts completed this evening and notifications to be mailed to the committeemen tomorrow. County Superintendent Hipps has called a meeting of the county teach ers at 11 o'clock Saturday morning to promote the campaign, the committee placing great 'reliance on the teachers as promoters of the good cause. Much reliance is to be placed also on the personnel of the betterment associa tions. : It was thought best to have a chair man for each city ward who will ap portion, the territory by blocks, nam ing a committee for each of several blocks. The following were named as chairman by wards; I, Mrs. J. C. Pritohard; 2, Mrs. Reuben Robertson; 3, .Ml May .Tones; 4, Mrs. J. M. Gudger, jr.; West Asheville, Mrs, R. P, Hayes. Black Mountain, Mrs. A. A. Hageman; Weaverville, Mrs Wil liam S. Porter; Biltmore, Mrs J. M. Brookshire Tc secure the co-operation of ho tels, restaurants, sanitariums and hos pitals R. H. McDuffle and S. P. Bur ton were appointed. BINGHAM PLAYS SECOND The Bingham football team will play the second game of the season at Oatcs park next Saturday after noon, when the second eleven of the University of North Carolina comes here for a game. This contest prom iane tn h. nnf nf Interest nnd rpnnrts are to the effect that the teams are about evenly mnteneu. Bingham played the first game of the season last Saturday, when the outfit from Chick Springs Military school lost to the cadets by the score of 66 to 0. BLACK-DRAUGHT Georgia Lady Says It Is Best Remedy for Indiges tion and Sour Stomach Always Keeps It on Hand Lyerly, Ga, Mrs. M. P. House, of K.. F. I). 2, this place, tells of Jier experience with' Thedford'g Black Draught, as follows: "My mother and family have always used Black Draught as a. liver medicine, and be lieve it the best liver medicine on the market We keep It In our family now, and have over since I can remember. It is splendid for sour stomach, torpid liver, and indigestion. I gladly recom mend It to my friends, as I feel it has saved me doctors' bills by using In time." Thedford's Black-Draught has been In use for 70 years lu the treatment of stomach, liver and bowel touhles, and the popularity which it now en Joys is proof of its merit. If your liver is not acting properly, you may suffer from such symptoms as headache, biliousness, constipation, Indigestion, etc., und unless relief is obtained, serious trouble may re sult. Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy In many of such cases. It Is purely' vegetable, and acts In a prompt and natural way, helping to regulate the liver and to cleanse the bowels of impurities. Try it. All druggists. Price 2 Bo a pack age. Costs one cent a dose. DEFINES LABOR Not Connected With I.W.W. in Any Way, Grant Ham ilton Tells Audience at the Court House "It Is said that many people wear the livery of the church to serve the devil, so many people and groups of people attempt to use the name or organized labor to further the inter ests of organizations whose conduct is, to sny the least, unlawful," so said Grant Hamilton at the county court house Monday night. Mr. Hamilton is legislative representative of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, and it was in reference to the activities of the t. W. W., that Mr. Hamilton used the above words. The speaker declared that there is no similarity between the two organizations. There is nothing in common, he declared,, but on the other hand the two organizations are entirely different, Mr. Hamilton said the organizations affiliated with the American Federation of Labor stand for collective bargaining, while the I. W. W. stands for the opposite in deal ing with employers. The speaker strongly denounced the attempts of certain groups of people for attempt ing to link the two organizatoins to gether. . . Mr. Hamilton told of the work of the labor movement in securing ade quate child labor laws, and said the American Federation of Labor was largely responsible for the passage of the Keating-Owen Child Labor law. The speaker paid a high compliment to the Home school of this city for the work the school has done and is doing for the children of the poor. He urged his hearers to support the school loyally. Mr. ..-Hamilton attend ed the pageant given t the school a few days ago, and suit; he was greatly impressed with the work being done there. i The labor official reviewed the leg islation which the organization has been able to secure for the people "It has been done through i ulitical power,-yet the A. F. of I,, has steered clear of partisan politics," he said. Since the organization of the Amre Ican Federation of Labor in 1881 the policy pursued by this organization in matters political, has demonstrated the fact that there is no place in par tisan politics for the labor movement. AH labor organizations prior to the organization of the A. F. of L went down -in defeat because of affiliation with partisan political parties. Yet the federation advises and urges its membership, to take an interest in lo cal politics, and whenever possible to elect its members to offices, especially to legislative positions. In doing so local conditions must of necessity guide the movements of the laboring people," ' Speaking of the criticism which has been directed at organized labor for striking during the war, Mr. Hamilton said: les,; there have been strikes, and there will be more strikes. In the very- beginning of the war the officers of all the national unions met in ex ecutive session and went on record as being opposed to war. Second, If war did come to this country that organ ized labor would staunchly and lov ally support the government of the Lnlted States. Labor has done that is doing it now, and will continue to support this government. But that does not mean that labor will stand immovable, while unfnir and unpatri otic employers bring the club of suf fering down upon the heads of the la borers. We will support the govern ment, and we will also continue to protect ourselves, and when a strike la necessary to secure such protection a strike will be called." Mr. Hamilton told of Instances where contractors had complained to the governmnet regarding labor on war contracts. Investigation bv Sec retary Wilson brought to light the fact that such companies either had organized labor barred from the work or that such companies were pay in SLch insignificant wages that people would not work fou them, he stated But In those places in the work of preparation for war, where organized labor is employed, the work has been finished in record time, the sneaker said. The labor official said the only channel through whk:i the laboring people of this country had to make known their condition, is through or ganized labor. The unorganized, the speaker said, have no way in which to make any progress, as it is through organization alone that advancement comes to the men and women of toil. "This organization . has grown tre mendously, and now more than 2 -600,000 people are affiliated with the A. F. of L. "ft will continue to grow until the laboring men and women of this country come into their own, and economic conditions are such that social conditions are hotter for the workers, and educational advance ment is made possible for the children of labor." E RADICAL ENOUGH FOR HER Mrs. Berger Resigns as Vice-President of Wis- , consin Association Milwaukee, Oct. 10. Mrs. Victor L. Berger, wifo of the former socialist congressman, who has resigned as first vice-president of the Wiscon sin AVoman Suffrage association, an nounced today that she would retain her membership In the organization. Sho also took occasion to correct a report which credited her indirectly with having connected the National Woman's Suffrage association with the Ticketing at the AVhlte House. Although retaining her membership In the Wisconsin association sho crit icized It adversely as not being radi cal enough. She thought the organi zation which has been picketing the White House had proved more effect ive In acquainting the nation "with the lack of democracy In this country and that especially In Wisconsin there was room for more aggressive work in the suffrage cause." BURCKEL NAMED GENERAL SECY. Bankers to Open Central Headquarters for Liberty Bond Campaign - Sub Committees Are Named In order to further centralize and co-ordinate the work of advertising and selling Liberty bonds, the central committee of Asheville banks today announced the selection of William Burcket as general secretary for the second Liberty bond campaign ir, this city. Headquarters of the secretary which will be general headquarters for the Asheville campaign, will probably be decided on at a meeting of the hankers this afternoon and Mr. Burckel will begin his duties at once. W. B. Williamson, chairman of the committee on sub-committees, stated that he had written to all Asheville organizations asking them to appoint committees to confer with him and to t:ke part In the placing of the bonds which are to furnish the government with the sinews of war. Responses to this eall are coming in, a joint com mittee of the D. A. H. and of the Na tional League for Woman's service having already gone to work under the chairmanship of Mrs. Reuben Robertson. Mr. Williamson states that from time to time the amount of bonds sold by each organization will be announced in the press and that there will be friendly rivalry in securing contributions to the Asheville allotment of $750,000. The other members of Mr. William son's committee are B. L, Ray and H. -E. Currence. Owen Norvel is chairman of the Bankers' Central committee: Kay Dixon is chairman for newspaper publicity, posters, etc., with W. F, Duncan and Mr. Currence as other members of the committee; Krwin Sluder is chairman of the committee on public speakers with W.; B. Davis and Mr. Williamson as the other members. At a meeting of the council of de fense this afternoon, Dr. I'. R. Moale will take charge of a committee which will canvass the rural districts for bond sales. The "Four-minute men" will devote the next three weeks to talks in the city on bonds. The Boy Scouts, who volunteered their services through Scoutmaster Thrall, are already at work under Chairman Dixon of the publicity committee. It was announced that the federal government will make speedy delivery of all bonds in denominations of $1,000 or less, delivery being promised soon after the bond is paid for by the purchaser.: Mr. Norvel stated that all adverti sers in the city will be asked to place Liberty bond slogans in their adver tising space in. the Asheville news papers, as tins feature of the first campaign here was considered very effective. ' A mass meeting to arouse enthusi asm for bonds will be held in the city at an early date, -. Mr. Norvel an nounced, with some speaker of na tional reputation on the program. SHELL ITALIAN U-BOAT Washington, Oct. !. -Full reports on the shelling of an Italian subma rine by a t'nited States patrol ship through a misunderstanding, result ing in the death of an otticer and an enlisted man, are being awaited by the naval department from Vice-Admiral Sims, commanding the Ameri can naval forces in Kuropoan waters. In reporting the incident to the department late yesterday, Admiral Sims stated that the patrol, while on duty at night in the war zone, recent ly, fired after the undersea 'craft had failed to answer recognition signals. Details were not given. Immediately upon receipt of Ad miral Sims message, Secretary Dan iels sent a message to the Italian min ister of marine expressing the deepest regret over the unfortunate:, occur rence; 'and- tendering his own and the department's sympathy for loss of life. APPEAL MADE FOR All FOR COLORED FAMILY An appeal is made by several lead ing citizens for aid for Butler Brooks, the negro who lost all of his furniture and clothing yesterday as a result of a tire at his house on East Lyman street. Brooks and his wifo are said to be representative colored people and to be hard workers. It Is said that yesterday both of them had gone, to work and left several small chil dren in the house The fire was dis covered but it had gained such head way before the firemen were notified that all of the household goods wire destroyed. Anyone desiring to aid Brooks and his family can communicate with J. D. Earle Feed company, telephone 1910, and word will be sent Brooks. AUSTRIANS READY FOR ED Washington, Oct. 9. Official dis patches today report Austrian troops gathered In great force on tho south ern boundary in anticipation of the renewal of the Italian drive over tho Bainsizza plateau. The Italian government In prepar ing to lay beforo the allied conference soon to assemble in Paris a compre hensive plan for a great campaign against Leibach. regarded as the key to Austrian communications with Cro atia and Serbia, If the allies approve and are willing to lend the necessary support In sup ply of coal, steel, munitions and guns, the Italian government will provide the troops. . HARVEST OF LIFE Stored-up fruits of labor make bounteous measures of prosperity and happiness Interest Period Savings Department Open Through October Tenth Central Bank & Trust Co. South Pack Square. 15 STREET ACCIDENTS E Automobiles Figured in All But Two Nature and Cause Given The department of public safety re ports a total of 15 street traffic acci dents during the month of September. With two exceptions automobiles fig ured In every accident, and in these cases a bicycle and a street car are mentioned. The nature of the accidents foHow-: Automobile and bicycle, 2; auto and pedestrian, 4; bicycle and pedestrian, 1; auto and horse drawn vehicle, 1; auto and stationary object, 1; auto and motorcycle, 2; street car and horse drawn vehicle, 1; automobile collision, 3. Cause of accidents: Carelessness of pedestrian, 2; skidding of bicycle, 1; riding bicycle on sidewalk, 1; care lessness of motor vehicle driver, 6; defective brakes, 1; unavoidable, 3; carelessness of bicycle driver, 1 FIDE INTERNED ALIEN E ESCAPE Laredo, Texas, Oct. 10. Five ntern ed alien enemies, four Austrians and one German, escaped about 2 o'clock Sunday morning from the guard house at Fort Mcintosh, where they had been interned since August 15, it be came known today. It has been dis covered they used a duplicate key and a rigid investigation is being made. - The body of Hans Frolich, one of the 'escaped prisoners was found in the Rio Grande river today badlv de composed. Three of the remaining men were captured today on the Mex ican side of the river. The fifth is still missing but is believed to have been drowned in attempting to cross the swollen river. FIRE INSPECTIONS 0 E Fire" Chief Wood, Building Inspector McDowell and other city officials to day began lire inspections in the busi ness district as part of Fire preven tion week In Asheville. They hope to finish the business section Wednesday and on Thursday will visit the city schools. Every business establishment is be ing visited and a thorough examina tion of the premises made. Score cards for each visit are kept and later tho owners will receive reports from the department of public safety, mak ing recommendations or commending the management of business houses for the care which was in evidence. IF KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE SALTS Says Backache is sign you liavc been eatmc: too much meat. When you 'wake up with backache and dull misery In the kidney region It generally means you have been eating too muc h ment, says a well-known au thority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys In their effort to filter It from the blood nnd they become sort ot paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relievo them, like you relievo your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue Is coated, and when tho weather Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds :.nd you are obliged to seek relief two or threo times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable phy sician .it onc.i or got from your phar macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablcspoonful In a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes nnd lemon Juice, com bined with lithin, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so It no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is Inexpensive, cannot Injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent llthla-water drink. " Adv. Men's Shoes $4.00 ' ' $8.00 We are ready to say we have the shoes that will give you real honest value for your money. Dull calf, vici kid and tan of the best and latest patterns. Take a look over them, please. Overcoats Trench and Full Back Models. $12.50 $15. ' Get yours today. '' Meat, clear side. . . . . . 32c Fat Back . . ... 27c Flour, No. 1, tpiarter Si. 55 Epgs, doz. . ......... 44c Chickens, lb. ... . . . . 25c Lard, lb. ........... 20c Onions, peck 60c Potatoes, bushel. . . $1,15 Sweet Potatoes, peck, 15c II. T. WILSON 60 N. Lexington. Phono 1900. Star Theater AXWA'S A GOOD SHOW CHICHESTER S PILLS ; T. V" """Jour irrnftfflnt for hnie. waled W)th Itlne Riiino, l ake nt olhfp. Rii if An. I'liaM, for Vft VrifthMowniM Rr.t.Kif. ii.11.11 soi n ev npiifir.i'sTC FvcpvwMFDc The Br y son Hotel COMMEIICIAL HEADQUARTERS Well Lighted Sample Rooms, Free S. i;. IIKYSON, 1'roprletor $2.00 Per Day Andrews. N. C. The Kenmore Hotel Wnyncsvlllc N. C. The Lending Commercial Hotel A. H. KPKAKS, Prop. Frcp Sum pin Room opfv tiiuoi (;noi t tub YKAlt I (ffntlT In trMtttifl nonatnrml dlMh&nfMi MlBiew.poa-pnltoDaaf nd will not nrlatnru KllirMln ltotdAJW 1 !. 1 MMl FttUI imr l-r no U, er htU I17U kmWHANU IIBIl I uLaiKINMAXLai

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