. VEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1917 f PAGE EIGHT NEW COALITION CABINET ASSUMES CONTROL IN RUSSIA The United States Government Food Administrator Says: "Baking Powder Breads of corn and other coarse flours are recommended" rTTT'P A OTTTTTTT T T? TTTlfFO 111 lit A3IiriV lJL.JL.ri LIDLEjO. '- 9 - il if Many distressing Ailments experienced by them are Alleviated by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. in- 4 P As Here is Proof by Women who Know. Lowell, Mass. "For the last three years I hare been troubled with the Change of Life and the bad feelings common at that time. I was in: a very ner vous condition, with headaches and pain a good deal of the time so I was unfit' to do my work. A friend asked me to try Lydw E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound, which I did, and it has helped me in every way. I am not nearly so nervous, no head ache or pain. 1 must say that Lydia E. l'inkhams Vegetable Compound is the best remedy any sick woman can take."- Mrs. Makuakst Qulnn, liear 209 Worthen St., Lowell, Mass. She Tells Her Friends to Take Lydia E. Pinkuam's Remedies. North Haven, Conn. "When I was 45 I had the Change of Lifo vhich is a trouble all women have. At first it didn't bother me but after a while I sot bearing down pains. I called in doctors who told me to try dia'eint things but they did not cure my pains. One day my husband came home and said, ' Why don't you tvy Lydia E. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound -and -.Sanative Wash?' Well, I got : them and took about 10 bottles of Vegetable Compound and could feel myself regaining my health. I also used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and it has done me a great deal of good. Any ono coming to my house who suffers from female troubles or Change of Life, I tell them to take the Pinkham remedies. There are about 20 of us here who think the world of them." Mrs. Floue-noje Iseixa, Box 197, North Haven, Conn. ' : You are Invited to Write for Free Advice. No other medicine lias been so successful in relieving woman's Buffering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, Such letters are received and nsTOHI w .vt. only and held in yt'-ift r -.n'''--". EUROPEAN MODERN FIREPROOF A choice hotel in a choice location. The leading commercial hotel in the Carolinas. 200 Rooms of solid comfort. GUY S. LAVENDER, Mgr. We Buy Anything and Sell Everything Hides, Skins, Tallow, Beeswax, Wool, Ginseng, Scrap Brass, Copper, Aluminum, Lead, Type Metals, Drosses, Skimmings, Second-Hand Machinery, Scrap Iron, Rubber of all kinds. S. Sternberg & Co. WEVR BAMMtED rUOCU A.VTINATION" from the moving . business for all time. Move mentis get there, and we do It speedily, in a, manner that won't ruffle your disposition or mar your furniture. Our services are moderately priced. This ouaht to appeal to you. Wb' it's your move let us know. ASHEVnXE DRAY. Fl'EIi AWD CONSTKCCTION COi 41 Broadway Phones 223-645-510 "Tbo Rig Jlcd Front" The only) K;:i:vNv pro cRAr i TjfVATiOI WI4V 1 To ai?ovAOiJ A In Taking Place of Council of Five, the New Govern ment States Its Aims Wants to Bring Country Out of Anarchy and Put Army and Navy in Fighting Shape Constituent Assembly to Meet Soon ' PetrogniIv Oct. 9 (Delayed. The new coalition government usMimed control .of It'jsia today, replacing the council of live oiuanizeil a numth niro. Aiiniiulii-i'iin'nl uas made that the new government intends to carry out 11 n active foreign -.policy with "the purpose iif making peace in agree ment with our allies as snon as pos sible.".. -.'.Meanwhile the government, will take steps to lirintr. the iirmy ..to its highest lighting power and to re store economic and social tranquility to the country. j ' . The new' coalition . ahitiet. ineJiKl ' lug four, loenihei's of the constitutional ' dcmoci -a tie party and one independent, ! seeins to have met with th ap t pi-oxal of the -Petvoiirad press except the radical .Y..i;a Ni-hin, v Inch is pi o-'leriiKin. : The cahinet jj couiposcd of the fol i lowing: A I", kerensky. of foreign, affairs. M . I rieniier. , .Minister Ti'icstchcn Minister M inistcr tic if. Minister Micik: e vitch. '.' : Minister 'Minister Minister id" interior, id: aiiricull i M Xikitin-' . .1 e. M. Avske la Lor. M, supplies, Cvozdeff. M. I'lokoi'o. I kin. of tinance, II. Rensatsky. of rolig-ivn.- M. Kai tasheff. of luiLliv w -el fare.' M. Ki.-h- ofitra.de ;iiul. in.duslry. A I. S ai ymon ... , .M, Malyanto- M in Hter uiova lol'f. . State, vOntroller, M. Minister of justice Minister, of eduratiou. .M.Salaskin. rresideut of the economical coun !".. M. Trelvakot'f. .Mini st c r 1 1 f w ; v I . . ( 1 1 era I V e r K cabinet will get from all niemliers of the revolutionary democracy one an swer: 'Kesiirn.' " . . Aims of (lovernmetit. In addition to carrying out an ac tive foreign policy the new frovernr uient will issue an ofliclal statement declai iiiK that the serious internal dif ficulty of Russia is due chiefly-to 'he Korniloff rebellion.- The new govern ment pledges that its business nets w ill he on the basis of agreements be tween representatives of the hour-; Cioisie. the tax-payiiiK elements and the revolutionary democracy. It points oht thnt the success of stich a position is possible only If the na tion Is united. The g-overnment's statement In conclusion says that it has three principal aims: To raise the tiBhting power of the armies and navies.. To brint; order to the country by lightiiiK anarchy. To call the Constituent assembly as soon as possible) The coAlitlnn. cabinet absorbs the ! council of tlve which as held sway I since the Korniloff revolt, -piloting the j Country through a perilous political ci isis. The ecuineii of live apparently I carried (oit Premier Kerensfty's pro gram. -.in -full. It succeeded in ending the Korniloff affairs except for some .agitation oh th part of the radical councils of workmen's and soldiers' liclegates. Seemingly it turned the democratic : congress which was iplanh I originally to overthrow the Kerensky government into a torre 01 support. lh-moonitic ronsress Next Wrol,: ; Th" first session of the preliminary o.-.vliamiMit. which grew out of the sky. if niai ine.: Admiral V M inister dcrvski. .. . Minister of ways and roiniminica Vions, il... li'i'verev-sky. : OppoM-d by onni il. The "" Piiirogrhd Council of men's and soldiers' delegates mumm iii the Novaia N'ishin .v 'workmen. -and' the. trairison I'elrograd sive the neV governnient no support. AVe are pei-suaded lirni ly that tlie aiinoiinceiiient of the new' I'.v-1 democratic congress, will be cniieo o 1 tiio encernment. nridiablv .next week. tin the meantime Minister of Public Welfare Kishkin and state l onirouer Smyrnoff have returned to Moscow to place the Kerensky plan ..before their followers fur. approval. The new cabinet consists of . six so cialists, four' constit utional democrats and seven members of other parties, l'o'-f-ign Minister Terestchenko, it is l-eporteil. w-ill be sent to Paris to rep resent Hussia at the allied confer ee.! e. . . f 1- tll.it of IT BAKING i- POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Makes delicious muffins, cakes and coarse flour breads NUT BREAD ROYA CORN MEAL MUFFINS " i cup corti ml .'--.,: '. 1 cupi inr H tMtHl Mlt 4 Ut1 temipocnt Rjftl Bkinr Powder I Ubletjwom iurr 1 cup milk 1 tftbluyiwas hortmi -."'," Mix tharoiflilT dry incridUaU: add nulk and meltpd hortentm and beat well. Bake ia freaaed mufti Una la ket eves aboat to mlaatea. 3 enpa graham Hoar t leel teaapoona Keral Baking Powder teatpoana aalt 1V4 cupa milk and water Vl op augar or corn erroji i enp chopped mite (not too fine) or 1 cup ralaina, waahed and floured Mix teitether iour, baking powder and aalt: add milk and water, autar or corn arrup and nutmeata or ratline, rut into groaned loaf pan. allow to atand 30 minntea in warm place. Bake In moderate oren 40 to 45 mlaatea. Ourred,uhUeanJ blue booklet, "Beit War Time Reeipcn" containing additional timtlar recipe; tent free on requeat. Addreu Royal Baking Powder Company, Dept. H, 13S William Street, New York role in the production, hia part being that of Charles Wendel, the corner grocer, whose heart was so big and whose capacity for suffering was therefore equally Wr. Mndite Kvans appears with Fields in the role of Mary, the little orphan who Is adopt ed by Wendel and his wife. Madge la piquant and charmins In this role and will add new admirers to the thousands with -whom she is already a tremendous favorite. The latest Pathe News will nlso be shown today in connection With "The Corner tlrocer." dull blue. ' "Exile" is a stirring tale of adventure-tint! romance, in which Madame I'elrova Is' seen in a ch:irininA' role, j Tomorrow Oeorrre Walsh will be seen in his latest play, "The Yankee Wnv." - Prof. Hollinpsworth will accompa ny the picture today with appropriate music on the pipe oruan. 4 INK OF THE FLESH' At the Movies the mil n with money, of Katun and Sin, John Kvtl and AM' :. -the Warfare .of the Klesh" will be shown at the Strand today and to morrow. A part of this picture was made in Aslteville a few months uiio. A Kvnoosis of the olay lollira.s: i. . c'piirec Harmon, a man. of "V'wAfiit- wtin cousiiiers woman a toy to. , be purchased by any i.s one of the too! . iruuii'i-n folk named l ues Sinn. llaiiiion: wiRnrn he can ! ; "m.t" : anv woman he. want. Henry Mtooiie. a force for tiood, accepts ilie . wcrer: ;renory's 'devoted young wife, i i .lane. 1.- Hari'uon's target. After a . i serious accident, it is found that .tin. 1 xpensive operation Is necessary lo save (litsory's lite. In desperation, .lane falls into the. trap and seeks Harmons tmanciai am. nturf .-uiu s-oadins; her into ilie belief that she should make the saciitice. However, she is saved by a vlvi 1 dream cxperi- i n.-ed during a uionicnt of uncon sciousness and awakens to realize that her husband would not wish life lit such a price. Her decision rouses the dormant manhood in Harmon, vim acknowledges his defeat.' confessing that "no pood woman can be bought." .Meantime, spiritual love redeems, through its agent. Mr. fiooile. who arranges for the operation that re stores the young husband to. his wife and baby. It is a story that bears itetailed analysis and ' through it reveals a depth of purpose that could only he shown in the superb production which really dominates the story itselT. The contrasting situations mid the artistry revealed in settings, photography and titles make it an unusual and remark able film. The decisive dream is n very ordinary effect on the screen, hut as used In this film it is an extraordi nary effect. . No producer could more cleverly diHguse it or accomplish so much in the surprise which comes with the. realization that it is I he experi ence of an unconscious mind. After the big climax that follows, the story moves forward to a swift and satisfac tory denouement. At tlio Strand. "The Warfare of the Flesh," which will be shown at the Strand today ahd tomorrow, was . .oduced and directed by. Kdward Warren, a picture director who has been responsible for,' many big successful attractions released on some of the best programs. The pro duction was jn iirenaration for over 12 weeks and the exterior scenes were taken in and around New York Jacksonville. Kla., and AsheVllle. ' The staging and cast are anions tho expensive ' At tll' (ill lilt. j Noted for her exotic, almost Orien- till beauty and style, Madame Petrova. j who is appearing in a screened ver sion of "'Exile",' a Paramount picture, at the Galax today, is wearing gowns of even more than ...usual, splendor. ; mong them is one. of stiffest dull blue brocade, heavily embroidered in silver. It's effectiveness is In its sim plicity and the straight, almost severe lines of it, are broken only by an ex quisite filigree silver girdle set with turquoises. A Short narrow train adds its bid of charm sweeping about the dull silver slippers and stockings of city, i t biotly ruptured while lifting a trunk sun eral year ago . Doctors mik my trnly hope of eur? was an oprntion. Trusses Jld me no good. Finally I u t hold of some thing that quickly and completely rured me. Years have passed and the rupture has never returned, although. I am doing) hard work as a crrpentec. There was no j operation, no lost time, no trout. le. I have! nothing to sell, hut wilt give full Informs-' tion about, how you may find a complete cure without operation, . If you write to me. I Kugene M. Pullen, t'arpenter :Mar-j cellos Avenue, Mahasquan. N.. J. Better cut out this notiee and show It to any oth ers w'.io are ruptured you may save a llffe .ir at least stop the misery of rupture and j th? wurry and danger of an operation. . j GALAX 1 PRINCESS LAST TIME . , T 0 I) A Y MME. PETROVA "EXILE'- Ho Disliked Her for Her Cold liess Despised Her for Her riekleness. unit Finally Wed Her for Herself. GALAX PIPE ORGAN t. PRICES Day ISight Children 5c Children 10c Adults 15c Adults 20c TODAY LEW FIELDS IX ; ".' "The Corner Grocer From the piny which ran over 900 nights In New York City. It Is n tnic-to-llfe document enaeted hy Lew Fields and n superb company In a way that grips and holds attention throughout. -ALSO PATHE NEWS 5c Admission 10c most expensive ever useu tu feature attraction. The "Hell are sensational and splendid and atmosphere. The story in single cenes" color based on the thesis that no state o virtue Is complete Unless it is won by a con flict with vice. The title is significant. It covers the snlrilual side of the store. Deal's orchestra will accompany the picture today and tomorrow with ap propriate music. Al the I'linccss. I,ew .Fields will be Seen at the' Princess today in "The Coiner tlro-j cor." Over 1)00 nights "The Corner Gro cer" was - played in New York, Its popularity being due to its Intense htimanness, heart interest and the delightful love stirry. It promises to be even a greater success as a silent drama than it wns on the speaking stage. Lew Fields plays the stellar M i II RAND Don't Drop Pennies nto the fare receivers of the Pay-As-You-Enter Cars. Nickels or dimes only are sup posed to be dropped in. If you wish to pay . 'i , your fare with pennies, get them changed into nickels first, for pennies will not register Asheville Power & Light Co. SALESROOM: 102 PATTON AVENUE. ' ' ' "' - NQTAPART1CLE DF DANDRUFF OP, A FALLING HAIR TODAY AND TOMORROW ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY "THE WARFARE OF THE FLESH' A Broadside Against SJandcrs of Virluous Womanhood ARE THE FORCES OF GOOD STRONGER THAN THE FORCES DF EVIL? A Wonderful Story A Wonderful Cast. Has a deep human appeal and interest. Will satisfy the most refined, and has enough punch for sensation seekers. The staging is among the most expensive ever used in any picture. Part of this picture made in Asheville. rmcEs From 10:30 Children . . . Adults ..... a. m. to m. . 5c 15c From 6 Children . Adults . . . . m. to 10 p. ni. . 10c 20o SPECIAL MUSIC BY DEAL'S SUPERB ORCHESTRA 5ave your hair! Double beauty in just a few moments. its 25-cent "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy, wavy and beautiful i Atlanta, Oct, 10. The 19th annual convention of the Intetntitioniil Cir culation" Managers association bexan hero yesterday with newspaper men in attendance from practically every state in the union and Canada. Gov. Hush M. Dorsey, of Georgia, welcomed the visitors to Atlanta. The annual address of the presi dent, J. Al. Kchniid, of the Indianapo lis (Ind.) News, was delivered at the initial aesKlon. The. program Included committee reports and discussions of chosen subjects, ' NORWEGIAN SHIP. DESTROYED SEPT 3 An Atlantic I'ort, Oct. 10. New of the destruction of the Norwegian steamnhlp Majoren by a German sub marine off the Irish coast on Sep tember 3,, van brought here today by survivors, passengers on a British vessel. The Majoren, of 4,800 tons rosa, left 1'hUndelphla on August 20 with Iron for Glasgow. The. 2g mem bers of the crew were rescued by ' a patrol vessel 38 hoiira after they took to the small boats. . Within ten minutes after nn appli cation of Danderine you can not find n single trace of dandruff or falling hair nnd vnur scaln will not Itch, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair. fine and downy nt first yes out really new hair growing all over the scalp. t Danderine is to the nntr wnni irean showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots. invigorates and strengthens them- its exhilarating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. A little Dandeilno Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle ana scraggy, Just moifsten a cloth with Dan derine and carefully draw t through your hair, taking r te small strand at a time. The effect Is amaaing your hair will he light, fluffy and wav, ana have an appearance of ahunJance; an Incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toil et counter, and prove that. your hair la as pretty and soft a any1 that It has been neglected or injured by care less treatment that's all -you surely can have beautiful hair and lots of It If you 11 Just try a little Danderine. I Adv. Wanted 750 Bushels of Potatoes for Cash Farmers having high grade Potatoes to bring to market this fall please call GROVE PARK INN and ask for Mr. Dickerson. We want about 750 bushels of the best and smoothest pot: es running as even as pos sible in size. We will also want to buy from three to five hundred live turkeys. Telephone Number 3000 Asheville GROVE PARK INN "f i i m

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