SUNDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1917 ;.E SIX. THE ASHEVILLE TDLES. "TIIE MAMMOTH See Our Window Display of KARPEN Guaranteed . Upholstered FURNITURE J. L. PHONE 226. S in a t li e Telephone StOcklOII-.lollCH. The wedding Inst ovirninff of Mr, Richard (lordon Stockton, s!i of Mr. anM .Mrs; M. I:. Si-irkWii "of Winstjui- Saleni. ami -.Miss Hoi'tcnse ll:ttiuht Jones. daughter ol .Mr Ham M. -.lorn-, of As' of tho . most- -brilliant autumn season in -Noi 1 Mis. AVil- o ille. cas one events- of -the. th '-.Carolina.' so- ciei v. The marriage took past eight o'clock a( copal church. Tlie ill tlMilly decorated Willi pink rose buds. istiir: manv lighted oumlhs, of the altar were many , Mrs. Erriosl: Starr Salem .beautifully sang before the vested choii placo at" half j Trinity F.pi- ; ar was. hau- ! pink' cosmos. I i.u-iK fori! an.l j On either side ; ' pa lim 1 ' of , 'i"ston i :t.: a'use just ing Lolunigrin's .' the. ushers- M r ; Mr. Nmiiian St ' Jlix'on,'- with M Then two bride t ates with M i 'Bridal v Edwin Sokloii,-' -V Silas sni:iids. s ..Mali' .with ' Kay i Bernard. s' Frances : -Htoeklon t, of the roomsmen, .Mr. Lron ; then two i lender' on of . Winston-Salem, sisu groom, followed by two : Mr. Lawrence Jones with ard Blackburn of Virginia bridesmaids. Miss Byrd with M iss Cornelia Taylor, of Winston- r IH Y A MHKItTV llOXD Exclusive Jewelry lllcli Reins and icwolrv are tin' pride nf'every woman: Ihor Misrirest a decree of Iruo reliiienient. and reflivl the (rood taste nl tlieir owner, onr riiiiinc ailmirtit ion' will be arouwd when joii see our selection, liicludiiis many line creations lliai aro exclusively ours, embodyinu Ideas lliat no one else can show you. ' ' We would consider It a privilcse to have you eome in and examine this display, heetiuse we Arthur M. HIT A IJBFItTY BOXD My Cup When the frost is on the window. And the ice is on the street, And the nipping norther whistles For a fall of snow or sleet. Then the stimulative beverage I appreciate the most, Is a cup of. steaming: coffee With my .morning e' and toast. When the rich tiroma fillers To my senses half asleep. How I tumble hack the blankets Out of bed ill haste to leap: Katrer for the cup of coffee To nil amber clearness strained, Creamed and sugared to my fancy. That is waiting to bo drained. There is something bright and cheelful In a shining coffee-pot, Huvc n cup of fragrant coffee, Strong and clear and piping hot? On a cold and stormy morning How it always cheers us up! Everybody likes to drink it: Let tis have another cup. Minna Irving in Leslie's Weekly. Our Dixie Coffee would make you just this eager to drink a cup of it. Ym know ours is fresh roasted and freshly , ground. ' 30c per pound. 37 Haywood St J. J. YATES Phone 1715' THE SUNDAY DINNER PROBLEM Is easily solved. Tho Cundy Kitchen 'find Club Cufo serves you reasonably. CANDY KITCHEN &Tf'LUB CAFE "Tell Tour Friends To Meet Tou At Tho Candy Kitchen." "Haywood Street Comfy Place Of Course." FURNITURE STORE" r s an d Son s .- ami 17 BROADWAY Salem. .The maids were. chnrrningb dresst'd in iiurks of while silk lie over silver cloth and carried pinl roses tied villi pin1: tulle. Then eanio Mr. John riia-lottu with Mr: John of Winston-Salem, also i: Mrs. Si! is (1. 'Bernard, .si Tillrlt of hunker oonismen. ter of the bride, and . matron- of .honor no.M.' . She -'was handsomely entered gowned in old lace juid carried pink roses 1 1 . 1 w:h rink llil'.e. Lieutenant Eugene Mr. James (;iav of vero followed by the Miss Ruth Critz of who wore rose satin R Took-., with inston-Sn lem. hia id of .honor. Winston-Salem, and .silver and envied ilyep pink rests. The, small llower hearers, .little Mini Frances Caroline Jones of Greerisboiv. a niece, of the . bride, dressed in flurry maline; and 'Master lack -Starr of. V instoruSaleni. dressed in a. suit rl white sal In and carry ing a white- basket of pink roses and ferns, pi-eroded tho hride. The Pride .'entered with her father, an.l wore a; jrortreons.: trown of white salin (rimmed with, crystal, and her veil of Avhite tnlle fell berOTniniTly from a coronet of oranire blossoins. She carried a beautiful bride's bouquet think you will admire It. Field Co. of Coffee From the after-dinner nectar In a pot of silver made. Sorved in cutis of priceless china. Sipped by Fashion's uay brigade. To the brew that boils and bubbles In a battered tin, behold! Rich and poor alike en.loy it When the days are hot or cold. Youth and maiden shyly linger Over coffee-cup and spoon. Readmit in leach other's glances Visions of a honuynioon, And tho lonely maiden lady And the crusty bachelor find Sola eo in a cup of coffee For the memory-haunted mind. of white roses with a shower of lilies of the valley. She was met at the altar by the groom and his brother, Mr. Ralph Stockton of Chapel Hill, who acted as best man. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Willis O. Clark, rector of Trinity. During the ceremony Mr. Garland Thomasson played "O Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms" on the organ. A recessional, "O Per fect Love." wa sung by the choir. Immediately after the ceremony an elaborate reception was given by the bride's parents at their home on Haywood stieet. Tlio Reception. The guests were received at the door by Mrs. Krnest Kaminer and in th receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Miss Ruth Criti!, Miss Cornelia Taylor. Miss Margaret Plockton. Miss Hvrd Henderson Miss Frances Gates, Air. Leonard Blackburn, Mr. John Whitaker. Mr. James Ornv, Mr. John Tt!ltt and Mr. I.nwr' ice Jones The reception hall was beautiful'.v decorated - with autumn colors, red nul vcllow dahlias blending cflec tivclv will! the autumn loaves. The living room, library and din ing room wore gorgeous with an abundance, of smilax and pniK roses and dahlias. Tho center table in the dining room was elaborately deco rated with pink roses and asparagus fern, the chandelier being decorated with rose buds and pinklullo. Miss Mildred Carter invited the guests Into tho dining room where Mrs. Alice Dann. rs. William O. Adams. Miss Nanev Stockton of inston-Palem. Miss fcinilv. Iioinne. Miss Alice Wnv'and Miss Mary Kath rme Hester served the delicious re freshments. In tho .Hhrarv. .Miss Tlettie Sites a nd Miss May ; Rerna'rd presided at the punch bowl wlndi was most at tractively arranged in tht1 center of a table decorated with pink dahlias. Among the out-of-town guests for the wedding were .Mr. and Mrs. M. 1!. Stockton. Miss Martraret Siockton. Mls Nancv Stockton, all of Wlnston Salem: .Mr. and Mrs. Norman .Stock- I Ion. of M'inston-Salein.. Mr. Ralph rstorkton of Chapel Hill, Mr; aml'Mrs. I 'owell nilmor of Winston -Sa lem,- M r. Han-ill Wood of (lieen.ville, S. C.; Judge, a ml. Mrs. Charles Yogler of Winston-P.-ilem, Mr. find Mrs. A. II. I'.ller (if nislon-Sileni. Mr. Leon ard r.lai'khnrn of . Virginia. Mr. John Tillett of Charlotte. Mr. John Wltit aker of " :nsou-S.n ii. Mr. Janus of U'inston-Snleni, Lieut. Fiirene t'O'-ke of f1reen-ille. S. C, M"iss Cor nelia l avlor of V inston-Salem. Dr. and Mrs. 'William M. . Jones of Oreonsbnrn, ; Mis Rulh Crltx of Wihsfon-SaleiTi, Mr. anil Mrs. Krnest Starr and. son, iMaster Jack Slarr. of Winston-Salem. .. : I -'iiltot'-RavtMiel. The following aecouht of the wed ding of Rev. Charjes Darby Fulton and Miss Nannie fan! Rr.venel will be or 'wide social interest in Asheville. TheTlipping is from The Spartanburg Journri of Friday: Miss Nannie 1'nitl Ravenel and Rev. Charles . Darby. Fulton were. married last evening at 0 o'clock in the First Presbyterian church, in the .presence of relatives and . hosts v of friends.,..''. '..-'. ; "Soft feathery southern pine tops formed a velvety covering for the I white' chancel floor, while tall palms , and begonias were used as other dero i rations. A touch of color was added bv two silver empire baskets frrace ; fully arranged with dainty white cosmos and twelve tapers twinkled on : the altar rail. . j ''The ushers, Messrs. A. M. Law, ; Charles O'Neale, Joseph Mansfield and j Roger Ctant, first took their stand near I the chancel, followed by the bride's ! maids and groomsmen, Messrs. Pierre ! Dubose, of Columbia; James F.rwin. i Misses Lottie Lee Nichols and Helen j Burnett; Messrs, Allan Jones, of Co ; lumbia, and William Rankin; .Misses Mabel Simpson and Alhee Trvvin; Messrs. Thomas Jaeohs, of Clinton; Sprole Lyons, of Greenville; M isses Mary Zimmerman, of Glenn Springs, and Martha Williams, of Charleston. "The maids wore becoming girlish toilettes of bine and pink, with tulle draperies, and carried nrmsful of Killariiey, roses on Shepherds crooks. "Mrs. '--Roger lant, n sister of the bride, and - hei st If a bride of June, was dame or honor, beautifully gowned in her wedding dress of im ported crepe. "The bride, walking w i!h her father. niiioweu a cnariuing picture in Her girusn wedding gown, of imported onun ni cniiton over satin and hodiee trimming of real bic used on her mother's wedding gown. I "A court train fell from her should ers in graceful folds nd a silken -veil caught with an heirloom of silken' Mowers completed her costume. She carried a shower bouquet, of valley lilies and ferns. "The groom and his best man, Mr, Edward Jordan, of Philadelphia, met the brirto at the nltar where the cere mony was perfomed by Rev. A. D P Gilmour. assisted by Dr. John S.-Wat-kins. "Immediately following, relatives and a group of Intimate friends were entertained at an informal reception at the Itavenel home on Fast Main street. . . "Mr. and Ir.. Fulton leave soon, siilling fron. Vancouver for their new home in Kobe, Japan, where the former lakes up his work as a. mis sionary from the Presbyterian board "Both will bo greatly missed from Spartanburg, where hosts of f,i.,.i. will watch their future with interest " H m For Miss Cnlvert Tho following clipping from the' Spartanburg Herald will he of much interest to tho many friends of Miss Kate Lois Montgomery and Miss Julia Cnlvert who are well known here: "Miss Kntn T.nls Montgomery e-n tertnined yestordnv ,t luncheon In honor of Miss Julia DeBerrler Cal vert, whose enragement to Mr. James A. Patch of Fltehhurg, Mass., has been announced. The table was daintily decorated with a huge white wedding bell with white ribbon streamers suT!ended over the center. Daisies nnrt Dahlias were the flowers used. "An elaborato course luncheon was served after which the guests reeelv- en pretty souvenirs. "Miss Calvert Is a fnvorlte with the dancing set of Spartanburg., fihe grad uated at Converse college and later took M. O. nt Columbia. "MTf. Patch has been In tho rltv with the Andrews Loom and Harness Works. 'He has Just received his ap pointment ss first lieutenant of ord nanes and left for Washington last night, and the wedding scheduled for some time this fall, cannot be de. finitely dated yet. " "The guests each brought the bride elect a dainty gift, making tho oc casion the nature of a shower. "Those present were: Misses Julia Calvert. Beth Green, Mary Johnson, Helen Burnett. Mnxle Brown, Alice Remhert. Mary DuPre, Helen and Haiel Rims, Ethel Greenewald and Mary Erwln." a Woman's Club. - -The Woman's club will meet at the residence of Mrs. Willis Collins, No. 170 Cumberland avenue tomorrow af-.ernoon at J.SO o'clock. Mrs. Col lins and Mrs. Charles S. Bryant will be joint hostesses for the afternoon. Miss Eugenia Rowe will be the leader fork he afternoon and she will give the sTory of the l'anama canal. Mrs. George Shuford will have as her subject, "The Isle of the Canal. " Miss , Ethel Ray's subject, "Birds of South I America," will be very interesting, csting.. , The members of the club, both the former and the newly elected, are ex pected to attend this meeting. This year's regular program is of utvimihI interest and the program for the re cently added home economics depart ment gives new Interest to the work. The following are the officers for tho year: President. Mrs. William Johnston Cocke; first vice-president, Mrs. S. Elizabeth Bolton; second vi-j-presldent. Mrs. Theodore F. Malloy: recording secretary, Mrs. J. Brainerd ! Thrall: corresponding serretarv. Miss' Eugenia Rowe: treasurer. Mrs X . B.I Northup. Directors: Mrs. S. Elizabeth Bolton. Mrs. J. S. Williams. Mrs j .lames M. Gudger. ir.. Mrs. Charles Malcolm Piatt, and Mrs. T. D. Dunn. Program committee: .Mrs Frederick i Kent. MM. J. Brainerd ThriJl, and Miss Florence Barnard. Mrs.,. II. oodall is chairman of the home eco nomies department. There are seventv-three members of the club. r '-'-'..''.' Forlnlclitlv Club. One of the most Interesting meet ings of the venr of the Fortnighilv club was held Friday afternoon With I Mrs. Nevada Pnrrctt tit her home on : 'nod fin street. The club is divided into .depart- meats w ith heads as follows: Aft. : Mrs. .lames Patuson: Social Service, j Mrs. A. ti. Barnrtt: Health. Mrs. J. T. I Sevier: Home economics. Mrs.. Mur-i fey and Mrs. W. O. P.fddick: Music. I Mrs Frank E. Johnson: -Literature.: Mi s. I'arrett and Mr, ('barb s Orr: I civics. Mrs. Honaninn: Childhood. Mrs. ,1. T. Bledsoe. These (lenartments report once a month (in the most important:, article thev have., seen during tho past month. ; " j At this meeting the reports were most interesting. The subject for the: afternoon was "Tolstoy.' the Russian writer. Mrs. James l attison gave a short review of his life and a svnopsls of his book. 'Fruits of failure.' which was enthusiastically received. Mrs. A. G. Barnett told of his short stories and her talk was greatly appreciated,---.. Aflor the business, meeting Mrs. j parrett served her guests with, deli cious tea and wafers. j a r ' Reil Cross Bridge Party. The following cards have been is sued by the Asheville- Country club for the bridge. party to be given Wed nesday afternoon: p.rtd go Party. A bridge pnrtv for the benefit of the American Red Cross will be held (it the Ashevirle Country club Wednesday October 1 ",- 1 91 7. . This party will, he open to the public bv the special permission of the. hoard of governors of tho Asheville Country club. Tables mav bo made up as desired and the same tables will plav through out the party. Individual entries will be paired together at the beginning of play. Players will pivot after each rubber, prizes will be given for the hi-rh score. Play will begin promptly at 3 p. m. All entrances must be made with the secretary of the Country club not later than Tuesday noon. Anv person having -.entered and withdrawn after Wednesday noon will be expected to pnv the entrance fee By order of tho chairman of the house committee. t. . ' Ilonrd Meeting. A called meeting of the executive bo:ird of the Citv Federation of Wo n.Mn'a dubs bv the president. Mrs. .1. K. Dickerson. was held in the Y.W. C.A. rest room on Churoh street Friday morning, fo perfect plans for the district meeting to bo held at Bat tery Park hotel October 27. Mrs. M. Silver, of Waynesvllle, is district president. This district. No. 1, embraces clubs from Andrews, Asheville, 'Black Mountain. Brevard. Brvson City, Canton, Heiidersonville, Highlands, Marion, Murphy, Tryon and Waynesvllle. The president general, Mrs. Cowles, sayH the woman s. oommuiee ul me Council of National Defense was ap pointed to unify, and co-ordinate the woman power of tho country. The plan of organization adopted almost parallels thnt of the local clubs. It is therefore easy to co-operate and to urge the most hearty and loyal sup port of the effort of the government organized womanhiod of America to bring into closer relationship the it is stated. It is not the purpose of the committee that any organization should loso its identity, or that al ready established work should be In tel rupled.-, Frpial Suffrnse League. The Eipml Suffrage League of North Carolina will hold its annual convention October 30-31 at Uold.i Juiro. The state association is divided, geographically, in the same manner controlling the congressional dis tricts of the state.- Mrs. Charles Mal colm Piatt Is chairman of the tenth district. Each county has a county chairman, and all these officers are, by virtue of such office, delegates to the state meeting. Mrs. Piatt will ad dress the meeting ut Goldsboro, and James F. Barrett will speak on the question: "Why Organized labor Ad vocates Equal Suffrage." It is ex pected that Chief Justice Walter Clark will address the meeting also. The state and district officials are working hard for a record-breaking attendance at the convention. Women for tho Ixinn. Mrs. R, J. Reynolds,, chairman -of the state woman's committee of the second Liberty loan, who recently re turned from Washington, D. C where she attended a meeting of tho state chairmen, reports that she was agreeably surprised at the point of organization reached in North Caro lina, as compured with other states. Already, 76 of the 100 counties In fhe stats have been ' organized and many of them huve already stnrted their campaigns for active work during the month of October. The counties that have hot already been organized are now in process of organization and Mrs. Reynolds hopes to have every county In the state organized within the next few days. MM , At the Country Club. Mrs. Henry B. King of Augusta, Ga poured tea yesterday afternoon at the Asheville Country club. Sev eral tables of bridge were mad up and a number of visits? went out for ten. EARLE who is none other than the dark skin man 'we employ to "make good" our claims for prompt delivery of your Drug wants. Z Earle does this, too. He is "white lightning" when it comes to get ting the goods to you. 'This prompt delivery is only a part of w nat is known as Goode's Drug Store Service. 11 Try us for your next Drug Store wants and get the full benefit of our Service. "Buy a Liberty Bond" Music tit All Souls. The following mrtsical program will bo -.given, today nt All Soul s church til liillmore: MORNING. enite .. Wood To Ileum Filulnte ...... Smart ip V Anthem. "The Fining Pot'' ... .A. 11. Gaul EVENING. Psalm. . . Mugiuucat Nunc Dimittls .. Chant Oticrtorv. ORGAN RECITAL. Fantasia in F Minor ........... Silas Tho Minsief Rolls Concerto in B Flat IF ( omniKtees The committees . .... . . , . . W'heeldon ....... .. . Handel .-.-. for Itaaar. for the bazaar to be given for the ioiut benefit of the Good Samaritan Mission, the Mis sion hospital nnd the Y.W. C.A. at: the Masonic temple December 4-7, In clusive, arc at work. I .mis. t narles s. r.rvant will have a' full list of the. committees rcudy -for ! publication in a few days. : . I It will ho Bi'ontlv appreciated if there is anyone, in the city who feels i that they can serve on anv commit tee or can work for the bazaar in liny way, if they will telephone either I Airs. j. a. villiams or Mrs. Bryant. ft.---V lin-Rcio Card Club 'Miss-Isabel Cooke entertained the Wha-Ree card club yesterday after noon at her home on Cluinn street. After several enthusiastic- games de lightful refreshments were served. Miss Cook's guests were: Mrs. William G. Adams, Mrs. McKinley Pritchard, .Miss Erma Schuessler, Miss IsaJiel Ilaz.ard, Miss Madeleine Lon.srhran, Miss F.mllv Rnurne, Miss I imrotny I'nrner. Miss Adelaide Morri mon. Miss .Margaret Millender, Miss Mary Milendor, Miss Caroline Holmes and' Miss Clara Roth. Is s - . C.lrls Curd Club. Miss Genevieve. Theobold was hos tess yesterday afternoon for the meet ing of the Girl's Card cluh at her home on Chestnut street. Miss Euge nia LeConipte received the prize for high score. Those playing were: Mrs. Albright Chambers, Miss Frances Hartsell, Miss Laura Meares, Miss Exum Meares, Miss Eugenia LeCompte. Miss Mai Cooper and Miss Ruth Farmer. K P; Mission to Meet. Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock the Frances Bulkhead Mission of Central Methodist church will meet at tlin home of Mr. Steward Rogers No. 85 North Liberty street. Miss EdTth Harris will read the chapter. Mr. Archio Nichols will have charge of the devotional exercises and there will he special music. All the children of this Mission are urged to be present. , i Study Class to Meet. ' Mis Helen Hunnicutt will be hostess tomorrow afternoon at her home on Grove street at 8:30 o'clock for the meeting of the Young People's Mis sion study class of Central Methodist church. A most attractive program is being nrramsea Tor this meeting. All the young people- of the church are In vited to come. Circle Meets Monday. The Mary Alexander circle of the First Baptist church will meet Mon day afternoon ut 3:30 o'clock at the home of -Mrs. A. Matthews, No. 27 Vance street. The meeting will bo both social and business and all mem bers, are urged to be present. , 5 . Hettcmient Society. The Ladles Betterment society of the Woodlln school will hold a meet Ing-Tuesday evening at the new school building. The county school superin tendent will deliver ait address. It is requested that all the parents of the school children aro present, n Kpwortli Icaffine:. The Senior Epworth League of Central Methodist church met Inst evening at the church. The signifi cance of the vurloiis emblems and cus toms of tho league were explained and several beautiful musical numbers were given. Circle to Meet. The Business Women's circle of tho Central Methodist church will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock to make surgical dressings. ' ' Ann of Ava Circle Mor-tlng. , Tho Ann of Ava circle of the FlrBt Baptist church will meet with Mrs. J. P. Goodman, 27 Merrlmon avenue, Monday afternoon nt 3:30 o'clock. H I Ald Society to Meet. The Rector's Aid Boclcty of Trinity Episcopal church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 4 .o'clock In the crypt of the church. , ,.' : . . '.'. . . s W - Model 1 lie delicately rounded figure of youth -with its slinmess of hips and its gracefully molded waist line, cunningly accenting the delicate curve of the bust, arc offered in this new Gossard Corset ' Lifhtly boned and made of fine mercer ized batiste in both white and the delicate pink in which rose woman delights. M. V. M00RE & CO. 'Buy a Liberty Bond." OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BRIDGE PARTY BENEFIT RED CROSS COUNTRY CLUB WEDNESDAY OCT. 17th 3 P.M. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Petrran left re cently for Jacksonville, Flu., to spend the winter. . '.. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jones have re turned to Spartanburg, S. C, after a visit here. "'X . Mrs. Eugene B. Glenn hag returned to her home on Starnes avenue from Klnston, where she attended tho meeting of the VT.D.C. t V, Mr. and Mrs. R, M. Floyd, of Or lando, Flu., are spending their hon eymoon at Marpo Terrace. . Mr. and Mrs. Allic MacKee and small. son, who have been spending the summer at Reynolds Heights, are at Margo Terrace for a short while before returning to their home at New Orleans. ifj GROUP Spasmodic croup is usually relieved with one application of Your Grocer Sells It "It Has Stood The Test" rjunCT .4 iwtctcEicATnniiitaf. j I Burm of nt wmtv a Mads from Soft Winter Wheat. Every Back Ouaranteed. Your ' money back If not satisfied. PHONB YOUR GROCER FOR ' , THE "QUEEN OF THE PANTRY" "The flour that's, guaranteed." -0 Vtifp ii blil" tad -Guard tntwr HamV WdSWORUE -f j5t the discriminating !C2SrS White House IJOFFEE When you want better coffee pc WHITE HOUSEbyour coffee pot Meat, clear Bide 32c Fat Back . . 27c Flour, No. l, quarter $1.55 Eggs, doz. 44c Chickens, lb 25c Lard, lb. : 20c Onions, peck ....... 60c Potatoes, bushel. . . $1.15 Sweet Potatoes, peck, 45c H. T. WILSON 60 N. Lexington. Phone 1900. CRANE'S FINE CHOCOLATES ' We are agents for the Crane line of Chocolates and other Specialties and can now supply Crane's Mary Garden Choco lates, NCrane's Canary Cottage Chocolates, Cranes' Fruit and Nut Assortment, Crane's Thin MintB, Crane's Chin-Chln Wafers in Orange, Clove, Cinnamon. Wlntergreen and Peppermint flavors. The delicious quality and beautiful boxing of the Crune line will delight you. Grant's Pharmacy Rellablo lirugs and Seeds.

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