SUNDAY, NOV. 25, 1917 THE ASIIEVILLE TIMES. PAGE FIFTEEN CLASSIFIED AD RATES CASH IN ADVANCE (Conaecntrve Insertions) All classified advertising 1 cent the word (or one Insertion, minimum 16c Sell the Unnecessary Articles P!SE Let the Want Ad Do It PH2NE Position Wanted Ads are at half the regular rate, three or mora Insertions. The rate is double for ads set In Blackface or twelve point type. 1 Time . . lc the word ; 3 Times . . 2c the word 7 Times ..4c the word 14 Times . . 7c the word 30 Times . 12c the word Classified ads will be taken over the telephone anytime dur ing the day and up to nine o'clock at night The bill will be mailed. Phone 202 REAL ESTATE Talk Real Estate To JOHN ACEE If interested In buy ing, selling or rent ing property. Prac tically everything on the market. BUSINESS LIKE SERVICE AND A SQUARE VKAXj is the aim of this office ASK SOME OF THOSE WHO HAVE TRIED IT. Rental and Sales agents for the better class, of business and ; residence property. Furnished houses a specialty, also the better class of un furnished houses. , JOHN ACEE Real Estate and In , surance. Exclusive Agent Coxe Estate properties. Phone 315. No. 10 Battery Park Place. (267-Sept-30-Suns-tf) REAL ESTATE Stanton Fruit Farm. Known all over the countryside, this 10-acre tract, 12 miles west of Ashe vllle and near Candler, N. C, is now offered for sale. On ridge with su perb views. looking due south. Planted to the choicest varieties of raspbeiTles, ever-hearing strawber ries and fruit trees. Admirably adapted - to trucking. Beautiful trees; some Werdcn and Niagra grape vines. The orchard has been set out by an expert on the square plan, trees 30 ft. apart; apple, cher ry and peach trees. Four-room cot tage, Just a temporary building. Substantial barn; double stall and wagon room; spacious mow and tool shed. Small summer cabin. For sale at a bargain. $3,000. 00 if bought this week. Phone 2796; Mr. Harrison wants to show it to you. Henry T. Sharr) Co. Wells Bldg. West Asheville. ' 1048 ll-25-2t W)k KAT.V. Five-Room Bungalow, large elevated 101, pavea street, Annandale section, practically new. Price $3,250.00. Terms. , Hursey-Tracey Co. No. 1 Haywood. Phono 1281. 10r,2 ll-25-3t With the Colors. Officer who will fight with France, and who is very soon to take French leave, will sell . his beautiful home near Victoria and the Normal Col legiate where Asheville's new sum mer school will hold its' sessions next year. Hot water heat. Garage. Five beautiful manor, bedrooms. The appointment downstairs is su perb. Mr. Bray will tell you the price. Phone 412. Henry T. Sharp Co. : Exclusive Agents. 1045 ll-2S-2t FOR SALE 20 acres land 5 miles out on paved road, several building sites, beautiful views ana well shad ed with nice oaks J. D. PENLAND SON Real Estate Temple Court Phone 1495 1040-11-25-tf For the Large Family. Corner house in Cumberland section; recently renovated. For sale at 8 000.00, on terms. Some discount for cash. There are 4 bedrooms and 2 solarlums on the 2nd floor. The owner hasn't said so, but we might tempt him to take in part payment a well located bungalow or pretty lot. Ask for Mr. Bray; phone 412. Henry T. Sharp Co. Exclusive Agents. 1046 ll-25-2t VOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4-roo ed house on Brick street; 8-roomed house on Logan street; 4-roomed house on Haywood road; 3 small stores on Southslde avenue. S. D. Hall, 64 Patton Avenue, ."hone 91. 101'.-ll-23-tf, New Bungalow ; $3,800.00, Rented furnished temporarily to good tenant. One of the nicest cottages in Arborvale, commanding beau tiful view of Pisgah. Furniture worth several hundred dollars goes with the place. Hot air furnace, Phone 412; Mr. Bray, please. Henry T. Sharp Co. Fire Insurance Also. 1047 ll-25-2t SPLENDID LOCATION FOR RENT The entir"e second floor of The TIMES building on College street. Will be vatated December 1. Steam heat and light furnished. Eight rooms. Modern improvements. Good tenant can secure splendid location and reasonable terms. Apply at Business office of The TIMES. FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, Avondale ......$40.00 6 rooms and sleeping porch, Hillside . ., 60.00 8 rooms and sleeping porch, Merrlmon ave. .......... . 75.00 Grove Park section 3 new fine homes, steam heated; 4 bedrooms, sleeping porches, large living rooms, dining rooms, sun parlor. tiled baths (shower and tub) in all houses: servants' nnnrtnra nnrl o-n- ' ratre. 'Re.niHfiil irrnnnlo N.n. golf links and Country club. Extra esiraoie. rne aoove a houses will not be rented to sick people (tu bercular). B. H. SUMNER A SON. Phone 2971. Am. Nat. Bank Bldir. V 1030-11-2 j-2t JOHN ACEE, Real Estate Furnished houses a specialty. All sizes, prices and varieties. See our list before you decide unon a nlaee. JOHN ACEE, Real Estate No. iu Battery Park Place. Phone 316 ' 1041 1 1-25-tf . FOR RENT, Complete list of furnished and un furnished houses and bungalows. Hursey-Tracey Co. No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281. 1053 tl-25-St FOR RENT New bungalow, 5 rooms ana sleeping porch. Near Arling ton and Furman sts. No sick $26.25 month. J. R. LAW REALTY CO., Law Building. Phono 1206. 102!)-ll-24-3t FOR RENT i apartments, 7 rooms, 56 and 68 Asheland ave. Modern conveniences; furnished; $25.00; at bargain unfurnished, $2C.o6. Phone 1882; Apply J. E. Smathers, 71 Asheland nvenue. 1 028-1 1-24-tf FOR SALE on Charlotte St., near Manor, 6-room house with bath, electric lights and gas, Good gar den and grape vines. Lot 56x154. Phone 3354. ' 1043-1 1-25-St Near Mt. Mitchell Station. Reminding one of Davos Plats, Switz erland, or of the Sohwartzwald, Germany, but not of Hot Springs; there is a beautiful setting for a hotel. First of all, we would like to sell the 8-room cottage located there with a 40-ft. well. We will give 8-way the hotel site to the man who means business. The, cottage will be sold at a give-away price; $1,250.00. Mr. Bray wants to show it to you. Henry T. Sharp Co. American Natl. Bank Bldg". , 1049 ll-25-2t EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE NEATLY FURNISHED. WILL RENT TO . DESIRABLE TENANT. REFER ENCES EXCHANGED. ADDRESS UWftKK, 129 CHARLOTTE ST. ' 4735-1 1-1 5-tf WANTED WANTED Men of brains and women and ladles of good judgment to send their apparel for cleaning and pressing. Ladies' work given spec ial attention. Finest equipped plant In south. Phone 389, Pack square. J. C. Wilhar. ?.49-8-19-tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Old False teeth. Don t matter if broken. I pay $2.00 to $15.00 per set. Send by parcel post and reoelve check hv return mail. L. Mawr. 2007 S. Fifth street. Phil adelphia, Pa. f 132-ll-2-30t) WANTED Old False Teeth; don't matter if broken. I pay $2 to 515 per set. Send by parcel post and receive check bv return mall. F, Terl, 403 N. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. " 378-11-17-301. CHESTNUT POLES WANTED High prices paid, casn at siaing.. i-uies avorage about $15.00 per cord. Write for specifications and prices. Erskine Polo Co., Wcnverville, N. C. 979 10-26-30t WANTED Ladies' Cloaks. Coats, Plain, Fancy, Fur Trimmed. Clean ed and pressed, J. C. """ilbar. Phones 389 and 326. Pack Square. 6088-9-11-tf GENTLEMAN wants nicely furnished sleeping room. Send details, price, etc. Address "P. N.," care Times. P 1022-ll-23-3t WANTED 500 able-bodied white or colored men. Laborers $1.75 per day. Inexperienced men on piece work can earn $2.00 per day up. Car men and handy men can earn from $2.52 to $4.00 per day. No labor troubles. Good opportunity for inexperienced men to learn trade and earn good wages at same time. Tay off every Saturday in cash. If you are looking for work come at once. Long period of work ahead. Lenoir Car Works, Lennlr City. Tenn. 379-11-15-tf. AN intelligent person may earn J100 monthly corresponding for news papers; $40 to $50 monthly !n spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. National Press Bu reau, Room 4212, Buffalo, N. Y. 4559-5-1 S-fimn. I h'MALB AN intelligent person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for news papers; $40 to $50 monthly In spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. Natlo-al Press Bu reau, Room 4212; Buffalo, N. Y. 4559-5-1 5-Rmn AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE Used Cars Of nearly all standard makes at ex tremely low prices for cash. ..... OVERLAND ASHEVILLE SALES CO. Phone 2967. 12-16 E Walnut St. 548-8-23-tf TWO 1916 Model Cars, 7 passenger, one closed and one open; terms Reason able. Call Johnston, 2736. p-484i-11-1!)-3rt. FOR SALE A 5-passenger Chevrolet auto. 1916 model in good condition. See J. T. Bledsoe. Phone, oftlce 41; Res. 1099. 10S4-H-2S-3t Five bright capable ladifs to trave demonstrate and sell dealers $75 to $150 per month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 614 Olnaha, Netir. 464-4-1 1-1 8-25 WANTED A competent all round house girl, good place. Call at 22 Orange street. 1020-1 1 -23-3t BOARDERS HAVE several good bargains in flic OND HAND FORD CARS. See W. K. Lyerly & Co., 66 Biltmore avenue. 3R) KH HIHK FOR RENT Six room bungalow, completely furnished. Hot water heat, two blocks i'rom postoltice. Apply Aston Rawls Sc Co.. American National Bank Bldg. 900-10-13-tf. FOR RENT 9-room house $2 5.00 month; 10-room house $37.60 month; 6 and 6-room apartments $18.00 month. A. B. Foy, Fhonu 829. 83.37-7-1 S-f. FOR RENT Two attractive offices. Convenient. Heat, light. Front rooms. Second floor. Address "Office," ca-e TIMES. (388-18-8t) FOR RENT House, ten rooms and bath; close in. J. H. McConnell. Phone 2400-1434. . 314-10'14-tf FOR LENT Nice 5-rooni cottage. Phone 525. P1008-11-22-7t AGENTS I'VE A NEW LINE of Soap. Extracts, Toilet Ooods, Perfumes, etc., for agents. 100 per cent prolit. Sample free. Write quick. Lacassian Co. Dept. 91, St. Louis, Mo. 1025-11-25-lt AUTOS FOR HIRE ALL NEW, OPEN AND CLOSED CADILLACS. DAY AND NIGHT. BEST in TOWN. PHONE 2736. P-4S44-l-19-6nt Autos to Hire Phone 2736 All New Cadillacs and Hudson 8uper-Six W Mtk Up Partle. for Mt. PIBab. Chlm ejr Rook, and Other Pntnta of Interest. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Careful Chauffeur "Always on Time." Call for JOHNSTON Phone 2736 2359-f-4-0t PHONE 1-4-1-5 WHEN YOU WANT to catch the early morning trains at the South-, crn station phone 1413. auios to hire. Quick service. ALLEY MOTOR CO. (S9O7-Ang28-a0t) FOR HIRE Brand new 1918 Folds. Just as cheap as old ones, cars hired to responsible parties without chauf ' feurs. Jackson. Phone 625 or 389 P-1009-ll-22-7t, BON AIR 6 Ashland Ave. Room and board, $6.50 and ' up. Also furnished rooms. Furnace heat. Ex cellent Meals. Near P. 0. Phone 2291. 1(144 11,25-tf ROOMS, FOR RENT FOR RENT Some business concern wishing a suite of attractive rooms. Convenient. Light and steam heat. Second floor. Bargain. Look into this proposition. Address "Owner." care TIMES. (3S9-1S-SO FOR RENT Eight good rooms, steam neat, water and electric light furnished. Reasonable and con-1 vonient. -Address "Rooms." boxl !!:., city. (387-1 8-8t) TWO connecting rooms, modern and completely furnished for house keeping. 174 Ashland Ave. Phone 3145. (4848-11-20-301) THREE REAL housekeeninc rooms. on nrst noor. Bright and sunny. South porch. Corner Spears and Austin avenues. Phone 2379. 4731-1 1 -1 5-tf. CENTRALLY located, nicely furnish ed rooms. Rent reasonable. 48 Spruce street. Fhone 2757. 2-19-Popt. 25-tf. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, or rented separately. No sick. 83 Elizabeth street. 1027-1 1-24-St FURNISHED ROOMS Near Square. $7 per month. Bath, hot water. No sick. No. 7 Merrimon ave. P 10;ll-11-25-1t FOR RENT Large furnished ued ' room with kitchenette. Close In. Phone 521. 1019-11-23-3. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Hot water heat, two blocks from square. 29 Vance street. 9-20tf. FOR SALE FOR FLORIDA HOUSE 40 NORTH FRENCH broad avenue. Board $7 to $10 a week. Large rooms. Nicely furnished. Steam heat. Come and see. Phone 498. Mrs. Maggie F. Bryson. f895 Oct.21-30t) THE LISBON TUBERCULAR Sanitarium. 62 B.-oad. way, delightfully situtted. Large, airy roens and sleeping porche. For rates and reservations apply to Mrs. P. J. Corcoran. Phone 1005. 1993-2-1-tf REST-A-WIIILE COTTAGE. 50 Mont ford ave. (ir ailuate masseuse offers comfortable home to convalescents. Good home cooking. Excellent ref erences. No tuberculosis patients taken. V 1032-1 1-26-5t PERSONAL MARRY IF LONELY For rpsiilts try me; best and most successful "HomcMaker"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly conlMenMal; most reliable; years experience; descriptions free. "The Successful Club; Mrs. Purdie, Box 55H, Oak land. Calif. 14111 1S-25-2I SALE Well estab lished, fully equipped cafe. Well located. Owner wants to devote time to other interests, the reason for selling. Address P. 0. Box 325. 1002-ll-20-3t BARGAIN One .Sterling delivery wheel with basket ami frame, one grocery refrigerator, all in II rut class condition. O. D. Allison, 225 Merri mon Avenue. 102 1-1 1-23-3t Business Opportunities FOR SALE Hotel lease in good tourist hotel. . Steam heat, good year round . business. Further infor mation, write Oaks Hotel, Bartow, Fla. 391-20-7t ' MARRIAGE PAPER photos. De scriptions. Many rich want to mar ry. Free. II. JAHN, St. Paul, Minn. 496-Nov.ll-Sun-tf 44 OIL WELLS earning $252. 0t)0 yearly. Settled production; now paying 18 per cent dividends. Okla homa Meld. Immense possibilities. Shares $1; advance soon. Infor mation free. Olobe Oil Co., Com merce Bldg., Kansas Cilv, Mo. 1A24-11-?5-lt FURNITURE WE HAVE so many calls for second hand furniture that we have de cided to open np a separate depart ment for second hand goods. We will buy your old furniture for rash or will exchange for new. Donald & Donald, 20 Broadway. Phone 441. 1017-ll-23-30t. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIGRAPHED OR MIMEOGRAPHED Public Stenographic Service THE LETTER SHOP Miss F. S. Goode E2 American National Bank Building. Phone 2267 Sell Your Farm? Then Be Reasonable and W. T. Rowland & Co., 50 Pat. Ave., Can Do It IT TAKES WORK, BUT "It Can Be Done" For Sale Pure Bred Aberdeen Angus Cows, Heifers and Bulls CI1AS. A. WEBB. (4839-11-18-tf) WANTED - BARK WANTED Yellow hickory bark for the Biltmore In dustries. Gfove Park Inn. Telephone Mr. Dicker son, 1617. FREE VOTING COUPON VOID AFTER DECEMBER 1, 1917. 1,000 VOTES In THE ASHEVILLE TIMES Great Circulation Campaign. For Address District Fill out properly, mail or send to Campaign Offlco of The Asheville Timcu on or before expiration date. No votes Can be transferred after being received at Campaign Otuce. Coupons must be trimmed carefully, pinned together, and it is only necessary to writo the name and address on the top coupon. Votes will not be counted if these conditions are not complied with. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus WHAvTS THE MMTE r1 c oll : NOW I'M IN' HE OOHT TO BE ROrA IN FOR TH1V WHM' ARfofOU TrVflN' TOOO ? IT ALU WHDD OU MEAN GY BACKING INTO THl r 1 P1 ( D,T MOORE'S W." I WHrDD OU MEAN VHM'S YOUR NAMC .r'sr.... , kTNftw mp p,oat7, tT I " I JUL !.i " 7. .? -" k ttfl ' vL-r-C r i ...i . -s "S . f m VRl "! ( " iv-rUT.' - I rt rj I ... tnrvn--.l 4

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