I ,fc TACE SIXTEEN. TIIE ASIIE VILLE TIMES. SUNDAY, NOV. 23, 1917. Ifew ma KA m. WTttffyMfc9r tfKBF f u I J I U 111 111 X 11 m II 1 - fVw 0gw ( r J? r a , if 7 f 1 EVERY MERCHANTS AD THAT APPEARS ON THIS PAGE IS A MONEY -SAVER FOR YOU. THEY REALLY TALK TURKEY IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD IF YOU WANT TO PRACTICE SOME THANKSGIVING ECONOMY. n ,", 4- -NO. 8 . PACK SQUARE Save 10 to 15 Cents a, Pound. We specialize on coffee at 25 cents the pound which, for strength, flavor and economy can not be bought for 35 to 40 cents per pound. Order a pound and convince yourself. CD. Kenny Co. Coffee from 18 c to 40c pound West Asheville Folks ? f End of Car Line O"0 A Your Nearest g Drug Store PHONE 1768 Phone 3G91 ' J .f.r A new store a new stock of fresh Drr?s and all Sundries found at a first class Drug Store. SERVICE, too! For THANKSGIVING DINNER BLOCK'S FINE CANDIES and ICE CREAM' Complete Line of Cigars and Tobaccos KODAKS and SUPPLIES ' . , KODAKS and SUPPLIES For Thanksgiving l luversal Carving Sets Universal Bread Makers Universal Cake Makers I niversal Food Choppers Universal Kitchen Tools of all kinds M'he Best Line of the Beit "Turkey ROASTERS" in the City NOR TH UP-McD UFFIE IIDW. CO. Headquarters .No. :':$ PATTO.N AYE. PHONE 142 Immim Five Hundred &yX) 9 U Aovrariirx n It a t 'ayne & Baskerville (Successors to Luther & Baskerville) 33 COLLEGE ST.-Phone 2S87 Give us your order for Fruit Cakes. "Gardner's" three pound, $1.25. Chase & San born's Teas and Coffees. m ml mm Five Hundred Turkeys Gobbling the tidings of a Thanksgiving saying to the people of Asheville that the time - honored Turkey Dinner may be had next Thursday. We have more Turkeys than all other dealers in the city combined. Be here bright and early Monday morning. Turkeys ..... ... Dressed Hens . . . . 30c the pound ...25c the pound I DON'T WORRY where you can get Fruits, Nuts and Eatables for Thanksgiving day. We can serve you. We sell the Fa mous Gardner Fruit Cakes, also Pound, Marble and Citron.' Crisco, special for this week", 45c. S3 Haywood Phone 266 Rlutts Grocery Co. H. T. Wilson 60 North Lexington Phone 1900 1 wmmmm We Have Them , -Fruit Cakes and Pumpkin Pies for Your Thanks giving Dinner Paul's Bakery Ladies' List Suits and Dresses Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Suits and Dresses Pressed, 50c Gloves Cleaned Free With Your Order 'PHONE 1776 W r High Cost of Living By Having ' Overcash & Co. (Watch us grow) Do Your Cleaning, Dyeing and Remodeling QUALITY and SERVICE Work Called for and Delivered BILTMORE AVE. : v. 4? PHONE 1776 Gentlemen's List Suits Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Suits Pressed, 25c. Ties Cleaned' FREE with Your Order PHONE 1776 r