PAGE TEN. MONDAY, DEC. 10, 1917 to 1 h i Buy your roal hra and yon win get what you hava a right to expect an honeat ton of honest coal. TV a aava all ti for all purposaa. but only on quality tha best. Phono orders dailvarad promptly tn any quantity at piicea you wilt pay other tor a quality no bvtur If a food. , FULL LINE -OF FLOWER POTS AND JARDINIERS LIL DEPARTMENT STORE Opp. Postoffice. Phone 107 Aren't you pretty heavily in debt to your eyes? ' J. C. Denison Optometrist ana Optician At Henderson' 52 Pattoo Ave. Potatoes. T.. per lu. ..1.50 PNtofs. S.. per bii.. 1.25 Epgs, per tloz. .55 Flour, best 1.50 : kens. per lb. . . . .23 Toin. per doz. ... . . . 2.00 ' nims, per lu.. . .; 2.50 Corn meal, pk. .... .50 II. T. WILSON (10 . Lexington.'' Phone 1900. Special Price On Men's Suits. CEM CLOiniiNG STORE 6 Patton Ave. INDESTRUCTO Trunks, Viass and Sclt Ona II. L FINKELSTEIN 23-35 IULTMORE AVE. Falk's Music House THE BEST IN MUSIC J! BAGGAGE Checked from your home to destination. ASITKVILLE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Phones 210-211. GET GENUINE FORD SERVICE AT r RICIIBOURG MOTOR CO. Home of the famous Ford. 52-60 Broadway. FUEL Asheville Dray, Fuel and Construction Co. Phones 223 and 510. Sandpaper Skin Pretty rough "bwfore. using." Smooth and pretty afterwards. Our Chap Lotion TE AGUE'S Drug Store ' i. OJf THE SQUARE Times Ads Build Business Ask the Merchants i STRICT RULES FOR ftRMY STATION HAS RUB RHEUMATIC DRAFT OEPEWDEFJCY Regulations Given Out To Guide Exemption Boards! of Country in Passing on; Cases Under Second Call: Strict rules fur draft dependency claims been issued by Brlgadier-Cle-neral' 'ICnor'h II. Crowder, provost lnarshul-gemu-al.' It is believed that under, these rules, which have been made fir the exemption hoards over the country, It will he .impossible for nv to escape service who ',t not lie vond question entitled io it Here uro the classifications as out lined by Cieneral I iwder: lass 1 Dependents . "Utile In Class 1 shall he placed: tu Anv reaisterant whit lias neither wife nor child, nor aped, in firm or invalid parents or friitmlpMr ents, nor brother under sixtten vears of age nor bisier under -eighteen Veare of age, nor helpless hrMi:"' or sister of whatever line mainly ilependcnt on Jus labor in-support. "(b) Any married registrant, with or without children, and anv lather oi motherless children where the w.fe or children u re not mainly dependent tn h's lahor for support for the reason that the registrant has habituallv fnil ed to - support them for a. sufficient time, to Justify- a finding of the board t hi' t he has been ma king no bom.: tide attempt , to support theiu in the'iiust and cannot be relied upon tn do so in the future this regardless of suppi r: recentlv rendered or tendered lor the purpose of evading military service. icl Anv nia rried -registrant, with or without children whose wife: and children ( if any i . are not mainly de pendent upon his labor fur support fur the reason that such wife and children (if anv) receive no substan tial proportion of their support from the. friitt of his labor; but where, on the contrary, such registrant is main ly dependent for his own support On the income (including earnings) of his wile. "(dl Any married registrant with or without children who Is not cngaK ed:in any useful occupation,' and whoso wlfo or any children (if any) r not mainly dependent on his labor for support for the reason that his in come or the income of his wife, or both, is amply sufficient to support his wife and children and that the re moval of the 'registrant will not de prive ; such wife and children of rea sonably adequate support. ':..' (lasses Inn Three and Four. lass It--l)ependencv. "llu'e 7. in class 2 shall be placed: (a) Anv registrant with both wife and children or anv father of mother less children, where such wife and children or such .motherless- children are not mainly dependent upon his labor for support, for the reason that there are other reasonbalv certain sources of adequate support (including earnings or possible earnings from, the labor of the wife) available, and that the removal of the registrant will not. deprive- such dependents of rea sonably adequate support. lb) Any married registrant, with out children, whose wife, although the registrant is engaged In a useful oc cupation. Is not mainly dependent up on his labor for support, for the rea son that the wlfo is skilled in some special class of work which she is physically able to perform and In which there is an immediate opening for her under conditions that will en able her to support herself decently without suffering or hardship. "Class III Dependency. "Rula vm, in class III, shall be placed: '(a) Any registrant who has chil dren, not his own issue, but in respect of whom he has in good faith assum ed the relation of parent, and has fulfilled the obligations of sue rela tion, when such children are "aln'v dependent on his labor for support. "(b) Any registrant who has aged and infirm or invalid paj-er.ts or grand parents maiu.j dependent on his labor tor support. "(el Any registrant who has a helpless brother or sisler, regardless of aire,, mainly dependent on his labor for support, "Class IV Dependency. "(a Any married registrant whose wife or children are mainly dependent on his labor for support." THE i i! WFATHER M ll AsirrcviM.K n M A!nta 4 .MO AianUr Oily 14 4 .0 Hlrmlnnhftm , 14 jjn lnston r, 3 2 ',1,1 0. nrlott , 4 n '(i) chlr- . . , , t -2 s jut 'tnoinnatl . . , S '' .in Ijpnvwr ..... u 1 0i (ialvjtrn 44 -- .fuj .lai'kiionviu , . - Ji 44 ,iitt K si nut CMty 4 m n2 KnAxviilf' ... , . '1 '(nt 1. nutaviiln . , 4 1 d . io Mniphiii . x : ,tirt Sish villi .......... ...... y V4 .04 Nnw (rlan" . . in ' ,U) :iw Tnrk in .03 Oklnhom , , ... S 4 .uo RnUiarh 7 4 fl Richmond . . 32 2H .rt-i Han Francinoo 4t tit; 00 Havanniih 30 f)i ft, Tjouiii 2 1 'i . H Tmp.i , . . , , ?4 iJ no Wllmtnrin , i ?,2 .n (Till J p. m. Tiftca-. 1 Tor Anhviltft anil vlf lnlty: Fair tonlprhr and Tutd'( not much rhiiiiga In tfinpwra tur. For North Carolina: Kfilr tonight and Tusdny, not much haiiffu in tfmpraturs, fraah nnrthwet wlndn. Weather OontftlioiiM. Nitriiial t'-mpTrttnr. 3tf dtri. Normal praplpitaflon. .11 tnm. River atags at 8 a. m. O.a foot, i Hfiln or anaur has oriurrad In tha T,ak rilon. Mlirtnurl, th Chlo valley, Aiistnrn TnnnuiM and tha north Atlantln stafn-i In connection with th auHtnrn atorm whlnh hHa not raanhd (ha Now Rnfflund foat, Utch winds ara rapartad ovr th (iraat l.akns and nn tha north Atlantic ntaat. I n tmsa anil-ryrlKnln wathr ronrlltlnna tt vatl ovir tha interior distrlrts, It in aomn whut warmer In aimlhrn Tourm but fran Ing tamptraturos ara raportad on tha north i'lnrida, roaat. Killlnir frosts orrurrrl at .lai-kannvilla and Tltuavtlla and haavy frost Mt Tanipa and Miami. Trtrnpraturas holow oro are raportd a far south as 8t. ItSls and Loulsfiila. Fair wthr with not murh ohanga in tamptraturo Is Indlratad for this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, T. Jt. TAYLOR. Official in charge. A sure rtir fo Inwoninift 1h to hv ttoniA one knock at the door und tell you to if up. SENT ACCEPTED 350 Local Station Has Sent This Number To Regular Army Since April Army Needs More Men The work of recruiting the regular army to Its authorized war strength and keeping it there falls to the lot of the general recruiting service', and especially when during surh a war us is coing on tiow, it takes a large num ber of nu n to till the regular army up to war strength and keep It there, for tliis .army Is tilled up with volunteers onlv; and in volunteers only is the general recruiting service interested In. since instructions were issued from thet war department last April to ail recruiting officers to make special ef forts and use everv means at hand to produce recruits a rental Untile change has been noticed throughout the uountrv.. and as a result a decided in crease In recruiting. Some districts unheard of before have come to the front, while some have shown no ma terial increase, and others -practically, do nothing considering population and section of the country in which locat ed. The question arises. hy does one district .produce ami another not pro. dure l'ie allotted quota'.' It would i seem that all districts could at least produce their quota, or even more. It may be claimed that conditions and I locality play an. important part in some districts towards producing the required results; however; it is no .t iced .that some "used-to-be tail end- j ers" are now top notoiiers. which elim inates to a certain extent the condi tions and locality claim. It is believed that the secret of siic. ces in recruiting lies with the Indi vidual recruiter Just the same as a salesman for a business concern: A business concern advertises- exten sively for business, but in order to reap the benefit of the' advertising to its full value, ''expert salesmen are em ployed to actually sell the goods;, so it Is with recruiting vou cm put out the advertising matter and endeavor to popularize the service, but to get t"e results that are expected the in dividual recruiter must be relied on for the work. . '' ' The real recruiter, on whom the recruiting officer depends for results is the competent man; the wide awake man : the energetic and ambi tious man, who has developed a meth od of his own; he is a. salesman-recruiter; a inan any. recruiting olticer would be glad to have as a. member of his recruiting party. In passing an opinion on a recruiter, it must be j borne in mind that men on recruiting1 duty actually work longer hours than ! any other government employee: their; j expenses are far in excess of those of , the men serving in an army post: thev am required to perform duties the same its are required lu anv sin ft i corps: they rntirt dress- -veil both in i uniform and civilian attire, ami thev i must have more or less the ability of ! a traveling salesman, who commands! a rood salary ami an expense account. The same work Is performed at a' headquarters for a recruiting district I its is performed at any posi or army j headquarters. I Since April 1, last, almost 300.000! men have been sent through the gen- ! eral recruiting stations in the United 'States to the rcrular army, and out ' of this number the loeaj station has ! j sent something like .330 men. Sergeant : ! Henry Ingram, assisted by Corporal i ; rteyler ",. Ruppe, privates First Class j William Ball and Whitney Kellogg,1 has charge of the IT. S. army recruit Ing station here. ! T The regular meetiriff of PisRuh j lotlge, Xo. 32, Knight of Pvthias will t I be held in the lode oom.s on tha tnira xioor or xnn .jonnson nnlliliijg. on th corner -of Hiltmore avenue hii.1 Pack square. The members of the lodge are requested to attend prompt ly and all visiting; Pythians in the city are a-sked to meet tomorrow even. ins with the local lodjje. i Ttalph II. Fisher, a young lawyer of ! Hrevard joined the Forestry regiment. ! I his morning, at the local United ! States recruiting ofllce for the regular ; army and will leave Wednesday for j Fort Thomas, Ky. Mr. Fisher attended ; Mars Hill college and Wake Forest and ! has many friends in the state. 1 1 r 1 1 1 niinrn uiniii-r I ho this Cincinnati man tells how to shrivel up corns so they lift out. ! Ouch !?!?! This kind of rough ' talk will be heard less here in town If ! people troubled with corns will follow the simple advice of this Cincinnati , authority, who claims that a few drops ; of a drug called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops sore 1 ness at once, and soon the corn dries I up lifts right out without pain, j He says freezone is a sticky sub I stance which dries immediately und never inflames or even Irritates the surrounding tissue or skin. A quarter of an ounce, which will mist very little at any drug store, is said to be suffi cient to remove every hRrd or soft eom or callus from one's feet. Mil lions of American women will wel come this announcement since tha in auguration of the high heels. ACHING JOINTS 10 STOP PAIN J Instant relief with small trial bottle of old, pene trating "St. Jacob's Oil." Rheumatism is "pain" only. Not one case in fifty requires inter nal treatment. Stop drugging! Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. "St. Jacob's OH" is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit- complaining! Get a small trial bottle of old, honest "St. Jacob s Oil ' nt anv drug store, and in Just a moment vouil be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Dont suffer! Relief awaits vou. "St. Jacobs Oil' is Just as good fur sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache sprains. Adv. ' Extra fine Sour Kraut per lb. SAWYER & STRADLEY Tbo Store Sanitary Where Quality Prevails. Phone 1800. Dinner Party Table Syrup. S3 College. WSBSBSSSSp. Your Sunday Dinner What Is Rcttcr Than Poultry? BKF.F Mt'TTOX PORK EGGS. Service and Quality Everv Time. J. A. BAKER Successor to Hill's Mnrket Hill's Peerless Sausage Phone 3 City Market Phone 4 w . THERE 13 NOTHING LIKE y4! YOUNG TAR HEEL TURKEY -b. FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER y THE STAR HAS THEM READY Phone 1917 ST ARM ARRET Phone 1917 "We are Successful Caterers to a Variety of Appetites" Gaston Plain BUCKWHEAT FLOUR I here s none boner to he hail. This flour is ground from our Moiiniiiiu lluckwiieut. Don't forget our hnnie-maile Peanut Butter.'-. We make It fresh from the tincM select immimiis. Your order is ground after you place it. E. C. J ARRETT 12 N'. Purls Sq. and City Market Service Station of Carolina Creamery Products Furvv- rirocert. k1' a lleji and Frulis. CANARY BIRDS FOR XMAS GIFTS WITH BEAUTIFUL BRASS CAGES - There is nothing that will be more appreciated by a lady or girl than one of OCR SU'liKT Sl.N'tiING CANARIES in one of our beau t i I'll 1 brass cages, : C.Tl.r, IN AND PICK YOI RS OPT AND V K WILL KEEP IT FOR VOl', WE SELL. THE BEST MIXED BIRD SEED. ASIIEVILLE SEED CO. t or. College and Lexington Phone 2177 PRINTERS RESPOND TO T At an enthusiastic loeeting yester day of the Typographical union the assessment of members for the pay ment on Liberty bonds purchased by the union was taken up and every member responded. This unanimous support of the government was grati fying to the union leaders. Officers were elected as follows: .Tames K. Barrett, president; VV. H. Hogoboom, vice-president; A. .1. farcy, sccretary-treaaurer; C. K. Mace, sergeant-at-arm. CONTESTS IN DUCK PIN TOURNEY AT "Y" In the duck pin tournament now in progress nt the Young Men's Christian association ine learns icu uy uiiu-iiin and lioness will play this evening. On Tuesday evening Hoffman's and Mer rimon's teams will play. These games are of much interest and the scores are always close. The games are open to the public and many spec tators attend each contest. BUT SCOUTS TO MEET ON TUESDAY EVENING Puslness of Importance If scheduled to come before the members of Ashe ville troop No. 1, Roy Scouts of Amer. lea, at the regular weekly meeting, which will be held at the board of trade rooms on Hroadway tnmrrrow evening at g o'clock. All members of the troop are requested to attend the meeting. Scoutmaster J. B, Thrall will be present and have charge of the meeting DddgeB MOTOR CAR The car's steady growth in good opinion proves how readily the public appreciates real value. The kind of people who buy Dodge Brothers cars are sel dom concerned with any question of price. They always think first of its high quality and stability. The record of its economy and comparative freedom from repair costs comes as a pleasant afterthought. It will pay yon to Tlslt us and examine this car. ; " : The gasoline consumption is unusually low. The tire mileage is unusually high. SAWYER MOTOR CO. Formerly ASIIEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 18 and 20 Church St in bulk 10c Agents for the Ferrnloll Food Products. CITY TO EXAMINE MEN AT An examination will bo held at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning at the city exemption board's headquarters, on the third floor of tho postothce build ing, for tho men who have reported ( for the first examinations, following j the publication of the list in last Wed- ! ncsdny's TIMES, of those who had j failed to answer the bonrd's orders. ' More than 15 men have reported to the board since The TIMES printed 1 the list, the majority of whom arc i negroes. i 1 Have Beautiful, Soft Hair of an Even Dark Shade. If your hair is white, gray streaked, prematurely gray, thin, silver or iron i gray, falling or stragly, just apply 1m ' Creole Hair Dressing to hair and scalp at night. In a day or so all your gray j hair turns a beautiful, even dark shade i without even a trace of gray. La Creole revives the color glands of the hair, thus producing In your hair that nat ural, tantalizing lustre, softness, full ness and that beautiful even dark shade to your entire head of hair, such as you used to have. Try La Creole, We guarantee results or your money back. I.a Creole Is harmless and no dye, and is the only hair preparation that revives the color glands. Sold by Smith's drug store or sent prepaid for 11.20 hy Van Vleet Drug company, Memphis, Tenn. det a bottle of La Creole today and have dark, soft, abundant tresses again. '(Advt.) DARKEN Yd MOTHERS WARMING PADS Price $636 and $7.50 Let the winds blow, let the mercury in the thermometer drop below zero.-no matter if you do sleep on a sleeping porch an electric WARMING PAD will keep you good and warm every time Three degrees of heat Very little cost for current. Don't wait till Christmas Get Private 1st Class William Rail of the local P. S. army recruiting station left eariy this morning for Marshall and Hot Springs, N. C-. where he will remain a week, for the purpose of canvassing for recruits, for all branch es of the regular army, Quite a num ber of .men have been recruited from this territory and it is thought that Private Hall will be able to get a large number of men, especially of the draft age. Corporal Rester E. Ruppe came in from Almond Sunday bringing with him five applicants. The body of Miss Gertrude Free man, who died yesterday at No. 11 Soco street, was buried at noon today at Bear Wallow, in the family burying ground. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the undertak ing establishment of Noland- Hrown. The deceased made her home with her cousins. Dr. R. I!. Hacklier and his sister. Misxf .Free man is survived hy five brothers, three of them in the west, and the Kev. H. U. Freeman of Fruit land, and Kobe''.ee Freeman of Bear Wallow. Also uy two aunts, Mrs. Hello Hunion. of Marshall, and Mrs. Margaret Cole, of this city. Rounder Miss fjiddilhing has tried for years to attract attention, without avail. Bounder Miss (;iddithing would have to be without a lot of things besidew :i veil to attract attention whatever." Christmas Sale of Pianos Regular Price . . Special Price $250 Galhrusen and Dickerson .$195 300 Cnhle-Nelson 22.V 350 Hehr bW- .......... 257 375 Hobart M. Cable 288 400 Esley .'. 300 425 Fischer . . .' 325 450 Marshall and Wendall 350 550 Hardman 400 575 Mehlen , 450 450 Leasing Player Piano 350 500 Belir Bros. Player Piano 397 550 Autopiano Player Piano 450 750 Apollo Player Pianu 585 Secure a Piano before the advance Every Piano fully guaranteed. Terms if desired. " Dunham's Music House THE HOME OF HIGH GRADE PIANOS Sign the pledge card and save food of every kind. Remember the wheat less day. the meat less day and preach and prac tice the gospel of the clean plate. Be a leader In the movement to save food. Food will win the war. and If TOU don't do your duty, your example will per haps keep someone else from doing his duty. War Is a serious matter. It requires men, strong; men, food. Runs, clothing. Are you doing your duty in the conservation of food and clothing? Sign the pledge card, and SAVK FOOD. ASUEVIIXK COAL CO. Phone 40. We Make a Specialty of Repairing FORD Curs Asheville Auto Garage Co No. It S. Lexington Avenue Phone 1687 one today. rhone 478. BASKETBALL GAMES AT Two games of basketball will be played at the- .Yourig. -Men's Christian association tomorrow afternoon. In Class A league Florence will play De Young and McMinn will play Rogers. The games will start at 5:13 o'clock and will be open to the public Theso contests are proving of much interest, owing to the excellent playing and the close race. Mobile. Ala., Dec. 10. Actual con struction on the great plant of tho Chickasaw Shipbuilding company, (a subsidiary of tho United States Steel corporation) was begun here today. Hundreds of additional men were put ; to'work on the plant and the number ! of superintendents and foremen in- . creased. The Chickasaw company at first is , going to "manufacture" ships not build them. All the steel and iron parts will j be cast and finished from one model and shipped to the Mobile plant to he ' riveted together. Ten ships will be "manufactured" at one time on the ' ways at ( "h'ekasabogue. ' CATARRH For head or thro at Catarrh try the vapor treatment T