MONDAY, DEC. 10, 1917 THE ASHEVILLE TIMES AGE FOUR I - ' I el a he he ! !ot .ni ' i. I rln n I la U : ia: 1 h rai lit 'it. hi ne '. 1 ea rev ; Jot :or. o Ut mi ile ita. tut id i 0 ma .;hs ide nei inti con ! i ; '.The Asheville Times (ASHEVTLLrVS LIVEST NEWSPAPER. Pebllsbed Every Per to the Year. ASHEVILLE TIMES CO., rubUehers, M B. College 6treet, ArttrUI H. C. MEMBER OF THE A. B. C. SUBSCRIPTIONS Uy ftnttr, In Aehe Ivllle and euburbe. Seven daya the week. itEvery afternoon except Bundey and every ..Sunday morning. One week. 10 eente. iono month. 40 centa. Three months. Ml.M. Six months, IJ.SO. Ona year. S. SUBSCRIPTIONS By mall. outs'de I Asheville. Seven daye to the week. B Every afternoon exoept Sunday and every Sunday morning. Ona month. 40 eente. "rare montha. IL Six montha, H. Ona year. 14. ' ! TELEPHONES. . I I i ; : : ; il Business department, , . . . siNews department. ...... 0 General Manager........ ji Editor-in-Chiet. ......... 302 201 1204 1204 it ' 0 Entared as second olass matter, in . h -at VI i o i 1 Associated Press ' si Leased Wire Service. it lo Z ha Associated Prana Id exclusively an el titled to the uao for re-publlcatlon ot all n, newa credited to It or not iunor(ee , credited In thla paper and alio the local nawa published herein. AU rlgbta or re-puetlcauon or apeuiai dlapatcbea herein are also rese-yed. e Monday, December 10, 1917 Tire BOYS " TllEKi:." The TI.MKS Is tlm authorized, representative til Western North Carolina of Hie "iHiv llo.ts In Vninn- Tonm-cn l'uml." '1 ho pur-.. pose tf this fund Is to see thttl I Iip hoys in France urn provided with tobacco without expense to thcin. II So tolKtcen company has any i on II ncKtion with this ftiml, but the money contribiiljwl is used in buy-", mg brands from alt of tho compa nies. The 'kits" nro put up ami sent direct from New York anil are purrtiastYl at nrst cost. Not one single penny of the "'money contributed goen to The TIMES or to any expense fund, but every 25 cents bnys it package worth 45 cents and maiis U to the Red Cross, direct to the boys in the trenches. A contribution of twenty-five cents means tliat one paekagu will be" sent to a soldier boy and the donor will receive back a measoRe from the boy who receives the package. Each dollar contrtbnted pays for four packages, with a total re tail value of $1.80. Each package will contain a postcard stamped and directed lo Hie donor of the money, and will come back from France with a message from the soldier who receives the package. This fund has the endorsement of Secretary of the Xavy, Secretary a of War, and has been further en 'ac domed by the Governors of a large number of States. It is not an advertisement of any one to bacco factory or company, hut it is a movement which is spreading over the entire Vnitcrt States, and whleh has received the attention of the people in the larger cities of the country. A number of people hare al ready made eontribnttons and T'.io TIMES remits this money withont expense and will be clnI f remit other contributions. l.cnve your contribution at the office or send it. through the mall. In each in stance specify that it is for the to bacco fund. If you remit by chock make, votir check payable to The sheTllle TIMES Tohuwxi I'und. I)o your bit for the Hoy In France. Gl -- 3 Ttff? Jinjlj R1PPL1XG RHYMES anqll By Walt Mason '"- : HI GOD SAVE THEM. ni God save tho dlv ,. kin for whom .v.- -imr.. from loval throats;: ..- i.u ...i,i,,TT, choosB all nol- ' T. . .. . j .. .u may uiey . r ". . m .iciea tnev use, una ,v... ... . f' ole their royal goats. God save all ! thero is ,e report of conditions Just r kings and queens, princes and horse ; as Ashevilh, has experienced marines, whose hearts are right; let - The shortago of fuel, coa In partlc-r-us not cnoce and pick! God save the, has stirred the -Jlt." in ! lowlv hick digging where bombs are many towns and cities to the consld i hTck. tTer, in the fight. God save the era.ion of plans for the aid of the peo 1 ..,. ..., hr(.,l at .lead of pie. This leads to the municipal con- 1: 1 .hr.. buried in crimson mud, while like a ceaseless strated the possibility of a municpal (flood wavelels of human blood flow i woodyard, as a successful proposition, evermore. Goa save our noble boys, i not. a permanent Institution necessa going where war destroys bodies of : rlly but as a temporary plan by which men; guard them by night and day, j the people of Asheville may be fur ,sond them, from far away, when ended , nished fuel. ,i, the fray, safe home again God j Commentl what lt tBrm9 .save the widows all. widows In hut ami. newspaper controversy In . hall, mothers and brides! Waiting for , James or John, who is forever gone; j and the red stream flows on, In soh bing tides. God save the little lads ' robbed of their loving dads, children . who weep; kldi at their mothers' "Where's daddy, . knees, saying, please?" Lined up with such as these, monarchs are cheap. The government can not make too much speed In building submarine de stroyers. , President Wilson never said a truer , fthlnt; than "the great things of life (are of the heart." Now Is the time to enlist-r-you men Jbetween the ages of 81 and tl If J'you ever Intend to enlist. ' ' The; sudden cold snap would have i been felt much more severely, but for I the cheap municipal wood. Snow-covered mountains glistening iln the sunlight Western Carolina Is gorgeous, even In Docember. With H. W. Plummer aa the leader, " , the educational, campaign In Bun- combo county for the "war savings stamps" will be success from the . start. THE Kl'SSlAN' MI DDLE. Cable dispatches today Indicate that the long-expected revolt In Russia against th Bolshevlkl Is assuming formidable shape under the leadership cf 'Ue Cossack General Kaledlnes, :..-iieral KomllofT and General Dutoff. Should this triumvirate, aided by the constitutional democrat, eneci conirm of southeastern Russia, the princlpul food supply cf the country will bo in tho bunds of those opposed to the present radical government In l'Ptro- erad, nnd the latter'a downfall may be expected: There have been many predictions that the deposed czar would find an opportunity to return to power throuph dts-satisf action of men of , the typo of Korniioff and Kaledlnes, l it has been feared tliat the Cossacks would be wiliing to see their old feudal '.chief Nicholis restored to the throne, i and the rumors that that irresolute i despot has escaped are Raid tfc be giv- ! lng oitlcial Washington no little appre 1 hension. I On the other hand, a Petrograd cor I respondent of a London newspaper ' professes to see in the possible restora 1 tion of the monarchy a bright hope i that Russian anarchy may be ended i and that the Slavs may again take j effective part in the war. . li is Improbable that korniioff will I be party to the rehabilitation of ail ab j solute monarchy; and if anything can be safely predicted of unhappy Russia i let it be that if a stable government is restored in time to aid tho allies that government will be controlled by men of the type of Hei-ensUy, korniioff and Milukoff, whoever the nominal head of the government may be. The increasingly complex situation in Rupsla. jrives especial point to Fres klent Wilson's reference to that coun try In his 'great '-address to the world on war and peace. The president ex pressed regret that in tiie earlier days o the war the objects of the allies were not stated in such a way that the suclalists, constitutional democrats and other liberal parties 'might huve been made firm friends of the cause against the militarism of pan-Germany. In saying that, however, the presi dent did not place himself In company with Lansdowne, as. some observers of International polities believe. To us, nothing seems clearer than that tho president has defined peace terms fun damentally different from those of the Lansdovvne school of thought. He has indeed stated the objectives In illumi nating fashion.;. 'But he has also issued solemn warning to the German people that their governmental ideas and sys tem is doomed and that they must 1 take the initiative in finding a new source of national authority for their I -'-- ' j inrernal affairs. I To argue that Uansdowne ana i- son stand on the same platform would be paralleled by the proposition that j because lamp black and graphite are ! )Ure carbon they are essentially the sums as diamond!. Il : A SI C C ESSFTJL PROPOSITION. TVio rnurilciiial wood yard Idea is j spreading. There's a reason ami it is not becau.-e tne people are but because Tin necessity has arisen. In every direction, according to the .,,, ,.h Th TIMES. newsnaners that reach The trol of fuel. Asheville has demon- the state" between "the Asheville Times and our next door neighbor, the Greensboro News," the High Point Enterprise concludes rather suddenly, after throwing some Insinuating slurs, that "oh the whole, it looks as If the News has the better end of the row." The High Point papor might not be deemed an unbiasted Judge consid ering the fact that the correspondent of the. Greensboro News, Parker R. Anderson, li the principal owner of the High Point Enterprise. One of the saddest stories written in the world's history Is the story of the Halifax disaster. Hundreds and I hundreds dead, the exact number may never be known; survivors crazed by the shock; lives of men, women, and ohildren taken with hardly a moment's notice; hopes and ambitions of the living blasted for all time. Few trar edles of the war equal the Halifax tragedy. The lato lamented Bam Jonesi was not so very nice In his expression but he was a man of observation, tie was wont to remind his audience that it was the hit dog; that howled. General Intrigue la German'! great eft loser. BITS OF BYPLAY By LUKE McLUKE Copyright, HIT, by The Cincinnati Enquirer. Fact. I've been In many cities, From Frisco to Norwalk; But 1 never met a barber Who didn't like to talk. , IteU'hai "What Is criminal negligence, any way?" asked tho Old Fogy, as he looked up from the newspaper he was reading. "Forgetting to cut the oards when you are playing poker," replied the U touch. No Joke. A lie can travel fast. That's so. It certainly can' speed and Fpin. It seems to make the truth look slow. But in the long run truth will win. Still on the Job. "You had one of our burglar alarms installed in your home some inor.tns ago," said the ugent. "Is It still work ing?" - - "it is replied the business man. "Six burglars have visited my home since it wua installed, and that-alarm was one of the few things they didn't take with them." Breaking It. His promises he'll keep, I know. His pledge is never slurred! And yet the poor man stutters eo. He always breaks his word. Huh! "You Suffs are the limit aid the Mean Brute. "How's that?" asked the Buff. "Why, you can't close a Suffs nwnith when, she is free, and you can't open her houth when she is in Jail," replied the Mean Brute. Gaddap! She loves the letter carrier, And ho loves Jlabel Hale: So 'she stands at her door for hours And waits there for the male. .. My, My! We may be wrong. But it seems to us that Tun Rich, of llichwood, Ky ., must have loads of money. Police! The cdtivlct pltf'd btiBbnll nulte free Outside the prir-on walls.. 'Twos fun, And several Imttrra said to me: "I wish I could make a hone run " 1,1'KK M l."KK So base they were when on a bat. They stole the diamond and tha plate: K is. by such foul acts as that Tho 1udgo benign thev alienate. NEWARK ADVUOATE. To steal the diamond and tlio plate Make -out 'a- most appalling case. . But to complete the. lecord, whv . Did h" not also steal a base ? ; ... MEMPHIS CO V. M F. IU" I A I.-A I't'F.A U Attn Boy! There may be one or two wits In other towns, but Centervillo, Ind., has Threewits. His initials are A. M. Notice! R. T7. T,ooney, of Waverly, O., has been appointed alienist for the Club. You Win! Yes, dear reader, you guessed right. O. Jump Is a horse dealer and does business at Kenton, O. Names Is Names. Gertie Alltop lives in Columbus, O. Our Daily Special. Razors And Shavers I.ose Temper About The Same Time. Their Luke McLuke Says: There mav ho other puzzle solvers, but our idea of a royal good guesser is a prescription clerk In n drug store. one of the s hardest things for a young follow to learn is that he can make plenty of enemies without but. ting in. Tho man who swears oir on Duymg drinks keeps his pledge longer than j the west and deemed her one ot he. the man who swears off on drinking, prettiest maids i ever saw nnd right A Princess often wonders what her sensible withal and she and I to a car Mother :ui smoking when she mar- j nival and I spent two pounds on this ried an old fat head who doesn't wear : aru that but it was for charity, his cout and vest with straps around Home for lunch and find J. Price, the tummy and who can't even play I a fPiow from my native heath, who pool. has been in China for the year and he Mnnv n woman on the matrimonial i .-.n , nf his love for the Orient and bargain shelf is .III reduced from 23 if 1 the truth were only known A wil'o tells her hushnnd everything she knows. But a husband is never that liberal. A man can't see anything to worry iiiiout when there Is no ice In the Ice iiox to keep thu food from spoiling. But lie enn" get Highly Indignant If there isn't lc in tho ice box to keep the beer cold. The main difference between an evening gown and night gown is that the night gown hides a few parts of the anatomy. Solomon must have been a pretty 1 smart old geek, all right, if he told each wife that she was the only girl he ever lovea ana got away wun it. A young woman can get more out of -a man with u brief smile than an old panior). M.. T baw Mistress ,mn r, w-ite n lonir nrmiment And at the tables T saw Mistress We do not know much. But w-e do ,,... Know tnai rvpiynouv ui-HijiM.i innii - . . . j i . u ... knows his home town Ills What Others Are A-Sa nna I W liai Uiners ire i-jaing 111 A Tar Heel to the Front. (Wilmlnifton Despatch..) It gives us pleasure to reproduce the following complimentary notice of a young North Carolinian, which wo take from The Wadcsboro Ansonlan: Many warm friends in Anaon will be pleased to learn that military au thorities have discovered the superior legal talents of James A. Loci; hurt, a member of the Hickett Buttery, now at Camp Jackson. It ia likely that he will bo placed in the legal department of the military organization. Wo are afraid this win not meet wun air. Lockhart'a approval as we are under the impression that he volunteered and joined the battery for the sake of being one of the "hoys" willing to go and do his part Just as he was or dered. Now to place him In the legal department and make him a Judge ad vocate or something of that kind Is not going to set well with Anson's hrllllant young son. He le partly to blame, however, having given him- golf dead away when he consented to make a speech at court-martial pro ceedlnga Seeing the legal possibili ties In the young soldier, the authori who wife . . W W ot ties were quick to take advantage or the clrsumstanees. Mr. IiOc.khart is a member of the Wadesboro bar, He has won an envi able reputation as an eloquent speaker and most capable lawyer. His rep utation extends beyond the confine of his own county. His many friends throughout the state will be glad ha,, f hl aunpera aa a aoldier. pave uy a lucrative practice tp enter mark "October 18, 1892," and on Two New Street Boots Just in. Made by D. Armstrong & Co., Rochester, N. Y., one a Battleship Gre,y Kid, imitation cap toe, eight-inch top, full Louis heel. The other, same style in a beautiful, dark brown kid. We consider these two numbers the handsomest shoes we've shown this season. Can be seen in our east window. G. W. Brown Shoe Co. Where Shoes Are Fitted. the training camp at Fort Oglethorpe. After serving his time ho was sjv pointed second lieutenant and now his advancement as reward of merit (s opened to him. His many friends congratulate him nnd wish him suc cess in his new field. For Indian Children. (Wilmington Dispatch.) 1 Many persons down in this part of ' the state may not be aware of the; act that in the western pnrt there is a school' for Indian children which is supported by the federal govern ment. There 250 Cherokee boys find . girls are taught and trained to be come useful citizens. The school Is.: under control of tho treasury depart-j meiit. Secretary MeAdoo has asked oongr?s for appropriations of 16, 0"'.1 ! for Improvements and $51,000 for j nuiintenance. Menus 1 1 ml Snaps. , (Hickory Record.) ; T'ersons who from day to day have followed their prosaic paths should get in touch with Gaston It. Means and bo shown how much poetry there really is in. life. . Here is a young fellow possessed of reasonably good looks and a smart mind who is. able to make $10,000 a year managing the Chicago offices of a big textile con cern and writing trade articles, who Is able to lay this fat salary aside and .t. . tPt with W. J. Burns to I serve the Hamburg-American line as its representative to watch the allies, who is onto many of the 0rman plots, and who finally quits the detective business, presumably to devote all of his time to the business affairs of Mrs. Maude 'A. King, wealthy widow. Things broke right for Means. The evidence so far shows that he was taking no chances prior to a certain night that was thought good for tar get practice, i Day by Day in New Yorl ny O. o. Melinite; New York, Dee. 10. As Samuel Pepys would record in his diary: After li akfast for a walk through the town nnfl tn call on iuv wife's cozzeti from i of ie ow prices there and he fetched fr,r mv wife, noor wreton, a silken i house dress, hand painted and trim mod with gay roses which must have , oust him ten pounds. And a pair of ; cheap bed slippers for myself albeit I j held mv tongue. In the afternoon to hang up some pictures in my work room that Jean j Knott. Herb Roth, George McManus and Hud Fisher have drawn and slip- j ped from the step ladder raking my shins and putting me in an ill-humor. For dinner and to a play to see i Lady Castle fiance and then to another j war entertainment where Louis Mann, ; the actor played auctioneer and n i;iii,in irentleman paid one hundred j .' . ,,, har for his com- , i Hntrt anil ner nusnntin. 1 ,. num ft I Inn V 1411 ll.v Hurst, the --- - .oln !. tayie writer. ,rn. j-m j- i ni.r'iitfVienn. who has won nlgn I . " " .. . ..... TimtA TT.rV, and his. Honors ml .'.. ,.'., bride, Miss Grace Field, ana many hers. . . And Nat. Wills brought his horde or niimodrome and gave i a comock performance and Miss Peg- gy l e 1 1 noiti a. "wi herself for a smnll fortune. All very merry until early In the morning and o home and and to bed. There are tricks even In the sailor bovs' trade. Consider this one of the votinir mitn whose war vessel is an l.hnr.,1 anmewhere in New York. He went to a hotel on Rroadway the other morning at 3 o'clock. He signed the .deter but did not Speak Next morning he came down stairs at 11 o'clock, in a rage. To the day elerk he told the story of having left a call for B o clock and or not having been called. Then he hurried to the manaerer. 1 am six hours late reporting at my post," he said. "I was not called. Tt'ls the fault of the hotel and I want a written letter to the commander of my ship, saying the blame is yours." The manager didn't even smile. He wrote the letter assuming all blame. That was the tenth one he had written that morning. Those who comp'aln about letters being a day or so late should stop In Trinity church at the head of Wall street and learn how sweetly William J. Boyd, the sexton, takes such catas trophes. Mr. Bovd waa trvinr to feel opti mistic In spite of the war the other when the postman handed him a day pjb - tal card It looked rather ona. to had been only twenty-live year in He I arriving. The costal bore the post- When Your Eyes trouble you or you are In need of glasses, don't overlook tho fact that we havo been estab lished for year' and have made a reputation by giving quality and service that are unexcelled. Charles II. lioness OPTOMETRIST 54 Pntton Ave. & OPTICIAN : Opp. P. O. Shoes for Men and Women GUARANTEE SHOE STORE "BeMe- Shoes for Less Money" 4 BILTMORE AVEriCE other side the writer had put the same date. The card was addressed to "Zexton, Trinity Church," and it read: "My niece left her umbrella m our pew last Sunday Please take care of it and I will call for it next Sunday." Although it took the card a quarter of a century to arrive it was mailed at Station D, which is only about two miles away on the East Side. There is a mart on Broadway who has been bragging about saving 15 cents by staying away from the theater and its war tax.. . He buys 25 cent drinks for almost anybody who will listen to him brag about it. Mrs. Pardee (looking up from news S I paper) Here's an account of an Eng Wjlishwoman who has sent four hua- uancts to tne iront anu iosl mem uu. Pardee Does the account say the lailv has resumed recruiting? Chi- ' i cago Herald. "A man who has been drinking sometimes sees an imaginary menag erie." "I've never heard one say any thing about an imaginary menagerie." "He can see it, but he can't say It." Kansas City Journal. The Vital Fact. By DR. FRANK CRANE In Hearst's Magazine. Until a man has found some thing worth dying for he has found nothing worth living for. And to the thousands of youth now In camp and on battlefield has come the ennobling call of the ideal. They are stepping up into a higher manhood. They are marenmg on to give America's freedom to the oppressed multitudes of the earth. Out of this connict win emerge a new earth, a league or nations that will never again allow a mili taristic organization to menace civ ilization. A still more vital fact is that this has become a war of the Peoples against the Rulers. Representative governments are pitted against the absolute monarchies and oligar chies. - It is the uprising of the world. It is the revolt of humanity. It is the effort of the health of civilization to throw off the poison of absolutism that has long lain latent In its veins. A writhing, assassinated world bar called us, and we have an swered. We need to realize thh. Every mother needs to feel that she Is sending her boy to fight In the no blest connict ever in history. Ever preacher needs to believe that he can pray with a full and honest heart for the men Who are marching away to save those free Institutions that Christianity has made. The die Is cast. We have enter ed the war. America's destiny Is at stake. Democracy ia at stake. The people greater and more ma jestic name than the kinr expoct every man to do his duty. And out of it all shall come better America, a truer and wiser democracy. I SANITARY BKWHR. To E. H. Wlleun, W. O. Steele, T. A. Jlend- rlcke. Hatlle Wnfford, 'jr. . V, Reyn.i'lti and Eugene R. Cocke and all other per n Interested in tne report or tne uy khsi neer filed ' In the office of tile Secretary. Traaaurer of the City of Asheville, aaeliM the ooet of eonatructlng a certain eanitary aawer agalnat you, which aanitary sewer runs In aald city. Tou will take notice that aald report haa been riled according to law, ana that tha Mayor and Board of Commlselnn. era of aald city, at their mealing to he held 11 day of December, 1017, will eoneliler Bald report and take seh action ae they may dmin proper. Tou are therefore rnnulrcd to appear at aald meeting and show eauao, If any, why aald report ehnll not be uon firmed and tha liens assessed aa provided by law. This Deo. 10, 1117. a y. T,. CONDBR, Secretary-Treasurer. (lHt-mO.IMO-evt) J' the BATTERY PARK BANK , ASHE VII AE. N. tS. State, City and County Depository Capital . .$100,000.00 SufpluB A Profits 220,000.00 OFFICERS James P. Sawyer, Chairman of the Board T. C Coxe, President Erwin Sluder, Vice-President C. Rankin, Cashier NO LOANS ARF MADE BY THIS BANK TO ANT OF ITS OFFICERS Oil DIRECTORS IS YOUR JOB YOUR ONLY ASSET? If so, then what you have to fall back on if your job or your ability to hold it fails you, unless you have a savings account in the AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK . MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Only National Bank in Asheville SHIPS WITHOUT BALLAST Are always in danger of capsizing A Savings Account Is your Life Ballast. Begin it now. Four per cent quarterly compounded interest Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. Savings Department Better Printing Always Pulls Quality Material. Oualitv Workmanship. HACKNEY & MOALE COMPANY 12 Lexington Ae. Hotel Waynesvilte WAYNESVIl.LE, N. C. Next to Post Office MRS. J. 1. 1IEIIREN Free Sample Rooms Open Throughout the Year SOUTHfflN Rlffl! The Southern Serve the South. Published aa Information not luaranteed EFFECTIVE nKC. Olh, 1011 FjtMern Time. Tralna Arrive From No, . jarKonvllle, Savannah, No. J' Rlrhmonfl. Norfolk. New TorH. Pbllailslphla. Balti more 1 ' B ra No. 12 Ohaltanoora, Knov 1 1 1 a. VemrM". cuninin Louisville and St. t.oul.. !:U pm No. J! New York. Ptlllaflelphla, Baltimore, wanhlnston.... I0:B5 am No. H Murphy. Waynesvllle ;3ft p.m No. ! Murphy, Wayneavllla .... 1:D P m No. tl Cloldnboro. Raleigh. Oreena- eoro . . . P No. 27 ChnrleKtnn, Columbia ana Spartanburg 8:10 p.m No. Ji rinclnnatl. Chlcauo. Mem- nhta .!! a.m. No. SB Salisbury ana the Fast.... i-S0 a.m No. 4t Spartanbunt, Atlanta. Ma con, Montgomery ani New Orlean ..11:45 a m No. 102 rlatol. Knoxvllle n- Chattanoota v rralna Ieprt Tor No. 10 Columbia, Savannah, Jack- aonvllle, Atlanta p ' So. 11 Knonvllla. Chattanooga. Mampoie. (.incmn.u, Loularllla and Bt. Louie., J:I p.m No. 1 Richmond, Norfolk. Local eaat " No. 1 New Tern, rnuaaoipnie. Washington and east.,,.., i " No. 17 weoeavUia, Murphy ... :o a.m No. H Wayn-avllla. Murphy .... : P-m No. Si Ra.elgh and Gol1uoro... . .ni No. n Knonvllla. Chattanooga. Mempnia, uincinnei " Chicago ";! P'm . li Charleston. Columbia and Spartanburg m No. M Salisbury and aaa are No. 43 Spartanburg, New Orlear.e :so a.m No. 101 MrlatoL Knoivllle ana Chattanooga .. STREET CAR SCHBDUU IN EFFECT arUNE I, ion. Zlllleo and Ketone 0:00, 0:1a. 0:o a. m Rlrerelde Park 0 It and every il mtn litre until 11t0 p re. it.... via Bjiuthalda Arena 0:00 k. m and every II minutes until 1:11 a m.. tsei every 1 minuter until 1:41 p. m.. tkei every 16 e- Inutea until 11:00 p. m. Depot . French Broad Avenue 0:00 a m , and aver- II mlnutea until 11:C0 p. ra. Ilsaee-0:00 a. an,, ana every II mloutei Bntll 11:00 p. m. Charlotte Street Terminus 0:00 a m and every 11 mlnutea until 11:00 p. m 11:10 ear runs tbrnuga: ratnra leaves end i of ear line at 11:00. Patron Aeenne I 00 a. m ana every i. mlnutea until 11:00 p. TO, Eaat Street 0:00 a. m an ovary If llnu Mnttl 11' AA Bl im. Grace Via Merrlmoa Avenue 0:00 a m then every 10 mlnutea until 11:00 p. m. nlltenore 0 :00 a ra.. and han every 1' anlnittea until 11-00 m.. last ear. Pane end Wast Aonovllle Via Seothslil. Avenue 10 a m- anal ovary II anlnute. until 11 :00 p. m. ft ewriMM when entertainments are Ir pregreee at tha Auditorium the laat trip or all llnea will be from entertainment, leevtn? Square at regular time and balding oyer a' Auanorium. ... , car leavea Sonare to meet no se. men train, 00 mini tee before eeheduie or an nounneri arrival. Semday Sctiednle mtrera aa r-nnewar Car leavee Square foe Manor 0:00 an'' II a .m., return arrive Souere J.ll an, t:0. then erery 10 mlnutea until I'M. Cars leave Square for 3epot via uthata. avenue 1:10. 1:41. 0:00. till, OHO, 1:00. 7:lt 1:00 and l:o a. nv Cans leave Square for Depot la Frencl Broad avenue 0:1a. 0:10. 0:41. 1 11. fill anr 1-16 p. m. Car for Depot leavea SViuara 0:45 a ro both Seuthslde and French Broad. First ear leavea the Square for Chariot,. itreet at 1:00 a. m . and ovary o minute until :S0I neat lies. First ear leavea Square for Blltmor 0:1 a m.. and every 10 minutes until 0:0 e'clnetc. Ftrat Car leave tho Square for Rlreratd :0: next 1-41. rtrat ear leaves tha Square for West ASQf Tllle 0:16. 1:00; next 1:1. With the above exceptions, tha eunda arhedules cemmenneo at 0:00 a. BX, and aemtlnue same aa week days. phono 181. J IJWEL "Coal Saver" RANGES Naturally, a coal saving Range saves you money. Then why not let us put a JEWEL RANGE In your home, CHAS. L. SLUDER CO., 20 S. Pack S. Phone 1300 PALAIS The ROYAL HOME BCILDIXG AND LOAN ASSOCIATION: Series opened in January April, July and October. Dues 25c per share per week. Call on us for information. Office 48 Talton Ave., Phone 268. S. L. Forbes, Sec'y. and Treas. , Opaline Cream GUARANTEED Remedy For Chapped Handa PARAMOUNT DRUG CO. J. 8. CLAVERIE. Mgr. Phone ua to call for your lawn mowers. We sharpen and repair, returning them lo drat class order. ASHEVILLE CYCLE 4 ELECTRIC CO. 28 W. College St. Phono 2311. OUR FALL WOOLENS Are ror.dy for your Inspection. LOGAN AND MOORE Tallorr to Ladies and Gentlemen" Next door to Southern Ticket Office MORE GOOD EATS for less money In a sack Three Rivera Corn Meal than food yon can boy. . D. Earle Feed Co. Wholesale Distributors SHOES of the latest styles In black, tan md combinations of black and white and tan and white. GLOBE SAMPLE 14 BHtmorc Ave. CO. DIAMONDS and FINE WATCHES -et- E. CARPENTER IS N. PACK MmjAUB Pin Watch Repairing A Specialty. roil Furniture and Stoves SEE Donald and Donald 28 Broadway. Phono 441. Dr. Ben C. Smathers k?Dr. C. M. Beam ffij DENTISTS yfjaafF Over Carmictiaeri ration Ave, Ent, Phorat 1561 l