ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1810. NUMBER 10. 010 l Va- - , I dustry their reliance, economy italichpmate. The gallant who baa been tne partner 01 Eliza Murry tollie tall became In time her husband. ' lie was one calculated to please Ti..-j . tw I amM fA mirtv of voutnful society, but un-'l . MXHIinDIIHICHM 1 J : - " ' fo',n r tmve mnniun. W i nt lor roe moro serious sou luwnnuuiu ui. Lm mi fete j -V -Hairs of life. Such was the hasty Idea I formed; as I witnessed their wedding cere. 1 Congress t The JriewJerncy contested MZtcttotu Fran the National IotcIlirnMwr. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. TftTESDiiyJuly 16. The Report of the Committee of T21ec. tions on the New Jersey &um, and also the Mr. BriWs inquired whether, after the House baa voted on reconsidering tne so. f'JZZS) STomYdSZ monies'v But Eliza Murry then wore the uonon mQ w Jersey case, ana awo we Fillnwre saidthat ti.LT was all bo aake conding of the previous question, . if that r- ...... . " .. - vote should be in the negnuve( anower question could not then be put on the pre viuus question Itself, and wnctber on till they eos and navi could not be had? The Chair replying, that it could. Mr. Fillmore said, that this" was' all bo asked ha- 7t Trntffl Li . OAM IS E. i ' . . '1 11 K " .Tnninlin f n,rant hanol. I-8 naying neon reaa ai uw wen s The question w-s then put on roconsi " ""o"t -r -i - . f . I tnhta and tho niKMinn hi nir rin mn ma. I J..t .r. j: r,k ! amg panrweu t - tr ,, a 0.Cr: it- "rr"" UKJ hmv come, as she nsed to wear, when she could " v-!"., " J.. "on. B. iaea in tne negative. chairman of tho committee, to print both I Mr. CmM, of Louisiana, inquired of the reports, together with the Journal of the Chair whether, after tho IIouso bad so. Ttecn summers ago KUza M. 'ffSSa of .young and maiden laan v r-. ,lu,,nMe Uiat blooms in astv, T . rantle as Uuliivatod gT..: i. hoad P'T" Ciiilvoftbenaow y --7 bade 1 I cornniiiu?e, una on uio moiion uw yem auu i rondcxl tlio nrev oui nuMt on An ana nuu "".iit ru rfid Bhn knnMfr an In. I " " f-'t r . ; I itun nuw nnra il quuo a uiucrviu pro. , jiuiucfM iu l - I innuired of die Chair whether it Would be I as after wislung me success wnen . 7. innT , Lmrz; ;K'-.7TTT claim protection from Flenry England.-"" I waited upon England and bis bride snon lage. marriage foresting Itk saiavsiv " j ' . . . " - . . 0 Hie Chair reolvinff in the amrmative I tk- m,i. j:i .!. . 4:.,- ,A (u land, she took her husband's arm, ana incy 1 , - r.-. .? r .u u v. u.j .wv.r....M - f 1 111 r. KjUiiiiiiHrii Muiiu L11B.L Liiinit ii in uau ! mIaa thw ii.uiba " T 1 . ' o - : 111m va 1 j 1 rum? iro iiiikiiw Cliiiin then said that the rule ought altered. . f I iruiliulxa thnff nnts in hiarrnnfmn Irl nnnfi I t a t , . t - with an earnest but ret wish, tlt l C ? .t" k,r . " ?rac".n? on l ,iwv . iw. th nmtortnr nf mm as I ""-"" " mo vote dv wnicn mo iiouso luui iius morn, who was to be the protector oi one as . inrludo onlv th renort of the i A.uit .1 : .u- .k....u " J I Ulir Uln.lUUU UUll 1UI1 UMUU I11R .11111 1 WMUIU !v "r. ' . - K..r In tlui midst ,!,i k.v-. maw""-- -r-.j l,vdv.wilh1"IlP,e-oft . 1 r., ;.. k-r manner, wmwi um hi lhose around her, Many ..... . maVKma Mum m irM M I UUlt HUIU I . . . .. . i . . ... 1 uism ' ' . !P I lmaroritvd the to jl ' ' " T - I HIUU UV UUl WHI VU Hl IjUl BUUII MU' nd nays; which were or r ninke tlie first si very moon of mat- 5rV rt;'s ? .rrTTr "" " waen, resuuua as 101. band should be. leit two nappy young u - - . ,,,, ..M,-MIW ""."..r. ": yr "" - - ier in uw hiium I i ,i . hnnnv tut hone andfoncv I . "'T nwioca tne yeas ana nays; wnicn were or Wcliik.and ""JW rising and simultaneoiiHlr ad. doroA . hnA In taken. rcuUnd M fol. . ..11 mnv. viin nm .11 vi-r fijifiuen' leys at sue k duiigt, when dressins tho Clioir on the point" of order, insisting that after the previous question lows: . Yeas 05, nays 80, The nueation now recurring on Mr, lhvrnajonly k v. triuvfj to MSEl . iTSU ! rndm. ! be" excu (rom VoUng, and was assign, . . rf I ;iwe vo warn nau onuanu bwiy, wnuu , . , . . . j i - . .x . uch timelurncl!pon her tety incJlM" ZSffTM Z dJebt. and ai'Y AS to tlie sweet vUlngo of Mid-UoUinm. AS ; ; -v, -i,." ..I.,,, UuM r y r"fW' W,..M!.' f i n knr rountcuanco wlu:n airccuxi j,.,, ,k ..ltrtIon ftf otlierdavBcame u H, " Mro Ing his reasons when having remarked EdtSiruch times. In ' SreK of Mr. Cnmpbj:!!, in wlien having remarked f. ii,..:iitv Mho nosaessed a p. - . . . : , up before md-rthougntoflwJ k pi)iui uvw - - - H fH.5r.u,w to withdraw any motion ho Lmm movew!M" jr" . i mnuo. une neat anaciegnm iimiwion uau . . " ... with soeietit was IrulJoffTJl of Englond. reu wm. v , ,. --,.1 , , raw correct ana nononiaw . . a i .,.ir r risen, on a' spot singularly benutiuil to which tho hands of industry and art had coursq to modifv it. modifying his motion, the IIouso had been chcatgdoul of thriyeas and nays, Mr. C, with warmth, mnlled tlmt. hn woulif not i.-.i i ,-7 luui iimuu at i ( mu-h Innminirn tn lin nnnliml tn him upon it, and of out Df th0 IIouho, fio could not subnut to ft I in thA I Innun. Mr. Hotts, Mf, f lllmore, Mr. irlpiett, The Choir rallivl Mr. D. In nrdr. 'Mr. animiwwsT Diffitrent. v6ry diflcrcnt, had been the Tl.7Z 7J7.TZS.TT1 luswn-ensueurwhen Mr. u. was iT - il. I Miniwiuuu w un muuhd.hwi i not nnowoa to Bivo III rcoaona no would Wii-ower of Cihion, never 8'". wove. tiJTn to ?. "8h to dt-cuss, supJ-e cw, gatdjw, might .state his rea- sj'"--!, n"1 ,M,,M:""-T'----rtrMTnwntuirratr i..- j..: .7. t :.i.t cost a dissi. : "'.7 ' . A I7i j CT f -7.7 ." w ,,,UBV :r,uuu "re viil jnuniii"ii, aiicr u uuwwj wb cut vit. i rulcg of Order. : The riglit to withdraw, and th right to Tho queatfon wa, now put on printing tho report of the majority, and" decided by vrn 17'J nnva 1. (Ur.l ;lnrlr . nf N. York Tlw noise and confusionshv the House votine in the negative.) A WUS very ereat I . I S. thn nnnrt wh nnlerml tn hn nrintnd. When Mr. Monroe s name was called 'ietKBJjdj!Iwcrttsmon never jjnylbAjdutjrllllQ WftSJcalk M todraw admirers around ie fcrm ra WM of , ordinary cos wen.- Eliza Murry knew the truth ut btul,md to wln back to . rL...iiMiptlfiiifl I . her and I njuoiu"u, u wuho mi vh. i ruicg ol orucr, itty. It was too much die sunk beneath rT. .'., fl,u!J is very ercat.l rtLl7 . II . I ri:" J kW and merriment sol ., .. M, .im Wh W rencaieoiy ro , lauiiiu vi j-j aim Duuuiru m a a ..v Vw.. . . - ii j a l . . . . ...... . I.j-,! v .i i?j'. .:Hinrn auggouou, ounre wu. ra , , uu m said be wished to be excused from yo- ---v "I - . .... ... H " "V "'" - ..0... - - -o i .iu, -mnnfi .hut nil IBCUUIU IW - L. 1 1 :i- . in the manv leyes wh.ui ted with dcKght upon her; ana in th,, weight of it ,-and left two orphan chil. bof conqueat h';h she wove by thel Jrcm, Ijenry England stepped forward " V . . . rl ""J 1):incimr alone, then in the neyjuy oi : , ; i: M : Iresnquest, she had still fclt attimes the thow who have perused this crude pace which passion is ever exerting and fim ,e talo . a wopd to Jerss. a' : --V -1- - To all, I would say, in matters of court- I" kawng the many suitors wldch 8j,ipt fct promises, however trifling, .be ad- before ber, Ifcoiy Behind wMlitnat hcred to the-strictest punctuality.A 0Dg maidcB could desire. He saw cpjyenco placed by lovers then, in each za Slurry, gay, scauuiui u uaw..v, . otnerf tnd Iwt betrayed, will never ne ion gotten.f oufih. Ttl. with afl her volatility, gentle. m is her manner, a sweetness of temper, Wince of faacv. and ease jn cnversa ia.shich he admired. Ho offered him If aaong the Eitef auitors ix her hand, (hthihe true spirit of an honorable court, lin. W nnfuiiW to ker his circumstanccsi in --. . , , , h prospects and his future hopes l iBtwte knowledge, wiuing taiataace should blossom to fi onpen into wve, Lrneawuit tlie ground tliat all discussion was prevent- tini? in the House . but would n6t now de ed br tho previous question. . J tio the House by stating his reasons, be. Mr. Jiverctt infiuired Whether nie pen- h Intended to inve hia nninion moat tleman's original nwdonyand his moditica- fjy on this whole proceedine when out of uuii ui ii, wuuiu ujptHir uii uk3 rfuuiiHuj 1 House ITie Chair replied in the ainrmative. I jfr. Smith, of Con. nioved to print the re- au vwrn.oi new ur, warini Y vr I nnrt nl tliA m nnntvnf the omim ltm. ' monstratcd, pronounced the piwediruj a The Chair decided this motion to be not base trick, by which the J louse had been I VRt : .. . motion of Mr. damn. entrapped, and inquired whether, the Chair L11: on 'whieh ihr nnvioii motion had THE conquest of eeligion. Jl its adhered to lU decision that the lnodihcauon Mn demanded, included thfe nrintinir of the most difficult conquests, indeed, a large J was in order? I joornal of the committee, and the question portion is&verlooked by the human eye. - The Chair replying in tiro affirmative mugt therefore first be put on printing the Vhih the evil done ia ita uaine is seen by Mr. Clark took an appeal from the decision, journal --. alland dwelt upon in triumph by the ad. Mr. Medill, amidst loud cries of order, . rA dispute here MOMTwhetlier this was versarv-ts pure and holy conquests are made a reply to Mr. Qark, in which the iu- fact or whether Mr. C. had moved onlv often effected in stillness and silence; in Reporter understood him to say that the to prfnt the report of the majority without tho aixxie oi poverty, in ukj uuacuriijr u i whoio course oi um vi'iiwrnuu uu uki pre. i thn lournaL Messrs. Adams. Andrews and ardent hunjbJLej jcbU 1 tended claim of the returned members bora james Garland testified mat they had heard & Which fcaale faarv ever gives to man,! mat nas seen a irue vnrisimii, u u UK . A,cw jcwj wuttuaura urc the motion, and that jt mcludedjho Jour- lea he standi before her tn Ae beauty of ami In his death? Who, that has seen the House. The din and uproar were, how. Mr. 1 had under a different .wct iketcbetto bersclftbe character oil cu"" uuu o'"-1 u-nwuu w- impression, ana me entry so maae. 11 was witor dwek flpon the candid manner I where grace has triumphed. over passion, j tance. from M?. M. who was speaking very finally agreed ,'hovever, that the printing which be nnfolded his purposes, where envy , ana : naireai aim pnuu ro iiouujy, uw rcpunercuumuw "'H"" of tlie journal ha4i)oen included, and the hm her rainbaw over the future; pledged founds untoownl w ho, tnat nas seenrne 1 ius woros.j . entry was altered.) . . . rself bis, and his alone; and promised ongni mm mny giuw " , I H" "Y t '.'" "i t ine question men recurring on orux-nng a a scpanuioa from all aociety but his ovejLthe countenance? Who, that has when tiio decision of tlie Cluur was sus. mt journal of the Committee of Elections Itir : - -. - liiuaru urj icnm thub w . wuibuuii wwcu munu. a wuuw - . i io do pnnteoMiur. upromgooie aemanuea Thus fer all was richt But in youth praycrJ wno, mai Knows iw joy 01 mr. vampoeu again rose io maae ug- yeag nayi, whieh were ordered ; are but the bangs of fency; and more christian's communion with his Maker, the gestion, but Mr. Proffit atgrnuously object. ftn(l takeil hlM resulted as follows : Yeas :nn .iw. -k:u " r ... i devout asoiraUons oi a soui wnicn is uie ea, ana insisiea m snovia iokb ius seai. M54. iirvb 1A. e delight of the moment. TbcRay and tenmle of the Holy Spirit, adorned and Mr. Andrews now inquired of the Chair go the journal of the Committee on Elec. ; scene in the theatre on which they sanctihed by his oest ana ncnesi gu nu wneiner re wouiu oe in oroer w i re- Auv This the reader always has known graces? Who, that ha seen the Christian considerauonofttevotebywhrc a too much the characterwtic of Eliza struggling with the storms of hfethotigh now question had been ordered? wry. A card fora baB was handed her cast down, not aestroyea; inougn ' perpiex- i ne nair sua re wouia, u uie genuciiiau e who had always professed himself ea, not in aespair; euuuuiui.g .uw ulu wm. uh; -J""y admirer, and she foreof. in the moment resignaUon, to the correction of his Hea- Mr. Andrews said he believed be had, 0 1 1 a! thA nABMMlhlA I Kai Broil MaI AltlfA iAOlll i. tions was ordered to be printed. Mr. rill more moved to prut the report of the minority of the committee. Mr. Ramsey demanded the previous ques tion, which was seconded, put, and carried; and the main question being on ordering the printing, it was decided as follows io nm! k-. iLJL: . tr , I venlv Father, and gathering the peaceable but was not quite certain. wm-mMvUa awta uiuuiun iu a. 11.111 wa a j . .... a . U when alone, her situation was viewed fruit of righteousness fronUhe sed which , Mr. Davis, ofKy. said ke had voteU with yea, 102. nays 68. i proper lieht- The card hod lieent8ulwaaawnm.mDUiaon...BiHi..wi ai we nwjurajf, bimik wwiu iiiutcubtohi. So the House ordered the report of the lo-jro she mustand vet it miiht nossF. J yet more, who, tnat nas seen mat mgui ou ioerauon ana aerowia we yw anuuajs. 1 minority to be printed. rkrofftheconnectionwim En1and. which angels look with joy; that hallowed ITie Uhair said that whenever a refcon- Mr. Jameson, of Missouri moved that le knew it was wfon7 but be will forave bed where aChristian renders up bis soul, sideration. of the previous queshon was Uke'ieport of the majority rfths ComimUecof, f.and moving at a moment before a mir. I faithtul creator, wnere, wun no movea, uie quesuon was aiwaya nrev Fui 1 Electiotu be now adopted, and on thai mo. r.hesnnTedwUh satisfaction: then buL I vain display, no Idle rapture, xne oyuigiontne swowungpi tne previous quesuon, t demanded the Meat and nays. on an arch look, danced merrilv awav wint, khowiog, of a truth , that he Is faith- and never on the previous-question itself; Mr.. Fillmore inquired of the Chair whe. lib the exclamation, he cannot withstand I vho promises, rehes, in the last awlul and on tne seconding the yeas and nays ther this motion, ifcarried, would not dc H But her beantv nwnJ th-1 scenes or life. with . humble' confidence, on I could not be taken ; as it was not a vote of I Drivo tne narties concerned from beins he imagined.-He visited her the I that hand which hasborne him.through all J the House, but merely the sustaining of a I j,eard in their own at the bar of tlie wag after the ball, talked over the for. I the storms and struggles ot ius eanmy pu-1 proposal w vote. I House, as was tlie invariable usage of the rareofher word coolly, and asked her if Ignmage, and which will now cneer ana Qn this dictum of the Chair a question House in-U cases of disputed election? uu acted correctly. Instead of freelv I cpmion mm, in me passage uuwgii 1 or order arose, ana Messrs. riiimore ana . i ne Uhair repuea in tne amrmative. it leaging her error,' she dwelt with I aarK yauey 01 uie niauuw w ucm; uariand protestea witn warmin against 1 wouo, u agreca , Dnng tne House to a cene of the I te not whaiorisuamry can 00, inn wihm being deprived or their constitutional I direct vote on aoopung the report. merry company present " does aay Dy any; noj wuav n uw w u pnyiicge ot paving the yeas ana nays re-1 iwr. 1 npiett inqmrea wnctner a majority learnea biiu euuguKucu viuwu , 1 coraea. r air., tr. ooservea mai uie tyranny 1 couiu compel uie nouae 10 vote on me re. but what it does, to shed hght and joy over practised by the Maiorit" in this whole port before they had heard either the par- rent delight, upon the gay scene 4 told of the .a j -s w ua' juie politeness of her partner, and in fu endeavored to ridlnU iiw M nr PVqghded. It was enough; they parted. I the humble abode of the towly and ignorant J Jjew Jersey case had been such as wus I ties or tlie evidence? the his IV1BJ1 I HI TflPlf IHinnldl . rrrVsm a t-j uiiuilu Huuict ue merr? j a uu I - -BHiiuiuiuvu uw a,uu dv ftreaide-but the delight which affection 'ch other had thrown over the silvery ,nnf cy M spent together had ceas- told familiarity, and distant politeness JCT m Pce. 1 saw both, at m however marrit o" oaa chosen one who KaH nn nth. I Mtiwwi; nmendation but mind and person. Congregadonalists eaith hd not throw her wreath oi.nUn. ITn;lt. STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. i . Lilerarw and ReUeiout Institutions. : iThere are 95 colleges in the U. States, ... : 27 Medical Schools, , 37 Theological Schools, 8 Law Schools. . IMeious Denomination in the U. State. Baptists (of difPl denominations) 4,300,000 - . , .. m M AAA AAA . ,J iu wpKU.I UBIfCTOIIHS. ' BDWriMii-il 1. . I I 1 ..In. a. id mm I u "r urow. ut sweet episcopalians, a!nP wnocent in person and mind, RoT-in Calliolics, ami wZ!? C Jth; gayeto her Pr - fr rians, . . Vre "unng influence than all, kfld?Vif f1 Wealth W"8 w ite two- Dutch Reformed, I a ?nrf conunenced the world in. Christians, . - 7' 1,400,000 600,000 600,000 800,000 2,175,000 540,000 450,000 .800,000 enough to drive freemen into open rebell. I The Chair replied that, as to the power, ion. Had it come to this, that a fifth part I of that the gentleman must j'udgc; but of the House were to be deprivedby a I should the previous question be ordered, it mere say-so of the Speaker, of a certain would bring the House at onee to a direct right guarantied to them by the Constitu. vote on Uie resolution in the rpport.-.i "" tiont He demanded a case to be pro. Mr. f riolett demanded that the testimo. duced T-here such a decision, has been ny be read; surely it wasojression-rit made. , He. never had seen-or heard of wjheveryJieight--ofryTaimy to insist such a decision. T ! . on his votinir before he had heard the tea. Mr. Turney called Mr. Garland to order. J urnony in the case he was iff judge. How The Chair turned Mr. G. to a very reA j he know what he was votinir about? cent decision on a case precisely like the j The confusion in the House was great present.. ' r . , ; ' I many members on dicir feet remonstra- Mr. Garland denied the right of the t0B and disoutinn with each other.! Speaker to make any siich decision, and I Mr. Brirs moved a call of the House. Mr Fillmore took an 'appeal, and deM and made some remarks which could not be mended the yceS and nays. J heard ; they were, partly, as the Reporter believed, a statement of what would be the effect of tho vote, and a demand that, be. fore such an act was done, the whole House should have time to. be present and vote on so grcdt a question, n r r", - i Mr. Turney loudly called Mr. Briggs to order for dcbating.x, . Mr. Briggs denied that he was debating the question. ? - - ; : hit. li. Garland demanded tlie yeas and navs. : Mr. Monroe asked of Mr. Jameson wlie hef it was his intention to force throuch tho House a vote on that report trtrughtT Lit it wan '" ' . -": -' ; Mr. Vanderpocl here called Mr. Monroe to order . ' .. . j Tho Chair saiiTthc- gentleman was not in order. . ' - Mr Monroe. said then ho would turn away from tho gentleman from Missouri- he had done -with him, and ho wouldjurn to the Chair, and ask of the Speaker, whe ther his friend from South Carolina, (Mr1. Campbell) he believed he might call him his friend, for liOvbulieved, after all," that that Kcntlcman did mean to act correctly- had -not originalJjuna!U. mo printing of tho reports aiid papers with a view of their being taxun up anu consiuereu io.morrowr - . 1 ei now the House was called to vote at once, under the previous question. "What' was the moaning of the gag4awT Ho would not vote in hat IIouso under such coercion. The vcas and navs were ordered on Mr. Brigg's motion for- a call of the House, Mr. Campbell asked Mr. Jameson to withdraw his 'motion. . f Hero tlie noise was so ereat as to drown the yoice of any individual member,; and tho rrplj of Mr. Jameson cpuld not be hfunl lie was understood, however, as refusing. ' TJm question was put on the motion for a call of the House, and decided by yeas and navs as follows: Yens 67, nays 75. -W Uu. Il..ll. I.rimnrl l. ., . ..J, ... 1 Mr. Botts inquired whether, the. parties cluiming seats from New Jersey could not now be heard atthe bar of the House , The Chair replied in tho necative; it would not bo in order after the previous question had been demanded on the report. Mr. Undar wood, who had just returned within the bar of the House , rose and asked the Speakcrwhat the main question would be if the previous question was ordered? The Speaker answered that (lie main question would be upon the adoption of the resolution reported by the committee. Mr. Underwood said, what: take that question before tlie reports are printed? . " Yes, yes," was replied by several gcntlemcn.1 Mr. Underwood said, surely it was inv possible; owl if that question was forced le would not and could not conscientiously vote. . 1 he previous question was now put , viz: "bball the main question be now put? And it was decided in the amrmative, by yeas and nays as follows: Yeas 101, navs 85. So the House decided that the main question on adopting the report of the com. mittee should now be put. ;, Mr. Andrews, of Ky. asked to be excus ed by the nousq trom voting upon the res olution of the majority of the Committee of blecuons, because, he said, that resolution was based upon the report of tho majority, and a state ot evidence of which it was lm possible for him or any member of tliis louse (not of the committee) to know any thing. His vote upon this occasion would be as a sworn judge or juror; and as it had been (as every member of this House must know) impossible for him to know the ex. tent of testimony and the weight that should be given to tho great mass of conflicting evidence, he ielt that he might subject him self to an act of injustice and violence to his conscience as an honest man by voting cither way. He had hoped that the propo sition to postpone the vote upon the reso- uticn until Saturday would have prevailed; and thus have afforded him and all others desirous to know, as jurors called upon to render a verdict on so important a case, something "of the testimony upon which that verdict is to be founded.. He desired to do justice-to all parties, and especially to Ius own conscience. He made this motion in all respect to the majority of this House, and to such as nwyieeTTliatlheyHrpTe pared to vote, and render a verdict upon so momentous a question as that of the right of sovereign States of this Republic; and as be hopes to return soon to his constitu ents, he desires to return to tlicm, having nothing of which he would feci ashamed, prjhcy justly complain He, Itlierefore, expressed the .hope that, the House would relieve bun trotn so unpleasant a position as that of voting and rendering a judgment as a8Worn judge in a case, of the testimo ny of which he. could hot by any industry on his part have acquired tlie slightest knowledge : The question being put, Mr. Andrews was excused. Mr. Everett moved to. be excused from voting on tho quesfirtn, because he had nei ther beard tlie evidence-nor the parties, some of whom, he' was informed, desired to be bard atlhe W of the House. Mr.'Monroe said he should be glad if his name couiu ma inciuaea wun tnat oi Mr. Everett: Mr. Everett demanded the yeas and nays; which were ordered and taken, and resulted as follows; yeas 70, nays 100. So Mr, Jiverett was not excused. When the name of Mr. Rariden, otJn- diina, was'called, he rose and inquired of the opeaker, if the previous question was sustained, if that would bring the House to direct vote upon the question ot the right to the seats in this House of the New Jer- sey claimants without affording the claim., ants tho right to be heard, or the members of this House the opportunity to hear one -word of the evidence upon which the right to the seats has been or is to be determin- -edt. The Speaker said that would be the effect of the previous question, ifcarried. Mr. Rariden then said he was against it, as ha could not guess at i question of such magnitude, " -r - '" Mr. Briggs said ho most respectfully ask. ed the House to excuse him from voting on r the resolution how before them. His rea. '' sons were, first: if his mind wo a. made up upon a full investigation of the case, he could not with his sense of propriety and justice, voto to givo either set oi claimants their beats Anally without hearing -tlie op. posing claimants. But there was another higher and stronger reason; it was, that he hud bad no means of informing himself up. on tho merits of the question. He had not liea nl or rood the evidence, and could not act with .understanding and with safcty. Tho evidence, consisting of a Volume of near i seven hundred pages, had not been " pi iced before the ' members of tho House. By voting cither way ho might do injustice to tno party. Ho beggf djcave to say thati in this request, he was not actuated by cap. Jioiis motives, but by a sincere wish to be relieved fronfthe unfeigned embarrassnK nt in which ho found himself pluced in relation to this important subject. . litis was tho . first time iio liad ever made such a request, and by granting it the House would confer upon him a favor, for which they would bo entitled to his thanks. . Tho question. '.being put, it was decided in tho negative; ;so tho House refused to -excuse Mr. Briggs. - Mr. Rives moved tosusiicnd the rule, in order to make way fora motion that the further consideration of the report be for tlicrpresent suspended, and that it be made lhffi.,apecM prili;r fwf Miffldny n.t, lint it was negatived. i . The voto being taken by tellers, resulted as follows -Ayes 64, noes U4. : v - Mr. Adams asked that he might be ex '. cuscd from voting, for the tame rcatani for which Mr. Andrews had been excused, but tho House refused 1o excuse him: Ayes 49, noesl. " Mi"f Lincoln asked to bo excused, Ho said that, notwithstanding the votes which . had just boen-givenjTie felt himself impcll. ed by the strongest sense of duty to appeal to the indulgence of tho House to relieve him from a call to vote, at this time, and . under the circumstances, on the proposition of the eommitteer- On hiking his scat here, -he had solemnly bound himself to respect ." and support the Constitution of his country. That iCohslitution made the House, and", eseh vtanher ofrUas STSomponcnt part of" thet body; ' tho judge oflho elections, turns, and qualifications of its owo iem. hers," and imposed high and sacred ohliga. -tions in the discharge of this most impor ' tant of all official functions. The report ; . of the committee',' by a hare majority, presented for the first time this morning, contains a long and elaborate investigation of the right of the silting and the claims of -therconfesIuMj members from, the State of : New ersey, with reference to a mass of j evidence which,, the committee alone have eufflticrj, MaNapon.which they have raised arguments and deduced inferences tending - to justify the conclusion to which they have arrived in tlie resolution offered to the House. On the other hand, the minority of tlie committee have laid before tlie IIouso . . their dissent to this report, exhibiting an entirely different state of Uie case, and com. . - ing taf a different conclusion thereon. Both these reports have just now, been hastily read at the dork's tiihh. Tlicv nuiut tin vo i ; :r...i i j ; .. iiiii iiiil iiiiiMTriiTi .li v niwni. hihi run mFn 'j. n have, been understood. . The evidence ex hibitcd with tlie reports of the majority, which is now on the table of the Speaker, in a volume ol several hundred pages, has not been seen by a single member out of the committee; nor has it been within the pow. er of any, and especially did he speak: for himself, to know its character, or to const. der tlie effect it should have upon tho issue, so deeply interesting to the rights of mem. i . i . . r . r.. oers, uie sovereignty oi tne oiatcs, ana tlie-vitairincipleof a representative gov- crnment ; -" . . I am now called upon, (said Mr. Lincoln) r to decide upon the merits of this great qucs. tion; to judge , to adjudicate , upon my con. science and my oath, upon facts which I do not knowTupon evidence which I am told -exists, but whichj am not permitted even see, w hether the silting members are, or" arc not, cmitled to their scats. The alternative presented to me, by the resolution of the committee, is to declare, blindfold upon my oath as a judge, either that these members are duly and constitutionally elected to this House by the people of -New Jersey, and this, too, against the official credentials, in the first instance, upon the canvass of the re. , turns by the Governor and Privy Council . of the State, given toothers, or to show cause, here and before the country, why i resist the-eHK:liis!on to which the conu mittee have arrived in their resolution , upon a subsequent scrutiny by them of the votes and polls of that election. Sir, I can do neither, understandingly and conscientious, ly, without time and opportunity for exam, ination. I cannot consent, under the so lemn sanctions of duty, to substitute the- opinions of a majority of one ia a commit tee of nini members, (nor, indeed of the whole number, if even such had1 been the fact) for the convictions in my own mind in the required exercise ormy own judg. meat, io do so would be to yield rm' in.

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