v. , i I , . : , -V-"-' . i 7. J . ':.--.f , .:. . ' 'LIFE IS ONLY TO BE VALUED AS it IS USEFULLY EMPLOYED. ASLTE YILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 28, 1840. NUMBER 13,. ! "BY J. tf. yilBlSTr. knqm" m published at Two " N"S-abfeto nntu aD arrV.r.g T.d. zSSJut" "V iMertcd St 5? DaU" 1- th (int. and Twenty-Five Cent far 7mefm.d twenty MISCELLANEOUS. rr h nixMrowl Chrintim JournaLl mlP LNFLeENCE OF INFIDELITY t INDIVIDUAL AND NATIONAL ON INDIVIDUAL- OIABAC11SK. n . oAah n met. iniit KPmica uave ... . i ..-..: . II 1H IIUW 1 . ' I ;i.:;ination of theiropinions, and that mons, ana ithnim. ha. - !rt mineral, been in general, been b"""V ' ' I .. . proportionea MdBohngbrokewas onh studied and em- braced by men who, Lke themselves, had a taste for mctaphysicaljursuits, amT conse- eaoe on tno masses 01 uie poniuauou. Circumstances are now, however, ; greatly chanced. Infidelity has orlatc years been divested of that mysticism in which her for iher friends enshrouded her. . folic has been exposed in all her crossness, to the view of common men, anu muiwuucs wuo -wma, forsooth, to vindicate their rUrht of think- ioebr themselves,- hav not hesitated to JLk her. Once.' skepticism seemed onlyto flourish in tho closet of the man of J - .... .. . 1 L m iuiii MMV lt llllf mint M III I1L tj.i j :.n.. ua ,,- K mn I icutij ..v.n , ..j I virulent wfll hb onposiUon be", to the doc- trincs ofthe cross! Once, skepticism stoop. cd not to the humbler classes of society; but now, her advocates are plying tho poor man with their arguments, anxious that he also may Iw jiuhibered among their:, vic tims. V It is iuteresting as well as Instruc I tire, to note the zeal with which they are . - . ... ... . i attempting to disseminate their views. They have UKr lecturers -men who are skilled in the art of making "the worse anncar the better cause." They have their halls, where there may bo nightly seen hundreds uf our toil worn mechanics, who. bv rush- iinginto skepticism, seem desirous of infu sing a new element of misery, into their I aireaay aggravated lot. ; Iney have their nublications ; and thnw.' Iilcn kt mnnw nl inuuen iuvb, pxq ; evew now ' circulating throughout our population, leaving behfnd 'them sure and fearful indications , of their desolating progress.?1 Tffshort, as far as the world can see, nothing is "wanting to secure the present success aud' the future triumph of tbcif principlcs, ' -' : And even supposing that our modern skeptics were successful in their attempts to impose upon the community even sup posing that they were to prosper, in the war which they are . at present waging against the common sense of mankind would the brilliant results which they anti cipate, be realized t : Fortunately, we do not ncea to theorize, in order to come at a correct answer to - this question. The wnrM k. 1.I Ko4 : .1.. i 1 ny. i o jam then, we would appeal. What then has been the effects of skep- t r cniAn U C 2J:'l L Il... :,. -jv. u ?i i I vmiii vu aiia vuaii.u:r t ui mil rrm Mnn i their public and nrivnt virtnoa T TTa. n I cherished and matured in them those graces which clinff to maiTfnllpn ihih k k I and which tt II ii an trkiwliinflr!r rf tKnt nn. I roevalDuritv of which thft-R;Mn wkn 1 1 Has it hanwWI tmm the. tinmiin vw I ry trace of selfishness, and filled the bo- som or its vntnt-iM wiih mimnaoa nfmml tn allmanliiiwtt rninatinmtv Tin. nil this, and it U nrr thia noonnnr thnt ohn A I Serves the homnnp. nnr? rrcmrri nf pvprv h I ' I ing : it is on this account that wo would pray and labor for her diffusion, until the whole world h hmiKrtit within rr hu- Jnanizinc? mflnenco. Rut infiilplitw JiasJ hever Vet nrrxliifVHl imchvKlMao fruit Wherever ithnannrvnrort it hum KlioKtoU I evenrholv nrinrinlfl Na..' i... i j cr- i nourished, whr-n 11a. I J J -' wuawa A V vaaiuu iiaa L TLI I ed infllinncA ' CW i. ..u..... I there have hfii U wkn n. w-u I would can irttmiiofi. k, Km. v.- I " " UVUI VIV.U .IIO W VI H I hot furnishnd a fanrfi.i . .v. I . - . .V. r. .UUm UTCV IWfC principles which thev hekt2trv--.rrrr t nr. .a .......... We cannot but respect Rousseau. - A was r and en thia iiwnimf r, t.t I him that hnmnn ' ihu.li ..... . - - I strain US to vield tn I " ...v.i vui IMIU1V9 UNI I ed though hiBimnml - i.t retained to the but a kiirk iMt;. r virtue : and thim wn wunca a eubwT tmnn iiu I claims and nntinnn. Wn -nri-j vj pwe. ; He had also a hat! tn I I-- v.vHoiuiio aau mtirfVicru, vtf- uc I all its Was reanv nt all ;. t. I cause With thn Ani.nu.IIT.Ji..' I Christian, he character nearpr thnn nv mnn ti ma i W, - ' " ' OJ V X. U , i Dlut I. . . ' I - - uu j. uuiai uv nnjic. i "M. IIB WM an .llutiJ i . i:. IT. VUM hlfl ft-olinmi ttu Kt.nJnl f 1.1- " " OMICSfc J II rt'Jt 1 1 V IIH Bis : anil rui .....( 1 u jj .i... v. responsible for hia osinrfiwt at mMl..l ' okhwiw mo iuca uiut ne was but at that a J .u . - v man. n w - nmi iiin nmPTi - I - a -.wto ft ru7 OUH I kincrlv Sll.a I- 1 tW. I j ,u m iua iuo. . lucrR was i ltll lm Blu nraciisc. no i '"iiness to which - ho did hot atooix'f 1 in. a J 1 . . 1 m mmmm - T Then wr point , to bis own confession, where , each one may see ior nimseii to wnat lntamy infidel- My may oring even a uousscau. . , nn i tr.i.- - .1 i i iuo we v ojwure as anouier example tl uie nuscnici wnicn lntuiuuty has wrought luqi, ana wtuco Have earned him so niach fam? ., : ara incIi,ned to ay. that I we cou,I Ji have SDared tliat we couiu 111 nave spared that man ;" but when we think what a degraded wretch be A- li --.1 1 a i.- " "uir uiicu mo, KiKUUUC powers were prostrated to the basest pur. poses, we feel that "it had been better for gard as an object of disgrace, appears in my the world if he hud never been born !" He Judgment lobelMe very thing by which the re was as basely" : hypocritical J as . ho was Vnuhlir J grossly sensual IIo could kneel before the passing pageants of thcchurchofllome,) and with ''upturned, , reverent eyc.1 , ho i mum auoro utc enwa ui jeaus. uie svmooi 1.1 J l .1 -r T ii. 7 t i i . . . . ..: . I nl mMn 'a MHnmnl a. K! when "rJT v " - .V V "'"r" v- " " I cenuous DODUiace. Had Voltaire bedn a common man be would have ended his days M man "and accordi , whcn 't hi. cM fJ ; m which works have thrown around; the name of France. But why go on with tins enumeration T hut tuuunr luuuuiuy in ircr uuvuiuuui' '!. r .11 . :c.i..i:.. i j trogress, and tell of the misery which she as brought on many noble spirits t We refer you to the lives of Hobbes, Shaflesbu-1 ry, TindaLand Bolingbroke, and we bid! 7" nKnow a,uercnt uieso men wouw hal,r.horls; n.r mibued 'lttUiepnncip.es or tueOospeL: We point VfUltn I ffcril rmnA inlulfklitv'. mactortiuwa I ; l "'"J " imioiviuivvv. .1 & j i.ni. . - i uwu iio Biiuii ou csccruiea US lOIlJT "'T Parana we on you uiuik ?W wretchedness this would be, tMHMWHJ nv fc SUIlfSU14Vf UUU U IIUI1KUI reason, the uuidei s god, were cstablislied on the throne of Deity ,v. ; -j 4v i It may here bo asked, "do you main. tain that infidelity foineff cases attended .;. nau.B. i m it with such, .injurious consequences T Have I there never been individuals decidedly skep. tical in. their views, whoft conduct has I been so exemplary, that-it has won for them the esteem and confidence of the com-1 munity " ,That there-have, been such persons, we do not deny ; but we hold . that I their immorality is not traceable to their 1 skepticism. " Had their principk?s been al. I lowed fttso cojRs, hod they been permitted ta exert their luuana unnirainca mnuence on their hearts, they wouldKno doubt have produced the same results ; lor we hold that the moral infidel is, to the full, as ano malous a character as the immoral Chris tian, ilnthe present state of things, a man's comfort is insensibly connected with his character. - When his reputation is lost, his ruin is secured, f Thus is h, that multi tudes who have long since lost their rcspact for Christianity, are deterred from enter ingon a career of open and of shameless proflieacy.. Were these wholesome re straints removed, were mankind to lose sight of the broad and" palpable difference between virtue and vice, it is to be, lea red that many of your moral infidels would aroP uuer "sguseana give evioeuco ui skepticism has influenced them lust . as it has influenced other men. Tlieinfluence of infidelity upon national ' . ' l ihanMo. hoohui imn v mfirkorl It t I . ; .u. : ,k;u tK twm M f sMauww saw ax - relisrion have been elevated to tho seat of government, and in which they havo been I allowed to keislate" inaccordahefi with tlicir own views and wishes, are execcdinff. I hr rare : but thev are numerous enough to imnreas us with the truth, that skepticism w as iU adapted to the happiness ot nations, as it Is to oromote the lntcrcsi oi inaiviau. I mIr. TTia first case which we shall advance in nroof of this, is that of Rome i and let it not be thought that we are dealing unfainy individuals, whose talents secured for them by infidelity, when we are thus bringing it the attention and respect of their fellow cit into contrast with heathenism. Absurd izens declaimed against the abuses ofjhe and irrational though the . religion of the j Romans no doubt was, it assumed, as true, I many principles of the very first importance I to tho nrcsnrvatinn of social order. ihus, 1 whl h man mind was oVhased hv the - r- .. .. . - i apiMiml ritA which a deuianinflr nncsthood I ouw " J I V, Knl iralitutrut An1 itnrvnafvl it wna f1fMlted I hvthrviivntinnnf a minnrintnndincr Provi-1 J I 1 rt - I nAhv lw otil! mom suhlimR doc. I --uw,tw wi ...u wU. . I nf future atnto A nil Kn U lumnn. I bered. that unlike the religion of many pro-1 fessing fJhnsUans, the rites and Ceremonies w. -- v - ' . wicYiin wT-n nnt npriip.tn and ! i-ul uilv miiiiinrA nr rjinnrp I m;rV.t fl(t -: Tkov won. nt-inrH with I tiw. oariiat nnit Ynnct r-liArishral amoriatlon I iuu:m mv.mm. .r . J ... ..w .- rv.n nnnln nnJ ia-tntrfA into thA I Unmimnrat wfll n thn mot innnortant I f tiro And ht h also bn keot I t-u tint thplm wim not thn KhfflAn of I f tti , "onmmtinf Hr! rriprf lv.',! Its I vaav i'vu a, w uv vutw.i -r-- - j - i rTua wer w-lehratedbv the Door and by 1 :' th-a nV-'.nl Kw 'tVi 2rn. I tt nnhm'Wi-nmi nnt tn rinmhln I . The I rttiriibntip nlAnrinrT in th triiimnhs of his i K.ian ' vv. wtuv. ucuior uciiv lo winwn bed his success. . The . " , - - lated in his ca reer of conquest when ho re membered that he was contending for his ftmintrv's altars as well as for her homes, and when he returned from the hewot car- UUlf! WIVIVU TV tilt . luuivi-mv-,.. - r O . -. -fsa . a. .' L. mrv. ins iuiyul uui uj irit uio w lioa ox names. Ana let u, noi uo uiuuku that all these observances were vaim They cemented as by a bond of bras the I In his folly he ascrf. an infidel) the confession--;' ' We have in wan? 8Wrd on high he gave the or- " , , n I 1- J i I members of that great republic, and rnade the , most . discordant materials act, in I unison lor the promotion of the common - I . . m . . - . . gooa. 1 ne tesumony ot 1'olybius i I a skeptic; i will show that the religion of un "Among aU thd useful Institutions,' "ays he,"tbat demonstrate tlie superior ex eellenco of thn TJr.mn1 ommmmMt. the I most cnrutidernlilp Mrhnnfl i thn nninion I ... . r. r I.r 1 I Wbich nmn ii am tauaht ttf hnlrf -Cnnccrn, in the mvis and Owl trthirh nthrr nwn. rr.. sUtion, which is impressed with rors,and influences the private all its tcr. actions of the citizens, and the public administration to a degree that can scarcely bo exceed ed. Thcancicntstherefore.actcd not absurd- V? 001 .wul g000 reason, wnen tney in. eulcated the notions concerning the , gods and the belief of infernal punishments ; but much rather are those of the vresent da to be charged tcilh rashness and absurdity, in endeavoring to extirpate these opinions for, not to mention otbcrcfTccts which flow ironr such nn institution, u among the Greeks, for example, a single talent only be entrusted to those who had the manage I ment of the public money though tliey tn mniin.1.:.. ' : iw uwu. un,uc,. wiiu ua-luuiiy scalsr and twice uany wHnes9esth;y I are unable to discharge the trusfr'reposed in them wjth integrity. But thfi Romans on the other hand, who In thejeourso of. ttir wgisirocies, ana m emoaraies, aisuursc the greatest sums, are i proswled oh, byHie single 'obligation or an oath, to perform 1 hrir fllltv with tnrinlnhlA. Itrinnofv Anil J " ... nuu : .i i as in other states, man is rarely . to. be found liose. hands are pure from public robbery, so among the Romans it is less rare to discover one not tainted ' with this crime.'' Hampton's Pohjbius, vol. bookvu '. : r . '-'.m : 111. Such iis Rome in her best and most pros. pcrous days Such were tlie principles which gave strength and stability, to her. power. ifiiiH. r.. u j . . . i .: I : . . 1 . Had she retained them, she would long have continued the empress of the world, Had she embraced . Christianity in their stead, she would have become a blessing to the nations ; and the tribes whom she had goaded on to madness by her tyranny , wouia giaaiy have acknowledged her su. prcmacy. But a less glorious destiny awaiu ietf ner. brought ruin and effeminacy upon Greece, soon began to spread itself among tho Ro. mans. Tha change effected by its influ. enco was not at once perceptible. Indeed, even after infidelity and atheism had been almost universally embraced, the republic seemed' for a tune to be more firmly based than ever. But the splendor which then invested it, was like the glory of the setting sun, which shines forth in aU its brilliancy for a moment, and then is lost in darkness; And could it- well be otherwise? Could the state prosper when the tics which had so long bound its citizens together were for ever broken T Accordingly, the name of Home was soon slighted and despised ' by the nations whom she had formerly en. slaved ; and those tribes who, to avoid her vengeance, had once succumbed to her au. thority, rolled in like a flood upon the land t. ttJ J 1 .1 J. A B PP.ressea wem, na sxyeu ikh uwuuvuiw v-wui. uuub n- swept irom ns oosom every . vcsiiro oi . . Mwn'wrargrenness. livo only instance in modern times in which the avowed enemies of revelation have possessed the supreme power and go- vcrnment of a country, is that of trance during the greater part of the revolution. iJ"g ueioro uai evem we peopie iwu uo eun ro ue wary o uuu sysiura oi eccium- astical domination to which they had so long succumbed, and. accordingly, when Romish church, and denounced religion as the cause oi an nnman woes, i they met with a large amount of public' sympathy. l ne innaei party, at ail times mprcstea in tlho nrocress oi thcu views, rcioiced i that . t r . i - - - i i . . - -T". . . . . . thev had at least gained the favor of thepop CJ J ulaCC ThcT looked forward tO Still RK)K decisive triumphs, and fondly anticipated the dawniiiff of the day. when swerstUton . . . would be dethroned, and when to reason - ... ,J - ' . would be committed the management o: at- lair . . r.nue aia tney imagine, tnai wncn . I f I .1 ,1 1 thev were thus striiun! at the root ot ail rclimon. thev were overturning-' the bul warks of social order i-lhat when thev were teaching their countrymen to dishonor the J law of God. thev were also instnictiuff them to violate and dishonor the-; law of man. When revolution brought desoialiotroh their country, thev saw thev had gohaT too far. But thev could not crush the evil nrincioles whichthcy had called into extetcM's' Lw j ; - - T- t-i lmnntont and iinnvailintr tormf on ihfi wild and dRstructireonirointm or .Tthe monttter which, in an evil hour thev had. created, The ease must havts been extreme which gious sentiment ; but this is not the way to regenerate the world. 1 - . - We shall not attempt to sketch the nor. rors of the French revolution. Once the theatre ofthe useful and ornamental arts, it seemed to have become, under the influ. ence of atheism, the chosen abode of eve. ry evil principle. All the religions m the world went declared to'bf the daughters of r.,rir wna atimii. nrOaerib nar auncnttitinn. dfHtroved all reh. 1 utr n anomcr lnsutni me uara, massive ignorance and error.; By a decree of the National Convention , the existence of the Deity and the doctrine of the soul immor tality, were formally disavowed : and in or der that the world might have tho benefit of their folly,- this was ordered to be transla ted into every language under heaven. Public worship was of course discontinued. The churches were converted into "tern plea of reason" and women of profligate character, who, by the acclamations of the populace, had been constituted tutelary goddesses', received that homage which can only with propriety be paid to Deity, And infidelity had also its sacrifices of uiuuu. iuiin ine , snort period oi ten years, no less than three millions of human victims were offered at its ; shrine. "France, says an eloquent writer, "du. nngthot period, was a theatre of crime, which had excited in the mind of every spectator amazement and horror, ' The miseries of that single nation have changed all the histories ofthe preceding sufjbjinga oi mamuna mio laie ra it's, ana nave been enhanced and multiplied without a prece dent, without a number, and withoutanamo. The kingdom appeared to be changed into one great prison , the inhabitants convert ed into felons ; and the common doom of mankind commuted for the violence of tlie sword, the bayonet, and the guilotine. To contemplate men it seemed for a season asi ii me Kncii oi ine wnoic nation was tolled, and the world summoned to its execution and its funeral. ' Such are the evils which infidelity lias uivugm ujuu iiiuiviuuais anu nauons. t is-painful to reflect that multitudes -in our k. .-1. : i: ., i .. own country are at the. present moment exposing themselves by their skepticism to similar evils, and it is yet more painful to reflect that tlie abettors of dcistical opin- ioi are permitted tcisseminate-the-pot- son oi tneir principles, unchecked and un resisted by ; the , ChrisCah" part of - the community. We believe that our country can never be brought into tho condition of revolutionary France : but the very fact that skepticism is now introducing wretch edness into many a family, should rouse in to vigorous action the slumbcrim? energies ofthe Christian church. And were bclie- vers' sufficiently alive to tlieir duty, thev could with case banish infidelity from our land. All that is requisite to guard the poor man from the attempts of the design. ing gainsaypr, is to tell hint what the Bible into contrast with the pruriency of skep. ticism. - Were, mfidchty thus exposed to the light of knowledge and of truth, it would speedily wither, "and it would - nlti. matchdie... " . . ; . v ; , From the Casket - - STORMING OF STONY POINT. The night had already settled down gloomy and forbidding, on the evening of the 15th July, 1779, when the .advancing column of a little arm v, whose uniform be tokened it to be American, emerged from a thick wood on the shore of the Hudson, and in an instant tho whole dim and shad- owy prospect, disclosed to them along the bank ot the river, opened to the sight tar away lay Verplanck s J'pint. now bu. ried in a mass of shadow, white on the other i k.i . v" . siae oi ine river, dark, gloomy, ana trown. ing, rose up tlie craggy heights of Stony oint Washed on three sides by the Hud. son, and protected on the other, except along a narrow road, by morass, the Fort was deemed one of the most impregnable upon the river, and its capture regarded as almost impossible., Yet to achieve that gallant purpose,' this Utile army was now upon its march. .. ' . A turn in the road soon hid them from the river, and after a short march or some nun. utes duration, they arrived within a mile and half of the enemy s lines, and halting at the command of their officer, formed into columns for the attack. Beginning again their march, they soon reached the marshy ground at the base of.Jhe hilL . nisi : sum ine iuw vuec oi uie ireiie- i J : .-aV ITT Ala. . I . I" al. ra-romremvwc nnri hilt ' Tho order passed in a whisper down the line, and the column paused on the edge of the morass.- It was a moment ot suspense and peril. Every man felt 'that in a few minutes the fate of their hazardous enter. prise would be determined, and that they would either bo cold in death, or the American-flag waving in triumph over the dark iromontory ahead, now scarcely discerna. ble through the thick gloom of midnight Yet not a lip quivered,,nor a check.blanch. ed in that crisis. ' About twenty paces in front or the column, had halted the forlorn hope of one hundred and fifty men, . with unloaded pieces and bayonets fixed, while farther on a smaller group of shadowy forms could be seen through the obscurity. accoutred w ith axes to Cut throuch the abat- itfros? V. Each man had a piece of white paper in his hat to distinguish him from the foe in the approaching melee. The pause, how. ever, afforded, was but momentary. The general had already reconnoitcred the ap- column was moving steadily to tlie attack. :- It was a thrilling moment, during which that devoted band crossed, rapidly over the marsh, r As yet the enemy had not discov. ered them, i Even the hearts of the oldest veterans trembled with the eagerness ofthe moment of suspense. Already had the foremost of the pioneers reached the abattis, and tho quick, rapid lnroachra to the still xilrnt nmmofitnrv. and blows .of their axes rung upon tlie night, when suddenly & shout of alarm broke from the fort, tho gun of a sentry flashed throu the gloom, ami1 in an instant all was uproar uuu vu.uii. niuuu cue UOIUUIUIIUU lOrUU- cations. Not a moment was to be lost." - 44 Advance ! advance !" shouted. Wayne, as ne pressed rapidly on towards the abattis, followed in death-like silence by his indom. itaCle troops. ' ; ; ' 9 ': ' j: ' " To arms ! came borne on tho night breeze from the fort '!to arjns to arms!" and then followed the quick roll of the drum. - ' . " Itr an instant tho enemy were at .their posts, and as uio gui(ant contincutals still maintained their silent but steady march. fire, such as only desperation could pro- auce, Durst irom every embrasure of tho tort. ine incessant rattle ofthe musketry, the roar of the artillery, the crashingof the grape shot, and the lurid light flung over the scene by the explosion of the shells; and the streams of fire pouring from the fort, formed a picture which no ben can describe. Yet, amid it all, the daring as sailants steadily advanced; Uioiigh not a trigger had been pulled in their ranks. faithful to the commands of thcirgcneral, though trembling in every limb with eager ness, they kept up their silent march, amid the fiery tsmpest, as if impelled bv some godlike power, On-ron-s)ii they prcss- ed. ' ' ' '. -"j.-'' " The whirlwind of fire from the fort ceas ed not ; yet still they dashed along, charg ing at the point of the bayonet,;ovcr abattis and Bulwark, until the enemy, - borne back by their impetuous onset, quailed- before them."-The" works were forced. Then, and not till then was the death-like silence broken.- A sound rung out from the vic torious troops over all the thunder of the battle. It wna lhcaiehaard?f ..success,. It was heard by tho head of the column behind ; it passed down their line." was caught up by tho rear, and a wild shout, making the very welkin tremble, rung out as they dashed on to the attack. " I he contest was short, but terrific. Ovcf bulwark, battery, and prostrate foes, the gallant continentals,-headed by Wayne, pressed on, and driving all bclore them, met the column of tlicir little army, with an enthusiastic cheer, in Uie very centre of the enemy s works. In another moment tho starry flag of America waved triumph. aniiy over ine Daiticments. descnbeTITthough' the contest had been so bloody , not a man of the enemy fell after resistance ceased. The prisoners were disarmed, a guard placed over them, and sentries posted on all tlie commanding po sitions around -tho works. The morning gun announced to the British fleet in the river that Stojiy Poisr was won. RtnDmr or Tma. Swiftly elide our vears they follow each other like the waves of the ocean. memory cam up Uie persona we once knew, the scenes in which we once were actors tliey appear belore uie mina lite tne phantoms ol a night vision. Behold tlie , boy, frjoicing in the gaiety of his soul; the whoels of time cannot move too rapidly for him the light of hope dances in hit eye, the smiles of expectation pUupon his Up he looks forward to long years of joy to como his spirit burns within him when he hears of great men and mighty deed he wants to be a man he longs to mount the bill of ambition, to tread the path of honor, to bear the shout of applause. Look at him again he is now in Uie meridian of life core has stamped its wrinkles upon bis brow djsappointment baa. dimmed the lustre of his eye; sorrow has thrown its gloom upon bis countenance he looks back upon the waking dreamt of his youth, and Jighs for their futility each revolving year seems to diminish, some, thing front bit little stock of happiness, and he discover that the season of youth, when the pulse of anticipation beats high is the only season of enjoyment. Who is he of the aged locks? Ilia form is bent and totters his footstrps move more rapidly towards the tomb ho looks back upon the past hie day appear to have been very few, and bo confesses they were evil. -the magnificence ofthe great is to him vanity the hilarity ofyouth. louy-ne consider now soon uie gloom ol I (iratn must overshadow the onc-and disappointment the other the world presents little to attract, and nothing to delight him, still, be would lone-then put his days though of " beanty bloom," of 1 7 - - " fancy's Hash," or music's brcath,"he is forced AJew DniiL must conaiona him to idiocy or the grave yet this was the gene rous, the high soulcd boy, who beheld his ascend, ing path of life strewed without a thorn. Such is human life, bat such cannot be tlie ultimate desti nies of man. ------ ErraAOapiNAav Dncovsav or as axnerr Pawr ixo FftEs m India. When Warren Hastings was Govenor General of India, he observed that in the district of Benares, a title below the surface of the earth.ia to he found a stratum of a kind of fibrous wooden substance, of various thickness, in hori. tontal layers. Major Roebuck, informed of this, went out tea spot where an excavation had bera made, displaying this singular phenomenon. In digging somewhat deeper for tlie purpose of fur ther research, they laid open a vault, which on examination proved to be of some sixo, and to their astonishment, they found a kind of prising press, set up in the vault, and on it more ble types, placed as if reay for printing. JErery inquiry was set on foot o ascertain the pmbuble period at which such an instrument could-have been placed there, for it wascviditatly of modern origin, and from all the Major could collect it appeared prob able that the place had, remained in the state in which it was found for at least ene thousand years. Wc believe the worthy Major on his return to Eng land, presented one of tlie learned associations With a memoir containing many curious specula tions on the subject. Paper we know to have been manufactured in the East many centuries before we had any knowledge of it; and we have many reasons to think that the Chinese have been acquainted with the mode of printing they now employ many centuries before Fanste invented it in Europe. . It certainly does no credit to the in ventive genius of the Komans, tq know that tney approached so near as to engrave in a etyle not to be squalled in the present ajfe, on genu and tones, and of course the taking of impresses from them, that they should still have remained ignorant of the art which has bestowed so aiany blessing on mankind, . ... . . POLITICS OF THE DAY. A liCttcr from (bo President of Uie "Vi-. ; Vatlteel States., K .; " WaSHIMGTOIt, JcLY4, 1840. . Gentlemen: I have had the honor to re ceive the invitation which you have been pleased to give me in behalf of the democrat ic citizens of the counties of Fayette, Wood ford, and Scott, to be present as a guest at a public meeting and entertainment to be held by them at the White Sulphur Springs , in Scott county, Kentucky, on the 11th in stant. - . - . - - . Truly grateful for this mark of their res pect and kindness, I can but regret that my public duties will not permit me to ex press my gratefulness face to face. . That I have been so fortunate as to se. cure "tlie entire approbation ofthe democ racy of Kentucky, that they look upon mo as "true to the Constitution of the . United States," "the representative and advocato of their principles in the Executive Depart-. ment of our. Uovcrnment," cannot but af ford me peculiar satisfaction, coming, as it docs, from a highly respectable portion of the ancient and time-honored patriots of that noble State, and from the sons of those who, in their day, were the "pillars of the republic History, gentlemen, must be false to her duty when she ceases to inform mankind that it was by Kentucky that tho first cfiuctual blow was struck at tho dan gerous principles introduced into the ad ministration of our Government soon' af ter tlie adoption of tlio Constitution prin 1 - ciplcs which had already led to acts ' of p fearful usurpation rand th reatened specdi- ly to destroy as well the rights' ' of "tho"" States as the liberties of tlio People. . It ' was Kentucky 1 resolutions,- backed by those of her patriotic parent. State, which ohaiMtwl llut-AM-nniilti' imltlijxmiiD'O' '.and L n r . I - brought back the administration of the Gov ernment to the principles of. the Revolu. tiop. For forty years the democracy of the Union have looked upon those resolu tions as the creed of their olitical faith; political degeneracy has been marfced by departure from tliat standard, and, liko tbiu original language of the Bible- in matters of religion, they arc the text book of every re-' former. ir ' i. Nothing could more effectually prove the purity ofthe principles then announced than the progress they have since made in -the minds of menj . While, even the paron posed them has come to be - considered a term of reproach, if not of ignominy ' and insult, the principles ofthe Kentucky res olutions, in profession, if not in fact, now enter into the creed of every political sect, and the once derided name borne by their apostles and advocates, is' considered an essential passport to popularity and success, Nav. more, tlio People, almost with - one voice, have recently recognised and conse crated the principles of tlwee resolutions. by an act as unpressivc anu empiiuuu as n . is possible for a nation to perform. Sinco your letter has been laying before me wait ing for a reply, it has become my agreeable duty to confirm the fiat of the nation set tling forever the unconstitutionality cf the' sedition laws of 1798, by approving an c for tlie relief of tlie heirs of Matthew Lyon, refunding to them a fine collected of their ancestor under tlio law in question. Par. ty prejudice, judicial authority, dread of me precedent, respect for that which has ' assumed the form of law for -forty years, . have successfully resisted tlus act of justice; but at length all are swept away by tho ir resistible current of public opinion, and the sedition act has been .irresistibly decided to ' be unconstitutional by a tribunal higher than the courts of justice the sovereign People of the ynitcd States. V. The patri. arclis of Kentucky and Virginia, the men who, in that day, midst obloquy and insult, voted for or sustained the Kentucky and V irginia resolutions of 1799, cannot but rejoice with joy unspeakable in witnessing the final triumph of the pure, principles to which they then announced their allegi- - ancc.: 1 ney and tneir descendants navo a right to glory in sceingTliose. principles rccoirntsed, even at this late day, by tho acclamations of a nation , and one of the ty . . rannical acts against which they protested virtually expunged from tho records of the country. . ;i . . , While to aged patriots it is a subject of congratulation and joy , it teaches tho young that cnons at rciorm in uie uovemmeni oi tlicir conntry ought never to be considered hopeless as long as there is anything to im prove, and that, if tlie fathers do, not enjoy the fruits of their exertions in the cause of democratic principles, they are. certain to, fall in blessings upon the children. I am most lwnny to inform you, gentle. men. that I have this dav sitnicd tlie bill for tho establishment of an Independent Treas ury, a measure of which you speak in deci ded commendation. JJy this measure, tue management of nn important branch of our national concerns, after a departure of near ly haU a century, will be brought back to ... the letter, as well as to the obvious spirit and intention of the Constitution. The -system now superseded was, in fact, one of those early measures devised by the friends and advocates of privileged orders, for the Durnose of perverting the Government from its pure principles and legitimate objects, . vesting all power in the hands of the. few, and enabling them to profit at the expense of the many. ,1 Joed no inform you , gen tlemen, thai the eficct of depositing the public money m banks , was to lend it to those institutions, generally without inter est, to be used as a part of their capital, and V

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