1 BE VALUED AS IT IS USEFULLY EMPLOYED. ASHEVILLE. KOri LINA, fRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1840. NUMBER 16 miMinlwdslTrft l1rfif damned, u,c 0p- 11 J 2b'h''t) until !l arrearages liid. hc find. Tm-nty-Five Cc,.. for s murt to port paid; ii$rElXANEOlTS, ' " TI1XS HEIRESS,1 ;;V ;v'v .nri-'lrty. rosyawked, flaxen-haired BirlTittflUo', w 1510 lkM of Juno, on the marble irtopa opposite V -hn i uvea in wimi(ii hundred, little miiicU, and ,U bw? many talcs, in , "d ,i,h ooir of delightful .simplicity,- that lwfi,, J many a time Slw was then orphan child, airt commoniy repon iu rh ofkn . eiiid often have I sat, after. ,1 fcy of toil and vexation, ana imivnvu iO; Vr !.utit voice, fefi'tiinwiff Kinn ine Mel f pese and hnppinOM, liIch (1"H1' ! t,,-rful!y from light ttl, 0 Una. ' 8fc1 wtii EUaa Haotky, whoa. I. wrajVesrs d tup)3, during wbie.h in I vss alrfrbPJiir, wheTiTwalgt; ngdong oneJflie most fashionable aiuarci, I saw an elegant female figure tep into a carriage, followed by a gentle, mo nd two pretty children. I did not ntmediately recognize her face; but my fiend, who was by my sidc H'"1 mv ow, do you not "recognize little EIih who td to siffiTlongTPnwiiveujwiiw arTnufitntT I'aiJremcniEcrtwiM herself.- '. gheusedtobefond, saidjbe. treating U little circle of frienda withf romances Ul it-binh Wted rt a ifeatjJmmralcfiatiy--olh"cr lltlcat-thcory, prompts Jterwlt Site came out mtohe gay circle Wlife, under the auspices of her guardian. It was said by some she was ncn very ich but the amountof wealth did not ap. kar to be a matter of publicity ; however, Jlie current, and as we generally Delievea, lelUfounded report, was sufficient to draw round , her many admirers and among ic number not a few senuus courUers. She did not wait long, before a young ratleman; on whom she bad looked with a Dtnewhat partial eye, because he was the ayest(and handsomest of her lovers, em oldened by her partiality, made her an tier. Probably she blushed, and her heart uttered a little, but, they were Bitting in a iwonlight parlor, and as her embarrass. hent was more than halt concealed, she lion recovered, and as a waggish humor lappened to have the ascendant, ' she put ia a serious bee, told him she was honored. y his preference, but that there was one rater which should be understood before, 7 giving him a reply, she bound him V is promise. 'Perhaps you may think me ealthy; I would not for the world have on labor under a mistake uporHthat point, am worth eighteen hundred dollars. V. . . She was proceeding, but the gentleman isrted as if electrified. Eighteen hun- red dollars V be repeated, in a manner lt betrayed the Utmost surprise; yes, pam,' said he, awkwardly, I did under- p you were worth a great deal more- 'No. sir. sherenlied. 'no excuses or pologies; think about jrha.1 I have told "; you are embarrassed now: answer p another time and rising, she bade him rum DigriL ' i . oMllUl ewnttn1 n M . he . wcnVnext more par. r7 h ner guardian to innnim Inure oar, cularly into her affurs, and receiving the 'fjnwer, he dropped his suit at once. The next serious proposal (vllowed soon iter, sod this too came from one who "Ned to a largeportion f her esteenii 4 tP'y'ng the same crucible to tl love f offered Kpr bKi f.,n,l m i:t,n u e too left her, and she rejoiced in anoth. r lortunate escape,- one some Ume after, became acquainted a young gentleman of slender fortune, vhos$ approaches stu tkruKf ;. f wred more of the timid diffidence .of love, fan she had witnessed, bctore. She did Prr 1,18 ""Pw, and inprocpss.of 1I1SR. HB Ynn mk . - . muue ner an otter. . But when yke of ner fortune, he begged her to aPk I8 10 virtue worth and beauty, a he, that I pay my court, not to fortune. 1 you I shall obtain kt .u - wa most agreeably dis-Tomted.-They were marred, and the "ion WSS SoWin;.nwt . k J v: fM herfornine with hpilf I nm Jn. f WOrUl mirhlu,. I. J I J l- - . -&""c" uuiwrea aouars, saia o mm, but I iww, ;a m..u T',nd l hope never to enjoy more re than I feel this moment, when I ;. y i my fortune is one- hundred and 7 uiousaDd. Itisachinii. i.. . .. . sun ner husband r .cut ner thnt ;n kj P nobler fortane. a Atni.O . j"-!!.- horse which the j?-,VranRe rode at the battle ofVV.. f tt"tye.ght years and seven r&nths. b w """glacenturv .four DmwnA ,,77. ft i? rB beh,'8' "PP68' on the earth l-weir busy parts end . sink - into its fi"lbowt.r roLlSIlHTEUATURi:, i r.juv it a nuj fait. Tho coiii'luHioii drawn by all who no. nisc this mpid tikctrh mtttft tH.Ceiunrilv'ic. tHfittlielatiyua'jy and Uterrfiurv of 'I'ulaiul have ftnviuiwd to tlitiir prewjiit wrv hinh di'fcn o of purfc-ction in en equal nitlo : witli tlio lucrcttsing iTiiforturH. f tho cuuntiy, during the lat fifty j curs. This phciiuint'. non opjH-ars o extraoruinary tlmt it uc. aryts the Borious cuiuiucratioj) .of fvtry reflecting mind. Wliut, Indeod, tihouid ecm mure unfavorable to' the progrtss of a nation's laiij-uue, Uwu lu jwtitkul mini, biiatlon , and tlw incorparuuoo of its ilis. mcmbcreil provinces with scvc-'ral. foreign rtatiis, cuch n-nK!Ctively iutrnt upon Jo. stroying every vestige of iu formr nation ality! Vet, it is a lhet that Polwh ljtcra. lure is actually now reaching n-intli. uriu at no former priod cmjld I'olund ever boast of more tliNtinguiulicd. nn-ft la every dppftrtiTirnt of science, learning, od polij. icaLeimimjncc, feinco too third partition in 17B2, all the public muswunw, tlio libra? ry-of Warsaw, numbering 200,000 works, that of the Society of the friends of Sijk'ncc. scorcdy h'8 rich, and Prince Cxartitfyskis Library at ruluwy, coiitaiiung iiiiliyuliul materials connected "with Polibh hiNtory, andjjot fiswer than 20fUt)0 English work. werif after themelanf P'ittfJiuiiMuf ib'r crrioQ; oftff .'Uw tT'Oid JlJWUtt jW'W. It Ujese nprpjiwff crcumstanecn, so growth vf jtrhonat sterling merit have been lately published, not only in several partsof Poland, but ctT P. .toreKi i-rrK Mnuvtiv aLAA Vinnnfa In dint the hitherto Unsuccessful attempts madeibr the recovery of independence, iiave Invigo. . ... j . rated instead of weakened the moral ener. gies of the Poles, and that ardent feeling of jatriotirn which lpjfcrjneiUfmca-WaiirJiuJ. ci pally confined to one class, now animates alike the inhabitants of very cottage and palace lin- Poland.,- That feeling alone,, without admixture of Jacobinism, democra. the rich and the poor to submit to every sacrifice for the restoration 'of their coun. try. i Their literature is more intimately connected with the history of their inccs. sant political struggles, than is the case with any other nation : it is a most potent weapon, which theytiow understand how to use. ' The time may yet come when the' following passage shall, have ampler tealU zation, though not designed forlhem, even on earth, as it assuredly will be in heaven In this time shall the present be brought unto the Lord of Hosts of a people teat, bred and pcecd, and from a people terrible from their, beginning Hitherto; a nation meted out and trodden under foot .'whoso land the rieers have spoiled, to the place of tne name ot tne ljord ot Hosts, the mount Zion. Isaiah, xviiL 7.- Foreign Quarter ly Review. HOW TO GET A VOTE. Mr. Editor, 'I happened at an election not many yea.rs since, when Mr. P. one of the C mdidntes for the Legislature, kept -a gr nice confectionary (with all sorts of li quor) store. 1 ho polls were opened just on the other side of the streeL ; Thcrewas an immensercrowd of peopte on both sides of the streeL .'.. Mr.. P. was on the look put for every mm that came in, and while I was standing there a Moun taineer came in, and having tied his horec, tie wns addressed bv f. T . - . - - w w m " '"- a . ' . , now no you ao.Nr. vj., i am giaa to see you ? How are you, sir. . Come, take a drink with me. ' G. No, no. laint going to vote for you- "' - ' " P. i it , cant you take a drink T I ilont ask youlo vote for me.; 'i G. I dont mean to vote lor you no how -you. I wont drink with you. P. it take a drink and go' and vote for any one you please. Come t G. Well I'll take a drink, but -if I vot for you-, (lie takes a drinkandseeros to like it, and after a little time ihe con vernation is again commenced.! P. Come mend your drink, you are tired ? G. No you, I aint going to vote for you. I dont like you no how, . P.Take a drink and be independent and vote for any one you hkei He takes another drink and begins to be in a very good humoril Friend P. this is mighty good truck. P. 7 Well I am gladydu like it; take an other it won't hurt you. It will do ,; you goodV . - - r- G. Will you give me a lectle drop more, for it is mighty good. ' He took another drink of the "good critter which worked wonders. J - G. Gome hfcreP. here P you are the feller I've seen to-day Uome wid me f-for-I v-vote for y-you any h-how. Y.your a mighty cl-ever fellow, They went to the poll and G. voted for P.. but whether for any one else I know not. I "should think most likely it was phmner. P. wot elected ! S.' C. T. Advocate. , . B. A Cots MciU Rini. Amonr th" many del. icseies in the form of bread, which render the en joyment si breakfast m acceptable, we know of none more deaervins oT notice than the one pre- parrd acfordinr to the followinff reccrpt : Take 6 enpsful of corn meal, 4 of wheat floor. 2 eupefulof molawea an (Pi wo table anoonaful of taltrrvtut, (asH ah) mix the whole ..together and knaad into dough. ; then make two cake bake them H yonwould pone, for three fourths of an honaand vourfl 'have one of the most 1$ tefol deacriptkmi of bread jpat everjhWd uie table. rarmrr ana Uardemtr. , "It bus K-v i !-(idored b-r a boned cmjI Pruvid:u iOT'siiiii"ofnan prjuly aiiiihiv , .Mw'hould becotne sources of aiioytrirLf though .according to tlw primal p jr( 'Vfefleld of existence roust be mopiH aIJW-- sweat of hia brow.'yot tlJitlulCiibor. should' give bettlth to Ui(j;Vwy.tirsmtmeBt to the rti'md, , It jai nfkHffyKormAJby,, wazh us have luukt dyr kfe;4. Ithinkingeyes, tht UuwlMn W to be constauTly eviV(Kltytho. most cheer ful among nuMiaifc contra, ry , the disclpuiswUo cling to their cuiH-h ani hhi IfyfcWi away, are ir. awjbk m tcnijyAdiwascd or Imbe. cile in bwly ; ufcj&uoOjtli themselves, niwl unntifcuw"Srbuud them. , Tim ltarm4Lnd the neccssU ty ofoctivtty, I HlfMft themental and tonKirhl fi. AiM$$n9 not denied i ven by, the?; wiriitiiftaseeuse at the csrsT K'tisii VhoxiJaiL' . ' fuVastateof uncnvla. An and ,ul:l uftte-barter the spirit and vivacitl'illiicl. , "wtrv only can en joy.' ; Ntttuip):rret and mysteri". ous rorontil .Ml who In hcM)p or biillliti wMjcfato to her fa II VC!, inui 1 " - . 18CS uw til coin. uiiMHifi : iir.tu tiikiflirtYtc glows and his brow ' woir .Vbwibrious ' pastime iMj swjuitHin wjicji niornnigwiin ine rtru-riiled tiVindk JT his wardare on tho fcatlicred (triKisf and others, "pursue ftribXf an an unt'wffifclously fulfilling her provi." decrees ;v Hilarity of heart and hardihood of frame. spirits always jocund, and limbs , always vigorous, courage to taco danger, , and strength to bear fatigue, can only be ent joyed by him who indurates bis body, by J irenuentcjtpoau incessant motion ; who by being cranlovci gives sadness no' time to fasten on bis spir. its, and earns refreshing slumber by useful toil. A state of ease is at best but a neutral state of being, alike" distant from " posittve happiness and positive misery.- But it is tlie source of misery ; for as the bark that is suffered to lie unattended to on the ocean, its sails tmtrimmcd, and its helm unguard ed, may be wrecked by a sudden storm, wnicn vigilance could easily have avoided so, in the bark of life, he who loiters With careless indifference on the stream of time, may he overtaken by the tempest which activity had out speeded, or be dashed against the rocks, that by the exertions of industry had been passed in safety industry prolongs life. It cannot eon qucr death, but it can defer his knur; and spreads over the interval a thousand enjov iiiL-um umi niaKo ii a pleasure to live. As rust and decay rapidly consume the ma. chine that is not kept in use, so disease and sickness accumulate on the . frame of indolence, until existence becomes a bur. den, and the grave a bed of rest - Industry is the friend virtue ; and indolence the hand. maid of vice. The active are seldom cri minal ; but the most of those who yield' to guilty enticements, might trac? their Inpse irom rectitude to habits of idleness, which leaving the heart vacant, gave full oppor tunityfor the evil passion ands desires of our nature to exert the power. Titls Vxat Quaint title pages have Ion; mnce sone out of fenhion, but in the time of Cbarlea I. and Cromwell, they were greatly ia VO?ue. We select the following anaamplea: . In 1696, a pamphlet was published in Lmdon. entitled "A moat Delectable, Sweet-perfum-d joaegaj, iot uoo i oainu to ameu at. in iw appeared "The SnuSeia of Divine Lore." In CromweU'a time, the author of book on ehur. tr entitled it, " Hooka and Eves for Believers1 Breechea;" and another, who wkhed to exalt poor human nature, eatla hiTTaDors " Hieh-heeL ed Shoes for Dwarfs in Holiness.'' About the same time was1 published, "The Sni ritual Mils. tard Pot, to make the , Soul Sneeze, with Dcvo. itom? another, "A Shot aimed at the Devil's Hind quarters, through the Tube of the Cannon of. the Covenant,'' Another. "A Reaniii Hook, Well Tempered for the Stubborn Ears of thelmiinir Crop, or BueuiU Baked ttrtheOven of Charity Carefully Conserved for the Chickens of the Church, the Sparrows of the Spirit and uio sweet swauows of Salvation." To another we have the following copious titie nare.'whicb. answers for an indx of the contents: "Seven Sobs of S Sorrowful Soul for Sin, or the- Seven Penitential Psalms of the Princely Pmphet Da vid, whereunto are also annexed William I turn nis's Handful of Honeysuckles, and Divers God. ly ana rtthy IMties, now newly augmented.! Ts EMreaoM CiuaLEMAONg iSD JNaiwi.eo, Upon opening the .tomb of Charlemagne, at Aix-IuXhapclle, his skeleton was enveloped in a Roman dress, and the double .crown of France and Germany surrounded his flesh less brow ; by his side, near bis pilgrim's scrip, lay Joyeuae, 'that good SWord, with which, says the Monk "Saint Denis, he cut in twain a completely armed cava, tier.' His feet reposed upon the massive gold buckler, which was given him hy Pope Leon ; and from his neck was suspended the famous Talis, man which rendered him victorious in battle. It was a relique of the true cross, presented by the Empress Irene, and waa contained in an emerald attached to heavy gold chain, which the good people presented to Napoleon when be entered their city. In 1811, he threw it around the neck of Queen Hortense, acknowledging to her , that he wore it at the battles of Auste rlits and "Wa. gram, just as Charlemagne had done 900 years before. Since then the precious Talisman and chain has never quitted the possession of the Jucbessja'St. Lcn, a ho regards it with the uTii fidence reposed in it by its imperial donor. JV. Y. Anurican. . Punniso. A person named Owen Moore once left his tradasmaitwjmewhat unceremoniously, on which occasion a wag wrote, ? J Owen Moore haa run away, Owin' move than he can pay." Pa vna nm nraa. It appears that the cost to the United States for keeping the srventeea Amis, ted negroes in custody, and their board, is over ttyB 'thousand dollars, ..-... POLITICS OF THE DAY. TO. THE EDITOR 0R THE UNION. 8ir t BcingJnlfiicd that tho Honorable IcnypaVj-vf Kentucky, inJiis public speech at iNashvillo, yesterday, alleged that I Imd appointed tho Hon. Edward Laving, ston Socrvnry of State when he was a de faulter, and knowing him to be one, I feel that 1 am justified in declaring the charge to be false. It Is known to all tho country that the nominations made bv the Prcu. dent to the Senate are referred ' to appro. priate committees of that body',' whose du. ty it is to inquire into the character of the nominees, and that if there is any evi. denne of defuult, or any disqualifying cir. cumstauce existing agnliist tlirm, a reiec. ai .1 s .r uon oj me nominee follows. Mr. Living. awn was amcniDcr ot the Senate, from tlie State of LouisiaiiaVwhen he was nominated by mo. Can Me. C av sav that he onnosed tlie nomination because ho was a defaulter t If so, tlW journalof the Senate vill an. awcr. But his corurmation bv tlie Senate (conclusive proof that no such, object ion, II made, was sustained, and 1 am, satisfied that such a charge against him culd not IwvetHtodiSitbstanuatcd. - .- I am also Informed that Mr. ClaV charg. ed roe with appointing Samuel Swartwout collector of the port of- New York , kmw. ing that he had been an associate of Aaron Burr. "To this charge it is proper to say that I knew of Mr. Swartwout's connection with Aaron Burr precisely as I did thnt of Mr. Clay himself, who, if tho history of tlie times did not do him great . Injustice, was far from avoiding an association with Burr when he was at thejown of Lexington, in Kentucky. Yet Mr. Clay was appointed Secretary of State, and I may say confi. dently with recommendations for cliaracter moan fnvaw produced to me by the citizens of Now York, in behalf of Samuel Swartwout. Mr, Clay too. at the time of his own appoint. mcnt to that high office, it will be recollects ed, was directly charged throughout the Union with having bargained for it, and by none was this charge more earnestly made than by his present associates in Ten. nessee, Mr. Bell and Mr. Foster. Under such circumstances, how contempti ble does this demagogies appear when he descends from his Mgh place in the Senate, and -roams over tlie country retailing slan ders against the living npd the dead. V. . ANDREW JACKSON. Hermitage, Aug. 18, 1840. - . - TO THE PUBLIC. : Your surprise, am quite sure, will be as great as mine was, on the perusal of a note, signed Andrew Jackson," addressed to the editor of the Nashville Union jT and bearing dnte on the 18th instant. The circumstances of my presenrvisit to Nashville are well known here. " I declin ed repeated invitations to attend the Con. vention holdcn Qh the 17th inst., and fiml. ly yielded to an unusual appeal, with which I was honored, and which it would be diffi cult for any mm to resist. I was called on to address tho "Conven. tion. In wlint terms of respect, apd, for his military scrvicesrof pmiserl spokeof the distinguished individual who is the oc casion of this note, all who heard me can testify. Among the subjects which I dis cussed was that of the degeneracy of public virtue, and especially the delinqueney'nnd ifidelity in public Ttfhccrs, of which within the last few years we have had such lament able proof. In Bssigningcanses foFlhis deplorable state of things, I stated, ns among them, the subversion of the rule laid down by Mr. JeffeinfjnoJr)npX. ty, and fidelity to the Constitution,, and the substitution for it of one founded on devo tion and subserviency not to the country, but to the chief of a pirty : tho nersons np. pointed to office, too often considered them. selves as being only .put injossession of tneir legitimate jwiare-orxne spoiis-or Ticto: rv, instead of feeling bound bv the obli gations of a snc.red trust confided 1 for the benefit opthc People. In . respecti- to- the defaulters, I referred to the case of Mr. Livingston, ot wnosc attainments as a' pi. rist , not more consistent with truth than my feelings, I spoke in the,; hight terms. He was one of the earliest and one of the greatest defaulters. His case occurred under Mr. Jefferson s adminstrntion. Tlie records both of the Executive sod Judicial Departments established his default lie remained a defaulter about a quarter of a. century, if not more. How he finnllv ' li quidated the balance against him, andwheru I do not certainly know? but I bHieveiMbWid. A mercenary legion of one him- was by property, and under the first term oC Gen. ' Jackson. But whenever . and however it ; was, a tardy payment or com position of the debt could not, and did not, expunge the fact of bis onginnl default in arguing irom cause io etieet, I con tended that the appointment of Mr Living. ston was a pernicious precedent; that it was a virtuarproclamation to all who wore or might be defaulters, that their infidelity in a public trust constituted no insuperable 4 bar'0'.0 pmrnotronrto one of the highest otnecs in the Uovernment. I did not at tribute to Gen. Jackson a knowledge of the default. I went even so far as to say that he might not have reflected upon the con. sequences of the appointment of an indi. vidual so situated. I must how say that, until Gen. Jackson otherwise asserts, I am constrained to believe that he could not have been ignorant of a fact so conspicuous in the annals of our country as tha of the de fault of Edward Livingston, Esq. .as Attor- ney of the Uniu d States, in tlie District of New York, during the administration of Mr. Jettcrson, to the amount of about 9100,. It was in the train of the same thought and argument that I added theappointment of Mr. S. Swartwout to the office of Coflcc tor of the most important port in the United States, as one of the most unfortunate and injurious examples. Ilia participation in the schemes of Cel. Burr was a fact of such no toriety that I supposed and yet suppose, that no man the bast conversant with tne history of the country could be ignorant of it. liut it was not upon Gen. Jackson s knowledge of the fact, it was upon the fact tueij mat i aweit. , It is now said that the appointment of Mr. ewartwout was recommended by citi zens of New York. I know nothing of these ; recommendations. Whether, they were cause or effect; whether they were . . 1 . guiwu up to proauce or give color and co ver to tlie appointment, previously determin. ed to be made, their secret history only couiu uisciose. i ne appointment occa. stoned general surprise among the friends and foes of the Administation at the time, and tho sequel demonstrates how unwise it wns. These topics of my address, to the Con vention on Monday last, have boon selected byXren. Jackson for comment and nnimad Version. " He was not present on the occa sion, tie nns maae no application to me for a correct account of what I actually said ; but litis been contented to rely upon "being informed, by whom, with what motives, and with what objects, I hnvo no means of conjecturing. Whether his in former may not be some5 friend of Mr. Van Buren, who, in tho present desperate suite ol Ills political - fortunes, wishes to flie niTd and turn the tide of just indignation on the part of the people frointhc : General 's protegcthe exhibition of bis name only .would enable thrr public to decide. " With regard to the insinuations and gross epithets contained in Gen. Jackson's note, alike impotent, malevolent, and de. rogatory from the dignity of a man who has filled the highest office in the Universe, respect for the public and for myself allow me. only to say that, like other simlar mis- siles, they have fallen harmless at mv feet. exciting no other sensation than that of scorn and contempt 11. CLAY Nashville, Aug; SO, 1840. m T the Whigs and Conservatives ( t of tlie Visited States. ExECUTrvE Committee Room, ? Washington August 25, 1840. Tlie splendid election results just an. nounced from the States of North Carlina, Kentucky and Indiana, gladden the - heart of the patriot, and stimulate him to grea ter efforts in the service of his country. ' In these States.'the enemies of the Constitu. tion and of the prosperity of the Republic are annihilated. Tlie Destructives are panic stricken : turn wliich way they may, their nfTrrghted vision is startled with the 'hand writing on the wall.' In A'nbnmn, they have barely. escaped defeat. Missouri is "coming to the rescue." With forced but feeble shiuits, they exult over Illinois, and rejoice that they have been able to hold their own. Since the nomination of. Gen Harrison, the States or Connecticut, Rhode Island, Virginia, Louisiana, and North- Ciriolria, all of which voted 'for Martin Van Buren in 1836, have proclaimed in no equivocal Inngunge, their allegicnce to tlie Country and its Constitution. The informalionjrhich-wcJiave receiv-4 ed, and which we continue to receive, from . i tho Stntcs of Pennsylvania, New York, Michigan, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia-,- Tennessee, and Geor gia, is-well calculated to! inspire us with frcah confidence in the intelligence and pa triotism bnhFjWoitend-Vt ithhe cohT viction that their slumlx;ring vengeance is awaking into life and action, ready, to lav hold of the- temple,-which corruption has raised on tlie ruins of the Constitution and welfare of tlie Nationj, and' crush beneath its fragments Us power-grasping and infatu ated architects.- " 7 " bxcessive confidence in our own strength is the only danger to be appre hended.' Let us not rest in fancied securi- ty. Let us not repose on our laurels so freshly and gallantly won, but rush into.the battle field in quest of new achievements. The cnpmy is rich in the means of corruption, and tbevavill use them with no sparing . ... . . dred thousand office-holders, who fight for their salaries and their bread, arc arrayed against you. The money of the people', now in the hafids m the President by his Sub-Treasury, will tickle the palms of the purchnnible. A ribild and stipendiary press, sustained bv Uovernment patronage, y. scatter jjs vile trash amotig you. To meet successfully these fearful odds against you, requires vigorous and untiring exertions, I Let us nut fear that our majorities wil Too overwhelming. The Administration,. and the principles on which it acts, should not only be pros trated, bin prostrated efec'ualy mdjorev er. It should pass to its long account amid thd exultations of immense majorities, and without the hope of a resurrection. The rebuke about to be administered should not not only bo severe, .but astounding. It is tJue to the constitution to the country to retributive justice, and to-' posterity, that the.crimes of this Administration should te marked with a reprobation deep as your sutlcnngs, and broad as the.. Union, ine "hie jacet" which Uie people are about to write on its tomb should oa in .capitals, bold -end prominent as are its derelictions from duty. Thus written, ,if" wTfl- stand through future ages as a pobucal "memen. ' to me'ri" to any person who," "dressed ' in little brief authority ."shall play the ty- rant, forgetful of the power that mado him. , Is there a patriot in the land whose bo som does not swell with pride and exulta. lion at tlie brilliant prosperity now dawning on his desecrated country T Oh the 4th of March,- history , with ironpen, will inscribe on her marble tablets, on this day, by the almost unanimous Voice of confiding, abu. sed, and intelligent people, was banished from Hie Capitol, the first American Nero, , whe laughed at the calamities with which he scourged his countrymen,-mocked at the sufferings which he had created, and tauntingly ,told them "thathey looked to uovcrmneni tor too mucn." Then will the Country shake off the shackles with which folly and madness had bound her young and vigorous limbs, rise with new strength and press onward to her high destiny. And who omangT you will not on that auspicious day, join the joyous song, and with honest pride and patriotic, exultation, mingle your voice with the shouts of millions, and exclaim, "I too fjught at the battle of Waterloo." To all such who have up to this period stood by as idlo spectators of this fierce conflict now being waged between the people . and tho office-holders, let us say , "delay no longer. -Inaction now is dangerous to tlie Repub lic. Rally on the. side of your Country, and prove your love to her instutions." " -We use no hvnerhnl wliin wfi snv. that slio is but ono ruiiiovef roni a practical mo narchy! oiye to Mr. Van Buren a stand ing urmy of 200,000 men, and your liber ties are at an end. Alroadv is he in the possesion oT tlie entire 1 rovenues of - the- country. Tlie national purse is at bis un licensed control. Think vou that he will abandon las wild scnciucs of on overwrought ambition T Think you that lie will cease to urge upon the consideration of5on grc8s the monstrous project of an im mense st nding army ? Think you that there is in Congress independence sufli cient to deny him any request T No, no "Lay not the flattering unction to your souls." Who could have been found - on the first of January, 1837, bold enough to have predicted that a measure, which had b en denounced by nearly the unanimous voice of the people "disorganizing and re volutionary," as subversive of the "Gov. ernment from-its earliest history," "as en. larging to an alarming extent the bounda ries ol Executive power," would at this timeT have been the law of the land T But such is the melancholy fact ! The Nation al Legislature furnishes you wjth no pro tection, no guaranty against the exactions of Executive power. - It ithe- fundament al law of ''flie party,' both in and out of. party, Congress, and woe to the man who dares to oppose it. lie is denounced as a traitor and renegade. The sleek hounds of tlie Administration, thirstyl 'for blood, are unleashed from their kennels, and' with eager scent pursue the object of their hate. They will soon ban quet on the mulillatcd carcase ; with crini- giving gratifying evidences thnt his orders huvc been faithfully; executed, and are again kept in reserve for some fresh vic tim of Executive vengeance. Under this rign of terror and proscription, place no dependence on Cougress. It is no longer a shield Ik;1 ween ilie rights "of the " people and the usurpation of the President. - Hea ters for Lxecutive gratification, and pan. di-rs to his cravings for power. The same men who, but a short time since, spoke of a Sub-Treasury bill with horror, and who now rkmlrmii tlir sttnnHinrr flrml; nrnut Wiriilippareiit sincerity, will, at the bid ding of the President, adopt the latter with as mueh unanimity as they enacted the former. The same servile partizan major ity who here gave him the "purse," who at his nod disfranchised a sovereign State without reading one syllable of - the eyi- dencfwifi hot licsTtatcTo arm him with tlie ' 'sword .also., - " - Tlu re is lit one step between the Pre sident and despotic ; power:- Lose, no time in throwing youstdves between them. If yfiiivakic your liberties, achieved by the blixKlVf your fathers if you would hand them down unimpaired to your' children, tripts marching to victory under the ban- njr nf Kr C.! kiutitiif inn nnd of ' I Ti m'akn and R form" The history of tlie last six months ad monishes us to warn you against the false hoods and calumnies of the Administration press. Within that period you have been, told that General Harrison was a "weak imbeeitetild man in his dotage." The ink with which the slander was penned, was scarcely dry.w-hnn we nearaot him at rort il 1 1 J a w-v w hWi Mi io. one of tM scenes rif his . plowadV dressihg in the full voice of vigorous man. hood,' and with the fervor of youth, an im- mense multitude on the gn-nt subjects which so deeply ngitate the public mind, and vin dicating his fair fiime from the aspersions which malignity has attempted to cast upon it. More recently has he visited , Fort 1 Greenville, and again with his , usual abili ty and eloquence, addressed a large con. course of his feIlow,tizens. "Snrn, per. chance the feed libellers of the Executive organs may announce that he is the victim

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