LIFE IS OXLY TO BE VALUED AS IT IS USEFULLY EMPLOYED. ' '' - ' " 3 TOLWfE I jTuTciiBisTir. m M.nii" k Dublished t Two Tiw-TiJ:. r-nu ner annum, in drnCe, or KfBBoni"r ... .ii . MnffMue na id. ItkM) rf wiU ia .t On. Wta, I - ,tart w m"1 " M. , . . . lgSi Tmut to port ,-ud. - MISCELLANEOUS, - rFmm Um Impend MagMine. ; DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SPE- Dilative and experiment. AL RELIGION. lUtoU tsubject with which, every , lim.nT, ins is connoctca, eno id wmcn no small degree hi. tempore welfare, it L.5 -fiance more immediately and ape. dficotly to that which is cternaL It ia by religion ne can iw fi : - nlitninMi hv sacrifice .huh neakctb betterlbings than that of wiiK-u t Abel even tllO Sacniice oi tcmum wiim hwi riibtcousr iti from' religion he4 to ob.1 .:u.n. of this world, by means of.this hit depending fears may bo allayed ; hit sphntual desires enlivened, and his ransom. 2muI elevated to Oodl ""; It ii obviotw, lKHovort on even a curro. thit two kinds of religion, distinguished by their difference of sjtuation, havo lAtaincd .mnnatimm. doubt, Co antici patcd u referring to that which has its scat la the head only, and that which holds a tjsco in the hcartXThcse aro of such a htthev should bo concomitant in I assvm niiil bWraTtrmsrrthoiiuh nothitt Lro common than to see them disunited, I T" :.! 1!J jli ,sf ilia una unccuiauvo rviigiuu, vi . hetd, usurping the place of the cxpcrimen. !. Tho cause of this digsevcrution is, rlinni. not very deeply concealed. Men, la general, aware of the truth of religion, giva it, as far as external circumstances are eooccrnqd, a favorable reception. They prtfesstd obey its outhorily and dictates, to acknowledge us excellency anu auvun niges, and 16 bo under- its" influences arid I control. But they form to themselves mis. taken notions on thesubiect of that branch I which is ouroand undefilcdr they build on an unsafe foundation f they conceive that if I they unite in acceding to the importance to tho importance land authority of rehfion. and attend to laome of its outward and (if such an exf res- Jsioo be proper on such a subject) least mo. iiuiiiuus purucuiars, uicy nave luimicu its requisitions. They behold the obiect, but do not desire to possess it. They are in error as to thoyefy essence of religion ; they stumbleat the very thrcshhold ; and, like Chorazin and Bcthsaida. will come in. Itogrcater condemnation !sincetJsinkuig with the Hebt of 14 the elorious cos pel of the Messed GcdMshining tcsplendently arounj them, they refuse to be. cheered by its vital and vivifying influences. . v- Thedjflhicnco then which exists between I speculative and experimental rcligbn must artainIybegreaU. vVhile Uie speculatist and the formalist may go on day after day j to- the appearance of their walking accordjng to the truths of religion, incy are destitute of that inward witness I which attests that it is not a cunningly de- pisea luole, or a specious and fallacious imposition, which tho wisdom of God has I devised. The carnal nature exerts its powerful sway iu their various actions, and though the first-appearance may deceive, lacloscr attention will manifest tliat thev lauiltack-" tho one thins needful." Even Jthat man who may descant upon the bless. 1 - O 1 i'ugs onu privOeces ot Christianity, who I may illustrato it bv Lis exnositions and iwno may wade very far into the labyrinths i speculative truth, may be as far f the kingdom of heaven as th nnst in from I mav ha na fur from the wesC The piibFcans andliarlots, the tlicy Have huTa crude and debased "concep vilest of the vile, transformed bv renewing tion. They baptise their children : but it grace, will enter with joy aud gladness into I is a - .-j n- nte mansions of eternal felicity, v. hile the learned sinner, with an unsoftcned hcan, jrill Kft up his fieryes in tlie lake that burns for ever and ever. , TllC CXnerihvmtnllof t. in n .l jiiappy state ; he lias Kl.ttflJiis heart His nature has been ro. newed; he has been born of water and of WB .Tspinrrne is in possession of that faith I u-o purines the heart, and " justifies the ungodly." Ife , his hand u R hia iiieart. and .'with lU n. j :.i.. iuatle satisfaction, moint tn JhA -n-it tlUUB hA Muin. t,l .1 ....... -viviixiaui mc iruin a and bless- ?Twem of the ensn,,! 1T t convinced 't only by reason , but also by experience, a guide which "opens wisdom's way;" Ul tlie prosnort Af tiia finnl fHoafln I poo, can triumphantly and delightfully ex-1 that he shall stand at the latter day un- F 11,6 earth 5 and though, after my skin, I . . . " . n i : ' . .-..v. him UUUf i Vn 111 f II V IUBn . 1 lf , . ouau bto lor 111 V- wuj i it mi wfifim on. aaa Cam n i fcnotlir min6 eyc Bha11 lxoW and "ot I fr;r- fcThus his reason and his under, , - "Utit . 01M411 mlj flUIT 111V. I In flw. A i J ...... x,io ouctutMia i I rj? ""-"gntiui work of his salvation. ' Ii.. . ."ystem w the Christian relision was imr SlianiW-! adaPted for otn purposes J 0 those of rMon1ntinn T. 1 t? mvaluable privileges were intptwl. I tclW if I0 Paitaken of 68 'eU as to be i'xperi 10 ""rsc-to praetice-and j riino.- ,. 88 o tneory. - ine I they ASHE his desires and actions, and to inspire hiHiVfth the hope of a future and incorruptible imheritaiKje In eternity. And does it noj most uequi vocally answer its design in the heart ofVtho. true ChrtstianT Does it not display all nasflkacy and beau, ty in such a cho meter t lhe divide Spirit applies the doctrines of truibowith power to ma soui. ii in prosperity, ne is pret served from pride and forgctfuluess, and his breast is expanded with heavenly, be novolcnce ; if in adversity, his reliancexjs on his Saviour, in the hopes and promises of the gospel ; though wtorms may beat around him, he is securely fixed upon" the rock Of ages," and in the midst of appall, ing darkness, supernatural light arises in his souL " He is a happy example of light and love. lie perceives the excellency and suitability of npiritoal objects, possess, cs an ardent attachment to them, feels their divine energy upon his soul, and hence it is that his religion is of. an experimental nature." Not so the man whom a specu. lativo religion has unhappily possessed j al U hopes are uncertain and vain ; an hit I ii n. -i; a. u i reiwiices ure wiavijr . iiucuu , ro una iw comforts swinging from heartfelUexpc ! rcQuircmerits. and. feeling not its now. er, lose, all iu blessings. . It is experience which Js the true test of tlw Christian, whereby ho indeed finds the goctpc! to Do " tne power oi uoa. i no vinccdof tlie corruption of bis own heart, and of tho vanity and instability of the world, whilo his desires after God, aAcr holiness, after heaven, are continually in. ercasingr and, because he seeks and prays aright lor ncavcniy blessings, no ions not, to obtain them. . I he man, on tho contra. 3 not possessed OT"fhis experimen tal religion, encourages no" such sentiments - ,..,-X4. J3 and ueHires j i;e socks only tne pomps - ana vanities of earth, and fulls at last a victim to his triple CDeir.y the world, the flesh, and too devil! - Oxford.. - i ' J. S. , - From WaUh'f Jaurncjr Gipsies. Tho race of Gipsies, ofjas tlie coutinch.' tal nations of Europe call them, Baliemians, Js unknown onthis cohtineiit; but the books,' bothgravo and light of Europe, have made the name familiar to all reading peopte; juid wo shall .therefore, williout hesitation, copy from " aisn sjourney, a sketch of this strange people, as he found them at the foot of the Carpathian un. tains in Transylvania: ' ; " I was now in the country, where these extraordinary people are, most numerous and where they were first known in Eu rope. I About tlie year 1408 they appeared in Hungary and Bohemia r where they were called Ziguerieror Cjngaries ; but when they emigrated from hence, Bohemians as it was from Bohemia they were scpi ed to have conic, when tlicy were first seen in tlie more western parts of Europe.- They then went about in troops ofsevcral thousandstogether but - tlie t ribes-soon dispersed, and they are now scattered in smaller companies, forming' still a large population in the centre, ot' Europe, and occupying the suburbs of many towns, be side the wanderers, who pitch then tents wherever inclination leads them. The number of these people at, present in Wallachia, Moldavia, and Transylvania, amounts to 122,000. ""They are generally called Qfcingaries, but sometimes Dfaroncr, or subjects of rhoroah, for the same reason Rhat wo call them Gipscy their supposed Egyptian origin. They are distinguished. I like the Jews, hy indelible personal marks, L'V KJ y i hair : an aversion to labor, and a pronensi- tv to petty theft I hey acknowledge no crallv profess the Grcokrites. of which narticuiar reiimon as their own. out gen. gcncrallydone by themselves in a public bouse, with a profane mixture of ribaldry and folly, They have no notion of ares, urrccuon, lnuepenucm oi mo buhns oouy . . ? 1 1 ! .L ..i-J . t 1 I. being again brought to life before it decays, whichthey say is impossible -One-of tlicir cliitdrcn died in school in this place, and the parents requested he might be buried with his school fellows. On being asked if they expected to meet him in a future state, they said they knew lie could never lire again; and. showing a skinned horse, ask. ed whether it was possible that, could ever be restored to lite. 1 hey form connexions before they are of marriageable years, and change them as inclination . leads ; and motliers are frequently sum number of children bf differ surrounded pya different fathers. uhrt tA n rrrtnin ntw. run about naked. even in the severest weather. When in- together, with pigs and other animals, in a small enclosure, which is rendered exceed- 1 - I ! 4 ..... 1 .17.. 1 f I Ifltrtw fil.IMlVH I IV L 1 It T I i HIU1I -WAimtUtifr VI I VlVtlllllUUlil. . .. ...... i ....... n i " Tliey are in temper irascible, even to frenzy, and live in a state of discord with vacii uuicr, niuit w uicuiij jnuw.ii propensity to intoxication. Notwithstand- tlicir debased and despised situaU'on in society they are proud and consequential, . 1: 1 1 n a.1 rrlnrinira with nn mmrA tn tnHh. TVv hold ccr- tain families amongjhemln high respect, andctll theirVwvodesrWjfrotr elect a nominal chief, to wnom incy VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, ried three times round tlicir huts, with shouts and vociferations, and then his in auguration is complete. These chiefs are the guardians of some privileges granted them by the Bathorian family, in the year 1600, of which the Czingaries of Transyl vania are very proud ana tenacious. Not. withstanding their general depravity, they havo irrades ol infamy, and many are , so vile that they are rejected by tho rest; of thpse some are made executioners, who set about the task Willi delight, prepare extra, ordinary instrurpents of torture, and take a savage pleasure in telling.thc victim tlie punishment he is to undergo and the pain ne isto sufler. . Their chief occupatioais- making iron tools, norn spoons, baskets, and other arti cles; in the provinces many1 are engaged in collecting gold from the beds of the Olt, Dobrieza, andothcr auriferous rivers.- They are. also employed as scullions,' and contribute to increase tlwt dirt and disorder for which a Wullachian kitchen' s noto. rious; they ' sometimes howeyer, rise to higlicrana more pleasing wqcupations. Tney have, naturally very acute and deh cote perceptions of soundsand hence they are generally delighted with musie this talent is Much cultivated and they form usually, the musicians of these countnci particularly on wind instruments. I ha often heard tlicm, and always with pleas. ure. l heir language is a collection ot Hun. gnrian and Iklganan words, mixed up with Arabic and other Orientalisms, which one acquainted with tho languages of the East recognizes in their jargon: they also and adopt that of the ncoplo near wl they reside, when they are disposci stationary. Ilcy havo no aro considered incapable instruction s by tho delicacy of tho sense of hearings they readily catch the melody, and tuke their riafts in the harmony ofja - . . i ... r rr: I .1 ..I.I conuon j ojk i was miormeu mey couiu nut bo taughVto read a noto of music, and all tlicjr'knowlcdge was by ear. . " llicir civil situation in iransylvama is much better than in tho provinces: in tho former they enjoy certain privileges and immunities, which raises them in some measure to the rank of citizens ; but in YYdllachia and Moldavia they are slaves. One. class of them is the property of the government, and the other that of individ-i uuls 'They are bought and sold at a fixed price of from five to six hundred piastres, though the sale is generally a private- con. tracL Those belonging to tlie. govern mcntaro allowed to indulge their wander, ing propensities, on engaging not to leave the country, and paying a capital tax of forty piastres for each individual above six. teen ; and this they generally collect in the beds of the rivers. Those that belong to the Boyars are employed in whatever ser vice their masters choose, generally as household servants or vinedressers; and sucji is Jtliestatc of degradation: -towhich they are reduced, that if one is killed by his master, no notice is taken pf it ; if by a stranger, his death is compensated by a fine of eighty florins. They seldom com mit atrocious crimes, but are much addict to minor offences: for the more serious. they are severely bastinadoed on tho soles of their feet, at the discretion of their mas ters ; and for those of a lighterdegree, their head is incased in an Jron mask, which is locked on for a longer or shorter time, and this, besides an uneasiness it causes, prevents them lrom eating ana drinking in such a state they sometimes exhibit a very grbtesquo appearance. . For petty tlieftslhey undergo another punish, ment, somewhat different: tlicir neck and extended arms are confined on a cleft board, which they carry about them, This is called, in Transylvania, cnfcdl, and is m " evident .he remains of the Koman pun. ishmcnt of tlie furca. described by Dionvv sius, Ace of Sheep. The ago of Sheep may "be known by cxaminihgTlicir front teeth. They are eight in number and ap pear during the first year all of a small size. In the second year the two middle dries full out and their place is supplied by two new teeth, which are.oasily distinguished by lx .1 i-i 'i i- .? - 1 11 1 ing of larger size. In the third year, two otlier small teethr one-on eachsidor drop out and are replaced by two large ones j so that there are now four large teeth in the rniddjoj nnij two pointed. ones on eacjhsidct In die fourth year, the large teeth arc six in number, and only two small ones re main j one at. each end ofthe range.. In the fifth year tlus remaining small teeth arc lost, and tho wjiole front teeth are large. In the sixth year, the whole begin to be worn; and in the seventh , sometimes sooner, some fall out or arc broken. Knoxviue (lam.) Farmer. ... A Tlie New York .ExnreSS .Copies a ae I stftiile of "a $50 Treasury-i'Joto -in circula- tion in that city; The administration lend- ers in Tennessee once contended ithat it .lAn!nnJ f A mnla ft ihwil ( rMT-Vl WOB UUt UCOU'IHM W HKMfcW M I "V..t.. lirvUIUUlM wniivtwi.ii-.iv.u.ij. - " j'- imAnY iianir tt 1 1. .-n i i i i n'Mwitrv. ii pin: no treasury notes will be issued wrote Gen. Jackson'to the Globe, in 1 837. Mr. -"Van Buren canvc i nto-; to establish a gold anil silver era, and " ca gles'T and " yellow boys" were the phra zes that bore him along. Ho will leave us with a' Government paper currency. If there be . principles among tho followers of MrrVanBuren," how do they satisfy tliern6olvc with-trMS.-wido diffijrnncobe. twecn professions end practices- 1Colum bkt Observer. - ; r V" , FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER " EXTRACTS FROM ' Tb Crisis of the Country, ,, . BY JUNIUS. " -I How a Dfspotisin may grow up in a lie ; . . jwWic. "- - , " I am enabled to state," says the Prcsi dent of tlie United State, 7' that in twenty two out of twenty-seven Governments, from which undoubted information has been obtained, tho public moneys have Deen Kept in cnarge ot puunc qjicerf. That is. officers dependent onlv on tlie prince, or sovereign; but independent of the people independent of a Constitution al legislative body elected by the people- In other words, twcnty.two out of twenty seven monarchies have 'adopted tlie Indc. pendent Treasury. Heretofore, we have repudiated the example of foreign despots as a mxlcl of government ; but now, for sooth, tlie Chief Magistrate of the Ameri can republic tntokes their influence and aid to establish the vital principle of their in dependent and - absolute sway tlie very soul of that system which has made shires of the poor wherever it has existed, an . .11 .ass m S grouna tnem to tne aust Aioreovcraic President, by his own confession, Jiasbccn engaged in sueh a correspondence for inch Iha object ! The ofour republic conspiring wl?h tho despots of Europe, Inking lessons fronHhemon the principles or mjvernmemvand recommending the examplo oFiwciity.two ot tne most nbso- lute, instead ofthe hve where there is some freedom leflf Walker, " to see this cauntry in the same happy condition with Cubai (!) lco. incide," says Mr. Calhoun' with the Senator from Mississippi," "Reduce," says Senator Buchanan, " pur norhinal to the real hard money "standard of "pn ccs'roCitfoperty and luborl " and vohJ cover our country with blessings and ben cfits !" " Tho prieff of labor is entirely too high ," says Sonator Toppan He also ndds:-' Tho laborers in this country can afford to work for ELEVEN PENCE A DAY i f . ondjho hard money system will bring down wages to that sum. Wheat willalso come down to SIXTEEN CENTS A BUSHEL, and every thing else in pro portion. The Sub-treasury mil effect both objects Yes, verily, Senator Tuppan, in sad truth it will. " I thank thee, Jew, for thnt word." The schcihe stands revonled, and " lie wlio runs may read." The Pres. ident, Benton, Callroun, Walker, Buchan an, Tappan all have revealed it nd here it vt! Let tho people, especially the a dan!" " Can aford " " Whedt sixteen cents a bushel, and every thhigelse in proportion " except i'ea, colfcpstigar, cloths, and all foreign productions, which would remain the same, anu no money to buy them. " Eleven pence a day for la- bor." and sfoTeen cents a buslieMon wheat," would bfige the workingman and tho farmer tohvc on corn bread and pota toes, ard Ictothe themselves and their chil dren ifllhe same fabrics which arc worn by theslaves of the south. ooden shoes too, would come into fashion and ih mis. UdveThe .Fresident's salary rising by tlus change to tho value of $o,0OQ an nually,.and those of his hundred thousand dependents at tlie same rate : fjet tne most iron despotisms of the age, of all history beat that if they can! If our fathers had foreseen it, could they have consented to die martyrs to freedom for sons capable of enduring such a bondage f J, It is true, indeed, tnat these conspira tors against the interests of the working classes, and of all American citizens who have a stake in the commonwealth, have been frirriit'-nrd nt the rrhn nf tlnir -Pu n ivords ns it comes back to them from an in- ignant public, and arc struggling, like the school boy-culpntr-bctwcn -conscience- and a fear of the rod, to say, " I didn't."1 But, you did, gentlemen. This attempt to get off, is like tho cirunsioTTaTin a trap to get out. It is meaning, not words fact, not metaphysics with which we have to do. Tlie people of this country are re solved to know, whethcritis the plan ol the GoVernmcntto vmle thepurse and thesicord, (aschem actually consummated by tlie President's ratification of the Independent Treasury 6n the 4th of July, 1840 !) -Tliey are resolved to know, whether the Covcrn- mcnt preporoOHredttee-thc prices of - prop-1 crty and labor to one half, or one third, or one fourth of their former value, thing already done ;) and whether office holders, from the President downwards, are to be as much better olt, cs the people nre worse off, by the changed This is what they are resolved to know iinc this experiment tcill affect our relations to Great Britain and oilier nations. First, nur nnlitirni nnwrr will Vm rlimin. islid in the same-proportion"' with our wealth and prosperity. - Either one of these is ordinarily a fair measure of,thc other? Great Britain would still go non with her giant strides on the crgdit system , augment ing her relative power and ascendency over ns, just as the -man of great capital tstrip in bnsincssand OTCTshai greatness his poorer neighbor ju$t as Ste phen Girard,of Philadelphia, Was more powerful as a merchant and banker, than any other single man of the same city. On the credit system, wc have proved a match for Great Britain; without it, all our com. petition in commerce and political import tancc, hitherto so, well sustained, .would (dwindle into insignificance. We should 1840. first be despised for our folly, and next, per- adventure, .insulted, with all tho disadvan tages of such a condition to cope with. ine great duik ot tho Commerce of the 1.1 1.1 "II .1.- r - i nunu nuuiu luu ui once imo uie arms, ana its profits into tho lap, of our great rival. Uur political and Commercial relations aitl; an oiner nations,-wouia sutler in the same proportion. Alt this would fall back upon our domestic condition with a ' tremendous ly paralyzing and blasting influence. How new theories and new erpertmenls of Lrovernmcntare dangerous to our institu tions. If they enter into the vitals of society, affecting its whole body from tlie heart to ...V. VAilVlUlUlO, IVIUllg lira IIIUCUlllCI ry to act on a new principle, or new ppnel. J pics, nte mo sencme oi tne uoyjefnment Bank and its comprehensive policy, it is a revolution. It was the intention ofthe Cramers of our Government,, it is tlie intetu tion of the democracy of this count ry, that this Government and these institutions should befiialntained , not ovgrthrown. No morelicoxit'S., . N more experiments. Nornore deviations from the advice of ex. crience. We know what is good. Wc don't want that which is uncertain. In our present state and prospects, the probable results oi mis ranuess nre leariui to con template. How to tnow the true Democracy, j Fortunately, the true doctrine of Amer lean democracy has obtained such a place in tlie public mind, that it cannot bo easily dislodged, or cheated out of its claims. Lvcry freeman has got it stereotyped in his brain. At is this : Don't covebn us too much. Another version of the same sen timent is Lei the jcolc alone. They may niuke mistakes, but they will in the end come right of themselves, quicker than any government can set them right. Indeed, any attempts .of Government to prevent Iliii Troiwieiit ev-iTs. whieTi" result from the on tf our free institutions, will oily I abriitai freedom, and aggravate public umity.uurs is a popular, democratic goycrnmehC and you cannot touch the n nmry sprmgsoj such institutions toconlr uiem, wunoui cmparrnssing tne wiioiojrnt chinery. It woii'tBo. It is'tlw vwry di; strtiction of our liberttbs. It will bo seen by the thlngirw'o linve had under consideration in iht'SOcPaces. tlint this great and fundamental jiHocinlo of muc.-in.uu uciiiui.-ijH;jr iiiia wi'ii uiirKU IK'- ing violated by the policy and measures., of our Uovernmem. Uur only safety is i v ' ' . - . - v returningio that principle. The voice of the ocople of this land should - be heard, froui Nova Scotia to Texas, in one loud, ong note of determined purpose : Don't govern too inuch. Let tho people alone. If we get into difficulty, we'll get out agaiu. it is the violation of this, vital principle of democracy, i is this concentration of influence in the national Executive, this gradual epcroac consolidation , tins r edcral grasp tliat clutch cs all things it can lay its hands upon, to perpetuate power in the same set of men yes, it is; this that has led to oil our diffi- CUlllUS. lllotc iheabolilinn of credit is the abolition of morality, Define crodit'as wc will , we cannot dis- join it from publicrmoralhy; his always the exact measure of the soundness of the social state. What could be more prepos. tcrous, then, what more shocking, than for a Christian Government, for any Govern ment whatever, to undertake the abolition of credit? " Is it pbssibl6' there- should be toomuchy " a redundancy" of public mor ality, or that it should be-too influential? It has certainly received a shock in the re cent disasters of our country, and urgently a parental Uovernmcnt. lei they seem to have set themselves to eject it from the body politic, as jf it were n fouV demon! 7orf lite Government governs too much. JTlieyvcrjitQajnudiiresuniing tnat, if tne people flunk ithey can better their condition or promote! their happiness byplanting mulberry trees, or trading in city lots, or projecting a new town in the woods, 'or shipping warming .pans to the West Indies, or ice to Calcutta or INew South Wales, or sailingjn a balloon, they will not claim leave to try ; end if they fail, tliat they will not. assert tho right of Iryinaumc'thing. else according to iheirJ oesi oiscretion. tney govern too much, in presuming that tne people wil allow their private enterprises to be interfered witli, or their private affairs to be superin tended by Government regulations and iol. ice. They govern too- -uueh , !if "preiara. ing that the evils of indiscretion" irf 'ilie management of private aftairs can be bet ter remedied by the action of Upvcrnincnti Uian by the experience- of the jVarties cfia ccrned. They govern too much, in pre suming to call tho private enterprises of our citizens " wild speculation, " frau. dulcnt credit," " gambling," swindling," &c. &c, andjthprc:cjding.lo punish these acts as -vtees and crimes, without trial, themselves being the accusers, judges, and executioners.. They govern too much, a nation oi innocents tor a lew oiionders and in doing the w hole by an ex post facto law oi xneir own ucvising. It mav be, that many of our citizens have made too Jree with their freedom.--' This is the natural operation of our free institutions. But they were for the most part honest ; they made baste to get rich ; they have suffered for it ; rad now what do NUMBER 20 they get , from the Government of their country? Sympathy, kindness, help, pro. tectionT No such thing. But tliey are visited in vengeance, arraigned as crimin. als, sentenced withont trial, put to the tor ture without mercy ; and here we are all" in the samo mass ; all dragged to the same doom, whipped and scourged aait o were a nation of malefactors V What right have our Government, cither to call the private enterprises "of our ,?ifi zens. vices and crimes, or, to punish them as such by ex nosT facto cnactmente? If a Russian orjl urkish despot had committed an eqtmKbutrage on his abject slaves, it would rouse the sympathy and indignation the world.' "Speculation," "fraud"? f gambling," " swindling." Tlicse are tlie charges charges brought by tho Gov ernment against a free people!. And then lie people aro punished- all, the innocent.. with the guilty, without opportunity of de. ft nee , and by an arbitrary lawwluch had no existence before! Obviously, we"" are governed too much. The, best Govern ment is tliat which is ftcitherseen, nor felt, by tho innocent and good citizen... :.: That is true American democracy. A hard ease. 'fiicre are the Suite debts, incurred from- -tho noblest motives, by the most unques tionable aims of patriotism and State pride, under prospects not only justifiable in thet light of all the prudence and sagacity of tho wisest men of the time, but highly praiseworthy in tho circumstances of the several cass. Hut tho infutuatcd policy, ustiriied powers, and tyrannical measures if our national administration have brough tbout domestic troubles of a most disas. Irous and ruinous character, and sj1Il cted ur credit abroad, ds to place alt the States tlms involved in a most uueprhfortahro, anx ious, and truly calamitous condition. And Ihw diK-s our National Government treor1 these States ns 46mjM-nsntion fiir the res. ponsibiliiy yfnieasure that havo led to such consequences I Do they sny to tho crediUrfs abroad and elsewhere, that these a are good and Mile T Do they vohin- uer any sort of facility to aid these sulfur. ing members of the Union in their einbar. nmsed.eircunistnncesT Di they even let theih olonr, mid iiprmit them to do tho bewt. they can on the basis of their own credit t Alas to say j tlwyhnve not so far respected, the dignity of their high estate, but have descended, uncalled, unprovoked, to tho evil of the malicious slanderer of his neighbour's reputation, and whispered aside the cars ofthe creditors ofthese estates : nth nien , we advise you to have n care, and lobkto your own internets. Were wo solicited vc sliould not deem it prudent to uiiderwritc lor these parties indebted to yoo." Nay, norvcxactiy this : 'Tis some, thing worse. Or iHs not this alone: Tis something in addition ,shod of grnver mp? ment. They have npricarpd before tho -their cvi- dencj? in open court ; they have gape upon , the floor of the American Senutcthey have indircctlv. at no bidding but their own will,1 announced and proclaimed front's tliat high place; the fact of insolvency in the ermditiori of these States, or what might writ ne" SimccPpted aa wch'bjrihc-parties nost interested to know ? Instead of. tho sympathy bf fraternal solicitude, and nn office of kindness in the hour most needed, there were tlie whisperings, and there were tlie public acts of an enemy ! Was ever infidelity, treachery, like this, from a party thus related I Does history record such , an example of baseness, first to entrap, aiid then to smite ? In the vulgar walks of vul gar men such things have been krio'wll'j'bnt" tliey arc always stamped with the. infamy tliey Joerve, wlien the parties arc of suf. ficicnt conscnuence to be made infamous. by m Ik fee No matter whence these calamities come; no mutter if the administration of ou com mon, country could acejmtthemselves of this ae.oponsibility, and charge, the fault at otherV doors ; no matter if tliC3e suffering States Iiad themselves been tempted into indiscretions ; yet, there is a fraternaTcliar". acter, a sacredncss in the bond of our r ed cral Union; there is a patriotism implied in the compact, and natural to the case and its relations ; there is a respect which the states owe to .each other, and the nation to the states, before the wurld ; tliero is a tic that binds us to fight and die for our i . . . common IioBor, even though wo quarrel among 6urslvesjand above all there iVa parental character looked for in thosu premc authorities of this Republic, when ever t!ie interests of any of the great fam ily of federated State's arc in jeopardy, or. their social standing is'drawn in question. TotfSyojinded by a brother's hand, is cruel; to bclissaultcd bys parent's, is to Imvc lived too long! .1 But enough too much of this. i We bar mean tlieTucFis too inucTi. If wc" not a worthy, patriotic aim in view, demand, ing, at least making some, justification of tliis notice, the Mush of shame w hich'suf fuses our cheek in the execution of this task sliould die away unseen, and tho blood which boils in our veins at these recollcc. tions should fall back to its wonted coolness, and leave these burning thoughts unrecord ed Hut these unnatural wron; such parties from such a quarter, and the sufferings of our common country, so vast and unendurable, and inflicted by the same hand, calls for redress. I hank Heaven. that redress, nt least relief, is yet in tho power of the American people. They have suffered much, long, patiently, nobly,, because tfcey respect tliernseTves, and know their strength ad their remedy. pi m I'd U :