rrrrr i mumis. editors," . i si Aatrard V 11HOD -Winter euig"-" v r feTiay. to our office, &p W patron may, wws J P" . ' . oolr fW next. Vtb N Of our ; Oar Pap". n-j..- few country paper, bare io V tinjc, beeo commenced under more Tforable circumstance, than was our.. L uowual warcity-of , money-there tverWu.gbee-.P-- ate t of the Uiue ,iugo .k.- beinir at that time little or no ex. 'tementia this section of the country alt Ujted against us. uur suoscnpuon list :ai Very smn, and our prospects gioomy. and lian mm Aiw lin COnMDcuwj d : . Ik if our 24th number and now, per. p., there is not a paper , in me w esiern rt'of the State" that has a wider circula- imm uhf.rihers. " Of this. K or nuiiw" r- -r er. we do not pretend to boast, Liriog that a. increases our list of. sub- ribers increase, our responsibilities J though our paper it read by hundreds id perhaps thousand--hundred8 more (rhttohareit or some otner nunareo Western Carolina are still destitute of information which -well-Conducted Urgpapcr weekly brings into a lamfly, and ilbout whicn a lumny, or any wuivujuui. ost always labor under many serious dis- rtotagw. Ve feel gratified at the re- I - Amnt w nnit ODfiumiwl icndf at home and abroad, that hitherto feeble efforts have not been in vflttL have been assured by parents that our per had aroused an interest of feeling, d begat a taste for reading and a thirst for (urmation, in the minds of (heir sons aiid ughters; :hiciTthey had not previously nowD, and which was like to lead to profit. ile and happy results. Thus far our pri nry object has been secured. From the rst, our leading design has been to do iod to fill our columns with such matter might be really useful to our readers, Ind thus contribute what little wemiglit be MS Xo make "mfn wiser and better. . Io lolitical matters, we. have said, and shall jontinue to say i what' we think proper ; we re untaught and onaweiL We supported be claims of Gen. Harrison to the Presi Icncy, because we thought them more just ban those of bis opponent ; we shall con lime that support in; all things which we liay deem right and proper, and no further, foura who have so bitterly opposed us, ad used eocry possible means in public lad private to prevent our success, we pave, nothing to say we pity, though we po Dot fear, envy or respect them. -- At present we have but a remark or two urther to make. , To our subscribers, we puld respectfully suggest the propriety of rxtending still further our subscription list jWgniMt each one of our present jubscn leni procure one more t This would swell lur list greatly. Who will try! Show a fiomber of the paper to your 'neighbor tell fin) the advantages of a newspaper in a Jamily and urge hint to subscribe it will p you nothing, and may be of great ser vice to your neighbor as well as to us. K" To Southern jmerchants-particu-ady those of Augusta', Hamburg and Charleston, our paper offers many decided "dvaiitages intheway of advertising. Our enni aire moderate,: and our paper, more han any one other circulates among a great number of country merchants, who trade :ntriely to those cities. " From them, as veD M from all others, " small favOra will Iwayi be thankfully received, and large pucb in nronortinn " tTOId Mr. Harriunn if ha tin. :n k. .Wtooccnpy the Presidential eh.ir after the I .This istleast verr civain our rod feighbor of the Carolinian; PerhaW by ' ume ne sues his next paper his loci ngslwill o r softened towards'GterT larrison that he can n'- .t rn,. her, and from plain Mr., call him Knuir f " ln lew Weeks he will. w. hnW. beable togo still farther, and say General, f"u nam iv' hpfem k-. i. .mj expimiion oi ni: 3 ce, he mav be induced tn ,l KTBy the latest news from Frn wa N at another attempt has been made to FjassinateLouU Philippe; and Louis Na Meoa haabeen sentenced to imprisonment iwius recent insuxrectionaxv rnani. ' move- pent. must ha t;.f!.:i deli- f1 ladies in N n.t. m..n- Picayune jay that one of their tender onesot long r- jwrei , in a dry goods st store for L jwer, and not being under. i. . - - tursorne r "t UB trton ftolr r Blocking i : - . uug wonoer father knew .he was out ?' if her Tbe Panli Parf y, It is a we)l autbcntiecM t, h LkhVe haye Jong known, but which has la most places, been kept from the mass of Uie peo. pie', that, pot withstanding all their affected horror of Bank Aristocrats, the present and past Administrations are emphatically tbs Basx Paktt of t3is cdvanT f From 1820 to 1630, there was a slow ana cauuoua mcreasn ot oniyN memy-wo tanks in the country, and" the increase of capital was only $eve miliums nine hun dred and tighty-one thousand jicc hundred and jijly-teven dollars, while under the Ad ministrations; of Jackson and Van Buren, from 1830 to 1837, a short period of seven years, the Increase of Banks was thbeb HCBDBED AND POETT.E1GHT, with S capital of nearly thek hukdibd hiluons or DOLLARS ! On examination, it will be found that two : hundred and twenty-four out of the wlnTenumber of Banks chartered from 1830 to 1837, were chartered by Jackson and Van Buren Legislatures, while their opponents, in the saare time, only chartered one hundredj and twenty-four, with a capital of little more than sixty-two millions, and these designed for local convenience, where the veto of the U, S. Bank bad deprived the pcopUhof those commercial facilities which they had previously enjoyed. We make these remarks that our readers may see what confidence to place in the al most unceasing cry of the Administration against the banking institution. G3r We see it stated that John Howabd Payne, Esq., is now among the Western Indians, carrying on his investigations as to their history, general habits, &c. lie, travels under a special passport from the Secretary of War, and with letters of re commendation to all the Indian Agencies, from theIndiaa Department. We know Mr. Paths to be a scholar and a gentle man, and hope he may never again meet withsuch shameful treatment as bo did somaJewycars jsince JkjGci)jgiawhile making his researches among the CheroV kces. ' OtT The editors of the Greensborough -x Patriot arc handling Gen. Jackson and his late partizan speech in a rough manner. Mercy ! gentlemen,, we beseech you, have a little mercy, and " pity the sorrows of a poor old man." Ofllow remarkably miscellaneous the Van Buren papers in the country have be. come since the election returns begun to come in ! Well we think it will be much better for their readers. ,Kr The people of Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Tennessee, did more hard fight. ing in the last war with England, than those of any other four States inthe Union ; and yet these States conjointly gave General Harrison a majority ot Fifty Thousond votes to make him President of these United States ! ! , What a rebuke to those pitiful political slangvhangers, who have so tin sparingly denounced the old vctcren as i V granny," " mock-hero," V coward," and the like! , - COTKTERFEtr-BttLS LoOK OUT 1 1 i Counterfeit bills on the Camden Bank , S. C. , of the denomination of five dollars, are said by the Charleston Courier, to be in circulation. - . - - - 0"The New York papers chronicle the return of Col. Plitt, the agent of tlie Post Office Department, who was sent out to, Lurope last year, to collect information on the Post Qffice system in use in England and elsewhere ; we suppose he has not yet made his report I&tra-GUbe. From the late Washington papers, we learn that the Extra-Globe has run its race finished its career, and is numbered with those .that Kere,but are . Mr. Kendall has issued proposals to pub lish a semi-monthly paper, to be called " Kendall's Expositor." 07" The Legislature of Georgia- con vened on the first Monday in this month. It is suggested that (he I Ion. John McPhee so Beekien will probobly bc Mr,. Lvmf kins' successor in the United States Senate. Florida. From the last accounts from Florida, it seems the-' Whigs have made clean sweep there. It is believed that the Democrats ha ve not elected a single Sena tor, and not more than six or seven in the other branch of the Territorial Legislature. The people of Florida have felt the scourge. . f - Sutcide. A man by the name of Hvffine, a citizen of Guilfrrtf county, in this State, lately shot himself in bis own bouse with a rifle cause not known. ' - ' Theresetrt-ie1nilatioir of New York, as officially reported is three hundred and thirteen thousand six hundred and twenty-nine ! Rbodb Island Sejiatoi. The Hon James F. Simmons has been elected U. S Senator from Rhode Island vice Hon. N. K Knight, whose term of service expires oh the 4th of March next. ' . PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. It via with unfeigned pleasure that we announce (hat WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, of Ohio, IS 1 RESIDENT --ELECT OF( THESE United States and that- too, by a larger majority, Qudging from the returns already received) than was ever. given to any,Pres- identjin this Union J! We are gtaUfied but we will indulge n no pompous, empty rejoicings the event is one we earnestly ""desired, and for the accomplishment of which we have honestly contributed our feeble support. Of the de. feated party we h&vanothing to say. Many of them are gentlemen and our personal friends we believe they wore honest in their views and upright in their intentions. Others of there, we honestly believe, were selfish. and designing in all they did enter- taining the worst of Jacobinical principles, and pursuing a course directly at war with the sacrcdness of both our civil and reli - - : en '.' gious insutuuons. ine country was on the brink of political ruin brought on by combination of.circHmstances, which have been secretly derating for the last twelve years. We look upon her as being now delivereit-The unprecedenied vcjte which has been given to Gen. Harrison, is conclusive proof that the mass of the peo ple have at last arisen to maintain their rights.. , r J , , y This gratifying change has, we believe, been produced anafnly "bythe extra efforts on. the part of the Whigs to disseminate light and inform the public mind. By this 'means, the people have been brought to see ihfre- clearly- their rights and privileges, and but for this, we would have looked upon the re-election of Mr. Van Buren as cer tain. - ' . , ' We give below the number of votes which have been given for Gen- Harrison, so far as we have received returns : NEVY0RK; 42 Pennsylvania, 30 Ohio, 21 Maine, 10 , Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont,' " ' "New-Jersey, Maryland, 4 8 8 7 10 11 15 3 Georgia, Tennessee, Michigan, 169 Necessary to a choice,. 148" "aT Which leaves for Gen. Harrison already TWENTYiC5NEvotes more ihan is really necessary to elect him but, add to these the following States, which are considered sure for him, viz : Massachusetts, : " 14T Delaware, .., , 3 North Carolina, .15 Louisiana, -' ' 5 - Kentucky, 15 Indiana, " 9 ; , si And Gen. Harrison will have TWO HUN DRED AND THIRJY VOTES, without Virginia, the result of which is-yet un. known to us ' , 'P. S. Since writing the abve, we have received the Nashville (Ten.) Whig, of the 9th inst, which reports the elections of In diana and Kentucky : Whig majority in Indiana, 13,000 " s " , Xentuckyj 20,00a " ' ' ": - - t Election Betnrns. In addition to the States enumerated in our list this week , we have partial returns from Alabama, which show an increased whig vote :leaving'some room to believe that she, too; has gone for Harrison. North Carolina, so far as heard from, has given a very large increase in hep whig vote since August last, which leaves no doubt buthe has gone for the whigs by an overwhelming majority. We give below the vote of a few counties in this part of the State from which returns have reached us. WeJrnjght have been able" to have given moce, but when the returns began to come InTwe-werescr fully satisfied thaMhe State "describes the jority, that we gave ourselves but little trouble, knowing that the final result would soon reach us from Raleigh. v Harrison, V. Buren. ' 113 161 281 335 117 Cherokee county; Macon, Haywood, . Buncombe, . 414 433 419 999 427 , Henderson, ', We do not vouch tot the correctness oft be the return from Haywood, as our informant reported 11 from memory. f . . ' t ' " In Rutherford county, we learn tbe vote was, Haarison 1804, V.-B. 540. In Lincoln, the whigs have gained up wards of 150 votes since August last- - Teamssseb. The wUg nwjority in this State isfetween ELEVEN & TWELVE THOUSAND ! ! ! " Hurra for, Jackson speeches and all! V . Illinois. By the lost Charleston Cou ner we learn that since the last August election in this State, there lias been a liar. rison gain of 2,177 votes io 18 counties. It is therefore very probable the whigs have carried the State. It appears that Louisiana and Mississippi have also' gone for Harrison. MicmeAjr, too, has gone fur the " Old Ilero. 0.Do not forget to read the letter from our New York correspondent this, week, where you will see that New York State has taken a.4 sober second thousHit." and refused, her " favorite son" by more than ELEVEN THOUSAND majority. 07 We had thought we were doing a pretty fair business in these " diggens" fn the way of potatoes j cabbages, radishes and the like, but the following from the Franklin (Ten.) Review, we confess rath er takes the shine at least out ot our potatoes. . It seems that the editor of the Review- is determined that his county shall lead in these matters, but if we Jive until another year , we intend to try him another pulU : . FINE VEGETABLES! During the past and present week, we have been kindly furnished by several friends, with specimens of line vegetables which for size, and good eatings take the same out ot all our neighbors abroad. For instance, a fine turnip from Isaac W. Briggs Esq., measuring 20 1-2 inches round decidedly the best we have seen this season. --- -1 ;. - , And to match our Hiwassee brethren, Sir. Addiaon-ll.-Nufliv of-Eagleville in. forms us he has a cabbase stalk in his ear. den, with 11 heads on it, fully equal to the MeAlinncountv brepot a fnw hark. Further: Mr. C. M. Scott of this place, has now a full second crop beans this scat son, and second crop of radishes besides. Second crop of apples in the orchard of Mr. IvJwm lieames and Mr. 1 homas stew art. rine Ions since. And then a pumpkin! a real thank3giv ing pumpkin, large, ripe, and tempting, to every lover ol tlie rich and dainty pies so larnous in eastern feasts'; raised by. M r. Wm, D. Taylor, on his farm neai1 town measuring six feet one inch, and weighing SS pounds, ticatihat if you can.; nt-.j We have received from Bcnj. Johnson Esq,, living near Nolensvillc, two potatoes a littlo larger tnaif the largest yet noticed one weighing six and a half pounds, the ouier upwards ot five pounds, and these arc fair specimens of a crop of about a thou, sand bushels, raised by him this year. They aac all tlie real Tip and Tyler growth. So you see boys, our Williamson friends are attead of you all yet. Dont one of you fail io vole ibrOId -TipVl-V electors -next Tuesday, or we shall Jpeat you nt that work too. In that case youfre right. Go ahead!! V i . ifr hGodey' LAPrVBooK.'TheNovcmber number.. of this valuable periodical has reached us, and would have been noticed last week but for the unusual press of other mattersJUs, as heretofore, . filled with interesting matter, and contains some beau tiful embellishments. The fashion plate will particularly interest the fair. It gives the form of the walking dress, of a man tea u or shorLcloak jmd of a new-fashioned cloak, which our female friends in this re gion who have seen it, consider very fine, indeed Among other things, there is an excellent piece of music, composed ex pressly for the werk, by. Dr. Briuckle, words by Mj- Caldwell. . Wiixiam PENKisGTOiLhasbccn je- elected Governor of New Jersey. " What qVxocK is it?'"- When I was a young lad,, my father one day called me to him that fie might teach me to know what o'clock it was. He told me the use of thp minute finger and the hour hand, and described to me the figures on the dial-plate, nntil I was pretty perfect in my pare No sooner was I quite master of this ad ditional knowledge, than I set offscampcr- mg to join my companions in a game- of marbles ; but my fattier called me back again. " Stop William," said he, "I have something more to tell you." Back again I went, wondering what else I had got to learn, for I thought I knew all about lhc clock, quite as well as my father did. . j " William, said he, l nave taught you to know the time of day, I must teach you how to find out the time of your life. All this was strange to me, so I waited impatiently to hear how my father would exp.lain.it, for I wanted aadjyta Qjtanjy! marbles. years of a man to be threescore and ten , or fourscore years. Now, life i very uncer tain, nnd you may not live a single day longer; but, if we divide the fourscore years of an old man's life into twelve parts, like the dial of a clock, it will allow almost seven years for every figure. When a boy is seven years old, then it is one o'clock of nis uie; ana tnis is me case wiw you. When you arrive ai fiwrteerryears it ?will two o'clock withyou; and when at .twenty-one years, it will he three o'clock ; attwentyight.it will be four o'clock; at thirty-five,' it wilt be live o'clock; at forty, two, it wilr be six o'clock ;; at forty-nine, it will be seven o clock, should it please Uod to spare your life. In this manner you may always unow ine 'unie oi your uie, ana lookinir at the clock mav Dcrhans remind o - - -- - t . youjof it ?' ,' greaugrandfather, accord. ng ' to his i. Iculation. died at twelve o'clock, mv Grandfather at eleven, and mv lamer ai ten. At what nour you or l snail die, William, is only tnown to Him to whom all things are known." Never, since then, have I heard the in quiry, vv bat o ciocu is it T nor do 1 think that! have ever looked at the -fuco tf a clock, without being reminded of the words of my father. -U, S- Gazette, ' " Tu 000.-10. the neighborhood ot Sparta a few days ago, a .little boy named Buret, agea about lour years, strayea irom his home and became lost hv' the woods about a mile and a half from his lather house. The parents became alarmed at the absence of the child and commenced a search, when the family dog was discover, ed by a black man issuing irom the woods. The dog ran to the black man, rubbed himself against him, and used many artifi ce to attract his attention, io which he so far succeeded as to induce the black man to follow bim a mile into the woods, where lie found the boyand restored him to his parents. Sussex (IS. J.) Register. Emiguatiox. The Liverpool Chronicle says, that the packet ship, North America, which sailed from that port on the 8th ot Septemberlfor New York, had nineteen cabio and two hundred steerage passengers. 1 he whole ofthe steerage passengers be. lonz to a sect called " Latter Day Saints." anf are bound for Quincy, io the State of Michigan, on tlie borders of Mississippi where a settlement has been provided for them, by one of their sect, who has pur. chased a large tract of land in Michigan, We understand that upward of 2000 are in treaty to embark early next spring for the same locality. A great portion of those who sailed in the ISorth America are members of the Total 'Abstinence Society, and are from Leicestershire and Herefordshire, IIED, In uohnviUev District. S. C. on hi wav to Charlenton.on thw- 17th ult., in the 23d year of his tge, Jeme M. DHKrHKto, aon of IVIr. i cnelope Shepherd, of North Carolina. Tlii young; gentle. man baa been token from mi mother, and frienda, in the morning- of life, and in the very dawn manhood,, after bavins; acquired m character, by honesty and industry, not to be urpaaaed by any iniuu fJUl L oi uie couiiitt. mse wm umiiij in aw deportment, amiable in his character, and diatin- . i . r . i . 1 1 1 f . gubhed for his qualities. Ilia loss is cyerely felt even out of this circle or bis relations. "Deep for the dead that grief must bo, Who ne'e gave cause to frieve before." Rates of Exchange, &c. AUGUSTA, CA. Savannah Banks," "13 per et prcm; Columbus Insorance Bank, 1 1-2 Commercial Bank, Macon, 1 1-2 Mechanics' " Augusta, '3 Agency Brunswick, " 3 Plantera and Mechanics' Bank Columbus, 5 " disc'nL Central Bank, - 10 Milledcville Bank, . 8 Ocmujgee Bank, 10 Monroe Rail Road Bank, 12 1-2 Hawkinsville Bank, 10 ChattahoochieILR.&.B'kCo. 5 M " DarienBank, 25 " Bank of Rome, T 3&- " -' " MerchanU' &. PUnters'Bunk, St. Joseph; Florida, - 5 Union Itank, 50 Southern Trust Co. " 30 " . " All other Banks now doing business, nt par. Srccn Patio Banks. Mechanics' Bank, Insa- ranoe Bank of Columbus, Commercial Bank of Macon, and Brunswick Agency in this city. THE SrnSCRIDEK RESPECTFULLY announces that he baa leased the STORE J Corner of larket ind Centre Streets, - lately socupied y Mr. G. II. Tavum, and will keep on hand an assortment of COTTON BAGGING, ROPE, IRON, WJJtC. '. 07 Orders from the country will meet with prompt and strict attention. H.TJRQUHART. 34tf Hamburg, Nov. 9, 1840. On Consignment, 0J BBLS. PRIME New Or- IfanTTHOXXSSEST SO Hhds.W.1. do. tor sale law, by II I. URQUHART. 24e Hamburg, Nov. 13, 1840. WliE.1T. ft ASH will be riven at this office for a few j bushels of good clean WHEAT. KTApply immediately. STATE QF WORTH CAUOLHA, Bnneombe County. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1840. - Mait Towhsemd. 1 , PETITION FOR DIVORCE. Wm. A. TowKSENb. 1 IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, ' that the defendant, Wm. A, Townsend, is not an inhabitant of this State It waa ordered that Dublicalion be made for six weeks in the Highland Slessenger, published at Aaheville, N. Carolina, for the said Wm. A. Townsend, to appear at ine next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the court house in Ashe ville. on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in HlfsfcB BOXt, then and thrre to plead, answer, or demur to tlie Fotitioir fllcff agamst mm oy u said Mary Townsend, or tlie same will be taken pre tonfttm, and set for hearing tx part. A true copy from the minutes of said court, J. ROBERTS, Clk. Nov. 13, 1840. J5 50.J 6w23 1.4 PE?IT ItpWARDl sT ANA VVAY from, the subscriber, on Uie. 11th H ult.. sn apprentice that was bound to me to learn the tanner's trade, Dy the nameol JL.r 1 tut FRANKLIN QUEEN. The above reward will r - 4 . - . - m - . . m .W...1.1.. a be given for his apprehension and delivery to me in Haywood county, at my residence on Lufty river, bat no charges nor expenses paid. And I do moreover forewarn all persons from harboring said boy, as I will pat the law in force against ail suhr . NATH'L BLACKBURNE. Nov. 6.1840. ' - l22'- .fSATlt 'vilCinZD AT THIS Of TICK- - Oa NEGROES-Oi Another Valuable Property, ; FOR SALE! ; , NOTICE is hereby given, that oo Monday lha . 30th day of November next, then Will' be npoaea to Public SaJe, t the Ute rrtideDM of Col. John . Butlir, dce'iL in Barke count , S nilea oath-west of Morjanlon, 1I the personal property Belonging io me enaie or aaid Oceeaseo, eonaiatinfof 28 VERY LIKELY awongrt which are men, wami4 ebtidri m our neaa or Msormta, Seven head of MULES,, large and veil, conditioned : ... A number of Cattle, Hogs and Sheep ; Road Wagon i 1 tm-horse Hagont 1 Barouche, and 1 Carryall, unih hairnets attmehed to each A considerable quantity of Corn, Wheat, Rye, Oatst$e 4c. A general assortment of Farming and Mm- ing Tools, besides various other articles. ST A credit of 12 month will be rircfl. and Soad, with approred security, required. , . t. , CHARLES SlcUOWELL, I AjTmV Hortanton, N. C, 2'4th Oct, 1840. , THE I'NDERSILXED. HAVING obtained administration on lh estate of Col. John E. Butler, deaM.. at October Sesaion, 1840, of Burke County Court, respect, fully request all persona indebted to the estate of the deceased, to nuke-immediate payment y and those having claims airainst it, to present tbem. duly authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead m bar of their recovery. . - R.C, PEARSO.V, Adm'i tttmtt if John E. Butler, dCd. Oct. 99, 1840, . ' td.122 Notice. ArrLICATIONKVill be mad? to the neit Ser. ion of the Legislature of North Carolina -for an act to incorporate the town of Anhey ille. - 1 Oct' 9th, ,1B40. U 18 mtten, Liquor, ItordUtl, 9c. v J. COCHE, TRESCII COOK, CONSTANTLY keeps on hand, all kinds of Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Confectionary, Bread, &.eH etc.. Sec. 'i ' tT He can cook, in the beat r rencb style, on short notice, any dish that may be desired. An apprentice will be taken to leam uie Baaing business. iJ He also wishes to hire a woman who w capable . of doing all kinds of housework. Aaheville, Uct. 6, 1B4U. dki - Weekly Ittadfftonlaii, FOR THE NEXT SESSION OF CONGRESS. ' THE approaching session of Congress will. , doubtless, be oneof great interest. It will close on some, at least, of the affairs of Mr. Van Buren'a administration, and usher in the more auspicious dawn of a new nnd better ordej of things, lie scenes in (congress wiu prooauiy oe eseiting. Un one side we snail see uie struggles of an expiring (action, and on the other a triumph- ant party, armed with the confidence ol the- pee. pie, imposing judicious restraints upon uie convul sive throes of their opponents, and shielding their country as far as possible from the dangers of malignant and reckless violence, and endeavoring to avert the embarrassment which defeated men, stung with disappointment, will seek to throw in the way of the new administration. On tlie third of March next, 12 o'clock, P. Mr. Van Buron's dull star will vanish, and immediately in its place shall we behold appearing the rising sun of 1I- BISOK. On the 4lh of March, Gen. Harrison, as Presi dent of the -Unitedgtates, will attend in the Chamber of the Houec of Representatives to take his oath, of office, according to tlie direction of the Constitution. On his entrance, as on the en trance of Washington, and Jefferson, and Madi son, the audience will not be able to stifle their disposition to applaud. Having token his scat on the elevated chair of the Kneaker of the House of Representatives, tlie Vice President, Mr. Van Bu ren, (if present,) and the Secretary of the Senate on his right. tho,peakernd Clerk of the House of Representatives on his left, and the Chief. Jus. tice of the United States and Associate Judges at the Clerk's table, he will proceed to deliver his inaugural speech, after which be will receive the oath of bffice from Mr. Taney, the Chief Justice. He will r. iim, snl .neli hiinii will (Tn irp from the multitude around tlie Capitol as have never been heard. . Such will be among the interesting Jncidcnis which-will occupy flic columns of tho wcckly Madisonian. The paper will contain leadiijg speeches, spiritod sketches of the debates, and a . summary of the results of the proceedings of Con gress, together With the general and political news of -the day. It will contain the official re turns ofthe vote in the Electoral-Colleges for President, which will be opened in ibe presence of , Congress, and the Inaugural Address of the President. This will include the time cpmpre. lmJmI IwIvmii ilu. nneninir nf f Tonirress in De cember, and its adjournment on the 4th ot March. Subscription price for this period FIFTY CENTS.. Terms, cash in advancer Bank, notes of every description received at their specie value. .Post masters will act as agents, ana ne auowea s com missionthey are rltto authorised by the Depart, ment to forward subscriptisns' under frank. Let. tors must come to us free, or nostage paid. Washington, Oct. Jl, 1840. Abas been usual of late years to perform tho ceremonies of inauguration on the portico in front of the Capitol, where the area is better fitted to accommodate a large number, of " spectators. .The" practice-will probably bar continued- Job Printing. CIRCULARS, Hand-bills, Cards, Labels, al kinds of Blanks, and every description of Printing, neatly executed at this office on moderate terms. Blank i Ulank I r JUST printed, and for sale at the Messenger" -Office, a new assortment of BLANKS -among which are Constables' Warrants, with Judgements and Executions, Superior and County Court Solicitors' Indictments for Affrays, Assaullf. Ate., Ac. T All orders for Blanks of any kind, promptly attended to. - -. ' Ashcvillc, July 24, 1840. 8 ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OF THE MAILS, At and from Ashevillr, jy. C. "BTVtS. DiritrviK. Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, st 4 o'clock, A. M. Wednesdays, Fridays Southern -M6ndays,l Thursdays & Saturdays, by 10 o clock, r. m. Western, via Warm Rprings, AteTuesdays, .Thursdays Sl Saturdays, 8, r. m. - WestrT via-Franldin, and Mondays, at 4 o'clk, A. u. Fridays, S oclock, r. m Eastern, via Morganton Tuesdays and, Satur. dtc-Mondays Al'ndays, days, 5 a. m. 9 r.u. Eastern, via Rather Mondays, Thursdays, ford ton. Ate Sundays, and Saturdays o'clock Tuesdays and r ndays, at 8,r.M. - .1 Eastern, via Burnsville, Wednesdays. . ' Mondays, at 6 o'clock, ALe-Mondaya, 4 r. M. Southern, via Us they s Creek, &-TuesdaT. a. M. r.l. i4

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