7"A i Life is only to bb valued as it is usefully, employed. ft IIEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MORNING DECEMBER 18, 1840. NUMBER 27; k ' ... - - . . u - - it .4 r.TJ ltri raw hi va'ii , i.i. Mm Ik ml a II w 1 I ass- . . .nnrBTl FDIT0K3. I wb ffTflJilll I nJ over which tliey exercise a mora than i - ........ rTBRT nil. i: i1 I, TRIAL OF" MADAME LAFFRAGE FOB FOLSOMJiG HER HUSBAND. s, Tt a. aiitj J. Wit, v worship ' U should present unto God tlie sacrifice I'. -j .hiuhnfirf' nnd should heart: r -nto him. Lord. CDtcr not into judg. .i-iik ti.tr rvant: for in thy sight I n nlWi ho iustified. , But there is tor- f . ...... . 1 mil 1 thee, that thou niay jk -A ftink was the tK)US pracucc ci nrimitivcsai, of God, of which the fmrof Job affords striking instance-- L L 4-5 How worthy tbc mutation ot ristian parcnti was., toe praaice n una icnt saint of uod. : V Die worship ougld lobegrattfuElytana prniae to God are strictJy appropra!cas iirt ot family worship. The rccollcclions rnst mercies, whether received in the hi of in exmrntkn fntv ewncral calami. fc, or in the bestowrnent of poiUre gtxxl, lor a devout and grateful acknowl- rocnt. loe blcssinjs ot heolth, ot tuod nt,aod raiment to put on, of home and ite endearment: the general operations Gods righteous providence, nnd the still wonderfu! dispensation oiihs grace, wweot reasons why the voice of rt-joic lUki salvation should be heard in the Iwnaclcof the righteous. FftSfiuf6ugMtote regular , 'and imtrlj tctaxitmal.lt should not be tho wit of particular associations or circum sim, as a-rributeof Tcspeet to-swrne msterof Clinst or piotw friend, who rmy 4 jour fcmily. Neither let it be confi- wlto times of general calamity, as when r-wiuKjuuguicnig ore noroau id Hie lauu ; Ksson of personal orfhnnly afuictions. oc yet should it be particular to times of wai excitement in the Church of Christ. ti worship of God. ns nerfonncd in volir My, depends on the existence of such 118ei a wiflaot onlvoass awav lilto the pagdeudi and lifcelheearly deWrwill J rawt t most pernicious influence on h minds and moral habits of your chiL F1 ft will naturally tend to destrov fir confidence in tlie genuineness of Your p minds from the fear and service of God. ' Iters sec that your familr worshin is f rcult f onviction-tliaf itmnngs I Bnilcinlrti tvmlr !nl ,A mj-inat It M DClformcd frnni a vno- nf IT "pood, and a pious solicitude for the 1 your own soul, as well as tlie r family. .Jfhus understood, jt i K miffniv In rnti-im knn. r :l f K) mature in their hearts the seeds of 7e, it wiI, Kg Qn a - W rranRemenU like ointment poured r; like the nrecinn. . ' .ui J . r viimiKUl uuuu UK 1.' fn A.B Wr that wentdown -wiiiiinsoiiiiaanncnu! 7 ",ur' oe. regular. IHe r;n tf nsitfb.uj .,t - .. k 1,1 "V v w aan govern. f-" ""Ml be wromrhtintn tu. . r waasn0 wnsuuiuon as one ofih S ... IVY 3VU 1. Ml a ..tic pmconirtructlon and thus it will ire ns peculiar d ace. n,l ;,. . every' which the angels of God delight to gaze, tliey ' UCCi It is where a truly pious family arc K The trial of Madame LafTraso for rfos I eat at I particular hour, saying she had an. ordinary vigilance tins. It is such a scene as Paris, Sept 6V 1840. tenderneet nature. A package was sent to M. LafTrage from his wifewith her picture and a cake. This lost slie beiritcd him to assembled toofTer Unto God the tributOxCf I oningher husband is now going on at Tul. J other which she would likewise eat at the their heartfelt and grcatfulthanksgi ving. I lo. It creates the greatest interest. From same time. The. husband ate the cake, or Wbejethe good man or tlie house gathers what appears there are now some doubts I part of it) and was suddenly-aeifced with his family around him wife, children and I whether the unfortunate woman is euilty. I severe illness, which continued for two days domestics -and reading, to them out oltnol 1 hefe are soma diucrenccs of opinion as J dangerously so. Previous to tins it is known word of the liord, directs their minds to the to the chemical test at tiro post mortem ex. I tliat Madame La (lingo I .ad sent for some truths of salvation. JO. libw interesting, lamination. This is the most favorable I arsenic, ostensibly to kill rats, tier hus. edifying, and instructive is te scene whore point, so far, for her defence. Tliocircum- j band returned home on tho 5th of January the pious family elevate their voices in stances are something as follows: - M. Lr-J extremely ilL bhe unjortunnlcly prepared hvmusof praise to God. and prostrating Ifrago lived at Glandicr ; he was a widower I Ids drinks, and on several , occasions was tlicmselvcs at his feet, pour out their souls and resided With his mother and sister.- observed to piit,, a, white powder in them, in humble prayer and supplication into his lie was of fair property invested in iron She said this was Gum Arabic, and intend parental bosom. Whocan behold, without works. Though not of extremely refined ed to make it more, nourishing, On the !rofit, the man of Cod as he lends the manners, he possessed an amiable disposi. 1 10th she wenl for more arsenic. .'A coin, eebler riilnds of his family to Uh3 throne of I tion. To carry on his business; to more I position was prepared to destroy the rats. hnavenlv crrace. and bv tho enerirv of I ad van tare he i wished for an increase of can-1 On examination this is found not to contain his more ardent snirit. and svmna'hv of his I ital. and to cfllct tliis.J desired to form a I any arsenic. On the 14th of tlie month M. more active faith, carries them Into the .contract of marriage with some lady of for-1 LafTrage died in tlie most dreadful agony- holiest of all by the blood of Jesus. . , Here, tunc. He applied to a matrimonial ogent I previous to his death repelling tlie attention at his family altar, he humbles himself un. I through whose procuration lie- was- intra. I of his wife whom he stutgd hod acted to. der the mighty hand of God. His family I duced to Aide. Maria Capelle; they were I wards him so as to create his suspicions, worship sanctifies and sweetens bis family married in August lost. Sho was posses-1 On examining parfof these drinks pre discipline. It blends tho enjoyment of hea v. scd of 40,000 francs in money, and annu. J pared by Madame LafTrage, they were de- CO wiul IOC nillicnons OI earul, ana gives I bi income ui t,uv.'if i runes. x ureu uajs i inarvu iu cuiiuiu ursciiii;. xnu priauimr, fortitude and stability under the' burdens after the marriage she gave to her husband it will be recollected, was found guilty some and tribulations-of this life by the ahticipa a letter of a most extraordinary nature, j two months ago, of purloining her friend's ted enjoyments of that which is to come. part of it is as follows : . I jewels. SheisrcpreTOntediobeofthenrst . - J Charles 1 solicit your pardon on my family,. and to possess remarKnoie tnteiii. Thb causes of ikbeligiox Kf the chil- I knees ! 1 have shamciully deceived youxl J gence. All describe ncr as extremely goo do not love you, and 1 love another J U, I looking, although now - ,mucli reduced b gious conduct of children of pious parents, my God, I have suffered so muclvlot me her prolonged imprisonments. A ill the imy, I think, often be, in a great measure, die Tell me, you whom I sohighly cs- trial every one believed her guilty, but there ascribedto-tlie followingr-amons -ether, leem, ' Die, and I will pardon,1 and to-mor. are a few now who have doubts. v " I row I sluu! have ceased to exist my head l it?rr?"r in t'rn'",i thnt " riWiLYWOBSHIP. Cod orjuu vs ' j i. .iiruiM tend to en- kiMrl-- rfiB undcr to the thing of Moo Krcred scripture Thus God i1r,.rtihe rule of reason-. wy " , . . :r hi instructions ,1 fenuly circle aim I A. holv scriptures, wnicn civ K?JKnto salvaUon, through fSShh .Christ Jesus.- Timothy C ire conscious of present parAm 'iKccptaoce with God, issuineie 10 .i.-ncstdust of sclfjibasc- rfcrnilywiil fiudTwRbin MwcifCfcr of witliout tlw toil of a investigation.arnplc reason to ray, h t rf the Lord's mercy that we are not Lncd." If, indeed, parcnU have no i ;r5inff from a consciousness r"" .. .u .u ..r heir own aberration irom u p-"" . .i . uio rf their children t? ' M . . lulirim Lin. luluiniui nf I in lurf u-lwn CT7i5finsoT duty or lamm-CTHi-t-.. r , . . r - j i . i. soDofcriimr.are uiiKni reawi, 3 causes: To the natural corruption of the human is distracted; wilt yod come to my aisis- young and bcautilul, gitted with so many icart by reason of thb fall, which is asIlancJIuwlcnmc lorpiiys sane nis i natural graces, auu so uiiuormiy unucuoii. ...... I M rtl 1 l V I I.. . -I. . II . II ,!.. strong in the children of tho most pious name is isiiarjcs nc is nonusomo ne is ate in an appearance, couiu inus carry on naivntn a in oihra. nobler hevwas brought urt' near mc we such a system of duplicity. Our sympa- . ... . ... It i t .i ; t i I l' I ... I 'I lu rarlv m rriniM rratrninta unmnrrf nave IQVCU eacn Oilier SIIICO WC.liavo ucen I lilies WOUIO lannuiwi ua lu W--HCYC nur ... ... . ..- . ..... , ..v.. r . .1... . . Dial to that corruption,- and calculated tQ.IbtefoJomwoears ago a woman de- guiltless of tliy crime. larpjwrtspon. pnvcu inc oi ins itive. i iiiouyiii i miouiu i uem y inc nem tt vui. not enforced on the principles of love,, of. nave uicu. in spue i oeicrmineu on mar- fection and duty. .. Connected Jwi mf, lTta AlusJ l saw"you.-I-wa ignoraiit may notice tho constant, rccurrcned of re. the mysteries of marriage. My heart ligious duties, irksome to youthful minds, 'au mrouoea wun oeugni on leeiing me esneciallv when made wcafisomo bv tho pressure of his hand. Unfortunate that I mode of conducting tlieirff and" hot made a I thought that a kisaon the brow would pleasing privilege and delightful employ menL Tlie needless' severity-in discioline. and illidviscd nianncr of inculcating even relir gious truth ; a want of kindness in giving counsel; and rebuking even improper con duct and tempers in an unchristian spirit t which tends to repel ratlier than conciliate. lo giving instruction above the years bo all that was due to thee, that you would be good like a fattier; Ax OEiiOJf, JQW J-Xj-t. Wo have plenty of such cattle , as are below, described in Xcw York ; and shnll see enough of them between this day and November 15th. Af ter that date they will go into ret i racy until the springs election. ' The . sketch Is from tlie Clipper. Pro. Jonathan. " Feller-citizens," exclaimed an indc- 'Charles, when I offend so terriblv. snatch me from you and him. Tell me this pendent orator, on Tuesday night, while he evening that you consent, prepare twoTDeltI on to a lamp-post with one arm, and horses; and show me the road to B rives. I will take the mail to Bordeaux, and. em bark for Smyrna.' - " I will leave you my whole, fortune andrcomprchension of the chndTmany " grant ttmay thrive with you as you pious parents seeming to rest satisfied if the deserve. I will live on the .produce of my memory be exercised, though the under- bands giving lessons. I entreat you standTnV; is uninformed, and the lieait uu- evcr ' lrt mMatenmPAwspcctgr - l m t rr l i i "II . t . i i j aflected. " ll you use i win uihu areenic. i nave To visible infirmities in the parent early mY poession, andtlicn all will be , I rv , nni,i terminated . 1 ou have been so kind that I lashed the air with the other. Feller. citizens ! .I'm the man wot stands up (when I'm not drunk) for iudiwidual rights! Hur ra for our side, it's no use of arguing the" question, friends and fcllcr-citizens I'm as dry as blazes, nnd haven't taken a horn for the last five 'minutes. Down with ab-b-bolitionism and temperance societies! them's my stiit'unento, and Fin likewise, friendly - to universal tvfferiitgi Go it, noticed by children, and very soon consfd. roarers and busters." - " I . . . ( . . I n Mn.AnfntiB rallnAimni rl nr n. nrnnfs of rrrro, !nronifrnrv if ivrf Can gIVC VOU my IllC, HKMlgll 1 cannot my . - .u.... w .,r k, 'r;,;.nl r..c.r t mn..l afiection, but never shall I bo able to re- eloquence texamo so overpowering that he V lllinn.IUVWI pi VlU-raiUIH A IV. I - - , I forsook his best friend, the lamp-post, and made a lurch into the gutter. " I'm in for it, .continued liet to your rents, ohj Israel! the last link is broken, and I m gone sucker ! Friends and fcller-citizcns Tvioilin ffW lsrh.l . a WW . . r "'"v-u we spcaK, and I re n not merely to ! ,Li I'lrt. bat IW .11 sehokl u i , memoers 01 the Jul As for mo and my We," 'ttL the lord.nL , . . WOUr Tannin .u 1 f . wkiDuLn a ruie 10 Htoof,.Mj , uaaer J00 control- r"wnd oraver- mt ;r.k t. - heavens? Sooner shall they fly from thei e-cthcrcal sitcars than I from the position have taken in this affair ! I m for a free . . t . .. ..T. . " r,.,. T , ... n s. ! ... morntig. Uo not concern you rseit numit 1 wni m " s"B''"" me. I w ro on foot 10 Br vcs. if neces. uurn lor mo i mem s my senurjicnis. .,-, hut ronuin hnr I mnnnt. Rwn " Look here, mitscr," said the watch mnthnr'n tenderness and sister's kindness interrupUng the strain .of pure and uiiadul arc more than I can bear. I am a horror 'crated patriotism, " though you have no to mv vorv' Self. Oh. bo tfenerbus. and audience but myself, you nppcar to bo well save mo from self-destruction. In whom backed and speak in er-el tone. can I confide if not in you T Shall I apply to Why man, you can't stand vp for your tion, for example, tlie loss of Christian eeive yuui wivw 1.1 t.. ... ui vou, temper, as before noticed; and the nbncc P000 m0- nMt your Bnstvf,r f of humble, patient and meek submission 'cnminal awaits 111 sentenceMh awsj under wordly trials and disappointments; did not I love him more than life, I might gprnesa nfter flip, things of '"vg v" yw "'r""" c-waa ---" i this world ; -or to tho indulgence of some g. 08 u,inp re. your caresses owgnsrmcr besettinff sin . Iv"1 n,e -I' deserve ucrnn; neveniieiess, . . it. . :.. . . r... I. .1 i .not early rrtnoving children from the 1 irul 3 . 1 uo" " P 17 Tmnmrf cohvrrsation ano ---I -1 - - .... r" irreligious servants. ' To the choice of improper schools. ' , To hot carefully end anxiously Watching over the first dawnings of the youthful mind, and not giving it a proper direction before Wrong habits are formed." - To taking it" too much for, granted that our children will, as a matter of course, embrace our own views of religious truth. rfdiotrtaiecquainf them of its evi- denceTand the evidences-of its powen the heart. v To the craft and'malice of jhe great cn. pmv nf mantinr) in'thn ivav rf niurfrfiit a ii..j ,v r suffonnsr I cause you ! 0 . 1 . I - til ..,.11 oLa ta-k vr riAfhinft Kiir fnw iauf rUZ!TlT U, and tokens of remembrance of my the woicc-of the patriot who fought, bled : VT ' . -. r rinAa VKntmmnrf;,.ln vA.imnv nUapland died tor ooK hcrc mister, 13 there .Ffy w; U;i ilo ..Knd me ofj my property to Smyrna, I ny Iwmr shopany where within a reason OlW'll W IHVJ1 will uuu uukiiii 11 f rj iiiuiii" , ... . - " " TT "' ing false ideas respecting religion, the na. "haH consider a. coming from you. The tureof sin. the pleasures of the world, and rest w yours . ..... of happiness, in order to gin and confirm - J not accuse me ot talsehood ever their early disrelish of godliness, and to ncc Monday .ever since the hour when I incite disobedience to tHe-i wishes of their !?rncd ihat Should bo tin to you as a sis parents, nnd neglect of the commands of fervcr since, my aunt infonned me what God. Chris. Ofcv & :'. . . . J I was w. S" rf w u,c; . 1 1 lOOH pouoil, mil 111c uoso wiuuiiuiijj, auu Tailobs defended. A tailor, instead I brought it up at Orleans. - -v ,T TWASHIXGTON.-;-'. ., "r THOMAS JEFFEBSON. His mind was great and powerful, with out being of the very first order; his pene tmtion strong, tliough not so acute as that of a Newton, Bucon, or Locke; and as far as he saw, no judgment was ever sounder. It was alow in operation, being little and aided by invention or imagination, but sure in conclusion. Hence tlie common remark of tlie officers, of the advantage he derived from couhcils-of warj' where hearing; all suggestions, he selected whutevef w as best and certainly no general ever planned his I - ."T. I? 1 . TV . f I J uuiiies iiiorej'iuicioiibiy. ijut 11 uernngca during the course of the action, if any mem; bc r his plan was dislocated by sudden CiTuinstances, he was slow in a readjust ri... - .t.. 1 .a iiutiii. x iu7 wiist-ijin. iii.3 nusy iiiui in; uucii failed in the field, and rarely against an ciK'iny in station, as at Boston and York. Ho was incapable of fear, meeting personal dangers with tlie calmest unconcern. Per haps the strongest feature in hhf character was prudence, never acting until every circumstance, every consideration, was maturely weighed ; refraining if he saw a doubt, but if once decided, going through with his purpose, jvhatever obstacle oppos ed. His integrity was mast pure, his justice the most inflexible I have eve known ; no motives of interest or consanguinity, of friendship or hatred, being able to bias his decision. He was, indeed, in every sense ot the word, a wise, a good, and a great man. His temper Was naturally irritable and high-toned; but reflection and resolu tion had Plained a firm amlhnhiliialnsern. dancyover it. Jf ever, however, it broke its bonds, he was most tremendous in his wrath. - In' his expenses lie was honorable, but exact ; liberal in contributions to what ever promised utility; but frowning and unvii'lding on all visionary projects-, ind an u 11 LoriliycaU4.eriJj is jdw rityHis .heart was not warm in itgul&ctions ; but he exact ly calculated every man's value, and gave him a solid esteem proportioned to it. His person, you know, was fine, his-stattirc ex actly what one would wish; his deportment easy, erect," and Jiob'.c, tlie best horseman of his age, and the mst grappfut figure' that could be sedn on horsf.backf Although1 in ANECDOTE t)r PULASKI.- We heard, the other-day, the following interesting statement respecting the Polish" Count Pulaski, said to have been, handed down froln some of the Revolutionary Patri ots who witnessed the transaction. Hm gentleman who related it to us was Gen. Felix Houston, of the army of Texas whoso terse and beautiful style of graphic discrip tion we shall have a task to imitate : Puluskii ns is well known) was as adroit a swordsman as he was perfect in borse nif nshipj and heevcr rode a powerful and fleet charger. During jhe retreat of the American army through Ne Jersey, in tha darkest hour of our national adversity .Pulas ki was, with a small party of horsemen, pur. sued by a large party of British cavalry, tlw leader of which was a good horseman and mounted nearly as Well as Pulaski. Pulaski rode in the rear of his detachment nd the B-itish enntain in the advance of tliosc ho commanded. - -. : ,a The morning sun was shining brightly. casting cblique shadows, and as the pursued party cntertu a long narrow lune, ruluskr, having satisfied himself of I he superior Sliced and command of his hdrse over that of his pursuer, slackened his pace add kept his horse close to the side of the lane farthest from (he sufi. The pursuing officer canw up in hot haste, his sword elevated, so as tu make tho decisive cut upon Pulaski as soon" as he Would reach him. Pulaski rode as thoiigh he heard not the rapid advance up. on.him-yet kept his eyes warily fixed upon the ground upon tlie side of his horse towards the sun on his right. As' soon as he saw the shadow oF his pursuer s horso gain upon mm, and found tliat the horses head, by the shadow", had gained about half length of his own horse's body, he gave tho sudden sword cut of St.. George, wiih his powerfutSr'mi and saw the decapitated head of the English officer follow-thc stroke. His mat bemfttlear eye Tiad hR-aSured the distaiice by'tlie position of tlie shadow,- s- accurately, and his position giving a long lick reach of his right arm, while tho cross-stroke of his pursuer mbst have been made ot a much shorter distance to hove taken effect that the pursuing officer lott his head before he Supccttd that his prox. the ciiclc of his friendsf where he might be jmity was known, or that a1 blow was med. "unri!served with sfi-tv. lie took a free shire I itated. -- j j in conversation, bis colloquial talents were not above mediocrity, possessing neither copiousness of ideas, nor fluency of words: In public, when called on for a sudden opin ion, he was unready, short, and embarrass ed. Yet he wrote readily, rather diffusely, in an easy and correct style. . This he had Better times. It is a matter of some importance to hit upon a method of living w hich will'sqtmre with the times. Ve need to reduce our expenditures full one-half, to escape-from the embarrassments nnd anxi ety which for the last two or three years, ftlmnat i-rfrv hnflv lm !mii iftvfklvoil m.rl acquired by conversation with tho worlds rHrenchrrtent isHho true policy. Instctd for his educaUoajras merely reading, wn- of wait for y.mr tj1I)es t0ConM, ling, und common nrithmctio, to which he ,lub(,t k(Wg 1ut( u wi,c. ct cuy-THeH- him? Oh. never I will not be vbiirs eitBclf wffl tbeHusI l am uead to all afTi.-c- tion. Be; a man you 01 not love me yet :lon 'mc. Horses would discover onr traces ; procure two old peasant dresses. Pardon mc. May God reward you for the cause." . Tfo yotincan to doubt my p-npatriot. Um, mister ?" asked the orator, making a ion to fake the- floor erect. liDo vou mean to insincrwnto that I can-t support my arguments nor myself cither T Friends and feller-citizens I guv in my wotc like a man I went the wholo figure. Listen rabferdistance ?1L Yes, there's one a vert short distance off, where you will be provided for. " V h-wh-what s the name 7 " Tlie Pilgrim's Retreat" It is hardly necessary to add tliat the or. ator was bottled off to quod. shV. Llr.i J"! " .matsoparUc.pate 1 mi Jwto 0 , r wiui I tftherei, in thi For, certainly, we l to ZT. M 4 Pnwlcge of immense " py with anH C tj.r. is an intcrestinff exhibit inn ture under heaven one on Coixmbts AJio Luthek'. Twenty years 1 - . . 1 . . . .. - of.beingthe ninth part of a man, possesses I " Yesterday I held a loaded pistol to my only intervened between the discovery 01 the nine qualities combined, as follows ; j temple whilst travelling, but lwas afraid. America anu me jirsi preaenmg 01 uuuier. 1. As an economist, be Cuts his garment To-day, and I sliall not tlinch. nc ennsuan scooiar may oe paruomu 1. according to his cloth. - . 'J Sove mc rbe the patron angel - of the he lingers tor a moment upon the analogy 2. As a gardener, be is careful of his orphan, or Jtillher.or tell her to kill herself, wnicn suosisis Dciwcen incse remarsaoiB cabbage, ' . Write to me, for without your word of events. Oolumhus, pursuing nis perilous 3. As ajjook, he provides bimsclfwith a honor, and I believe in you without a let- course across the Atlantic, and led forward hotmmse. - . , I ter from vou I will not onen my doer. by the single-star of lofty and inspiring hope, o . . . . . I .. I 1 : . . r A San hpriH'nllirpr. h rirwM) mnrh I MARIS I may dc recarucu us no inupi emuiun ui r.., .... V . I, Tl r !. , u-l.-J at sponging. ' . . The distraction pf the husband may dc mai aovemuroua iviormcr, who emuurHeu 5. As an executioner, he turmshes many imagined! he consulted a tnend who re-1 upon a sionnier inmi ever nitcu uic a J " - lit 1. . X" l. Il.a aB SI-ia l nliuini wn I na I ,i..mj v-t rm gailowses, commenaeo nis enoeavor 10 ooiaine nis putuw ..mh iu UUiIVi. e As a general, he brandishes not a wife is affection by assiduous attentions, it nccm me resuu: a ianu 01 oenuiy upeucu sword, but a bare bodkirf. apparently succeeded, when again she its flowery valleys to the navigator; but a 7. As a sailor, he shears off whenever wrote a note to the efleCt that she must leave richer lanaoi promise oiossomeo Dciore mc ho flunks necessary. him or destroy herself. . eyes of tne Xtelormer. 8. Asa lawyer, be attends to many I 1 his state of feeling however,, suddenly '-..,..,-, suits. . I left her, and in lurn-Jihc occame extreme . . i'." .,-, . . -otn 9. As a Christian and Divine, it is his in her attention and kindness. She made noh. Tha Rpm.trr.hm of the Hivh ftonn V Ad. chief aim to form good habits for nimsclft her will, leaving M. Laflarge the whole of I miraltr became racant hm h wu n infant of and others. - - her, property, without reserve. So soon as I k months old, and it was actually retained tor he lusUabecameacquainted with this he t!,lf,J IIoldins oxe's own. At the Contfres. likewise made a will bequeathing to her all hiaemoliimentafrom thia office arrlonntiH to be- ional election in Georgia on the 5th of Oc his effects. For three months they lived in tweea 336,000 and 384,000. tober, both parties received 496 votes in thd most affectionate manner. In Decern- , -r ' ' JfTONa?dat.iteLPre8idcntia,elec MlJadoc:a80ntoo to Z!oZi&TreZl toonthe2dulumoin the same county, Pans on Dtwincss. - , v awr Mwtmcne ihmmmd eight bnn. Harrison and Van Buren received 406 each They left each othef With regret, find ,a mmf ehijdrme wilt tn borne being also a tie letters passed daily betweert them of the thirMijhout the worldc." added surveying at a later day. His time was employed in action chiefly, reading lit and that only in'agriculture and Eng lish history. His correspondence became necessarily extensive, and , with journalizing hia agricultural proceedings, occupied most of his leisure hours - within doors. Oil'thc whole, his character was, in its mass, per fect, in nothing bad, in a few points uidifil villi "hd it may tru: did nature and fortune combjne more"pcr. fectly to make a man great, and to place hi min t lie same constellation w ithwlia ti t v er . worthies . have . merited from man an set about making his own "situation easier, by curtailing his expenses and limiting his wants. ; and as the Irish maxim has it j when every one hcnjB hnnsclt) all wilt be heljied, and all w ill be comfortable at a much smaHcr expense. I ou pay a high rent dress fashionably keep half a donen servants) with other things on tlie same scale j and for what one to two or three hundred dollars more for a house, not because it will accominas date. your family,beUcrj but to rdwwcjhe 4Kibl4v--You-tl)row-awny your clo.h:s be- everlasting remembrance. For his was the ,;, ,i, Br h:if .nin,i. .,! noi'm-w. singular destiny and merit of leading the not because they are norc comf-.tiable, .. : r i. : , r. .M.. . i. i. i. . r . . ... . hut because they look better, and please tlie multitude you pass In the street. Now we say that ft is not reason that a man should tax himself thus exhorbitantly to please any body and every body. Mind your own business -consider your ow'ii hieuns. Kent a house for yourself to livo in nnd not tot the public to look at. If your coat is comforrablcTwrcar it two or three months longer; no tnntter if the gloss is off. If you hare nn wife, gel out ii'yoi have, God bless her, stay at borne with her', instead of spending your evenings in expensive, flat 'fooleries. Be honest, frugal, plain seek content nnd happiness at home be industrious and persevering nn'tbur word for if. Tif you arc in debt 'ton will get. out of it; if your circumstances arc now embarrassed, they will soon be come easy, no matter wlio .may-be PrcsU dent or whut mijyjbc the price of Mocks."" armies of his country successfully through an arduous war, for tlie establishment of its independence pbf conducting its councils through the birth of a government, new in its forms and principles, until it . had set tled dow4na'nfnrt-andrfcTty-train ; and of scrupulously obeying the laws through the whole of his career, civil and military. of which the history of therworld furnishes no other example. - : The Cliffs of Moheb coujstv Clare, Ireland. No where can man feel so little, and recognize the Almighty in his works so great, as upon tho ClitEs of Moher ! Take your stand any where between ''..Hag's 1 Itradi- -the barrier behind which Liscanuor Hay reposes, and lite Inst of the elilTs, ere it sinks into tlie limestone rocks of Doolen, (the seat of M yor Mae:vmaara,' M. P.,) and you are in presence toe wnoio Atlantic. l liere la-not a foot ot eartft Hpon-which a ii ... i.. : u:,h , i..:.... i 1 . . - i. uiru iiiigiii rci hi weary iug, -iw: The Thames. This river, so lamed in the ground you occupy and America. And mC WJjr)(j derived its name from a coinr upon what are you standing? Oo a cliff j,olln(j Gf Thame and Isis, arid which, in rising from 1 lie deep some fourteen hun- nrr. nf time, come under the familiar dred fectin perpendicular height; and il denomination of 'nintnes. The junction you Choose well, (as nowi-tlays you can ttOS furnltd a little above Oxford ; but the scarcely fail to do,) if you take that cliff i-.. ;s iofj. n ,uc c4nnoiind term, as crowned by O Brkm's tower, nd look from ftJie river is dettominntcdther Thnmei. even-- the galleries constructed near it, nil the rest ... :,s crv soUrce. The banks of the Thames of the gigantic brotherhood, the guardians iaTe on Jx.cn famed for their beauty of of the land against tlie Ocean Powers, are verdure j 'and the taste Willi which they nro7 in your field of view ; each, too, assuming ntf0l-nea. They arc studded with neat coN for its Junctions some vast and fraiitastic ,aramI elegant villas crown the trentle haiie to mortal vision. One a castle, i...;,,!.,.. the- lawns eom uweeuimr dowrt proudly rearing its form in-solitary gran-1 rnrnf.,, nr rw.n Vnlvet. to the edire of deur from thcdipllis of ocean, with towers its soft --flowing Waters; and the grace of and battlements, and ioutworks, all Com- the scenery imirovcs, until wn are borno nlcte: another, a ruined monastery, stretch- ;.,!. ft.ii r;,. i..n.nv. tlw. villatro I ' ' Sit t I I HI"-' lull tvTV II ll'i j Q ing out from beneath the brow of the su- t)f Rjcj)rffond, or, as it was anciently called, pervising clilf far lb sea upon a tongue of oilfv,n r.iow lindoii Bridne we have land, with its large main tower broken off nmmiVh. nnd other beautiful scenery of anT rent wilighMngT Kintrhc-ramosittrbank on lofty pointed roof yet perfect, save for . hp (Wt side is flat, and is famed for no. some few chasms, and etery where clothed I thing but Tibury Fort, where Elizabeth, with moss and wild creepers, and the rankw.n the Spanish Armada threatened this waving grass that springs trom weather- COuiitry, received her troops, who were col. Dcnten ana mouiaenng masonry unuur me to repel the invaders. . .. . ... i . i i eye oi ages. i nat a retreat, inacea , were this for world-weary man, where nought was to be !en except tlie beaveus and the , waters, and God in both. Morgan Hatuer, in Trailer's Ifacrrdir for Srpic:nher. . Shakaprare has well described the rn4iatini of drwikenncaa, and the chaitvca which it pradut eea in the mental energies of att individual, hf MTiti(r "Now a maihl; mm; hj- and tif M) andpreocnily Vr. I. IF I!: -1 If . fl: h' ft t-. 'it 4 1 ! m n t : 1 V. 'i r : 1' , ( f H if i I - i ,.-

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