' t - . o- - - t . : - - , . . y . ; " - ' , . ' - . -r . . " . ' .. - ' ' '.' ' " ' " , J ' ... ' ' V ' ' ".- SSSST" ' ' ' . . WfE IS OSTLY TO BE VALUED AS rrjs, USEFULLY XMfLOYLO. , , t ' . ? ' fIZ . . JlK. - " ASPEYHJiE.JQRTH CABOLINA. FRPAOlifflMi PECEMBER 2 1840? ' ' . NUMBER 23- it 4. it 11 -rrrrwiAr, . kpahliihMBt iwo "l!, ,nd Twenty-Fire Cent.. foe 1 , mut be pot paid. 4 TITR PlASA. " .i v 1:A, BtMDrofois. ... of the United States, not even Jl4r:...ftha Hudson, can vie, in KW.ic 'y.with the bluff. nf the river, often fti one side of the river, often yu&w f rrl L .hiJieicht of aorae hundred I . u nnnnaifn shore ia a Si or prairie, ofacveral rmkain Sfing to wmilar bluff tlTamiw Ljy vith the river. . , a- of these ranges commences at Alton JaWds.with few intervals, for miles Jtolk bank of the Illinois. In de fLibe river to Alton, the traveller frrt between that town and the aoAoi the IllinoU, a marrow ravine, 3d hieh a small strewn discharges Sintothenssi9sippurThat stream Ae Fasa- I name is Iudian, and signi iM language of thojlUni, " bird fawn wun.- w "lc I,luul" JUU lai.on the smootn ana perpcnuiciuor of the bluff, at an elevation which no - L mil K fimtw nf An aaia in can reat", ", - ; wnnmi bird, with its wings exienaeo, , t wAt, iW-t immi TOirf vntg. was IM by the Indians the Piasa, and frort pa derived the name of the stream. Tto tradition or the l'iasa is sun current mt all the tribes of the Upper Missis. rf the Illinoie and is briefly this: MMaov'tiiousand moons before thaarri- y rfthe pate-iaces, wiien megreai Hingo. t-rt ind masudan. whose bones are dug .t . kwsro still Iking 10 this land ot green tsiriM. there existed a bird of such dimen. tas that he could easily carry off, in his ikms. a full srown deer." LiavinK obtained uste of human fleshj from that time hir nuld nrev .UDon nothing else. He was kful as be was Bowcrfui: would dart sud nly upon an Indian, bear mm ou into one the caves in the bluff, and devour him. jndmli of warriorsjittcmptcd for years i iestroy him, but without success.' Whole ilkjs were nearly sepopulated, end con. lunation spread throughout all the tribes Ittellliai. At length, Ouatoga, a chicr Ihose bom as a warrior extended even be. IMS' the great lakes, separating himself Em the rest ef bis tribe, lasted in solitude 'tl space of a whole moon, and prayed tie Great Spirit the master offe Hie would protect his children lrom the fm. On the last night of his fast the mtm sura appeared to h! ind directed him to select twentv of his prion, each armed with a bom and poi: ned trrow, and conceal tnera ifl a desig fclrffflot,. Near the place of their con. NmcDt, another warrior was to stand in pa view, as a victim for the Piasa , wliich hj mint shoot the instant that he pounced ino ou prey, w nca tne cnicr awoge in e roomins, he thanked the Great Spirit. W thea returning to his tribe ho related mem tus dream. X The warriors were ouicTdv seTcedTrtid fwed in ambush, as directed. Ouatoga f(KQ Himself as the victim, lie was will- ffto die for his tribe. Placing himself in ho view of the bluff, ho soon, saw th j m perched on the cliff, eyeing his prey. Mt, and plantinir "his feet firmlv UDon the Ni, began to chant the death song of a fJTIWf " A moment after; llie Piasa rose p fte air", and swia as a thunderbolt he down upon the chief. Scarcely had e reached his victim, when every bow was and every arrow sent to the feather jo bis body. The Piasa uttered A wild, wfu! scream, that resounded far "over opposite side of the river, and expired. 'Atoga'was saTe.Not, an arrow nor the talons of the hird lml N- The Master oflifc, in admiration of -rneroua aecd of Ouatoga, had held w him an invisible shield. In memory this event, the image of the Piasa was graved on the bluff- - Such is the Indian tradition. Of course not vouch for its truth. This much erer is certain: the figure of a large Jttmtothe solid rock, is stiU there, J height that is perfectly inaccessible. Zt f?r wbat PuTw it was madei I are for others to determine. Even at this Ma Indian never passes the spot ia his ET tang his gun at the figure of r .Tbemarksof balhionwe rock fv ino mnumerable. ' - ' -Iear the cke or March, of the present 1.7 1 V9 "WKed to visit the bluffs below Cr0fJllil,oi8 above thatof ttA. ., """"""J woj principally SaJ he examlnaUoh of.a 'cave con. -" With fka .L. jr., Nc. r . . irauiuons, as one ol to wtuVJi k u.j j , IX" Prece br an inteUigent carried a spade, I set out on rny ofsnLi ' cavc waa extremely dim ,ce8ai nd at one point of our pro. l Stood a -I .: .. , "u miu uirneu am nu- - w ciomioo w more man p-wizw and fifty ttt on the fuce of L. . the bluff, with barely room to sustain one foot The unbroken wall towered above fne, while below was iho rivet. After long apd perilous clambering we reached the cave which waa about fifty feet above the river. By the aid of a long pole placed on tho projecting rock and the upper end touching the mouth ofthe cave, we succeed edin entering it Nothing could be more impressive than the view from the entrance of this cavern. The Mississippi was roll, ing in silent grandeur beneath us : high over our heads a single cedar bung its branch-! esover tbecutt,on the top of which was seated a bald eagle. No other sound or sign of. life was near us. A sabbath stillness rested upon the scene-r-not a cloud-was ill the heavens not a breath of air was stir. ring.The broad Mississippi lay before us, calm and smooth as a lake. The landscape presented the same wild aspect as it did be fore it met the eye of the white man. ' ' The roof of the cavern was vaulted, the top of which was hardly less than twenty, five feet in height The shape ofthe cave was irregular, but so far as I could judge, the bottom would average twenty by thirty Feet. The floor of this cavo through its whole extent , was a mass of human bones. Sculls and other bones were "mingled to. gether in the utmost confusion. To what depth they extended I am unable to decide; we due to the depth of three or four feet in every quarfer , of the cavern, and still wo found only bones. 1 lie remains of thou. sands must have been deposited here. How; and by whom and foij what purpose, ll is unpossiuie w conjecture. J. R. ' From the Carolina Planter. BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N. C. Flat Rock (so called from a bare flat granite rock in the neighborhood) is a t tluiwirt onterhighest -part of -tlier-Blue Ridge on tho public road to Asheville. As a summer sesort for invalids, especially those who suuer from nervous auoctions, or such cases as are attended with languor, debility and enfeebled action, no atmosphere probably in the United States is better adapt ed. The air is light, elastic and bracing, dry and cxluurating, and possessing an influence on many which is positively de. lightful. - To those aflected with dyspeptic disorders, exercise constantly in such an atmosphere is of more importance than tlte usual routine of medicines which suffering humanity is willing to undergo. "1 row nalura tumus ad uaslram pernu eiem" is applicable to the dyspeptic dispo sition to be physicked Doctors are abused for giving pbjsicy and charged with all tlie evils which medicines produce, while almost all dyspeptics are trying the prescription of this or that friend who has been similarly nfTr.tivi They nn ipoping about, eating what is indigestible and consulting every one for some remedy, while tho most pow. erful tonic qualities of air and exercise are usually not noticed. Mr. Abcrnethy's di. I rection to 4 live on sixpence a day and ears it, was a good one, provided bodily labor be used ; hard working folks who am their daily bread bycorporial exertions yspeptic.'- It is cliiefly those who pass a sedentary life; or are preventtfd froin taking regular and habitunrTrxercisej or live luxuriously, that suffer, with this protean malady.; Bodily exercise alone will 1 not give relict tne mind must also oe in terested if a man will walk five miles for excrcuej, it will not give relief the mind must also be interested if a man walk five miles for exercuc, it will be of little service to him give him a pun or let him botanize or Audubonize in the woods, and what was a task will soon occdine a pleasurei4e writer of these desultory notes fon four years " followed wrens and snow birds , for the hides and feathers," as a gentleman once said in ridicule of his pursuits but be found in his enthusiasm after small game, besides pleasurable occupation of the, mind a share of health that fully atoned for the tedium of tangling through the woods after red-headed woodpeckers, &c lt-evenu dyspeptic would take one twentieth part of the physic which he usuaily is trying (and generally he may do with none) and would spend more time in walking exercise, jtc strict his diet, and have his mind occupied with something which will keep his atten tion off from jlis disorder, he will gain in health and more rapidly if he will breathe the pure air of the neighborhood of Flat Rock. " -' It is surprising that tho mountains of Buncombe, the Switzerland of the United States, should not be a more favoured resort for invalids. . The accommodations for travellers who are not fastidious, are very fair, and the substantial fare ofthe country good enough for even captious stomachs. That improvements in cookery to the style of a city life should be found through the mountains, is hardly in reason to be expect. ed many of the house keepers have not credit for their exertions to please, and sometimes become careless when they find their efforts to give satisfaction meet with exaggerated reports against their houses. 1 he improvements in the houses of enter tainment in ten years that we have known them, are certainly marked but French cooks and votes desfoti grot are not yet in. trodoced. Jesting apart, we really think injustice is done to worthy people by unre flecting visitors who expect too much, and are soured by disappointment We have been at tables well kept and furnished witn neatness and variety, and found many pres ent who were constantly grumbling and lrequently one inveterate grumbler will tincture a whole party, so liable are we ia this world to join in with a pack in runnins down any tiling. The neighborhood of Flat Rock is be coming more thickly settled every" year, and beautiful residences are springing up on the adjacent mountains in all directions. For persons who are disposed to change the air in the' summer, thetop ! of the Blue Ridge is as pure an atmosphere as can be found. There has been very little compa. ny in the mountains this season, the times are so hard, and many who have been in the habit of resorting to this delightful coun. try have the consolation of the apothecary (in Romeo and Juliet,) in remaining at home, " my poverty and notmy will con- Having spent a day at Flat Rock wc de. parted after dinner to Asheville, and never have we enjoyed a more delicious airing. The sun was. bright as it . ever shone the air was balmy, and sweetly soft tho breeze from the mountains gentle, and steady, and the pleasure ofthe ride was much enhanced by the fine road over which we passed. , Within our view, on'the left , the Moun. tain range was beautifully extended, and the far blue 'outline of the distant groups strikingly Interesting. The descent to the valley of the Swannanoe near "Asheville is one of the richest landscapes we have ever seen. TThe verdurcis remarkably exhuber- ant, tho shades of color of every varied hue. and the tince of vellow of approach ing Autumn gives a change to the early fading leaf which is pleasant lo the eye. We returned to Flat Rock on Tuesday, Mini iuuiiu an iiivuuuou 19. uie oinii-uuv liall of the lady of4he Alduntain Lvodgc, Here we Were agreeably-surprised to find a large assembly of fair Mountain ladies. The gentlemen were quite attentive, and the spirited exertions of the old tiddler soon set in motion the life of the party, i be co- Ullionr ihcrecl, the country daaco and the waltz, having been enjoyed to a late hour "a change came oer the spirit of the dreamland a sumptuous entertainment at the supper table gave a zest to the pleasures of the evening, which was quite refreshing. The proud tenant of the park had furnished his contribution to the feast, and the pheas ants of the mountain branches were con spicuous on the. board. 1 no enjoyments of the evening were appreciated by all and our company retired from this most sociable meeting delighted with the elegant hospital. lty of the mountains. Uur excellent host insisted on our re maining another day to do execution to the remaining nauncn ana couia ine anuercu monarch of the park have foreseen, that over his mortal remains, there would be collected so worthy a company, he would no doubt have felt honored and yielded willing. ly his body for so generous an occasion. the representative ot England s wjueen, '.1 r .!. 'i.r.. v:. n : tho Consul of the Citizen king, Fresi. dent of the Rail Road Company, one of our favorite Judges, with a number of gen tlemen lrom the mountains, and lastly, the EditorNif the Carolina Planter, who has a taste Tor natural science, did full justice to the merits of the noble buck. Ihougli many may prefer to. w itness tho gambols &M excfcT5Dn3rTne"T)iiyrul auunat mnoii: tlie shrubbery and beautiful grounds of the 4-roounlampark . vet in this ultiutanan age there ore some of us who are satisfied with the quiet repose of the smokinc dislix And when next our respected friend shall cele brate another natal day, (may they be many :) with " the feast of venison, and the flow of wine," may we have a good excuse to visit the mountains, merely as an Editor, to see whether there can be found another stag of equal deserts. ' From the Albany Cultivator. Berkshire vs. common Hogs, It is of ten asserted that the difference in breed 4s more in the difference of keeping than any thing else ; in fact I belieye I have tried hard to make myseli believe this doctrine; but experience,4hat good old teacher, has entirely eradicated the error. The Berk shire pigs that I procured this summer from A. B.. Allen, of Buffalo, which, when deliv ered in my yard, cost me $32, 1 would not Eive lor thirtv-two common pigs 01 me same age ; and yet I will give them freely to any believer in the popular error, ' that the difference is all in keeping," if he will pro duce a pai of the common kind -of-equal age and equal keeping, tht equal these in anv particular. The fact is. the point mast be given up, that there is 'J a proper sue 01 . . ... odds" in the broods of hogs. "A hog is a hog," is the end of argument with some hog gish arcufiers. So is a sheep a sheep, but Xdefy any and all men to tjnake acoarse wool sheep fine by feeding or breeding, until all the coarse wool blood is bred out. A dog is a dog too, yet I suppose no one will attempt tq argue that there is no dif ference in them. He might just as well argue that, as that there is little or no-difference in the breed of hogs. In this case " seeing is believing," and feeling is know ing. It is a fact that speaks" loudly in favor ofthe Berkshire, that Sail who buy them are satisfied with the improvement - So much for Berkshires. Though I do not mean to exclude every other variety, be cause I fullyJjclieie. that In some respeetsJ the Irish Graziers, Woburn, thina, c are eoual to the Berkshires : but I would earnestly advise every owner of aligators and landpikes to procure "an improved breed of hogs" Immediately. r ' A few milee sooth of Bevroot ia a eararansera, called the khan of Onia or Jonaa according to tra dition the potwhero the prophet jjru wallowed by the whale.'1 : PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ( "f - - llMnm FROM TArf RESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE TWO BOUSES Of CONGRESS. At th? commencement of the Second Session of tne TwenlyiithCvniTew. FeUtm-CitixtmrnftlmSemU . ' mmd Hatut Reprmentativa : Our devout gratitude is due to the Su preme Being for having graciously contin ued to our beloved country, tlirough the vicissitudes of another year, the invaluable blessings of health, plenty, and peace. Seldom has this favored land been so gen erally exempted fsom the ra vages of disease or Jhejaborot the husbandman been more amply rewarded ; and never before have our relatioss with other countries been pla ced on a more favorable basis than that which they so happily occupy at this critical conjuncture in the affairs of the world. A rigid and tersevcring abstinence from all interference with the domestic and political relations of -olhcr States, alike due to the genius anc distinctive character of our Go vernment ind to the principles by which it is directel ; a faithlul observance, in the management of our foreign relations, of the practice of speaking plainly," dealiiu- justly, and of requiring truth and justice in return,, ts the best conservatives of the peace of nations ; a strict impartiality in our nunifestations of friendship, in the commercial privileges we concede, and thost we require from others : these, ac companied by a disposition as prompt to ma i j tain, in every emergency, our own righs, as we are from principle averse to the i vasionjif those of others , have gi ven to oo- country and Government a standing in tie great family of nations, of which we hWe just cause to be proud, and the ad. vantages of which are experienced by our citizais throughout every portion of the earthto which tliefrli JventurousSid enter prisinj spirit may carry them. Few, if any, remain insensible to the value of our frienqmippr ignorant of the terms on which U can be acquired, and by which it can, alone be preserved. A jeries of questions or long standing, difficult in their adjustment, and important in thr consequences, in which the rights of ouicitizens and the honor of the country were peeply involved, have, in the course of a fjw years, (the most of them during the successful administration of my imme diate jrcdecessor,) been brought to a satis factory conclusion ; and the most important of thoc remaining are, I am happy to be lieve, in a fair way of being sjieedily and satisfactorily adjusted. With all the powers of ihe world our re lations are those of honorable peace. Since your adjournment, nothing serious has oc curred to interrupt or threaten this destra- blebaanoE "ctouds havelowered abvefembraced bjr-thi the -offer hemisphere, tliey have not cast their rtentous shadows upon our happy shores Bound by no entangling alliances, yet linked by a common nature and interest with the otlier nations of mankind, our as pirations are" for the preservation of peace, in whose solid and civilizing triumphs all 4 Yet it behooves us to be prepared for any event, nnd to be always ready to maintain those just and enlightened princlptesTifTinc tional intercourse, for which this Govern- ment has ever contended. ; In tlie shock of contending empires, it is only by assuming absolute bearing, and clothing themselves with defensive armor, that neutral nations can maintain their independent rights. The excitement which grew out of the territorial controversy between Great Brit, ain and the United States, having in a great rnefere subsided pitis hoped -tbai-a 4ivor- ablc period is approaching for its final set tlement lioth Governments must oc now convinced 01 me aaugcrs wun wnicu me question is fraught, in my last annual message you were informed that the propo sition for a commission of exploration and survey promised by Great Britain had been received, and that acounterproject, includ ing also a provision for the certain and fina adjustment of the limits in dispute was then before the British Government for its con sideration. Theanswcrof that Govern ment, accompanied by additional proposiT tionsof its own, was received, through its minister here since your separation. Tliese were promptly considered; such as were deemed correct in principle, and consistent with a due regard to the just rights of tlie United States and of the fetate of Maine, concurred in ; and the reasons for dissent ing from the residue, with an additional sug gestion on our part, communicated by the Secretary of State to Mr. Fox. The min ister, not feeling himself suthciently in structed upon some of the points raised in the discussion, felt it to be bis duty to refer the matter to his own' Government for its further decision. Having now been for some time under its advisement; a speedy answer may be confidently expected. From tbc character ofthe points still in difference, and the 'undoubted disposition of both par tics to bring the matter to an early conclu sion, I took with eritire confidence to a prompt and satisfactory termination of the negotiation. Three commissioners were appointed shortly after the adjournment of Congress, under the act of the last session providing for the exploration and survey of the tine which separates the States of Maine anil New Hampshire from the British Pro vinces ; they have been actively employed until their progress was interrupted by the inclemency of the season, and will resume their labors as coon as practicable in the ensuing j car. -' - It is understood that their respective ex aminations will throw new light upon the subject in controversyrand serve tore move any erroneous impressions which may have been made elsewhere prejudicial to the rights of the United States. It was , among other reasons fcwith a view of preventing the embarrassments which, in our peculiar system of Government,- impede and com- plicate negotiations involving the territorial rights of a State, thai ! thought it my duty as you have been lntormed on a previous occasion, to propose to the Uritish Govern Tment, through its minister at Washington, that early steps should be taken to adjust the points of difference on the line of boundary from tne entrance of Lake Superior to the rrtc norm western point of the Lake of the Woods, by the arbitration of a friendly Power, in conlormity with the .7th article of the treaty of Ghent No answer has yet been returned by the British Govern mcnt to this proposition. With Austria, France, Prussia, Russia, and the remaining powers of Europe, I am happy to inform you our relations continue to be ofthe most friendly character. With Belgium, a treaty of commerce and navi gation, .based upon liberal principles of re. ciprocity and equality, was concluded in March last, and, having been ratified by the Belgian Government, will be duly laid before the senate. It is a subject of Con gratulation that it provides for the satisfac tory adjustment of a long-standing question of controversy t thus removing the only obstacle which could obstruct the friendly and mutually atlyantageous intercourse, be tween the two nathans. A messenger has been despatched with thellanoverian treaty to Berlin, where, according -to stipulation tlie ratifications are to beexchanged. I am happy to announce to you bat, after manv delays andl difficulties, a treatv of commerce and navigation, between Hhe UnircdStates-and Portugal, was tondudeir- and signed at Lisbon, on tlie 26th of Au gustlast, by tlie Plenipotentiaries of the two Governments, ts stipulations are founded upon those principles of mutual liberality and advantage which the United States have always sought to make the basis of their intercourse with foreign Powers, and it is hoped they will tend to foster and strengthen the commercial intercourse of the two countries. Under the appropriation of the last ses sion of Congress, an agent has been sent to Germany for the purpose of promoting the interests of our tobacco-trade. The commissioners appointed under the convention for the adjustment of claims of the United States upon Mexico having met and organized at Washington in August last, the papers in possession of the Gov. eminent relating to those claims were com. municalcd to the board. The claims not an are now the subject of negotiation between the two Go vernments, through the rncuNunol our Min ister at Mexico. Nothing has occurred to disturb the har mony of our relations with the different Governments of South America. I regret, however, to be obliged to inform you that ia of- our citizens upon the late lie- fiublic of Columbia have not yet been satis icl hy the separate Governments into whrchif has been rcsolved- Tho charge d'affaires of Brazil having expressed the intention of his Government not Jo prolong the treaty of 1828, it will cease to bo obligatory upon eitlier party on the 12th day of Dec. 1841, when the ex. tensive commercial intercourse between the United States and that vast empire will no longer be regulated by express stipuln. tions. . V . ' : It-aiTords me pleasure, to communicate to you that the Government of Chili has ehier. ed into an agreement to indemnify the claimants in tbe case of the Madeconian, for American property seized in 1810 ; and to add, that information has bj?cn received which justifies the hope of an early adjust ment of the remaining claims upon that Government.' he commissioners appointed in pursu." anceof the convention between the United States and Texas ,for marking the boundary between them, have, according to the last report received from our commissioner ,sur. veved and established the whole extent of the boundary north along the western bank of the Sabine river, from its entrance into the Gulf of Mexico to the thirty -second de gree of north latitude. The commission adjourned on the 16th of June last, to reas semble on the 1st of November, for the pur. pose of establishing accurately theintersec tionof the thirty-second degree of latitude with the western bank ofthe Sabine, and the meridian line thence to Red River. It is presumed that the work w ill be concluded in the present season. Ihe present sound condition ot their finances,and the success with which embar rassments in regard to them, at times appa rently insurmountable .have been overcome, are matters upon which the people and Gov. ernment of the United States may well con gratulate themselves. An overflowing Treasury, however it may be regarded as an evidence of public prosperity, is seldom conducive of the permanent welfare of any people ; and experience has demonstrated its incompatibility with the salutary action of political institutions like those of the U. States. Our safest reliance for financial efficiency and independence has, on tlie contrary, been found to consist in ample re sources unencumbered with debt ; and, in this respect, the Federal Government occu pies a singularly fortunate and truly envia ble position. 1 When I entered upon the diScharce of my official duties in March, 1837, the actk for the distribution of the surplus revenue was in a course or rapid execution. IN early twenty-eight millions of dollars ofthe public moneys were, in pursuance of lis provisions deposited with the States in the months of January, April and July of that year. In May there occurred a general suspension of specie payments by the banks, including, with very few exceptions, those in which . tho public moneys were deposited, and upon wnosc naeiny me Government had unfortu nately made itself dependent for the reve nues which had been collected from the people, and were indispensible to the public service. 1 tus suspension, and the excess es in banking and commerce out of which T it arose, and which were greatly aggravated by its occurrence, made, to a great extent, unavailable the principal part of the public money then on band ; suspended the collec tion of many millions accruing on our mer chants' bonds ; and greatly reduced tho revenue arising from customs and public lands. These effects have continued to op erate, in various degrees, to the present pe riod ; and, in addition to the decrease in the revenue thus produced, two and a half mil. lions of duties have been relinquished by two biennial reductions under the act of 1833, and probably as much'more upon the importation of iron for railroads, by special legislation. 0 Whilst such has been our condition for die last four years in relation to revenue, we have, during the same period been subjected to an unavoidable continuance of large ex traordinary expenses necessarily growing out of past transactions, and which could not be immediately arrested without great prejudice to the public interest' Of these, the charge upon the Treasury, in conse quence of the Cherokee treaty alone, with, out adverting to others arising out of Indian reaiies, nus uireuuy esceeueu 11 ye minions orsjoiiars; that tor the prosecution ormea. wrthe removal of the Seminole In dians, which were found in progress, has been ncarhfourteen millions ; and the pub. libuildingvhave required the unusual aura of nearly threemillions. . It affords me, however, great pleasure to be able to" say that , xrom the commence, ment of this period to the present day, eve. ry demand upon tlie Government, at home or abroad, has been promptly met This has been done, not only without creating a permanent debt, or a resort toNadditional taxation, in any form, but in die midst of a steadily progressive reduction of existing burdens upon the people, leaving still aeon, siderable balance of available funds, which will remain in the Treasury at the end of thd year. Tlie small amount of Treasury notes, not exceeding four and a half mil. lions of dollars, still outstanding, and less by tweuty-three millions thuF the United Biaies nave in aeposite with the estates, is composed of such only as are not yet due, or have not been presented for payment They may be redeemed out of the accruinff aevnue, if the expenditures do not exceed the amount within which they may, it is thought, be kept without prejudice to the to be as large as may justly be anticipated. Among the reflections arising from the conteihplaiioh of these circumstances, one" not the least gratifying, is the consciousness that the Government had the resolution and tlie ability to adhere in every exigency to the -sacred obligations of law ; to execute all its contracts according to the requirements of the constitution ; and thus to present, when most needed, a rallying point by which the business of the whole country might be brought back to a safe and unvarying stan. darda rultjitally irn porta nt .as well Jo. the interests as to the morals of the people. ' mere can surely now be no diUcrcnce of opinion in regard to the incalculable evils that would have arisen if the Government, at that critical moment, had suffered itself to be deterred from upholding the only true standard of value, cither by the pres sure of adverse circumstances or the vio. lence of unmerited denunciation. The ' manner in which the neonle sustained the performance of this duty ' was highly hon. orablc to their fortitude and patriotism. It cannot fail to stimulate their agents to ad. here, under all circumstances, to tho line of duty ; and to satisfy them of the safety with which a course really right, and demanded bv a financial crisis, may, in a community like ours, be pursued, however apparently sevcre'its immediate operation. The policy of tho Federal Government in extinguishing as rapidly as possible the national debt, and, subsequently, in resis. ting every temptation to create a new one, deserves to be regarded in the same favora. ble light Among the many objections to a national debt, the certain tendency of pub lic secdrities to concentrate ultimately in coffers', of foreign stockholders, is one which is every day gathering strength. A L ready have the resources of many of the States, and the future industry of their ci tizens, been indefinitely mortgaged to the subjects of European Governments'; to the amount of twelve millions annually, to pay tlie constantly accruing ' interest on bor rowed money a sum exceeding half the ordinaryrercnueof the whole United States. The pretext which this relation affords to foreigners to scrutinize the management of our domestic affairs, if not actually to in termeddle with them, presents a subject for earnest attention, not to say serious alarm. Fortunately, the Federal Government, with " the exception of. an obligation entered into m behalf of the District ol Columbia, which i ! 1 f 4 ' r m I;: r ? ! 1 ..4. f:. h I - r i 1; m r j i ! 1 I 1 i- it 4i 'I t if c'H . .:.-? .. ... i, v -i- C v

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