.... RtH mmr. VllHMl" pubbahed at Two Centt p annum, in advance, or ttaenP'fL,v rftil all arrearare. are paid. H Twill beinaerted at On Dollar Aw.Lst, and IVenty-five Cent for -fT WET- TOD. , , t Wel S now nearly forty year, mace , "?" v i .-... fl.irt. f iihoutod IWJrn&omihevcr jXbealdtolbopelslillbetu. Sitotwta On a certain oyp a en- m down the rim to Kentucky, TCaptaia Ward, a. hewa- removing Svfrom the cast. ' The journey wa x . 1 1. - was full of Iodiarra, nd; no ittkmcnt of any hoteTnad been made in m. Tbo whites, and the Indiana too, wcoflt"t!y making war upon each A., I do not know who was the roost to !lBe ;lbe whites snico weniw, Ijfian were the most cruel. We pur ebied u okliCrazy, square-built boat, be. fcrtyandimjfcct in length, and jlouteight ortcO wide. ,: We contrived to dke on i single pine plana oh each gun. I and this was the only thing we had to Mad us. We. had a heavy load, lurni We, baggage, horaejlJg fowls, plouglis, besides nearly a dozen people. These con. ..-rial nf the eantain.' his wife', "and 'their l,wng children, a wtdoWed sister and son, iteades tercral men to manage the boat j then we left, we were fearful lest the In 'if ihmild attack us from the shore, but eknethatby keepingitt 4he middle of dx river we should be beyond, the reach of their rifles, or could be in a few-moments. Thus we passed on for several days, till we supposed wo were beyond the haunts of & Indians. One day, just at sunset, after Mhad become tired with rowing, we let W boat drift lazily and carelessly along the current cWe wcrejust getting redy to 'put up forthe night'', The mother was pro jmising the children's good run on shore.' Tbe widowwa getting out provisions, and ) making preparations fur our supper. The jetpliin and his nephew had hold of the oars, BIN UAIfCU kiavti Jtv ""v v Mvn asvi toiteertlie boat ' , - . ; 41 ' Rogers,' said the captain'-,. ' suppose te put in this side of that point ;nd tie the boat to one of those big trees, and thcre.cn. ttmplorthe night3 " . : r ' ?it'i slight good place, captain, and I libit. Besides, a few moments ago 1 thought I beard wild turkeys over the hill, tad 1 should like to have, one for our. sup. wr.' "-"' . - I 86 we tat in towards ' the shore ai m oi wunin Hit j yarus 01 uiai, puiiu round which the steamboat hus just pass, d, when I heard a stick crack , as if broken by tbefoe;t. . v - , . , '"A deer,' said the captain. "'Ho, no,' I shouted, row, row, for life, or we are all dad.' " At that instant j down rushed scores of Indians to tbs shore, with a ehout made the kifc tcross the river echo it back agaitf. lne muMerous Creatures rushed down to the water'redge, , and presented tl4r guns I J. L.j. r I unopened a keavy fire upon us. 1 Innnin. tM,ths youn man snatched bis rifle, and risinjun his full length. RreA at the-nearest Indian, who had a shabby bead dress, Hk Indian fell, and so did the young man 1 the same jnstaht Aa be fell, the can- tain brought tha boat-round indigos yelled r the women acrtamed, 6 horses were, falling and plunging and - were nymg tniclc arouna us. ibove aII, the voico .of caDtain Ward wot Rogers, take my oar.' .' A " took it. and he at the iimn inatarit I "Ml Piece Of nlaiik land rnwprt In unrh S purpose thai in a few minutes we were m the river, beyond the reach of their nfles. knew they had no canoes, be. "Son a huntinz exDediiion and that w ere safe,. But, oh! whaf a sight! the .Horses Were all dead, or dvintr. one child wly wounded. viae boat fcnlf fiijt wnh watef.lnd the young man in his blood at ttetottomof (he boat Bv thi time-the have brought tli fw m thi But the Wulnsnxft u pate as a shMt W etu tu raised ois head in her ho. and oncned where the blood wasstill coming. He was vpf " 'Juhn'aaid ahn &mtZJi i&l 1- Jting to a babe, John, do you know ' 'My mother said he. in a whisDer. from the river' 4. He tried, but could not luV BOIt. An n... IV... ..... j jjg ji, i.;v)ii juu ro uy- Im6' ""other, but are yoo nurt V o. in - hi it As ti:.,t. .r. r'.- jrJra7 with the near, r bow, my dear. At ., . f - "- -: r" se mcTCUuI Id me a inner f.r "vq se rner indlt west wuuu . 1 - Sod of pilot, for I was well acquainted .7 a. -;,. nnd all points of danger. " 'Jesus Christ said tbc riiother, for be was eone. . . She bent over him a few miftutes, as if in silent prayer, then kissed bis lips, and for the first tune tear ulled her eyes. . Till that moment) you would have thought she had been talking to a child just going to sleep, her voice was so calm and id mild. J and a noble fellow tie was. t Hut she was a religious woman. I never saw religion like that bcfortl or since. We lay off the river till dark, and then silently came to tiie shore, on tinS side,7Qf tbenight V e dared not light a candle, lest the Indians should ace it We milked our only cow, oikT fed the children and gotlhcni asleep: We thefl brouelit the body of the yountf roan up the bank, and when the moon arose, we dug that grave wbich you see yonder. , We bad to be careful not to make a noise, nor even to weep aloud. But after, we bad opened the gravo; and w're ready to put the corpse in it the jwldowijd mother spoke: '" "Is there no one here that can offer a prayer ase bory my only child f " There was jhio answer.- We could all sob, but we had never prayed for ourselves. She then knelt down, ana la vim? her hand on the bosom of her boy, she, in a subdued voice, uttered such a prayer as ew ever made.rhwwa-ee:Im as the bright Waters at our feet -Andf when she came to pray for the whole of us-'-for the poor, Indians who, had murdered tier boy j when she gave thanks to God that he had so long comforted her heart with her son ; nnd when she gave that God had given her such a son to give back to Him ; it was awful ! we could not sob aloud ! Tou preachers talk about sub limity, but if this was Dot it, I do not know what it is. -Well , there we buried him , and there tie sleeps yet. r In the morning, I got up at daylight, and came up here to place the stone at the head of the grave. It was bloody, for his head had rested upon it found the mother was here before me ; per haps she had been here all night - She was Irvine to do the verv thine : and bo. Without saying a single word, I took hold and help. ed her to put the stone at tbc head of the graved It is now nearly sunk in the ground ; out it stands just as we placed It. When wo bad done, the widow turned and said, ' Rogers,'' but tears came, and I was thank- eo enougo. 1 nave sax on mis log manv -J . I :- . .1 f. tunes and thought over the whole scene ; and though the mother has been in the grave many years', yet 1 can see her even now just as she looked when she turned to thank me, and I can hear her voice just as she spoko to her dying boy V'--Chrutian Keeptait. -Selection of Books. Biographies of good men, well written, and, by the way, such books arc scarce, cannot be top much sought or too closely perused. Works or this description, if tncy are what Jhcy ought to be, exhibit human character in portrait, afford us noble examolcs of perseverance. of benevolence, of virtue, and, not unlikely of errors to be shunned. They often tend which shrouds from the inexperienced eve of the young and obscure, the frailtias and imperfections of the great man s character. (Nob$r respect men of eminence so littlcas theirs-own talets and why, but "because these! their dependants are witnesses of their hours of relaxation, and have diacov- VIVU WU HIIIUllUJtVMIC'l UlKfc IIV " I" thing !, and ,tn most respects very much lwe themselves -" i The 'flict is, tbaf, without .enjoying the unrese rved intimacy of the grcatTor karn. r 1' U.. .1 L l:U ing from biography, the means by which thev have become so, we are prone to look at them as they are, and oof; s they tarrf, and hence to attributo theit political, or in. fellectual elevation to superior menial en dowmcnts by nature, when p all instances, at any rate tn this country, they are both, almost exclusively, the fruit of the r perse. verahco that never relaxes, and the vigi. lance that never tires." We need not commend to the perusal of any young man the biography of Dr. Franklin, for all, un der whose eyes this article may fall, have probably read it. If not let them do so and learn the way to wealth -to eminence. That little book ; that little auto-wograniiic duodecimo of one hundred and scveuty.five pages (the form in which We haw rend, and re-read it,) has by its circulation in the United States, done more in redeeming talent from obscurity than any 4han all Attmr works of the kind that have ever been read lejet-aiiddy 4he. Doctor's fame-rest4 simply upon that production, ins a model of critically correct biographical wntmg, it wonld be imperishable. From biography we learn f or ought to learn, the " small beginnings" with which distinguished men start in their career of greatness, Use embarrassments unoer wnicn they labored, and obstacles they encounter ed the noints in which they failed, and those in which they uccecded, the causes of failure in the one case or success in we other, and las? though not least, the estima tion that was put upon their capacities in early life, for mnety-nine out ol every nun. xisted, I will be found to have given no evidences of tuperior endowments by nature , from which those who best knew them1 could have pre. dieted their future distinction. Learning from biography these facts, ydtmg men learn to feel that fame is the fruit of exertion , not of circumstances or natural endowment ; and the worth of this one lesson, if its con fictions are so" felt as to result in ft determi nation to met, is knowledge, is honor, ra weaitn. Utre Leaf.- THE BR0K1IN-HEARTLD : . ' BY Ojjtt. PEB.tTICB. ' I have seen the infant sinking down, like a sinking flower, to the grave the strong man fiercely breathing out his soul upon the field of battlcwthe miserable convict stand, ing upon the scaflyd, with "a deep curse 3uivering upon his lips; I have viewed cath in ail its forms of darkness and ven geance, with a tearful eyo f but I never could look on woman, ' young and lovely woman, fading away from the earth in beautiful and uncomplaining melanclioly, without feeling the very fountains of life turned to tears an 4 dust. ' Death is always terriblebut when a form tf angel beauty is" passing ofT tci the silent land of the sleepers, the heart feels that something lovely is ceasing from existence, and broods with a ense of utter desolation over the lonely thoughts that come up like spectres from the' grave, to haunt our midnight mu. sings, - . ' 1 wo years ago, 1 took up mv residence for a few weeks irr a country Village in the eastern part of New England. . Soon after my arrival, 1 became 'acquainted with a lovely girl apparently about seventeen years of age. She had Jost the idol of her pure heart's purest love, and the shadows of deep and holy memories were ever rest ing like the wing or death upon her brow, I first met her in tlie presence of the mirth. .-ful. She was indeed a creature to be wor shipped her brow was garlanded by the young year's sweetest flowers her yellow locks were hanging beautifully and low upon her bosom and she moved through the crowd with such a floating unearthly grace, that the bewildered gazer looked al most to see her fade away info the air, like the creature of some pleasant dream. She seemed cheerful and even gay ; yet I saw that her gaiety was but the mockery of her feelings. She smiled, but there was some thing in her smile which told that its mourn. ful beauty was but the brighr' reflection of a tear and her eyelids at. times closing heavily down, as if struggling to repress the tide of agony that was bursting up from her heart's secret urn. She looked as if she could have left the scene of festivity and gone out beneath the quiet stars, and laid her forehead down upon the fresh green earth, and poured out her stricken soul ,gush after gush, till it mingled with the eternal fountain ot life and purity. Days and weeks passed on, and that sweet girl gave me her commence ; and 1 became to her as a brother. The smile upon her lip was faint, the tjrp!c veins upon her cheek grew visible, and the cadences of her voice became.daily more weak and tremu lous. On a quiet evening in June, I wan. dcrcd out With her in the Open air. It was then that she first told me the talc of her passion, and of the blight that had come down like mildew upon, her life. Love had been a portion of her existence. Its ten. drils had been twined around her heart in' earliest years ; and when they were rent away, they left a wound which flowed till all the springs of her soul were dried. "I jmpasaing away said, she,'1 and it should be so. I he winds have gone over my life, and the bright bud of hope, and the sweet blossoms of passion are scattered down, and Ho withering in the 3usf. And yet I cannot go down among the tombs without a tear. It is hard to. take leave of friends who love mo j it is very hard to bid farewell to those dear scenes with which I have held communion from childhood, and which, from day to day, have caught the color of my lite, and sympathised witli us joys and aorrows.TiPt little grove, w here 1 .. have bo often strayed with my buried love, and whereat times, even now, the sweet tones of his voice seem to come stealing around me, till the'whole air becomes one intense and mournful ntelodt ; that pensive star, in which my fancy can still picture his form looking down upon me, and beckoning me ontcf his oWn-hrfghtJiomew-every flower, nnd rivulet, on which oar early love has set its undying scalv have become dear to me, and I cannot, without a sigh, close my eyes upon them forever-". r I have lately heard that tlie beautiful girl of whom I have spoken is dead. The close of her life w as as calm as the falling of a qulcrstrcam j gentle as the sinking of a breeze that lingers for a time around a bed of roses, and them dies, as it were, from very sweeWiess. i " ' ft cannot be that earth is man's only abi di ng place. - It cannot be that Our life is a bubble cast up bv the ocean of eternity , to tloat ju moiucnt upou tne wave, ana men sink into darkness and nothingness. Else why is it that the aspirations which leap like angels from the temple of ou hearts, are rforever wandering around unsatisfied ? Why is it that the rainbow and the clowd come over 89 with a beauty that is not of earthy and "then pass off and leave us to anise "tiponttheir faded loveliness t Why is it that the 'stars which hold their festival around the midnight throne, are set so far above the grasp of our limited faculties' forever mocking us with tbelr unapproacha. ble glory? And finally, 1 why is it that bright forms of htfroan beauty are presented to purview, and then taken from us, leav. ing the thousand streams of bur affections to flow back in cold And Alpine torrents upon soy hearts t WejaTieborn for higher oW. tiny than that of earth. There is a realm where the rainbow never fades -wlie re the stars will be spread out before as like the Islands that slumber" in the" ocean; and where tlie beautiful beings that here pass before us like visions, stay rrtour presence forever. Bright creature of my dreams, iu that realm I shall see thee again.- Even now thy lost image is sometimes With me. In the mysterious silence of midnight, when the streams are glowing in the light of the inaoytars, that image comes floating upon the dream that lingers around my pillow, and stands bclore me in its pale, dim love. hne . till its own quiet spirit sinks like spell from heaven upon my thoughts, nnd the grief or years is turned to dreams of blessedness and peace. " V ' ANCIENT CLERICAL -T4Tt-ES ' Tlie word pope" is derjVed from the wordpapa,' in Greek and other ancient tongues, signifying father, and is the same 2 . -a LI 'Pi '1 .1 iu uiipun tuf aoua. inese are eviucnuy copied from nature, being the sounds emit ted by an infant to, lis parent TUn tenn papa, or pope", was, iirmmitive- Christian limes, universally applied to all the orders of clergy, just as we call a venerable old minister, by the honoured title of father." But just in the same manner as the true ministry lost their parity of rank and office by the successful ambition of city ministers, lording it over poor count rymiiitstmT so by degrees the title of papa orpOpe, gradu ally passed to the ambitious number of lordlings ; and finally it passed to one pom. pous and aspiring character, who, in his turn, lorded jit oyer his former equals in the metropolis.' .. . ' .. ........ We discover evidently from St. Gregory the rope s Jjctters to the bishops of Con stantinoplc,nnd of Alexandria, that the title of "popen was confined, after acinic, to each of those three aspirants. 'The title "tfilra sanetitas,1" and the corresponding Greek word for" yout noil .," was the common title of a minister. The'Vord Reverend" was never used in tlie. ancient Greek, Syriuc, and Egyptian churches. The title was invariably ' your holiness. This prevailed in the Greek church first, as that church is more ancient than the Latin or Roman church. Hence we find this title of'your holiness," in the most ancient Culdce churches of ancient Britain, and Ireland. And the use of this Greek-title of tlie ministry, is an additional proof, by the way, that these ancient prim- itive churches of Britain and Ireland were planted by Greeks, and not by Romans originally. Archbishop Usher notices this fact, and puts it in a strong light The Culdee churches of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, keptlsaster en the day commemorated by the 'Greek Church, and not on the day kept by the church at Rome. tins is a, striking tact. In Scotland and Ireland particularly the title of your holiness" was applied to every pastor. ' But, it was translated info what 13 rendered " Sa vh. When St. Patrick from Scotland, landed in Ireland about' five hun dred and thirty-two, he found St. Ibbar at the . head of tlie pure Culdee churches Hence Ireland was said to bo tho land of 'Saixts." Now this really meant just this: it was a land that abounded with many venerable and faithful ministers. The word " Sainf ," in tliese times was pre. cisely used as our common title of "iter er end" is applied to each minister of the '-Gospel now. In rope bu Gregory, Lib. 7, Lpist. 36, we have an instructive historical exhibition of "ie antiquity" of Popery. The Bishop of Constantinople had claimed the title ol universal bishop, or pope," over all. j The bishop or Alexandria, t'ynt. wrote an c-pistle to Gregory of Bome, and cnllod him also universal bishop, and pope, urego. ry thus replied If you call me the uni. versal bishop, you then own yourself ;to be NO pope. Let NO SUCH TITLES be mention. ED, OR EVES BEARD OP AMONG US, YiiLfr holiness says in your letter " I command you. t 1 command you.' I knowwho you are, and who I am. In rank, my brother; in manners, my father. I, therefore, did not cammand you, and I beg you will ever, henceforth, forbear that word. I only pointed out to you wliat it was right you should know. ; Theso sentiments are well known to ctery pope, and Romish bishop, and priest, who have seen the works of bl. Gregory. And yet. with most marvellous consistency they u-orship him as a saint ; and their pojes ot the same timef assume all the powers, and honours, and supremacy of universal bishop, and holiness, and pope exclusively! HoW-remarkauly has the prediction of this pope St, Gregory been fulfilled ! " He w ho shall thus rail himself, universal bishop andjjope, is truly antichrist ! ! Jrrot. V m. Vert true and sensible. Bulwer very pertinently observed that the newspaper is the chronicle of civilization; tha common reservoir into which every stream pours its living wafers, and at which every mart may come and drink. It is the newspaper that gives to liberty its practical life, its constant ouw.rvunpii, iia purpciuui rfgimnw-KS un rclaxmg activity. Tho newspaper informs legislatioapf public opinion and it informs tlie people of the nets of lcgisIatbTf. And this is not all. The newspaper teems with tlie most practical morality ; in its reports of crimes and punishments you find a daily warning against temptation ; not a case in a police court, not a single trial or a wretch, ed outcast or a trembling felon, that does not preach to us the awfuTTesson-now im. prudence leads to error, how error conducts to guilt, how guilt reaps its bitter fruit of anguish and degradation, lne newspaper is the Similar bond that binds together man and man no matter what may be the dis. tance of climate or the difference of face. The newspaper is a Taw book forthe indo. lent, a sermon forthe thoughtless, a library for the poor. It maV stimulate the most in. different, it may instruct the most profound. J . ARCTIC REGIONS. A kite number of the London Foreign Quarterly Review makes known for the first time to. English readers some of tlie particulars of tho Russian Exploring Ex. pedition to the Northern A ret ic ocean. 1; was conducted by land; that is, by land conveyances, sledges and dogs, over the ice, and often a considerable distance from tlie alio re, under the charge of Lieutenant Van Wranzel, and occupied nearly five years, amidst the severest hardships. The sufferings of tlie party from cold, even in the mild season, were very distressing. As a sign of the severity of the cokJ , it is stated that in one of their night encampments, inufllcd up and protected by warm clothing and furs, ice was formed between their stockings on their feet from the. yapor thrown off by the skin ; chronometers Were useless, tlie drop of oil witliin tho works could not be kept fluid by any precaution, in a -temperature olten forty degrees below the zero of Reaumur equal to fifty-cight degrees below the zero of Fahrenheit. ; The result of tlie expedition may be gen. crally stated tw having traced the bounda ries of Asia in their highest northern lati tude, and, connecting with the English discoveries and examination, asdemoustrat. inr a continuous sea or t-xoansc of water oi indefinite extent, bounding the continents on the north and entirely round the world. The problem remaining to be solved is, whctlicr there bo in still higher northern latitudes, beyond the belt of ice which skirts the coast, a Polar continent or a large body of land. It has been found in all lati tudes, that, beyond a comparatively small distance from the coast, the Polar sea is always open and free of ice. This distance rarely exceed sixteen lMiglish miles, and tlie concurrent reports of the natives of those frozen regions, or different tribes in tlie high Siberian as well as in tlie Ameri can latitudes, lead to the impression that there is land, and inhabited land, not many miles nenws thiswater, and around the One of me natural curiosities which" this regiori has presented to every traveller is particularly noticed in the accounts of Van Wranzel's expedition. It is the prodigious quantity of the bones of the mammoth which are found.' The further fiorth the "greater is the quantitv ; and some of the Asiatic Arctic island are found to be composed of little more than n massot mammom uoucs. For eighty years Siberian traders have been conveyinrthcm away by shin loads, and they are still apparently undiminished. The like plicnumcnon .of the existence in this inhospitable climes of immense niultit Jtles of these herbivorous warm-blooded animals appears along the whole nprtlicrn coast of Asia and Ainerica, and allords scope lor a great deal of scientific speculation upon the natural history of the earth and the most curious branches of geology. I From the Albany Cultivator. Making acgcr holes with agimbt.et. Mv boy what arc you doing there with that gimbTetl" said I the other morning to fiaxWhMa1uua'hin;-wlirj-wasi?ibjriiig awav with all his might at a piece of board before Win. Trying to nvike on augur hole!" was his reply, without raising his eyes or suspending his operations. " Preciselyrthe business of at least two thirds of the world, in this blessed year of our Lord 1940, is this making augur holes with a ginibkt I said to myself, as I walked musingly on ward. Here is young A., who has just escaped from the clerk's desk behind the counter. IltT'spouts'his "mustaches pwears Jim hair long ; has acquire d power of being shaved; carries a ratan -drinks -champaign when he can command an X. to purcliuse a but. tlf? and tnsit a friend to a dinner: talks large of the price current of all tlie western stocks and profits ot banking ; stands in his boots two inches higher than' Astoror Applctnn ; and speaks of foreign exchanges as would Rothschild or Biddlc. Ho thinks ho is a great man, when all others know he is only tnaking augur holes with a giuiblct Mr. B. is a rabid politician. He has la bored hard at caucuses, nt ward and town Pieetiugs, has talked of the dear people till the words flow parrot like from his lips, and has done a full share of the dirjy work of parly for yea rs. Office has been tlie lure held out to lead him onwards, and which lias made him neglect his business, spend his time in hunting up recruits, drilling thor refractory, and qualifying himself lor bar room argument and stiimn oratory. He can settle the aflkirs of the nation in a trice; diplomacy has no intricacies for him; he has shaken hands with the f resilient , and is a great man. He will soon bo uaed up, and cast aside- and will then sec, as others now do,tliathe is chasing a jack-uTairtcrn ; that he is naking augur holes with a gitn- blet. - There is Miss C, who is really a pretty girl, and who might become a woman a man of sense, would 3oe proud ot ISow she apes the ton in all things; reads excit ing novels goes to the opera, admires Ce-i teste's dancinghas nearly, ceased to blush at the most indecent nudity lounges on so -her idleness, keeps her bed till noon, coquets with male animals as fem inine as herself, imagines slie is a belle, for gets that ber father was a'cooper, lisps of high life, and plcblan presumption,' and is in a fair way to ruin herself. All this comes of her belief that an augur hole can be made by a gimblet- ., . j Mr, D.. who'm I have just passed, may bo put down as a distinguished professor of . . . . .. . T - f . I - the gimhlit I le was a larmcr. iiisiamer left him a fine farm free of incumbrance ; but speculation became rife, fortunes were made in a twinkling, and D. fancied . " one thing could be done as well as another.". bo he sold his farm, and bought wild lands in tlie prairies, and comer lots in lithograph, ed cities ; and began tOjdj-eam of wealth, worthy of "golden Ind." Work he could not ; it had suddenly become degrading. Who could think of tilling or become con tented with a few acres of land, when thou, sands of acres in the broad west were wait ing for occupants or owner. D. was not the man to do it,, and be operated to the extent ofliis means. At last the land bubble broke; lithographed cities were discovered to be mere bogs, and prairie farms, thougrjhe. basis of exha listless wealth, worthless un less rendered productive by labor. - But D's beautiful farm is gone, and aa he is how preparing on Compulsion to become a pio neer in tlie west, be feels that it is difficult to make augur holes with a gimbleL. Mr. E. is tlie representative of quite a class. He bad bis attention awakened to the subject of religion, and obtained new views of its importance and his own obli gations. Believing what cannot be disputed that love to God and good will to man, is the only true source of happiness and feel. ing, as every benevolent mind must, a i sire for the welfare of his race he fancied himself to ueclarcjnese truths to the world j and forsaking his lapstone, his anvil, or his plough, became without delay an ex. pounder of the scripturCi a self-delegated instructor of mankind. - lie forgot that the age of miracles liad ceased and that the ability to teach must now be ' acquired by tlie slow but necessary process of human learning. He begins to have misgivings that he has mistaken his call ; and wUI prob ably discover, when too late to rectify tha error, that he has spent the best half of his life in trying to make augur holes with a gimblet - Pernicious influence of '5ilest grief. A young lady connected with a family of rank, aud possessing great .accomplish. ments, had formed, unknown to her pa. rents, a secret attachment to a gentleman who often visited the house. When it was discovered, he was requested, to abandon all notions of the lady, as it was the deter mination of her relations to refuse an alii. ance with him. Both1 parties took it much to heart The lady suffered from a severe attack of nervous disorder, which terminat- ed in suicidal mania. She endeavored several , times to jump oqt of the window, and would have done so had she not been most care, fully watched. Iler symfoms were, most distressing. The mind seemed to bo weigh. ' ed te the earth by an accumulation of mise. ry and wretchedness which she was unable to shake off. " Oh ! could I be but happy !" she Would eirclnim. ' Will no one oomo to my relief? What can I do!" Sho would walk about the room, occasionally giving utterance to expressions similar to those just quoted. More than once she observed, that could she cry, she felt as sured her mind Would be relieved ; but not " a tear could she shed. After a fearful sf rugglcfbrsoinc tfrm; one r vcning;-as"sho" was retiring to rest, she burst into a flood of tears. The effect was mostTbeneficial from that moment slie beg-in to recover. The copious lachrymal si-cretion had the flt-ci of relieving the cerebral congestion, nnd in this way the brain was restored tu; the performance of its healthy functions. Anatomy of Suicide. 'A word in season. Mr. Rutherford was accustomed to come to the parish, of Avliertn. where-Adam Clarke's ialhcr re. sided, and to preach in different places. Adam Jieard hini every where; and in re. turning from the places of preaching , was in tlie habit of walking behind him, and took delight in literally treading in his steps : this was before he had any personal acquaint ance, with him. One evening Mr. R. no ticing a little lad trotting after him, whom ho hud often observed at the preaching, turned about and said, ' Well, child, God hath said, " I love them that love me, and they that seek me early shall find me."' lie said no more, and Adam pondered these words in his lieart and thus reasoned on them : ' What does lie mean by." they that seek me early T" I ris early, and my first work is pfaycr is that wliat is meant f N, op" it is they who sock God early in life .when they arc young: then, thus I seek, and thus I will seek tlie Lord. He said also, . " they shall find me :" others, perhaps, may seek and not find: but God says to the yourigp " they SHALL find. Tlusaf e 7 him great encouragement, j Other preach. crs took no notice of hiin ; probably suppos r, ing that one' so young, could not be expect. cd to have much concern for his soul- Experience, however, has indisputably ! shewn that the true light that lighteneth- ' every man that comcth into the world, shines often very powerful on infant minds : and that weenhnot be too attcritive to their cultivation, and flmt theJiest fruits may be expecfed from a careftl management or Mo3Ks and Aaron. Through the agen. ey of Moses and Aaron, the Israelites were delivered out of Egypt. itwai incidence, that Sir Moses Mohtefiore and Mons. Aaron Cremicux, should be the in dividuals who have now undertaken tlie mission fof the rescue from oppression, of the Jews at Damascns. Jamaica . Gazette. Help others and you relieve yourself. Go and drive away tlie cloud from that dis-, tressed friend's brow, and you wijl return ! with a lighter heart. ,

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