r. '.V 4f V i X am norn '4 Mae: ik. r kit a hi 7- !! Vi ha r linal ml l.-MI 11 2S a ii it sSSSS"7iiiTW lOBEITi IBITCJl l r11 . , Ftm9tnn"liJXfr' J. . .. - f ; -.IS-imsm" is wibliaheo' Two 1Kft.CtopM"to,Mlr"0,l mV2:L: iTfP"0? .uu m Pd. 4 '""jTwiJ U lnert4 tt On Doltar rt"TIErib Twenty-Flr Canute a, "TiitStffe''' Batbt - -V?BgaHHSSHaiSsa' inTFLLANEOUS. BPflGIOI THE KULKiSMiwur wyr 1 m'wu OF SCIENCE. - ' Hl hi TUER OP SCIENCE. Jdivcrei befor & Wytfl "ZrtlrtUutc,; 1, 1840. -TStTI a0UM, OF TM OWIfiA fotbe ttinly of man, we should not con- V"" " . ... Ak . hnHv and mind $10 sur ww ' " - . . - particular . itaniiiHi iu mi v i Tu nhvsicalormtUectual charac tii"n ,, mvroDerlv be em I Pin, er pw 'J.'"r . . h' L. d" ;") unon I f that t"11?.0' Jv A.-on wnrl,f whilp ""y nothing about lu style, its. rhetoric, or cesin knowledge, and the sciences are car mint to ui!abit this present wonaj wmie ' 0 .u. ' I . j ' c.:u : IqmDdwm 1 ird,iiDUi kwi iu ,. . . He win be connected with all that tn History is, and wUI bo inter- 1 -ila Jovermcnt of the unlJ wv , . h minum iu wuinvuv. i ' tmm the time it was hrst ftiruied AJinA mhen God shall fold it Up, .and it i Jalfbe cbaneed-" WUh" this explanation rrZJ .i.hnot hesitation, the sentiment nouvv . s d the ojet. ' - .' . J Jit proper itndy of raankiad, b maK" Xbose advantages, peculiar to man cenT MkiMbecn furnished him in view!of his V""" I"' . . .. ..... ir 11 Mbie Been lurowneu I lam and iotcllectuai natures. - Among 'cotudtution iKfaitimatelv blended in their origin, and I 'hould keep pace with each other in their 'lierelopemcaU. JIo who neglects the cut- 'iinttoo of the moral feelipgs,circumscribcs .he exercise of bis intellect, tie who ne. yu the intellect, will be a dwarf in rell. moo. ue wno cultivates doui, win oy wis 1 incans lucuitaie me improvement oi cocn, i and may shine in both the moral and Intel Wtual worlL had it (here is an idbntily ia the origin of the msnuiT itnd moral pow km, and so mutual s dependence upon each Vitticr in thfiiriuiltiVntion. it imiim not un. Wionsble, to say tbo least, that those ob jecti or parauits adapted to these particular J nmrers should also oossess some sort; of I I . .. la . cooDecuoo with, and dependence on eacn 1 -ffiilTT. Vt IlKlll COllSlUcr TVllxlOll ailU t .t . .r t 1 1 . 1 1 1 : W. Jtbew religion and science stand lorta wan 1 surdities are mure aosurd tnaa tnat ignor- unitedly and unanimously agreed to" drive a 'ihegreatcst prominence; the first adapted lance is the mother of devotion. That it dull ea re away," and join the jubilee to 1 'io hu moral, tke second to his jntellectual I is the fosterer of bigotry and superstition, celebrate the birth day of American Inde- 1 hi hmi itavra nnTiim m nun a .i aw fiie two grand subjects suited to the and give us the moat consistent display of " Why do you weep, my dear Harriet r' meDttl and moral constitution of rrian.and the attributes of the Christian.- It is per. enquired VVilliam, inavoiceichasluic; lilaBeogTorto trace the connection be. fectly reasonable that this should be the at the same time grasping affectionately her tvwo them, their mutual dependence, and case. A" belief in the existence of one snowy tapering fingers, which wereorna special1v the influence of Christianity on God lies at the foundation of all religion ; mented with three costly rings, tlie offerings ths' cultivation of the mind, and the ad-1 aMHr)4y,i..Aa, I" adejjuateness of our views or the char-1 The c.-miicctiou subsisting between rclM acter ofGrod,"wiirour"rengiOTle"deepand matsi science ta seen. f.rt. in their ori-1 gin: God is the author of both. . As all I eorjttst notions of religion are derived ei-1 toer by direct revelation, or from that ex-I hibition of bis character and attribtltes gi v. lea as la the material , and intellectual I world, sows are indebted for all we know. I can know, of any of the branches of u Author ol nature. t I But for the existence of the - material world natural philosophy would not exist. I Werethere no intellectuarTworld.Tnental I oence could not be."; Had we no divine revelation, we should have so .moral sci-1 - A J I Aj divine revelation must furnish us sita our system of religion and moral sci- eoce, so the works of God must furnish us with at least the first nrincnlcs of all the ether branches of-philosophy-A lithe im- proTcments in science which have reflected I to much honor upon tlie scientific, and will encircle their names with elonr-to the la- fageneratiops;are but -the discovery-of those latent Dlincinlea which hcfnrn print. ed, and wbich only needed the effort of anma nnkM : I . . i l op their operations. ".'-".. The pure principles of religion were the awne before the Jewish and Christian dia. pensations shed their pWW.. loicr uiiuu 1a aacermin ana iihvki- that they have been since ; only they were Botso fully and clearly revealed, and car. ned out in their practical effect upon the well-being of man ; so the principles and operations brought to light by the astromi- paniiion 01 a Newton were in exist- and in as periect and complete a state of operation hei ki. -) .v k.. oeen since.' AnA tk .0. ai made in reference to nit the discoveries j improvements of any one, or aU of the wanclies of fat?, that the principles and ope- !.1iaI7 onderstood by us, is evidence, hey are connected in origin, and Jbejijaistcnc "nnd vastly superior to the moat exalted SZt systems or re- "fwa nd moral science owe their exist. pee to God, is evident, not only because man, but because, after the lapse of -Hjawnmmdred years, tho thoughts and Pfne of the most profound have not been Me to discover one solitary new fort ' or principle, or make the least improvement Upon those originally revealed. There are also mysteries in mental and natural phi - iwsopny. we can go out a lew steps ml our, Investigation here after which we "H" either stop, or pass on in doubt and uncertainty. ' i I Astronomy, anatomy, chemistry, s and mental philosophy, Dave each their myste- I ries, which involve us in inextricable wby are secrets that belong to God ; and these are evidences to us that they originated in mi0& of the Eternal," and are only un- l aerstood dt us as ne eives us toe mina to i compninena.anauw means ot Knowing I them. Their connection anoears also (itm the fact that they are blended in'lhe Bible, wnere wanave taa-moei pencci aispiay oi I iu uvor. , And so it will he. .Divine rev the mental and moral character of God. I elation can never be contradicted bv the The Dible being professedly given to teach man the knowledge of divine things, few! study it lor its literature ; yet Uis cmphati-1 I60" acienunc oooiu vvnoevcr reads it ii . a iiri f h attention cannot a to perceive Ks D w SntI9T7 cnaracier in ina numoeriess 1 ""wnyo thevarious branches 01 science, torrent, leaps from rock to rock, and foam-1 Ling, burls its impetuous flood over all the I i - . . r . t I Dihi ii contains a svnorais 01 ine icarn- 1 plain-it contains a synopsis of the learn- the eastern world. Its allusions are numero. to sciences the most exalted ?luLand arts the most difficult and ornamental, as almost to merit the anhelia-1 tion of encyclopedia and these allusions feierences are so conunuai, inrougn out the whole of the Old Testament, espe cially, that the commentator can make but little advancement in bis work uuless tal knowledge. Their connection U seen in their practical developcments. ' . Few ab- the whule history of the world proves ; and the proof is equally abundant, that enlishu ened and cultivated minds have given us the most commendable exhibitions of Chris - tian liberality, and the most perfect speci- mens of Christian character. There may be something of science where there is notning 01 religion, ana sometmng ot reu. gion wnere mere noiniDff ot science.- iet go wnere you win, ana you wiu nna the most perfect examples of each where both are united in the same character Ue whose heart is under the influence of divine grace is best prepared to cultivate nn mind, and Investieate-tlie laws of natureT and rise through nature up to nature V- God. And he who has made some advancement in scicntinc Knowledge is oesi prepnrea 10 1 . ' . uuucrsiauu 1119 uuiigaiiuiia ui u nwr, 1 l:- i : : . u . nL.. therefore in proportion to the consistency I genuine. And while the Bible gircs us so I glorious a display of the moral perfections j of the Deity, how can we better obtain a I correct view ot the cnaractcr ot uoa asi"vhatcantdo,"continueu wimam, "to creator and governor of the vast extent of tear away the dark drapery which seems to his dominions, than by tho study of those mantle your tender feelings in gloomy sor sciences which take intthe works of crea- row on this high and happy day?" Har. tion. net's feelings were too big for utterance; -ba-isw&ofnanyjLreccecdln tracted respecting the universal kingdom i of Jehovah, and the range of his operations. I They enjoy the light Tf the sun by day, and I of the nxxm by night Hhy gaze upon the I scintillating fires oi an evening s sky, with. I out reflecting who kindled them into bright. I ness. or originated the laws which govern them and the general operations of nature. I And even when they do in their retk-ions connect the effect with iu original cause, their views of the creation and of the gov ernment of God are confined to a very limited portion of his vast dominions: Their mind Cur kkiim never taught to stray Far as the solar worlds, or sulky way Hence-to4hcm1litbe usual line tlt girts l them round is the world's extreme." .1 But how different are the views of those I who enter the fields of philosophy, especial. I ly the science of astronomy, wliere they j may travel from sun to sun, and from sys-1 tern to system, until, weaned witn tne flighU-ib9mind."returns without having found a resting place ! It is these enlarged views of the extent of the universe, and ot the government of God, which serve to elevate our conceptions of his character, and fill us with reverence' and holy awe while overwhelmed and astonished at the mighty scene, we are constrained to cry J out, 44 Great and marvelous are thy works, Lord God Almighty. Their connection is seen also in the fact, that the constant! improvements in science are furnishing ad- ditional evidence of the divinity of our holy religion. Great efforts have been made by the whole boat of infidels, especially those of the last century ,jtoarray science against religion ; but their efforts nave bad no oth-1 er effect than to wake up a spirit of inquiry, I ana ieaa 10 investigations uiui naie reron ed moat gloriously to the cause of truth- The battering rams with wbich they pro. posed to beat down the walls of Zion have been converted into bulwarks for the de fence of Christianity; and an array of ev idence has been brought to bear upon the subject .which might never have been known but for the circumstances which called it ASHEVILLE, KOBTH CAROLINA, out.. Infidelity has long tince lost the aid I of science in framing objection to the 1 Scriptures. ' 4 r w mining was more confidently asserted a few years since, than that the astronomi. I cal observations of China, and the eodiaes of Egyptian temples, contradicted the Mo. saic account of tbo creation butWore- j cent discoveries prove that none of these I sodiacs or observations possess 4 date more fore the Christian era. More recently the science of geology has been seized upon with avidity, as af- I torsinsr evidence sminst the truth or the uiDie ; but this science ir not only begin I ninv to vield its asafinttn the truth of divina j revelation, but it ('furnishing evidence in voice of true philosophy ..While ,in their infancy, some branches of science tnayt torn their pucnlo and .unnpe - deducbons, .1 . tneone wun great coniiuenco.ana per- luips make assertions derogatory to the ciauns 01 tne uioie ( -.dui as tney advance toward perfection, aqd theorize with more deoces of divine oricinality will cluster around the Bible, bright and numerous as .l . i n i..t . . i.i i ie iumns 01 nisni mai aiua ine neavens. the lamps of night 1 ileliodut Magazm azme and Quarterly Review, THE POOR PRINTER, AND THE tt n XC. LUSI V F.S, On the frouth July,' 16 , Harriet Lee might have been seen sittitur on the sofa in her neat little parlor in a house situate in P. street: New York. The metropolis watf alive with men, women and children, of esejipxiasndjcre ed-old men whose heads were wn"iteneth"ine"snowTage young men in the meridian of manhood, pendence. Ever and anon the burstinr ar. tillery seemed to shake the island of Man. hattan; the carved eagle sat perched upon a poll of liberty, and our star spangled ban. ner became the plaything of the balmy wind.. . " Whilst every American heart was brim, ful of joy and gratitude, there were two generous hearted, noble minded individuals bowed down with sorrow so pungent, and disappointment so bitter, that the. soul stir, ring proceedings of the eVer-to-be-remcm. be red fourth could not raise their drooping spirits. - Tnc pel auua auuucu w mr it riet and tbelsuitor, Villiam Malcolm. When the intelligent, patriotic"! and" high minded William entered Harriet s apart. mem, ne was aisappointeo ana surpnsuu w it . J. f ,J J am iun uujcbi ui uu iuo iuuku in .vi . I I.:.. nr I .n which friendship and respect had laid upon the alter of her tairy hand. Harriet genuy Jund respmfullyisMhctliimdrwhUfti warm tears of grief flowed free and fast frornearkiMloyesandfelljipojiher fair cheek like dew drops from a rose leaf. in words go violent was the temper of excitement oc casioned by one who bad broken up the great deep of ;her-beartoonllkfhg was able to speak, she said she had just returned from a visit to her aunt , J having paid her a visit for the purpose of inviting her to attend the anticipated wed. ding which would probably take place in a few days. She described tho interview which she had with her aunt ; it was as fol. lows: When she had made known ber errand her aunt observed: Is it impossible that yoti, Harriet have assumed the responsibility of pledging heart and hand to a man without -soliciting jriy advice 7". " : '"v" ' T" ' : 1 Harriet replied, " When I first became acquainted with the man of my rhnice. I sought the advice of my mother, who hap. pened to be in tho city at the time : upon inquiry sne aiscoverea ma my invim -was an honest and honorable man, and had no objection with my; associating -with him; our friendship has npenea into wye ; we are pledged to each other and the wedding day is appointed." " What is the gentleman's name, Har- net" , 44 His name is William Malcolm." is be physician, or a lawyer, or n Merchant, or a Minister what is ne 1 44 He is a journeyman printer, repuea Harriet. - , 44 A Journeyman Printer! exclaimed her aunt with great emphasis. JJo you intend to disgrace your connections by marrying a man who picks up type for a living! You must be toolisb, and yourmo- ther must be mad to sanction your folly ; nuu uewi iiunaggiiK!, nuna, uint "!?' I condescend to mingle in the society of I mechanics j you lack common sense, pr you' would not thus throw yourself away. Harriet again replied. " 44 William is a respectable, industrious and economical man, and loves me." , 44 It makes roe think- of casting pearls before swine," continued the old aristocrat. JRIMY MORNING, JANUARY " xouarea beautiful girl, your accom. plisbments are superior to tha attainments of most girls of your agehow can you so lower yourself as to marry an illiterate mo. cuanici" .. ' "My dear aunt, do you know that printing office is an Academy, where lea. sons of useful knowtedgo are continually oetore tne mind I w iiilam not an illiter. ate man, ho is a self-taught classical schol ar, and occupies a lofty place in the estlma. tion 01 aH who know him. : - I will nnv Uic cx Dense of vour wedding and give vou a splendid set of furniture, if you will try to forget him, and take; my advice f -there is Squire , he thinks a great deal of you would you not like to nave mm, or vocu . -, or jur. , the Merchant I You can, I have ' no doubt, marry either of these gentlemen, and thus keep up the dignity of your family r " fa is a mechanic, and I am not too proud to marry a mechanic," replied Har. net. . - - - - " Your father is my youngest . brother ae is an extensive land-holder ; how can you call him a mechanic T" I have frequently beard him say, re. plied Harriet, " that be earned his farm by diligeutly using the saw, the broadaxe, and the jackplane; furthermore, 1 have heard him say that you, in your younger days, used to pound putty, and prime ashes, when uncle R . could not afford to hire help ; you have not forgotten that my dear uncle is a sash maker ; it is but a few years since he relinquished that business.? L Impudent creature, how dare you thus innult rnfi in my own honse t -your uncle is President of the -Bank of one of tho richest men in this wealthy mo tro polis. " Aunt 1 do not intend to insult you nori injure tho feelings .of my uncle ; you know better than I do, that he shaved wood be. Td'rTnelgnim stands tho old frame building which was once his humble residence. - " Harriet you most quia my- house im. mediately, and never dare to darken the door again. n roor Harriet s fcclings were wrought up to the pitch of excitement, when her proud and arrogant aunt spoke disrespectfully of William, she introduced the sarcastic re marks which mortified the old woman's pride. - Until that morning she always re. pected tier aunt, but her tyranny complete ly changed her feelings. ' , .-f V V W 9 . On the 9th day of July, Mr, R.. 'larriet's uncle, whilst perusing one of the daily papers, discovered the following, and - :- mffi - c 4 Married, in this city, on tho 8th inst., by the Rcvr MrrChaseir Mr. William Mai. culm, to Missi Harriet JLeer fcoth of this ity." Un lho opposite page he saw a long editorial article r as pec ting the wedding, the following is an extract : " last evening, m eooforrmty with a polite invitation, w attended -wedding party ; every tiling went off with greateclat; the cake, coffee and wine, were excellent ; the bride looked more like an angel than a human being, her hair was smooth and dark as a raven's wings, her mouth like bloom ing tulips. The groom' we aTiewe1lac. quainted with he is a clever fellow; tlie wealthbTihtellect shone on bis superb fore, head, and a great soul looked through his calm blue eyes ; ho is tho talented author of several splendid articles which have ap peared in our most popular periodicals. We understand he is about to assume the man- agementof a periodical in this city. May thcsuuligbrof sucOTS-r-beam 1 ertions." . I Patient reader, allow the, author to di- gress a few moments, in ordenotay be-1 fore you a-brief history of tlie two profea. sional men, and the merchant who was sc. lected by. Harriet's auntas a suitable com panion for a young lady, occupying such a conspicuous stand in society as she did. The physician was an inferior looking man rather ill-formcd and dwarfish. He was round shouldered, small, twinkling grey eyes, a heavy intellectual brow, and mouth indicative of eloquenccJ Notwithstanding bis personal appearance, ho was esteemed and respected by a large acquaintance ; he was aaturalwariyiHit aniotcllcc.tua ant ; ho was an ordinary looking man, bbt his attainments were rich and rare ; his brilliant talents won for him an imperish able name on the page of immortality ; by marriage he cdnncctcd himself with a poor but honest family ; he has obtained a prince ly fortune since the sacred band was riv eted, and still lives to enjoy It with his most amiable companion and beautiful chil dren. , " The lawyer was a tall, graceful man, he had an eye like an eagle, was straight as a pine, and strong ar Hercules ; a large pair of brown whiskers fringed his expressive countenance; no artist ever chissclled a better looking mouth than his; a heavy mass of rich brown hair hung in clustering curls over bis fine forehead. He arose to eminence in his profession ; the syren song of flattery was perpetually sung in his ear ; one praised him because of his eloquence, another alluded to his benevolence. At the age of twcnty.fi ve he married the daugh- tcr of a rich merchant. m v - Let us leap over a period of ten years. Iu yonder , white frame house , in Centre street. New York, may be seen the wreck of a ruined man; bis eyes are bloodshot, his teeth yellow, his hand trembles, bis face is as red as the rising sun ho is a victim of intemperance. If, readerr you choose 15, 1841. to look' into this dwelling house, you will nna 11 neatly mnushed, and clean as a new pin ; a pale female, plying that little polish, ed la nee, the needle, attracts your attention: she has seen better days, but now she cams a subsistence for herself, her unfortunate husband, and three little ones. She is the wife of the talented and liberal lawyer, we spoke of a few seconds since ; the bewitch. ing voice of flattery spoiled him 2 be nun. glea mncb in society, and was a public pet. His friends deemed it an honor to drink social glass with him ; thus he engendered an artificial appetite which like a serpent imprisoned hirn in its folds; his business was neglected, his timo misimproved, his property worse than wasted, his intellect blunted, and his health destroyed m I he merchant wns a hungry speculator, erecdy after dollars and cents, wealth roll. ed in its golden tide around him, the more music there was in his purse the more friends he won ; he was too stingy to cct married f determined to get rich in a hurry J he leaped into tho dark, he committed forgery ; in Auburn prison may be seen the man who was selected for Harriet by her aunt ; fortunately ho has no wife nor chil dren to mourn his fate. - We will now resume the narration of the poor printer's .history. Twas on a bright and beautiful morning in the month of May that one of the splendid steamers that ply between New York and Albany, was crowd ed with beauty and fashion tho passen gers were amusing themselves by gazing on tho romantic scenery which nature had spread with lavish hands on both sides of the Hudson. At noon the bell rung to in I to in. Jgady 1 alidtfoi 111 tlie pqascHger4hat dinnemaaj a rush was made to the table, . winch was oaded with the richest luxuries the market afforded ; at tlie head of the table sat a man somewhat advanced in life, the hand of time had scattered a few grey hairs upon seat to fciisviaw, aoeii.. pied by his wife ; with an air of affected dignity, she looked towards the door; at that moment it was opened by : the Cap. tain, who politely requested the gentleman and lady at tho bead of the table, to give up their seats to the Hon. u illiam Malcolm and his lady 1 If a voice from Heaven, in tones of thunder, had spoken, they could not have been more surprised, than was Harriet's uncle nnd aunt, when they in tlie presence of more than ono hundred persons were obliged to make room for the plcbians they refused to associate with ten years pre. vious to that event; to this proud pair ot aristocrats, the .scene was extremely hu- milialing after all, it was an honor to sit by the side if this great self-madS man ; after the cloth was removed, a great many apologies were maae oy the 01a couple.- They invited the honorable tv imam m. and his lady to call and see them ; they did so; and the old hypocritsc strained every nerve to please the once poor printer and his beau tiful wife." William assumed the management of the periodical spoken of in ilie commencement of this article ; his labors were crowned with success ; at the close of the year he removed to the south, the same success at tended his footsteps ; he rose in spite of the obstacles in his way to the honorable I eminence ho '-now-occupies, QUICK, WAYTO GETJIICJL A Miss Ingram, of Pontiac, sometime since was perusing a Texas paper and ob served among the persons that bore a prominent part in the affairs of that gov ernment, a man bearing her own name, and jocosely remarked to her companions, discovery 1 that she had found" a namesaleHTexfl as. and intended to write to him and 1 relationship Thia:reseluyon more curiosity and a desire of novelty than jrom any conviction that her hopcswduld be re alized, was carried into efjUft Sho wrote bim a respectful lettcrgiving him a histo. ry of her family and parentage, and sug gesting that as the name was not as com mon as most'of the names of our country, the probability was strong that a relation ship existed between them. . Sho received in teptyTa friendly and aflbctionate. letter acknowledging her as a cousin, and ex. pressing an earnest desire that the cor. responde nee might be continued, tins was readTlyaceedca-tovand it was carneu on agreeably "and satisfactory to both par ties, until very recently, when she received intelligence ot his death, and information that in his will he had bequeathed her the handsome sum of twenty thousand dollars in gold and silver, leaving his personal pro perty lind immehselandcd estatCT-to- his relatives in that country. A few days previous to the reception of this joyful communication, she had connected her lor- tuncs with those of a Methodist Clergy man, and should their deeds of charity comport with their means, the widow's jheart will be filled with iov. and many an orphan live to imnlore blcssinirs upon the heads of their benefactors, for their deeds of benevolence and generosity. Northern Advocate, ' ' The number of newspapers in England is about 230, and the annual average number of convictions for murder is 1 3 or 14. I ne number of newspapers in Spain, a few years ago, was one, and the annual number it i-iiiivii'liiHta Awr rnmtpr- mnm npwnrrU nf I 1200, 'f A little learning; is a dangerous thing." j It is dreadful to Jive without aim ; to be a wanderer without purpose, hoping noth ing from the future, nnd not daring to dwell upon the past . . 1 .NUMBER 31 A PAINFUL SPECTACLE; : We had the unhappiness to see a sight on Tuesday, which is unforturatily too common the possessor of a ne ana well cultivated mind, debased to a condition below that of the brutes that perish, Wa suppress names, because that he has friends wIhjso feelings are tremblingly acute to hit disgrace ; and because the man himself in his lucid intervals, is painfully sensible of the condition1 to which he has reduced him self. It is unnecessary to say thai he is a slave to the bottle. '"'With a face bruised by contact with somo y obstruction in his dubious progress ; with a coat torn nearly from his body , and other parts of his attiro dismantled, a hat beaten in, dirty linen, and his whole person smear ed with the mud in which he had been roll ing, walked a man. who, but a short' time ago, had thousands hanging upon tlie words, as they feU from hi lips. He has been a popular lecturer, is a close reasoner, and elegant writer. I la has commanded tho esteem and tespect of thousands ; and there are those living, whom no persuasion. short of that of tho evidence of their own eyesight, would convince that he is- the fallen creature which we have seen mm. Ho has been, accustomed to-, and might still move in tlie best society lie prefers tho debasement of intoxication. (, Even in his depraded condition, he seem ed to us no less than a master? spirit ruin, ed. His intellectual countenance gave an ' impressive idea of the capacity of the gifts thrown by him unheeded aWiiy ; as black . ened ruins denote the size', and intimate ,)0 magnificence of thejbuiiding of which 1 thiy np thn wreclf I.iouor could not dis- guise his high forehead, nor could drintf entirely break the 3tatrjinca of his car riage. JJut his fine eye was dimmed, ana in its lack of luslre gave no expression. His lios. which in the human face are 8Cfrrcetnfeiwtothe-y4allicit WPfllJ?iL. expression, were half open and filthy; il lustrating that cruel but witty pun of John son, in the engraving where he- gives Jtbn drunkard s mouth as a breach in nature : For rain's wasteful entrance. Tlie reeking fumes of alcohol issued from the aperture from whence have so often 1 proceeded such words of wisdom as might induce some modern painter to apply to him the old conceit of bees hovering about the lips of the sage. The ruip is complete. We fear it is permanent and incurable. - Only upon the evening previous, the car and kindness of friends had "replenished his wardrobe, and put him in a position to appear respectable. But as 44 the dog re- and the sow to her own wallowing in the mire," the vie. tim to a disgraceful passion for drink, had in one night put himself in worse condition than that from which he had been tempow rarily rescued. The friends who had coun- . ted upon a visit from a' rational man, fled . at his approach, pained and sick at heart Reader, this is no fancyr sketch. The original of it is in all probability in duress at this moment a portion of that sweeping of the streets, for gathering which, the po lice of a city is organized a living nj ofDhvsical corruption and mental Jjfosti. tuaon. "" W - " J - - , . 1 ii. f Werohc the onlyl sufferer', the subject were less painful. Uiit Jtf a distant city a wife sits consciousof her husband s fail ings undoubtcdlyfTut unconscious of hia hresenr condition. Who-shalL break it to her 1 Shalfshe wait to hear of a coroner's inqtiesdpon an unknown man, iucuucui m description with him to whom she is bound :eloscstiMdtHderest.lk8imihim. who has sworn to cherish and supporthcr T 1 some of whom can oti- ly lisp the name of father are they to grow up to learn tharhe whonT-theyniusi - love and would fain, respect, is a Dy-wora among men and that the very blackguard boys may throw filth at him with impunity. as he staggers through the streets 1 Are they to hearthat the tenderest mercy shown him by our institutions, is his consignment to a damp and cold cell in his insensibility tlicrc to wuken with all the jiorrors of hell on his soul, and all the types of it pre sent to his fearfully excilt d imagination ! , Let us suppose it possible that all ine- ' bTIatlhg substances. could be atinihilntodr pass from use like fhtrihousaiidsfothr . things familiar to past generations, but now forgotten. Wouldit be possible, think you, to convince a generation who hud nev. er seen alcohol, that there had been times when men sold thtmsclves into a debasing slavery for it, and sacrificed all the attri butes which ennoble man, for the gratificai . tion of a passion for poison ? He who should tell them that the love of the wife, the duty of tho father, the husband and tho son, and all the contentment an4JiaPP'ne . which bless man's social relations were tl; us sacrificed, would lie ridiculed as a ro mancer. Such a happy people as we have hinted at, might believe in the history of witchcraft ; the) might believe in the feats of the magicians, or in the existence of dragons but they never would willingly credit the too plain fact (too plain to us,) that man can be capable of ruining himself for nothing. Tbey never would believe that so unaccountable a Vic as drunken." ncgf hndcil'd JV. Y. Brother Jonathan. Benbtolekce. Joseph Curacy, tbo celebrated Quaker, during his late visit to this country, made donations to charitable associations to an amount exceeding t80, 000! . It - T I . : 1 mi . ,v i P ; tat 4 . I I',' . . '11 V I- i v . f iff f id i I - r V, A 1

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