f 'ft,Sf th7- i at nighvind informed him that between (elfa. four and five hundred warriors, painted and . ''jffiSZ decorated, were assembled to hold a ceret of "latins U k.,"CTrr nnu to jiu at Neainatbla town. He had ASIIEV1LLE, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORSIXG JANUARY 22, 1841. NUMBER 32 Otvr. Duval began to apprehend that some mischief was brewing.; On the evening of the foutth day; a chief named Yellow Hair, resolute, intelligent fellow, who ' had al- Alkhed at Two ways evinced an attachment for the Gover- j I -: . A k!a oaViin atvuit twiMvenViInr.lt ni ir Ki,u;nEU bus waw -.. I .. .. . ... .1 , advance, or I aiinrwH off to irive intelligence, at the risk of hia lifeMd hastened back lest his ab. eence should be discovered. Governor Duvarpassed an anxious night after this intelligence. . Ha knew the talent and the daring character of Neamatbla; he recollected the threats he had thrown out; he reflected that about eighty white families were scattered widel apart, over a great la tb wtumn ot lvtj - v extent orawntryyanamigro: iw .i Ju.'AtlArl Oil IDS PIw " M . I Anna kM1 M the lndmna. as ha feared. cwmTrLZ --;,. the chiefs r . determine to Clear Hie couniry. uiELUNEOU& T-.:-vWkerof October. SFIBACTOFNIUMATHLA.' 1 a,.w. .i tkua aairu)ai llnf fV.fl . ... . . lf I K Whim rnwtnn tit ihWMirV. UftC I CXieil .-WIIW VI uw - children wl Pidi tn iwampv ' Do error, and r ,M .her'aa a aiderable size and Taluer-whltnbtber, want toprovoke hostilities! - Another war duet or heif clu wen. . .P1' STjGrmV dangerous disease, than small and insignificantrseem as if intended .hh thJwhite men. tod there will not be most, wishes . tQ enhaDC- .Sekftto Notthe.gratifu thegeneralinterestofthe m . th iiuii r rr auAHia nan .-j hi vs wuu uuwaw - s - i - m eluded bv aptxinting a day for the Indians I of the good Book, ,Uet him t St. Mark. . and frive an aol tn the present i . t t,;. vM)iin . IT then rrvlft off". I nart of his int without civine them time to recover from The ch.ldren of tne present genera. - Ume aUenttion, culUvation would soon pro-. their .uprise: That mUea to Apalachicola river, tolhe u. of men ana women .ignited in their behalf, the ex. As night came, sinking in darknes.. lhe same name, woo were iu leuu. w? j - 1 a .1 J I lliil. :.Un1 1 1KA IKiniWIll IV UVHTIHIBIUU UUI ... ,r.r.?r.a fti nntmr nr rRVKniJc uui uhs fdoui iuuu iniauu - ftowi no iiuw loijiww rVT; fc,w. obi. in freshcts or floods, and receive at f and eternal weuare m uu. . ' , ,Ki, hH. nmdicnous heansof drifted Un elligent creation. ' P" k-wiL. C" 'rOwfth ral concern tb i k a rtn mnirn hii ai i iii'si w ui ak iuwhuki i uci. w u bvfi a.- other Sates.cooc.u-- IndiaMf i varnom ' rJed a treaty with, the duel. - n 1 Inrii.nl D1 I " . ' . J I nn nmntii the dangers oi tne ease. UJU UVt VAWCw. v J Jf proved Dy uie norriu sceucs " -m that have ever since desola ted that devoted region. After a night of sleepless cogitation, Duval determined on a measure suited to his prompt and resolute character". H aB clain to tbe whole ternary ex. e ,-...: in the eastern part, to , . fSdeibrtwentyyears. Sev. JKteft -igned the treaty witb . r r I rfKA nrpnt i of the utmost weieni i KmniAv fwrtinnfl of the. nv6r. our naaam 1 nMfAM Ann ITnTnarnpn . nnn r tuiiun? vi sw o r- -. r-- - - a.. ' w Seminolcs. -They promptly put two nun. P1';'"": in,his business. Any thing like fickle, became affected by strong emotkms and dredandfiftywarrionathisdisposal.whom Was, or instability, or indiscretion, or vie- wandered far lcyond the present moment heorderedtobeatSuMarksattheappoinU .JJXSe? St passion, or impropriety, or injustice, The tinkling of bells told m that the cattl. ed day. He sent runners, also, and mus. girl of 7? or WW in'ariy thlng; will soon be disco. which bore them were gently roving from teredonehundofthenvliUatorepjurto f'8.1 SedJS when once 'discovered by the lley to valley in search of food, or ra the same place, together with a number of tiny who wwWhw the turK t0 thefr distant tomec The hoot. from the armv. AU his arrange- ersiuiiioi au?, p-.. , - in hia min(i are h nfh imMt owl. or the muffled noise of tbe rpmilarm ...nl. mm Miswoaaflll-' , tair.n (kaM mnsnnrM. he turn- I uess. tnemseives edZTaTlahassee, to the neighlxirhood of of what these things mean except to a ve- Se conspirators, to show fhe that he was ry limited extent, will, before ft. S3. Herohe aertainedrtbrough busy trades men, th. active potonj Yellow Hair, that nine towns were disaf- responsible governors and J" or fected. and had been concerned in the con- enemies of the Church or Umst. piracy HVwas careful to inform him- 3. Should death intervene and .cut off S& !he same source, of the name, of tb. present oTch. dren, here no menw ana ni, destroyed. Mildness blended ness. tnemseives uncoiwcioua nit c i - o - f . ... . with decision, ana inese udhou wuu piu inn ui uic kioti u-i, iu wines as it sailed smoothly over stream, were matters of interest to us; so nviAhr unit rahnaistnCT. will work wonders. w,a thn sound of the boatman's horn, as HI. ENCOrEAGEMENT. it came winaing itorj uuu Let it be remembered by way of encoup from afar. W hen day Ught rewrneo, w uwl it more l - , - i.i.i.i . - run 11(11 if. uinn V-,.. i . H v .AiiraoH. iih lit i ill u. .h,rTSUH:t. . uv . .... ji fl nVDVt- uir ugi-u-.i w-.-..j : Hy UuvNeamathla, pr.nc.pa cneio, BU(Jde t endeaVor ilLkies. a fierce and , war! ke feo. ' check them. It was hazard- many of Creeks by "ffl0- ing much, but where so many lives were had always u-" , . . nazara. -Sron the ntier. of Georgia Xccordingly, on the next morning .kick hsd Brought vengeauco ,t, I sat off on horse-oacK, auenoca mere to Seinino.es. He was, remarKau -- a whhe mtirwho had been reared at !!-i aT nxtv vears of age, about six leet i . tinoig. an(j understood their BD"' " -Y l - n1r mnrlc. I " . ' , . 1 : lMi-ityo "ir"b'f"ZA g"aS aad nianners, ana wno acxeu .u- I P . whyh BO DOSSCSSeaT . TH..... ininan Itulun trail. ... i lerpreier. uct uinw. nmtment. that. 1. Children are capable of receiving in1 struction.--They are, in general, amazing- " What is tiusi ana are emphatically the lan This thirst for knowl- jbmuo ov-i"!-.". . , M-iinnnn nnd ptprnal I ttf lnnuisitive. KnowingtheadmiraUonofthe JJ T,in hU une, Why is this r a wen uri pvFu.. , a- r, -.:-.im ki ,fiod that no nt : "Suf. miaire of children. tute of rank and Jf. . , . fceTh dren to eome unto me, for of edge of some bind is as great as theirnau - When the appom ed day was at hand for '' ta9 J w - 'Bu, uraTanDetite for food, but if it be unprop- U h,.nermrtted toUveritl.ertyail.yed the case is fatal. This dispo- u AfT Nanmntmn. vno wna luo ivi . i ' - l , . . . , I. mi!lfllll OAfe V ii.v-...-- -. . . nnt mn thev will all sately arrive in gmon, however, may, id uie .ouu . - eio-ht op nine nunarea w-rnu, w " "w I . . , . , ..r... u . .vnni I i-o- - - . thA heaven v lana wnere we wikhcu skiuui icucner, u- - r--1 w mhu , he ventured mro me, -or. - tllHinr. and where the weary 2. Thev are not only capable of receiv Qhio : others, of lees . l. -niomi lhA inn . km lav inmn u o . . ... . . - i. ... - . . . Tn :i:..i-r- i ... . ... it ut i mvj uw..v- - ., . , Thrffm it is of hicrh 1m- in?, but retaining insiruciion. x uchiuud i ej wltn emiffranis i j . ihnM oni a tnrfTH rn aii i aio w- t - - o . , . i - o. ... . .. . -- . , , . nong muiua w P "' - Yhite I portance that we who are now the guard- memories, though not always as laiiniuiTgeaTcTr a new home, lan- alacmcola soldiers stationed on the opP PJ u fl,o0W;L.tnin .mod as eU. will nevertheless retain have never felt: nor 1 1 i . r .1 ,K.v thratcrm irmv WGn naiuvi ww. betraved atld were about to fly; but Duval so to 1 ed countensiice, 'th, whit- lerpreier. cy "7' hm w ware safe, and that when should, Dy every means m our 1 W command. . leading to Wewnauua i vinage. .r ---v - h . to train them up in the way xney ry oi me wnappeawd to be mixed wiuv ceeding about half a mitei Governor Uuvai tiMttuwas over, AbJ b ofder that we may aH will not .LJmnnnfiODle he looked down wun . f . . , t erereter of the obract of molested. . . .... I, ,fl! ma to noint I in entertain tl jSdl jMon Tholatter, though bold Agrandtalk !.J"2J5 ZiWben itfr t totojalBrW part from it I -jik him on terms of euau", amoui the most acaperaie ina owwuienwu u..- . - --r .-. - i, onnurei bhuuiu w - ry rare when S Thoueh be had been prevailed j,,,,,.,. , of thom were veter- men. ?. WeB replied Duval, '.with us and firml fa one only Uv- to be. . ... i ..... . mnn inrniiii i wnite mnn. weibu wc uiiu mw. ... r- ny songsters Dum lonn, wiu notes, more and more mellow vo ine usreo ing ear. Here and there the lonely cab in of a squatter, strucic me eye, giving now of commencing civilisation. The cross ing of the stream by a deer, loretoia now soon the hills would be covered with snow. Many sluegish flat-boats were overtook and passed some laden with produce from the different head waters of the smaller nv- tributary streams, into dimensions, orowo- from distant parts, in " rurer pleasures t- have yoa reader, I von have felt the like. and in such company. The margins of the shores and of the river were at this season amply supplied """' . .. t.U heart npon teg:"V-7 eraatkms Zlt tenVtoWern those under Km7wo pOCWB-l XDu,b ? , k rod man. and if I UK-Z ;i u mmht h with! Now as you. all acknowledge you cannot an warrioreV:ttnPover'8DOd nc' "fP6' .,, hfilnmrs to the red man, and if . . .1' .' i. r ..rr!nra at my com MA Tim niiiiiiRTS vsi . 1 holding, war councfl, it mightbe with Nowasyou "VJ? U UVUMVII " ' I mw- D ' . 1 1 I neak th tpn "f th" wnrid, itrnt rtoai ot that wnicn is goou ; b" ; I. . . l 1 r..l fill lu twna. lei parents omy ou wnriui v. .... mcmorv wim k" . . mi. then be so much room oy tar M3 evu. I ,uu A wild turkev. a arouse, or a tbcyareoldtheyw.il not d0' J blue winced teal, could be procured in a i nere nmy iw"j - i feW moments and we ..lareflwejijorwiwu- aposiacy, out iney wm ug - ine muiium uu uwn " " Notice the case of Timothy, r Kamiiel.of Joscnh. of Enoch. Three hnnared vears did this last mentioned pa. .. J .. . . . , . r .i tnmvh wnik with uoa. m an ace oi us ing and trueJJod. would I j .l:. .tuuk nnce. naa. 1 -sat haa a 'mijtiBjMSSu.J. would exterminate the ok. this to you, for you can "r-B?,VV you are a maa; but I would not wyllt to your people. They'd cry out I was a sav age, a'nd would take my BiV - Tbey can not appreciate the feelings of a ma that tores ma country. . i Florida had but recently been erect. d into a territory, every thing as yet was in rude and simple style. The Governor, to Bakehinself acquainted with Ae Jndu ansi-Bd to be near at nana to Keep an eys a war council, b"' iu. ,vi;- ,i, . . , . i i . ; I . . nnnnrr men. e must DUt Oth rate intent, ana k wouia no ccruuu i "e . jl death to intrude amoug incm. OTur'" JTirKf if hia nnrfrionsionS : I OO snvniif, iro w be i And in 'order thereto parents, it tney nni the leisure to instruct them in a' complete system of natural theology suited I worU when temptations and snares, and ever we pleased landed, struckup a fire-- and provided as we were witntne nccesso. ry utcnsiu, procured a gooa repasi. When I think of these times, ana cau back to my mind the grandeur and beauty of those almost inhabited shores ; wnen i . . . m 11 A iiijiivw bj . w. . , i wonu wiKii(u,., t I picture to myseir the dense ana louy auoi- tn their am andcarc t. should read . aloud I j the wa oC oiety. were full as lP;roJ " jL.. .. i JLmJL. tvt ,Mn' fit every dav in thcir famlUe8 a P0'1100,0' numerous as they are now, and the helps ' 0 . 'd overhunV tho margins Neamthla first ; . ' ont,iresand constantly observe . . ,,, nu.ince in the divine life alon8 me TT - r HolrBcripturesrand constantly observe a stead continuance in the divine life nh?nglre.m ' anogmifBBSntrio m,inir nnd eveoinir. Family ... twwraer, nrawr mnrninir auu cvcthuu. urnriehin. it nroneriv ouuuutw self, without the formality of a regular cat- this time. APPLICATOS. . 11 U fHinrl it lends to .s " ' ZZr . ..mmm! the Governor to return 1 ments M upon the jrerymeo iney - wouiu i . Creator GoTOnwr . JJenerocior, a, they would certainly be massacred if Uy TSZZX with tain When within hail a mne oi me yunge, ma wu r-r--; r., s ,u iseii, wiinwiw iUi..m..v r. - - , way leternreter addressed him aeain, fa such a around their necKS, anamvesu..B u-. heticai training, so impress me rnmus u - nnd heaven. mlo, tone. thatDuval turned and look- great ceremony. 1 he Indians were aw. hi,dreri in tho belief of the being ot a uoo, he work is imoortant, its influence H.v.w - . l . j Ji:U.4 k hnflinrr thA AnnniriLa I . . i ? t v:u b vui I " . .. m A Km in tha lace. He was deadly paie, prpea anu uiiB..u ....6 -rr ----- the reiauonsnm in - mB, other nations, and otnerigesoi w . . - -. I . 11 ..n . VnAv. Wnlllll I . . , U.n.hl.tAr I bailed them nnHnchanmnff Friend his claims !am thlia 1111 I . L I . at, a nhanrns nvneeeded ;fJ! I witn acciamauon. , 1 .l I on us, and our uury 10 iiim,. uuvimgv uval repeated his determination to i expectedly eleyatl to .k tiirn- lest his I ed with dientty, were secured to the in- . obliterale th0 impression from the.r m,fixed hi. residence at Tallaha- Ib totleiT terest of the -flTi S -nd;. " ' ' - ' . STnearthe Fowel townt inhabited by the JJJ m5eht take advantage of it The an eye on the disafibcted. As to the great M Grcat d !cading truths of Sadies. Hi? .time was a mere log house, ana ni u , . - . Jeatn8t than have it said no naa . aisgusi, auu reiu. uc - :r: I either in me lamuy, in oauua.,. . ... i j i i u.'hA eieeten mm a au i u ."."v C'J Tte. bvthe resolute spirit and -vuuvai wen wm mm "u " r i". .. : - i"6" -v "r -- --- , . feithfullv all be should say -to thelnaians, prompt sagacuy v, --- -e-- - attention, ana so emorcwi upu , have now written ft, 1 will not throwjt ... . I TU. inlsrnm. mnanlrtrv WU COmDlCieiY ucicoiwi. I n rtm Tnr HkftntlClsm. Or QOU01. or I " . . . j. f .. wuiu. . . r- , v.ij "w"""'. r . i awav. but leave you 10 uisiiusc ui ii w - .. . - . t on hunter's fare. TheVUInge o weamaui ' U wu about three mile, off, and thither the Governor occasionally rode, to mm oi" .hb.A.;n tn nne of these visits he found sfv-m..i IZntnrr in liia wtsTWant;. jiohe tentreof the village, surrounded by hia warriors. The Governor had breaght hiin wineliquoVas f areseBtTbut it muuiited . ". J1'' J " MMAMUI flint the wnrlit: as well as OUr OWU. 3. The reward is great, -nothing less .lmn a rmvvn of elorv that fedeth not aaaua - , awajr;" - UBCKGA. P. S. Since writing the above I have re ceived another number of your paper, and am riad to find, on the fourth page, which I always read, two pieces bearing very much on this interesting subject,, uaa l .1... u ..,Aii imnixr wnen uiev wcro vu hiutv ...v " . . o U1UI T f . . his """T.T'm " .il7 "I".. ;,h,,tthe id of the . . -u:1'k Ih,l,l injhetown, nothing but aoiancss couia . WyXri 1 VTCUCfCU uvreum - 1 WISO DC imprCSWJU U1W mu-uunu" i j. rivui fnee to. narenis. ioc, w 3. of morality, as taught in mayTKBTbm nhedienr to, narent8. y.. .1 f brothers and sisters, benevolence io m- to strangers, ana mm. tknm .. . . i - i ! . mfuiiren mm I . . .1 :n.M .n euicuiyinio nis oratu, - They now roae into ua ynm2"" j.,j journal euitetortileand beirigerent. The theme r7 . council house. This was FVom ithaChmU", A4jotc and Journal. . v, u h-,. mind . was the treaty I .. pr. hr.,. formintr al HOW IU IKAJin incm. tli-te. nrnner attention h a.' ft was true, he said, I . ..J f whieh was a mrcat . T, VAiinr Your editorial remarks for hrirtilhei to all. even to the brute creation Mtu "init r . I IGUare. IB UIO 1AUUV w. " O I Jki . , r I ' , i , council fire. The houses were open .September win, in b pi. . iruin, nonesiy, pi';, ""y - " front, toward . the lire, ana ciose in u to account jot u, ana mm , . else mat is -wveiy auu u. .y,-.. rear. At the corner of the square, uere From the Family Magazine THE OHIO. wfes Wtaow-how .daatly. Bur chased the safe navigation of that river has been by the blood of many worthy it ginians; when I see that no longer any ab- oriaines arc to be found there j ana uw . ; ..... j i L..flR.l. the vast herd ot ems, oeer ww uu which once pastured on these hills and in these valleys making for themselves great roads to the several salt springs, has ceas ed to exist: when I reflect that all this grand portion o'-the Unionr4nsteadof lv ing in a state of nature, is now; more or t less covered with villages, farms and towns, where the din of hammers and machinery is constantly heard ; that the wood, are fn.it diannnearimr under the axe by dayj . and the fire by night; that hundred, of steamboats are gliding to and fro, over the whole lensrth of the majestic river, and forcing commerce to take root and prosper ai every ioi , wiku s w -r u'ation o$ Europe coming to assist In the destruction of the forest and transplanting civilization intojtsrkeatjecesaeswheii u it. .-j m.M vA nurte wieh a treaty, but the white men had not acted up to it The red men had received none of the money and the cattle that had been promised them thTTreary7"werelo eml thm AiA mean to he bound by It. !.T3mTm1y rqnnted-to-im Ihn the time nminbtd in thfl treaiY lor W3 payment and delivery of the money and the cattle had not yet arrived; This the IdcWeOain knew Rill well, ut he chose, for tbe moment, to pretend ignorance, tie kept on drinking and talk'uig, his voice growing louder and louder, until it resoun ded all over the village. He held in his band a long knfe, with which he had been rasping tobacco; wis he kept nourishing backward and forward, as he talked, by and how to mend it, struck me, at the time, as very opportune Tt wna in the month of October. The autumnal teints already decorated the shores of that queen of rivers, the Ohio. Evervtree was hung with long and flowing was an interval between the houses, lor and very appropriate, ana ever s.uwj u ineress and egress. In wese-tnmser-sat tinw I have looked ttirougfrevery eoiunm. . . .. j .i .k:f. . lUmuinir iwii . . ..u.r,.i miuilnn a,i it came to hand. Uie oiu iiicu ' --- 4- - f r.-tn,nt of different species of vines, many should be diligently set before them, in sucn ia wjtn clustered fruits of-vaned-Wriu a manner as to take hold upon their con- ijancv their rich bronzed carmine, ming- I remember that these extraordinary chang es have all taken place within the short pe riod of twenty years, I pause, and wonder although I know all to be foct, I can scarce ly believe its reality. Whether these changes are for the best or for the worse, I shall not pretend to say j done ir ffierfid round the- fire. Neainatlila . P . . .l oiomitnd nn hicrh. I . -ki .ml iiiHieiona corresDondents ha. nresiaea ai hkj bi - - o i juui j- , , er scat than the rest , not taken up the quqsUotf and given you rwwernor Duval entered by one of the the results of " his or her "experience .n.l mtn hnldlv into the I ; thi mutter." But a. no one has wim.. , - -- i centre of the mnitn wnv for him I.': n...oit In tha midst of his- bar- I nn iinnrehend HCT" 0. . . nfloa I ' , T ' rniut nromise. however. I .il.r !xfnra tlwir eves. rancme. in an insiam unny vj i misiaiiu. . - .- v.v --- . . moui.j -j were cocked and levelled. - . Never did Uu- that in my opinion tt is much moreeaspriu n MASNgR op PBOCEEmxo ,N this ..-i h. ia 11 a el ck ot tneeers. lav down rules man 10 scu " , . 'i l.;. hoBrt He nn uiraiHA-h.no vnti inn vaur rcautis .v i;n henutifulIv-wiUi-the. yellow foliage, Tho duties of relision, also, such as which now predominated over the yet green rewmtancefaith holiness, and pcrsever. leaves, reflating more lively teinte from ance in the way cT well doing, sliautd-be ' jlle clearrtream San ever" Mat5Bprpaio. irwnmnrnted in that system of training .r nrtrved or ooet imneined. h!rh i intended to make them what it The Hnvs were vet warm. The sun had should be. l . assumed the rich and glowing hue which at .. . MM. ... . , h mo i r, .i . . r f . nmniapinri! .. . .1 . .iiiaii .. nhptmm. snuare. ine youne me this. 1 bee leave xo irouuio jw " j i o. ine uucimro -i tnai season pnwuwa -- : an old man who was thouehts on that part otwesuojecuu wmv.. aDd omnipresence, anu ui o iu.u.v enon caiiea mere wo muiaii OUI....... there mav be some - latai wnrrf nnd Dunishmeni.shouia be Kepicon- Thn had rather passed the menaian ... i. a ! 1 I V. w - . t SI I . -5-. . . , T ..1 J AnAAnt. I -- I ;oWefttolU.-or rr.L an airotcomeropu --t, hand a. nressions, nd before tne enemy otaii rurnv toH nerve., and onlhe firmness of bis nerves U 0ther seems to present itselfto my t. ..n luc,,. . . . I . i .. .mi J V. nun refe.rrp.d to in every thinB,depenaea. 1 nsma i wm ouup --y-- . every '"B: f --w.A f ;,.l remarks. It IS this. iiTram mi . i r a- ai..h nn ms a wm a .in a itc I v uu. iaiiivi . .U,it . ' --Jj1reT h riiould go, and 4Wi.i.:. r.nWhtuBJ we 1 fu :. U he will notdeoart from it." iwp..vi...---- n fi, a lean irom nut wn wiii-i - . ... i ,u, ,T,ntthiaiaornetrilTIffWniCnVOUCaninnT r. r - -.nrrijr Jt- ter wa to see whether he could be inUmi- 7 . r" U, dismounted Ah 1" says tlw skeptic in inese xn ug., VZI-hi whiehhev must tregglcre, and w.tn a snaxe.o. ms dated.---'He kent hi. theieforo. fixod .,LXLtiW.W no thi. i. an old text," nd one that will noi ff- ' "Z, nnA appeared from our view. Uther tisnes wi , BUSINESS. 1 , Rejrin earlv.- W hilo tney are yet ing it at time, within an inch ernor's throat. He concladed his repeating, that the country belonj fed man. and thai sooner than eive it Up, hi bones and the bones of his people should bleach upon its soil. Uuval eousness. or any of his children, liave had to in I time io poison weir in myyy w..r. of her grandeur. We glided down the river, meeting no other ripple of the water than that formed by the propulsion of our hnt. " leisurely we moved along, gazing all day on the grandeur and bcautyof thei wild scenry around us. Nnw and then a larce cat-fish rose to the nrfnf e of the water in pursuit of a shoal of fry, which starting simultaneously trom but in whatever way my conclusion, may incline,'! fed with great regret that there are on record no satistactory accounts ft the state of that portion of the-country from the time when our people first seiuea in it This has not been because no one in America is able to accomplish such an undertaking. Our Irvings and our Coop ers have proved themselves fujly competent for the task. It has more prooBDiy Deen because the changes have succeeded each other with such a rapidity, as almost to n vn 1 the movements of their pen. Howev er.-it is not too late yet ; and I sinceeely i. .k;1 Tmin their morals, or lead their minds astray. - - - I- . . - 2. Make them sensmi least inotlQnsive.ot your aumomy. -" with ODened iawa "seized the them that this is something wmcnyoucan.Rn , r . Bnirth Thnkeof 1 I . t . .l l VtXrA aA manv oil VPrV Af. . ... - iL. inn iifiiiiii rriciiHJiiLm ijivv oj iit wm.-v.r Make them aensime, oy means iue . n Wpr of ,:h, whilo authority, -enow ri'uCZZU iw. i-d the He kent his ere. therefore , teadily on tbe chief, and lbe-titomenthe concluded with his menace, seized mm Dy tbe bosom of his hunting shirt, and clench ing his other fist : " IVe heard what you have said," replied ;he, "You have made a treaty, yet you ay your bone, shall bleach before you com ply with it Assure as there is a sun in heaves. Tour bones shall bleach, ff you do not filial every article of that treaty 1 IU let you know that I am first here, and will ace that vou do vonr dutv.n ' Upon this, the old chieftain threw himself back, burst into a fit of laughing, and de. clared that all be had said was in joke. The Governor suspected. however.: that ' there wu a grave meaning at tbe bottom of this jocularity. For two months every thing went on smoothlyT ftelBamTWflred dally tofte tog cabin palace of the Governor, at Tal. fchaasee: and aimeared neTtectry contented. AH at once thev ceased their visits, and for k...iMmine1 himself. leisurely. , e men w 'J T am afraid.in every particular, not resist-mat nere u yuu - ,utterinir neath Wivuu..,. ...... , - uiir ho5ni a notabe instance hkiu,.. ti tone, what were hi. motives ior no.ui..8 bohmw-" "T" "j" a .-. " that council. The moment ne maoo uu. uepru..B r ... ,( p.jit-0 m.- h;flP..i..na hnwever. as vou, wr. I.'-nTv. but bune bis head in appa- have hinted, the fault in h.s case , w llHuu aw r J f w demand the orator sat down. not I int confusion. "After a moment . pause, Puval proceeded : ' . " I am well .ware or tne meaning oi u- war councU, and deem it roy amy io w you against prosecuUng th themes you havebeen demising. If a single hair of a white man in this country falls to the ground I will hang you and j our chieta ion the trees ? tl r.wi Ve.mril house ! Too cannot pretend to withstand the power fjher white L Yi am in the nalm of the hand of urvaM we our bark a rum " . . .' i n intT nniSR. iim Biraiuc wuuuo v ' this yoke, and that tney must not mrow tQ med from the white ' . .... . i nprch for on casting our nei irom uu 3. Assure them, and labor to convince '3' 1 of that species r inWmn. Show them I bowi we cauenl Kve. ' ' rill. UI IIKjII UIIVIVW the wretehedness of those children who are 7n, it i.nn.ible that David, with all h.s pi- we wreKneunes, u. 5 K,tr in her varied arrangemente Z'"a -Ttcitude for the welfere of his brougn up m W '-Z"hRve fc . partiality towards this .yhaveomiMsomiimportant in the eirse of his education, But leav- betime. w xnow mc.rmy, , r descends the Ohio, he cannot ing these, nice pointo) to ettled by an by 8uitable help remarking that alternately nearly the nller and wiser neaa wan """"i 1 . .. v. 1 whole lenztn 01 me nver, um umruiu ui troducernvmibiectbyWying. . l.rTT. 'ZT. 7Tn V one side is bounded by lofty bilU and a roll . ' ' . a tF thA I feWBrQ Will WllrR WUUUCIO Mirvaa I - . ".1 . 1 . . 1.1 r sutiiA . n t nn ni iwr hiiriin vn as the silent dew, and tne mg " ..; troauce my buujoci uy "b- . ... 7 1. Children are an important part of the I. tJmioren i" ,. , 1 . . f community, uous mine 5 ior, a. u f the riehert alluvial land are wen rrrnnt and all future genera- oMyfa.ng the view. fo- ris Yashington, wno -- - . ,d them, theii . w . 1 khin aitnaiannir im wbcu uui ci vv w- ' .. can crush you Uke an egg-shell !-ioumy "h r. . and expand their .eaves v.th t Washington, who your ; Trr 'JT . k-ntl.Y wtrect 10 leai ate of Wtemnff on " VT" ".V. ' weir I tUem up for heayen S1D111UCS TO VOU uuu mf . r rise here water .. . ..... . . J-!1 o.-h Weir UIIIO lennnis, pu ... , i f he onu uuir0., , - :- . . .. .. ipened fruit, so land the winding course 01 me u... - killTwriam butBian white . f are nuwerou. a. ""T Wo, hoWever neglfgent Aey may KtaS of raining of being on a river of great length changes the trees.- Remember the fa te ot your , . rf their high respon- labor of those who are desirous , , of niodcrate hope that either or both of them will ere . ' L .1 .: Anuf vitk long lUrtHan HI& pjuctn 1 in jw."v-. those deiighltui aescnpi.ons which un-j a so well qualified to give, 01 we ongimu state of a couniry that has been so. rapidly forced to change her lorm and arure, un. der the influence of increasing popuiauon. Ye : I hone to read, ere I close my esrth- lyarTOrccoxmtg from those delightful- writers, of the progress ot civiizauon n our western country, lhey will speax 01 the CUrks, the Croghans, the Booties, ana other men of great enterprise. Tbey will analyze, as it were, each component part, and the country as it once exweo, and will render the picture as uougiu w c, immortal. Auduboh. warrior, whose bone, are Death,-? To an unbeliever death is like being driven out to sea by a relentless gale, without provisions, without pilot, and ip a leaking ship, which, after buffeting tho waves for a short season, must eventually founder, carrying down with it both pas-' sengers and crew. To a believer, death is like setting out on a journey homeward on a stormy day; there are discomforts connected with it, but these will soon be forgotten in the joyful 1 a J Jn1SnSuM kannllWMM Mrrtuh .avail the traveller in that land where the sky is ever serene. Fresh. s wives and three or four days not one was to be aecn. battte-fieldsv Remember your V

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