CSSS- " . ' i v. - - . ... , n IWB IS ONtY TO BS VAUJED ASIX 13 USEFU IXY. ISMPWTElir' ."V,-.- ..7rv x . - v 1 L'; '-"V ; " ;. ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, 'FRIDAY MORNIN JIKUARY 29, 1841 r NUMBER 33. : 1BVirri,cnai8T, ; Ja Fifty P," N until all awcarasts paid. ISLElrmWai be inserted at On. Dolkr rumens or peril and tereob. MKOI no TB W!I TOT CATAUCT " .it; k. heard of many," awful itua T n .i Provideutial reacuet,". but Mraf a ilXualiua more truly wfuL lhan .tatwhicli we are about: to deacribe, nor 2, rescue ia all rwpccla more atringly Mr K"Mf one of tho kanda employed In fcaaonrinff mill of-ATery; and Thurber, abort the Middle Falls of the Geneaee, North part of tbia city, after dark a A-enln5s eince. took the akiff belong- to to the mill, and without communicating dea'ga to any oner attempted to cross the riwr. V f or tne purpoaw ui MnrvTiug the -atcr power at timi poln " 4wa thrown acwaa, a few fpet abore the .Kiddle cataract, mud at low water the cur for aomo distance' above the dam ia MrtL:' When tlie water ia nign, nowcrcr, a iirong currcui vim io uv6u wbow Kngintinu men ilium iiul a. pert . J a Kr-o t aha tiiiaK iOB aCCUsOmcu '""8a " " i-.. eoeicross. The mcr was very hign on theercuinfr in question. To add to the Jiffli!tv. Mr. Kidd had but little expert. vnce in the use oT oajj, and wlien about -Hiiilf fnstirtte fcwt oomnwml of tiic thjat. y fimnd to his horror that he' was rapidly .drifting with the curreiit,rwiMCft ewuiu not doubt, would sweep uim waa nu jigm skin over tne dam. '"-ya " '' ! 1 ft The dam as w-vhave remarked, is a few feet abote the Middle., Falls, the perpendic tilardestcoA of which is twcnty.fi ve feet ft few rods further down are tho Lower Palis, with nernendicular descent of ; eightyJbur feet Between the danv and Middle t ails, ns well as Detween ino iwo cataracts.'the current is exceedingly rapid nTOushrOi!iee-ever the dam, the re tore-, his destruction was sealed, for even should his frail bark survive ibaplungef over the dam, and the descent of the Middle Falls, and live through - the Intervening rapids .and tockt to tho bank of the Lower Falls, It could out, nor could the strongest vessel that ever II jated,.sumre the awful plunge eighty-four bet down that tremendous ear; garnet f- .; ,!" ' ' - Mr. Kidd was perfectly acquainted with the lucsiities, ana futly aware of the awful jteril of his situation, Ia the darkness of the night, there was no eye save the eye of Jlimtoehom tlie mid-night ia as noonday, that could see. and no hand save flis that oold save him 5 and a speedy and terrible' immH .myftffhK- tee. and that hand was stretched eat" to sire, and guided his Rule vessel to a point ef the dam somewhat higher than the rest $ '"where, after shooting nearly fcsJf -aray over, A grated and finally stuck last ' -, ; ; ' But the terrors of his situation were even now but slightly alleviated. The riv er had been rising for aorae days, and he had reason to suppose waa still risin. Ilia .boat rocked by. the current, which waa sweeping under and around it, assuring 4am how evenly hahncwHt ww-tipoir-lhe mot, how slight an additional force would toe sutacieal to destroy its equipoise, and bow snail a rise of water would'he suffi-1 :icnttofiftitoE . " v' A wave raised by a gust of wind even, or the gust of wind itself, might throw dt from its balance, and consign it and' him the terriblo destruction over which, they were saspeuded as by a single hair. Be , Jon and behind and nround him wore the vd waters of the swollen Goneaoc, pfang 3ag by successive leaps among tho crags , and down the cataracts into the dark, yaw. -ingxhagwhclovr The Lower Falls, over- nang with their cloud of spray; which even lwnjejhipon him, and . Bending tip . their tunning and terrific roar, as jt spreading be pall and sounding the requiem pf their Intended victim J How small BRpctrcd his . iance of escape! Hut r. , " Hq tprinp eterstl ia the bnmm bnaat," fM Mnwerrnot conenafediirthe nosom or him who thca most aeeoed its Senial influence, even hr th wom which rrounded him for the tour hours djiring , -r" naa scue waa delayed. a. ne,con"De5ed shoatiag for help, and ' though no VoicA annn hW fmrn tKo I vs Jlis iiyiu Hv ;re " though the roar of the waters almost drowned his ewn, he conUnued it, ung at intervals to gather strength to h T anouia, if , asoui "u"'" i ai ine eaa of wnicu tne mas. er imller, taking his round outside the U to see if aU was safe, before wtijdng Tor the eight, heard one of bis ef.es. He opposed thatlt was from some person on rstdispoaei to disregard it fie heard voice again, and thinking that it sowed. o like a voice pf distress, determined to ross over, and aJTord what relief ught he w bs power. ! X ; J ; : Ho ran down far his boat, and findlag it COOe. and the erfm tmn nfiniiul V m : turned to the mill nH ntriml tho hnnAa 1, then found that Mr. Kidd was miasinir od the truth respecting him was at nee' conjectured. ,.. On going down to the bank of the river, one of the party after a while aiscoveroa a aura spot on tne edge ox the dam, and no doubt now remained of Mr. Kidd's situation. ... , 1 . To rescue him from it, if possible, was now tho object Sometime was spent in trying to construct a rait ; but a, .an at tempt to bring him off by a craft so unman. ogeable would be attended with vastly more danger to those making it, than tlie chan ces of deliverance to him, tho project was abandoned.". " T - - . One of tlie party now volunteered on at' tempt which his courago made successful With a long pole in his bands, and with long- rope made last by one end to hia body, which his comrades waa to pay out as be advanced, and with which ho war to be drawn back if necessary, he bravely yen tured into the water. Waking his way slowly and cautiously along the inner slope of the dam, be at length reached tho boat; till suspended And swimming with its nail doomed passenger, where it was first so providentially moored $ and by means of rope, pole and oars, tho whole were aateiy brought ashore, and Mr. tviuu was restor ed. as it were, to life', after enduring , the mental sufferings, tlie perils and terrors of his awful situation, more noinful. if noasi- ble, than tlentli itself, for about four hours. Some idea of hw intense sufferings during that tuno,may be denvud,irpra the fiict that be has. been ill in consoquenco ol tiMm cr er since. . - We have not learned tlie name of the brnvg and genorousro"", thi'gh wh'e airencv hia rescue waa accoui d 1 LkIkxL Chester Democrat. SATURDAY NIGHT.; . Haw many 088ociationswocf and hal loved, crowd around, that, shoit, sentence ' Saturday night T It is indeed but a pre, TuJe to more pure, more holv. more heav enly asaociationa, which the tired frame and thankful soul hails with new and renewed joy at each succeeding return. 'Tisthen the din ol busy lite ceases ; that care and anxieties are forgotten ; iliat the worn out frame seeks its needed repose, and the mind its relaxation from the earth and its concerns with joy looking for the coming any of rest, so wisely and benificently set apart for man's peace and happiness by tlie greeacreatois The tired laborer arc ka now his own neat cottage to which ho has been stranger perhaps the past week, where a loving wife and smiling children meet him with smiles and Here lie realizes the bliss of hard earned comforts : and at this time, perhaps, more than any other. toe liapptoesa ot domestic lire and itsattcn- daot bleswngs. a Kckmsed irom thedieitracu ing eares of the week , the professional man gladly beholds the return of: "Saturday night," and as gladly seeks, in tne cluster ing vines nourished oy his parental care the reality of those joya which are only his to know at these peculiar seasons and an. der these congenialcircumstanceseo faith fully and vividly evidenced by this period TlLMihfawUto.ifJMB?ihn -nmnm lone widowrtoo. has toiled on day after day, support ber Jittlecharge bow grate', fully does she resign tier cares at tho return of Saturday night," and thank tor God for these kind resting places in the way ot life , by which she is encouraged from week to week to hold on her way. (. " . But on whose ear does tho sound of" bat. urday night" strike more pleasantly than the devoted christian t Here ho looks up amid the blessings showered upon him, anil thanks God with bumble reverence for their continuance. His waiting soul looks for. srard 16 thatmorn,-when, sweetly smiling thtrgreat Redeemer bursts death's portals, and completes man's redemption. ' Ilia wil ling soul expands at the thought of waiting on God in the sanctuary on the coming day and uladlv fortrcts the narrow bounds of time and its concerns, save spiritual that he may feast on joys ever new ever beau, ti ful ever glorious ever sufficient to sa tiate the joy fraught soul that rigidly seeks its aid. It leads him tq the Lamb of God for redemption: and rationally points out the way to joys on high an endless Sab- bath a perpetual reel lor tne vigilant, . .we watchful, tlie faithful. Sotrxn Apvtcsi It is the. duty of those who would patronize a newspaper,, to se led Xor that purpose one which , while it re garfs scrupulously the laws of morality, is eatable of tmnartinz useful instruction or innocent amusement He should no more tolerate in his domestic circle, an immoral or licentious sheet, than he would a losciv. ioua or vulgar person. Both are alike pes. tilential co tho moral atmosphere which shoule pervade every domestic fire-side. Having mode tne selection or bis iaper , be should reau wnn auenuon, ana vrpoy with PcJfCTUALlTJ-. i-l! u nA with dinTif ha suftor his sub. scription to ga years unpaid, he ia an un profitable patron if 3 years.liis friendship !- -u :' i. 7 " n;iiiu w... "" O 7 . . . W HIV VllUWI Mi W HCi. VW v-CIM-a 4AVI - aid. ' . Free Schools. The whole aiumber of scholars educated at tlie expense of the State in Newjfork, which .has a popula tion of ,43J,83i, ia, according to the late census, 26.601). in Massachusetts, whose population is 737,780, the whole number of scholars educated at the public expense, is It should tie said, however, in justice to New York, that though her boys and girls are not generally educated at the State a expense, as in' raassacnusena, tne number or scholars attending her common schools to 501,918. . , From the National InteUi ' Una MB. CHAPMAN'S PAINTING OFTHE BAP.1 own kindred ; an elder sister, with her. In , . TlSM OF POCAUONTAS... dian boy, sat in mute anxious interest and The picture painted! by order of Con. gress, for the Rotunda, of tlie Capitol, . by Mr. J- G. Chapman, was yesterday opened to the public view, in tho niche designated for the Rotunda. Of these niches, or square compartments, in the wall of the circlar ball in the centre of the Uapitol, there are eight': Four are occupied by Mr. Trum bull s celebrated national paintings; Mr, Chapman's is tlie fifth iu the series : ; the remaining three being in the hands of other arusta. ..... ... ,.. -. ine subject of this painting, wmch we had the pleasure of yesterday examining, is tho JJdiitism of rochabontas. Uf the merit of this painting, we shall express no tresumptuous judgment, though it certainly :ft on our mind a vivid impression of its beauty as a work of, art . Our present ob ject is only to give our reader some ac count ot it ; and we preler that given in a pamphlet account of the paiuting. accom panied by historical muniments, dsc, from which we extract tlie following notice of the subject of the paiuting: . " Tho name of Pocahontas has descen ded to posterity as the great benefactress, tlie tutelary genius of. the first successful colony punted within tho limits of the U. States 1 who when famine raged, or con spiracy menaced it with swift destruction, ever interposed her benign abd gentle influ ence to supply their wants and ward off thejr dangers. : From all tliat history and the testimonials of the objects of her kind ocas and protection j from the particulars of her life that have come-down to us, and from every authentic memorial new extunt she nppearrta have been , both in mind and pcraon, ono of tho choicest models the hand of Nature ever formed."" With-the puirtihijplwnylio ''umtcaJtfio'" kinUcsf heart, and, to tlie timidity of a spotless vu gin; she joined a sagacity of mind, a firm, ness of spirit, and an adventurous daring, which, more than once, when tlie existence of. the colony was at stake, prompted her to traverse tho midnight forest alone, and brave the indignation ofber kindred, to give advice and warning. . Inseparably interwoven as is tho name and historv of Pocahontas with tho very existence of illiu firat JCtma nonL JCiiriatian community of this great confederation , and clothed as she is with every attribute to call forth, oar veneration and gratitude, she most undoubtedly deserves the - dignity of an historical character. Though a simple Indian rnajd, her life and actions are close, ly associated with events which, in their consequences, have assumed a magnitude that fully entitles her to bo placed among those who exercised an extensive influence in the destinies of states and the course of human events. She was, therefore, deem ed a fit subject for a national picture, paint- j ed by order of Congress, to commemorate the history and actions of our ancestors. But she baa another claim, not less brance of posterity, and which addresses itself to all Christian people and 'Christian, Churches. She stands foremost in the train of those-wandering-children -of the forest who have at' different times few, indeed, and far between been snatched front the fangs of a barbarous idolatry, to become lambs in the fold of the divine Shep herd. . She therefore appeals to our reli gious as well as our patriotic sympathies, and is equally associated with the rise and progress of the tnstiairtJhmxnTW with the political destinies of tho United States. V It waa a memorable sabbath morning, when the sound of the church bells echoed through tho silent forests about Jamestown, to gather to its consecrated aisles the first dedicated to the worship of the living God in British America the pioneers of civili. zation and Christianity in the Dew world, to witness the .sublime spectacle of this converted heathen girl Pocahontas, the daughter of Powhatan the Jirst christian ever tf her nation,' turning from her idols to God. . . 1 How long and earnestly the ' winning of this one soul,' had been looked 1o in the colony, and by its friends and promoters in bngland, the numerous letters and Chroni cles of that day express in items that can. not be mistaken for transient impulse. They placed their hopes of lasting prosper, itf in bringing the savage svithia the influ ence of the light of the Gospel $ and when thai putt-nuJldMrjjncJt, thefiraMrujto of Virginia conversion,' at the altar ofOod they mingled ia pious exultation at the glo. nous beginning, and the prospect ot peace, security, and prosperity, thut seemed, to dawn upon the colony. , f ' In- obedience to tho regulation of tlie a i .1. . -U 1 1 u"uul ""-, u w . " "ro ? " ' -Juu . arul Ka senunela, and the bell having tolled the last time, had searched ail (be homes of the town, to command every one, of what qual- k . , .IV. Ity soever, (the sick and hurt excepted,; to repair to church, after Which he accompa nied all the guards with (heir arms him. self being last) into thecl.arch, and laid the keys before too 1 Governor. The sergeants took their stations., and the Indians gather ed about the place of ceremony, as Rolfe supported his destined bride to the rude baptismal frsnt, hewn from.anudt ol her stive forest Nateuau her favorite hrother, whom Smith calls; ' the most man. liest, comliest, boldeat spirit e ever saw 'Articles, LavMi, anil Order". Divine, Politirfoc and Martiail, fw the Colonic af Virginia, &c Ac aaluage,' stood nearest to curiosity in front , while her uncle, the sul. Icn, cunning, yet daring Opeehankanowgh, shrunk back, and probablv even then brood, edover the deep laid plan of massacre which ho so fearfully executed years after, when that spotless Indian girl had gone, to reap her reward in heaven. ' , " " The book of prayer is closed ; for not until after that time was there an establish, fed form for the baptism, f those of riper years"iri the service of the Church of Eng. land, she bcarsv upon her forehead the record of her vow she renounces die idols of her nation, has confessed t! faith of Uhnst, and is baptizod. The Indian child clings closer to his mother, as the snowy mantle of swan skin, tipped with a gay plumdgo that may be still seen among the thickets, and along the shores about James town, fulling from her shoulders, disnovers to her own the costume of her adopted peo ple, and an unguarded movement of mo mentary excitement among the sa vage spec tutors is repented through the congregation as hands fall instinctively on match-lock and sword-hilt It is tho moment of tho picture another, and slie is received into the fold of Christ, as pure and beautiful a spirit as ever knelt at his holy sacrament. "In the execution of tlie picture the Srtist has been governed by the best au thonlies as to facts and details, and has made all the research within bis power in England, as well as bur own country for information with regard to the subject, and in some points lie may have sacrificed the picturesque for the sake of historical truth, to which lie has endeavored to adhere. " To those only familiar with the church. es of our own time ami country, the iute. rjorjof that represented in the picture may appear strnnrT. It was adopted from one now in cxistcnwr1ullt'abbute"Tfmff of !lhatf JamestowiiT-with suchTOriatiom the means and facilities of the colonists would most likely occasion, and the de scription of an actuaf resident of Jamestown at that period (William Stretchy) suggest ed. The pine columns, almost as they came from the forcstTtbo freshness of tho matc- j rial throughout, and tho attempt of a style connected with their associations in their native land in the construction ef their chapel, arc peculiarities that natujHyjHig gest themselves,- and- authentic -resources have supplied tho rest. ' The grcene Vcl uet Chaire with a Tcluct Cushion of the governor, jvilh a Clouth spread on a Table before him on which he kneclcth- ' the Fort hewen hollow like a Canon' tlie pul pit, with its cloth cmbroidcnxl with the arms of Virginia and iuitialsof King James tho hour-glass, etc., etc., the martial character of Sir Uhomar Dale, and the regulation of the colony that obliged the colonists to wear their arms even to church the courtly etiquette that existed even at : Jamestown, at that early day, when the governor went forth attended with his Counsailcrs, Capfaincs, and ether officers, Undaguard qf Ilolberdiea. to the number of fiftie, in his Lordship's livcrie,' with his standard-bearer and page the younger soncs and cousins of nobility at home that might bo there seen, with the sturdy hus bandman, the vinedresser, tho mechanic, and more energetic adventurer and soldier tho ordinance that deprived the Indian of his weapons before he entered the palis ades that surrounded the town the naked 1imhS and costume of the savages, are mat- tors pfhistery, which the artist has only followed with the hat r.f hw nhiKty ; nnd he only regrets it was not more worthy of the grandeur and beauty of the subject of the picture, as wcll as oflts origin and des. tinatlon." The Ktxtc art. A man who came from " across the water," related to us last evening tho following anecdote. It seems that his lather in early youtn dis played an uncommon genius for the art of painting and was strenuously opposed in his desire to adopt it as a prolession by the grandfather of our friend. By dint at first f etolen Jiuurs of devotion at the shrine of his soul's longing, and fool ly of open cudy at the Royal Irish Academy, the subject of our anecdote acquired a degree of perfec tion in his execution, which enabled him to shape into tangiblo form, before the eyes of his admiring friends, the dim creations which had filled his fancy's mind before." Upon an occasion It happened that the family aovcd their place of residence, and as lucre was nadiat:and umbrdla stand Jo be placed in the hall of their new house, the young artist determined to paint one, which he did with remarkable force and accuracy. The old gentleman coming in soon after, and seeing as ho thought the hat stand, dclibetately took off his head covering and hung it up, as lie supposed on one ef the hooks, when as a matter of course the hat fell to the floor. A second and hird trial resulted in the same matter. The old gentleman then becoming impa. tient, exclaimed, " confound the book, 111 try another." lie did so, and was deceiv ed. ' At this juncture his daughter steped from the hall into the parlor, and observing tlie ineffectual efforts which he was ma king, remarked t6hiiffr""T)y7fathcr, that's no stand : it is only one of our Mike's wicks." Confound the Idlow," said the aid gentleman, " I was always opposed to his painting. Jfow see what it's coming to "-f iV. -O. iVflfare American. Maryland Thv popnlation of this Ktato amoanU to 46767. Of tbeta ihrrt ai 1180 abcrrs the aye oT 30, who can uciUki read nur write! PUNCTUAUTY. Mr. Sutton's family was remarkable for punctuality. Every thing went on as reg ular as clock-work. Every person in tho bouse had his or her regularly appointed duties, and allotted times for performing them. . 1 hings were not left to be perform ed by somebody or other, just -j it might happen; if indeed it happened at all ; but time and business were regularly portion ed out It often put me in nund ot a dis sected puzzlo ; instead of lying in a heap, a parcel of odd-shaped bits of wood, every little bit was just fitted into its own place, and so the whole was complete and beauti ful ; and, 111 a higher degree thai) almost any other family I ever visited. In that family the work of every day was done in its day, according to the nature of the work required. Our friends were not much in the habit of changing ; but whenever a new person was in any way employed in the. house, ono of the first things was to teach them the habits of punctuality. From among the instructions given in this par ticular, addressed to myself, or to others in myhearina, I have preserved the following observations and am.cdotcsr some of them copied from books lent mo by Mr. Sutton. Method is the very hinge of business, and there is no method without punctuali ty. Punctuality is very important, because it subserves the peace and . good temper of a family. I he want ot it not only in-1 fringes onneccs3ary duty, but sometimes excludes this duty.- Punctuality is impor tant, as it gains time. It is like packing thinirs in n hoT aimed nucker will i-r-t iiiton-Df Tt already by you : here are theoth twice as much as a bad one. The calm r "'"n?' -- - - .... inc . ness of niiud wliich. it produce! is another advantage of punctuality. A disorderly man is always in a hurry ; he has no time to speak wuU-you-.because be;s .gpingcJacA. where : and when bo gets there, he is too late for his business, or lie mast hurry awav W anlJfhcT'erore a wise-maxim of-tlKMluke-of .Newcastle; " I do one thing at a lime." Punctuality gives weight to character. " Such a man has made an appointment ; then I know he will keep it ; audthis gen- eratcs punctuality in you : for like other virtues nrproTTaro The Rev. a. lirewer was clistingnished for punctuality. Wlien a youth in college, he was never known to be a minute behind timtt.iu.aUcnding Jtxtures of thciulars, or the family prayers, at which the young men who boarded in private families were expected to assemble. 4Jo$- morning the students were collected ; the .clock struck seven, and all rose up 4or prayer but the tntrti iilmtrvirifT tlmt IVf r Rrnuvr wna niit present paused awhile. Stx-ing him enter the room, he thus nddressed him, " bir, the clock has struck and we arc ready to begin : but as you were absent, we supixjs. ed the clock was too fast, and thcrefbse waited." The clock was actually too fast by some minutes. . . . The celebrated reformer, Melancthon, when he made an appointment, expected that the minute as well as the hour slioulJ bo fixed-that the day might not jw run out in idle suspense. An idling, dawdling sort of habit, which some people have, which make them too late for every appointment, howeyex. trifling it may ajtpcar, is often the cause of their ruin ; for the habit goes along with them in every thing they do. and moreover, tho loss of time -and the, plaguo which it causes to others, makes the habit injunous to our friends, neighbors, and dependants, as well as to Ourselves. When a man is in a hurry at the Inst mo. montyevery . thing is confused and .wrong! Mo tears Ins stockings, .breaks his boot strap, or his shoe-strings, or ho gets some string or ether iu a knot, and afl from be t ing iu a hurry; and then trifles take up the time just ns much as weighty-matters-f and then his letter is too late for ,lhe post, and his absent friend is kept in anxiety and suspense ; oFthc coach has gone without him ; or a dinner to which he was invited is spoiled with waiting, or the company is disturbed by his entrance aflcrthc rest are seated.. A committee consisting of right ladies, was appointed to meet at 'twelve o'clock. Seven of them wire punctual, but tlie eighth came bustling in with many apolo giest forbeingA guarter of an hour behind time; " The lime had passed awoy with out ber being aware of it ; she had no idea' of its being so late, &c A quaker lady present said, " Friend, I am not so clear that we should admit this'apology. It were matter of regret tliat thou nhouldst Iwive wasted fhinc own Qnartr of an hour; but here are seven besides thyself whose time thou has consumed, amounting is 4he whole to two hours, and seven eighths of it was not thine own property." WITTY JUDGMENTS OF THE DCKE OT OSSUNA. The Duke of Ossuna, Viceroy at Na. pies for the King of Spain, to whom tlie Neapolitan territory was then subject, ac auired creat celebrity for the tact asd wis dom of the judgments he delivered. This nobleman once, on visiting tho galleys one festival day for the purpose of liberating a captive, according to use and wont, found all the prisoners Joud in asserting their in nocence. One declared that his condem nation was the werk of enemies ; another asserted that tie had been informally and unjustly convicted ; a third declared he had been mistaken for another person and so e n.' :All declared themselves guiltless as cntdlH babes. . At last the Duke came to one Mai who took a Tery difli rent toue i " I do not bcliee, my noble lord-" said he, " that there is a greater rascal in ltfa- pies than myself. They were too lenieur to me to seud me to the galleys." , TUb duke, hearing these words, tun ed imme diately round to the keepers, of tlie galleys, and exclaimed, ' Loose this r scoundrel's chain, and turu him immediately about his business. If bp is allowed to stay, ho will certainly corrupt these honesty, innocent -men here, - Take him away !" Whilo bis orders were being obeyed, ho wheeled round to the other captives, and said to them, with the most civil air imaginable, " Gentlemen, 1 have no doubt you "will thank'me fur ridding you of this pestilent fellow. He might have Undermined your innocence." - - The duke of Ossuna was somewhat liko Ilaroun Alraschild, a little despotical even in his good doings. Ferromelle, a Ticli merchant of Naples, whoso predominant passion was avarice, chanced to Jose an embroidered purse, containing fifty golden ducats, fifty auih pistoles, and a ringot the value of a thousand crowns. This loss vexed kira grievously, and lie caused a proclmation to be made, offering fifty Span ish pistoles to any one who should restore the missing articles. An old woman found tlie purse and brought it to tho . owner. 1 Feiromelle, as soon as he saw his property, could not withstand tlie temptation of try ing to avoid payment of part of the reward. In counting the: fifty pistoles, he dexter ously laid aside thirty, and said to tlie find cr, " I promised 'fitly pistoles to. whoever found tlie purse. 7 Thirty have been taken 1 r.f iitfnTf luirt-ao itna n-Artniil " Tlinnlil woman ixinonstracd in vain against this treatment, but she' would probably have re mained content with'iior twenty pistoles', had not some one advised her to appiy for justice tothe Duke of Ossuna. The Duko knew the man well, and sent for him. " Is tlery-W.t4iiMMjJf2W4 melle, u that the old woman, who fiatt the honesty to bring you the purse, when she might have taken all, would be guilty of taking your, thihy pistolns ? fiot no. Tlie troth is, tho purs cannot be your'. Your purse bad fifty pistoles, this . bud but twenty. Tho- purge cannot be your's." The merchant sUmmcjreutMy lord, I know the purse, the ducats, the riiig " Nonsense," exclaimed the Duke, "do. you think there never was a purser or du- 4- -.f . ----" cats, or a ring iike your f- itenSj- good woman," continued he. addressing the old woman, " take you the purse and its con tents. It cannot be this good gentleman's, since be says ho had fifty pistoles." This jsdgmcnt was enforced. The duke might have been morally- certain of tli miser's attempt to cheat j but, as bos been said, bis was a very JJurouii Alraschild-jike f a decision. Tlie duke had one day to hear tho cast of IJertranJ, do Sols, a proud Spanish gen tleman, who was in tho habit of walking in the streets with his head elevated like a camcleojiard's. ' While thus marching, a porter carrying a heavy load, had iuu against him, but not without first crying "Ik;w are ?" which islw wiiaaf yuodt giving warning in such cases. The por ter's load eonswted of fuggots, and ouo cf them fell off in. the concussion, and tore the Spaniards silk Mantle. lie was might, ily enraged, and sought redress from tho viceroy. Tlie Duke knew thut porter's us ually cry " Beware,'" and having seen tho porter in this case, he learned that he had cried the word, though do Sols n voncht d the contrary. The Duke advised 1I10 por ter to declare himself dumb when the canso "ciih" fprjiidgiiiw through a mend, and the Duke immediate, ly said to de SoLs, J LiVliat can X do to this poor fellow t You see ho is" dumb." For. getting himself, tho enraged Spaniad cried out, "Don t believe tlie"' scoodTeTJ inv lord; 1 mysulf heard mm cry beware !" " Why then did you not beware ?" replicl the Duke ; and lie mode tho mortified Spa il ia rd pay ail expenses, and a fine to tli poor. Chamber hdinburg Jour. Death. Djatli is an awful and terrible thing iu itself, and David isay v.cjl prefix tliat significant word yen., to imply thn p j. trawrdinariness that he could contempluto tliu an entrance into tlio dark va&pr with out fear or trembling. It is the public man- ifestation of .the temper's engijjul victory over man, of hi right over flush and blood. wmcn oy sin pecame nis property, so mat he has tlie power., td. death, and claims as his own tho earthly houso of this taber naclc in which he causes the "worms to n ot ; and, oh, it tho loriucr tenant hashotj tli rough" faith, in Him who hns abolished deatli, obtaiuud Kfe and Immortality, he not only waits Willi thu resurrection to grasp him in his fell embrace, and together with his prey sink into au uuiatliomable abyss of eternal wo. Death is in itself a dreadful object of contemplation. - It is called an enemy, and a variety of eonsidfmtions in. . vest it with awful features. Sep. II. . Owen. , . Important Ixdiam Tkeatv. The? Fort Wayne Tiroes slates' thai at the late Indi an payment at the Forks of the Wabash, the Indians made a proposition to sell their lands; and that Gen. Milroy, (although not officially autliorizcd by "the Govern. ment) took the responsibility, whilo they, were in the humor, of treating with them for about 500,000 ncres, being the wholu of the Miami lands in this State. Thu lands are worth 9 10 peracre, ha-d as the times are ; and there is little doubt that the General Government will coniiriu the treaty." , s ! K T r- ' -1.- 77,