. . ! 1 ' -v' .-. 77 r . -k. l'l -. I l ; - ...... :i 7 I. ; NUMBER 34 t 1 " " -.1-o vu" FVtT rroT, 'ri.u. ciimsTr. tTi. dm BBum, fa drano or Tbf'jL iisontinMd, (ept t the op. paid. MISCELLANEOUS. ; FASHIONABLE VVINfi DRINKING Wnsa I n boyi therMTr"Iamity tnifiir .from mj'-fcther'j bouse, "ri. L-nhr were the bbject of ray ad. fL. even envvi Tha head of ZT-hw-h the city or the State couU be- ift- HewMafsoposscsjd of large e f Zm, and Bred in ajtyle of lalmort baron yprofiaenes and ostentation. Ii'8 boys, J my own age, went to tl aame !Zj and. carefully trained in gentoel (eeodiplisbraeou byheir mother, Tar out Aoae their comrade in mamicrs and per .ooal appearance. Often, in my youthful visw did I repine and envy, while compar. t mj plain dress, unpolished manners, nd petty resources of pocket money, with annarcl. Brenosaessing an- wj, ranee, and ample supplies of cash. For Jpanr years the prosperity of ihis family seeded unintcrcopted ana ,unassanaoie. )eA did not enter the house. The boys rev up to bo elegant and intelligent young nes, ; Wealth placed themaprrelrtlybe K. ood the paf-h or posibilityof want -Ek familv connections end inn .uence Fhcy'naight adopt. , All of them were youth of (oodtakats, and pleasant natural dis. MMtiMM.t ' "" . :"" Iii their facer's genteel stablishmentT4 nw was considered an indispensauie aai t. riecompanimcnt to the dinner table. . . At ' t wry early age, these boys were taught, - si I graceful and accessary accomplish ment, the artof passing the wine, " taking a glass with the ladies and gentlemen round them, and sipping jt with eawand elegance. ". Considering the permission to ' do this as a proof, both gentility and man. hood, they quickly became proficients in fhe srt of laliinw wine, fad skilful judges 'of its qmlhy and flavor."; VVhen members lrf college, m watMjOaJjtjras . allowed on sr table, these young men could only in iglge iheir acquired fondness for the dan. Eroua stimulant with company invited in s evening, to their rooihs, or to some adghbonng hotel.. This they were accus tomed to do with a frequency alarming to " thflsTwae reflected on the tendency of such WbiU, but fearfully illustrative of . the trull) train up a child in the way he should tfgo, and when he is old he will not de. jartfromit " t ' . We left college ; our paths in hro diverg- tsaVtheiirnomoretwny Tea I ketrl incidentally that.soon aAer comple. v6uieir collegiate, course, they were all atriedto the elozant ' and accomplished girta, whose "hands they had. gained by tUr polished manners, great wealth, aris tocfttical family connections ; but that some of their acquaintances indulged sad forebodings of the future character of these young men, and of the" wretchedness in store tot their biilliant and happy partners. But distance and business shut thein for a -Wtiaie.Ihnxmy.view, But a few weeks since, I was stepping from the rail road cars, at the beautiful city f S'; ",'whon a face attracted my. no tice, as resembling that of my old -school ate, Henry Douglas.- Mis downcast eye, fid and bloated futures, and Reelected area, indicated hut too plainly his present state and character. " Can it be Dossihla" tboBght I, as I scrutinized his face, the dignified form, elegant appearance, beam, iag eye of the adored, envied Henry Doug las, have auok into such fearful degrada. ttoaHi It was true: and a little inquiry aong my frienria Srought out the follow a? neiaBctwly facts. ; : . . Soon after; leaving college, he married fts beautiful Jane Colborne. She had been the queen of love and beauty among colle. pu ; her slight but elegant, form, her figooato disposition, too good for cu. S'?r7 . d yet winning "aH ! hearU, her wmng manners and conversation, drew round her a crowd of admirers.- But, alike those beautiful but heartless things who selfishly care for personal admiration, er gentle and lovely character rendered jwjoy, pride and life of her father's . She gave her hand and heart to Henry Douglas. They stood before the Wtar.JO brieht: SO elctrant -thnt rn snvir ?a.Te hrunk from a single wish offu. euu , - . - ; r- r y luibiu had ffwo h5m fond eas for good dinners and good wine. . He Fifed this taste freelv in his oWn rtnh. , hatunent, upported principally by the lib- father. . He gathered his Km around his table, and with them ha HUy torned jong at wine." But Pinion tu'f!nnul . . i i i j , "v-""Lrclj piciimi example pleaded for it, and neither he nor his wife : reamed of danger amid so much, elegant nvality. Even when tha flush of toal excitement was often on his jcheek .PfckMeof his entertainments, she as Mmuchtothe glee and feeling "itog from animated society, as to the eflocto the wine cup. For months the same fond security and brieht anticipation which shono on their union, lighted up al. W.UHI iiauimiMJO ih weouea mo.' . .- The first event which startled her from her dreams though others had noticed pain ful indications of gathering ruin, was bis appearance one evening on his return from an absence of a few hours.".' He had not dined out; but his face, his breath, his idiotic fondness and laugh, told thejiorn- b taje. . Who cao describe the mingled torrents of surprise, horror, shame, fear- ful anticipation, wild despair, and bitter disappointment, which like streams! of fire over the soul of a pure minded, re nd affectionate woman, when the territye'atyJ&teh she is foreverand hopelessly united with a dnwutard f that he whom she loved and idolized is a beast ; that ahe must take to her boson one fit only fortho sty. , No pen can describe the anguish oHthat nuHit un der the roof of Henry Doueta. . Could tears, could loveliness, could the prospect of present misery and , everlasting w. . I 1 L - -' -.1. . C !.! .. " 1 I 1 couiu ine ngin oi ins own lujureu ouoo the first, pledge of love have moved his heart, that night would have terminated his vicious indulgences. But habit had long bsen winding about him coils stronger than bars of iron ; and now like afiend, hurried him, bound bond and foot, to swifter de struction. .'i";". . He at first met entreaty with moody si. ence ; then with sullenneas and rage. Dis covery acted on him like breaking down the barner betorea pent up stream. lie swept on in a more brutish and stubborn course of - degrading indulgence. His home was forsaken, his respectable.. ac quaintances forsook him : his wife receiv. ed only abuse, and even blows, from the hapledgaLbjcibreOhe-ltario xheriab and protect ber ; and ins father, after long remonstrarnce," withdrew the support from which bis' successes were supplied. At length, the young, lovely Jane Colborne, whom once a hundred youthful hands would hav-yoiceUTfxpr insult, took refuge from her unnatural hus band ia. the house of her father brok en hearted: like the fresh morning flower, broken from its stem, and withering in the sun.' . '.- , " . He sunk lower and lower s frequented the places of lowest debauchery ; lounged with the sots of the street around the doors and counters of prog shop and most greedily swallowed the most cheap and fiery stimulants. : Poverty came upon him like an armed man.' r No supplies of money or clothes were of avail, for all went to satisfy the hellish cravings for rum. His friends ceased to support "him. - 'Henri Donehu u now in the poor haute! V The elegant,' accomplished Douglas, just in the prune oL hjs days, when, at the bar,; or f a the senate, he might have influenced a whole community for good, is a drunkard in the poor-house. ' - The reader may draw his own inrcrences, as he traces this terrible catastrophe to the rich wine, and elegant convivnlity, where this wretched man formed the hab- There is sottihiTBy-sealed up as losophy, as well as divine authority in the precept, " Look not thou upon the wine when'it is red, when it giveth its color in the cup, when it moveth itself aright;, at the List it biteth like a serpent, and ting. eth like an adder." (Canada Ttm.fi Adv. A MELTING.STORY. No other class of men in any -country possessed that facetious aptness at iofOict. iris a good humored revenge which seems tole-tMatekh-a4SreaIoutai-boy Impose upon or injure a Vcf monter, and I fellow- you ever knew in your life, until sud. denly be pounces upon you with some cun. ningly devised offset for youi duplicity ; and even while he makes his victim smart Will rssll UIVI1UIIU to the core, there is that manlv open-heart edness about "him which infuses blame even while the wound is opening, and renders it quite impossible that you should hate him however severe may have been the punish ment he dealt out to you.- These boys of the Green Mountains seem to possess a na. tural faeulty-of extracting fun from every vicissitude and accident that the changing hours can bring ; even what are bitter vexa. lions to others, these happy fellows treat in a manner so peculiar as completely to alter their former character and make them seem . . . a to us "agreeable, or at least enauraoie, which was before Id the highest degree of. tensive. Another man wiU repay an ag irravation or an insult by instantly returning injury, cutting the acquaintance and shut ting his heart forever against the offender ; but a yermonier, who a smue upon vis faceVyill amuse himself with -obtaining a far keener revenge, cracking a joke in con clusion, and make his former enemy for. give him' and even love bimafter the cbas tisement.? One winter evening, a country store keeper in the Mountain State was about closing his doors for the night, and while standing in the snow oatside putting up bis window shutters, be saw through the glass a lounging, worthless, fellow within,- grab a pound of fresh butter from the shelf and hastily conceal it in his hkt. . The act was no sooner detected than the revenge was hit upon, and a very few mo ments found, the Green Mountain store. keeper at once indulging his appetite for fun to the fullest extent, and playing off the thief with a facetious sort of torture for which he might have gained , a premium from the old inquisition. , I aajScd!,'1 said the storo-keoper, coming in and closing, the door after bun, slapping his hands over his shoulders, and stamping the snow off bis shoes. ' Seth had his hand upon the door, his bat upon bis bead and the roll of new butter in his bat, anxious to make his exit as soon as possible. - I aay, Seth, ak down ; I reckon, now, on such a -a-nal night as this, a leetle something warm wouldn't hurt a fellow; come and ait downv! iff . Seth felt very uncertain j be had the But. terand was exceedingly anxious to be off, Kilt Ka bmnUtinn iif t MmAtklnA Mmi vw HIV IVU1JWUVU V : VUIUVUII 1 Q " sadly interfered with his resolution to go. This hesitation, however was soon settled b.Ubjigtoow by the shoulders and planting him in a seat close to the stove, where he was in such a manner cornered in by barrels and . boxes that while the country grocer sat before him there waa no possibility of his getting out, and right in this very place, sure enough, the store-keeper sat down. "Beth, well have a little warm Santa ruz "said the Green Mountain grocer, as he opened the stove door and stuued in as many socks as the space would admit. "Without it you d freeze going home such a Bight as this. oeth already felt the butter settling down closer to his hair, and jumped up declaring he must go. . Seth ; come, I've, got a story to teHyou 4Vt Ml, TVU UI1TV DWIIICIIIIHII WCU1U, too; alt down, now jw and Seth was again pusiieu iuio nis scar oy . nis cunning . tor mentor." . T - I I . - L r . . t. t . - "Oh! its tu darn 'd hot here,11 said the petty thief, again attempting to risei - V Set down dont be in such a plagey hurry," retorted the, grocer, pushing him bacs irois chair-. " But I've got the cows tu fodder, and some wood t split, and I im; be agoing' continued the persecuted effop. " But you mustin't . tear yourself away, Seth, in tliis manner. , Set down ; let the .andkcep. yourself coot you appear to be fidgetty I" said the roguish crocet with a wicked leer the next thing was the production of two smoking glasses of hot toddy, the yery sight of which, in Szth's present situation, would bavc made the hair stand erect upon his head had it not been well oiled and kept down by the butter. Vk ---v-r.-r W " Seth, I II give you a tout now, and you can butter it yourself' said tho grocer, yet with an air of such consummate simplicity that poor Seth still believed himself unsus pected. ., V Sisth, here's here's a Christ, mas goose (it was about Christmas time) here's a Christmas goote well roasted and batted, eh t I tell you Sath, it's tho greatest eating m creation. And Seth don t you never use hog s fat or common cooking but fer to baste with ytfresbrpound butter just I the same as you see on that shell yonder, is the only proper thing in natur to baste a goose with come take your butler I mean Seth, take your toddy." Poor beth now began to smoke as well as to melt, and his mouth was as hermetic dumb. Streak after streak of the butter came pouring from under his hat, and his handkerchief was already soaked with tho greasy overflow. Talking away as if no thing was the matter, the grocer kept stuf. fing the wood Into the stove; while poor Seth sat bolt upright, with his back against the counter J nrl. hfo . k nees almost - touefar iog the red hot furnace before him. " Damnation cold night this," said the grocer. " Why, Sseth, you seem to pre. spire as if you was warm I Why don't you hnt , frTTnerenerwe parysar" " JVb " exclaimed poor Seth at last , ith a spasmodic effort to get his tongue loose, and clapping both bands upon his hat, "No t must go r Jet me out ; laintwell; let me go I" - A greasy cataract was now pouring down the poor fellow's face and neck, and soaking into his clothes, and trickling down his body into bis very boots, so that lie waa literally in a perfect bath of oil. Welt, good night, Seth" said the hu morous Vermbnter. iTvou will iro:" ad. ding, as Seth got out into the roa3," neigh. bor, 1 reckon OieTuin enaa out ; tf you is worth a mnepence- so I jihan t charge you for that pound of butter." N. O. Fie. A SHdOTINO EXFLOIT OF SHERIDEN. Tom Sheriden used to tell a story for and agninst-himselfj-which we shalMake leave to relate.- . He was staving at Lord Craven's, at Bcnham, or rather Hampstead, and one day proceeded on a shooting' excursion, like Hawthorn, with only " his dog and his gun, on foot, and unattended by com panion or keeper; the sport was bad tne birds few and shv and he walked and walked in search of game, until uncon sciously he entered the domain of some neighboring squire, A very short time af ter, be perceived advancing towards him, at the top of his speed, a tolly, comforta- ble-Iooking gentleman, followed by a ser vant, armed, as it appeared, for conflict. Tom took up a position, and waited the ap proach of the enemy. , Heflo! you'suV said the iquire,when within half-ear shot, " what are you doing here, sir; eh! " I'm shootinsr. sir." said Tonv u Do Vou koow where you are,' sir T" said the squire. " I'm here, sir," said Tom. s Here, sir said the squire, growing angry, " and do you know where here is, sir ? these sir, are my manors j what de uuna or that, sir, eh R , ; ' Why;1 air, as to your manners," said Tom, u I canH say they seem over agree able." - , "v ,. . -. I don't want any jokes, sir,' said the squire ; I hate jokesJkYMare you air what are you !" " Why, sir," said Tom, ',' my name is Sheridan I nih slaving at Lord Craven's I have come out for some sport I have not bad any, and am not aware that I am trespassing." . T"" Sheridan "'said lhewuifeT"Cooling a little, V oh, from Lord Craven's, eh T Well, sir, 1 could not know that, sir 1 " No,: air," said Tom, " but you need, notjhave been in ajssioji."t. ' NotTn a passion, Air. "SlerufanTr said the squire ; " you don't know, air, what these preserves have cost me, and the pains and trouble I have been at with them ; it's all very well for you to talk, but if you were in mtt place, w should like to know what you would say -upon such an occa sion. Wby,"ir," said Tom, " if I were in your place, under all tho circumstances, I should say I am convinced, Mr. bneridan, you did not mean, to annoy me ; and as you look a good deal tired," perhaps you II come up to my house and take some re freshment, j. The squire was hit hard by this nonchal ance, and (as the. newspapers say) " it is needless to add, acted upon bberidan s suggestion. T So far, said poor lorn, "the story tellaTbr me now you shall bear the se. quel.,,x Alter having regaled himscit at tne squire's house. having said five hun. dred more good than he swallowed ; havine delighted his host., and more than half won the hearts of his wlfahdaugh tors. the sportsman proceeded ohhis return homeward. . In the course of his walk, he pa through a barn yard ; in tho front of the which wos a poiid iathe pond were ducks innumerable, swimming and diving ; on its verdant banks a motly group ot gallant cocks and pert partlets, picking and feed, ing the farmer was leaning over the hatch of the barn, w hich stood near two cottages on the side of the green. - Tom bated to go back with an empty bag ; and having tailed in his attempts at higher game; it struck him as a good joke to ridicule the exploits of the day himself, in order to prevent any one else trora doing it for him and he thought that to carry home a certain number of the domestic inhabitants of the pond and its' vicinity , would serve the purpose admirably." Ac cOrdingly , up he goes to the farmer, and ac costs him very civilly - --- - My good friend, says Tom, "I'll make you an. oner. ' Of what, sir T says the-farmer. Why,", replies Tom, "! have been out all day fagging after birds, and haven't had a shot ; now, both my barrels are load ed, I should like to take home something ; tail I give you to let ine have a shot with each barrel at those ducks and Xbwls I standing here, and to have whatever I I ' 1 ft ' Kill I - -'- . What sort of a shot are you t" said the farmer.--.--- - . . " Fairish !" said Tom, " fairish!" And to have all you kill 1" said the far. men MerrT ; . : " Exactly so," said Tom. " Haifa guinea," said tho farmer. " That's too much," aaid Tom, " IH tell you what I'll do I'll give you a seven .iiffgpft,'T-hi money I have in my pocket." 1 " Well, said the man, " hand it over. The payment was made Tom, true to his bargain, took his post by the barn door, and let fly with one barrel, and then with the other ; and such quacking, and splash. ing, and screaming, 'and fluttering, had never been seen in that place before. , , Away Tan -Tom, and, delighted at his success.picked up first a hen, then a chick en, then fished out a dying duck or two, and soon, until he numbered eight head of domestic game, with which his bag was no bly distended. - . . , " Those were right good shoU, sir," said the-farmer. " -YesidTomightiicks-nd fowls are more than you bargained for, old fellow worth rather moretI suspect, than seven shrHfngsehr11 ' T1 Why'yeiTsoTdTheniahTscw his head, " I think they be, but what do I care for that Ary ere won? mine!" - Here," said Tom, " I was for once in my life beaten, and made off as fast as 1 could for fear the right owner of my game might make his appearance not but that I could have given the fellow that took me in seven times as much as I did, for his cunning and coolness." : r .. Decay An. unknown word in an old maid's vocabulary. - CompKmenUk palpable lie. Eunpmy Buying a camel hair brush to point UUU9D. Epitaph recital of imaginary virtues. -N iMtuK disagreeable, truth. Jlien. A : disadvantage to a man in search of nolitical nreferment ' Miser. One who lives upon nothing and laya by the half of it. , - Nonsense, Any thing you can't 'under stand. ' V Oracle. One who knows less than bis neighbors, but has moreimpudencc. From the 8t AagiMtio News. NOTES OF THE PASSAGE ACROSS THE EVERGLADES. CoL Harney, 2d Dragoons, with Cap tain Davidson,' LieuU. Rankin and Ord, 3d Artillery, Dr. Russel, and myself suit ed from Fort Daljas with 90 men and six. teen canoes. We left on the 4th of De. cember, at night, and proceeded up the left prong of the Miami Ilwer. I he night was very dark and raincy, and we met with considerable difficulty in ascending on ac count of the rapidity of the current and the shoal and rocky bed of the river. About a mile above the forks we came to a body of high saw grass, this continued for about a mile and a half, when we came in became more scattered, lhe pine barren was kept close on our left, until we came to a small island on our left, when our course became more Westerly ; thus we continued until about eight miles from the mouth of the river when Lapt. Davidson becoming separated from us we halted to the leeward of an island which was entire ly overflowed, and waited until he came up, where the night was passed in our open boats. It continued) to rain nearly all night, and our situation was any thing but com fortable. Dee. 5. By daylight this morning, we were up and at it with our paddles ; our course was generally West-South. West, but this we varied according to the direc. tionof the channels, and our depth of wa ter, till about 1 p'clock ; the men being vc ry much fatigued, having had to pull their boats through the mud and grass a greater part of the way, We insisted on John, our guide, carrying us to some, high land, where we might encamp, and give the- men a little rest. The officers had almost lost confidence in his knowledge of the coup- iry, as ai one iime ne couiu noi itii us in iwhtoh -direction he-auiv-rose f-aiul as-we concluded not to follow him in the direction he was going any longer, he insisted -that right, and that his object was to carry-us where he could hnu the greatest depth oTwalcr, ; and that hexould-carry--iH a nearer waybur tharit was very" shoalT which proved in fbeend to be correct, as he had "hot gone more than a few miles when it waa with the greatest difficulty we could move the boats. The Col. called to him to stop, as he would go no farther in that direction; but he insisted thatthe island was not more than a mile di.stn.ntY and ilia. CoL aflered him to proceed. Sure enough, contrary to the expectations of all , he in a short time halted at a low turf of bushes, about half a mile in circumference, which seemed to us all to be entirely flood, ed with water,' but after penetrating about 300 yards we came to a magnificent little spot in its centre, about 150 yards in cir cumference, here we found an old Indian camp which evidently had been deserted for sorrarmonths.- It was encircled by a number of Bhrubs of the wild Pappaw ; and two large curious wild fig trees, about ten lect apart, decorated its centre. 1 his is a remarkable tree ; it first makes its ap. pcarance as Jhe creeper, and seizes on the circle it in its meshes until it deprives it of lite, when it feeds upon the decayed matter and becomes a beautiful tree. These had each attacked a palmetto, and One of them W it, dead, but the top of the other was still blooming in the centre', although complete y surrounded- We - hailed --WitH-a- great deal of pleasurethe tbueh-of dry -land, as we were wet to the sk:'n ; it having rain ed all day, and the wind blowing from the North. As soon as it became dark, we kindled a large fire dried ourselves got a uoi"saf f pcrr earif -wi th -a-g 5titsJe lf gusto talked over what we had undergone, and what we intended to do stretched our selves on our blankets, and slept soundly and sweetly, 'till daylight warned us to be up and doing. Dec. 6 After getting some hot coffee, again started on our course. The day has cleared off beautifully, and we are moving slowly and silently along, in momentary expectation of falling" in with some Indian canoes. John can see from the top of a tree the field from which he escaped, and we will come up to it about 12 o'clock. He says it isbnly one day's row fromlhat place to where all the Indians are encamp ed, and we expect to have a devil of a fighT'hen"cTTlicre: Noihmgnow' prcsents itself except one boundlessexpanse of saw-grass and water, occasionally intcr- spcrscd wuh mile islands, alt of which arc overflowed, but the trees are in, a green and flourishing state. No country that I have ever heard of bears an resemblance to if; it seems like a vast sea, filled with grass and green trees, and expressly inten ded as a retreat for the rascally Indians, from which the white man would never seek to drive them. We have plenty wa ter at present and go along with at great deal of ease. We reached the island , as expected, about 12 o'clock. When we came insight, the Colonel took four canoes, with Lieut. Rankin, and went ahead, hav ing jirst painted himself and men so much like Indians, that they could scarcely, themselves, detect the imposition. Jle di rected Lieut. Ord to follow with the rest of Lthe canoes, and Capt, Davidson, as he was I 11 . ft ft ;ft . L . L 1 uuweii, vo remain oeninu wiui ute large boats. I was in the next canoe to Lieut. Ord, who, as he was turning to give some order to his men, lost his . balance, and such a pretty summerset "I never did sec ;" be carried boat,provUions,ammunition,and guns all with hjnw When his bead appear ed on the aurfacef the water he said to me, go ahead with the boats ; I inserted my handkerchief in my mouth and evapo rated. The order was to keen-Just iosiuht of the Colonel, and, in case be should not be abfe to manage the force pn the island, to come to his assistance but the! delay threw me behind, and I soon lost sight of, and with the greatest difficulty found tha island, w e bad to wade through mud and water three or four hundred yards, up to our waists, before we gained dry land here we found a corn field of about an acre, and the richest land I have ever saw, being one uiui.n. ueop ui euu oi e no less oeptn. Xnis island is called from the Indian name of the wild fig. "IIo40-nuMoceo.'n Itbeinv early we did not remain here long, but pusliedjo another island, about seven milea distant, the usual stepping place of the In dians, when they visit Sam Jones, or go from his camp to the Spanish Indians ; we arrived early in the evening, and had to wade vw yards before we gained a foot ing ; we found here signs of a few days ; old, where they had been cutting bushes. l ascended the top of a fig tree with John, and he pointed out to me our course, and the direction of the different islands. We could see far to the South, the pine barren skirting the Everglades, and the tops of the grass and bushes burnt to make out the trail. The island Ilo-co-moUhloeco, boars about East-South-East from this, and the island where we go to-morrow, about South. West and by South. This island is called " Efa-noc-co-chee ," from a dog having died which was left here ; it contains about half an acre of cleared land, but has never been cultivated, and U used alone as a camp ground. ' Dec. 1th. OfTagain ; our course for a short time was about north, then, changed , it to north west, and continued in this di. rection until we reached another island wluc is "call tid CoMteyncKaje , from' tlw '" nome-of an Iii dianwha cleared and. culti? vated it. It is distant from Efanoccoohee about six miles, and its course is about north west. We found on this island the figure of an Indian drawn on a tree, and 'MXSiSjSMLS53kI!&k first inch- -eatiea of -a whiie-HWB Voeiiig with-4hem-.- Being early when we arrived here, tho Colonel, contrary to the opinion of tho guide, determined not to remain here until nighty but took Lieut. Ord ahead with him, and two canoes to surprise the next island. Following on with the rest of the boats we had not gone more than a irate", when we lostjhe trail of their boats, and continued to wahder to every point of the compass until late TnKthe evening, when wo made oufto reach the island from which we start ed about sun-set, and found John, who had returned for us. Considered ourselves very fortunate to reach this Island again, as we could notjollow with anVcertainty our tiuu3 jot one nunarcu yaras. lotho westward, of this Island the main bodybt water seems to change its course, and flow with some current to the south-west, which induce us tq think we are in the centre of the Everglades. It was late at night when wo Teached the Island, where Lieut Ord had gone. But notwithstanding the thous. aaaxnaaneu winch nowedand umiwl w every direction, and although it we dark that we could not distinguish land from wa terrJohn never mnnrissed the-lrackr" Found on this Island, which is called by its owner Jntaska, a large huLJjuilt. of cy:--. press bark, and under it a bed made of1 boartte , coiwoyttt pier very time lyamj 1 quickly appropriated. . It is the largest and richest Island we have yet seen, and had various vegetables growing on it, such as pumpkins, beans, corn, &c. ; and deer tracks were verv numerous.. h mnnn Dee. 8A. We shall remain on Inlaska until 4 o'clock tlii evening, when we will proceed to another Island, whieh bears north 10 west from this, where we expect to surprise some Indians, as we can now see a largo smoke in thut direction. When"' 4 we visit this, our course will then change to the southward, and we will mukc for their strongholds on the sea board. Dec. 9th, Yesterday about 12 o'clock, when some' were asleep and silent, await- ing the time of starting, the Colonel called out from the top of a tree, that two canoes were approaciung me Lsiaua on tne souin side. In a moment, all were up with their guns in hand ; the. boats were silently ap- preaching j and wo being on-the north sider Lieut Rankin w as immediately ordered to man four canoes, and move slowly along the I ndiaus did not discove r him until with - in a few honored yards, when they imme diately wheeled their canoes and made off' with all their strength. But there was no euding our snake-like boats, and our tried soldiers. Tbcy made the boats fairly jump out of the water. When within a short, distance, the Indians approaciung a deep body of saw-grass, our soldiers commenced a running fire, and soon disabled one of the men and overhauled him. The bouts halted at the saw grass and the Indiana leaped out ; but our (hen were as quick as they were, and pursued them through it fix some distance to a pond, where they dis abled another, and accidently wounded a squaw, who was endeavoring to escape, with her child on her back, la another di rection,' they overhauled a squaw ith a girl about 12 years old, and two small chil dren; making in all, eight persons.' Nona of them were killed ; and as soon as vu could get them through the mud to tho boats, we returned. Col. Harney was look ing on at the race from the top of 'a (tree. And made the Ialaud riug with his cheering. j i I . - - i, , -

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