r " j" LIFE IS ONLY TO BE VALUED AS it IS USEFULLY EMPLOYED. ; ASHIlpILNORro. CAKOI0 FRIMY MORNING, FEBRUlRy 12, 1841. NUMBER 35. TZfimk J. ROBERTS, EDITOBS, .. ..un cvKitr rftfDAT. !T.?rVciIBIST The" k published at Two j Fiftf Cent per """.- ' hidnnM. or MXthVf.i,J Tweaty.Jlve w- for r murtta port paid. 1 drikin traitor courage m - -, traitor courage in a lady , i,ha French metropolis bB.rn , ..Unto. it hot far from the Bwf S-iTlie family consist onlyof w . . , : .:r . i-hi rf About a vear : 'iHrvant. In the little town ihfl mo-tperiect somuuo re.gi r.TjLS'houae.whichlie.offthe .ndi. completely hidden oy trees. uliinn read'lOS. Her husband Skft be? in the moi oing to visit a friend m ,ht miles off. and as be ex. ZZi to bring home a considerable sum of r . ..3 ,ni,n .he usual Drecautions rfStafhiiMclf- with a Pair of pistofa. it ix o'clock, the lady went unto i room to put the child to bed. Her wsrtment was a lnrgeroorn on the first (Lor. filled up on one aide by on oa ma, I..J.i.:m.v. And on the other by a doep ami (nacioui alcove, near which, stood her w I mi. . !!. MHa rrlnAmtf Wants cradle. nmiig - -v 00. cold and dnrk, and every now and then adath of rain beat against tho gotnic win. j . TKn in the crarden bowed to ,ha wind, their bronchos enraa sweeping millUSI .lit LMVIHVii'l - - " ..umnni i in snort. 11 was ' P . . iii. ..i:..1a Af tin. mnminn niclit in wmcn u suwuuh . l . I mn UnnliAllf fhnn vu more cotnuieio auu bwoL ' Madame Aubrey sat down on a wminwrtha fire, which by its sud. (Jen flashes, cast an uncertain tight overthe .,rtmnn. throwinff its antique carvings tod mouldings by turn Tnto brighter relief or deeper shade. Hue naa ner cnuuon usr lap, and had just finished preparing it or the cradle. She cast her eyes towards the alcove to see if the cradle was ready to re ceive its Utile occupant, whoso .eyes were alreadycloscd. . Just then the fire flashed up brightly and fhrew a strong light on the al cove, bf which the lady discovered ft pair of feet, cased in heavy nailed allocs, poop ing out under the curtain in front of the bed. A thousand thoughts passed through bar mind in an instant., Tber person hid dco there was a thief, perhaps an assassin, that was clear. She hud no protection, no aid at hnnd. Her husband was sot to re tarn till eight, at soonest, and it was- now enly half past si, What was to be done ! She did opt utter a single cry, nor even start from her scat. The servant girl pro.- bably would not have had such presence of a-TS robher DrobabiaWtoT4!!arclM main quiet where ho was till rgidnight and thro seize the money her husband was to brin? vith him. But if he should find be . ... .M, :j!v, . mA I was discovered, and that there was no one is the house but two women, he would not foil to leave his hiding place, and secure their silence by murdering them. Besides, might not the girl be the robber's accom. plica? Several slight causes of suspicion occurred to her at once, and all these re flections passed through her mind in less time than we tako to write them. She de cided at once what she would do, which was to send the girl out of the room. M Yoa know that dish my husband likes," said she, without betraying her alarm by the least change In the tone of her voice, "I ought to have remembered to have got it ready for bis supper ; go down stairs and ee about it at once." i " M Docs midam require my help here as he generally docsl" - . 7 - ' No, no, I will attgnd to every thing myself. I know my husband would be dis pleased if he was to come "home after his ride, in such bad weather , and, not find sup ' por rcady.n . .. : . .- '( After some delays, which increased in the lady's mind that suspicion, she was for ced to conceal, the girl left the room. ' The noise of her steps on the stairs died awav BTradlinilir nA M..m 4 ..1 lA .Iaiui , j pm ...liuuiii nuuicy noaiuiiuiiv ner cniw, with those feet, too, motion less at their post, still neenin? out under the c"!?in- - t kept by thq. firewhit herj Chllf nn ln. 1 . .... . 1 ' 'up, coDiinuing to caress 11, J" un? o it almost mechanically. The child cried, it wanted to be put to bed, but its cradle was near the lilcove and, near wpse dieadful feet how could she find courage to go near them 1, At last she made a violent effort Come, my child," - he and get up.. Hardly able to toad erect, she walked towards the alcove, cse to the robber. " She put the child in 'cradle, singing it to sleep as usual. We may imagine bow much inclination ahe bad to sing. : When the.child fell asleep he left it and resumed her wat by the fire. She did not dare leave the room :. it would arouse the suspicions of the robber, and of gin, probably his accomplice." Besides could not bear Jtho thought of leaving her child, even if it was to purchase her own safety. The clock pointed to seven. --An hour yet, a whole hour, before her hasband would come. Her eyes were fix. ed on those feet which threatened her with death at any moment,-with a fascination. The deepest silence reigned in the room. -Tbc Infant slept quietly. (We do. not know whether an Amazon, in her nlaee would have been bold enough to try a strug gle with the robber, " Madame Aubrey had no arms Desiues, sue had do claim to val or, but only to that passive courage found ed on reflection, which, is rarer of the two, Every few minutes she would hear a noise in the garden. . In that ooise. a ray of hope shone on her for a moment it was her husband, it was her deliverer! But no, it was only the wind and rain', or the shutters screaking. What an age every minute seemed to her." Oh t heavens! the feet moved ! Does the thief mean to leave T - a ' his place! .No. It was only a slight, pro-1 oaoiy invoiuniary movement, to ease him. self by changing his position. The clock strikes only once, it is the half hour only and theclockis'Too fast "besides niow mucn anguisu dxjw many silent, prayers in these trying minutes! She took up a book of devotion and tried to read, but ner eyes wouia wanqer irom toe page to ux upon those, heavy shoes. All at once thought arose that chilled her, very heart. Suppose her husband should not come. The weather is stormy, and he has. rcla tivesin the village be went to' Perhaps they have' persuaded him it was unsafe to A I ' I . f.i - , . iravei at nigni wiui so largo sum 01 mo. ney about him t perhaps they have forced him with friendly violence to yield to their invitations to wait till morning. It is atri king eightand nobody comes. - The idea we have alluded to, appears to be more and more probable. Alter two hours of such agony, the unhappy lady, whose courage had been kept by the hope of final rescue, feels her strength and hope foil her. She soon hears a noise under the window, and istens doubtfully. 11ns time she is not mistaken. 1 The heavy out door. creaks on the hmges, and shuts with clamor; a well known step is heard on the stairs, and a man enters a tall, stout man It is he, it is he I At that moment, if be had been the worst of husbunds he would have been perfection in his wife's eyes. He had only taken off his wet cloak and put away his pistols, and delighted at seeing what he mMtJpyes on earthopens his arms to em brace his wife. She elapsed him, convul sivoly.but in a moment recovering her self possession, put her fingers on her lips, and pointf to the two Icct under the curtain. If M. Aubrey had wanted presence of mind, he would not have deserved to be the husband of such a woman. He made a light gesture to show that he understood her, and said aloud, " Excuse nW, my dear, Jeft too money down stairs ; 111 be back n two minutes. .Within that time he re turned, pistol in hand. lie looks at the priming, walks to the alcove, stoops and while the fore-fiugerof the right hand is on the trigger, with the other hand seizes one of the feet? and cries in a voice of thunder, Surrender, or you're a dead man T He drags by the fee into, the middle of the room a man of most ill-favored aspect, crouching low to avoid the pistol which was held within an inch of his head. -He is lie eoDJcssed that the girl was his accom plice, and told him M. Aubrey would bring large sum borne at night, nothing re mains now but to give them over to the au thorities. Madame Aubrey asked her hus band to pardon them, but tho voice of duty is larger than that of pity. When Aubrey heard from his wife all she had gone through, he could only say, " who .would Jhave thousrht vou so courageous !" But in spite of her courage, she was attacked that night with a violent nervous -fever . and did . .not get over her heroism for several days. N, Mirror. Vaxieties of Flowers. There -are dispersed over the surface of the. globe pwards of 40,000 distinct species or plants which bear flowers ; and from the number of new species which have in comparatively recent times,, rewarded the abors of collectors, we cannot suppose that the entire number, or any thing ap- Droachinc to U is yet known, even to those best skilled in plants. The vast num- ber of flowers producing vegetable is vari ously distributed over the globe ; in its dif ferent regions according to its several lati tudes, climates and characters of soil. In this respect the usual estimate is.that there are upwards of 19,000 flowering' plants na- tives of the interior tropical parts ot Atner. ica. and consideraDlyTnore thanrB,1 tropical Africa. In Australia, and the nu merous Islands with;jvhichthe ex panse"of the-Pacific is- studded, either within the tropics or not very far without them, there are. about 5,000 species al ready known, though some of the largest and most tropical of those Islands have, been but imperfectly explored. Temper ate America, in both hemispheres contains about 4,000; temperate Asia about 2,000; and Europe, which lies wholly within the temperate zone, contains at least "7,000 distinct species of plants which bear flow ers. Well BtfaiEsouBD. A New York pa per ridiculinz the common practice of exon- e rating the drivers of vehicles from blame wben they drive over children, adds the ml lowing: Fifteen children were lately run over consecutively, inthjS'ttrfeet of a, wes tern town. No blame can be attached to the driver, as he says he was in a great hurry. to reach the steamboat landing with his passengers. Great credit is due to tne driver thai he did not turn out of his way to go over a number of children who stood in a side street An excelleat chlin aster. The Boston correspondent of tlie New York Journal of Commerce, tells tiie ..fol lowing capital story of ft N. York School. master, whose perseverance and fertility of resources, must nave mtca nlra for open tions on an extended scale ! r I heard one of your committees interfer. ins with a vengeance and turninir out a schoolmaster for committing enormities in tno way of illustrating his lessons. It an. pears that he had enlisted the feelings of nis pupils in natural philosophy, and tried to get somcMpnaratus. but was told do the teaching and leave the nonsense. But, no thing daunted, he got some apparatus hint, self, and told the boys if they would bring rum a mouse or two the next day, he would snow them tho etlccts of nitrogen gas upon them: The next day, camo in great wrath the committee, to reprovo him, because, forsooth, the boys, in their eagerness to learn, had been up all night trying to catch mice for their master, and disturbing their houses! : He promised to do better, but wlien he came to astronomy he committed a more atrocious crime for being deficient of an orrery, he took the bigzest boy in school, and placing him in the middle for the sun, told hi.n how to turn round and round slowly upon his axis, as the sun did; then he placed a little fellow for Mercury. next to him, then a girt for Venus ; then a representation of the Earth; tlien a fiery utle fellow for Mara, and so on, till be got all the planetary system arranged, and ex. plained to each one how fast be was to go, and haw, many times, to turn on hi buels as he went round in his orbit Then giving the signal, the sun com. mchced revolving, and away went the whole team of planets around him, each boy keep. ing his proper distance from the centre, trotting with the proper velocity in his orbit and whirling around in due proportion atr he penormea his revolution, it must have been a rare sight, and a lesson which the boys long retained : for do vou think, my dear sir, that John, who represented Mer. cury, would never forget that he had an easy time walking round the lubber in the centres-while Will, who represented -Her. schell, must hove been out of breath in scampering around his orbit ! , Bvt if the boys did not forget the lesson, neither did the master;-they danced, but he paid the piper; for, horrified, the com mittee dismissed him at once he had been teaching, for aught they knew, the dance of the Turkish dervishes. "T. 7 John Buhtas. Mr. John Bunyan was imprisoned in Bedford jail for the space of twuivo years, for preaching the gospel of esus Uhri8C. 1 o contribute something to wards the support of his family, consisting of his wife and four children, (one of which was blind,) he employed his time while in prison in making long tagged laces. It is iikejy that be learned this occupation duing his confinement, as Mrs. Bunyan observed before ihe justices, (wben they committed her husband to prison, that she had nothing support her chiJdrenJBUl what she receiv. ed from charity. nuTlrTiiirT habitual industry, and his strong affection for his family, which led him to work so many hours Tor such small earnings as were derived from this employment The respectability of his character, and the propriety of his conduct, appear to have operated powerfully onthe "mind of the jailor, who showed hiin much kindness in permitting him to go out and visit his friends occasionally, and once to undertake a jour ney to Liondon: asaiao ov reposing trust in mm. and committing the management of ine prison wuis retro. The following anecdote is told respecting the jailor and Mr. Bunyan. It being known to some of the persecuting prelates in Lon don -that be was often out of prison, they sent down an officer to talk with the jailor on the subject, and in order to find him out he was to get there in the middle of the night. Mr. Bunyan was at home but so restless that he could no: sleep ; he there. uitted ltn wjfgjlhat though the jail. or had given him liberty to stay till the morning, yet, from his uneasiness, he must immediately return. He did so, and the jailor blamed him for coming at such ah unseasonable hour. Jbany in tne morning the Messenger came, and interrogating the jailor, said, ' Are all the prisoners safqt" " Yes." " Is John Bunyan safe T" " Ye." w Let me se'Tiun." lie was1 Caltcd and appeared; and all was well. After the messenger was gone, the jailor, addrcsaing Mr. Bunyan, said," well, you may poui again just when you think proper, for you know when to return better than I can tell you." . Hope. We cut the following beautiful and graphic description of hope and its uses from the Detroit Spirit of T'O: - Hope is the great mainspring of virtue. It gives' action to all animate existence. It is the bread which feeds ambition, the incen tive to perseverance, the compeer to virtue, the shield to Christianity', and the only so lace to death. If itis blighted, the pilgrim ages of life is like a troubled sea we float down its dark stream like the tost mariner on the billowy deck. Aided py its cheering hpm the immortal mina lobks beyond time and anticipates the beauty of another and happier existence. The beauty of the rainbow vanishes in the storm, the meteor's flush is but a moment, be guttering gems of heaven will one day go out ; the sun him self be extinguished, but the star of Hope shines bcaotifur forever. L l' AMtber KeaatnlsceMce. A few days ago we published an inci dent which occurred at the attack of .Ston ington on the 10th of August, 1813. As the article has been copied by papers Whose good taste we appreciate, and as we have nothing more interesting to offer to our readers, we are encouraged to present to them another recollection of the same be eiod. -. After the fleet under the command of Sir Thomas Hardy bad been fairly beaten off Dy me littlo band or heroes at Stoniugton ; on the fourth day of the attack, finding that no impression could be made on tlie battery which defended tho village; and finding also that the militia of tho adjacent country had assembled in such force as would preveinTthcsstbithy of artandtng7 the Commodore withdrew his squadron from their inglorious attack, and moving up Fisher's Island Sound with bis whole force, anchored off tOro!n Long Point," nearly opposite tho mouth of Mystic river. and within about a milo of tlie shore. Gen. Isham, who commanded the force which had been collected, near Stonington during tne four days bombardment, immc diately on hearing that the enemy had an chored near the mouth "of a river where a arse amount of property Waa exposed, and where a defenceless population would be subjected to the incursions of the enemy, ordered tho 8th regiment then under the command of Col. Belcher, to proceed forth ith from their encampment near stoning ton, and take a position' at tho mouth of the Mystic river. The first battalion, consist ing of five companies, arrived at Mystic soon after the enemy had anchored. It was commanded by a gentleman who has since received testimonies of tbe regard and con fidence of bis fellow-citizens. Immediate ly after his arrival at the point to which he had been ordered, be met with Captain Simeon Haley and Capt Burrows, the former of whom had been one of that little bond who gained immortal honor in defend, ing tho battery at Stoniugton, and who will always be kept in grateful remembrance by such of his fellow-citizens as remember the war and its incidentstbeTlatTeTx'e be lieve also to have been oneof that brave little company ; but of this we are not as sured. These two gentlemen made an ar rangement with the Commander of the de tachment, which resulted in one of the most" brilliant little affairs of tho war. 7 In order that the arrangement may be understood by the reader of the present day, it is necessary to state that during the period while the British fleet infested the waters of tlie Sound, all communication by means of regular coasters was cut off, and that flour, pork, and other heavy articles of necessity were conveyed from place to place along the shore, by means of a kind of craft called " Vineyard Boats." loose Were generally very fast sailers were sharp at both ends like a .whale-boat, with a great breadth of beam, enabling them to carry about 25 barrels burthen they were generally navigated by two men only, and of course for safety depended on their speed Many of thosn hnnti jrer&Jaken from time to time during the war, with car- goes which were very acceptable to the blockading squadron. Captains Haley and Burrows had such a boat in readiness; and it was immediately arranged between them and the Major com manding the detachment, that they should place on board their boat so much" ballast as should give her tbe appearance of being deeply laden, and proceed out from the mouth of the river, as if bound westward ; and that if chased by aBrifisTTbarge, they uiiu iiib as snsM j mi k.-1 tv j i af a point agreed bny just oittBide the-en- -r - -...i.k. I trance or tlie river. I his being arranged and. the boat having started, Captain John Barber, a brother of the commandant of the detachment, who had by this time com municated the plan to Col. Belcher, his com manding officer, proceeded With thirty vol unteers down towards the place agreed up on ; .keeping the movements of his little band concealed from the enemy, by march ing through such woods and cornfields as could be intcqwsed between bis paTtyand the fleet, which was little more than a mile from the shore. The ruse succeeded e actlyas designed. AftcLpassinff out f the river, Captains Haley and Burrows kept close in shore, and made all sail to tbe westward, as if anxious to escape ob servation ; but , as they expected,' before they passed Avery's point, a loug black row-galley, shot out from the lee of one 61 the hips and pulled for them witbevejy assurance of getting a prize our friends instantly hauled their wind, and seemed to make every effort to get back into Mystic' river, but before they could reach i, they were cut off by the barge, and were' appa rently forced to beach 'heir boat, which they were careful to do at a spot which Capt Barber had indicated by setting up a little birchen wand over the brow of a sand ridge. Scarcely, had our two friends en sconced themselves behind the ridge, and the keel of the British , barge grated hard on the shore in hot pursuit, before thirty muskets levelled at the surprised crew, and before it could be prevented by their com mander, one division had fired. Of sixteen British, one fell dead pierced by seven bul lets; two were badly wounded, and the oth er thirteen, with the exception of their commander, a lieutenant or sailing mas ter, were floundering in tbe water into which they threw themselves to avoid a fire which came upon them so unexpectedly. Tbe moment tbe catastrophe was discover ed from the squadron, boats fully manned, were seen to put offjo the rescue ; but, before they could arrive to the help of their unfortunate comrades, tbe little company of militiamen had manned tho two boats, and, with the killed and wounded, bad, un der tbev pilotage of their gallant co-ailju. tors placed themselves within the protec tion of their fellow soldiers, who now lined the beach by scores, to witness and assist in tlie event ." , . - Mr. Stewart, late British Consul for Con necticut, Sic., a gentleman who regains a deep and abiding place, as well in rhe"afflc tions as in the respect and esteem of all who knew him, was on board the Ramillics at the time. He has since told our inform ant, tha, he was dining with Com. Hardy under an awning on tlie quarter deck, at the tirmr the boot waa sent in pursuit aud that tho Commodore had watched her pro gress until she touched the beach, when hearing the volley of musketry he seized a spy .glass. amLgazing earnestly for a mo ment, he turned to Mr. S., and remarkod. I " My poor lellows are 1 ankicd. It is worthy of remark, that after this event no coasting boat of tlie kind alluded to in tlie above sketch was attacked by the boats of the blockadiiigsquadron, but ever afterwards' were permitted to make their way along sliore witliout molestation. Pcople't Advocate. From the Army and Navy Chronicle.) Bauwlaa military Kevlew. It gives us pleasure to lay before our rca ders the following interesting mul graphic account, given by an olticcr of our army who was present, of a Russian military re view. ' " Four days of our time in' Russia were spent at the camp of Krasnoc Sclo, six teen miles from St Petersburg. Ou our arrival we were invited to ,assisjfthe ma noeuvers which would takeplace on the three following days. Accordingly, next morning we were presented to his Imperi al Majesty in the field ; then taken to the chapel tent, attended divine service with the Imperial family and staff surrounded by fifty thousand -military worshippers, rode uiruugu uiu uiiiciciu tamps saw mj iui. perbr inspect theTbflicera "of "regiinents,"and exercise those of the cavalry in riding, giv ing point, charging. &c. at full speed ; at-. tend the evening hymn and prayers at re treat, and went to bed to reflect Upon Uie novel and imposing ceremonies and exer cises of a Russian army in camp. 'Tlie next day was particularly' 'inter esting; all the artillery, one hundred and twenty-eight picwsJjeingin tlie field ma iHEUvering and firing at targets sixof tlie batteries being of horse artillery, and two of those being of twelve pounder guns, and twenty four howitzers, and drawn by eight horses each. The firing from this immense field train was indeed grand and the effect with round canister and shells, was destruc tive to tho targets, which we examined at the closef the manoeuvcrs. " The next day was a cavalry lav7in- cluding the horse artillery, and with them, amounting to fifteen thousand men, four regiments of cuirassiers, ourof jdiagobns; two hussars, two of lancers, (Cossacks) besides squadrons of Circassians, Persians ecc coc. - " The last day the whole army, of thirty- six thousand infantry, and cavalry and ar tillery, making over fifty thousand, were on the field at seven o'cloek, -A. M-and -the. Emperor commanding in person, com menced and executed a scries of splendid mameuvers, brincinirtbe entire force into action anil dect(fingthe-fiiiiinagiriaTeJ bat4 o j i f.u. iiw.,nn,i-.irnc;r.r n7;;zriwTopet-heHtwt )-irWrl would-tal four tlKHi.sandcuirasisiers. TlK: manoeuvcrs commenced by sending in advance skir mishers of Cossacks, who being attacked, kept up a spirited fire, and by tlieir bugles asked for reinforcements. Lancers were despatched to their aid, and tlie enemy, tern porarily checked and driven back. In turn, this advanced party was repulsed, hd re inforced by some regiments of dragoons; the infantry regiments (three thousand strong each) meantime all in motion from different points toward the scene of attack. As the regiments arrive in column ol attack they deploy, form line of battle, and sup port tbe cavalry, which fall back, or fight on the flahksTThe attack finally becomes general along tho whole line of two miles, the infantry firing, 'changing position, charging the horse artillery establishing hatti-rif with Ihe rapidity of Iigl aaJ-rY and hurlina its thunders at tlie enemy in. fine stylei The reserve at length is brought forward by the Grand Date MicfiaeT,Tbrcns in column of attack in the rear of the first line, which retires through the intervals of the new line ; the reserve charge with the heavy cavalry, and victory is the result of four hours incessant and most splendid ma neuvering. The morning was a most beautiful one; the troops (all Imperial Guards) in their finest condition he twen ty thousand horses on the field, all picked, choice, high-bred animals the artillery new, with green carriages and burnished guns, glittering in the sun like gold. The brilliancy of tbe curisses and herolcts and Russian eagles, and polished arms, the plumes of all colors, the four or five bun. dred musicians with their brijrht brass drums,' trumpets,- and - horns the pictur esque Cossacks and Circassians, and their little fleet, long tailed horses, looking like so many Pawnees all formed a scene ex ceedingly beautiful and imposing. A re view followed the maiXBurers, the regi ments filing off before the Emperor in col-! e k..J.l ' ' TO YOUNC MEN A WARNING VOICE. A late writer in the Knickerbocker draws in the subjoined brief sketch, ft revolting picture i Yet how many young men are chasing gilded butterflies, things of a day! How unaccostomed to tbe world, to that of heartless and false doll of dress, hose every word is for effect, and every thought a desire for admiration; who can sac. rifice domestic pleasure, and follow fashion and vice vice of thouglu who lives only in crowds, and is mwerable alone who lores pleasure supremely, takes a husband for house and carriage, and caters matrimo ny fur the liberties it allows her. There are such women the idlers of the ball room, the belles of the watering places. They enjoy butterfly eek-brityj and then decay early in mind and body, victims to fasliion or worse. What thoughts must lin. ger around the bosoms of such women on their dving beds as they think of their nc glected" God ! Young men knew not what they follow, as they glide on in the wako of the syren of the dance. They are tho false lights which meteors hold out to draw the tumbling ships upon tbe rocks. .They lure us on with music and the pattering of tiny feet and jewelled fingers and false smiles and false hearts ; and when the vic tim is caught, like the vicled prophet, they' display tlieir awful hidcousness. No, no ! Love is found in a gentle heart It dwells" not amid the riots of pleasure, it dies in tho glare of splendor and cannot live in a heart devoted to dress and weak follies ; is mora matured in quietness than loud applause or the world's praise. Give me tlie sharply defined feelings of a young and timid girl, and I leave you the professions of the gaudy coquette. Give me the beaming glances of a liquid eye, and I yield the -bright and flashing biaze oftltc proud beauty to others. Jo.tEs riTE-XTLxuf CAxnrnfE On,. For several evening's past, our (OjTice lias been lighted by a newly invented lamp, supplidd with a new kind of fluid, called. Camphine Oil, and as far as tlie experiment' has been tried with us, we can say that it well answers llic purpose intended, giving a. ciearam nrrtnant 'tight, witaout smoKe r- ttnpbasant smell, ami,- from- tbe cheapness of tlie article, think it well calculated to become of general use. Messrs. - William II. I tack us ox Co. are the agents, who have, established a manufactory in this city, and are ready to supply any orders that may be given iliein.CAar7cto Courier. Thb Phtsiciaji. The life of a physi cian is a life of contradiction He is slan dered, abused and derided ; yet be is sought wiiiT&riStyrudtry'tccencd "into the bosom of families. His opinion can blanch thacbeek, or suffuse the eye wjlh tears of joy ; and his lips are as closely watched as if from tliem proceeded the issues of life and death. He Uvea by the woes of others; and while he would starve if constant ' health were the attributes of our race, be is endeavoring to banish sickness from among men, "white success in his avocation - would ruin bun forever. Hens always eti gaged in a war against his own bread and butter. BoNPABTE.4-Some curious anecdotes are told of the dethroned Emperor, whilo John Bull was his' jailor, on the Island of St Helena. lOri one occasion he was ra ther merry at the expense of the Captain of a British 50 gun ship, who was introduced to hint A ftrr enquiring minutely about his , weight of metal, ic , the ex-emperor in- ' quired, " What chance would you stand of aJPraicbIirVThe Captain replied. " if . . j . a - -. i open-hcr lower p-rtT-he : akehejv not other w ise. 7 low long, continued the imperial captive, " do you think you would be in taking a large frigate T Do you mean French V inquired Hie Captain. No, American, replunl Bonaparte. The Captain hesitated the Emperor laugh, ed heartily and took bis leave. The Alfie Hobx. The Alpine Horn is an instrument constructed with tho bark of the cherry tree, and which, UkC a speak ing trumpet, is usjmi to convey sounds to a great distance. When the last rays of' the ' sun gild tlie summit of the Alps, the shep herd whoklwclls highest on those mountains fakes his aiorn and cries aloud, ' Praised be the Lord!" As soon as j he is heard, tlie neighboring shepherds leave tlieir huts reneatintr these words. Tbe sounds Inst many niinuti i ; fiirercjyjEiAooXtijcjun- tains and grottos of tlie rocks repeat Ian name of God! How solemn tlie scene ! Imagination cannot picture to itself any tiling more sublime. The profound sile'icu that succeeds the sight of those stupen dous mountains upon which the vault of heaven seems to rest every thing excites the mind to enthusiasm. In. the mean while tbe shepherds bend their knees and pray in open air, and soon after, retire to their huts to enjoy the repose of innocence. . Temperance Gazette. Maxtxs. A knave may get an honest man for a day ; but more than tho honest man gets most by tho year. Pobcy is a near neighbor to cheating ; the way from the one to the other is very slippery. It is a poor thing indeed to have religion enough to save our credit ; but not umugh to save our souls. Do nothing without foresight or forecast: a little wariness prevents much weariness. What's done iu a hurry L done by halves; hence that saving, Take time, and you will have done tbe jooim.' : . ' - : i V - "