&i3H JU 11! Ill 111 f!l HI III W-Jif 4,1 IN III j III III m 4a.v' .eV I M I rTi I I -. Hay IU III jk IlryViTiXr. Iilxi . Nroirv " -; - mm . - - - mmmM u t ! i i . i e i via si e i aw s asi i - m a-aa p m. i. nt. a w mr "v -as-" i -a -. " arv i 1 . t v sts. .-- s . "-'i ..,--,..!- -a a r jr mm aa m w ii i a a a e l a m w a a a m ' - " ' i i v-" -a i a ai a - m aa -i -rat. a, --fata tataa. a a7 a : a mm . . -is t. i I 1 i t r ASIIE1LLE;? jNtJIira (UROralFBIIY; MORMg FEBRUARY 19,1841. ; NUMBER 4 "J i "Tli585 i i 1 ' trf" HI . r T. .lMrttdl OM-' ffTKi-! ntil a MTeontw w Jtu. bort i prt io the celebrated battle of the .Their depredation, eiteixlinff from Gor. Indwnii were defeated wiih conidert- on the whole of this extensire frontier, life u.v.y.. iU umwiiw, h wwuewnii aoa property were insecure. ' The govern. James Robertson and Col. Valentine Se- menu of N. Carollnaand Virrfn? 7At,. Tier (Uieo boUi nonornmissipnedf officers) mined to- wake nothef Tigorous effort m"j" b uiuir Tigtiuucc so. Tigorous as far as I heir circumstances and tlvitTi and brerert qualities for which means wruld vrflilf M-IW .t '"..k. -.hWMsr) ni "T'- .T. ,k. .-.:l..T J:...: si.j i . I. ? , . , . . J. " .Vtt wiD kemierted x una i ,vr.Uvumi U'""KUU,,1CU "f-.l raisea a lorce or one tnousand men under raaTwtT41 contests with the Indians a Ten. Ool. Ean Shelby, and regiment of twelve rpmi in-ruo , - " ' ra,se - n OTn,e w" ""g"" month's men under the command of Col. mccpiii r , . i j , " l j j .iM, irfuiin .Tionigomery. inisiorce was order 7:"'7" " iireMingM!a io proceea against the Indians. It is the depredations of tho Indiana uoul July, I worthy pf remark, ttat nearly the whole sentativea, declared themselves 7wdepD. I were purchased upon individual moons dent, pledged their lives, fortunes and ia biliiv. and fhrmmh th Wnnn.! .rri!rtn. treu jionor wroainiuio uieirinaepenaenco. lot Isaac Shelby, late Governor of Ken rniscLLANEOua ;vf Trm um Weitera Meworer.) tiaaes la l'ennes. il '- mir eves over the treat vol UrfSie We3t,-waHM by tbcMiasiMippi The war pf r now assumed tucky, whose active patriotism waidUplay. and their tributary streams, our uch an aspect, that the British government 'eliunnfC'the' 'tryfog' scene of the fevohV r.cirrfed back to that period when did not hesitate, through their emissaries, tion, and in the border warfare of that pe .T. . wilderness.' Inhabited by a to sstii up the Indians to renewed hostilities riod.aa weU a durinir tfa&laie war with I.!!:, savage race, to whonf the arts of upon the frontiers acting bpon the maxim j Great Briuin, when the, gallant Johnson i,iioaero unknown, and whose prin- that it had the right to employ- the means j triumphed upon the Thamesl ;The army ink oceaifrtfoB were war nno nunung. t w mv vw uu umuia iwu put uuv ii own i asseniDiea at toe mouth; of iiig j Ureek in ftViMalt the deeds of our " pioneer fa. nonas, , .A , trh j ... rt; , I Tennessee about 4 mile from where the 'andfoourtmaeiBBiionsropreseiiica i uucuw ujr uniuu -gcui. uamcu i town oi ttogersvwe now stands, about the i .ifa iIm ditTifuIties and dansers I Cameron, the Cherokees. then a powerful tenth of Anril. Havlnir mA n tkp.r lit . , ; A WV'UI" ' " I . . - ... . t T- , m W -- Ljf encountered before they efTorted a per. tribe, prepamf for war, but thoif mtenrton preparations they descended the river in Jtnt foothold, and efiinyed unmolested was happily frustrated., ' About the first of canoes and, pirogues, with so much cauiloD t!Kmlort of home.-By their cnurnge July, three men namely, Isaac , Thomas, and celerity, that they completely surprised .) iKrsVoranee, they surmwnieo every i "nam mwiy, nnu onu Aiuoneanip, wno um enemy who Bed in every direction with- otattcld. sod the fruit of their enterprise had resided several years omong the Cher- out giving, battle, , Tbey were, however, mtaw displavwUn the populatirtti fcnd okees, left Jie jjation and making their hotly pursued, and about forty wer slain, wenlth of the countrytli Its vast way to the White settlement, communicated Their towns were burned, their corn des. nftiuietw re in a state of rapid oWlop- j informatlo that twelve hundredTwarw troyed, and their cattle- driven Thia . tJ,trv and entcrpris aided hi riors.wore armed and equipped and ready victory disoersed the Indian fore-. and for ,unwt -"J.. . .. I. i nt. j I . " MiWtrtied wpslation.are calling ronntts w morcn ngninsi uw iroouers. meoepar. some timg gave peace to Tennessee, and PW.w)M,ndthoprrtphetin declaration that tufe of those meo eaused the Indians to opened a communication with the. scttle 'Mtsardthestnrof rmpiretoka hs way" postpone their march for two weeks, which ments in Kentucky. Although for some i.dwncint to iti fulfilment.1 tide of Pe time to the white t prepare for their I years after, the war was freauently renew. Jtniipttion forcing itself from the wbrni reception bt the const rucuon of forts, and cdr the tide of emigration continued to Joutliwhof the east, and that region which, I other means of defence, and at the same swell : the permanency of the settlements Infewvearsaffo.waidennmfnateatne'Mar "n". i" companiea irom rrasningion was secured, and in the year 1788: Ten JWest, and was regaraed ai tne outsKirts . irRmia, unucr ue comma bu oi nesaee was abitted into the Union. 8 wilirttion, is now the residnnceof anf L-aptainAjamea 7lltompwn and William I sovereign and independent Stale. a iietirc, induMrions, and enterprising popu- t icke, and one company from what is now , Since thai period, she has continued to titioa. Ciueshaverisenupasirby mngiC, eaiieo ouiuvan county, lennessee, unoer advance In prosperity, and now occupies a p temiore, science, ana tne arts, are ex. i wapww ohcivy, uniuumiug wgeuier w on i aistinguished position among Jier sister timtth(iilaiidJnv(fariinir in.J hundred and aeyenty-eix men. marched to-IRitP Ttmi h Vluenee throuirhout the country, and the! wards Long Island, in thetrotston; for Ibe t is the srdcere wish of 011a taTifkiAilfirfH I .. 0 - . .. . ' I," .L! .1 : i I .- . . - . I tms sanner or etvu ano religious treeaom purpoao-m wmcmug me mouons oi inc en. i tiom still linger round the scene that were hetery where displayed, inviting tne poor I eroy. f mm wicv u;iu arnveo wiuiin a one tanuuar and are still dear to him. vt imeppressedto taseineiter under Its am-1 nine m . in iiBuu,ury niei tnuMDS aooui i .j , , , r W. T. I Is folds.' Brirfif and trloriou "are the! eight hundred in numbers advancing under I NorK.--.Tha (acts stated in the brMn. fcrospcctsof the vaUey of the West M On. j the command of DrapginjtCanoe. a daring I jng article are taken from the papers of one jwu, stuionwara, most oe its iriumpnant I eipcnencea cniei. no iodum reiy i who bore a disunguished part in the pro. birch V-Blessed wUKtaoU onsnrpaased in h1g upon their superiority of qumbei's,' did J ceedings of tlie times, and filled the hiehest rtiiity tod a salubrious climite. and no. I aot observe their tiwisJ eautloiv hot rushed I office io the State of Kentuckv. the lata tossing, oy means oi lis great rivers, irtl- I uw nopea oi suucipsira vicwry npoa rests sdrsatageslbr trade and commerce, I their antagooiats tn great disorder. . The aiiBtrereihs fripse of many yean, rival I result proved that the " race is not always pt oiaer omtea Deyona jtne mountains, in f tne swill, or tne battle to the strong. my thin that caa render a country pros-1 Both parties engaged band to band, but i ; s a '-am a i . - m '-' a reus, sua a peopw nnpny. .'liiis is not ai lew minutes aecided the battle io favor or Governor Shelby.' i ... From the Muaee City Ezpraaa. .. r Ceaaaawat wcheels. jThe education of the great mass of the OAmmiinltti la In tkia mmhiIm mt h)i!m Mf pniuvian niniiswiaai ukj WUIIHIa'IIUIW " wwivw HMiin vf sniUw sviw rM IIIiTHMl imfJflroil1L V' i , , T !f i eltitea f the west, f Natore has pro. killed the spot, the rest fled in great ; jt is no longer a questioa with either the Iw'med iu destiny she ha stamped it in eonfusion seeking refuge "among The hills statesmen of our own nation or with those baracterstoo plain to be misunderstood, nd mountains. , The other "division of the f the nations of tha old mrU nmi prrow-miDded legislation, and a niggard Indian force, consisting of our hundred j where the people are held in the most ab JioBcy, may for a while retard, but nothing warrior, attacked the fort at Sycamore J servitude, whether it would be better r..Upi.cui iKviuinuiu no vj uioi gictw-1 r-'. -.e" v ,' ,rr," -v I ,or nauon to grow up in ignorance, or nM. ktj.k ILim ik. k... J I twvf Mn anil Shhip jlioed it to attain. ;.; ? : s t , . -in I ..fThua ended the invasioa pf the Cbcro. I Attn early period of our national exist. I kees. to lbe great disappointment of ynoeWtwunmrsoiiahorlldTilhnate-of JTeoaesKe atiracted the notice of adventu. I sue, and that the whites would be compel! Jwlla 1771. durini our colonial denen ideace, several settlements were made north ed to abandon the country jTCot withstand-1 education. mg their defeat in these two tostances, the have nd education a good a i possible to be procured by the people., .( . ;-ii:;t 7, The United States i arcountrr- where the great mass of the pjoJftJiavejtJalbeit power to obtain tne elements ot a common M Hobtoo river, in that part of Tennessee Indian led on by British agent continued I ccivea instruction is the one whfc pick sow includes the countiesof Sullivan J to harrass the frontiers, and in consequence be cherished by every lover of I The source from whence Ibis mass' re. which, should f"4 Hsomesetdemert-weteal3oof.4h the common schools i"nue looniinfl aaitMiimA amith nrtiw rivp i v irmnia ana lionn varouna. in tne lau oi i r k i , T . v. ... - w rt . - . 1 v. .ira V UIIWI fum -pioneers-wno thus.dventuredwereJ iMPraiseq ajorcooi oeiween i two ana i There is much room for improvement in llfflDflu . iMm u . Lt. w I IhHM thfUiMiiri man frt. h. nifPrVM.. at I . . - ' 1 , - r vuiiun. nnuuucu " 1 r I - I- I UUr IIBKIII UI GUIIUIIUa BCiMJOIB. Utl IIM I wniwT soove menuonea properly oe. i wcsinj; ukj iueni wwus. , ui rmy i attention of community should be aroused ,ws non Carolina, the settlers north was ptaceu uooer ino coinmaoa oi vxwouoi to importance of the subject One , -- ..w.i.mi ngiccu imiHig incnnennsiviii "-" v 1 Ereai error in me scnoois in tne united ITfl Inlm m . . : " . . a Sal ' I k. 'V. BUI. . I 7 . h. . ... . .. 1 ' irsinia. ana no zovernea ov I wuuiry. iw iireiuOT uu iuV uui rc- Ntatas. reneiiv. is tne liOMfiri df-ahiiaw. i. "" m weii ioc piwecuon a:nst tne i ycreu iruiii urcrucicais .uvuk i raonv. . .t i naiiu. . . ... 1 I .a a , 1 -. . . I I t I . . .. . muiub aumeious ia a as ot norse i wo ujwuium Buuaw, tuunr wh uc 1 . ii I. utterly imnossibie to make a so hoi iDo otner marauders, who infested orougni to a general action ana mey at arofaoy person until that person thorough. IiC h i 8c,Uel ' 'f0Uth peace, ine proposuions y understands how to spell, for that is the r '"'' cousiaerea Worth vsrouna a I to oury inc KMuuuawai were i.isivueu iif uy iQudatioo of- all. i i"re,n otate or colony, but they were w. vnnstian, ana u was agreea mat a x person might as well pretend toschol. inl . " f lbcir owd making. treaty new ne ensuing epnog. I afship who does not know the letters of QHga they acknowledged separate ju- Owing however to the opposition of Drag the alphabet,, as not to know how to use Inactions, they, were united by common I King (no Wlwae. voice was still forjihem.t. i . 'Oterest and ' fnr miilifnt Anfc..... .J iU Iwnr " iKn tnat wn ntvttnnneA until S I l;r. vl' ' J:l . I li i " - UVK LC. Hull UIOI " ' -J " . .. , B 1 IMMMCUIllHimHrJMII. fUHMU ..! .... I- - T .1 t I. . ' I r "uiiun in inif iAii .Hi.H.u .r i pmii nv . lmnvr. I ill. rpjuaaM 11 ill i wh r a ; . .1 i . . I . M.. . , " I ... . ..... --a ' I - , .R-V.T .C .' "8 permanent setttementa tn wtwii Mte cniet. removea witn tnree or tour nun i nni f iho firm r.r.nrinL hut hn o enerav s country, ineviu" iHwiuinuiuui.iuriunw, I are otherwise men 01 resm.-ctable attain eTUAllnlAMJ 1 ji. . .. ' 'I. .a .... I L ! .1. m - I . mo aort. : j?. ... .. I : i. r -I .mi uTcivmne a mcu ies. wn cn ikww. -ir . .win,., .jj . v . naw eommeflCMHmmVisno tnev nave nntva.J . . . . : . 1 -v. . . . - I . o ' Tpoim i nrn a mnal in.i..n...i.l. . - I I .1.- l.a... r T it,, k.... .U. u ..iu.. n.. Hi ivm iinui IIIUUUIUUlCi I 111 UIU, AU'lr Uail..U iUUC) .flf IIIC 1 WTDr ivuic w a.. ."lllU ilia. VIIVI, 1 110 Settlements on both ir)p nf thn Ifnt. I rUmlM. autr,Mo1 tn t nnmlior nt 19. I atirl wn thov f A livA "Irt tlvt nd (.f tifrw d wreaiicu-vv ine aeeeasinn i or lauu at irent lsiana. ine nince nnnnint. i inev wouia never oecoma even loiemo e kiuuib. noiwit mIjiihIiiip IImiv44 Trtii tWtlrliniTfhnMitv - I h .rAvorn. 1 arhnlara. unlma Ihev relraeo tnolr steiM wir rovim n. .1. r. . . . .1 .... . " . . .1 . ' . - " .t . - . aviibiviiunra nil, 1n 1771 ami. I ah. .iirlit hunMil militia IA h. Mamhl.'vrf I uihef vfta.uiM ,miM raflu. rfi. ttfhnl f-rfn ' J 1 ww. . . . . . , villi- iimi Kigm Humiiau aaaaaaaiw v IN , iwauiiiuiww I . .... huhw w.ai.w, w. . -a vv .. . v . M tn Kiut ir w"Hucuw ui i ai iiin saiuw pH.o, ftu yrucr, ujf auiopiuv tn I irmn carciu!Hici, uf uuii.v vuivi wiusc uiu .invu ciiun. At IKn vi.. A ...... i r. . .n a a . I it i a... n . . n .( n - .L . i va lira ulfBWIiOT aiiU I HiruG IU UTtlOTIQ illQ lUUIUIlB. UUU OlftvfU I Uwll K.1 UIIUUIIV. oer. nastiia t.;k , .t. ... i . . . . . . . I , . . . ....... i " . iLTva. . woa nMuiti-Ata1 aa mr I nw.ff.4M1r... tn tnA PiwimiiuiniviN unra ivprf. I a n1 tha nrv.'rMir.n find In iiwir ftnnmp m Ha t van . ' . - , r-r.".- . z - . , r : . i . . : : . 03Dreda " "v vuiuimiuDg;. .numerous uois.: Averyjin iiLAuier, aou major in-i do it oaiu ) ure larirum ucing irec truui mra m''-r'-'A9lamiva lhc P"rt'P Worth. Uarounaand j defect m the education or their memt)ers. ... mj .era nnh ilUMu..Hu. PA . fV.n.;.n l'r.tlAHnn .nrf ll'.m. Uh.lLv 1 11ui I lUi.h. .tiltf I .illirt I .rfMsIr nnrl .--t -w-viu iu vuifmo cun.' VWVIJMf'lui..llc,wllH"l U'BU Wllbiuj 1 A IK T 1 1.11 ICI uaira uuj ifin. yiw.iimvi 1 ,wnawui nj .. : i: . : . i i i . i m an a . ' . f i . i . . a. : i . i woie Kn ""wirincing ine lives oi i on toe pan ot v irginia. v lreaiy oi peace I me moaorn languages, wihio .ni mo oumc v 1II1I1I1IM A.n.A kl I .1 1 1 . .....!...l.. . . a. . . . . . L. . .iMM iKm .. . . . .n rt. iumum mnvi I' nnl..n m..-jH av va.ttug iiuiu liidr I whb uiiuiiy uirciuutri 111 auuiwi, iul iircu 1 iiiira viict urn ft'fl iiuiii va.jtijc cwn wutiiBu -iMiucruuaaaannii. - i .... " . .. - I .. .... . ...-..- I -.l i ..-.l ru -r . .. - i was tne conamon ot xne country in conse. I scnoiars. a way wwa auuia svsiem oi laa IL: I . w . 1 .- W - - - . A 10 this state of thing the government of oucnee of the revolutionary etruggle r and I education. unDagaioa, th hostile tribeshe command bt the frontiers enjoyed the blessings of one from the study of the classics far from which tfr. s . n . . .1 ; a. . i . - ... I !. . i . i . . .l . iv..4U..t. t. ...tt t.4" :M aa. vivpn ... -.i . -- . : maim mix 2. annn 1 1 nu. not one who would discourage any ti the study of the classics far from it; but let. the foundation be well laid in oco-operate j0 this expedition, upon the , Whilst these evenWwere passing, Drag- h English la ngu-ige in the first place, or T?? oi hJch,io a great degi depcii-Jpng Canoe, whose enmity to the whites n the buildur will be ohliged to stop to -a sin bub rutit .aa . i r . . 1 . - sacrifice of would have iiicanTf4w m .... r . . - I . . . - . i. . I ...... : a. i a..: m a n n. w I HO llTMlUOr atMtbnifnta 1 miw a nmhoiwrl ttraa not inartitni . afirl I uuucroin uiuiuujk. aiiu m -pt-TSvaa Shelby raised a COmtMtlV nf fif. I rlitrtnfli tha nnrlT7A Manarre tnnnn-fniv. I time and labor, RbOVO what H ft.iZ? L1" ,haL Pt Tentieseo tailed siderably liwreased in numbers he fre-eotHja the first place. m .1 .na.'1 Carter eountiea. They set qtiently barrassed the frontier by hi ore. . A merchant who would write coflbe, iath. ljL . Te1tfVtb, of August, aird datory incursions, and many of the white kauphu, or the professional roan, whether fell victims to tha tomahawk and scalping I lawyer,- physician, orclergymsn, who can lrnitf ' Tn ftu. K.rrinnnW aiU. anaaatrlTTfl I nr.. .fa.11 htm ornjft. af aa If. Km nrvfAratOod. .. . m ataa ..iiiii aj UH aDai . . v, a aaa.a. mw viih -f. aw -. lt a . w . U. this warlike chief could number nainoogsi byJbArsr, it is sach a hi followers upwards of one tbousand was-1 ha aot bsen overdrawn, aod if aAer thi good thing toJ.no whot ought to l done, riorsfromalmceteveiytr aay ondoabtcafce.tubj d to U ai toe proper time ! wthe beginning of SenAeinber. formed XZIZV CoL CZn an New river. and ring-Mrft aubsequenUv. b more brilliant animated their deseendanta k into printing-oflice and apell out oroe of too advertisements that are sent to be pub- If a a ..a a. . iisneojana no will be convinced. Lfet ey ery obe get a good an education as he can, put not neglect the rudiment of bis native tongue to study foreign languages, which at beat can be, of comparatively but Ititle use to mm in the common pursuits of life. The interest manifested in the hie-h schools of the country, such a 'colIct?es j . . . . '.' . . . . ana seminaries, with imposing titles, and chartered privileges, far exceeds thamken in commoa schools ; but it ought not to to o. : i. If the wealthy, who ' are able ta send their children away from home to" be edu cated, and fake no interest in the 'common schools around, they will mo3t probably be disappointed, for t is most likely they will get an education- which, u httlc or no better than they could have procured at home, and for a trifle of the expense. Let common schools be elevated in char, ncter, and let competent teuchers be em. ployed, and a sufbeiehf number of assist. ants, and then the excuse for sending scholars from homo will fall to the ground. Colleges, academies, and seminaries should all be supported, but not to the exclusion of the common schools. There is an error with regard to young men designed for business men, but which ought to be avoided, which, is the neglect of a proper English education to learn Lat io. . No matter how much they learn, but letjhem first attain knowledge of the branches which they arc obliged to use dai ly, when they go into business, and after that, let them become as learned as Lord Brotgham if time will permit. There should be an increased attention to common schools in Ohio. We have a tolerably stood school fund, (thanks' tc the surplus revenue,) and if that could he applied faithfully and to the best advantage, together with a tamair tax on the people"; ft condition of things could be brought about, wlu'ch would be an honor to the state. ' ' . : i But tlie change must commence with the people ihamselvcs-thoite who are directly nte rested to give their children good edu cations. ' Let them take this matter into their own hands and see to it that it be done. Let them attend to it as strictly as to their farms,' or stores, or shops ; and then their schools will prosper, but to how many will the charge come with force, that they " care for none of these things.". Again I say, see to your common schools, show by your presence that you take on interest in them : cherish them by every means in your power, for from them is derived, the great mass of education in our country. Do this and they will flourish, but leave them to themselves to take what direction whim or caprice may chance. to give them. neglect them and they will languish and die. From Abbott Family at Home. - i Accidents. . . In a world like this, where accidents are continually occurring, every person should cultivate such habits of presence of mind, as will enable them to know what to do them selves, insleod of depending upon other JKPPle In case of an accident by water, the greatest security is in lying still on the back till assistance can arrive ; and by strng. giiogin their fright, people only hasten their sinking, aud greatly increase the dif ficulty and uncertainty of rescuing them. I once read a very pretty letter I received from a young lady at a distance, thaoking a gentleman for having taught her this Ies. son, and saying that, throuch the mercy of God in preserving to her presence of mind to act upon it, her life bad been saved when she waa opt$ in a boat on the Thames where the water was twenty feet deep. She caught bold of a pole that was thrown to her j bat the stream was very strong, was whirled down it at a very rapid rata. With great difficulty she managed to keep her face oat of water ; for her bonnet filled slipped. off . her. bead Jh u ng and iJ'c)ij me a terrible weight round her neck; but she knew that very means of assistance would bo afforded her, and that her only hnpe was in keeping herself quiet and composed. The goodness of the Almighty enabled her to do this ; and after floating about twenty minutes on he back, she was taken out aud restoted to her friends, who had witnessed he accident, and altogether dispaired of her life, A poor lad watt once fishing on the tow. ish-path of a canal t somo barge horses. came up, and the boy not getting out of the way in time, was carried by the barge rope into the stream. It was some minutes be. fore he could get out, and the by .slanders concluded lie was gone past all hope.- then soma were for holding the body up by the heels to let the water run out, and some wanted to roll it on a cask, or to rub it with salt; but a gentleman present had sotne rules, printed on a card, which, he said, came from the royal Humithe ""Socie ty, in Lfondon, set up on purpose to find out and practise I lie best method of doing things ou these trying occasions; and these rules be strictly followed. He caused the lad to be placed in a warm bed, and had him gently rubtx-d with warm cloths and fluniKli,epcwUf tui.the k'lly and chest i when,. py.thescnns,JthMK Larly one morning, as a gentleman was at work in bis garden, the clergyman's footman came ruuniug, o e great flight, and begged to borrow a horse to fetch tlie doctor to his master, who had taken a dose of wrong medicine, and was in a most dan gerous stater fwo-htals. same size and color baa been sent over Bight; one was a caught to be taTe nearly in the morning ; the other containing a f-uaaulyeJT Ul a""K u"u "- " WVU BVIH VllI II . I amno, aua mo iw miinio-aicomiuna. bie sleep. .All this took place before the composing medicine, of which only a few drops were to be taken at night. ' Theser- vaut-wba-adminLatcrcq the medicine, either could not road, or neglected to read Ihe 1.1 bel, and gave the wrong' medicine, the whole of which his master swallowed, be. fore tbe mistake was perceived ; and a no one in the house knew what should be done tbe only resource was to send for tho doc tor ; 'as he lived three miles off, soma time must needs ejapse before he could arrive. The gentleman readily lent the horse, and then hastened himself to the parsonage. io found the clergyman sinking into a stu por, and perceived that inn very short timo he would be too fur gone to take any thing.. So, not having a propper emetic at hand, Jie got a .large spoonful of flour of mustard,' which he mixed iu a glass of vine. gar and then suddenly dashed two or three basins or cold water at tlie patient s head. This aroused him a little, and lie was pt r- suadedlu awullow the uiualsrd and vinegarvf hich soon made him very sick ; and then i ho principal danger was over. When the doctor came, he, of course administered the proper medicines ; j but he said live cure would have been hopeless, if nothing had been attempted before he arrived. In like manner, presence of miqd was once the means of saving the life of a poor man, weo fell over a hatchet, and cut his leg io a dreadful manner. It burst out a bleeding at such a rate, as if all the blood would flaw out of his body in a few min utes; but a gentleman who was standing by, took a fold of linen, dipped it in vine gar, bound it round the wound, and then tied hi handkerchief firmly over it, taking care to kep the edges of the cut closely to gether. L Then he had tbe.tpan carefully lilted into a cart, nnd so placed that the foot was higher than tha knee, and so he was carried away, to a surgeon, tt tne bipod had been left flowing, tbe poor man would have bled to death before be couia ouglily dry, and somewhat warfldT ho had! it put into a warm bath for five minutes. If th'-rc had not been hot water at hand, he .... T . saidlhat brewers graines would answer lite same purpose; or hot sand, or ashes out of a bakers oven, or even hot bricks, Or bladders filled with hot waterapplied to lbe feet, hands and armpits; or flannels wriinj out of liOlwatcr, anitchanged-as they begin to cool, I. is a good maxim, "If you have not got at hand the very thing you wa nl,nt.istehe " What a pit v ! but think promptly of the next best thing that is at hand." After the warm bath, tiie body was again put into the bed, thoroughly heated. All the time of thus trying to restore warmth to the body, the bellows were applied to one nostril, the other nostril and the mouth being kept cl Jsc shut, and a gentle pressure was biado- oh the chest ; thus the lungs were made to let out and take in tho air, as they do in natu ral breathing. After a long time, and when almost every body gave it "up for a last case, tbrenpneared some signs of lanaih:.ifl Thn n"trill.. tyre then gently touched with a feather dipped into ua I vol atile; this made the poor fellow sneeze; ffierubbi ngwar hen -coot iiiued sonwL 1 ime longer nnd as soon as the lad could swallow they gave him a - little warm wine.' by a'l itpouiiful at a time, nnd continued to do doctor arrived j for he lived three miles off, and, when sent for, he was gone out in one direction, and his assistant iu another; so iLnalMrig had been done till their arrival, man-servant got the family safely out of the ,. window, including a poor .old woman, who ' waa bed ridden, and who, as every body concluded, must perish in the flames. . The house was not very high, to be sure, but the danger was great, on account of the thatch, ed roof; and hod not some one been at. hand, to take an active part, and to direct others,' the family would have lost their lives; end the flame have spread much farther. . , . After that affair, tlie same gentleman , taught tho young men a number of clever contrivances ; how to fasten sheets togctho er, and to make knots that will not slip, for the purpose of persons letting themselves down fi-jm a window. He also offered a little reward to any one who should invent any likollr method of picventing mischief, anA especially of saving life in case of any future a'atrm. I alia II close mv hints on this subject wi h a maxium, which a friend told us all to commit to memory ; ' Let no thing be thought trifling, which may one day save your own life, or that of a follow creature." From the Banmr and Pioneer. Illegible Coiumnniratlns. We have various papers on file purport ing td be letters on business which doubt less contain very important matter, but which are too illegible to invite a reading niuch'less a publication of their . contents. Our eyes arc too defective, and our time too precious, to be employed in 'puzzling out faint marks, and enigmatical cliaracters. Sonic months since, wc gave some ycry plain and reasonable rules about the pre pn ration of matter designed for a public? paper, which, as it commonly fares with " rules,1' are observed by some of our Cor respondents, and w holly neglected by otb crs. For the special edification of the lat ter class, e will herewith append a few very simple regulations, which, if duly ob served, will save us the trouble of reading, and our compositors the labor of handling " the type. Our readers miy feel assured that a compliance with any of these regtt lations will answer t'.io purpose as fully as Tftlie whole were duly obscfvedT Rules lo be observed tehen correipondmls da not wish ir expect tftcir camnlunicaLumt to receive notice. 1 . Write wittTvery pale ink, so as it can not be read without great difficulty. 2. Commence so near tlie top of the shift as to leave no space for a head orjl lie. 3. Write abreviations, as, ass. for as sociation, ch. for church, and br. for broth., er. In writing about any benevolent er -literary society, be particular to write a string of capitals, as A. B. II. M. A. B. C. D. A. S. S., and so on through the al phabet. ' - 4. Interline frequently, and be sure to .411111 1 111 I" lltiu ifuill unfile nu .iiuif oirirai.i . " 'v v ' t - . -i .r tK:reldba7eeenhorrig to-do Wtrnal 1S. to pd7 pare for a funeral, instead of restoring the poor lad alive to his grateful parents. 1 re member the same person said, that, if no success had attended his efforts, he would not have ceased making them for five or six hours, for that persons have been restored after that length of time; and ho thought that many had been cast away for want of pcrsevcrcnce in the use of means. . If a chimney is ou fire, instead of throw, ing open tlie doors running about alarming the neigh boa hood, and destroying the fur niture, close all the doors, keep the house as quiet as possible, and carefully and in stantly put out the firo in the grate, , and then that in the chimney will soon go out, or burn itself out without injury or danger. ylt4rson s clothes catch fire, how fool ish it is. to run screaming Into tlie n stead of that, if the person, or those around, had presence of mind, to wrap him closely up in a cajpet, blanket, or thick quilt, or even to roll him on tlie floor, the flames might be easily subdued. There was once a house on fire in our village, and as it happened in tbe dead Of the night, and 1 most of tho people were frightened out of their wits, in" all likelihood several lives would have been lost, if it had not been for one person s presence tf mind and activity. When he arrived at the spot, all was terror and confusion, the people running against one another', a hd pouring thcwater over themselves and each other. But it was just as if an officer made his ap pearance and gave the word of command. Ho arranged all the people, gave them. something to do, and charged each o stand to his post. Instead of letting the men run backwards and forwards to the river tor water, he made them nil stand in a line, to hand the fall buckets from-one to another, and a line of women d nd boys to hand back the empty .backet. Meanwhile iteaad bis write one word into another .and then blame the proof-reader. 5. Write proper name as obscure as possible, and make no distinction between m, n, u; i, c, and c, as it will puzzle both the compositor and the proof-reader, and lead. to curious mistakes in names. -. 6. Be sure and write some private mat ICf "5A" thc"Tbarkside-if--TtiioiHink lions ; or which will he far preferable, put your communications in the middle of a private h-tter, and expect tho editor toex-. tract it. But tatter still, writejiour article as illegible as possible; blot if, scratch it. and cover it with nil manner of obscurities, copy it and prepare ii lor tne press. . uo Hoi fail to apologize by saying you have no time to copy it, and arc in great baste, ana wish it printed immediately. 7. II 3 surn to leave no space in tne mar canniuyT7urrht,-wafer on sot important word nnd entirely obliterate it . 8. Above all, never pay postage when you write on your own busin3ss. Always remember it is very convenient for editors aud mnn of business to pay for your bene fit. They are used to it. Jfow, how con venient it will be. for a clas of letter-writers to observe these rules. By the way, we would licre observe, tht auiaug-jt a pi!o of unnoticed and unanswer ed letters on oiw . table, which nas lain there for soma weeks, is a long communi cation, post-marked, Clgin, Iil- It seem from reading the first page, lobe a sermon abouTlhc character of tlie Church, &x.'t and we doubt not it is a very able and val uable one,' that all our subscribers would Iri: ( liktT tff -rnwl -Ititlq jjnnatarrtU the writer that gratification, lt is written . . II L I . ..L in an .extremely smau nanu wmi unusuaiiy pule ink, scarcely colored, and no compos itor could decipher it correctly. Thelines are crowded so "close togfther as to be scarcely distinguishable. Tlie wrilerought to have spread it over half a dozen lieeU, and have put it in BIG letters, as the Irish man did his letter to his niathcr, who was,, deaf. . . J.M.P., Thb way to wis A SIMPLE WONAK'i finAHT.-rLt your hair hang.in superfluous ringlets over your neck and shoulders; nei er suffer a razor to touch your face; squeeze yourself into a coat of mulberry cloth ; puf on a vest striped with green, yellow afi red,; pants checked with blue, crimson and purple ; shove your feet into a piir of boots with the hoels at least three inches high t dangled with a little black cane tipped with. bras f a nuge orass nag upon your little finger, and you will be the lion of the day, aod win the heart of any aixaple flirt too irwwiih-BichmmJ Star. s t ,f r i V i a. in -MV Hi "hi -4r- ;;. 1 its r -ttt - m m it. ..r .... ii'. 1 ll I - V r