i .T-!. per annum, la advance, or J1.7.heeadWrteveM.V . -ntioa ducontinncd, (except al Uie op. seat Zami& be inaetted at One Dollar AAennt, and Twenty-Fivo Ceatsfcs "Valient inaeruon. ... . , .SScatioM murt fc. port PA MISCELLANEOUS. -ArThafcUdWlOf it an extract from an mL- 'm W h Iutiea f American cit. - U the Ito. Dr. B. F. Adyblott, p-jjjent of Wooawa.ru voiicjjo, vmuii. We pot; recollect to lave -n'jbr years past, ny thiug that ernbo- jd-nuB plain, wnoicsomov tin, and reirret that it , is not enlforus ta Iny the entire address tfore oar readers. This extract will giro aide of the. whole, and withal, , carries ytfh A mm tWt OUgn, to w nwre gcirer. ,ny known, and more furly -understood, laxity of moral principle either in theory .iw u the Drecursor of the down- iff i I i fj 'of any nation,; and particularly one ac oors, Wre all depends upon the Intel. Ejnicc and incorruptibility of the people is tha idea of a healthy state of public surals without religion, is perfectly pre- paicruu. s, Wo ask for this, extract an at tMtfiwperusaLH' AT IV Tkeiuty of " Am&rwncUuenaa "mh, in kbor for the diffusion of m Bible Cirutunilj through all part of the Repub- ft. ..... ,Vj-- I ! "'..... - ! ... , . , - We said under our last head that only die mighty and . benevolent lnfluncesE of lirijtiamiy couUl, by universally spreading the benefits or education, eievato ino peo- HG IV III MM...,VMA .....- .....ot. " V taild enable them to sustain a republican goicromcnt : Hence the general argument ix a Bible Christianity among us but the occasion demands that wo here be somewhat more nnrticu'.ar. ., Ni- I tin UIVU . IHBIVMraiVI HJ9VIVIV -will be sore, wherever it goes to carry bun dar Schools with ft. ,-Tp Besides itt direct influence in educating auuuuscs oj cnaaren, who must other ue grow ug fgneriuK and vicious, misera ble themselves, and pests to the communi. tr, the Sunday School will excite and dif. sue among ail ranks, an educational apir. i A people who have flourishing Sunday fc&ools in ihcir bounds, caauot iut feel a dees interest in educatioj) renerailr. The Saoday School is an admirablo pioneer of earaoo senppls, colleges, and all. other JxatioaaJ 'institutions. -; It is since the Kt effort of the American Sunday School ta lit tbe Valley of the Mississippi, ttat lha noUn Ml.wjitinn.il .,lrit which i mm doing so much for us,has been awaken a Bp. ; ..-j . . , . . - eSly tfelaTuTary influence which tbe peculiar discipline of Sunday Schools nasthave in raising the 'moral character f sther schools, and obscnrejsecondlyi A BiUe Cliristinnky-'will operate- to ntetbe moral character of teachers. Bis it will do nut only personally, where teacher comes under tlic influence of Mfmhmallfreamhen awkes bo pretctisions to piety. Chris Many will always, just so far as it prevails, wer about its ministers a strong senti- of veneration, but is it not equally a W also that Christianity tends to assimi. ate the character of the teacher iiu public ra, to that bf the ministry t It is owing tolas increasing influence of Christianity j the judgment of the community, that wteacheria nnw aimw n.. PWed to be second only to the pastor in " elevation. Time was, and that with- tae memory of most of us, when this Jt'o, when even intemperate and dis. "JJ teachers wert not uncommon " But wm instructors eao now find no counte. since, . the Snmul it i " " .k , " ww uiuie. ana ounuay a-.,,!., . 7 B'wii VIVTW ts K''ucation.'and tchooU, JadSS6"- "caiion,thehools; hen. that wuiddo twenty year. S'jthe public 'The ymtT"ds th 0 these be of a fcrhigh jatoralcharacter than they ooce-were- imJhKS 5mmuni,y gin to foci. hveEer interest in the cause of edu ". than was ever felt before. And "H'iu uui. nmai kp Aiavaioii - Dle. an,l "T ,r . " ?euy Pous UJL "riyinmelirisuan nun. ituluenefl acaiHui l . ' cause oi ea- makes rt our special duty to labor JJffuaon of a Bible Christianity But. tn mmittiui mm V "OB coosjMfl,.i 5 ' r . S Whole anlrit tnA -l. r- bm - . r " "-"wi u, uio ii- TVR M0r,Of free in-titutioruuWf . 5b forbids nil iruality fo. NcaT. If7- political! power, and throw. h i"on around thaw iWi 'MVideBkkatone Comamtarie. tice, and oppression, as well as those un righteous, proud selfish, domineering tem pers from wnich tnese proceed. Again, he Bible addresses all mankind as equally tbe creatures of God, .children of the same heavenly Father, abke involv. edin sin, weakness and suSbring; and commands tnem to lova one another, and to do good to each other. Were the influ- enoe of the Bible, then to prevail univer sally, stnlo and wars woukl come to an end, tyranny and oppression would cease. justice would bo exactly administered, each one would respect tbe rights of others, all would bo united in one strong and holy brotherhood of kindness and well-doinc Such a state of things on earth has indeed never, yet been witnessed; but there is manifestly a tendency towards it wherever. and just so tar as tbe UtWe is known and obeyed Hence while out of Christendom all is insecurity, disorder,' and bloodshed, or the quietness of a crushing despotism within Christendom, it is where tbe reli. gion of the Bibio is most powerful, the rights of men are best secured, and liber ty is most largely enjoyed " Even in our own- country it is manifestly true. ' Go' to those-states where public worship and Sun day Schools aro most cherished, (i. e., where a Bible Christianity is most fclt.)and you will bear comparatively little of those broils, and duels,' and different forms of outrage, which characterize the less favor- ed parts of our InndV , :aujj Tbo whole spirit and tenor of the Bible are in favor of free institutions, because freef Institutions are reasonable and right. But do not misunderstand us ; we do not moan that the Bible teaches us to wage war with every form of wrong, that it puts the sword in tbo hands of tbe oppressed for the destruction ofTflid6ppressorrollit aTT the influence of the Bible is peaceful, though powerful. It introduces freedom, and enlarges its reign by teaching men to govern themselves and respect, lite rights of others. . Jt breathes into individuals and communities the spirit of truth, and peace,' and righteousness, those virtues which lie at the very foundation of free institu tions, and without which they cannot stand lne fathers and founders of our repub lic clearly saw "the necessity of a Bible Christianity to its very existence. And they have left many1 weighty testimonies upon this subject, to only a very few of which will our time permit us to ask your attention. ...u - J Durincr the rcvolutionarr strupcrfo. Con. irressfreouentlv annotated' for the llniied 8tates,wdays of fastiofT humiliallonr and prayer.: The followinir extracts, from on, of theae act. will give a brief bot fair I view of the whele, in spirit,. (matter, and lonsmaffe. The -teoole are di recti v to nrav Almighty God would - grant ta his Church the plentiful effusion of Divine grace, and pour out bis Holy Spirit on all ministers of the Gospel, that he would hits end prosper the mean of education, and spread tne light ef Lkruttotn tnotetedge, f-e.; that he would establish the independ en( of .the JJnited State yo fAs basis of religion, viitue, 6zc " (1779, Oct 14th and 20th.) . . . . . . Auef The close of the Revolution, Con- gress called upon the people to offer up solemn thanksgivings to Almighty God : " Above all that he - had been pleased to continue to us tho light of the blessed Gos pel, and secured to us in the fullest ejtepU the rights of conscience tn faith and wor. step," and to pray that it may please lim to give wisdom and unanimity to our public counsels toeaable the pcople to improve the days of prosperity by every good work, aad to be lovers of peace and tranquility; to smile upon oar seminaries tad mean of education, to cause pure reli gion and virtue to Jlourish, de.n " Upon which, as the document continues, allu- duing to tho sentiments just expressed, the most essential netus of human nature depend." (1783, Oct 18th.) - But upon this point we can add only one qtber testimony, it is that of Washington, in his Farewell address. t " Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity t religion and mo rality are indispensable' supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patri. ot ism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, ' these firmest props of the duties of men and citi. tens. The mere politician equally with the pious man, ought to respect and chcr ish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let us with caution induljro tbe supposition, that morality can be maintain, ed without relighn.'' Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined edu cation on minds of peculiar structure, rea son, and experience both forbid as to ex pect, that national prospentv can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.1 The moral power of a Bible Christian! tyfia especially important to our country at the present tune, because it is a period of extraordinary excitement Great elemen tary questions, deeply affecting the inter cats of all classes, arc now under discus on the lava of England. Bnder tba head of Petri.' These privOep-l orders net with a moat op pwaaire weight apoa the raeaa af the people. That legislation whica aeearea Is one aun and aia kcinj forerer, howiim vile aad kaaeeUe, the haded aetate af aoaas fifty ar aknndred thowand outMia rental a yrmr, eaaaot fail ts entail tUtUk -or, ana aojeet pmrtr npoo mnltitude-. Ilenee Utoae dionU)ato aad aonunobona vhieh mast eventuate in a violent praatration of the whole ayetea, anlraa the Briv3ed ordeia theina-Ivea u..o mmaam fjaimiij an memtxtuUT to yield to R-t aiaaavktaaajla L a. sion. Perilous agitations, political, social, nu religious, are tne natural consequences, Nothing but the enlightening, tranquilizing. and invigorating , influences of a , Bible Christianity, can carry us safely through the storm to the ',' haven where wo should be." Our situation, as a people, is indeed full of, difficulty and danger f the hearts of too many are beginning to." foil them for fear, and for looking after those thine which axe coming on the earth." No human wis. dom, no arm -of man is sufficient for us. But the enlightened patriot fixioz his: eye upon the conservative influences of a Bilk Christianity, can cherish briirht hopes for -l n if- , m . ins iiepUDiio. ' ? Would that this subject were more deep ly reflected upon by every American citi- xenj Do, not all. things about us, when viewed in the light of the Bible j give over, whelming evidence that our country is to be the scene of the grandest dcvelopcments oi rrovioenco I ilere the mind, and tbe energies of man are free as they" never were before, and there is every J thing to arouse them to intense action. If left to the mere natural influences, we must soon grow up to a Sodom's height and call down a Sodom's doom. Our liberty is our most awful earthly privilege ; it may be full of richest blessings, or it must be direst curse. No political power or political management, however wise and patriotic, can save us. Not even Christianity, as embarrassed and enfeebled in tbe establishments of tho old world could meet our case. . Sampson can not be bound with green withes. W need a Christianity not the paralyzed and pol luted thing of State policy but Christian, ity as it came down from heaven, free, vis- orous, eritorprizing the Christianity of the Bible. This only has i resourccsTahdadapT tations, and wisdom, and strength to save us. With such a power in our midst, we have all faith in the political institutions and proa pods of our ;eountryv .Glori. ous results, we doubt not, are here to be achieved by H free peohle, guidefldTel rated by a free Chnstuuuty results fraught with wonder and blessings to the world. Let American citizens ponder upon these things.' - Providence has cast their lot in a republic ' There is nothing to hinder their doing all the rood which their " band find- ethtodo." A Bible Christianity will work out tbe salvation of this people, if we .are only faithful to our high trust, .r ,.' But has not our country too often present. cd the painful spectacle of able and patri. otic hut shortsighted men, standing aloof Irom toe mass ot the people, wrapped up -2: . . :t . - - - . . i i ul" JcTuv n'ut my meu own mnuence tor good, xne multitude move on without the tit and leave them alone In uir' dTgmfy friends of a Bible Christianity fall into this fatal mistake. " If indeed by standing afar off, and sneering at democracy, it could be rebuked into a larger measure of wisdom and virtue, there would be some show of reason in the position... But in truth, such popular sympathies, and thus nearly des troy their own power to benefit their coun. 1 try. j lJcmagogues wiser in their gen cratibn," iuivo taken advantage of this folly , of better men ; they - have thrown themselyes into the field which the friends of a Bible Christianity ought to have occu piedand wieKJed Ihepowerof uWmukkudo for their own selfish ends. But if the Bible be the " perfect law of liberty, then it is in our country that its power is most to bo seen, Z IndjedYiU dis- plays here have already been equally grat ifying and wonderful. It has, in the short space of our. countryls history, done great er things for us raised up vastly more and better Christian institutions, and diffused a larger amount of Christian influence than the Church establishments of the most favor ed nations of the old world have for cen turies accomplished among them. ' And yet we are but in the, beginning of our existence, j The miracles ot civil and religious liberty, among us, have only com. me need. .What wo have seen, extraordin ary and gratifying as it1 is, all " the signs of the times 11 assure us is nothing to what is to come.- Here the Christianity of the Bible, we confidently believeus to achieve her most splendid triumphs -triumphs which shall spread joy over the whole, earth, and call all nations to that glorious liberty wherewith 44 the truth alone can make them free." ; - : ' y - ' Is not this distrait the rock on whir.h some of our political parties have also aplit T They . hare manifeated it in all their language and movements. They have looked to able and elnmted and relied on a eoorae of meaaurce which they be tier ed manifcatiy betr the coon try, without giving themaelves mnch eoneern about public opinion. Hence aa they never threw theinaelvcs opon the people with a ftankneae aad confidence calculated to mpire a heartv tract la return ; so the people have not gathered about them or quickly deser ted them. The whole history of our country shows a continual advance towards a pure democ racy, and yet bar not the boldest atepa m this movement boon bctcIv the actings of the Consti tution f We shall behold more startling things yet, before the principles of our government are fatly developed. Are we not this aaoaaent en the ra oca inn monaeiw aw as alsions revnlsione whose already agitating the na of the oeeea ; and whose aat ehanrrS iai the eendi- eve of some great revu! premonitory throes are already tkma on tba other aide of the a mflaenee will operate vaat ebanrra iat tbe tioa and policy of all people T No public assn, party, or system of a-caaures, can stand long that m arrayed against this movement of the age. . Ubsmcbi has 17.000 citiaene over SO veara of are who Mm neither read nor write- She takes rank along aide at oar frte and enligkttntd " State, Artanani UeinAr. tduei. (Kr We (ecomniend the following to the attention of those vain boasters'" who are in the habit of swelling and puffing about every thing they possess.. Wo rarely ever saw a great boaster, but what would tell more than was true, and was," withal, a great coward, . They fully verify tho old adage, a a barking dog never bites.' v N THE "FLUMIXi" 0 THE MAN WTTH THE PAST HOSSS. A braggart was one" day boasting about tho swiftness' of his horse, and declared he could outrun any thing which went Upon four legs.. A neighbor of his disputed it, and said he had a muku which could beat him. : ' ' '" - " A mule," said the boaster; 111 bet you a hundred dollars of that" "Done!" said the other. " ' ' ' " Done !" said the boaster. Now cover that, said tho owner of the mule, laying down a hundred dollars Ine boaster began to be frightened at this. He thought there must bo something more about tho mulo than he was aware of otherwise his owner would'nt plank a hun dred dollars, to run him against a horse. He began to hitch about uneasily. He put his band in his pocket ; he pulled it out again ; and at last said" I dont know 1 swow, about the tarnal mule he may be mischief and all to run, for what I know. Do you back out, then I s " Yes, I back out and treat. J So say. ing he called in the liquor ; but declared that his horse could beat any thing which went upon four legs except the mule. . ' ' Why, said the other. I vo got a jack ass that will beat him.1 bet a hundred dollars of ll)atlsaid the boaster. .... Done !"-said the other- And "done !n said the bonstcr. 1 "Cover that ."said the man, again nut ting down the hundred dollars. Cover that I"; exclaimed the boaster-" I will Dbapuev nuick' taklnar oufliuT pocket book. -' - Well, cover a it you dare, and 1 11 put another hundred on top of it Why do you hesitate T Down with your dust I say." I don't know, fahh. I never saw that jackass of yours run, said the boaster, be ginning to hesitate " he mayjio the mis chief and all upon a race for wnatLknow." " Doyouam out then r " Yea, I nummix this time ; but by jinjro there's nothing else you can bring except the jackass and the mule, but what my horse can beat" ' Aro you certain of that, my good fel low t" ' 'I tJunks.laithf, - t " Why, if you are not quite certain, 111 hot you TsomeihingnhalTVe gonrnlgger that will outrun him.1 "A nigger!" 1 ' " Yes, my Tom will beat him. , 111 bet a hundred dollars of that there aint no nigger that ever breathed can beat my horse. this the man once more put down the hun. d red dollars But-said he' if you back out this time you shall forfeit ton dollars, and if 1 back out, I II do the same. ' Agreed, said the boaster. " I'm sure my horse can beat a nigger, if ho can't a mule or a jackass. -"Vell,-lemtthe money yopleaserJJ " " Plank it ! so I will lon't you fear that ! saying this he once more fool-out his pocket book and began to fumble for the lamef ' " ' ' r T -"-r . " Come, man," down with your dust, said the other taking out more money " for I'm ready to back my bet with anoth er hundred dollars or two hundred as you like. Come, why do you hesitate t Here is three hundred dollars more I'm ready to stake. ' ' ' ' "Three hundred dollars !n exclaimed the boaster, staring like a stuck pig "three hundred dollars upon a nigger ! I don't knew, I swan." : s; W bat, ma nf you're not going to get fright ened again 1" ' it V . -J Frightened ! oh, no oh, no it's no easy matter to frighten mebut really" " You meaq to back out I declare neighbor, I don't know what to think about it It s a kind of risky business.1 ' " You forfeit ten dollars, thenf " Why, yes, I snose I must," said the boaster handing over the1 money, With an air of great mortification better to lose this than more for there's no knowing how fast these blame niggers will run., But any thing else you can bring except tbo mule, the jackass and the nigger, I m ready to run against'' ' (From the London Visitor. -i ; Tl IAW-Snlt. vy '-' The village of Yewford very much re sembles a hundred other villages in Eng. land. It has its parish church "overgrown with ivy on the south side ; the parsonage house is very much like other parsonages, and the squire's mansion on the hill, with its tall elms and rookery, is as like what I have seen in a half dozen other countries as one pea is like another. Again the church warden of Yewford is a man before hand with tho world, one who likes to keep up tho different grades in ciety. ! The lawyer is an incessant talker ; and the schoolmaster a tall thin man, with a pale face. The butcher, too, has a broad back and capacious front ; and the landlord of the Bull, a fae as red as a rose. - .Besides theso characters, Yewford has many others, male and female, old and young, gentle and simple, all of them well worthy of being introduced into thisr naro tive ; but as such a proccedins would mate rially interfere with our present subject, we must, IcaVe them to be severally described by those who have more talent and more leisure. One personage, however, wo must not forget especially as he happens to be the principal fie roof our history. , A.VM r, Douglass had taken a lodging at tbe widow Freeman , hut as tho village knew next to nothing of him and of his con. corns, so tbe good people were at a loss how to speak pf him one to another, lie was a civil well behaved mad, respectful to tbe rich and kind to the poor,- hot no one can live long any where, and least of all in a village, without making fncDds or foes sad-doubtless Mr. Douglass would havo re ceived an earlier intimation of the position which he occupied in the estimation of those around him, had it not been for a circum stance i which for a time prevented the wor thy inhabitants of Yewford from making up their minus about binx. The lawyer, though not profosscdly em ployed by Mr. Douglass, had discover ed a trial was pending, the issue bf which would put Mr. Douglass in possession of five hundred a year, or reduce him to the situation of a beggar ; who would expect then under such circumstances, that the villagers of Yewford, could come to any satislactory conclusion, aa to tho esUma lion in which Mr. Douslass ought to be held until the i issno of the trial should be known! Mr. Douglass, whatever good qualities bo might possess, was evidently not a rich man; and by degrees an opinion got abroad, that hcwagpoorrFor some monthsnc-faction was punctual in his payments as the church clock was to strike the; hour ; indeed more so, for it sometimes happened that the clock was sadly beyond time. ' ;t ly ' At. length,, symptonts appeared which most peopk, wlicthctliving iu towa.ocUe country, aro quick to understand. A few articles sent to Mr. Douglass by the village draper, were not paid for on delivery. The butcher Had a small account unsettled, and widow Freeman had wluspertd to Mr. Per- kins, tho publican's wife, that her lodger for the last month, had not paid her a single si x pence. . ; Tilings were in this critical state, and the reputation of Mr. Douglass hung trcmb. line in the balance, when a few of the villago worthies met together at the Bull, to settle- some thins connected . about the poor-ratesi:: The 1 important affairs of the parish be ing discussed, the lawyer took up the news paper which had just been brought in by the landlord, and -sown read iu a rapid manner the following announcement : -. " The long-pending cause, Douglass ver sus Itobie , is at length decided. The plain tiff proved successful.'' The, lawyer immediately threw down the paper on the table, ' Just as I expected,' said he, ' and just what I think Douglass deserves. If lie had applied to ' mo before he commenced his suit, I could have saved him hundreds of pouuds. .A man must be non compos mentis, to take such a cause into court But 1 saw how the case stood, ho has been led on by a swindling attorney who will now most likely arrest him for cost. So Mr. Douglass instead of having a rent-roll oi five hundred pounds per an num, must ha contynt Li live in Jocaia pan. uies. I never- thought that he w-ould help-to pay poor rates," said the church warden. " Poor rates,"- cried the butcher, " was it ever likely that he -would pay poor rates, when ho could'nt pay his butcher's bills ? It has run in my head for. some time past, that his noble would come to nincpencc, and I told my wife so. j " Had Mr. Douglass taken a lesson from those who were ablo to instruct him," said the schoolmaster, slowly delivering his opin ion, " had he correctly calculated his profit and loss, he might imvo been aware that the sum total of all Iks expectations would only amount to a cipher.' " There was always too much froth about him for Jiie," said the publican; " for tho' ho could talk fast enough when it answered his purpose, he was never the man to stop tokenrmUgrale, or a glassi)rtrandy and water, from one month's end to anoth er. However, he has run up no score at ih(T Bull, and 111 take pretty good care that he has not even a pipe of tobacco without pay ing for it" For somctimrr nothing interrupted the tide of unpopularity which had set in against tho unfortunate Mr. Douglass; each ex pressed bis opinion in his own way, but all agreed that too ihuch forbearance had al ready been exercised, and that it was high time to let Mr. Douglass understand, that an upstart having nothing but a trumpcay claim of five hundred pounds a year to support him, would no longer be counte nanced by the worthy inhabitants of Yew. ford. At length during a momentary pause, the. schoolmaster took up the newspaper, with the idle curiosity of one who has pleasure in reading with his own eyes what has al ready been read to him by another, when, to his great astonishment, and apparent eon fusion, he made the discovery that the par-; agraph had been incorrectly read by -.the lawyer, and that instead of Mr. Douglass, the plaintiff, having been unsuccessful in the suit, he was reported to have, been sue, ccssful. . I -This announcement having been made I bv the schoolmaster, accompanied with aa ' observation on the great advantage of cor. rect reading, a thing which he always tried " to impress upon the minds of his scholars, every countenance - underwent a sudden change. - Tbe lawyer looked as keenly at the newspaper as though be would cut out' the piece withhis eyes ; tho church warden, half opening his mouth and "raising his browi, sat like a statue ; the butcher stared at the publican, and the publican stared at the butcher. . A clap of thunder would scarcely have been mora instantaneous in producing an effect on tho whole group..',. I. The unbelieving lawyer was the first to take tho newspaper from tho hands of the, schoolmaster, and as soon as he Was con vinced of the error in which he had fallen. he burst into an aJIected giggle, a little fb sembling a laugh. You must, be said, " really forgive the hoax I have put upon you, but 1 wanted to soo whether it . was possible to persuade you to believe so im probable a thing as that Mr. Douglass losing his caiisc. I was convinced, a priori, that -a verdict must be given In his favour. ' The . defendant had no evidence to bring for. ward, and I quite expected that he ' would have allowed judgment to go by default. Never did a jury decide .more, uprightly, . and I shall have great pleasure in con g rat- , ulating Mr. Douglass on his well deserved J success. " r - . - I " Ah! ha! ah!' hers burst from.the open mouth of the church warden, who In his turn affected to1 VOiry merry. " I saw " plain enough," said he, "the trick' you were playing us, and was willing to keep up the joke as long as possible. From what had been told me by Mr. Douglass, I knew he had too much cood sense to brine an' that he could not sustain, and it wee but the other day I was saying to justice Villers, that before long, I hoped to see Mr. ' Douglass in the office of church warden, for that a more respectable man was not to bo found any where. Wcr must set the bells toringjM tfie orc may see that his neighbors are almost as much pleased at his good fortune as he is himself. . . ! r The schoolmaster though not bojd enough to assert that hd had at first been aware" of the incorrect reading of the lawyer, main taincd that, had tho verdict been as describ. aa, be should have been justified in the sen timents which escaped him , inasmuch as tho decision of a British jury would have prov ed, as plain as two and two make four, that the- calculations of Mr. Douglass had been worked in . error. JIo declared he bad much rather enumerate the good qualities ' of Mr. Douglass, whom be had always con sidered a man of education, than subtract from his merits J pronounced him worthy to bo classed among pent lemen, and con sidered it the undoubted interest of the in habitants of Yewford to cultivate good fcU , lowship with so respectable a character. -The publican confessed that he had been fairly taken in, but no wonder ; as he should as soon of thqught of drinking a pint of neat brandy, as differing in opinion from ins good leicnrtsTTliSwyeT warden, and the schoolmaster, who had so long frequented the Hull. Mr. Douglass, be had no doubt, was a good fellow at bot tom , and he should be glad to take from him an order for the best hogshead of ale he hud in his cellar. v ' Though the churchwarden stv through the'dceeit of "tfie law-vefi "and "the lawyer , iirWi,T.til ti trirltnry of the ghurchwar. den ;' though the publican laughed at the backing out of The scfiboTmostcr, and the " schoolmaster despised the selfishness of the publican ; yet every one tried to persuade himself that his hollow.hcartcdness was un known to his neighbor. When the party broke up, each indjviou- al determined in his own mind to pay some immediate tribute of respect to Mr. Doug- lass and secure his favor; thus affording; another instanco of the insincerity and meanness of those who. pay . homage to wealth rather than to worth i who wquldr honor the rich though deformed with every vice, and despise the poor though adorned with every-virtue. , . - " Every man is a friend to him that giv. eth' gifts. All the brethren of the poor do hate him ; how much more do his 1 needs ; go far from him !" Prov. xix. 6,7. The GinreBi?fo home of the ws. be allowed to purchase the land of Pales tine, their ancient and once honored land. . The Turks want money and will sell Great Britain wants dominion, and in or . der to maintain her power on the coast of Syria, will aid tbe project under the hypo critical pretence of liberal tuid. fhrisiian protection to that down trodden nation. " Dcr Uricnt, a ucrman newspaper, thus concludes a lengthy and abler address to the Jews, upon the subjectof their nation. alsrighls.u " People of Jehovah, raise yourselves . from your thousand years' slumber ! Ral ly round leaders ! have really the will, a Moses will not be wanting. .The rights of nations will never grow old ; take posses, nwui of the land of your fathers ; build a third time tho temple of 'Zion, greater and more magnificent than ever. Trust in the Lord, who has led you safely through the vale of misery thousands of years. He also will not forsake you in your last con flict." , ; -W, . A hatter in Newark, New Jersey, save, mrr head dhd ears in debt, means a man that ladnt pUr kit . .' . . t. v. i . - ' - i t -: I V h