... n . LIFE IS ONLT TO BE VALUED A3 IT 13 USEFULLY EMPLOYED. V ASHEYILLfe, NORTn CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCII 5, 1841. toluhb: i. NUMBER 33. , . 55SSmf FY k J. EQBERTV ID1T0ES. , 1 1, ffiJaU' ' (wi f - io axo wiuhd (WMrwMT, t- r .aE"iHibiuuieamx wioiner nooa man your niiecuons r leit. tt ii' " . .. t I . rt Tj,CimUPMnuiinda, orJrnBy bo, the ease.flnddelicacy of a home of twaMJ-. xZ&t ""r-yiJe,,- . poWw jnacrtrd at One Dollar ttli first, laATwoniy-x wsvwiww .i.i-iucnt inseruoa. . must b port Pid MISCELLANEOUS 'TTT r.a-ux Husband. ,1k , with it valued I JL bo bad been confined 1inU,toWroom,he f V ...j J:hi team a ffood .waiw-- - -fi week or remarked I good lesson by J fned occasionally to his house, leingconu an opportunity of W "B ... nnH never-eudinf? I WTih wife whose burdens and duties w, . endurance be might never have 1 1 ,r meals, and as they then JTrW the same rouune of duty, they !f 10 tluok that it is their own lot to per. fPn L jdirerv. and to bo exercised 11 wpioht ot caro ana respounioii. tSnhasgoiaveryw nf the case ; he needs an opportunity t mnrfl extended DoseruiiiM, h for this very reason that a kind KlXce arrests him bv sickness that he irtain what he would fail to ob. i., tw-alth. We have seen recently 4 " rlwtmftnvthioirs said in the papers to .v -.nficiallv to vounz wives, exposing "r faults, perhaps magnifying them, and nouodinj to them, in none 01 we no "terms, tbrir dutjMind the offices pertain "Inf rJ""omn s sphere." Kow, we be. Bcvc that wives, as a wholo, nre really bet. ttrtlwB they jre generally admitted to be. We doubt if there can be found a rgo number of wives who are disagreeable and .I ..... .l kl jinllniu. gegiigemHaoui rr-J""- orhort45omingoothe part of their bos- bsmls. Sa far as we have had an oppor. f.., ..Wrvmioa. thev are far mora , ' j .' j :.tf..i ,"k a .,i I ot eiKinm at Mocietr. bare other and PCDer- unu itt4 w. - ' v j ' .n. m--Watand variedduties to ner. form, vvs protest tnen against these tec v. " r . . . . form. We protest men against tnese lec-1 ... .nd ohiriMlw .ddrH to the ladies, and insist upon ii Aat they mat-most -of theiir-4aWbea-written ESefety bachelor, wbokoew BobeU ttr.orbyiomeinconsideratehusband. wbo to have been old bachelors to the oftheirUves. But is there nothing to "Wrally the perfect, amiable, injured wSare J foAeo represented 1 Jlen SmJdeclare that their wives' extrav- wuraimwuw. iv , ,, . ffMM'l.1' nererceasinc tongues nave roooea mem 01 r - their peace, and their general disagreea has driven them to ihotvern sod gaming table; but this is generally the wicked excuse for a most, wicked life m their part. The fact is, men often lose their interest in their homes by their own ud pleasant . It should never be forgotten flat the wife has her rights as sacred af ter marriage as before and good husband s -jfciotiaa. to the .sifoAerarriage will coaoefle to her quite as much attention as ha gallantry did while a lover. If it is otherwise, he most generally is at fault. ; Take a few examples. Before marriage, a young man would feel some delicacy abjout accepting an invitation t6 spend an ercningin company where his " lady love " kid not been invited. After marriage is he always as particular. 1 During the days oreoart,WAi..llBntf uf rmtd Hfinrid 1 1 . that he would make himself agreeable to I " ter : atter marriage It often happens that bethinks more of being agreeable to him- elf How often it happens that married RlCn &Upr hnvtnfrfwwn mwv fWim hfkmAthA I fire long day, during which the wife has j ZsismbssH5HH55B55 Frrtt00d.' There u a gpca( piy that you give ter a. hpmeitJiat you feed fT. thoutrht, perliaps enough for an d clothe her. You do this for your help ; Hf Men especially young men, you would do it for an indifferent bouse. "nM bv their business, during the keeper. But forget not that a wifeis more wuea at her duties, go at evening again to sight-bill either aid over or altogether pro. ome place of amusement, and leave her to tested for want of time-funds to meet it toil alone, unchcered and unhappy. How Notes of hand are more formidable than often it happens that her kindest offices bonds of the heart Bricklaying is the pass unobserved, and unrewarded even.by " sov'reigtwt thing on earth" for a fit of ,'mi'e heHbest efforts are condemn love. Love and castle-building always go ed by the fault Bnduj! husband. How of- together ; well of course, as the bricklayer ten it happens, even when the evening is sees that no house can stand unless it is pent at home, that it is employed in silent regularly built upon substantial foundations mding.orsomeother way that does not the hard-working "fellow will soon by Tecogeizo the wife's right to share in; the force -of analogy discover that his aif,cas enjoyments even of the fireside. ' ties are not inhabitable, and upon inquiring Look, ve husbands. mmm.! nd n for the original draughtsman he'll find that DPfYtrto taiUk i . all , w wuoi your who was wnen vou iook i nw, not from compulsion .1ut from your "olof ihnnpv home, aha waa m and f"" ''"ice ; a choice based probably, on ooy gang ixxn ms uumuum wucucver m ;nat youthen con: sid credhe raunp.ri riiw to feels a fit oflove corning on -and there's all Otho CI 1 i .i .k. .11 I,.. ll.. kn QI--K.T " fin hhthe as the lark, and the brothers and sis- Uful lip like a half-crushed red, rose upon tenherfaUier'sfireside'cherisbed her as a bank of pearls? No, but itls pretty good n object of endearment Yet she left aU reiwe though l"I thought you were going o toJoia her destiny with yours; to make tell us a love-tale ."sighs the benuty being your home "happy ; and to do all that wo- endrelvprtiUate4bymatampIroentto her mn' love can prompt, and woman's inge- lip. 'And so we are. Bu"y devise, to meet your wishes and light- n H4 voa ever a cousin, Tom T the burdens which might press upon you ;: DWywweeum happen toamgl-"' "your pilgrimage. JSIieVpf course," had .WeH.lwe had ..cousin heigho, ne's WnIfPe?atMJn"!00' She could not enter the anxious mother" of half-a-dozen lit- M . IDg h promised so much, Ue cousins now well she was of form and wuiout forming some idea of reciprocation feature as far above , me concentrated P?1' m jbe did expect you would charms of all the heroines of all the novels marriage perform those kind offices of that ever were or win be written as Aman mch you M of be.' da Malvina FitiAHcn was superior to Mrs. left aa it bound her to ber father's fireside, and sought no I . i t .1 nf i indulgence; and now, what must be her feelmzs if she gradually awakes to the con aciousneas that you love her less than be lore ; jiat your evenings are spent abroad I that you only come home to satisfy the de raanus of your hunger and to una a resting place tor your bead when weiry , or a nurse lor your sick chamber when diseased. nWhy did she leave the bright hearth of her youthful days I ; W by did you sk her to give up ber enjoyments of a happy liome Was it simply, to dam your stockings, mend your clothes, take care of your chil- dren, and watch over your sick bed 1 Was t simply to conduce to your own comfort? Or was there some understanding that the was to be made linnpv 10 her connexion the man slie dared to love ! , Nor is it a sufficient answer that you re. and unless you attend to her wants, and in "ome way answer reasonable expeuitions you raised by your attentions before mar. riage, you need not wonder if she bo dejec. , neon u& " iubcihiiuihij , bu. if this be , think well who i.the cause of it - We repeat it, very few wo- - .w.-.-j have not met with some outward shock, by Jhe indifference or thoughtlessness of their husbands. , It is our candid opinion that large majon'y of instances of oomcs. tic misery, the man is the aggressor. From tha Natchez Courier. Ire arid C3beberrics. " "" " A SENTIMENTAL STORY. It is a horrid day and why shouldn't wo write sentiment T An Englishman would hang himself in such weather well senti. mentalize. Bulwcr writes sentiment, and what is to hinder us? It is better than committing suicide ! If you should not agree with us, gentle reader, get two feet of strong rope, and hang '",ng n.pe, onu nang yoursen oy waj experiment And should we ever wan. issue. But we'll not believe a word Wul we " not. believe a wordyou ma mv strains! nurthroirv. until vnn hftR -i - 77 ' . ma',e way w,th yourself, , Well, now font! Shall wo psiot you w.ful horrorsofthe temptest, showyou tbe 'r pumps of heaven suckfnupf ta! draughts with a forty Uiousand horse power, and take you a. an ins.de passenger in.carof the Storm-K.ng as he careers You st.olila sup fuH of horrors" nre 0 oa. PntlocomoUve-steel-pen upon te" n r , ' v Or shall we write a tale of fiendish ne- cromancv ! How a roun, ladv was belov. - rr - . ' v c -. eu oy iwo uroinrr nuw oik;, uicu young man," was blest by her rosy smiles, and me ether, a darkJiaittKUbele-browed ruffian, blasted by her thunder-and-ITghu ning frowns how the black individual in. voked the aid of Satan, and became a nb'Xniagician-hpwJje sjiiri.tedjawa the damsel to an enchanted castle, Into which no one conld enter except he had the pass-word, prcstovado-vedincum bow a kind fairy, what a delightful little creature ! ave the nice young nmalhB,pa??how he rescued the maiden " aH forlorn"' and how all the neighbors lynched the magician ! . Or of love r ..." Yes, let it oe ot love, I heard a fair one cry," or if we did not hear her, we take it for granted that every . Tuir reader when she came to the question, made that answer. An ancient authority, which is generally esteemed upon such points, has 1. , . 1 . . i lines, wmcn run somewnai in ims way , Love U a dizxinea. - " wmn Kl : ""J W 00001 n" and a very sensible thing is it in love, arid that can be rarely said of him. For if the ntii twwl would " gang a boot hisbusi. ness," love would be very apt to have his 1nr ui tKss saiVat hsiuia will Irtvsft waB have against ft trowel r No ; let a " puir vou call that sewiwCTil'sneers some beau trothment. She became your, wife! her home for years ; burst asunder, i were, the bands wf tore which had be Jerry Sneak. J Her voice, jt was like the wild warblings of an Eoliant harp as it lulls tne zephyrs to their slumbers lier eyes, look, not upon tlie stars, you dan'match them tliere, and the cunning little gipsy had such a way of half closing the brilliant Lprbs, veiling (heir dangerous beams, and uiku van m buuuuo. siun, nasning ueir dcathlealing rays Ppon you, that yoor very heart incontinently felt the process of com. bustion her brow, shaded by ber auburn hair, was Iik4 a band-breadth of white cloud mid the rich! lustre of a Southern sun-set-1 her hands Were fitted for nothing but to sweep the harps mellow chords, and to be kissed by a lover and herect oh, how we adore a pretty foot ber feet Titania, queen of the fairies, Would have given her most beautiful nut-shell chariot, just to have seen that perfect feature, we must call it Well, we were in a dreadful condition about that cousin sometimes, we'd call her " cousin, it was so delightful to claim re lationship with such a perfect creature and, then we wouldni call her cousin, for we hid a sort of trap, that if she asked, as we hoped she would, why we used not that cousinly title- we had a very pretty speech mode up to intimate that we desired, when manhood came, to call her by a dearer name. But the provoking little minx never seemed to notice whether we cmuinci her ornot !" She was older than wc and her name was Eglantine. One day, walking in the garden with the fair one, we determined to divulge the yet un8poKcn tale.or atiecUon. which surcharg ed my heart We were in a beautiful walk fringed with gooseberry bushes, when, alter the most approved fashion of romance, sink. ing gracefully upon -one knee, in burning words, we poured lortn the story ot our ctcr nal love. : -.1 :- Eglanlina calmly listened we thought that we perceived a kind tear dimming her radiant eye- we-.rose-and- stretched out our arms, expecting, of course, that she would sink upon our breast, and murmur theentle confession of reciprocated attach ment Reader, she did no such thing. She serenely turned, and pulling a.hand. ful of green gooseberries, gravely asked, 'Cousin John, what are these! ,J '. Goose-berries, my darling Eglantina !" answered cousin John. Eat them, she replied, xwe-berrics must be good Jor your complauU! The Indiasu. " We have seen their tribes one after an other wane arid become extinct But - we trusted the time was at hand, when saved by the Cross, they would no longer waste wyt.L4 h folio wina statement, however. leads us to doubt whether " their time Is not drawing near." Ir would seem that, moved by the seduction of the whites, they are preparing the way for their own cer tain and sudden destruction. It is a mourn- ful picture which follows " In the splendid regions of th "far West," which lio between Missouri and the Rocky Mountains, there sre living at this moment on the prairiesTvarious tribtis, who, if left to themselves, would continue for ages to live on the buffalo which cover the plains. The skinajiLihcselaiiimals how. ever, have become valuable to the whites, and accordingly, this beautiful, verdant coudtry, and these brave and independent psbple"have -beetr invaded bY white" tnu ders, who, by paying to them a pint of whiskev for each skin, (or " robe," as they are terfned in America,) which they sell at ew. i orit tor ten or iwcive aoi.ars, induce crrr1trraughter these amn uuinmenSc t "wt i as a' numbers, leaving thcr flesh, the food of the Indian, to rot and putrify on the ground. No admonition or caution can' arrest for a moment the propelling power of the whis key; accordingly, in all directions these poor, thoughtless beings are seen furiously riding under hs influence In pursuit of their game, or, in other words, in the futal ex; change of food for poison. It has been ve ry attentively circulated by the traders, who manage to collecf per annum, from one hundred and fifty thousand to two hundred thousand bufliilo skins, that at the rate at wi,;rn trtnsw ajjiirrmla are now disposed of in ten vears the will bo killed oft When- ever that event Happens, Mr. Catlin very justly prophecies that two hundred and fif- ty thousand Indians, now. living in a plain of nearly three thousand miles in extent, must die of 'starvation, and become a prey to the wolves or that they must either at tack the powerful neighboring iribes of the Rocky Mountains, or in utter phrenzy of, despair rush upon the white population in the forlorn hope of dislodging it In the twolalter alternatives there exists no chance of success; and we have therefore the ap- Calling reflection before us, that tlicae two undred and fifty thousand Indians must soon bo added to the dismal list of those who have already withered and disappear ed, leaving their country to bloom and flour ish in, the possession of the progeny of an other world." Quarterly Retictt. T-7 For the first time in Turkish history, the tomb of Mahomet has been opened to visitors of every denominationJews.Chris tians, and all, Hitherto, none but faithful Musselmen have been permitted to visit its sacred precincts. It is believed that all the places of Turkish worship will soon be opened in the same way, - "Birth at of the Pkesidext elect.- Tuesday last was the 68th anniversary of the birth of Gen. Harrison, who. was born on the th of February, 1773. - 1 ' C02rvEB.S4.TioN witha YorNd Sceptic. , In a party of Christian friends a ypung man was introduced, shrewxT, well read and amiable; but a professed sceptic ? He had engaged a pain of the circle in the de tails of the objections against the Scrip ture. "How unlikely the story of the temptation, the universal darkness at the crucifixion, the dead coming out of their graves jnto the city, &c ! ! fcmbarrass mcut sat in the faces of some, while others were endeavoring to make the accounts op pear to be very probable. I fjuud it necessary to expose him- "You have doubts, then,' sir, respecting the Chris tian revelation ; may I ask the ground of those doubts, and to what parts they jefer 7 " To the whole," ho replied, with a smile of apparent satisfaction and confluence. ray, but we must descend to particu lars. Do vou doubt whether the books of the New Testament were written by the persons whose names they bear ?" "I do." " Do you then believe that the works which are ascribed to Cicero, and to'Virgil, were written by them 7" " Certainly ; they have been in tlie world a long while vwe can go back to very ear ly editions of -them, and these refer- us to earlier ones still. And the learned have admitted them to be genuine. They could not have oeen written by other men, for they must have been clever men who wrote those works, and, could not be un known, or deprived of their famo." W hy, said one of the company, '"we have just all these grounds for believing theijferipture to be the work of the parties who -are said to have written them;, so we must take all or none." The young man was silent. -"1 Then. sir. since it si-(!ms nrettv clear theltooks are genuine, what sort of persons do you suppose their authors to be f Were they bad men 7" , . " They might be, said he, " for aught know." " But could bad men be the authors of such r'trsystenrof morality ? I believe-you can mention no vice, which they have not reprobated in the severest terms, nor any virtue which they have not placed in the clearest and most attractive light. Were they impious figures which they drew such a portrait f ... - ell. they murnt have been very good sort of men, and copied their system from other works." But, if good, they were inspired, for they declare they spake and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Ghost ; under the teaching promised them by their Master, Now, it is not compatible with the charac ter of good men to lay claim to so high a matter if they were not fully assured of its truth.". " Oh, they were a set of enthusiasts." " Pray, sir, what is enthusiasm 7"' iWhYviLis, a heated imagination, a set of wi!J incoherent notions; and this is what they, have uttered. ' a " But what has this to dosir, with the fads which they relate 1 Enthusiasm does not depn vis a man of cyes,ears,ftmch,mra. ory. They declare what they saw, heard and felt: and being good men, the facts were soT'thff miracles they relate did take place; then their author must have been divine ; then their inspiration is true ; and the Christian revelation imperishable. ' Well ; he had his own opinions, he did not wish to press the subject further, nor to be so obtruded on the company." . " Nay, young man, you ought to be in- mmintia vnli nurrjit tn nu'n vnn wem wronf iuHw mine eonccrnins a matter which you have not examined.' Why not yield to conviction? Abandon sceptical modes of thinking; they have a direct tendency to beget .cap. tiousness and conceit : to destroy whntev. er is candid and generons in controversial warfare; to lead the mind to view ques. Hons of great and acknowledged interest to our whole species, with coldness, apa thy and distrust. In one word, the gener al and most valuable of our mental princi pies become paralyzed and enfeebled by a constant bin bit of frivolous doubting and minute fastidiousness as to the degree of evidence required to prodiicerfirm and in ternal conviction on subjects of vital impor tance." - CAtBoucs.ia.TlilmTT? ?n copying the following from a daily paper, we would notice a irht discrepancy 5f3 rhurchra and rhnpcla with 394 other Motion, would hardly be r xpectrd to contain 1,300,000 pcraoni. A few month a ago we noticed, as an exaggeration, the number of Romaniata In the Union atatcd at 800,000. la, in the meanwhile thpy have nearly doubled- We remember that a German profcuaor in thia country not Ion f ago estimated the German popnlalion of the United States at fire million. Estimates without data are dangerous matters of specula tion. Baptut Advocate. "It is stated in the Catholic Almanac for 1811, just published in this city by Fielding Lucas, jr.. that the Catholic ponulnlion of the United Mates is estimated at 1.300,000. The number of clergy men in the ministry ia 436; otherwise employed 103 total 545. The number of churches and chapels is 5 12 ; churches building 27 ; other stations 394. There ate 17 ecclesiastical institutions, with 144 clerical students. The female lelifioa insti tutions number 31, and the Jcmale academies 40. There are in the (rmale academics 2,?tt2 pupil. The literary institutions for youne men number 1M, and the young men in them 1 ,5.1. The number ofCalhohe bishops in the- United' States is 17. During 1840, the accessions to the priestly office, have been 85. The Archdiocese of Baltimore, which comprises the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia, has 68 churches and chap, ela 3 churches bmldihg, and 10 other stations. The number of clergymen in the ministry is 36 ; and the number otherwise employed 31. There ant 633 young men in the colleges of the See, and 531 p.rpils m the female academies. Thonsbts after Election. FOR T0USG W0RK1.NG MES. Tha heats of electiou-timo are over, and we think it might be well (or us to look about us for something with which to occu. Ey the minds of our restless population, luring the long winter evenings, our work ing men need something to take tlio place 01 Hie calculations, the arguments, tlie wa gers, and the wordy war, about Van Bu- rea and Harrison. We have had our pa geants, our beacon fires, our salutes, and our treats : it is time to sit down to the quiet enjoyments of the season. . , And a blessed season it is, after all. Spring, summer and autumn, have each their appropriate delights, and these are mostly enjoyed under the blue heavens and in the balmy air ; but winter, cheerful win' ter, is the time for in-door comforts, the quest of knowledge and the flow of afTcc. tion. They may talk of May : but who does not know that the mutuul attachments of young hearts put forth tlieir clasping tendrils most lustily between 1 hanksirtvinij. day an4 the returns of the blue-bird ? Now, when ruddy fires begin to throw tlieir dancing flames over the snug sitting-roomd when the piping of the wind tells how close the house is ; when Jack Frost drives the rosy children to wanton about the father's knee, or roll, half asleep, upon the rug ; now is the time when the working man, who has that best of "earthly gifts, a wife, and abundance of little olive brandies about his tabic, learns fully what is meant by the happy 8y liable, home. I ho rivals of our borne are many and fearful. Among the direst is the drink ing place, whether known as porter-house, grog-shop, or tavern. The man who spends his evenings in these stygian fumes, soon grovels, and- wallows away half his civilization.- - VV hero ourht he to be, but by his own warm fireside, rewarding his w41e-for for the solitary- labors andvexaJ tioiis of the dav, and receiving, on his part, those cheap but invaluable pleaaures, which are as much above tho .-delirium and ribald ry of the bar-room, as tlio light cf day is above the glimmer of a dipped candle. am no enemy totavern-keepcrs. Tlieyare a useful class of men. Tlieir offices of kindness to the stranger and the traveller ought to be remembered and paid, but they ought likewise to be freed from the cnor- mities which proceed from their phials ,of mnnness and death. 1 he worst effects ol ill.conductcd taverns are felt, not by the wayfaring man, for whose behoof the inn is instituted ; but by the throng of villagers and neighbors, who have, or ought to have, homes of their own, who need no tavern, and who resort thither for idleness, from lovo of excitement, or from hcastlyitipprj tito. Go into any town, and abide for a few days at one of these marts of alcoholic temptation. Mark the men, from day to dayentetilieeerejoors.jSome are there for hours, some at frequent Intervals, somf; are miudlin by the erato or stove, others are hmiriti:; about the parch. You have before you the representatives of in dolencey the 4oquacityr-thc-uniliriil. the mischicf:making, and the insolvency of the place. Is there one of them who drives a handsome btisiness t' Is there one of them who is reputed for philanthropy, public spir it, or successful talent, in any department? .&Qiojl&dyL!hjM?OT his own "earnings on his back ? Not one. Is there one of them who enjoys the alert ness, the clear spirits, and the rosy hue of health ? Not one ? That increasing ple thora and sluggish growth is not the sign 'Plir la fl.'tliliv Anil tli hand is soft. Tlie redrufWFvfrall 'nose is not the color -of geuuinc health. That simpCr and that laugh are not the gay. ety which irradiated, tho face before the tavern became a shrine. Ah ! if thit bar-room could be 'abjured to testify if those books, redolent of bran dy, and spotted with the marks of many a tumbler, could be put to the question if, after every name, you could read the his tory of the drunkards who -. have dropped off, one by one, how would tlie hi!cousTev elation scare the very sot from his swinish uidul"i.'iice ! Flic spell, however- ts not nee ! - r lie spt broken , becapse the true Lethe is ever nigh, The first twinge of conscience is quieted by brandy and water. Hence it is, that the tayern haunterja 1 so often hopeless. He drinks till he feels himself half rulricdhe is wretched lie drinks to drown his wretch edness he does drown it,and his soul along with it. O, hapless youth! before such be your fate, break awav, by a sudden, an a2ouizinr effort, or you swell the list of victims. The brandy house and home arc anta gonist powers, deadly foes, irreconcilable rivals. If you wish to embitter a man's home, aqd break his young wife's heart, introduce him to tlie bar-room. Grant all you plensdofattractionathdme the drink ing place will have more. Has he a; virtu ous, sensible, notable, comely, loving) wife, and endearing babes t No matter ; his leisure hours arc not for them, but for the lounger atlie bar and porch. He will feign business, or anxiety for news, or the expectation of a customer, or any of a tlwu sand pretexts, to take him and to keep him there. There he is, at noon and at night, and on the Sabbath. Until habit has steel ed hmvlnrsneaks thither. Grown bolder, ho becomes a fixture of the establishment. Every drinking place has its reu'nue of at tendants, known to every passerby. The tavern sisrn is not more familiar than tlie tavern suitors. Homeless creatures! each of whom, in some bright or humble sphere, might have been enjoying such innocent de light around the domestic altar, as could make this world a type of Paradise ! To young men beginning life, especially to newly married men, the counsel is sen sonoble. Reverence the fireside. Admit no rival hero. Let your chief joys bo shared by her who has forsaken all other hearts and hopes for you by ' those who must inherit honoit or disgrace from your course of life. Shun tlie bar-room and the purlieus of intoxication. It is to thousand the avenue of infamy. Holp to rid thoso industrious men to preside over public hous es, and succumo to the sad necessity of leading sober men into' drunkenness, and drunkards into despair help to lid them of this unpleasant part of their office. They protest their grief for these results. Ypn caunotjtut believe them. Help them to wash tlieir liands of the horrible stain.-Newark ' Ado. Never wait for the last Bell. It was a beautiful morning in the month of May, 1825, 1 was sitting by the side of ueien 4 l.irns, tne Qiiiy Ctrl 1 ever loved. and I believe the only girl that ever loved me any how, she was tho only one ever told me so. We were sitting in the piazza of her father's house, about a quarter of a mile ,froiTi ths.janding place, wailing for the bell of the stu&mboat to,, warn me of the " moment that wns to " part my lovo and me." It came to pass in the course of my history, that in order to accumulate a little of this world's gear, that I might be better prepared to encounter the demands of mat rimony, I was destined to cross the, blue Chesapcak, and seek in the metropolitan city the wherewithal so much desired. How " many swains have been compelled like me to leave home and the girl they loved, in search of gold? And good gracious J how . many have been disappointed t But to tho - L,n?a. Well I we were sitting in the 1 biazzaQidr" talking of our lovo and separation, etc. Wc were waiting for the unwelcome sound of the steamboat bell, and you may rely upon it wc talked fast and abbreviated our words into such rugged sentences that no body out ourselves could understand them. The first bell rang, and I sprangtomy feet, and trembled like an aspen." Oh, George, wait till the last bell rings," said Helen, as the big bright tear came over her blue eyes." " Do no such thinjr," answered the hoarse voice of Mr. Harris, as he aro: like a spec tre from tlie cellar, where he had been put ting away his cider "George, never wait for the last bell. I was o.Tlikca deer, and I arrived at the steamboaFmercIyin timo to go on board before she was pushed off from jho wharf. 7 "". - My.career in search 6f pelf, has in ado?" gree been successful; bu I believe had not, the old farmer told me " never wait for thef last bell," that I should have been as poor as the morning that farewell shivered from my lips uponh&4ieaTt of my- kvJy-I let-. en. Anyperson who has lived nt a hot-,4 even for a single day, knows tho danger of waiting for the last bell. I did it once, and lostnry dinner. The first stroke" of tins Jinncrbell sinccttTicn has fitways found imr at tho table. For six months I was c'.erk, uuu my nvvur.wauiug ir uiu iak uvu cured for me tho confidence of my employer, who offered me a partnership, which I ac. ccpted, and iu every instance when Uie bell "Tfrarreffdy; " "" " , " 1 u rt- I had almost forgotten to tell you that Helen Harris is my wife1, and she will nev er repent the morning I took her father at his word, and ran. over the field to get to the boat in timo. When I arrived at Bal. I had some introductory letters, and7they' recommended me for a situation, one was' soon offered which had been refused by four young men who were waiting for tho last bell, and which I accepted- it was the ma king of me." Huste for the first bell ; ac cept tlie first ofler, and keep it until, you irct a better. Life is short, and be wh puts off until the last bell, will, as Former Harris prcdeits " come (jut ot the little end of the born." . .' ' Young ladies, I have a word for you. In the street I live, there is a lady who hns been seven veara chQsinsr a nartnerfortrffer She has had several resH.ctable offer, but she was waiting for tho " Inst be.Il ;"' and she is now likely to renlnin to the last, a bell forfchc la turned of thirty, and it morc than probalJc that she must bide her blessedness forever. Now I beseech all you who may read this , sketch, Whenever you may feel a disposition to postpone any thing which should be dorm now, to remem ber the words of Farmer Harris, " never wait for the last licll." Not Constitutional The " Spy in Washington" says that Mr. Repre sentative from Virginia, was taken ill." Ilis physicians, after a few days attendance ex pressed apprehensions that he would not re. , cover. Mr., continuing togroW worse, sent for a fricnd.m whom he communica. ted the npprchensions of his physician, an; then said in a solemn manner, " Nowm friend, I have a favor to ask ; if I shouU die, do not let me be buried at the expense of Congress, for by Jove it is unconslitu tionaUr ; . DEsianoit or FaicsDS. Old Kit. Lie, the mad poet, wrote the following lines, or something like them, while confined in Beldlaim. Thou. sands hav realized, inctt bitterly, their truth 1 If Fortune is sunny. And you've plenty of money. Friends throng like br round a honey- pot' t. Bui 11 name r online frown. A nil tbff iadfteaat vniv jjy Jove! you may lie and rot.

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