; -ifi '..!!. ' -. , , V , .- LIFE IS OSLY TO BE . VALUED AS IT IS USEFULLY EMPLOYED: '' m ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, ;FBfl)ATr MOBNIKGrMARCH 12,4841. NUMBER 39. 1 s -II, snnvtTV FnlTflM. t. riaAiii'i '"' fc.tr BY J- , M-aW -mmmia 1 Bdnav 1 rLT-itmiiei (NMl at the - JrtTiSl-ier) MtU all arreatmyw P- a at to p" ' . . . J rwi.. Aavwr "4 Twe.y-Fivs Cts far lLaniC.tK. .urtb.ao -Mud. , MISCELLANEOU& gooth-Wwteni Chrfrfi- Advocate, . U aterm derived from two Tfda. and literally unporutt o -ZTj&twik. It treats of tbe physical teuij of our Globe, investigate its struc- of the changes in the organic and inorgan- fckiocdpo" niurc" ",1 ' , ' , ' Tbe different character of soils and rocks rcsular tratification which they eihibit. the variou beds aod wini of metals and coal, the petrifaction and olher which are found in all court- trie the immense mountain raogc ubi itreteli across states ana contioeou, togeui. erwilh the agency of water, and fire in producing changri on tbe earth crust, Iwe doubtless excited the atlcntion of men inrrerr age and prompted the desire to know tbe physical history 01 ine pianei we inhabit Accordingly wc find the earliest records of history revealing traditions and neculationsoa this topic But as the fa- cjUues for acquiring correct views upon it we dtficfeot jts mzM naturally ne ezpecu ed the ardent and imaginative tuiit splen did but baseless theories, apparently vteing with each other in nropairatinff the most naoaary and irrational hypotheses. Tet, as oftea occurs in the infancy of other sci ences, ve occasionally see these theorists' striking npoiLimporiant truthsjinajw as tooished they aid not follow out these views aod at ooce achieve toe scienee. As fllustratire of these remarks and as introductory to tbe subject, it may not be amiss W give, in this number, a short his tory of the progress of tieology. Tbe doctrine of tbe alternate destruction and renovation of the earth, marking a long succession of periods, each occupying ma. ny thousand ages. Is taught in tbe sacred book of tbe Hindoos: a work admitted to have been composed at feast nine centuries before Christ .'; : . At a vervearlr neriod the marine shells which were found upon the hills that sur round the valley of the Nile attracted the at tention of the Egyptian Priests ; and Plu tarch says that one of the celebrated hymns which Orpheus brought from Egypt, to Greece related to this subject. Tie Egyp tian, like the Hindoo system, assigned de finite periods to these great revolutions, which they ascribe to conflagrations and de luges, whereby the gods punished human crimes and purified the earth. Hence too rose the poetical action of the golden aod iraa ages. ' ,""', TT " Pythagoras, Plato jnd Jlmtotlevere aware that the surface of the earth has un dergooe violent revolutions and speculated poa the causes and periods of those con. WlMoOa,-.r .. r-,Tr-... ,. ; . During the middle ages a long and hitter esetroversy-arose fwhethetMhe-lbswl-re-maiM of animals and plants are truly the remains of organized bodies or merely M sports of nature," And scarcely had a huadred years contest settled this question before It was Bronouneed. that, to denv the deluge of Noah insuflkieni to account forjtance with mineralp the eiirfiv nt iiJr era ami species to be a dangerous heresy. But, greatly to ber credit, tbe church of snw has redeemed herself from tbe impu twn of persecuting this science ; for re eently this " dangerous heresy has been avowed and successfully defended in a oorse of very learned lectures delivered in ring of tbe Pope by one of the Pro. lessors of tbe University of Rome. :" Is the 17th centurv. IJhnil. rtvn nln. ed mathematician. as baintiMi xn.M - 1 : l : OUSmaSS. Which Km Wn nCiiAinM BTm wntiuawi uuruiUK IUIU1IJ- IIS ClCSduin . I I COOi. vannm mnmJ Wat thlM fnmoA - ..-J - caverns formed hw ( iJa nt .r Tbe tlWd the earth mm Ao-.IT j .l. splendid ezperirnenu of Sir H Tlww mm. " rf mmxutM mm if - ana um log that tbe earths am a!. ivt mav tie Kduced to rrvXalLe K.. I :.. ;n iU Opinion Of some. ComiidAnkU nbmaihilirv to this htmntlw. Hooke ed from tbe dinennm i KIviM tLiiiiuiu' wnirn na lniprrvn tween the Cvm'U r..l : r i A J .u. "WJog species. This change of climate Be attnhiftawl i. .- .i tWn Of tluMptl.i i j .t . rwJar notion that ' " MI I1H UmiDKU LIU. wore had Iwwwut ki.ii .i . u ' u w uwu in IBH UHU qnakes had kWnm Im rnonA erful.aivrltt.L.k- a iTT.i bad hwn - r - .i i tbeeartt.'.-: " T"" MbHIOl IB fl. IEBT HMinilUl .1 linHIT la 1695 Woodward came forward with thtVe-var r r . I -s a Be said kf ttmtm dil l I J il r Kuau uvwb i rut 11 um uiir SDISCUOOS mass t amtJ in nmnf ntU tin in. ""ted thai snarinn KMLp. Bn LvImJ in tk strata nccontint to a ..; it. i.:. proof needs proof, or rather is disproved by llcta.Ji,t.s J . Wi J v;f i liWi vi - lrnett revived tbe ooctrine of a change in tbe inclination of the- earth's axis ex. plained how the primeval earth enjoyed so mild a CJ i male how tbe eartn fiasured by the sonVrays, poured oot the waters of tbe deluge from a central abyss .-predicted the connagrauon of tbe globe and the rising of a new heavens andearthout of a second chaos ' . , Whiston followed Burnet: but Newton having dinoroved a ehanee in the axis of tbe esrboauribnted the de-uge to tbe ap proach of a cornet, wbicb by tbe coodenss. tion of its vapoury tail, and by drawing the water of the ocean over tbe land had flood ed the earth.'1 He proposed so to interpret the first chapter of Genesis that the doctrine! or the earth having existed long prior to tbe formation of man might no looeer be retard ed as heretical. Jn this suggestion he was in advance ot bis age. The Italian Geologists refuted and ridi culed the system of Burnet. Whiston and Woodward, and declared that sound phi losophr as well as religion had suSLrcd by perpetually mixing up tbe sacred writings with questions in physical science, beveral eminent divines contended that the truth of the Bible was involved in tbe question of tbe origin of springs, and maintained, in opposition to an.enlightcned Italian Ge ologist, that -. :: z by subterranean syphonf and C3VitfefTm the jea upwards, losing their saltness in the progress ! Thus has xeal without knowledge frequently ex. posed the word of God to tbe attacks of its loes. Passing by a host of writers we hasten to notice Werner a man who for i long lime wielded an influence in Geology simi lar to that which his great countryman Lu ther exercised in divinity. He was vastly superior to his predecessors and collected and imparted much valuable Information. its great error consisted in attributing too much to the action of water and not enough to 15i hJaifitajnin thatevenbesalt and other volcanic rocks are " chemical precip itates, from water. His was called tbe Nevtunum theory, and inculcated the doc trine of an original " menstronm or ch otic fluid " which held in solution all the materials of the globe, and from which his universal formations bad been each in succession simultaneously precipitated over the whole earth. Ine amiability of bis character, his ardor and eloquence in pur suing awl explaining bis favorite science, combined with bis intimate knowledge of mineralogy rave a new impulse to the stu dy of Geology, and a number of foreigners nocked into baxony to attend the lectures of this celebrated professor Tbia mmm- tat era in Geology. ' v 1 ( Ilutton, of lidinburgh, vraav eotempora- ry with Werner, and was his great rival and antagonist. He contended for the ig oeous origin of besalt and the ether jocks of that class that volcanoes bad not come into play in modern times, as Werner sap posed ; objected to the introduction of im. aginary causes in producing tbe phenomena of Geology, and advocating the permanent gency of tbe same causes ra nature. "Ine ruins of an older world," be said,-" were visible in our planet ; the strata that now compose our continents have been ooce be neath the sea, and formed out of the waste of pre-existing continents.-He. declared that be found no traces of a beginning no prospect of an end "that " tbe oldest rocks are of a derivative nature, the last of our antecedent series, and that, perhaps, one of many pre-existing worlds." Huttonl like Werner, bad considerable acquuin- of organic remains, a department of, this aasaaavs vi tvsasss as, ww isiuvh wv science which subsequently - contributed more than any thing else to unravel the mvstery of Geology. ' Ilutton was ac cused of the heresy of materialism and much angry and violent feeling was ex hibited against him. -The illustrious Play, fair illustrated and defended tbe theory of Ilutton, but neither learning nor genins could stem tbe current of popular supersti. tion originating in a misanprebension of the Bible. His was called the Vokania theory. ' ' ' ' Voltair, true to his infidel pnnciplasi, at. tacked the popular opinion among the Catlu olics in France which attributed fossil shells to .the deluge, by denying that they- were true shells, but "sports of nature. Still he knew better, and has admitted it in his oth er writings. The controversy between the Neptunis'.s and Volcanists continued to rage most of tbe literary men of the' time taking side with one or the other theory ; but the con test had led to the discovery of many im portant facts illustrative of the subject, and excited a general spirit of enquiry and ob servation. Ine putT"? mind bad become at last disgusted with v"- hypotheses,' and many tearnodmen sougut, oy travelling to distant countries and by close and patient nspection of nature, to arrive at just and tisfactory conclusions. 1 oe relations ot certain mineral groups in the order of their superposition their mineralogical charac ter and tbe fossils peculiar to certain for- matiaos were severally investigated by tbe most distinguished scholars, and Chemistry, Comparative Anatomy, Zoology, Botany and Natural Philosophy au contributed to illustrate tbe science or Geology ana to give it the station which it now so deserv. edly holds as one of the most interesting de partments of natural science. p The Geological Society of London. founded in 1907, has cciiduced greatly to this end, , They have multiplied and record' ed observations and ; patiently waited for such as accumulation of well authenticated facta as justify a general system of Geolo gy. .Bakewell, Do La Bache, Buckland, Sedgwick, Murcblson, Philips, SyeU and auntell, off Jbogwnd, have contnbuted by the masterly productions of their peas, to raise Geology to tho reputation of a science. Germany has done her part in this noble wore, especially in the department of nun eralogical Geology. France has produced among others ber Cuvior and Brogniart, Whose work "On the Mineral Geoersnbv and organic tlemains of the neighborhood of Paris", is a monument of science. The U, States can also boast of her Silliman, Maclure, Hitchcock, Johnson, Dana, Ea. too, and last, though not least. her-Troost who, though not a native, is an adopted and favorite son ; and who, to a profound knowledge- -of chemistry and mineralogy has added much practical Geological infor. ma tion acquired by years of toilsome travel and patient observation. . , Many of tbe states of tbe Union, aware of the importance of Geology, have en gaged the services of talented gentlemen to make Geological surveys, and a, mass of fuels is now; collected aod being collected from tbe wide spread limits of our country which is not only to secure fame to the en terprising Individuals engaged in these pur- suiuatjdjcootribwte . to ih rmjfort and Wealth of the community, but to settle points still id dispute among tbe, trans. Atlantic Geologists. Mow wide ana interesting is the field which our vast continent presents to the American student of natural science ! . , Robe bt Paihs. ,La Grange CoIL AhwFeb. 4, 1841.. From Chambers Ediagburg Journal Tlirllllag Narrative. ; tEMAEtABLE COJiDCCT OP A UtTLt CIEt- The following extraordinary act was per formed by a child in Lyons not long ago, according to a continental papers An uutortunate artisan, the lather of a family, was deprived of work by the depress ed state of his trade, during the whole win. tcr. It was with great difficulty that he could get a morsel of food now and then, for his famished wife and children, r lmngsgrew worse and worse with him, and at length, on altempiing to rise one morning for the purpose of going out as usual, in quest of employment, he fell back in a fainting con. diiion beside his wife; who bad already been confined to her bed by illness for two months. The poor man felt himself ill and his strength entirely gone. He had two boys yd in mere childhood, and one. girl about 13 or 13 years old. For a long time the whole charge of the bonaehokl had fallen on this girL She bad tended the sick-bed of her mother, and had watched over her tittle brothers with more than parental care. Now when the father too was taken ill, there seemed to be not a vestige of hope in the family, except in the exertions that might be made by ber, young as she was. : , . Ine first thought of tbe little girl was to seek for work , proportioned to tier strength. But that the family might not starve in the meantime, she resolved to go to one of the bouses of charity where food was given out, she bad beard, to the poor and needy. The person to whom she addressed herself, ac cordingly inscribed her name in the list of pplieaBtsuand told her tacome back again in a'duy or two, when tbe case would have been deliberated upon. Alas, during this deliberation her parents and brothers would starve ! The girl stated this, hut was in formed that the formalities mentioned were ndispcnsable. Site came again. into the street, aod, almost agonized by the- knowl. edge how anxiously she was expected with bread at home, she resolved to ask charity from passengers in the public ways. IMo one heeded the modest, unobtrusive ppeal of ber outstretched hand. Her heart was too full to permit her to speak. Could any one have seen the torturing anxiety that filled ber breast, she must have been pitied and relieved. As the case stood, .it is not, perhaps, surprising that some rude being menaced her with the police. She was frightened. Shivering with cold and rying bitterly, she fled homeward. When site mounted the stairs and opened the door, the first word srw heaid war the cries of her brothers for something to cat bread ! I She saw ber father soothing and supporting ber fainting mother, and beard him say Bread ! she dies for the want of food. " I have no bread," cried the poor girl, with anguish in her tones. Ine cry ot disappointment and despair which came at these words from ber father and brothers, caused ber to recall what she bad said, and conceal the truth. " I have not gotit yet," she exclaimed, " but I will have it immediately. I have given the baker the money, he was serving some rich peo. (lc, and he told me to wait or come back, came to tell that it would soon be here." After these words, without waiting for a reply she left tlie bouse again. .A thought had entered her bead, and maddened by the distresses of these she loved so dearly, she had instantaneously Resolved to put it into! execution. &he ran from one street, to an other, till she saw a baker's shop in which there appeared to be no person, and then, summoning all her determination, she en. tered, lifted a loaf, and fled! The shop, keeper saw ber. from behind. He cried loudly, ran out alter her, and pointed her out to the peoplb passing by The girl ran oh. She was ptmrned, and finally a man seized the loaf which she carried. The ob ject of ber desire taken away, she had no motive to proceed, and was seized at ooce. They conveyed ber towards the office ; a crowd as usual having gathered in attend, ance. The poof girl threw around ber Despairing glances, wmcn seemea to sees some favorable object from whom to ask mercy. At last, when she had been brought to tbe court of the police office, and was iu waiting for the order to enter, she saw be fore her g little girl of ber own age, who appeared to look on ber with a glance fun of kindness and compassion. Under the Impulse of the moment, still thinking of ber family r she whispered to the stanger the cause of ber act of tneft ? " Father and mother, and my two bro thers are dying for tbewant of bread!" saidahe. -yfr; " Where T" asked the little girl anxiously. f' Buo. ' u No. 10, w " She bad only time to add the name of her parents to this conwnunication, when she was car ried in before tittcomraissionary of the po nce. Meanwhile, the poor family at borne suf fered all the miseries of suspense, fears of their child's safety, were added to the other afflictions of the parents. At length they heard footsteps ascending the stairs An eager cry of hope was uttered Dy an trie four enfbrtunates, but alas ! a stranger ap peared in tbe place of their own little one. Vet the stranger appeared to them like an angel. Her cheeks had a beautiful bloom, and long Saxes hair fell in curls upon ner shoulders. She brought them bread, and a small basket of other provisions. " Tour girl," she said, " will not be back perhaps to-day ; but keep up your spirits, see what she has sent you." After these encourog. ing words, tbe young messenger, of good put into the bands of the father five francs, and then turning around to cast a look of pity and satisfaction on tbe poor family, who were overcome with emotion, she dis appeared. ' - . Ine history of these fire francs is the most remarkable part of this affair This little benevolent fairy was, (it is alniost un necessary toMsay,) the same pitying specta tor who had been addressed by the abstrac tor of the loaf at the police omce. As soon as she had heard what was said there, she had gone away, resolved to take some meat to the poor family. But she remembered that her mamma was from home that day, and was at a loss how to procure money or food, until she bethought herself at a re. source of a strange kind. She recollected a hair-dresser who lived near her mother's house who knew her family. He often com. mended her beautiful hair and told her to come to him whenever she wished to have it cut, and he would give her a louisdore for This used - to irmkfr her proud - and pleased, but she now thought of it in a dif ferent way. In order to procure money for the assistance of a starving family, she went straight to the hair-dresser, put him in mind of his promise, and offered to let him cut off her pretty locks for what be thought them worth. Naturally surprised by such an applica tion, the hair-dresser, who was a kind and ntelligcnt man, made inquiry into the cause of his young friends visit. Her secret was easily drawn from nerTandircaused" tlw hair-dresser almost to shed tears of pleas- ure. lie feigned to comply with tlie condi. tions DroDosed. and save the bargained fif teen francs, promising to come and claim his purchase at some future day. The little girl then bought provisions,.. &. basket and set out on her errand of mercy. But before she returned, tbe hair-dresser had gone to ber. mother's, found that lady at home, and related to ber the whole circum stance. So that when the possessor of the gqldenjresses canie back , snejiras gratified by being receivedTin the open arnuoThcr blessed and praising parent. , .When the story was told at tbe police office by the hair-dresser, the abstractor of the loaf was visited by no very severe pun ishment The singular circumstances con nccted with the case, raised many friends to the artisan and bis family, and be was soon restored to health and comfort Lead Philippe, the Kiag ! the Fresach - HIS POSmOJf HIS rOLJCV HIS FAMILY. The present King of the French is just y regarded, by all correct observers, as one of the most extraordinary men of-the day, and is likely to shine in the pages of history as a Prince of great wisdom, ener gy and firmness. His career since the cel ebrated, revolution of July, 1830 has been marked by almost every vicissitude to which monarchy is liable. , He has been compell ed time and again to change his ministers ; attempt after attempt has been made upon his life ; various popular tumults have bro ken out in bis capital, and be was very re cently threatened with a conflict with four of the most powerful European nations. Even the war spirit of France, excited in a great measure by the mistaken policy of the Prime Minister, has bees resisted, and with success, by the Monarch of the Barricades " and at the last dates- the ! French capital was quiet Peace had again unfurled her bloodless banner, and the wise, virtuous Louis Philippe was exerting him self to the utmost for the happiness of his people. Perhaps no greater calamity could hap pen to Europe, in the present condition of flairs, than the death of this represents, five of tbe Bourbons. It should be remem bered that be holds tbe throne by no regu lar tenure : that be was placed there in a moment of great difficulty and excitement, principally through the agency of La Fay- ette: that be is not entitled to the eminent position, by any immediate ancestral right ; and that even now, a doubt exists in the minds of a large body of the French peo ple, whether a succession would, in the event of bis death, be permitted to either of his sons. Seeing this' condition of af. fairs, and thoroughly conversant with the temper of his '- countrymen, tbe French monarch has, at every opportunity, tent his children among' the peogle, and min gled them up in military atEiirs, in order if possible to soften the prejudices of the pop ular mind, and to inspire a degree of confi dence and affection. Doubtless he has suc ceeded to some extent, but not to the ex tent necessary ; and thus his death, we fear, will lead 16 another serious and perhaps dreadful convulsion. u A late number of Blackwood's Magazine has an article devoted to Louis Philiooe. which accords him high praise. Ine wri ter states, that he " now stands forth the sole barrier to France, against her own pbrenzy. The popular cry, the provincial parties, even the journals of his own min isters assail him. Yet he has hitherto stood firm. The position becomes a king, but a patriot still more. He might survive a war, but the monarchy and tlie constitution would run the most extreme peril. On the manly firmness with which he shall show himself the ruler of opinion during the next six months, may depend a question higher than even tbnt of peace or war; the ques tion whether France will not be revolution ized, her government inflamed into a fierce, loose, and desperate democracy, and. the final Duniahment inflicted on its nolitica! crimes in a new invasion of tbe armies of Europe, a total partiuoo of her territory, and the extinction of her power of evil for ever among nations." These doctrines may seem wild, but they nevertheless, possess more truth than would at first arrest aUentien. Tbe Governments of the Old . World, whether right or wrong, see the necessity of standing by each other, and resisting any rash Or headlong cliange in the eeneral system. This may be con sidered peculiarly andimpressively the pol icy of Russia ; and on reviewing the re cent movements of the four powers with regard to Mehemet AH in Syria, one can not but be forcibly struck with a conviction that something more serious and admonito ry was designed than the mere adjustment of the Eastern difficulty. IJnder these cir cumstances, therefore, and with this view, the conduct of Louis Philippe, in braving popular clamour and excitement at home, and even in perilling his liwn position on the throne, for the sake of his country, cannot but challenge admiration. He was born in 1773, and is consequently sixty seven years of age. . General .Cass states that his health is vigorous. Of his family, we are told that the duke of Orleans, his eldest son, is now 30 ; tall, graceful in his movements, and handsome. He acts a sort of Viceroy, sometimes attends tho -armies, sometimes travels through France on a tour of inspection, and is always in readiness to allay public tumults or promote the royal will. Tbe younger sons are " the' Duke of Ne mours, the Prince de Joinville, the Duke of A nmalcT a nd the Duke of Montpentfter. The King Knows the value of activity turning men to many uses; and he theret fore keeps them all employed as much as he can. The Duke of IMemours is a sol dier, and hffs served in Algiers." The PjiincedeJoinville is a Captain intheNavy, and behaW blave had the command of the squadron recently sent to St. Helena for the remains of Napo leon. The two younger sons are said to be fine young men, and are destined for the army. Surely under such circumstances, ihOlfdnarch" W proud position among the Kings of Europe ; a position, the duties, ot which he appears anxious to discharge, not only with credit to himself, but in a manner at once calcula ted to promote the happiness of his coun trymen, and the general interest of man kind. riul. Inquirer. From the Pilot. PebttintvEBeBuxh ! Tipsey Iilmaid. A recent Publication contains a icrio. eomico description of the navigation of Drunken Sea, from which we take tlie fol- iowing-description of . PuinfaJmfcKuQUgh aml Tisy Island. The writer seetm well acquainted with the difficulties and peculiar character of the navigation : The longitude and latitude of Point- JusuEnough never having been, exactly as- certained, either from Us being situated ,0s already mentioned, in a floating Island, or whatever other cause, gcograplM-r have found it very difficult to assign the precise limits of Pleasant Bay. It is perhaps to get rid of this difficulty, Unit some geog raphers describe Pleasant Bay as extending the whole way from Soberland to Tijisy Island. But wliether it be or be not geo graphically correct to apply the name of Pleasant liay to that pan oi me urunsen Sea which lies between Point-Just-Enough and Tipsy Island, it is quite certain that there is no part of this sea where the sky is so bright, the air so fresh and exhilarating or the motion of the water lively and buoy, ant as it is here. . . It happens, therefore,' as might be ex pected, that many of those who leave So berland,' with tbe intention of going no far ther than Point-Just-Enough, do yet, when they arrive at that Point, extend their voy age to Tipsy island, and tempted by the increasing beauty of the scene, the favoring wind and current, and the easy landing which the shore of the island presents at no great distance. Besides those who thus voluntarily extend their voyage irom Point.' Just-Enough to Tipsey Island, there are others who, overshooting the Point either through ignorance or inadvertence, mis. stays iu their attempt to tack, and are car. r ried to tlie Island by tbe force of the wind and current- As it generally happens that those who have once visited Tipsey island in either of tlie ways just mentioned, return to it again direct from Soberland, and repeat their vis. it with great regularity during the remain--der of their lives, Tipsy Island is always full of visitors. The sensations experi- , enced on this Island, diner only in degree . from those which are felt at Point-Just. Enough. The pulse and heartbeat a little quicker and stronger, the eyes become brighter, tho skin hotter, the face more flushed, the voice louder, the gestures more ,i vehement, the conversation less connected, the ideas rambling and incoherent. " borne dance, some sing, some swear, some fight, all stagger about; some be. come loyal, others philosophical; all are veracious, disinterested, magnanimous, chivalrous. It is usual to remain several hours, and even to pass the night upon tbe Island. A few remain upon it for several hours together ; but as it is discreditable to , be seen upon it in '.he morning, those who regard appearances, usually leave tat So. berland sometime before day -break ; many fall asleep on the Island, and are carried in that state to their boats. In the morning all awake unreireshed with a parched mouth, hot skin, red eyes, aclung head, and no ap ipetite for breakfast, aud spend the day. drinking soda water at the great fountain iu. the quay of boberland, which looks to- . wards Pleasant Bay. and lomrtaff for eve ning in order to return to Tipsy Island, or at least as far as Point-Just-Enough." , Things certain ta IS 11. The year 1841 will be a very eventful one every body who gets married. Throughout tbe whole course of the year whenever the moon wanes tbo nights will grow dark. l - . 1 nose who have debts to pay, and do cash will lose their credit. It is probable that if there is no business doing, people will complain of hard times, but it is certain that those who hang them selves will escape starving to death. Many a man will grow rich this year in a dream. . .. II the incumbent of a fat office should die. there will be a dozen feet ready to step into one pair ot shoes. Ho who marries during this year will rurt a great risk that is, if be does it in a hurry. . - -' HclwIio steals a match, will make tattlers gossip, and get himself into a scrape. lie who is penny less this year will not gricvo much at the fall of stocks. lie that grows without growing wiser, will be a long time coming to the years of discretion. He who wants to borrow money, will know the value of it He who laughs at his own dull jokes, and hunts for a cat with three tails, or becomes ah applicant for "office, will rival honest Dogberry, and be content to " write himself I nn " . .. There will be more books published tin's year than will find purchasers more rhymes written than will find readers, a.)d more bills made out than will find payers. If a tnan-builds a house thiaysar. without counting the cost, be will know moreat the " end of his undertaking than at the begin ning. If any body jumps overboard without trnsiurinrr tiiur in iwim it ia (wn in nna flint ctsrownedT1 If any one lends an umbrella, it is two to one that be is obliged to go home in the rain for his pains. . There will be a great noise about tbe country whenever it thunders, aod a dust wilt be kicked up by coach horses unless -the roads are McAdamized. Whoever makes the discovery that the world is given to lying, will only do wliat Jack Fallstaffhas done before him. Many an old sinner will resolve to turn over a new leaf this year, but the new leaf will turn out a blank. Many a fond fool will jump into a honey pot , and find it mustard, without bung to say7ilh the fly,-" Im ou."- - Many things will be wondered at this year, and turn out not to be miracles. ... Finally we are of opinion, that this will be a wonderful year just like all that have gone before it Politicians will make fools of themselves, pettifoggers will make fools of others, and women with pretty fa ces will make fool both of themselves affd others. The world will go round and -round back to the place from which it set out aod this will be the course of many ay -man who should be up and doing. There will be a great cry nod little wool, aiyat tlie shearing of pigs or a session of Con. gress. ' Good FKfrmG. In the trial of some patriot prisoners at Kingston, Upper Can ada, a British officer disclosed on oath the fact, that the British loss in the " Wjnd- . mill " affair at Preacott, two years since, was 442 killed. This, for execution, con sidering the nujriber of Patriots engaged (180) beats San Jacinto, which is often ' quoted as the most remarkable in that re- spect among the hotly contested fields - of modern times the patriots killed, it will be seen, almost three to one, a fact which suA ficiently accounts for the exasperation of- -the British troops oh that occasion ao4 caused them to refuse quarters. j i ."iil i : i 5 5i 'i ft i . ! I'. . - - . i-t -W . j:.- M .... -1! . . ... 4-' 1

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