1 LtFEWUHLIt WIftJ TALTJEDAS ff IS tJSEFULLV EMPLOYED. ASnEYILLE NOKTIi; CAROLINA,: FRIDAMOMIMJ, APRIL 23,1841' - NUMBER VOLUME I. D, B. M'iNALlY 4 J. EOBEBTS, ED1T0SS FgRTK ANDrilBLJSHr.n KVFKV FRITAT, JlY J. II. CHEtlSTY. TKyiL The " MehskVoe" w pu)!iiilio(J at Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum, raadvance, rwT)nl1iint theandof the rear. V No iubscription dicontinuc37(ewrpt t the op- lion of 4h publisher) unm au arrearages a"L'",u AnvHTMKmyii will be inserted at One Dollal ..,; pot square fortho firet, and Twenty-Five Cents for each subsequent insertion. . - -1 All communication must be post paid. IVew Establishment t T j. MrconNWELL. AKEStha method of reforming the citizen of Uuncom&o county, and tho public wncr. Ily, that be now occupies the old stand of Messrs. James and Peter fcStradley, t the Southern end of Asheville, where ho w prepared- to eSi-ciito a; kinds of work in tho ' - - CAURIAGE-MAKIXG line, of business, in a workman-like manner, an on reasonablo terms. . . ITTAtl orders for CARXIAGE8, CARRY ALLS, or other vchbles, will bo thankfully re. v reived and pronwllv atleliJedlO. " ' w O" Wa irons, carriage, &c, repaired on short utic and accommoilaUng toruw. Ashtvillc, April 9,1611. . 4.1.f TffT ESPECT FULLY informs Ids friends, and 'Ami the public generally, teat ha still continues w vtiirj' vii ... . v .HtUorlng JJuslmas, . IX ALL ITS T AKIOUS BRANCHES, lKut ona.mlle from G;1. Alexander's store, on the old Warm 'Spring - road. H;, would respectfully return tlid piiMic his heiirt-felt thanks for thb hbt ral share of Watfonacjc ho has heretofore rencivodj nnd hopos, Ky.closo uttentiin to businens, o niril tind receive n cbrtlinnmiee oi tnc same, llicioi. lowing arc b:s prices Plain clotli coat, 4t jeans - , cloth pan l.i, " jeans : " vest. ' t . ( Kxiim prices will be rhnrired forejrlra work ,1 lie flatter liimseif lio will ij able t? pK-nso his custoniefs. Hi: can at ail tune bo fnnnd at ho:n --cnH on Irim, and your work shall be done chrfip fur cash, and " cabbage" returned. ' ' K,-m.. . Am :" ".1 50 1 50 l 2: 1 50 A.T2IAISTRlTOS SALE. ' WILL ofll r for salo, on'Sa'.hrdny, tlie 1st day of May next, at tbfl late residunee of launc V. Rodders, dcc'd.in't'io county of Cocke, -ELEVEN LK ELY AND VATPLE .- to- wit : Austin nnd his wifo Ahbr, -'Wesley, Mar. iha, listin, Harriet, Marauds, Lucinda, Eliza, and'her two children. The terms of tho sain will bs twelve mouths ctcdit, with bond and approved security. 1 1. U. FRANKLIN, Administrator. "ApriMfTatl.1- - ttl 5HJ ciM MISCELLANY. From the Southern Xaternry Messenger,-' . Jh dying Warrior. ' FROM TUB POKT-FOLIO OF AS ARTIST. ' . A. MOUNT. , " iDuring.Jxn excursion into tho jnteriur of Pennsylvania, I had occnsiod to mke short sojourn at tho delightful '.alky of Wypmnig a place, from its furring irjci dents with t!ic old French war, celebrated in our own trans-Atlantic story. -V4to that has read tho i beautiful poem of ' Ger trudo of VyomrntfvW does not feel a deep inlercst at thtTrtiention of tlio' vt ry name Albeit, some poetical" liberties have been taken by the author of that production, in the descriplion of the spot, yet travellers and historians concur in representing'!!, as ns bno ot the happiest of humnn existence for the hosnitablo ortd innocent manners ol Uie iniiubitnnts, the oeautyot tnecotintrv and thtf 1'uxurianLici.tility of the soil and climate. In nu unpropitious hours' howev. er'rtho junction of Europeans with the Indi ans, converted this terrestial paradise into a. frightful wase. f L-ampbcIl apostrophises I in the following manner : - u lint feed their flocks in preen declivities,. Or skiin, pcrchanCet thy lake with lipht cano, From morn till evening's sweeter pastime grew, Uli tiinurt'l,. wiicnoencatb tlio iorcsts brown Thy lovclv maidens would the dance renew, And ayetlioaesunny mountains half way down, . Would echo flugcolet,fro;ii'3omc romantic town." PennsylvaniancralJ.y;jaflUractive--to ii artist ; but tho scenes'in the vicinity' of Wyohiing, situuted on tljoTinnks ot the 'still glidingbusquelianna, causo a sti deeper leeiing ot eiuiiusiasrn. . lMy oliject n visiting too spot, was to study nntiire, lcr naums: aiui no piace in 4111s lauerea onofTt.'rs nlore allurements to J!r votaries than this. Ihad been oaly asiirft - time at Yyo. mini;, ahd.hnd bcciifnc snugiv. MtuatedJat I a deep, ivuiftid indi-shcart. Lmy lodgings, ntid duly prepare for rftm- ins:, mIiou-4 llirmod an acquaintance with hefamlbffof a revolutionary vcteran.namcd self o'ying. Athis request tho family were called to his bedide to reccivo. his fare well bkasing. Ho was bolstered up, aud com'.ienced a pathetic harangue to1 the ir-.-mnor oi msiamny. iiioinfiiucrencu manifested by all presenf somewhat sur. prised me at first : but I was soon led to dc count fofit; when the Colonel, suddenly starting up in bed, exclaimed vehemently ,j "Moore !. Moore f 1 am hungry 1 1 nm nun- gry! Wherois the Doctor 7" Uhis ab rupt tpHnmatfOTrTCOmthcr ludicrous ef feet to the scene ; and the fin i'y seeing his Ii(b was'iii no liifimeuiafc'dahgerwfrliaiesr, nnd I approached the Colonel. . . Vlbctor," asked he, "arc you a Toryf" "1 nm not, Colonel." ( : - N"What the d 1 arc you tlien V . . "I am an Artist, nnd with'your permis. sion, will paint your portrnit.-" 'Doyou hate Fory, Doctor! "I do, Colonel." . . . y . ."That's riylrt thatV' rtWit. . Moore yotiand the D;x:tor help me u;." .. W e threwa-cljak over h'm. ami seated im by a small table, near t!io- window. ood was brought -hTm, and Moora minis. tcrcd to his. wants. It would require the pencil of flJ Warth, or the pen of Shak- spcare, to'donictrtflequatf.-lythcefilct which this Secni wrongfit Upon mc. In silenre I rrfr.ircied the two old veteran's, reconciling m i.t!ieir..8Ccond gIuldhooujMQ....repplIccJJm. of thc.past ' ljrtTisiitifr iilouloi scars tlievpjfflKiiy wore. And grieved to think thruvday of battle o'er." Thinking 1 4iojtH"'nave'rro hoitflroppoT- tinity of cflociitfg tho object of my visit, I prop6&T-dnaking a sketch of the Colonel, to wbih lie rcauilvasscnted. seeininir pleas- id idea. .-The table was removed. arranged my light an l easel, and com- nienccd my laho3,jIy subject remained quiet for half an hour, wh;n he suddonly thrmy himself back in his e!i;iirr parted the bosom of his shirt, and displayed to my gaze 'olif- , ' IIo had sicnalized hiiii3elf in 0 wars, and had "subsequently prepared publication a history .of 'tho eventful ru"le, so fir as related io tho vicinity of Wvuniinjj, At present, however? he "was STATE OF N. CAROLINA, JouS' D4u.i"o.v and Josevu Kkf..eii, T EQUITY SPRING TERM, 1811. ictt. ) Utll of Injititciloii and for Rc. 1 icf. ST appearing to the Fatwfaetion of tho Court, that the defeudnnf, J. U.Paee, dix-s not -reside within tlto limits of- the Stuli; It4slrdered that publication be made in thk " flighlahd, Meswen jfer" for six successive weeks, notifying the said defendant to appear at tho next Court of Equity "i do iiciu ior mo saiu cou;uyi macon, ui inq Court House in'' Franklin, on the. second Monday m September next, to answer complainant's said bill of complaint, otherwise judfjinent pro confesstt. will be entered agaijmt him, and tlje cause set for nearin exparte.- - 1 . ' . ..Witness, Sail Smith, clerk and master of our said Court of Equity, at office, the 4th Monday in -uarcli, A. IK 13H. SAUL SMITH, C. .V. F.. Printer's foe, fj, 50.1 . 43 - STATE OF H. CAEOLDA. BUXf O.UBE ffllATY. ' Count oy Pleas ami Qi'AaTF.ii S$Ksio.s, , ; Jaaj-Tf iv;i I L-jA; . Hhoda McDuU-p -' ' ) ' . - . Tlie heirs of William McPaniel, dee'd. S' 7 1'cnaonjqrjuovcr ana parHlivnoj iruroe.f.i IT appcarinclo the satlsfac! ion of the Court that -JarflMtirimcrtrndtvlrwifb M.irfurett, James Dunsmore and bis wife Jane, - (ialnspio, nnd his wife Sarah, Archibald, Margaret and Eliz nbclh McDaniel, children of Archibald McDaniel, dee'd Thomas McCIurc and hiswife Mary, Isaac Wlkerson and his wife Martha, are .not inhabi tants of this State iIt is ordered by the Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the High land Messenger, that the saiariiespearJlt-tiieJ. next L-ourl ol ricas anil Wimrteiejns1 to be held for the county of Hiineomliev at the Court Ilouse in Asheville. on the 3d Monday after tlie sufierinrr under the elTec-ts of nam vsia. nr compnntcd with' frequent, returns ot mcnta rration. His family were under the ap rehension that he waspissing nwayr: and bein: desirous of preservinor some niemen. ' . ,s U of him,hau solicited me to attempt hW portrait. I was told I must, expect to obtoin it with much difficulty and patience, owing to ton prostration ot tils mcnta.tn.nd hvsical capacities. I hesitated; anu-K is owing to the peculiar circumstances of io case, and tho urgent solicitations of the family, that Tat last consented to commence tho task. "Ace6rdin!v,"on the fullowing mornmg: I repaired' to tho Colonel's house, profes. aionatiy oquippcd, with every thing neccs. self to. his friend in a perfectly sound con dition. -The Colonel waa delighted to 6ce com" him safe and lasting treaty of peace ! t t ', wBsJiere made between the belligerent paf." 'ties. v iv : ; t- - , . ' The knowledge which I had already gain ed of the ColonePs face enabled mo to fin ish tho portrait to the satisfaction of his friends; a sketch of which is"Mrow in my port-foji.o. H heuevcrl look upon it, I nm forcibly reminded of the noble form of tho worthy eld olllcer, end his companion Moore. A Info visit to the romantic valley of "Wyomic1? nfroTded mr the - melancholy Information tlvit both my, old friends now "lay' like warriors taking their rest1' on the beautiful bunks of the Susquehanna, -Whebii wiia tub nnB ito? An eniijrrnting company arc to h ave Missouri this spring fyr Up. t.irnia. 1 lie M. Ixjuis xvevr f.ra state lute inecttns; at Indtpcndeftee-,-Mtt fifty-- eight persons, nineteen oi. wliom will take their lamijies withu.'ffl,r,2i$T',rcu iuwrwnic!asm' m hers of tho expedition. Those who intend to eini. grate, are requested to meet at Saplinw Grove, on tlw old Sante reroute, on tlie lUlliot May next where ofaeera will bo elected. Among the rules jtiit the gavernui'tnt oflho exditToir-brSo that 21,131!). . . "Do you secrttiotr' ho cxcl iinifdv. his countenance beaming Willi .cutliusiasm. "Itb.Coioncl." - ""- "I received .tho wound in fijhtiri!ffhr. your liberty, my hoy. I want you to p$int it in my picture. . Acs Doctor, - he cx- Froni Atric's Luminary, Nov. KliHciiloui .:ippr-Iiliosi 2innt. Tho followingiocxtractsof letters front Dr. Tnvloi's -.-'' - .1 WiriTB Pr.Jiva. f)r-t. fl. ISIH. i . - - " A very large flenlmiH hastJt'Bn "wiihiiv the precMicts of -the -iowtpsfnl ills.hii rgh , for four or five ilays.ffc came into tin: town a nil s;ni:tedffl)r.it. s it suited him. Je.strpviiu' erTTat Vit-'intitii's of cassava and antams. IIo went tip to m too oi Air. Jif neltlv's Iiill. and there raised his ears, and waved is pro?')sclst m though Jw bi3 ltfil ancc to'flio whole town, lie exhibited him- self as I'ing as. Jiq supposed they would be pleased iii look at.him.onu theii turned off, tike Ss; (all housrTiTiTWnTlo'flie sWi'npr no pcnion will bo allowed to take any sjiirituous liquors, except fnr medical purposes, tho. quantity to bo determined at the rendezvous. 'A-cannon has beenjireseatcd to tho company which is to be mounted an o made ready for service, .j. : ' There--is an d venture or the -darinjrnd rest, less worth enlisting in ! Who v,-ill go',?: Cievtland Ucrald, or fr0 def recs. grec of heat is therefore tho proper one to olantthd heuns in. Those who plant earlierwil! not reah ize a perfect crop; and indccj ifmuchcarlicr,they will -scarcely-find one nutture pod. '. It is obvious tharthc color and quality of the soil produos-trifiatcrial influence upon theyegctai tiv'e limfr. - Jo that if the irronnd be 'f M very Dironcp.s. The legislature of Maryland hasuij rlor: or inherently warm; or very nioist or riade two Drrrys out of one, by divorcing CHia. very dry j 'Termination will be more or less rapid, rine llerrv from her Inisbwid Wm. Ilerryr Ann ptrrctn to tlie divuli.iijjjHnTiider ot Hie cords ol -matrimony, tnc jnarriiige knot wjncu buaud toirether 11 an iiwrCT Pierce and her husband Alfred Pierce. And letafuiir of " Martina" out of the enrs by unloosing- Surah Martin and jicr huaband William And made two folks " richer" still, by separating David Richer from his wife Mary Ann Riehcr.".. And set two " hiniths" at work en tlictr '-own hook, by diesolvirig the partnership between Fan ny (Mnithand her liusbunu Oeorgo Plinth. Hand loose and heart free, may thoy never bi XYQitesa3iyflcd,lii:ai tlyy arc now. ' ' h'.ni: but llie sngjcjty. Several Lien followei as well as 'Ise- terrinc nppeiuac of tin animal. jtrevnted their sipproacHmg him sufll ii"!;tr-y close in safl-ly to shobt him. The bu hes r.n.rweeds were so very -thick that it vfis'ftnposrtibk Jo retreat if the :le jjhant p jrsued. At one tihia tliev came so close tofiim, an that wliea Tie pulled up a s .pling In J threw it aside, to cleoti away a pljccjL.iiH:'iirlrh3thaAaiighdLjih.ji;t. th-.-ir hi-K.'j ; t'uty luul to uro; t!i"irvgfins, t i . . t ..' laimcu, "i got it in trio jrlonous causo of sary to the accomplishment of tho design. I was conducted to the door of his apart ment : and hero commenced -one ol tne most extraordinary scenes I cv c r . cxprl cncrnT Ilero I was arpr teod to' har 'Tre quent cries of-i' Murder ! Un entering the room, I beheld the" honry.headed voter an,'stretehed upon his couch, with both his hands elevated, nnd his eyes keenly fixed on me. At Ins tcet, sat an .old companion in arms named Moore. This individual, probably from constant association, was the only person who had been able to preserve tho least control over the Colonel. 1 no.' vanccd as cDo!lvas possfBtb"; to the middle of the room, nnd sat myeasel upon the floor, when the. invalid ngain commenced his cries of "Murder! Murder! Murder! Moore! Jlf.we ' upon which the following hurried dialogue commenced with adegree of famil-. iarity on Moore's part, warranted by their ong companionship. . , "Italia Colonel, what's thematter?" ' i '""BonTthat fellow mean tojujl mcT" "No; no, Colonel, ho won't touch you." " lou lie -lie mear.s to murder me Colonel.- ri-tovc w1ihWy rnv count rv- hcart nJid :soul;" and tho old man, -umble fo-'resfraiii himself, in tho weakness of age Tinu disease, burst into tears. I wan ensi hlyaff'Cted ; so was M.ure, who re'inartted ail he tells you is true, sir." In a few moments the Colonel resumed hi3 forrogf position, and I continued my task. It wan not longbeforo another incident occurred. I obiwirvcir bi! cwnterYirreo grow fiercer and fiercer in its expression, until, withliis mouth partly open, '.his oycs.rr!arod inion me with the look of a- demon. Cautiously hitching his chair near where I sat, he sud- idehly gave a kick, and my easel nnuVcan- vass layprostraTirorrthe-ft j.inr-Alarmed at this deinonstration of hostility, I .started back, and in so doing, involuntarily,; raised and re -p into a thick bunch of thorns, occ. to cvoiJ his 'l'.iick ami fi'orco, penetra ting ga: .Brother flan is, told nic that hc-vgs ot onn time so near him as to sec distinctr'"his small eye, and to judge of tho size of his tusksr.-rJ Io says ho expected (From tlw; i Indiana Famiir. Vegetation of seeds. ""AnwriTihc hnportnnt questions which intrreit the rardener, is that which relates to -the proper time far putting his needs into the ground,. It is I well known tjiat. diflfrrcnt seeds rejuiro very dif- lcreni tcinpcraiiires m ciuci meir germinaiion , and that some plants flourish. St here others Would speedily perish. While tho rein-deer moss thrives b,-Bt on the snow-capped mountains of Norway ; other plants are found spreading themselves over thcVuirning surface of the island of Tanna. Familiiirua these truths nre, I believe noeicii .mentajisyo lu'en lieretnforc made to ascertain the precise, 'temperature most' favorable to the germi nation of di!iert-nti,euSh Tojrive a starting point to t'iij;qui.-Ktion, and to enlist others in the invreti fotbn. I prufi'or the i!ijaincd table for publication. Itnji tile result of innn-rous exKTiiiieiitH winch 1 muds in tho yearT1S!tJ andliO. My object was to dctiTiiiiiio wluil temperature at noon, was the my maul slick. Th6 Colonel regarded this movement on my part as a declaration of twnr and t:irew himself in -an-aKitudo pi defence, at the saiise time exch' "Como 'on, Voutnfernal; vpii have been trying lonicnixigli to murder inc. Stand bv me, Moore !" ' "Pardon me, Colonel." "I'll never pardon von," interrupted, the Colonel; 'vou arc an infernalcoward. Isn't he Moore?" "No, ho is not, and if von don't behave yourself, he'll whip you yet, as you de. serve. . . Ttl"c)u lie'MoorcL, I . can fi ig yon anc the Doctor both," said .tho Colonel, sonar. ing o!f ot IIoore,-vneii a pugilistic encoun tor commenced, between the two old sol die.r.? - Itxamincd mv picture;, nnd found itun njiired, nnd-'concliulcd to "finish it at a more respectful distance, . - Alter me comoatanw-Hau nmsneu meir cov him out from his hiding place, or sweep around the bush, and cover him Up, anj walkover him, -an! . nns.i nun to tieaia. Drit his majesty was "pleased to turn' in an other direction, nnd tin was thus provider). tialiv caved from a horrible death. After .boittg- hor rwpled, ' Otlrf' firctl I):H ill the course.of tho day, lie ' conelude'd to re. tire : and taking the road tint leadsto Giv. toomliali's, ho made his exit under 'cover of the night. I have heard some strange conjectures nnu superstitions relative to this creature's appearance in tlie. place; mmt riijicnhtw t)f all is, tht it 5m (i.ty him. Sf?lftiini;d into an elephant, .and conn to, the place to avenge'his enemies !" limit congenial to tlitf veg.-'tiition of the (li'Ti reiit reiis wir-eh I sn'ijeeteil to e.-H;riment. For this purpose" I planted the seeds at various periods; noting the t.ta to of the thermometer every, day, until the plants appeared abov ground. These experiments being repeated, and ia every instance triviner very nearly the-famc avcruee tcvmieratnred .... . . , , , z -p., ,. i - , . l TTyTilTMTIeri T wnen Trie rTejrnr arrro iiis-ti inc ptrinTiTU ri'riiiiiiirR.ir wn uii! m vcr him, and reach jyK hts;itut and pull h;d me to assume as correct, the followingropa. nuiuim.. . t -1. When the tewprraturr at noon i&gir'en, niher thinn hung equal,) the lime, neccf gory for the tle- Thc two iviaittr Sicse. A. TOL'.CUINO -LITTLE. 8T0.nY...QF A r&KS'M GIRU- .I. III, .ll.lli.l ..I . in m - iM.'.i n", in-.. ccUmn.i'nt of a MtA. nwv benvrrtmnfa. 2. If iii period of germination he given, the meridian tcmirratiire ofythe country, during tluit jwriudmnif ho determined. 3. . Same seed reqitire a Milch h'g'icr tempnralure marrouiera in make titem vrqttate. 4. if oen ijtr neea jmrnjien in the name year :h tf Inch it i planted, the matter time fur vnttina it into the ground it vhen the ixrridian temperature . , .... rl. rind. i 5. An increase of temperature, heiond a certain point do' nt experfiate the tcgetfittre jnifea". (!. A enhpjetc table of the kind prawned, uiuuld he applicable to all jtartn of the world. - The letter (s) in tlie subjoined table, signifies t!;at the seeds were yoaked in. water fur ti-it or but adds he, "if soated twelve hours in water with milphur, they will come up, in less than fortnight." I have proved by careful experiment that there i no-vahie In the sulphur water answers eoually well, as tlie water with that addition. The Lima, beani lying 20 days in the ground of the usual dampness of spring, partially decays; and if it comes up, it seldom matures its fruit.- Persons therefor living in'a latitude whose highest meridian temper. aturo barely reaches ( degrees, (see taDiej annum noTpranrtiiis seedlTror should they dffit hi ny lutitudo t:nlil the noon temperature attains to 70 The month that furnishes this dev accordirc to the operation of lliese extraordinary agencies j and of course, there will bo a proportion., ato deviation from our tabular periods and tens pcratures. lut in this cur.e, the deviation, I tninitv would bs nniio:ni tlirouciiout luo catalogue, ii . any (riven seed fchould ovrminate a few days soon cr, in an unusually warn? soil, all the other seeds would be proportionalily..cariicr in meir growui , f-tliat tho ratios mentioned in tlie table would be ' preserved. . . . I lind ly recurring to my meieoroiogieai re. cordi, that at Richmond, latitude 3'JU 51' the v criijje tenijieralurc at noon, of tho .Id month is. U degrees. . -l:h " 61 - " Mi G8 " '. 6:li " 75 " ; . 7th " 77 ..." , , I phnnld br pleitncd tn vcr reports of similar x perimciita to'the iibove, from the scientific readers mf this papiKV-iiy-iiig in ditli-rent part of tho State. L'seful n-KUlts,.! conceive, would le pronucea ny such - e.nrs!! of -investigation.- 1 hope some in the nnrtliernj soutnern, and western portions oi our Stat'', will not let the ensuing season pass over without directing their attention me mo. ject ; and that they will communicate, uie results ol their experiments. , " i . . JXO. A. JLl'MMEj Richmond, Wayne co. snrinij.-befoTO The -juMirrof p.1at?c af ilic f.mnfrtflsv ''y''. " trict in Paris. Tho ohje-t of di.inute was two L fna bt an:, twelve hours prcvious-to plnnliug tin ni. J :. -TABLE .- When the avcrag-c wenVinn tfmp-iaturo in tlio minut- w i -; 'Who is he, Moore ? a Doctor ?" 4th Monday in March next, then and there to -plead, answer w demur to the said petition, or the wJMI oe taken pro eonles ami arted-ttpon cxpane. a wie copy imm me minutes. Feb. 26, 184L - H. HAJtBlSON.O.JI. C.' - - Printer's fee $5 STATE OF X. WR0L1XA, BlXCOSBfi mm. - Cot ET or Plkas a.vo QuArrca Sessioxs. February Term, 1S41. I. T. Poor, A. F. Patton. v: r. Original Attachment leiie'd on 'personal ' "Properly. T appearing to the- satisfaction of tho Court, M. tnat uie Uerendant is not an inhabitant of this State II is ordered by the Court, that publics, tkm be msde for six siieenwive n-cks in the H igh Und Messenger, fhat the defendant be and ap. pear at th next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions, to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court .House in Asheville, m the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next then and "there to plead, answer or demur, or' judgement will be taken pro confesso. A true copy from the minute, ' . . . i N.IURRISOJ9SC.B.C' Fcbroar? 36, 1841. " ' Printer's fee 5 - us vagaries, Moore told hitiT was. . " Como this way, Doctor, t want to speak to you. MooreV don't let liim kill me!" - .- ": ,v ...;.' "Nbnsense, nonsense. Colonel." .. "Doctor, am I dying?" ' Norno , Colonel; let mc feci voii Tputsc .' I added. : ' ' ' "Have you' bctn sent hcrctontiTf me, Doctor!" "Xo, Colonel; I have come hero to paint niitrtary-tTtptoitsY rfwr'tTrrtgth-prmicu vJJar interest on that pari relating to the bat. tie of Wyoming afiistory -of which ho was preparing beforo his illness.. Moore, venturing to dissent from sorrte-. -rcrnark he had made, the Colonel beiamcexaspratcd. and called Upon me for a pistol. ' I Jnndcd him my maul stick. He raised it, and supporting himself with hi-left arm,, took 3ei berate aTni with it at' ATonre, who wTis standing at the foot of the bed brandishing a your portrait. , "Thcnyou don't mean to kill mc, Doc tor!" rr- ZL "Confound your nonsense you old cew. aru, interrupteu Moorof "what do you suppose be wantsjQ, Kill you for ho has come to paint'our portrait !" : "Pbhil mtfrder me; for God's sake, Doc. tor; -rjtrt murder me !" 1 " ' Moore now took hold of tnejCoIonel's throat, affecting to chpke-.ninTr'whifff-tKe Colonel, with his long-ttrms, commenced poundmg his assailant's cranium, at the same time exclaiming t " i "Moo is killiriff-me ' Moora is killino- rne !, Take'him off, Doctor ln T - .1 was looiit jnterferinfT In favni rr tho Colonel, when Moore turned partly round. ana svnispereu , me io oe silent, and, he would soon quiet the old man, which tonv surprise he accomplished in tt few miryites. Tlie Colonel became exhausted in conse quence of tbjs struggle, and conceived hinv battle, Mooro persuaded the Colonel to g into bed," which he had nosooii'fr done than he commenced a narrative connected with boot-jack .-1 '.'Doctor," .whispered tho Colonel to mo, with H look of surnrise. "ivhv don't he tail V I havc'lired sjx bullets into hnn. Try again Colonel- it will require mom than six of your bullets- to despatch him." r . '- Ho again presented, and Moore fell. There was a pause of? some minutes, diir. ing which not a, -spun'l as heard. This Colonel kept his eyes, vacantly fixed on the plaee where his victim had disappeared. At length he turned to me, and with a'bcwH. tiered look asked-- ' t ' "Where am I, Doctor fa "In your bed, sir" ',.;' 1 .,: - " Have I killed my friend P ' "t believe ybu ha-e, Colonel." " Will they hnjigjne, Doctor ?' -r- ?.'0h no! you' have killed him in sclf-Ic- ence. . - ..' .. ' - -. . - : .; .. "vlarn sorry I have done if," I continued the Colonel, in a tone of. sadness ; "be was ia good old man! Why did vou tell me to shoot? He wasralwiays kind" to me.'1 Moore now rbse up, and cxhibieI him. whi'.T .roses,; t';ihse tsiUK.rrd hmves had long since b; c:i dispersed to Ibe; vi:l-. : liradiunn f.illipnTniantua-ma:nr) I d: inand thirty fratici (nis dollars) unma.'s, from Miss Flora Minviltt1, for having caused mo to loao an onl-.-r warthonelmndred an;l fifty, francs. Jndg.'. E.tpluin the facti!. Madame. Jtep, mr. Aiuut tKfi monlln a 70, Miss L?ont inc J'! I'rillon was to bi-Tn;irri"d-to til Priii?e of Clermont 'Tonnerre ; the marriage gifts were to be ninnilietit. I r.:ei ired an order to make a dre-s for the briilo ; it v.'.is to bi a .ch'fd. aucre. Splendid lace, pcnrU, giiuprall the- hup Vels ol the art 01 arcus-muKing, were-10 oe uiiiit-ii. Biil something mire nire at that time was want. ing; it. wna natural while roje a roue at the end .of February ! Judffe. -And Miss' Flora en-aged to procure one for vou ! Madame. Yen, sir ; she cultivates -flowers, and often si 11 it them-to the groat milliners of thic'capi. tal. - Iwenf her; and she- promised, to let me- have oni; of tne two TOses lts ticu -nosscssfd, tor two'ijtyjWvfrnnc, which su;ii was to be paid on delivci'. T-iIupcu ded on licr promise, but lie did npr TfeTr!r frritrrnitlr; frrr 1 did rc g.' i ve the fey ahd for that reason Uiey refused to take. the Wed. ding dress p. rep! re s. s. IVa, s. -' " not soaked, " " Hishnp's eaflyi s. SI .71 t;2 55 Radish, f.) s. W s. " (:i " s. -(12 ' s. i 6 ' -i .' ".'). . " 4 Ija Turnip, not sonked, Jisl Pepier.gras!i, ,-t'3 Onion seeds, p. ,77 . . s. (il Nasturtium, f. tx. a Jit Druirlhead Cabbage, (i!) si " ." s. fir Red ealiln e 7 7 J!l l:i 1 1 14 HI 11 !) 1 Ci ii f : t: 5 !l "15 11. From the Albany Cultivaldr. ISiats to young Farmers. GOOD AXD BAKLUrK. .Ware in the-daily hsiblt of hearing the casual. ties and misfortunes ef life, and purlieultirly In the operations of the fcfm, ascribed to bad luck; and on the contiaryf ot bearing tho blessings, com. forts and eiuXyments of life imputed lo good iuck as ihfjBgh these things wero casual, arid did hot iepenu upon me uiscreei or inuiHcrtei cnuuucv in so wholn they betull. If we will scan this matter properly, we shall b Convinccd-tliat Qtirood and bad luck most gen. erally comes through our own agency; and that we nro in a great measure, left to choose our own fortunes in this matter. ..ibe faithful practice pi known duties with a due restraint upon our baser passToriff,- Beldom fails to insure good tuck whilo indolence, extravagance, tlio lack of propriety and ood will to our fellows, are almost the certain pre. cursors of bud luck. And even though our crops mayfcrow, from the exuberant bounty of nature; ami itlt!joii);li our patrimonial wealth mayCXtort fuf ns the fickle 'applause and sycophancy of thtT multitude ; the pleasures which they afford ''arn unstable, snd are not to be put in comparison with thosct-which result from a course ofjmidcnl in. dustry awd rectitude of conduct from a conscious, ners of having performed, and of performing tho" high duties imosed upon us, to our families, to so ciety, and to onr Creator. -The diligent . farmer, who personally supcrin tends his btis'ness who risej before the sun, sees that liia.laburers are at thclr, appointed business, that hin ijiTmFtnrlr arc in condition,' Implements and fences in order, awl his work timely and prop. -erly don, ipretty etrtain of -enjoying a round of good ih:fi m larnung operations.. Jle will : have gwf mttii; 'Mind cii)iis,Ttnd-gnod profits hndnr brui(e-.ij Iiih- on in tli . JudgeWTo Miss Flora.) Why did you not de. liver--the rose? .. . . ... ; .J-il- ....... Miss Mora. (With li:riidity.t It was not my fault. The evening before the day on which I had psosnisciL the whito rosu to 5I dame GaTlifu, a shower, wliich took placp during my alisen-?e, made the flower expand, and some hours nrier: wards nothing remained of it but lacatcm. 'hat I U'lTyoU is the truth. -- 1 Jtidfe, I believe you,roung girl. Hut the sc. COJld roe, could yon not havMUdejdJhjjI . Miss 'Flura.v7tIiTriririn twrTyri.) Oh', as to that one, it was not pnfmiscd. ' Madame Gul. lii would ccrtainlv have necepted it, for It wm theinuru be,nrtifitl4f-4he-two: . iliitt co4d uot4- ive if. . It was desunert'to my motlier. Jndge. as It ner oinn-oay . Miss Mora Sorrowfully.) .No7sTr,lt was tlie anniversary ef her death. (Profound scnKutinn in the audiUirv.1 Eiicry year I lay on her tomb "one of those white rodes-whieh.sle so much lowed. This year I did the same.; I said;' to myself, the bside will--he as handsome with a flower less, and my poofmoflief shall againo-day have her favor ite rose.' ..- ' . - ' -i- HertMiss - Flrfra shed abundant tearsr and Madame Galuencndeavoringlo console her, said to the Judge "Stop the cause, sir, if is wrong for mc to molest this poor fcirl for a rood kction ; let us say no more about it, -it is t .misfortune that can. not be helped. All I wish for compensation, is to. have a daughter L'ke MissTlora." ' ' ,v " Thcinslice of peace, mucli affectcdTScnt away the parties without toy further trial 61 burly York caulmge, sj -White -dwarf beans, 8r -sr- s s-.-it. s. O It saidjhat the distemper which has pror- cd so (nisi to cattle, in many parts of this State may be cured by boiling tho common 1'okt.root to a strong decoction and administering a iart of it three times in the day. 71 White pole Vans, :' CI "- i- .":-.- ,. . 2 Bl-tek-eyed hegjis . m .' .1. --t2-Iri6 pwrwtips, (I lM yr, s. C3 ."lii HKikcd, 'GT' " . f. - ' ;.7! -". ." "fennibt'r, nut soakedr m--- s. , 7V '' s. ' PI . i)ot.soaked, "52 Trnnato, ' 61 Summer savon, 65 CaulifIowers s. 6i " ' 63 Oyster plunts, 5.1 Cliery, - 53 Kidney potatoes, 6-J Pirsley, s. . ' 56 Egg plants, s CI ,.; 64 Spanish watermelon) 63 " -' 64 Angelica, - ".61 Chinese corn, u 12 ii 5 11 r-f 13 ' 11 V 8 1H- .11 13 5 "Si- 14 .7. it 21 M 13 31 a 23 " 4"" - 36 21 11 Tnc foregoing table may be made use fid in va rious wnys. . It will serve to inform the yoking gan J dener whea Jje may wipeclhis plants to opp?ir, above ground ; he will discover, that in some eases be must wait a long time. It also shows clearly the advantage of soaking the seed: some of the soaked peas, for example, came up in eleven days; while, those that were not so treated required four, teen days, even with the advantage of six degrees more beat. The difference is still more remarka ble in the beet seeds. A certain writer says pars. ley seeds " will seldom vegetate nndcr five weeks; of their father, he will have good luck with his family. ' On the other hand, look at that man who gds ' sips a wa v a portion ol his time at public houses, at pMitieal phihs, and among his nriirhboK and who lriMt4hY uintiagi mcnt of bin all'airs to the discre. tion nnd fidelit y of others, and ten to orw but you find him an heir to ill lurk : that ho is annually b?cor.i:n poorer, his crops Iihtcf. hig cattle ill. minUn'ng, his f. Hres and his -biiildings..dilapidu. fcr;r, his children idle, and perhaps difwijmtcdi'iand his fortune- going to wreck. Who do;s not sec, in such a man, a founlahVJof lind luck T Our young renders have'most of them, prkJiiapii " lu ar.l of the -bud lurk that brier the man who nc. rli ct-.it, in lime, to get a. nail in tlie horseshoe the shoe c.-iiiie oil"; the horse became lame, and uU tiuiately d ed so that tlie owner lout his horse for the wVint of a nail. The sumo bad luck ut tends him who neglects his fences; a rail, or a loard down, cattle get in and destroy his crop, and he is obliged to buy bread for his fumily. The droiie fr&j? generally late-jibji is jyctfk Jicph sows lute and suffers the liurvent to waste in tho fields before Ins crops ere gathered or housed, The diligent farmer 'dent mys the Vnecds that rob A'so;r'nnljbuil)''a thjitjlsphjalynfjMijh.r. fiis eroundu ; Tie carefully cconrmiiiipa artd nnnl.t. his manures, designed to feed bis crops and keep up the fertilit y M his sujl ; und he briiigrlljffi ocst" portion of it llwiiL'h naturally wet and unprodun tive into- a productive state, by a syrtem of judi. .. cious draining, AU these arcr.rtain precursors, of Kuud luck. , ' Now mark the farmr-r of almost Inevitable bud 1 luck, upoirttiaTTarrii down yonder, who althongh in tiie hiirvcst time, is from ho;neoi!;.tojcjiil TTpetfy law suiTlri which he is a Dart v; Look at the fences, the buildings, the bushes, the weed the swamps, the cattle, the crops at every thirtf r.. .11 1 -j ij 1 a -. t-f. j'i un ji juujm-wwBL'ii ufttt-racK r nnu Kprax in language not to Be misuiidcaslood. that the uufor. tunatc master is going down hill. tveliave one other suggestion which we may jch en cilrnd nHiHirrr; Idlrneiw is tlie parent of1 tettre f mischief.- Now, the man -wr-fcronroit who attend to their own .Jmsincssi as thejr onhti ' havp neither time nor dispdsiiiori onjciOuslyto in. tcrnicddlc in tlie domestic concerns of their Height bow itficy have no intewst in sinking tlie reputa; iion oi of ncrs but would taiso them to their own level. Tlieir habits, therefore, tend to' diffusd good lock to all around them. ; Ncvf r dospiwj a man because his employment U mean, or his clothing is bad. Tho bee is an insect . that is not very pleading to the sight, yet its biv6 affords an abundance of honey. Is Jonathan Dumpy here,' asked a raw conntnrV fellow, bolting inu a city printing officer I don't know such a man, replied the foreman. Don't 1 you know himT,. exclaimed Jonathan, '.wby he ' -!ourted ID J sister P ' i . ' . ' ' : : ' ' . XT A late writer cays, that phrenologists ha never satisfactorily accounted fprtbe ct'-th.at . ' when a man -is $mM, k erotckr$ Aut tend. Perhaps that science (?) baar s yct, no orgn . , , which it votaries are disposed to call trratchMte , keodotirene:., r , ,- '. ,. 3 ir "I f " - .I fi

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