..i 2rA t j "1 Tu r .7 "i,, .til ......... , I If III pilll .IIIIHIII iliM '( 1 m ti i ! tV, . i- h -. : J . f VI' . A.: -t-f ' .- i't hi - &!l -lit - j T ' r- If! jwmwuia 'mm HIGHLAND MESSENGER. " - American"- ChroMology. '" - - Remarkable Events. - 1823. In January this year, Wool was imparted into the United States from Great '--.Britain', which wa$ the first instance of the ktna for turn ct-rrturtes On the 4th of March, Mr. Adams, in the presence of the Senate, House of Kepresomuuves, 1 tends ol JJepai'tments, Foreign Ministers, ond a nume'rous'assem, binge of citizens and strangers," took lho ' oath prescribed by the Constitution, and en tered upon tho duties of President f the U Slates.- ' -j j s 1 On the second day after the inaugu. ration, the Senate confirmed the noniina. tioh of Ilcpry Cluy, os Secretary of State, Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, as Secre. tiiryof tT-eTreasufyand James Barbour, - of Virginia, as Secrerary of War. . ", -TTlu-j year was remarkable for the spirit of speculation, which manifested it- scir inrpugnoui uio uimeu oiaies, ana emu ed in tho embarrassment nd fuituof thou- fandu. 1 On tho 5th of Dftiember was com- menccd the first session of the nineteenth Congress. Soon after it was opened bills were introduced into both Houses,-for ftmending the Constitution, respectirig. the election of the Executive. The design was to prevent the election .from devolving on the House of Representatives. ' . Another eubjpct which occupied the attention c)f Congjess, was tho" accep tance by tho President, of an invitation to send Commissioners to the Congress of South American nations at Punami; and tho nomination of Richard C Anderson, of Virginia, and John Sergearit, of Pennsyl vania, as ministers on the patt of the Uni ted States, and William B. Rochester, of New York, as Secretary. . After a pro- tractcd and animated debate, these noniinn. tions were confirmed, 'and the necessary appropriations" made.-- On the 17th of June, was eclcbra. the the fiOth anniversary of the battle of Bunker's Hi!l. ..An .priitjnn was delivered on the spot by tho lion. Daniel Webster; and tho corner stone of tho "Bunker Hill Monument" laid by Gen.' Lafayette who soon after, departed for Franco, in Jhc U. State frigate Brandywinc, aftorthc farewell address of the President. '' From January to July, 270 -new Post Offices were established. During thcdebate in Congress relative to the Panama mission, Mr, John Randolph, of Roanoke, took occasion to stigmatize Mr. Clay, for his vote in tho Presidential election, in such terms, as to cause Mr. Clay to demand an explanation of the of. 4caaivc rpithets, whiclLwasjciiisediiyJJj Randolph. On tho 8th of April, 1825, a meeting took place between them, and after two ineffectual fires, resulted in a reconcil iation of the parties. During this session a hjll was in troduced, making provision for tlio surviv ing officers of the Revolution. After an animated xhacussion-it .was .virtually lost by a' vote .of O& io 83. ' On tho 22dof May, tho first sftssion of the lDth Congress closed; though it-was long, but little of public ifrtcrest was ac com)lishcd. - Thespripg of this year, Was no ted for very extraordinary freshets inline Wrestcrn waters. It exceeded any tiling ever witnessed by the oldest citizens ; while the damage 'done to plantations, houses; towns and whole neighborhoods, was almost incalculable. -On the 4th of July this yearj-oc- curred the 5Qth anniversary of. American Independence ; and the day was rendered memorable," by tho death of the rx-Presi-dents Adams and Jefierson ; the onlv Pre. nident3 who had signed the Declaration of Independence ; this they had done just fif. ty years previous. In their deaths, thore ; was a remarkable and striking coincidence Tho last words of Mr. Adams, "Indepen. donee" now and forever more;' those of Jefferson, "I commend my soul to God and my daughter to my co:tntrj.y ' :. The American minister at the "Court of St. James, conclndetl a eaiiven. tion this year, withthc-British Govcrnietit; byr which, "certain American citizens were indemnified for injuries done than, during tho late war. 1927. Cowhj Ragurt, tho -American charge d"affjirs to the Brazillian Govern. meat , conoeiv i ng 'that bis - representations in behalf of his countrymen.jwerc totally , disregarded, ill nn lmnest y.e.il f ir tlurhnrrr or and interests of his country, without " walHnJToTTlisinrorl "6f. ficial functions, and ' llemauded his pass, ports. The B ra ailia ns a wa rcbTThei r e r. ror4 epologized-to-the -American Govern- rAH.'.t. and. sohcijetl the appoiulmcnt ot. an other diarppromisiii to make .ample com nens-HojUot nastuitui-ies4--4n-compif. anciKWitii which reqticstrWUHanrTudor us appointed to succeed Mr.'Raguot.- - Dunns this year, tho Indians ol the Winnebago tribe, murdered several whites, and showed other indications of a menacing character ; the militia of Illinois and Michigan and seven hundred regulars, were despatched against them : they were overaweq by their presence, and delivered " iip their murderers, when "the: army: w'iis disbaadeil-ithout uW.ddingjibloQd 1828. During thisyear, but littfe.of pub. lie interest occurred.. - The session of Con, grcss passed oyer without the, occurrence of any thing remarkable, except the new Tariff bill w which finally passccLtho-benate onthc 13th of May, after having engaged the at tention of that body for several weeks. It was this bill that gave rise to the disturban ces which afterwards took place in the South. The .design of the bill seehied te lle td.jprotect Northern. Manufactures, and 'this caused the L Smith to have to paytiigh. rr for many articles of merchandize, than they otherwise would have done. ; " .'- - Tlic people vere this year, called .Public rii'io!,, wem pronbunc)! Vpon the L ch:inivtir iul onicQs of these eminent men, gen. attv thWwThout the United S?taU-g.. , - upon (o fill hc offices of President tnJ Vice President, and at the election by , the electors, the result was for President, hvf. drewj Jackson 178 votes, John Quincy Adams 83 votes' TofTTee PresidehtVJohri C. Calhoun 171 votes, Richard Rush 83 and William Smith .7. . 1829. In February, the electoral votes were opened in Congress, and tho resujt lleinaFeT)(rni Jackson and John C. Calhoun, were inau rated President and Vfce President of tho United States. The President appointed Martin Van Burcn, Secretary of State, Samuel D Ingha.m, Secretary of thcTrea. sury, John H. Eaton, Secretary of War, JoTm McPhers6riBerrien7Attornoy" Gen eral, and- William X- Barry, Postmaster General. . - In February, General Harrison, was recognised at Bogota, as Minister Plenipotcntiiiry, from the . United States. In March.,' a treaty was concluded with Brazil. 1-On:the-2d of ApriV,:-one hundretl and eighty-three houses' were destroyed by fire, in Augusta, Ga. Oiitho Sdof May, there was.nn extraordinary hail storm in Tuscaloosa, Alabama j it'fell to the depth of twelve inch cs. . '' . Mr. WcLano, Envoy to Great Brit- ain, and Mr. Rives, to France, embarked at New York, Aug. 12. 1830. During the early part of this year, the first session of the JWst Congress, which hud met in December previously, was employed in a protracted' debate, on u bill respecting the .Public Lands, which was introducedon the 13th of Jjnuary. JSlc'w Constitution of irguna adoritccTjon. 14. s '15v ah order of the Secretary of Wnr,"thcrTcnts-of the lead mines belonging to the Government, wero reduced from 10 to 5 per cent on the amount of the-ir pro duct. ' - In tho spring of this year, May 7, the middle part of Tennessee was visited by a most destructive tornado; inime.iLse iniurv-was done to property, the tow-U ol Shelbyvillc luid in ruins, and many lives losC:- , A . On the 1 OtrTof A djgust "," tl ic A trier. ican Institute Instruction, was organized atJJoston. In thesamc month was completed the fifth census'of tlje United States ; the population amounted to 12,850,171, ac cording to the official returns. . . On tho 7di of. September, 'was eel- t ' 1 . 1 . 1 i ' - "... C.I. . ...nl . -etmuee tne seeoHU eentynai-v oi-mo eunj tnent of Boston. Od the.5thbf October, tho Presi dent issued his proclamation, declaring the poj-ts of the United States opeii to British vessels from tho West Indies. ; -rrlhath-of-trtes'iiTirt morrth-a Literary Cement-ion met at Newr.York f.r the diseUssioti "of the subject of education , and for establishing" a new University. The tvventy-fu'st annual meeting ol tne American lsoaru oi commissioners for Foreijii Missions was held at Uoston, on the Gth of O. t. .- . "On the 5:h of December, tho se cond session of the 21st Congress com menced. ' r 1331. Tlin award of the King of the; Netherlands, to whom, had b?en referred the difficulties rosrterling fhe boundary be. tween Maine ami New t Brunswick, was rendered, Jan. 10. "J On. the ' 12th of February, this vrnv4hre was a noted eclipse of tbsunr visible throughout urjst parts of tho United States. -. On tlMS:h of tho s-.mn monlli was TVubTisheu" "Washington Citvr Tlv ATpr-iil " 'Trf Vi"" P-i"" I'ohn (!. t al- noun HL'ainst Presidenf Jackson. M.Vrch I8,1he United Stivtcs Court delivered their, opinion against grarttjng nii injunction to stay proceeding 'of Georgia, relative to the Ciierokee lands, which were? claimed by that State, and of which it Mas about io take-possession. Commercial treaty with Mexico, concluded Aprii ".- - Apiil 10, resignation of the Cahi. net "at Washington, fullowcdhy the appoint, mentof Edward I.jyingston, as Secretary of State, Lewis Cass, S.-i-rctary "of War,. LLevi Woodbury, Secretary ofho.muvy, Louia McLnne, .Secretary ol the treasury, atid Itoger Brooke-TaHtiy,' Attorney lien oral.- .- " - '" During this spring and summer several destructive fires occurred through out the United Suites ; among which, was one at Favcttevillc, which nearfr consum xdthc town. .On tlie 21st of June, the State Huu s e was consumed- On the 4th of Julv this year, oied the e.President .Monroe. On the 8th, his fujrafwas attended by .100,000 persons. A treatv was conciuueu umi iur- key, on the 13th Sent.' Un the 16th. same month, three SEiii'SJJ: Hter, .Trott and Worcester, were sentenced by the Supreme Court of Georgia, C four years' hard labor in the State Penitentiary, for residing on the lands claimed by that State in the Cherokee, nation, without ta. king an ofith to support'the Constitution of Georgia,. -24th, same month,, there was .a riot at Providence, Rhode Island, when four persons wero killed by tne military. vonjion assembled at Baltimore, and nom haaA.iiKlrt.1 nl I li I H nn;l nrtfYI I inate'd 1.' William Wirt, of Virginia, for Pre. sident of the U: States, Septemlxir 28 ' Oct.l, " FrecfTradc Convention, " at Philadelphia. . - 26, Tariff Convention at New York, composed of 500 delegates from 13 Statef , which coutinued in session until the 1st of Nov., and adopted a memorial to Congress. , , ' Ib tho summer of this year, there was a bloody insurrection of the slaves in Southampton Virginia, headed by a negro laflcd-Nat-'TMrncr, wl was taken on the 30th of October, and executed on tho 11th of November.! ... On the 1st of November, the Uni ted States Literarv Convention met at N. YorV, tho mCrnbers of which, formed tbx-m-sefves into a society, calledvthe National Society of Science , Literature and the Arts. - ' 1831. Oi the first of December, the Eric CariaTwaS closed by-jee;-- :Nr-r-. First.prasjoa of the 22d Congress, : commenced on-'rfjer 5th of Dec. ; On lhe i4th of the same month; the Natiocal'RopubJican Convention met at Baltimore; and nominated Hairy Cluy, for President of. the United States. V ' . At tho anniversary of tho Amcri- can Temperance Society at Boston this year, it was ascertained, that th6 number of Societies were 3,0Q0 ; number of mcmV bers 300,000, 1 000 distilleries had stop. ped ,a nd lhar 3000 feTsoiis "t&t "ccsscdno deal in ardent spirits. 1832. In the recess of Consrest, the President had appointed Martin v aqBuren Minister to England ,- who had entered up on the duties of his'sratidn J nfier the meet ing of Congress, his name with submitted to the Senate for that body to act upon ihq nominationjwhen bc-was -rejected by the easting vote ol the Vice "President: In House being equally divided, many meet Ings were held throughout tlio Union 7ap proving or opposing the measure, . ' A convention seciiring-ceVtain in ilemnities, liavmc; Anion ncgotintea wit France, on the 27th of Jan., it was ralifio by the Senate.. ' . On the Gth of February, the crew of the United Slates fripato Potomac, made an attack on Qualm Buttoo. in Sumatria The town was destroyed, and 150 Malays killed. The Americans had 2 killed, and 14 wounded. About tho middle of February this year, thej-e was a rise of the Oiii river at Pittsburg, IV, and soon after through it's whole course to the Mississipp lar-surpassing any- mat had ever - been known. On the 1 y.h, at Cincinnati, it lmi risen to 63 feet abovo high water mark many towns along the bunks were inunda ted, and the destruction of property was im mense. . . Oii the 2.2J of thlsi-mcnth', celebrated the centennial birth-dayof Gen end George Washington. . ftiarcn J l, was,.givcn the oeeision f"t!u Suprenieoiirt of the Utvitt d Stateff," in tho case of those missionaries, -vno were sentenced to the Penitentiary ot Georgia, in September previously ; and this decision declared 44 the law of Georgia un ler which they were imprisoned, mid by which t State assumed jurisdiction over tlie Indian Territory, contrary to the laws and treaties -tlio-l'ni'ted StaUMaiKl thorrfow nuil a-iid void." ' r In the spring of this year, the. tribes of Sacs, Foxes and part of the Win ncbagoes, under Biack Hawk, a celebrated warrior, levied war on the North western! prarrticr; -Onr. Stmtr-wTre-drspatched ngains them with a sufiicient foroe to subdue them wnicn nc tmaiiy acGomiMishen witli ' veTy li!llo bloodshed. Black Hawk was capttir- eu," and treaties finally entered into wrl the Indians, highly advantageous to' both parties. The Serreta ryof - Wo riivgctrer al orders, approved the, conduct of Gen Scott. ' . - r " " iii ti "rh TiVftif snmg month, wu conoludeti a treaty with- Mexico. 7 ' On the 7th of June, the bill pro. viding for the further relief of lhe revolu. denary ofiicers and soldiers, was signed by the President. On the 27th of June, the Cholera broke out in New York.. Juno 28. the new tariff law pass ed the I louse of Representatives, by a vote of 132 to Vu). and the Senate July 7, by vote of 32 to 10. -TUn act extending the charter of the li'tnted ntcs Bank, having passco,,the lank, having passe senate hy a vote of 2M to yy-rand-Hie House of Representatives-by a vote of 105 rr5.tT7was returned by the Presidtiu to i!i Sennte, with his objections to signing .it, and less than two" thirds voting for its passnge, the net was" rejected July 10. Cn the lOtt) Jalyi'lte 1st session of the 221 JfJongTes? adjourned. Candidates nnnouneed this year fir Presideli-Oitl Vice President, were A irlre wJackson , it'Ni rv Clav , a nd W'lliiam Wirt, M. Van Buren, Jvt'in Sergeant,' acd- An l'o's" Elh rtake r. ' ' f r ; : During this year was' published, the "Ordinance" ot'-. the. Soiilh Carolina Convention, imilljfvins the operation in that Slate, of tho tariff laws of the I1. States. ., - - On the Otli of T)oeember,-the so coud session of fhe 221 Congress com mewed". Tlic President in his message, recommended the-reduclion of- the Tariff ton revenue standard onlv: and on the 1 Gth of the month was mado the "Procla. mntioti oriFcTresidciitBgaiosT the . ..tec V. lulhners. - Carolina nul A New i-iJftOF ikff.nce. A merchant of. New York lius .prupascd to -, tli Pres ident a new plan of dc-ftrico kr that city wiHC-iys 'tey-cUhwo-tawrsriwa tumuttt foot hifrh. commaniiiniriTtrtfrrivci'sf witi ten ffiins memntcd on each to throw shot of. 120 lbs. Eneh towcY fot?rimjvilcd -with a steam boiler to heat shot. A single shot, lie thinks, woultl destroy any steam vessel that would enter for thn purpose of destroy ing the city. Steanl vessels, could meet them and prevent tlieTr entering. GoNsoiATio.t."' A couple ef Amfer?-wero- S4Wittli f:iin is a new license law goes into operation to-day-no more liquor, for love nor money" . . . - ' J . ' . Well, I've got one consolation," was the reply, I got drtmlc enough hist night to hold on a week at least. -rrovideHce Journal. A Mothers tiOVE.--Tnere is sodivine'a holiness in the love of a n6thev that, no matter bow the -lie that binds her to the child was formed, she becomes, as it were, consecrated and sacred: and the past is fonrotten. and tho world and its harsh vcr. diets swept way when that love alone is Visible ; and the GkAl who watclies over the little one sheds bis stnifc I over the human deputy, in whose tenderness there breathes ! II is own! "7 ' . . . NOTICE I SIX AN i A FOURTH CENTS RE W A R & I TTp UNA WAY from the ni'hwribrr,n indrnfrd JiVgiri hy th me T)f MATILDA -LOWRY, between 17 & 18 year old, mtWof low stature, fair ikin and blue eyw.. ThaSnbsctibcr forwanw anrpcrsonor peraoniTrora harboring: caidirl, and will five a reward of 6 J cr-ntB, and no thank, to any person who win apprehend and deliver cnid gtrttehmji al jiiek)jed from tho lubscribcr on the a 1st ol last aioiuu. . - MESRET WHITE. JIarch 22nd, 1 84 h -' , 3l41 : . ; , To 1'rlntcr and i'ubllHhtrs. rrnilE subscriber have 'made arrangements jU. withlio manufacturers for keeping on hand n this city, a frprieral Hssortmcnt of TYPE, PRESSES, CASES, FURNITURE, and PRIX. TEH'S MATERIALS generally, which can bo furnished to order at 13 honrs notice. ,Wo have a suiiicicnt slot & now in store, to enable ua to put up a complete News or Job Printing Office, with, out being obliged to order any portion from New X ork. An this w-rtrehouRO has been establinlicd at the earnest recommendation of many of our trieiidR in tlie lnttrior town, wo berf leavo to clnim from them sufficient pntronaqt) to enable us to increase nn keep up the establishment on a scale tutiicient to make it an object to all parties. .All of tlie abvc materials oro sold on the same tenna os in New.York, with tlie visual charges for imurunce, Ireiglit and exchnnffe. B URGES &. VALKER, 85 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Slioi-ift' DHifi. TJRINTEi in lhe bc.il style, on pood paper, for i pale at this oluce, on accommodating terms, April 9, IS 11. 4.'t NEW STORE. T J i c fi u h a c r i h c r . 1T9 ESPECTFULLY announces that he US leased the STORE Coriur of Market uml Centre Streets, lately occupied by' Mr. G. H. Tavlok, und will keep on hand an assortment of -: x C0TT0N BAGGING, ROPE, IRON, &C, M; Jj" 'Orders from tho country will meet with prompt and strict attention. II. UPQUIIART. .. Hamburg, Nov. D, 1840. -,', . 24tf ml FAst of letters EMAl.VINO in tho IV.st Office at Franklin tho 1st of April, 1811, and if not taken out in three moiilhs, will bo sent to th General Post Office as dead ictttrs : Angel John Drviion E'aliUiel M forrisnn IfoSc Miller Francis - farprnUr Milflrlir Ifnlt-jWrrrrlr (.nine W iiliasn .Vioir"3..hn L JliVDownii Jolm Rfcv ii.'.-Ilarc James . Davis 8U'i!n u locator Joiiii Dchart John or William M mney AmiIhco Unnwy M: i!ibui:r Drnrv Emsiey JamerW Freetiii. Jhn , ilfKcrKli Hhft' NicklcsWm 3 NicW. s Elizalw-th Pnmdex-ttT rn hhi Poindexter Sarah Proctor ilotu'R Peck n.avid Sliwintcr Frederick SundersJames Strain Jolm Wil'--iim l:i;ir Gibhio Andrew ffiritwfeeprr : Ilolebrooks Wm Hvdo Benjamin Int'ram John Jacobs B G 2 Kirkland Jolin II Iiowderniiik Joser.h J -kewd.rHwlk--G:ifg-J Ijong 1 nomas Logan I )! W'cui Wm .and Isaac "J. R. SILER, T, April 1st, 1?11. 43 A LIST Or jLETTJKaS, RF.M ALN'IXG in the Post Ollico at Ashe -nlo, on the 1st of April, 1841, which if not ; tak-n out before the 1st of July, . will bo Bent to the Gen eral Post Ollicc as dead lei ters : W Jones 2 John Long , . Col R W In? WWAmony- Wm Bury : isaiiil KroniiS Rev C W ilryan G F il.irris or P Starrctl P.Mer jlfiller David jlillcr II Mill Rev Wm ilforrison Wm or John .lurrny S Newland J.tCfrh Pence Til os Patton . Jacoh Plank . Bradley Powers Jaa-L I'l terxoii Alfred Dt itveiis Thos C Bradtihaw .VrallJJiack H Bates John G Bvnuin R.ibt Clay I o:i Tobias Clult.i Zncliariah Cantllcr Ilenrv C'arroil V H Haker EIiwib :t!i f'.Hk W Charlton . Adam Phillip J Pulton . .Vorgan Rcdinnn Samuel Davidson John Dunbar . Jnfdma IlohrrU R Dover Wm Mauiiton J Snider Wm Sprinkle 2 Sam! Smith Van R Tnmnbt S Thompson Kara JVC Talc 2 J-rcmiiih West M WoitlfTOJI John, AV'hitaker James Wilson 2 jlfrs Staoey Webb jVoSKrif G (J Wcavertico .lames Weaver WT Wilson Joseph Young JoTm-Youns 2 Stcnhen Eubank Joel E Fox Rev F M Fanning Wm Green 3js P Gudger ,Vr3 Ann A Gilhland TKomas Ilarkins remiah Howard ilrsl)Hemby 2 lenrv Hunt Robt Hunter f Win Harris V N-.Harrisnn - - Vrs M C Jarrett Wm Jimeson Stephen Jones WM. CQLIiMAN, P. M. April 1, 42 ' BLANKS! JJLANKS!! CLERKS of Courts, Attorneys, Sheriffs, "ami Constables are reepectfuflv informed that we have recently made lartre additions to our former, assortment of BLANKS; and 'that we are now prejmred to fill with promptness orders for any of ;iUWtewin(r tmrfs, vw.: onHlablrn' Warrant, ,, r, .. , C'a. Sa's. and Bonds, Superior Court Ca. Sa's, - : County Court Boad Orders, ': " Executions, iiiprdians" Bonjjs, filjcctjriftentvircs, Appearance Bonds, Superior Court Indictments for Aflrafs, - " " " ' Assaults, County Court - " - do. " Afi'rays, - " Writs, Deeds of Trust, . SupcriorCourt Venditioni Exponas, "' Subpornas, - -County '' do. Vend. Expo. J?upc.riQtJCa. Sa Bonds, County do. - 'do. - Deeds of Conveyance, SuperforCoUrt f'apiasBbrid, ' : ,. Writs, Marriage Iicense, - Constables Delivery Bonds. . Superior Court Witness Tickets. CountyOmrt do. fc do. - leeds of. Equity, , Indemnity Bonds, , - SberifT's Deeds Vend-Expo. . v,-. : ' ruFa. .. - . Appeal Bonds, ' i ' Commissions for taking Depositions. . Constables' Official Bonds, . . ' County Court Ca. Sa's, Ate., Slc &Je " Blank Kotes will be printed to order. . U" Orders for any Blanks not contained in the shore catalogue, should be accompanied with a eopv of tlie Blanks rrfered. " jjtTAH orden forrPrintmgof any kind will be prtmotly attended to. 7 Messenzer" Other, "? ' : - . .. .Uheville, April?, 1?4L f ,43 THE NE-Y0UKER. - Protcctu tor the year A HEW- Volume of .th&.Ntw.Yp: 111. psxiu tlio semi-annual ofjho Qvirrtq editiont--oommenced on Saturday the 20th of March. It will be printed on entirely new and beautiful type,' with eycry at tention to neatness and deganee as well as interest and substantial worth, and no paina spared to rcn. der it worthy of lhejjublilL&Voiind .esteem w! ich it lias hitherto tmiovrd. J he rrounds on wuicn tlio piiltlialicra appeal to the reading public for a continuance and extension: of its patronage arc briellv as follow r I. I'hc New-Yorker is devoted, more consider, ably than any other Litsrary Journal, to rcienlific and ustful intelligences'- All new discoveries in Science or Art, all movements tending, to improve the condition 4 man, mejitally, morally, or i4i yi tcanv, ore t.iRerij tiirvmeieu m iiscoinmns. Jl. The Editor willlabcr, with whatever encr. gieshe possesecS,to advance thecause of iVloTahty, and of Socjul well-being. No article of liflfnOon or innnorul tendeucy is allowed a place in its col umn. . u III. Although tho Xcv-YorkcMakes norartin political eoiitet,' yet all Political Intelligence of intcrcr.t is cure fully, impartially, and lucidly pre. scnted in its columns. The rcmills of all the elec lions are Vpcoially stated with great cure and fidelity. It is believed that in this rrpctD pa. per enjoys, or has labored to obtain, a higher rejiu, tat ion than this. IV. In its Literary contents while efforts arc made to minister aeeeptab'y to all tastes, but those ofJhc impure and vicious, utility will be 'regarded as more important than mtrs amusements, or the cultivation of barren minds. Tales, Poems, Re views, and E.-ifBvs, will bejudiciously intermingled in its column! but always with anxious reference, to the menial and moral improvement as well is entertainment of the reader. V. Although the New-Yorker i printed on a large imperial sheet, it is not solarsfo that a man cannot hold it in his hand, br find line: in the course of a wot k to peruse it thoroughly. We deem this a merit. ' """ " VI. It is not filled up with long stories continued fro.m week to week. ' Master Humphrey' Clock ' is the onlycoiftiiiuous CMiay presented "in its col limns. t f ,' VII. It i"lte cheapest literary paper printed weekly in the'Northeru State. - Friends 6f a pure, and beneficent Literature ! we solicit your countenanrc and suppor! ! Conditioxs. J lie .New.xorker, loho, or coin miin nowppaper form, is piililislicd every. Saturday at TWO DOLLARS per annum in advance: Three copies will be sent torfirt lUtllar, post-paid. The Quarto edition is printed on a larger shod of fins Paper, wiihrtnt Advxrtrinnitvand with, a mgo of Popular Mu?'ic in each number. It forms 1 (i pages per number,' or.two vuhmiofTrf 416 rnsi's eae.li, per .-.nnmii,.threc wide columns to afmgc) -ami is aff rded to siiWribew nt iho lw prioe of for Five Dollars. For binding and "preservation, it is believed that no rheaper -and better paper than the Quarto. NVw-York-r'cxpjn!iiirotjiitry. IXOI.CEMEX TO TO Cli tS ASU AgKST4.-AhV IXI. son or club sending us Ten iJ.iliurs free of charge shall receive tlu retir rr.t enpica of the. Fulii, of For Twenty Do!lrirs,'?ei eopit i of the Foiio or ito-.Jlio ijuaflo.i.U.liij;i. w;U.i;-tMAr4i4.ij.'t -f r-pul T l.r liuiireiiube county, I for any larffcr amount m prnnortton. Thw tr '.n arc placed much lower t:n liii.veevrf u for fc-n" oflerrd, in refin tiee W- (in gm-ru! K f o-i f.f the t'ines, aid in the hope of a I ir- w ,,t our eireiiialnm. SuLsi-riiilion mtv np t If jiit . licitetl hv Nev.-.Yik, F !i. in, l-H.1" . rr Tns T.r.M I'KUA N C'l AI1V(H"A FCT0Ey'!f.ll.MAMii5r. A TDM PKHAM'L c: V LN ,r tit t , held al this la-,.fvriy m t t ,' at ed on publishing a' pitp-r of t.-, n r (t4i character and apiHiitit. il Dr. J.u.i l.J.; D. R. j"MAnal!y ti r., nn . ,, Fnm tiw m .fir prcssiiig-pngNgcHK-nts Dr. Diccwia h-r K. no deem it impract icab! ft him to b iTi--fHt4 n, nnp nf ttii. r.!ifr.i... I.n...-.l. I... ! i .. . ... : use all Ids m!IU"nre .!n-r.ve, tn prtvR'itff ila in terest ; the subsrnbr r tin rt fori', in o: ,lieiir. t., the wishes of the rotiventtJm proeei-ds t iiK this prospect us in his oivn name, wif h a b'i"" tiirtt ho will bo aided in the undcrtakm? !? kit the Iricnds. of tho Irmperanei? rati; Ihrji4f hunt country, an.i riiuTLio tensive circulation. v Frikxos ok tub TeMrra.m-i: jC'u-sE! tO V'HI -e inuKcTrrnosrcanit'sl anneal vhiTe tliiiii'ittiiTs upon llioiiKunils of dollars are niiiiiialiv .;;en.i-d at theatre, nt circuses, at the race track, or era eery, wliilo no pains arc sjuired, the luxury jnfrcv tircineut ontl ease forejronc, and no labnr tieeniep too severe to ntlvanee the inu rests ,f political hs pirunts, can yon not do something in a en two that marl be dear to every true patriot, philanthropist, mid Christian ? liwillcct there are but fen-, very few, such papers in all the Southern country. 1 no-western nait ol JNorJli C arolina, the West ern part of Viiuinia, and tho Eastern pift lot Ten. nessee particularly, need ajjenmlieal of this kind, and it is for vou now to say whether they siiull h.ive it, . . . " ' . The verv low price at wliieTi it was fixed bv lhe Convention "-ill make it necessary that a very largo subscription he had" beioro the publication of it can be justified. the subscription" be deemed sufficient the first number will he tuued early in January next, t . . .TERMS. Tnr. Wr.fTBHX C-a ixfjiASi Tkmck r a xc e Advocatis will he puhushed on a mt'dium sheet in quarto form, each number making eiht pages, and will be furniJlied to subscribers at the vcrr low price of kiftt cevts a Copy. Whero single copies are 1aTscnTliin'yft"rphtlhilsT1w ma 3cm variably npon me reeepium oi tus; iirst numiier. "tTj'Tostiiia.'iti.TH, editors or puhlMhers of hom-ifr and all Jlinistcfs of the. gospel are autlionjxd agents, ' ' ' ' THE EVERGRREN,.1 Volume Sccouci.' 11 nil tlio Jarmarrnumber commented the sccoriiTvoIUme o'rthis pularemnrrt-ndirrnrfk be sntTrofi"thHtlifr(Fibr1l! of new and elegant Lilerattiro.The various works of romantic interest, whichliavcbm n commenced in it will be carried on to IbSr completion. A glance at its copious table of contents durinc' the past year will afl'oril lhe most satisfactory evidence!. ol its value, n lias comprised works by the most popular modern aut!,i.rs of England aVd the Uni ted State. iiow in the xoinsc of Dublication arc TPoor Jack, by Capt. Marrvat ; Master Humnhrev's tlocJC, nv l lias, . - ..... .-. cuens, rsq. (lloz); len jliou sand a Year, the most popular and" amusing storv V t" rnmvn, UJ ?T . 11. AinS- worth, author of Rockwood, Cricrrton, Aic., and oinniry( i no, oy, uie nmimr 01 ait mine vox. (icntkmen throughout Uie country, who wish lo receive these works, ran find them in no shape convenient fend so- cheaps Back numbers, con taining the cornmenc,einent of all these stories, or either of them, can be furnished at tlie subscrip tion price. .-" . - ...a. - r Besides the works above enumerated, the Ever green will ontuin the spirit of ttie best foreign Reviews and magazines,' besides original pieces by native aulhon of distinction. p.-..' '-Former subscribers are requested to renew their subscriptions at tlteir earliest corireniencendnew subscribers not to delay forwarding their names, so that we may know the exact edition that will be required. A single Worn of the EvergrecB is. composed of about tW p-'r ct the choicest ; 'litcrury matter, i.' . . - . WmiTnn.pRoor. HAMBURG, S;C. " rTHIlE subscriber is' mneh gratified that lie is ,.oiicejncj iibbj.topffi3rliaviccs to his fricflds arid old customers, in the " TTarc-IIoKse and Commission- Jusirirss. He flutters himself tliat the eligible location of his Ware-IIousc, and iu compnrativejnmunity from the risk of Cro and flood, will procuro him a lib eral natronajTe. " '-"' '"" '---. . He has rebuilt Iho, Varc-IIotie formerly known as Adams&. Walker' and is filling up one wing of it above tho highest Water-mark of the late freshet, hit tlie purpose of storing therein thi Cot: ton of 1'knU.ia and Country Merchants. ThiSj" it is at least two feet higher than any otlje'ff ' Ware-House jn'town j and tlie division thai ha been elevated will store from 1300 to 20U0 'bale. , Ho will sell cotton, and attend to such business is is usually transacted by Comniiasion MerchanU at as low o fate as others engaged in tlie same . ' calling. D In (fgnin offering his services to his friends and tho public, the subscriber cannot refrain from acknowledging the liberal patronage he once re ccived from them, and hopes by his attention to business, that it will bo renewed, and. it will be thankfully received. ''- GOLI.OTIIUN WALKER. Hamburg, Aug. 8, 1840. Cm U Tiie Messenger at Aflieville, N. C. and Moun taineer at Greenville, Jlfessenifer nt Pendleton, and Advertiser at Edgefield, will insert tlie above six mouths, and send their suscounts to O. W. miN iXD FAKt BOOK AXD JOB ip as. at jair h: jw THE public-nro rcf;pectfully informed that in addition to tlio former' la rce and general as. sortmejit of Printing Materials belonging to this establishmcn, a new supply has been recently received, which will enable us to execute X.ctier-M9rtS9 Printing of every description, in a style et1nl, if not supc. rior to uny other cslablislmicnt in .the Stale. 1 gjf Orders. fi.r any of tlio lollowing kinds of Pi iriting will be thankfully received, and jiromptly attended to: UijtsKs, or kvrrt e. seiVrl'ioj!, PAirni.rrs, ("imlR, Cataiooii.s, ?.ll.-l'TK8, CAsns, or ALL KIKOS, IlAMllill-IJ", SlIOW.Ull.IJI, Wat and tiTAtiS Dii.m, TltKKTS, La HEW, &lc. &.c. " " Jloiso nuil Jark Hi IN. ' I lavrng Trcei(lv procured cuts of tllf latest TTftyirriTrS tri-pYtfnr1rw-wid-rHr Hills in the b?st mnnner, and on moderate terms. "MrsSENCKK" Oaiee, I .. AslM-rille, Jan. 2;, I'll. 3.1 Police I hereby glrni t SlifATon "liw M'AxA&j f April next, at tlx .IJL trt IIt hi A)i-vil)r, uiujer dern-i wl - sr'm or land, U th rjrlalc of Daviil j . ', r sf (Vm creek. ' j Sot t al ;ii Ik rfrdit of 1 1 h-jtrrf f4ifuritv. Hit "U.TXl Tk L.1T. M.fr. JC V lYm fn-, gl'J JJ. I . t, -. 4 4m ar j a vrbwrW s is t f t ft-t W tll,rle 1 li. M AXALLY. ? ,-.'- mi; nu; i'ai.in. . r I f 1 : i-Tfa ! jt far $10. .!.'. i k ii f,!, tt if U,lhe siiIim r.. V.V1 Hi'. I uU'tfUlim C HrfmaA Mt 1'tWi, jnrt:U i4 UieW l !) !Mlf.in sure etreiilatetl v I ni f. il Ph- HIO. It will r.r:ti 4 - w rrnt f tin the d.ire nf its re. ckemM-no, s,d. tl 1 M i ontini d.lhe lafl pmm? ..rN" d-Lord's t k so eimtuiu Gm. Ilni " Art i.i.il M -;sijje to Congnts. TU I ttSi.il ti jn ntvi,,:a'lj.-fiihhrdis an itj-.wa'eol tiH-fTinCiflesand m-aures r.f NatIon. t! Rrmr,.u,fm hieH a im ,r.ty .f iJm Vwfl- of. the I'ntf.fi r, rf:Sird th'-'rWirtn'nrld rut fortlitlfHr stron.t . merries f. r7TnrowTTio aTiTT-UepLli'i. ran Ad:tiinttr!ron ri( Mitrlin Vjin Ituren. 'f those priucipl.it end iiienxiin-s it r mains snd will "cofiiiiuw nq anJr-nt, inlkxiidc riijin)rti r. frartvrj- ' rates a K'-ir neluueiit of tlio National Expendi ture., n Limitation c.f F,x-eti(ive Fntronage and riwar', a rigid regard to Principle in removals from any Worth in Appointment to Ofiice, Modi ration in the exereifo of Power, and a primnry refrnjd in all things to the wishes and wellaro of the People. JTlie Log Cabin is published ryerv Saturday, and contains on the first page, a condensed account of the most iinwrfaiit. Debates in Congress and oilier Political matter- of general interest; on the sectind, Edilnrinl sirietures on Nati7uidl policy and profxifcdornending Political measures, with a sunv; nary of Elections, Slate Legislations, &c.j On the third page, Domestic nnd Foreign News, carefully condensed and lucidly presented ; on tho fourlli page, literary mid niiscellaneous readings, ralracts from New Works, Ac, generally of a nolid a,nd practical character. Vi-ryfew Advertisements will at any time be admitted. . , AH the numbers of tlio Log Cabin from tlic-com-meneeftientof the pTeschrkcritrs will be forwarded to new subscribers who desire them. They con . tain tho President's and Gojreinor! Messages, tho Official returns" by States and counties of the lalw Election fir President compared with thosc-of lfc36; a summary of Iho Debutes in Congress, and such other mutter which is deemed worthy of pre. ' servatmmr- he nize ufTnc-papir -n notincoin nu-nt lor binding. - ; Thb Ia? Casix is pitblifcliod every Saturday morning on,a fair royal sheet, and regularly .maii. ed to sulwcfibera by Friday mails. It is com pactly filled with interesting- and instructive mat terand intended to be nowise inferior in intrr. . est and' value to most of its more extended eotcm. poraries. - Il'w-afforded tosulMcribers at IJl 50 for tJieTwholc vearloiv copies for five dollars, or trh copies for ten d'jilars. . ; - l o those who wish no back 1 23 a single copy, or fit for five dollars. Hub- scriptions are respectfully solicited by , i II. Git EEL Y I . Nw.YoR-,,Fe"b. 11, 1841. ...."' ARJUVALS AND DEPARTURE? OF THE MAILS, Aland from-Ashcrllle, N C. j....... . . ..,r. , - , , AftllVAl.S. DE r A KTtni KS. JlJieinMondayr J.jT.ucsilaj-s, Frid.Hys and Thursdays &Saturdujrs,.$undays t 4 o'clock, ,y ) o'CIOCK, f,M. A. SI. Western, v Warm Wednesdays, Fridays Springs, oeTu 'Phuradavs&8at ucsdilys,.and Mondays, at 4 o'clk, ITiursdaysifc Saturdays, A. n. e.r.M. Western,-visi i-ranklin,; Fridays, 5 oclodk, -- to Ga Wednesdays, 7,' r.Mi, -- ----- ' ' - Eastrrn.vw Morganton Tuesdays and Satur &c-Mondays .Fridays, days, a. m. .. . 9p.i Eastern, vm Kutber- Mondays.' Thnrsds vs. fordton, Atc-Sindars,1 and 8uturdnys,5 o'clock Tuesdays and Fridays,! a. m. at B, r. MV , - Eastern, via BumsriUc, Wednesdays, Mondays, t Co' M. . . s Atc-Mondays, 4 r. m. Southern, vm Catlier jock, Creek, &.cV-vTUi8dajs,'A, 6 r. M. ."'-. . Vi t tt . t w j us S - I