15 r.:.:,: .' mF.mLK K0R11I CAROLINaIbIDAY M0BX1KG, JULY 1341. , - TOOLE NUMBER, 5t ill I Ul U J -- Jfc - - ' ' 1 1 - I Jssss '" . -nijnT.T.niTOIlS., ILvi. at Two rrnTeUycd after the n fc.nher.frotn the time m - fTjt yobWv iMertMi for One rrii a. fiL and Twenty-ove I IT"- od by the hangman." But on that night, when exhausted Paris gave itself up to sweet repose could Sanson, who bad annihilated the head-of thi reigo of terror, close no eys for Robespierre, and the whole train of rev olutfonanr victims,' gathered in a bloody . . . r ji I Hi in i xriTV npn me LjIiiikiui i f i as v w .ui u - rSTK .irr ?-TOSK sSi' Roman Ai to ucurums thb numm message. neat muo uuuv ' """ , -f .. . . ttarM.t nf k . water had Jold me . great M . - they .aa gjve.. m SJ-STSShiS .n, WoVaTo death if hereon theother side; the written -flU -over me room, i ne evening Rnmin. conscious that the attempt to serve nr-UWIUOm.. ... -."-'.,.. ;,W fiia thmnrh crrcreunaWsbedTandchath. from his eyelids : then did he fold h.s hands no relrsh.ent d.J rvj , ever tcll vou that i was im. prayFatherinheavenn aa. 1 was out tne insirumenw :i u.uV--.--. ". i Ji "i-....- n mv life at yours s do what you win, i win Report ! the Secretary of War. DEPARTMENT OF WAR, I Jlf(iy31,1841. $ SinT nrooose to brins to your notice at the nresent time, only such matters confided to the Suoerintcndence of the Department of War as, from tncir nature oi pressing emergency, or which from the general in. rZrnJul k..-r.ih. Iii liia hands in his Bowen cant keep within bis income. - ana wuu a iu7 -6u, I - M . . .ha .nl!ft(i k.' ,h t-fc---.! .- --r a ' - asAM . a a-. - in f fiirtv.twa Tears, durinsi -? But bbw can he on ouu was m7 .hfehlh had successively seen rise and answer; " u neg.ves aw u , , II neadsman. from a GrmaSpaperrthe e,w7sanson. the Parisian ex. Dg- - . hM c,aim to be re. itiatnrv cannot point to T , -uftnmanT oi nis ici- 'E. Slaughter was the i -.natures ol ",u r " r... rJ i k knew, and it wasm.iuu br nsde he knew, mu fd, Liieldtte"-; - vu1car J Althou"h the inspections directed since the adjournment of Congress have been inadewUhhe groatost prowptnesSyaBd iur- Dish an extensive nociy m ;iniornmuuu Gerard to the stato of tlio public defences, i.Jii.-i J.i.Pi.siii.tnttaniaeeaf ex-Uscasy toco without su or coo worm y- - - , or 0!lwell asloineaiscipinauro ... . C...CU UJ . ri - -L .ii.- -nTl li,.a aa to buv tliem. wlTtey B c "" 1 "',V,u th irmv. and bear full and satwtactory tea nn trt M 1)19 aifl I eOCB U(!W a r i " . ' . . , - I l:w.rtv nr nrnnrrtv. was SCCUre ubii l . , . T...i. v country. I thall have more triumph . iZ inCna - ' i t i , i 1..la i COmillUlllwlK! im ".v. ...... ... - . in my aeam man vou i. '-': res and the public. . . . i - . ... .i i The Itatiau Iuaulsitton. The innuisition here in the city of Ve- eioe, aided by-pfficiai infbrmers and -secTet tha Directory U Triumvirate, 5 to that, and lives so snug anu dMttateth-EirefW-NaKrfeH bte ' Loni.XVIandCharle.X,,hewas.?ain X "TO,: .rf .yiwkp!-, ' M . . 1 . i y wUmmni -. i srins- " " ' T """j"" V',v w rJIU XvFO T . I iMtii1nnla lirtffl mo AHA fit thp most cruel en hnds it tusti "u"t 30 worth of cm. They ..a I I I II 1M' r T w . IH .III til t: lit. t . . t. i i hut ivhnt tnptf mm anu iihtc vl" v i " i i - -US Wtm AAnfoHprn M. AIIH BDOniV UlWff I n " . . vllt caiiu v""w" i . , iO fruil oui wnai iney . j - tiw nHvatc union y 10 we im wruun them by country frfends, whom they any fell und Department, yet, from by a tlwusand little acts of kindness, ly arrested, and m most cases wer? . - l u:k u uwniinl m beard of no more, every um " wards on vonna AUbaud. Ho brushed thel given . mi-.; .-J mmmI InIA rmV DV 1 I KIUWIIU lllire "- I . . , i. nut imm nis cuiiiouiio. u -ri . ....... hianib no more, every iw effect, with tte same imparUaUty a. hereto. They use no nee rmcn s no w- . ofoun(J y-the S A v 1 a I i" - " " t . i .1 .,:.:, Irnmv nm iM ! i .l i t .miia wi fl hift heaun as n is to yuura lUA?lr.d MbTudYthe no cigars, o, ice-crkm, or apples at 100 UCHU wwac wiiv ww j I . laat that fell beneath his lmDd& vti - NAmnslfl of Prance. Henri Sanson, - " ' . i at now fileeoa tranauillv ia churcU-yara. 4 - 4 , . - . . f k t rB1 h a r Alan in ibb irmnvw I in was - i W l"1.1 Ak! and assassins, I i? ,ns Vinees, statesmen, politi- the care of sixpences. n " . ' li r em ev if i v I inam nivsv wiiiiuul -a that . nenny a day is before hi. JMaipreseuvc, - : T,, r. Weshould ri.r. i - ..... . OU rWO me i iv. i - I 1 . 1,-.lp.ad! Jjet me emiguicii were mm u., , accused victim knew not the secret tongue ... . t . . I,.MJ ll.nt o ' . . ,ia that lulrfV(!d him. Or ino Btcrei. ""' ner cent, on market' once, or orange. , M- . ... ,,. nn1 na, I . i a, - a UBUUCU Ww ,,viw 1 cents apiece, or canny, or uu., . . . . . hi9 i( rare works that are sin rarer .... - h jho -paIaC0 by n high .lrt, my dear Mr, Slackwater, he ha, HSr. LlM tho Brid2e of Sighs. hole in his pocket. ; . : Thi.rldi Eak. or had. for it nowclos. wire r. o- .u one leauuii! imiii iuo It was the first word of suspicion my I. . i .. .i nl irviiiMih .u:-.1.- of economy ereo on w euujv, .. - III 11119 1113 . vrw - . led up, two passes; ,e suDject, ana it cut ,o -r. - - r vhamheTs. and . . .... -m m a i i ,m 'ksSiam msi it i ui isuu in iv v- - Manveoule throw quick, xmi mo i -nuu.u , lhl,,lfia(iini,toollier more private opart ' .. I .-...I rv.n im nnii mviwceuiwi. ihpv uuvc i o - . .. , ir m unrina. remorse or conswer. 7-,- ' , menu and dungeons uoaertne puiac !.. --r . , .. . ,,--.-. ilV .ho la8t mL... .1 lo iinmi h il frtilll u UUIhi-muk -6or-p "! -J timonv to the importance of the Inspector's ' . .... .. J 1: I :t, from me iimuea iimo ui immense extent of territory ... . I ...4nl.l..K.ii-llti over wnicn tne numeruus wiouimmKUH connected with the military services are distributed, the inspections are necessarily incomplete ; and it is therctore not aesigneu to notice all the considerations suggested by the information they afford until a future nrcasion. Inthe general condition and disposition of the armv there has been no matenni I l .. ;.,,.. lnat nnnunl ronort from this 1 Uliailg BiVV ..j-..-.. Department . ine regular iorco wuuuiwu in Florida, consisting oi eigni regimems cinsidera, sewed mo up.and my pockets too, they have rnvpr iwpn in 1 um biuuo iuu vivui 1 t , ra .wVa , . . I rlnnrrnnnM wpre biso ucucssiuio iiuiii 1 v . r - : - ... wn returns, fivo Jtiousauu anu nuy-sevcn ' nri, i -! mepniace uy actnfi t&v, r,.1,j.-.,i;i.ni tneont nue n ser ,uo.wnrr- v ,f . of that amouot roruian vmi.-- - Unknown to die nublic until the arena ol ""v"w.-. "-' J . a ihn r rr'TH 11 i;at.a v hhi , i .. : n. nr.riint-.u. ir inp nrui. I i . ... i .j.a in turn mrruorv. II Hunt VOU rcnu - ... ,. . .vd uWm MUM tA DDCS W UniVCIKWT I'H"""'" " - . I .1 - ... aI H..nth Ulrn llllll ODen I ' V , i 4 T.m en iirnten i were inia upon us , ... r i-. .ui r nt,m ui iw " """ " " . . r. know VJrha 20th Au- add altThat uselessly tax oarsetves for our naryousiness 01 iu . m. . . --"v by the trench; Iudeod, it is said, that the TVrmto nr i u. - - - ... - . ... i.,,- ,,,,- i -i iiprn in no iruuu or pruici". i t. --iot nsmpH llonn nAnnveSnenses. we snail nnu wuiwo w .Headsman There is no trado or profession A few incursions by small detachmcDts of our troops iuto the fustnwscs of ine enemy, KJ'r ; : TWartment of tl, is way annually quite enough to supply more or less weH .Hcsosiwnv. .mv - - .. . 1-( , , witnout tne niu oi wicmwwj. . - If Jh nbt I BPB VOU lUlU tl Twui I a luiiiti j vr r "wifei 1 1 .Il l l,n...t. rA Iho 0V. I .. - .1. t rill7iIU irKUHIU IT UJU UU1 puun v I . . . f . . I .. . ... I u T us result, i , . - ' . , ii. ti, by wnicntneirairtM:iuciiiao uli. , the Black. WtCD;a 9f the8e 'c,chod ! s'- IIcfre vf8i,ed upon their own heads have been the said to mo one day, " Pray, Mr. Slackwa. li m mi WOfldtf f i"? . i. riitioncr more r!rBut this Henri QiflercDt reader, was no common rjr..ri-i.lin8. incendiaries, c Mtcnerui ' . 1.' . .Lu,k hafvimtne ncaus lr,,in(imcn ruuu.t , different from specie ; ?.ffttL f the bloody drama ol said to Mr. Slackwater," IVo lost it, rrTJHinnofFrance'sblood. dear: positively there must be a hole in tny l.SU. IBUimw-r -J" . Ll ..'lIV IMI -.! anM rtnrv sunk to tne grave , wr u pocKei . " 1 , or a..- i . i hnir a finimr nnoui vou i iicbs. . I . .L! t. Til ir.h i mul ktrv. why hO DlOWS ues. i iiiiii i gave you mis uiu.mi.iB . u .6 .4 i ..Mn mv miinuii answer. " because it HJin. waisicoat pocaci, u "Vj-- . ...u li ,, i. . . . i . -- hiH i nrni i nut. on it. iiiiii him man insido out. dui it -was m snmi; 80 I my oonnfi the first Reyolut,onJltheiir laAa.booc. two I t. ...avrvti WlinflA I hind . 1 1 Cl n t llin nriC.la smurr anu uaact-r - t.-j I . . r.W -K ll uirl 1rt rin r IT- I tne cumvaior oi mo on , Ask a backsmitb,5gnorani oi encm- his bellows he will makes a more intense or how blowing air into his furnace makes a more intense heat, and he can only answer, " I don't know!" S with the baker. He knows only that a combination of flour, water ana yeast with a. nropcr temperature, . will produce V0 Visueo tneso Kivwuj , i. .X, inu, fllii s i :..i.. r.. i nosu uies winuii mu im.u ; n lhatf WDM nTK RH I 1 U. UIIU I.UII I I l . .. . to death; ns: theV suited each of one arch of heavy masonry only exceptions to tlio gei hues whicii tooK nPtPrtlin rrrtimcnts. reinforced by new re- cruits, and provided with every necessary a hout.nr two aiierAinet xui" i - ik-Vnf thia he can make liirhtlwunm' anu rope. .,,..--.- di ceneral once more to embrace "How did that ice-cream 1". -aid dough, and S vou passed through the gate and round tlie neck dm. ap t0 rteadsof oearly-all those TumrIt set," said I,-'Ukethe.un,g.o. - ""7 0(1. felt That, with the aid of asu .Miirm - ... . i. a . t i ia Mm hnri imAn i ii in wai buu a.wuv - ----- r i:i s-.n it mm enrtnu ine wrin ' .... rrXJ rarmdUichc.nAinton.. Soolscthetidyhouse. nthe rbet at wscoro. ---- - . irtj I iAra know 'thati by-putting a nanami oi SIL- -.- -ctiy. -g -n of i-ms ;vI hehi my .h, cojor. with a smgte uoio or ine PT , - F" mmAm were prf.pared tractive operations; uon, oiq. iney naa oeen geueT ... - . - - reaewi;dsinceUiuttime. with wood, but Napoleon pcriniueo tne c.u- - , n,'r.:lltj fro,n, several chiefs, the tens to enter and tear out i tnai was move- - WQrriors havc able in these horridcells. liere was a grat- .n i ... . nnr armg .. the ncriod mx ed window, where the victims used to oe - " . ,vcrQ rencwcd undcr strangled, They we seated PPon oAov llTc;8lan8as Educed the comman within, and a rope tasicnea, at o no - more l0 embrace them have mntntitn ihn hraid and shoulders were .itarhfd to no party, and he IDCUIJ WMO, a - snwkoffuwfaytbe head of en ardent roy. of which the head and snouioera i were . applicable to that object drawn uplo the grate, ana tne poor wreu-.. . fe band8 m ht soon was strangled by the cord that passed rouno dc and abandon tUe peace, as Mrs. --7, introf hcP handsomo chamber walls will be W"V rj .'I; " Th hUw country. mnrua nnti even wiicu diw uuiv .-- 1 - o . u 1 ucuouituuuu. ' a . . I r.HNvf nprmflnpnt. " ana won i ruu uii : . - - M;dn, k m 1 . . L. -. ,Xft irnn whv 1 14 fl. All I ! .1 This lino of policy, though tardy ;n nm-.ia r-nntiniiKU 10 uuiu uui aui-u ; :.T A ' ...rerKnt he wan d hK-akfiMi next mornimr uiaitnere wu no r- : .... . . . knUe. httea to a inune, wu r.u 7 . . .H .....oess a9 to encouruire ml wnB njesamcM- v - -- - - . i ,M t a. Kni lift hut she cannot ten you wuy u w. . . - , 4m npnrM,r diaMulCe. fih victim ""I"-" -"i;. . v. nrat tfav of a suspected rcpuoncao. 1 noie in my puuai, w..o.w-.- -"---- . - ,1ta(i nriiularlv of whatever trade, I " " - r--i. - ' .t-r, f the-mto Admmtsirauon in w uiiw marsnai- who liKea uuiuui nefnu - iin 1. imv be safely 7. V.' Ij j t. of narlicular interest or anwwy. us ' .1 vrl ..nf In k reasons 11 wua ui muugu. change in the system of coast defence, as well as of maratime War in general. It is true that the mental activity, characteristic of the ago in every other art and science, has not been less iruiuui in supgciiB - provements in the art of war, the vaiue ot 1 - .... 1 1.. I ld.M In some of whicn nas aireauy practice, and doubtless others win in time prove equally successiui. 111 no ucjim of public affairs may the natural connexion and depcndcncebetwcenauinesciencesaii.1 inventions ot arts JM more Dcnenciany 11. lust rated than in the improvements of the means of national defence. That the cause of humanity will be promoted in proportion as the existing systems and means of defen sive warfare are-perfected by new improve mcntsr in afford ing to -all-nations greater" security to the independent enjoyment of . their own acquisition and forms of society and government ; in putting the weak upon a more equal footing with the strong ; in tendering wars less frequent, and allowing all the arts of peace to flourish in uninter rupted vigor, cannot be doubted. It is a source ol much grauucauoii 10 uuwno ; several gentlemen of high professional ois linction in the arrmy are employing them selves in these appropriate studies. But while, in carrying forward the plans ueviseu in former years, duo regard should be had to the 'improvements alreudy introduced in the means of delence, ana, as mr pr--ticable, to such modifications as may be rendered necessary by future discoveries, we must take care, by the most efficient ap plication of the menus already known anu approved, not to lose the advantage of pre- sent security. Tbe array of well authenticated facts and results of pust experience, anu me wen m tnined reasoning founded upon t!im,exhib; itcd in the report of the board of officers referred 16 in "the accompanying letter of the Chief of tiro Corps of fcnginceitf,Tippeaf; . 1,1 hn"nnclusive in favor of completing tho system of defence therein rceonnnendcd.so for, at least, as w place tne cuuiurv m w is denominated a good slate oi qeienv preparation against any sudjen occurrence of war.' To this extent tho completion of the works heretofore projected mayoe re. warded as indispensable, however uciectivo they may be as a perfect system ol national delence. It will be seen from the estimates stated in the report alluded to, that to effect that object will require an appropriuuw. $9,693)47 upon the fortifications, and $2 493,000 for the armaments, making to gether the sum of $12,186,547. The obli gation of the Government to apply this sum to the objects contemplated as speedily as the nature arid due permanence of the seve. ral constructions will admit, is rendered imperative and absolute by every consider. J. 'I . 1 .u. .J.AMM or.Al .a Ihn nrnrMl. . . j i j- 1 ...1 im. . n ifn hp nmaiR as ane n. iwt . .vi la the tu when itbe guu.ot.nes cn per- or a ,0 ,e "T r.f, , ,(Mld. ,he mechanic v of his trade, has saitscr.Bewuie rrcacu populate m u,j vt ,, u.-nd but half 1 1 t - 1 - wAian or inp f if Mir. mi id bqiui i i ti.. a rMt iinaiia nni u nnvH iM'i'ii i wh h ih kit nuiiiuu m . . . ifUOI UlKLJf kaovn IKIUUIO W W PUUUUHU iii 1 . ? ' . I'--a.., ill .nhisbloodv I nnhrd cnauirics. first in inis airecuon, nt lit us take a hasty peep into his day. then in that, then in the other, but vacancy (ml a ictWim. anil ha nass n review the returninahi2maffiQanJ1 mjufsuu jihrJruWirinh n nninf the cntBs-1 B.iid I. thinkws it oest 'ijvui ciKiiMi w llivil a aw vw - . mtl u . C- . .. . .1 ' I A iTMiheof mat; time, to remind- us oi mc a.beld tlk French populace in check in my sub-treasury for saie-uecping , birty to forty heads daily" have been was a poor woman at the door, abefti i to fen beneath bis axe, it is not "that slie'd promised it to for certain. re to be wondered at, that be should Well, wait a moment, I cried . so 1 the water below. All this was done by - . , 'tialiona-in ro. night, afld w tl, he utm?t pnva y ; a B'rflfW.btf tfnp m are Interested ichem- .J;; Z P a different mode of operations. Thoresul, Mmmon cook cannot be a JJJtS. ' P so far, since the negotiates were renewed sions of human life istry. Even a common cook oi" performed his bloody work ..iv.t aim -without a knowledge of this w" r c, i"""-r- y - science. ' Fisk't Tratichin. Europe. to show a wnoiOj " - O . T ftonl'iyou inust keep myjpocKeis jh ,uci- ter repair. Mrs. Biacitwaier, una pi, IIovFio"sa e Oil and Caudles. Finf'meeuoureyctbe shade of the 24th with I know not how many more, i? fost, ofJamnry, 1791. It bears a broken crow n because some corner or seam in my plagucy ud wbat is sadder still . a broken hea This crowned shade - is Louis XVI 'by the grace of God, who stalks a waroin Usersun-light two hours iu tho morning, . -yccud in contrast withthatf to4 ind dispense witiiandles" and lamps- two othef are thrcc in the fall, has been the surrender of four hundred and thirty-one Indians, including about one hundred warriors, all oTlvTiom v . e r i ,i.,nM i.ntmnnirtcil tot ueetiuntrv assijrn i he spcciuc intenuons oi lumaio u.- - Cs-uL -Tcmato-EdiieatloTK i crow n because some corner or scum m u. j icart. pockets Is left open.1 ., King m Are you sureTw.said-Mr. Slackwater. varning f Sure ay, that I am, it's gone! totally ."anoint- imnft!" My wifo dismissed her promics and h.,r ftr 6. P. M. The morning sun light is much cheaper, and better than evening lamp-light. HoS to save -expense in clothing. Tar. LninheV ns to frequent changed of fashion, Ull with iheo rid of inind r notni eed to ex chant my pantaloons before I went out; mcs too defaced to sppear decent ; pbre it, botrt. treac Us boatenpas m aj nsitple through the ranks of God's anoint, j gone fj' nH rxlla In tTlnml Ra iimt and firm." I nnrl t i r . . " . u i . . . v. "r. t Rei rianlhn nnlo mnnno nf tlin ltilhtJC. r hnnm mv oaniaiOOHS uciore j nv.... kcr,1793. ITie pallid features, marked and to bjirjiJLaxjCime iorfowiecp4iHfced,-but whicrr btulnasTon my knees. w wen able to extinguish the brightness oil That evening, f!,y chase that which is at once decent and the Mv wifo dismissed her promics most durable; ana wear your Kuriuck allow me tho remark, 4tirbeauty. On thesnow.wliite neck rests gentlemen of the specie n"8" 1 a" uillotine. A ho very loth to go nomo wua,i ....-.. - lie blood irons of the iruilli Wy bead, which once adorned with a di mxffldcrowB.now bears one of thorns, is toof Maria Antoinette, daughJer ofil? & Tlotcsa aisle roflhc Em pe ro r Joseph, d the nobappy Louis's consort. , , Kow flits across the scene a shade, whose ,mind to bore some pectntion is still indulged by tho officer in .nmnnd that lho rcmaitiiii!' bands which have so' long infested tho upper and north- ern districts of tho peninsula will surrender in a short time ; but 1 regret to siaie inai but little hope can be justly cherished that this unhappy and wasteful war, which has alreacy cost so great a number owvaiuaoie nnrl ati manv millions of public trca- 1 to appear decent; p ore it, outrio treu it "" -1 """ ", , ,, , nrt i,! ftfrrhn - toiJSLik feng 5irections-And JnnJ" mmtWill b' J s a i.i..- ! t tmnU ihir.ation should keep in view sacrifices. It appears that, alter six monius of negotiation, no access lias been nau 10 the principal and most powerful chief, or to anv of his followers. Directions huve ac irst, to vivify, ele- vate, and inform those intellectual tastes in woman, whicii may bo the means of happi ness to herself, and which exclude tastes that are frivolous or pernicious. Secondly , to render her the attractive companion oi man, and to put her into communication .... f 1 . a AV . . a ! nn4 HIOOJL.. LA.iir a iiiiiA rAnr ia tin l AtkinT inmn huuuuiuu auuuiu huvK as it protects me uuj-. - rj ..:,;,, ,onh bachelor friend and . l ? . .Mum nnn ii ..ummhi'i nmhulilp. destination to rver was w shThaiearned. This.atter intention UascomforUbleasa blackonewliichfash. may justify some more exact and arduous on rcouires to-morrow. A few ycarshence methods of study than otherwise would ap. when hunger and habit, in their unassuming your fome will JT rnannerono-on-eaca-ajur -t coior or Hua.njr - - . mv door, the touch of the brass knob made wore ,n 1841. . . x my blood run cold. But do not think that , fame. Have a olace for ev- ery thin", and when you have none using u return itto its place. Thi will save much time in hunting after -articles which are . verse of fortUne. TaytorM irm RWIr water is a lartar, my inenus, wpect fills im with JTi.1 . bald u.n. I thus shrunk from home; the fact H whhits load of sin, fell on the' 6th was that I had while aboad, called to my Sovcmber, 1793. It is Philip of Orleans', mind the fate of her 25 cent piece, which 1 "flip Egalite, the aimer at his brother's had invested in some that is to say cigars : jttwo. Two years before, as Louis lost and I feared to think of her comments on crownjuponthe scaffold, Philip had from my pantaloons pockets." 1 i w cabrklet gazed IhrougVhis oncra.glass These things went on for sojne months; And let me be allow- secure may be to-day their possession of affluence, ml hnvpver unlikely-it may seem that tlwir damrhters should be compelled to looK to their accomplishments as the means of in deiwffuence.it ia l a wiso caution to fit them ' Home Education." , Ladies who cultivate flowers win grate thrown carelessly aside and lie you know not where. ' S5- . 7.'r. -Hw Prnrnre a HOW 10 save iuhp """"" " . ... e j . . j i . ..t iintnf all ex- fi,liv rrvrivR-ihe folowinjr recipe tor.de dook anu - .u. '""J J'"::.... it. it is At the expiration oi mm i stroying a cry huuu.. . ' y . the account nd seernpw taken from lioyey s wagfi" "y ..nl) In fnnt ncunv and I mbim : '.s' ...i. a I r-. Uo mo Kn rnilv destroved . j i . ..am., mmitn.-vini uiuiu uui v uniu ill i ). i.iu . w ' j . . - wjlrat Kvilr I DlUC UCII..T - j - I . . . -i...;.i.i: ' ... worse ana worse; eveu as not. Then see to Jsmnly by watering inosoiiwim nine was no longer to be trusted, the rags slip- &dQ by puU, a piece 0 ped from tttna manner inv.w tho(je M In raany cases the og- ime weighing about two nounos u w oh ... t rve as a warning beacon, through centu nc pome, reminding us of the fowler anentuihisown inare. - We rises from the darkness of the crave as an Irish song says, pa shade of the 15th April, 1794. And such was the fata of poor Faddy pMofe. powerful fram wliinb Thnt him nnrso had the more rentaaa he bad U 1 tn HcMtll. -A t a . . .1 nfiV and public honor. It is estimated by the Chief bngmeer thai, the sum of $1,435,500 can be judiciously. and most beneficially applied upon ineso essential works of defence during the re mainder of the present year, in auuwuu u. the appropriations heretofore made for the same objects. Tho expenditures in this branch of the service haye been more con siderable in the current quarter than usual, and hence the additional appropriations iskiJ foFafVIirger than they wouU liaViT i .....rnnlinarv circumstances. How ...1 u l.uv. . - J . have occn transporicu iuin.mij .n,..-, ..., i ,. i tu 5SeT!rtmippi-aa cu . ' . ... . . . i ' . r r... nfmr the accession of your ' ... .:n i3. rrt.m,t mrtm ronsiberable r water : when the whole is siacaeu, uuu grcgo .r',,iooo mu ltM.n I .ir. ; oSmild he allowed to settle. tbS than you WOUlO OO awurc , r . , T' " "JJ iZ. J k- ... I nflT ami the ....h an account.1 -- I 1 nC Clear wuier mjr "r"Tj r SUCh an aceouuu ,1. . .i,r l nKnw wntp.rril A f umUm dar my wife came in with 1110 rpensee U IravelUng:- so. W .. ' . Z ra, the . f " pHuuwm m tilts rcTWiuuuu i l . i n mi uitn 11. iitj wu ma wa wwv - ---- Wmpu,, the herculean Danion, hose a subscription paper W W Cultivate tbe Dump "'"J" h. premises, by crawling out upon the surface had been compared" to tho thunder's I looked at It ; and sighed and picked I my if want logmkn prem y . J( en ia death startled all around, point out a Jupiter Pulmi j-VI S IlV a v T viuuwil" eveD to ihnn hire an establishment at the livery ! stable. This will be for the health of your body as well as a security of your. pun from languisiiment. Whon MriWilberforce was chosen mem- ber of York, (in England) his daughter in "Wt od bia oratnri in tVio nrf.h;nA tenth. "'and shook iny head,: aqd handed it Bin..fl,l. - v. i ' ."P -"B"-l" -V -Li . i - , M - iiJ!. . luan oi terror, who brought Dacn. to ner. . . "Ke to tbe axel ' . , ' Ned Bowen.has put down ten dollars. .Next follows the shade of the 28th July, " The more shame to him," I replied, Ji that of Maximilian Robespierre, and he can't afford it : he can just but scrape MeapoDhUheeU, those of his brothers, along any how, and in these times it aint .Cahon.Leba., Henri, right for him to aoit. f.y w. - -r-"frani rhe m of the clec i.othersof their asiatea. her aad way, and took tne paper .11 cheered by an immense crowd, .thThermidor, the holliday-eve ofl him that brought it, - -, J ; , ffL L own door, crying, ZZ? Solution, was a hard day, for The next . evening sne asxeu . forever , Miss Wilber- tWlT As be had once ohowo to would go with ber ana see tne . "TVZT The young lady turned rtf! d Wng, - did he and a.l had BoobjecUons, we started .- JiKL.:. anmotion r notv tnir vcan ruiwpn mil a niiiait i w , A Alrv vy ' -v il.nt wmild rtva him ahruit SG00 a Vear bllun. 1 Iilt3 UlCLUVOr , .UUU 1 ULOa ui. " ft- ., J wjuiea tneirsnnrnruitinn . ooz-K rn I nd I thoutrnt it wouio. Je worm wiuio w "t -y. ... . r ,o. any remairr, another watering may he ap plied.' We have never found any .flifficulty in destroying them by, this method. The yocthftji. mino. A straw will make an impression on the virgin snow ; let it remain but a short time and a horse s hoof can scarcely penetrate it. bo it is with tlwi vm itbful mind. A-trifling word .J :. kni aAer may make an impression on - - I . .u.ntiM fhA tlPM. B IU 1IHJIIVU' I vv - - . . i- . tu I as sne waa aai.g - i.-va tna traininc of 4he4Biani ,r . ln8 te the pop nlace-to be r -j5i2SLoniih to emphatically "Way, gentlemen, u --7, J 'Trrv amid the follies rl , - VVi hnrforce lorever : i . . , mind, as win and cordingly been given foi.thc most energetic aud effective prosecution oi um i-'- " r,.rti.o .K.m.tmtWis shall appear tobe .. r , X . . nlrn rt III. useless. Steps nvc aisu ivu crease the cfliciency ot the means now the disposaTof the othcer in commanu : anu , in the-ffieantimc.inc reireiinuc... cxtr-nditure connected with the service, for purposes not essential in Indian warlare, has been earnestly enjoined. Thi manv weiirhty considerations winch invite tlw inimediutc attention of Congress f ,hn mihicct of the public defences gener- ally, and particularly to tho works abso Intolv nncessarv to the security of our great commercial emporiums, and the keys to our most valuable resources of every kind, must be so cenerally understood and appreciated , . . . . a . a ...... ...n itmlhl that nothmgthis uepanmeiui-i. u.K -j.i inth.-ir force and conclusive- UUU .IJ 7 , f Jm .u: nriKn iQf nif.tion oi ncss. to say uouiu. " - . . property, and our wcakenea coiiu.iou..u prupt.1 , .ltof nt .M the military poinroi . . :,j-.nvr.fourmosta8sailablcpoirrts, tu' j -o - v - , : . n j . ... H.: the penetration oi our -- -- ' o f nnr stroncholds by, a zure oi ci- - , y powerful enemy upon the sudden outbreak L7,- wmild seem to be eoually the d ic- v, .- - - . . tate of patriotism nna wisuum iu mn.c ;.iAn nminst the infliction of such in- JlUliaw. o J . f. 1 .i ..1 and phn rnlpr ..ita inn nauiiiia. wiwi i. hn lieen urired bb an objection to the further orosress of the works heretoforepro- jected for the defence oi our exiuuaivo w.u. L.tt for the defence of our extensive sea J . . I ... ..MKlmanto in lh IIM coast, tnai tne rewuicra - r . . .i.. m awm nnviuauuu. anu Ol Sicuni . o - , .u - .n.t;mt nn nrthe same powenui ine reu -rr.-- - , i,nr aeeot to the defence -oi our uyj-r d tnm,iW with the late inventions u the mean, of tewog r .Koiu. must soon introduce an entire Vi Wmv; . j r... .!., cmn nfter the accession of your immediate and lamented predecessor, all the means at the disposal of this department wore directed to be employed upon tlio for tilications and other works for the protoc tion of Ihe Atlantic frontier, inthe manner deemed best calculated to produce the great est possible efficiency in the shortest time. Tt,: nnneared to be called for by the -nraentedd-thrCT rein relations. WWeine wnui w resources at the disposal ot tnis amnvi for this service were thus ordered to be ap plied to such unfinished worns as couiu oo made available, in wnoi ui ... -reasonable time, it is proper to state, in this connection , that directions were at the samo time given to supply, wunom uuiaj, u works already completed with their appro priate armament. The promptitude .and liberality with .l.J..h tlin Governor of New JJfork and tlio - Commissioner of public lands i0. that Slate, responded to the recent application oi iu Department to bo put in possession of the ,rlc. constructed on Statcn Island, under the supervision and at the expense oi uiui. State, for the defence of New York harbor, deserve the thanKs oi too should be further acknowledged by the im mediate appropriation of tne sum ocmano- cd as a compensation ior tuo grouuu uj.. whieh they are situated, tne woras aie -rterr, nni Ail of ffreat importance to tbe ob ject for Vhicb they were designed , and they are how in a course oi .rv-poj.'. auu i"""- mfidtr under the direction -ot cuH" ofl of the corps of engineers. The cor respondence between this aci)wu.K.. the Governor of New York, and the report of tlie Chief Engineer win snow upon which the title to, this property wifl be .... V . I C.a. vested in tne Lnutu It will be seen from the' accompanying report from the Ordnance Department, that some additional appropriations for thataer vice are believed to be important to the pub. lie interest. The amount called for js S220, 000. The importance of the operations of this department, and its immediate connex ion with the national defence, in providing guns, gun-carriages, and otlicr munitions, will at once oe .perv:iFv ft a ivwmuflrT that the attention of Con- , gress ahould be galled to the policy recently adopted in the management of, the public ar. ' i1' without tbe fear of being awakcti. house-keeping. We were 4 L v . -I; r !i " I' li ti 3 - S - v. V I -'. ' . , -f , . - - - 5 ' .... f -5- ---.-'- ""'.i m' . . . -' : ' .. J