. : v ; ; Milfora Hard.';; . -,; v The following adjturable jind feeling tril). ' uto to the name and history of '.ha unfortu. nato "Milford Bard, is from the Crescent City. 'Let tlieyopng man who now clasps only (lie "moderate" Cjp; read it with at, tendon; and then call up his own heart for xarnmntit)n.JjOthhnsk-'A laurei " -'Nothing extenuate nor aught trt rfova in malice. - " Wo know tliti mtfurluDate subject of :,' mis article, len juarsngu 111; was mts cua '"' tro of the most brilliant cirtlir In1 liia dative . State now a: degraded drunkard, he is .t, WT; f 1,.w ' ' 1T. ., . 11 , 1 t ... .ly.MnSi ud goncrous j possessing those I f . U-..4 .....:.. .u 1 strong impulses iriucu form tue fountain, head of the silver Mrcom of poesy, Ida life was ono continued utrain of music one '"""long vibration orrthti golden harp of. love. f Then caine the curse-of by-goue years.'' " vIn thb rich,' halls of fame there glided in noiseless beauty a creature of heavenly brightness.' The old talc ! tlic poet adored . tho spirit of his soul, arid she looked on her ?'woi1sliipper with the cold, dull eyeof pride. Few of us are blessed with the moral cou rage to survive disappointment "like tills, and madly we fly to the dark waters of ' Lethe, even though they drown but for a single moment the burning thoughts which press their scorpion stings deep into the brain. -Fat be it from us to advocate the cause of .intemperance, but even w hile w e deprecate, we must look with pity upon those v. ho have been smitten with the plague pot of this horrid vice. Blindly ho dashes on, reckless of the future, u id forgetting in his df lirium the grecir'old days passed in - - the glorious sunshi no of youth--lie . was then the brolieTidieaVtciTmniv-tlio dying - notes of his oneejicIisong flirted iipon the .,'. ear like the sighs of a wounded spirit at the ealc of heaven. Iho obn et ol Ins carl v love married. With a glazedjiyo and faded hope u see the last plank torn from ins grasp, nnd hears the livid Waters of death gurgling in his ear. Then comes .madness, and the rioctrevcbj in the splendor of a lurid . hell.- - The dreaTir is over, he has passed through tho altiir of fire into Uael ; but lie is scathed scathed to tho quick ! Step by step ho w'alks on to perdition, and one by one his fiiends desert liitn. Still heelings to her memory still the nwect, sad song of the past is borrKLupon the dark wave of ' sorrow. .' - - - " Some two years ago an attempt was made by some of hrs friends to endeavor, if '- possible, to save him from utter degrada . lion by placing for- a voluntary perioJ in the Baltimore jail. I called one evening to4 sec him ; ho was gay and cheerful, but hap. phress was the thin upper crust of his feel. ; ings. - There was one sentence which I nu. . ver can forgct. It wasjateund the jailor '-T informed me thaOir." ' was rather uiiwell, and was about retiring to rest. -Yielding to my importunities, however, he - led the way to his apartment. Peeping through the keyhole, I saw him engaged in prayer " Ids' hands were raised in muto sup' plication, and, tears were rolling down his check. " Men call mca drunkard ! but oh, : God! forgive her who has caiacd this wreck 1" " The friend and companion of Thomas Moore the man whose society w as courted by the first of tho land, nr.d around-whose' brow fume would have thrown her richest wreath, is now the degraded inmate of a common asylum for paupers : 1 lo will go clown to th'et vb unhor.ored, and the hiHoek growing with weeds above his head, will bo pointed out to the passer-by as tho Drunk aril's Grave P Pulpit cloqucnrc. In the May ntimter of the Knickerbocker, "the following specimen of pulpit eloquence, is given from'u sermon delivered not many years since, by the Itev. J. N. Maffit't : He cominunced with the text " I have never sden the righteous fomakerinor his seed beggiug breads 'In his pictures of youth and ngc, and of the sole consolation " tho ono thing needful" which could sustain both, lie broke forth in the following sublime emblem: 41 My friends, as I look down from this advantageous eminence, upon the different . mortal ages ihaf appear before nie upon cheeks painted with the rosy blossoms of -- childhood, and lips redolent with the fra grnnee of spring when I contrast them with the corrugated lineaments and snow sprinkled temples, of age, my niind labors .-wUh a fearful-i:oiuparison.l contrast the full veins and fair-moulded features of child- : hood, with the thin and shfivclod p6etsof Tteaininij vca" rs, and liken to th 6p inect witii on tho broadTocean ttf ctcnceT In our better days, wo leuvo the land of pleas.anl youth in a fairy bark ; the sunshine laughs on tho pennon; and trembles on the sail j; the sw eet wind refreshes our nostrils I'roin the flow cry tdiorc, tho blue vFslasue lijht our eye, tlio waves danco in bright- ness beneath our keel ; the skies smile above us, the sen .around us, and land behind m ns it reccdesiJBiidhefore .ajrhekjpf,gpjdeji brightness seems to herald our way. Time wears oiJ-rr-ad the shore fades to the view. The bark and its inmates tiro alone upon the ocean. Tho sky becomes clouded -the invisible, winds svi-ep with a hollow ' aniirmur along the deep the sun siuks like a mass of blood over tiro, waters, .which rise and tremble in mad conjusionlhrough the wide radious of storm the clouds, like irloomy curtains, are lifting from .afar. Tlio sails arc rent; broken cordage streamsj . and w histk-s to the teinpcst ; tlie w ave lit inouueo niouniaius orean upon uio imu hubmcrged aud shuddering deck ; r.iastsiare rent to Ppliuler3; the' seaman is washed from the' wheel. .' Crk of-renKNT and an- ' guish mingle w;ith the rcmor3clcsf dash of billows, and ho how ling thunder and storm. The foundered boat sinks ns 6he. plunges the deck is breaking. , God of mercy ! '" Who shall appear . for the rescue ! Mio and brethren, aid ia near at hand. " Through ' the'rifts of the tempest, beaming over the tumultuous waters, 'moves a pavilion of coldcn light. "' I r9 : nudmcht ..is waiting : gushes of radiance eparklo n the foam j a lowering junu. bhuics oh we eyes 01 despairing voyagers, encircled with a halo of glory." It 1st the Saviour of man is the ark or the covenant! ; It movesonward the waves rush back on either hand and over a track of calm expanse theurk is LornoWliQ steps fronxits aide and walks over the deep as upon land t It is the great Captain of. our Salvation the " Mighty .to save ! " Ho rescues the "drowning from deaths the hopeless from gloom.. , He stills the fury of tho tempest, and for the spirit of mourning, he gives the song of rejoicing, and the garments of praise. ,; Ark of the - tuvcuuuii - rou uiw way j . i Covenant troll this way ! . .We are sinking ImtlMJ deep waters, and there is none to de- 1 liver! -.Let the prayer bo o prayer bo offered, and it will save us all.r From tht St C Tern. Adv. Obtaining a few days ago, a copy of Thomas Moore' works,! could" not but lament, on look, in j over tho volume, that to inimitable a Foi'Vof tun chose subjects entirely tin worth v hia eiflod mind. As I am sometime guilty 0 the ain of rhyming, I amused myself with scribbling a par. ody, on one of "his Baohanalian Songs, which, if you tumk worthy place in U10 "Advocate," it is at your service. " - Touch not the Howl. Air Koran Kiata. A Parody on Moore's "Wrbatu the Bowl." Touch Dot the bowl Immortal aoul, Though revellers invite you, ' Nor dare uniUs With them, to-night, And leave all peace behind you: For woca amid Its fifmes are71iicL7'"J Anil guilt that oft will sting you And many a fear-. . And. briny tear, The'flowingtnp will bring you. Then shun the bowl, - Immortal soul, Though revellers invite you; . Nor d:ire unite With them to-night, And leave all peace behind you. 'Tin well that time J lis plasg gublimo Hits filled with aands unaiglitly; For wind he knew, Would never do. Though it looked far more brightly J - If tlplers took ' " " The bev'rajo up, The glass in twain they'd sever i AVhcn woes would glided In doulilo tide, t . - And fill bath ends for dver. - Sj shun the bowl Immortal aoul, Though revellers invite you ; Nor dure unite " - With them to.niglit. And leave all peace behind yon. 'Twaa wine, we're told, In day of old, llrouglit thousands to their ruin Yet still we Cod. There's more inclined, To mak it their undoing i Fur at Li bowl, The drunken sou!-, Wilt only oe cdntenied ' , . Till, heulth and strength. And wealth are spentj And then the frolic's ended i Then shun the bowl, ImMUIM Ull Ul, - Thonch revellers invite you ; Nor dnrc un'le, . With tlirin to-nisriit, ' And leave all peace behind von. CAROL AN. Bunh River, Newberry. Goon Xkws paoM Irti-and. The Troy, N. Y Whiir, at the request of Miehial Ikjnlan, a rcspee. table and industrious Irishman nf that city, pub. linlies .the following "good newa. from Ireland," as he calls it. A niectinff of the friends of temperance was held in Cork last, week, when the Secretary of the general society, Mr. Kennaujjli, read tho fol. Iowinp statement showing the result of the recent lour of tho apostle of tcmpemnon.t The subjoin, cd numbers were respectfully added to those pre viously reported TipH-rary, I'hnrriek, 60,000 10,000 7',000 " r.o,ooo " 33,000 ' 20,000 25.000 9,000 15.000" 7,000 6,000 30.000 25,000 70,000 I nurlea. Balleyshannon, Donepfll county Newtownbarry, Wexford count y Ballcypnrret, do do Mont mellick, Queen's county, liorcy. Eiiniscorthy, 11 (Mallow, - , Cork, - Csll;dermot, Dunlavin, Temp!emor Cartow, Merryhnrongli, Knlls, fM-ath.) 100,000 100,000 100,000 1 hov linn eteht Knman t.atholre prelates enroll, ed, and 700 of the Catholic elersy. (Cheers.) Thelote tour produced l,41!,00(l.-whieh, added to the former jrenernl return, namely," 3,500,000, I' ft tho total 4,H47,0IH). (Tremendous cheers.) Yes, four million six hundred and fnrtyseven thousand of the population of Ireland were at that moment sound and determined teetotaler. (Cheers.) , ' A Wabm.U to Ywnu Mkm Dimunrss. -We ist week, in oitr most public street, ati illus. tjjiJinn.cJUIiaJleiOTiinty.ffi jrtg.pf drinkinirhat t'ttiultl speak a solemn warning to onr yonnjr men. It was a man apparently about forty, with a broad sword in his hand, staggering in front of the stores, ami trying to play tlie soldier, though really eiv-j hibitini; the drunken idiot for the amusement of Ab.ec whnwtrc disposed to look 6pon his folly and his shame. He was truly an object of pity fur in epitc of his bloated form, and vacant, blood sliot eye.-nnd hair prematurely wliite, thsrc was about him something that second to tell of better dnf. Who is- lc t wo nJitd.- Ila was. a few years agovlcrk ii a respectable house here a first rate Book-keeper, and possessed a knowledge of busi nchsvwhich, if it had been properlr directed, would linve' lod him to high respectability and wealth. "With half his knowledge of business," remarked a gentleman, "many a man liB acquired a for tune." But instead of the wealth, respectability i and influence, lie could have gained, whnl is he, and what, haa lie? A poor wandefTng'drunkard, publicly exposing fei shame "bankrupt in charac ter, mind and property! And what, we may ask, has wrought Hits fearful change in hia condition and pmnpeetat One short sentence explain ft all 4 Hk ifltr.s to visit tub Gaoo Snor ! S.rC. Tt. Adt. . ... Rcnr rot a htamrnna Shock, A thic is the season when all are more or les h'able to experi rnce a hock from nature's bttery, the Bniffato Commercial Advertiser aaggeata Uiat any person struck down by lightnmg.Tn matter if apparent ty dcardy ought .to be immediately extended on toe damp jrcsmd ; and if it do not rain upon him wa- ter s'KXild M mrowB on ireeir, wmcn m most Ctasea ' rill Conduct off the electric fluid without icftns injury. Manv a on baa ion iiM hie when knnwledn of lhee facU on the part of friends or bystander, wooldJiaT recrved it - ' ' From the Intent Sermons of Doit Jr. " They are fnera walking "sticks for fe male flirts, ornamented with brass heads and barely touched with 'the varnish of etiquette. Urass neaas, nia l say l IN ay their caputs are only half ripe nmskmelons, with monstrous thiclc rinds, and all hollow inside, coptainuig the seeds of foolishness swimming aboutwjth-jL-Vaat quantity-ofl sap. , . Ilieir moral garments are a double' breasted coat of vanity, pauued with pride, and lined with the silk or self complacency; their other apparel is all in keeping and imported fresh from the devil's wholesale and retail ready-made clothing establish, rhent. Tinkered up with broad cloth", fin. gcr rings, safety chains, soft sodder, vanity and impudence ; they are no more silver than plated, spoon is soud silver I detest a dandy ,- aa a cat does a wet foor. There are some vain fools in this world, who, after a long incubation, will hatch out from the hot. bcd.of pride.aBickly. bipod offurzy ideas, nnd then go strutting ijong in the patp of pomposity, with all the self impor. tance of a speckled hen with a bkek chicken. 1 have an antipathy to such eiple. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES OP TIIE MAILS, At and from Asherile, jV. C. AlIIVALS. j Southern. Mondays,! DitrATt'r.f. Tuesdays, J'riday? and Sundays, at 4 o'clock, Thursdays & Saturdays,; by iu o'ciock, p. m. Wcsterrt, via Warm! Springs, &.c.-.Tued;iys,: Wednesdays, Fridays and Mondays, at 4 t'clk, Thursday & Saturdays, A. M. o, p. M. .Western, via Franklin, Fridays, 5 oulock,iM. to Ga,-. Wednesdays, 7, r. m. Eostem.via Morsanton &c-Mundays &. Fridays, Tuembys and Satur. days, 5 a. m 9r.si. Eatitom,. - via Ruther- Mondays, TlnirsHays, fordton-, Aei-Snndavs.litml lSrfitritky,5 ock)ek4 Tuesdays and Fridays,' a. h. at o, p. m. Eastern, via Burnsville, icMond.iys, 4 p. m. Southern, via Cathcy's Creek, &c.--Tucsdays, G p. H. Wednesdays, Mondays,t Go'elock CADIDATi:S. O We aro authorized to nnnnuncc J. K, GRAY, Esq., as a candidate for tho County Court l IcrKBliip ot iviacon county. O" W'e are requested; to annoimeb"'(.' W.'J. MOORE as a candidate for the County .Court uicmslup lor tlio, county ol Macon., O We aro request to annnunee JOSEfl! M. RICE, Esq., as c candidate for ('ounty Court "M L l i . . . itii, jur uucoinoc county . U We are anthorijed W announce Pr; HEN.-f KY G. WOODFIX as a candidate f,.r the County Court Clerkship of Macon county, at the ensuing August election. '" BT We are requested to announce HUGH H. DAVIDSON as a candidate fot Superior Court Clerk for Haywood county, at the ensuing August election. Twenty Dollars Reward ! AN away from the si djpfriber. or was The nigirt ui i.n 27th of May, v A Negro Girl, named Fatima, and her TWO CHILDREN, llnfui and Rachel FATIMA ia a bright mulatto girl, about five feet three or four inches high. Rufus is about 5 years old, rather darker than his mother. Itachcl is about 2 year old, and a very'bright mulatto. Tho subscriber will give the utiove reward for said Negroes, delivered at his residence at I). W. Greenlee's. JAMES M. GREENLEE. Burke county, June 2, 1811. 3 52 SI Btt-JLC J9k. JS 9m HE subscriber has opened a SHOP at tlie EagU Hotel in this place ; where, ho will furnish, at all times, r; ' Kcry variety' of Itrcad, of the best nualityjat reasonable rstes-i - JOHN WELCH. Ashcvillc, May 28, 1841. '3m, 50"-. TO rElMIETBD niBLISBERS Y TIlttOUGIIOrTTIIE V. STATES WE have comeneed the Manufueture of TRINTlNG INK, in this city, and intend to supply with an article that will give general satisfacdon.. Tho price for Newspaper Ink:hi fixed at lrt cents per lb., cash, in kcL' and barrels of 25 to 150 lbs, and barrels ubout ','.ri0 lbs. The price being o low a share of patronage is wnfi.. denlly anticipated. Orders or letters out of the city to be: directed toNo.l03NqRTIITIllRJJStreit. rieuacstate if to be used pn a cylinder or flut I'rens. KAITA-CO "ST Factory NORTH NINTH street, between Brown and Coates. 51 State oflVortli Carolina. . MACON COUNTY. Snprior1 Court ol Law, SPRING TERM, 1811. MisKS "Redmox 6T) t Petition ffrDuorcei Sally Redmond, ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,that the defendant, Sally Redmond. is not an inhab itant f JiisUUti-tbMf0 drd 4v Court, that publication be made in the " Highland Messenger" for'aix. weeks, for tho said defendant to appear at the next Superior Court of La w, to be held for the county of Maeon, at the court house in Franklin, on the second Monday in September next- then and there-1 plea, anwer or- tetnnr to the said petition, or the saaie will be taken no eonfesm and set for hearing exparte. A true "copy from the minute. S. M'DOWELIj, Ok., or4 may 28, 1341. 6sw50 &taU of Worth Carolina, BURKE COUXTi'. COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SESSIONS, ' April Tekm, 1B41. John W. Connsllv, Attachment Utied on . . - 1,1 ' ALfHEO C; CoWEIJ.T J ' -"- - kRDERED bv Court. That publication be J madoi for six week In the " Highland Me, senger foi the defendant to appear at our next Court of PWasand Quarter-Sessions, for tho coun ty of Burke, at the coort house in Morganton, on the 3d Monday in July next, to plead or replevy, otherwise judgment pro confesso' will be entered op against hint, and the kinds levied on be con demned to satutfy plaintiff's demand. Witness, J. J. Eawm, clerk of our said Creat, at office, theth Monday of April. 1841. i. . Test. J. J. ERWIX, CUrl, - may H. " few (5 50.J, ValuaMc Tracts of Land Jk- THEwell-k hown stand, ono and Ti ii I nan miie oe w ue vv ana eprmga, llli! P1 Buncombe county, North -Carolina, on "the north-eastern side of French Broad river, together with it adjacent LANDS or about TUttJ&E UU&VKEV AUKKS, a large portion of which is in cultivation, and now occu pied by W. J. A. Fagg, and owned by the heirs ot law of ir. Benjamin ilowarln, deceased. M - ... ttso, . One other TracJ, oo tho south- we8t 'c ' t'e r'vercon,a'n'n8 about five or Sis Hundred Acres, some ' mfm two hundred of which are also in cuL tivation. A large portion of fach tract is of the first-rate river bottom. - Commtmicatian directed to Ho wart h Sl Wood fin, Franklin, N. C, will meet with prompt at ten- uun, April 16, 1841. 4-t-tf State of !ortli Carolina, Buncombe Connty. SUPERIOR X)URT OF LAW, Spring Term, 1 I1. Wilijam Browx, t. . Petition for Divorce. Elizabeth Baow.f, TT appearing to thr satisfaction of the Court,that -L tho defendant, Elizabeth Brown, ia not an in. habitant of this Slate It is ordered by Court, that publication be made for six weeks in the " High, land Messenger," for the said Elizabeth Crown to appear at the next Superior Court of Law for tlie county of Buncombe, to be held at the court house in Asheville.on the 1st Monday after the 4th Mon day in September neit ; then, and there to plead, answer or demur to the jictition filed against her by William Brown, or the same will be taken pro coufessoi uud set for hearing expnrte. Witness, - - J. ROBERTS, Cue, , may I t. few $5 50. Information AVaatcd, OF ISAAC GARNER, of Wake County, North Caroliua. who bft his wifo and four mall children in August lfe33,atating tliathe was going to Guilford tJounts to seek employ ment; whieil he obtained from Mr. Isaac 1 itts of Jamestown, who engaged him in March 1840, to goto Colum bia, South Carolina, to assist in selling,, a load of (Juns or Rifles. Mr. Pitts on hi' return, tclMii family that he left him in Columbia Jail In Jan. uarv last, voung Mr. Pitts Carrie another load of Guns to South Carolina, and whilst there, he hears Of Garni f driving a slagcaboul 100 miles below Columbia. Satd Garner is about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, light complexion, dark red hair and beard, blue eyes, with a thick upper lip, & inclined to be round shouldered. He cannot read or write, and is very dull of apprehension ; he is also very much addict ed to profain language, Should this meet the eve of any individual who knows any thing concerning Garner, they will bo doing a humane act by addressing a letter to his distressed wifo at Raleigh, N. C. It is the ucHircor his anvctionato and conhding companion that he should return to her and their four helpless children. Should it nut be Garner s wisb to sec hi wife again, it is hoped that he is not so depraveti, and lost to all feeling as not to heed tlie eric of his children who arc now suffering for bread. CINDERELLA GARNER. Raleigh, May 14th 1841. BLANKS! BLANKS'!! S CLER K S of Courts,- Attorneys, Shrfiffs,- ant! 'Constables are respectfully informed that we have recently made large edditiong to our former assortment of BLANKS ) and that we arc now prepared to fill with promptness "order for any of Ui f.ot"'1-w-'i...i-. !: Constables' Warrants, , " Ca. Sa'. and Bonds, Superior Court Ca. Sa', - , County Court Houd Orders, M " Executions, Guardians' Bonds, Apprentices' Indentures, Appearance Bonds, Superior Court Indictments for Affrays, " " "V Assaults, CouHty-Conrt " do. ." " " Affrays, " " " ' Writ?, l)ccds of Trust, SujM-rior Court Venditioni Exponas, " Sulii:i)as, County " do. . " " Vend. E)rpo. Suix rior " Ca. Sa. Bonds, County . " do. do. Deeds of Conveyance, SuM'.rior Court Capias Bonds, , " " Writs, : Marriage IJccnsc, Constables1 Delivery Bonds. - - Sujierior Court Witness Tickets. County Court do. do. Deeds of Equity, IudenHuty Bonds, Sheriff' Deeds Vend. Expo. " I'i- Fa. Appeal Bonds, Couimumion fortaking Drpositinns.. ' ' Constables' Official Bonds, County Court Ca. Sa'B, &c, &.c, $.c., Blank Notes will be printed to ordrr. 0" Orders for any Blanks not contained in the above catalogue, should be', accompanied with a eojiy of the Itlaiiks- ordered. - - O" All orders for Printing rf any kjnd will be promptly aiienoea 10. " JMessenger Uluce, Ashcvillc, April 9, 1841. I 43 ROBERTS' SESMIOXTCLIMAGAZIE , For Ton ii and Country, TAc Qhraixsl audi tan damiest Mygazinein the World!! tTH jmblisjird 1'lhe suWribrr; -rm,ifae-4st and Jtr .) :Ti of e vcrv'mouitli . 'TTaeli li uii iber coiiTam s forty large pages, (2 lJ sheets,) and is printed in a vtrv siiwrrior nronner after the stvle of Black. wood's Magazine accompanied with an extra thick cover It always -contains alLof the , valuable, miscel laneous matter thai appears in the Boston Notion, including the poiiuiar romances of Old St. Pauls by Ainsworth, Die" Poacher, by Masryatt, and (icorge St. (ieorgeJuliant by the author 6f ''Vol. OTili'no Vox' - Also, all the Engravings that ap- pear in -that paper.logrther" with oceasiohally a piece or faslnonable AiUsjc. At the end ot the year it will comprise a volume of over one thou sand pages a library in itself ! and the subscrip tion for a year is only $2,00 ! and when taken in clubs or in only one dollar and a liaUIi. e. 1U :' f..- 1 . .1. n Willful IIJl The first number was published January 15, 1M1 and contaihcd part first of the popular nov. els mentioned above. - All the back Nos. from No. L can be furnished. Postmasters are-authorized to receive subscribers for the Magaxine. x. GEORGE ROBERTS, Publisher and Proprietor."' Boston, March 15, 1841. , &1 T Etray: . ISAAC MAUNEY bring belbre me a Bright Sorrel HORSE, taken up by him on the 2 1st of May, 1841, two mile south of Franklin, Macon countv.' N. C. The said horse is branded with the letter W. on the right shoulder, the mane lyiugon the left side, wtodgaH on the left bind leg. Appraised to4a worth twes). ty-hve dollars. WM. E. MULL, Ranger, 51. June 4,1811. V rnOSPECTCS OF TIIE V American 3Ingazin4 and Ilcposl :. tory of useful Literature. ; , ' Conducted by on Auociation Gentlemen., ; nsusiiKD smvLTAXxoesLT it tiis emu or auamt W'';-T,'i ' "SW.TOKIC, AMD SOSTOSt. ' ' ' i A periodical bearing ibcabove title will be com- xSL menced en the first of July aext, to be con tinued monthly thereafter. In its plan it will come in collision with no other work now published, be. iug intended, to jiupply an unocciqaed yaeancy--. to toil in a field new destitute of laborers. V ith this view,, and with tlie aid of several literary and (cicntifio persons of genius to furnish matter for its column, the proprietors offer tho present pub lication. . , '-; . ' . .. .;'!.. ' : -vi - The American Magazieno wil) be devoted to L'sEniL and ENTCSTAi.Ni.va KNOwutDOE, embracing choice original and selected articles, as follows: . Science, including interesting ,fact in various departments. Biography, (principally American), Essays, Poetry, Uiking Feature in History and natural History, Scenery, Sketclits of Society and manners, the Arts, Artists and (Artisans, Speci mens of Eloquence, &e., TrarelJ and Miscellany, with' a condensed Statistic of sme of the mot important scientific, political anf religious Intel, ligence. - . . : r , - The American" Magnziene f-il be published monthly, in numbers of 33 rcal octavo pages each, printed with fair typo, onpne white paper of the best quality, and muting a,' volume of nearly 400 pilge at the end of 'lie year. It will also be embellished and illustrated with fiine and appro printed Steel and wood engravings- Tems5'i50 per annum in adeanre. t'om copies will bo fowarded toPostmasters, clubs, any special agents, for five dollars. Liberal advantages will be given to agents of integrity and enterprise, (local or travelling), who thoroughly canvass and section of country. Subscriber in the city, if they prefer, can receive tho work by paying 12 J cent per number. Published bv If. WOOD, Albrny 3 1 EagU Street, NEW STORE. T he Mil li crib r r RESPECTFULLY announce, that be ha. leased the STORE Corner of Market and Cf ntre Strrrt, lately occupied bvMrt.t. H. Tatlos, andl will Keep on nanu an assortment or : COTTON BAGGING, ROPE', IRON, &C, &C. O" Orders from the couutnr will meet with prompt and strict attention. , - 11. uuquiiAKT. . IIamburgrKov. 0, 1840. ; J4tf STATE OF X. CAltOLIIVA, Coi.irtoritcaa & Quarter Sessions, APRIL TERM, 1841. C'lURI.ES McPoWELI, Attachment levied on Chattel!. Thomas Sethon. RDERE1) by Court, That publication be made for six weeks in tlio " Highland Mes senger," for the defendant to appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held tor tlio county or mirKe, at tue court house in Morganton, on the 3d Monday in July next; to plead or replevy, otbrrwisc judgment pro confesso will be entered up against him, imd the chattels levied on bi condemned to satisfy plaintiff's de mand. Witness, J. J. Eswim, clerk of our said Court, at orW-i the-4ll; stforfiyof-Aprtl,- Teste, J. J. EitWIN, Clerk. may 14. " fisw $5 50. Slate of Iorlh Caroliua, '.Jiuncombe County. T CATiuni.K.R.Nirrs, r. - Jfrrmiaii Ssipes. Petition for Divorce. rr uppearing to the satisfaction of the Courf.that the defendant, Jeremiah Snipes, is not an inhab itant of this State It is therefore ordered, by Court, that publication be made for six week in the " Highland M'ssenger," for the said Jeremiah Snipes to be and npear licforo the Judge of the next Suerior Court of Law, to bo held for tlie county of Uunconibe, nt the court house in Abbe ville, on the first Monday after tho fourth Monday in September next ; ilu-n and IhtrP 17frirrt7TinV swer or demur to the petition filed against him by the said Catharine Snipesf or" judgment pro con fesso will be entered against him, and the case be set (or hearing expartf. ' WituehSJ J. ROBERTS, Clk. TtfayH. Csw" 95' 50.' PROSPECTUS OF THE Volume. ISth, commencing with June 10, 1841. Embellished with immtroui Engracinge, Price only One DoTIar ptt-antium. ' ' THE Rural Repository will be devoted to Polite Literature, containing Moral and Sentirhen talTales, Original t'oiiiinnnicntions. Biography, Travelling Sketches, . Amusing-Miscellany, Hut mornus and HiNtorical Anecdotes, Useful Receipts, Poetry, &.c. The first nuinber of the Eighteenth Volume of Rural Repository will bo issued on Saturday, the lUlh of June, 1811. ) un issuing tue proposaw lor new volume ot the Rural Repository, the publisher tenders his most sincere acknowledgments to all Contributors, Agents and subscriber's, for the liberal support which they have afforded him from the commence ment of this publication. New assurances on the part of the publisher of a periodical which has stood the test of years, would seem superfluous, he will tlicrefnraonly say, that it will be conducted on a similar plan- and published on the same' form ashcrctofoit.', and that rio pains or expense shall ho spared to promote their gmfflTeation by its fur. 4h4mimwBMit4n- tvposraiihical execution and original" aiid seTtcTdiiiattiTT ' " ' CUADiIHJ.S. Tiir. RrtAL Repositorv will be published every other Saturday, in tlie Quarto form, embellished with numerous engravings, and will contain twen-ty.-aix numbers of eight paces caclu, with a titla page and index, the vqlume making in the whole 208 page. It. will be printed in handsome style, medium paper or a superior quality, with good type; making, at the end of the yearra neat and tasteful volume coniamingjmattcr equal Ao one t)iou?and duodecimo pages, which will bo both amusing and instructive in future years. TeRMS. -One Dollar per annum, inrariahlyin adcance. Persons remitting n Five dollar, free of postage, shall receive six copies, and those re mitting u ten dollar, free of postage, shall receive thirteen copies, or twelve copies of thia volume and one copy of either the 1 1th, 12th, 19th br 17th volumes. Thirty copies ma.iled to) one ad dress for. twenty dollar, sent t us in one remit. ISiVeff, free of postage. . " : ; - SOrSo subscription received for leas than"6nc year. All the back number furnished to new suhscribcrs during the year, until the edition, i out, unless otherwise ordered. 5 7 Tost Masters will send money for subseri. bcrs to this paper, free of any expense. JVamcs of subscrbcrs with the amount of sub. scription, to be sent as soon as possible to the pub. bsher, ' - i WILLIAM . sTODDAJxD. Hudson, Colnmbia Co. N. Y., 1841. jPBarouche for sale THE subscriber," wishing to procure a Vehicle of h different! kind-offers tor sale a Barouche with Harness. . '",- - P. K. M' AN ALLY. -Ftbruary 51311 .r. r- s.' WOOD TYPE, Cut by Machinery and warranted superior to any - ' . heretofore nianufucturtd. George F. Tesbltt, Tontine Building, Corner of Wall end Water ttt "B ESPECTFULLY Informs the Printnrs f JL the United States, that he has now in fu: operation hia maehine for -catting Wtod-Type, which being an entire nevo invention, is warrunicj to cut Types, both plain and ornamental, fur nu. periorto any heretofore exhibited to the public ; and in poor of the assertion, inform the puM c that be has obtained Diploma and medals from both the American and Mechanics' Institute u the city of New York, at their Fairs of 1837, 3- and '39, as the books of the Institutes will bhow. George F. Nesbitt would particularly invite the attention of Printers to the fact, that through tl.n politeness of the proprietors of the Liverpool nu, Havre lines of packets, he bus been favored with the latest French. andEngiyi jsju'tiniais, that many of the new styles in them are very hand, some, and have been got up by him ; they i ro exhibited by him at the Mechanics' Fair in tins city, now just closed, and pronounced by the rum. mittee of Printers, appointed -to examine Tvik-s and Specimens, to be superior tp any W0oIT)' i ever before exhibitod, and having a decided uJ. vintage over large metal types. . George F. Nesbitt would also inform the Print era of the United States, that be is ready to cut types on wood of any size, from 5 lines pica up wards, from any of the patterns of smaller types eontained in the extensive specimen of Messrs. (i Uruce At Co., or from any new pattern that can be suggested. ' - ' iCT George r. Nesbitt is desirous that Printers. and those becoming Agents, should be acquaint. iI with the fact that bis-pnces are much rcduci ii trom tlioac heretofore charged by other manufac turers; that he allows his Agent thirty per cent, commission : that his terms arc tix munths or ti n UJMJlOiE. I . Pistil I 1 . New York, April 30. 6 47 JllCSW'jr'Ji.lL'3!fcrs. TIURCII ALLISON brings before tnc i M3- Y!Uu$oTrUORSE, takn up by him the lHth of Mm. nn Vallrir Rfver. lS mifealmri- Murjiliy, Cherokee cuuhly.N. :C;S"i(l horse hasr a small star in his face ; four years old this spring ; fourteen and a half hands high; small hndi'1 mark on both Hides, -and a smUll sear on th' ' it thigh; shodoll round. No other mark or braml that we can see. Appraised to be worth seventy five dollars. Tin v mrxTTTTr June 11, 1841. 2 PLAH A'D FANCY BOOR JSDJOB TIIE public aro respectfully, informed that r i - addition to the former large and gem-ritt tit sortment of Printing Materials belonging to Hi cstablihmen, a ow Supply has been reccn:. received, which will enable us to execute Letter-Press Printing of every description, in a Rfyle, equnl, if not suiv . Yior to any other establishment in the State. O Orders for any of tlio tbllowing kiiuU nf Printing will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to! BLANKSf'fer EVERT DE- SCRHTION, PAMrHLfTS, Cards, or am, kinps, Hand-Bills, Show. Bills, Wat and St.ib Bjlls, ClRCl'MRS, Catalocues, f 1 n.-KKTS, Minutes, pbASErjq itc.- &c Mrhsfnuer" Office, Ashevillo, Jan. 29, 1841. 31 - PR0SPECTU3 OF THE TEMPERANCIJ-A0VOCATK, A mrmmj fn, o-,. f f)lt Temperance Reform, published at Aihefille, y. C. EDITED BY D. R. M'ANALLY. TEMPERANCE CONVENTION that v hold at this place earlvin Senteniber.ro' !. ed on publishing a pii)er of the above title ar,.i character and epointod Dr. John Dick wm n- D. R. M'Anally to conduct it. From Dip m .r pressing engagements Dr. Dirkton already l - . IMS deems it impracticable for him to be rrc.gn,7" as one of tlie editors, though lie will ch t!i Use all his influence otherwi, to promote i teTCst JJlie juliscriber ihcreforr, inolieik. iuh the wishes of tlie convention , prin-etds to this proooectits in his own name, with a lim- '.. he will im aided in thr unrbTiulcin '.Ii . friends of tlio temperance cause throughout r country, nnd that the paper may soon have an i tenstve rrcuhrtion. - . Fsikkds or tub TcMreRAnrc CAtsr! to v: we make a atnA earnest appeal wltilu tlioutai. upon thousands of dollars are annually rxis'iiL ' at theatres, at eircuscs, at tho race Irae.k. or gii eery, while no pains are spared, the luxuiy of p tirenient andjpafiirejorie, nnd no labor de in too severe to advance the interest of political a pi rants, canyon not do something in a cause il.' must be dear to every true patriot, philanlhrf -', and christian 7 Recollect tlierc are but few, v-f-i, ntn;h pjxrs m alHlnr; Southern country.--The Western prt of North Carolina, the t'.-? em part of Virginia, ami the Eastern partol T' 'i nessce particularly, need a periodical of this km1 and it is for you now to say whether they sli hiive it. . , Tho very low price at which it "wns fixed l.v the Convention will make it noecw-ary that a v r. In,na .llllcnpinlinn k. 1. . 1 1 T. . t 1 1 .. . .u.w B'ii'n.1 j'...ti m uu uvioru lilC pUUilt'Ullx.i of it can be justified. - .... Should the subscription' bo deemed -suffieii i ' the first number will be issued eurly in January nexi. .... TFIMIS - "-" Tub WrsTF.RNCARoijNATEMrrRAMrR AmorTF will be published on a medium sheet in cpiari. form, each number rnnkinir rifrbt rmrnu nil n ; bo furniutirit to iitiufih... nt tj,,. i1;ro lui 1,1 i , ofnrTV-CExTs a copy. Where single eopi. b ., taken tlie payment must be made invariably uihj; Uie reception of the first nuinber. ICT Postmasters, editors or publisher of pajK and aQ Ministers of the- gospel are authors ) agents- '" -, - . laucn up,, oy tnc suosrniier. on- Frrnfch Broad fiver, tr-n nul" below AslicviUe.vin the 30th Ait I Ijast, a small gray HORSE MILE, wlUiout mark or brand. 3. M. ALEXANDER, tit 4!t may 21, 1841. . - - Sentkn Snake It oof. TIIE subscriber wishes to purchase One Tr.J sand Pounds of well washed and dried TSENErarsNAKirnooT.-T for which he will five fifteen cents per pound ' Goods. ,''.'.' JAMES M. SMITH. Abeville, may 28, 1841. , x 50 v JUST FilMTTEIh AND foralc at this Office, on the nsnal terui'. the'following kinds of BLANKS, viz : ' Administrators' Boiidi, , Letters of Administration, .. - Prosecution Bonds, - I. , . ' - Lctteft , Testamentary, -" - Orders for any of which, or for anfolhSJkmA ci Blank, will be promptly attcnaco w. April 30. ; ' 46 A.

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