a;.. . - Mm. s 6. T" Life Is bnlf l be valncd o it l mefnlly cmplefed.r t ASIIEVILLE; NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 22, 1841. VOLUME IUNIMBER t TOOLE NUMBER 69. D.E.M ANALLY &, J. BOBERTd, EDITORS, , rvBUsueji evert fridJ y morslng, b? J. II. CIIUISTV 4c CO., Publishers of the Law, Treat if, $c.t of the V. S, TERMS. J , This pnner Is puMitdied weekly, at Two Dol. ""tiiTAo Fim Cest per annum, in advance; or 2'aa Dom., if payment Hbe delayed aftrrtho receipt of tho 10th dumber from the time of sub. icribinif. ty Th term mil, in all easel. t be tirirtty adhered to. '. '-. : No subscription discontinued (except at the np. lion of the publisher) until all arrearage are paid. - O" AwrsTmttiisTS will beinserti-d for One fWlar per equate, for the' first, and Twenly.five Cent for each AultsequAnt'inavtfjdn,.. A liberal deduction will be made from the regular pricea for advertiaera by the year. BY AUTHORITY. Jmics of the United States, Passf J at the first Session of 1 be 27th Congress. Public No. 18. . t . AX ACT to repeal a part of the aixth aeetion of tlu: act, ontitli d An act to provide for thcaup. port of the Military Acudriuy of the United Mate, for the year eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, and Air other purpose,", p'aawd July wveuth, eightaen hundred and tliirty-e'e'it. Be it enacted by the Senate W Haute Reprt. i,'4ittr f- the United Slatem f -America i Conerett ataemhlea, 1 Uat no much of the aiith eetion of an aet entitled "An act to provide for the diipport of the Military Academy of the United Siiiti'H for the year eighteen hundred and thirty, oielit, and for other purpocatn requiroa the He. crotary of "the Treasury to invent tho annual in. ter.'vt accruingf on tlio investment of the money armvg from the bcquent of the lute Jihuik SiniUi. K'in.of London, in tile atoe.ks of Ait, b , and tllwm', la hereby, repealed. "And the rtrctary f the Tn-asury ahall, until Conifreaa thail appro, printe iaid accruiiifr intcrt to the pur)Mcs r rerib -d by the testator fur the increase and d.fl'u cion of knowledge! aman men, inveot aaid accm inu interest in any-itockof the United State l"iirinr a rate of inU rit not kaa lixin five per centum per annum. ... --- Skc. 2. And he it farther enartei, That all other funda h Id in truKtbythe Untt-d tatea, and the annual interest accriiuifr thi-reon, when nut odicrwise required by tr aty, Khali in like man. ii-T bi inverted in atoeka of Uie United Slulca, b. iirincr lika rate of m'eirnt, j Sue. 3. And be it further enacted, That the tlirr clerk authorixed by the act of June twen t y.iCinl, cirrliteen hundred and thirty-aix, " to r . jrulnt.' tiic depoxitea of the public m-ney," be, and lierehy nro, din'Ctod to bo retained and employi d 'in the Tri-a.niry Diarimrnt, an pr.tvid 'd in Mid .. !"!. milil the ntu.tu.itt 4e-ufefrcboiiiriPi tecomea Mich that t fn ir aervicea can conveniently be dia , . penned with. . ! Apjirovtd, September 11, 1841. " j TR ESOI.tTTION P'lBUC No. 2. GE;)LUY:0N f. lix aMtributim mt aeren liundr'd copi-a of the Uitf-t of Patent. R-m'vd Ay the Suite and lloue of Rrpre. teulnlirr of the United Stnlea of America' in Cungten ar-mh'ed. That the Commiimifnier of Paii'iitii be directed to aend to the Nxrelary of Sta'e of each of the Stateaof thi Union, and of the TrTTitoric of Florida, Wipconain, and I.iwa, the Ve'M of Patenta publithed by the Oonmiia. f i'm r of rtrnt. under the act of Congrea ditfed Much thiirl, one thnuaand einht hundred and tlnrtT.nine ; to be Hipoaed of aa the LcMlatur f inch Mato und T rritory may directlvit: Ta t'le Slate oT Maine, twenty e.i.piea ; to tbo SaU( of j. w IliiminliiiT, ten cupiea; to the Stnteof MaxNnhiinita, thirty enpieet to the IStiite of KhnHi 1 'la!idT-fnor-C'ipipa-;'tO"thc SatB of"toiw" ni-eticut, Iwilvecnpiea; to the State of. ViTm'int, t il-veil rojxi n; to the State of N w York, ninety, cijjin copim; to the State of N w Jeraey, fif e, n c pi'; to tlii State of Pennsylvania, ixtT-nine e pk;jo lUdSiatft tif Virginia, fifty copieio the san- of NiwOi Cnrolina, thiity.nine co)ie8; to the .s.tie of South Carolina, twenty.four rnpjea ; to the Mt-of ( w(fiB,t-enlyij;htcopieB; to tho Ktate of K ntneky, thirty .one enph-a ; to the ftate of Ten. itew.'e;'hiriy.thr,;e eopiea; to the State of Ohio, eopiia; to the State of Delaware, four copied; to t ie Mate of Maryland, nineteen eopiea: to tlie Mxty-mie copita; to the State of L .uiaiana, four, te.-n coph a ; to theStn'eof Indiana, ta-enty-eight e 'i.; to Ih.-State Miwiaaippi, fifteen copica ; to the State of Illinois, twentv.thne cupna; to the State ofl Alabama,, twenty-four eo)iit; to the State of MiMuri, ixtuen eopka ; to the Mute of Ark annan, Rve enpin; to the State of Michigan, nine c.pi.'a ; to the Territory of Florida, three enpU-a; to the Territory of Wiaconyin, two enfma; h. tin; T -rritorv of I iwa, three cobiii beinir in - tV whole sevi ii hundred copies jf and that the re. in liningtwoliundn d copies of paid Digest bo left " idi the Librarian of Congresa fur future dipo. iMti'in. - ' j R'-o'td, d;e. That the mm of .five hundred i-d1' thirty-right centa. belaid Tr 1111 flic patent oiHoe fund H reimburse what is sii!t i!ik for publishing said Digest. - - . . Approved, Scptt mbi-r 1, IS41. -" .t-.. " - aaiaaaa-Ba A KFstlLUTION to provide for the distribution . of the printed returns of the Sixth Ceqsua. ft'imptd, That the aggregate rejurna of th ' ei iimis' for the year eighteen hundred and for v. direeted to be printed under the anpiTinten. d e -cof the Secretary of State by the act entitled " An act to provide for taking the aixth eenaus. nr eiiuiiii-ratian of the inhabitant of the United --frvc,, shall bojlislrihuted and disposed of by 'he Secretary of Slate as fbTlowa : to.thftslate of f Maine, two hundred; to the state of New Hampshire, one hundred and fifteen ; to the atale "f Massachusetts, three hundred; to the state of -JJUoJo-Wafld, forty ; to the State of ConheclTeuV one hundred and twenty ; to the State of Ver m int, one huadred and ten ; to the State of New V rk, nine hundred and eighty j to the Slate of New Jersey, one hundred and fifty ; to tho State of Pennsylvania aix hundred and ninety ; to the Slate of Delaware, forty j to the Stato of Mary, laid, one hundred and ninety ; to the state of N rth Carolina, ninety; to the atate of South' Carolina, two hundred and forty; to the state of (i-orgia, two hundred and eighty; to tho atc nf "Kentucky, three hundred and ten ; to the atatcof Tennessee, three hundred and thirty ; to tlie atate "f Ohio, aix hundred and ten ; to the state of i.-umiiia, one hundred and forty ; to the state of I'idiuna, two hundred and eighty ; to the atate of Miwiat-ippi, one hundred and fifty; to the-state of Ilmoia,two hundred and thirty ; to the state of I Alabama, two hundred and forty J to the stato of M issouri one hundred and sixty ; to the state of Arkans, fifty ; lothe atate of Michigan, ninety ; . to tlw Territory of Florida, thirty ; totho Territory of Wiaconnio, twenty ; to the Territory of Uwi, tinny; to each member of the present' Cong-, and the d "legates from tba TerritoriL ih. l ; - dent InoTTTce Prwdenfof iJieUnited States, to tactj, bva eopiea ; oem, in the whole, eight U100, aaudi jive hundred and fea eopka; nd that the re. j nieinio; capita be placed ia the Library of Con. I grrta jor miure mtpnaiiion. , , - . , Apjirovcd, September 1, 1841. f IvSSDLCTION PCBLIC- Np. 5.1 JOINT ItE.SOLUTIOX making it the duty of the Attorney General to examine into the tit Ira of the land or aitea for the purpose of erecting thcreorrarmortta and ether public, .work And "Imildinjrs and for other purpnaca. Reao'ved hyihe Senate and Hmte of Repreen Mine of the United State of Amerira M Con. greta wnemhled, That it ahall be the duty of the Attorney bencml of tho United S'atea to examine into the titlea of all the lands or aitct which have been purchased by tho Uni'ed States, fur the pur. pose of erecting thi n on armurlea, araenala, furta, fjrtiGcations, navy yardw, eiiatom.houHes, or oilier Knblie huildingaof any kind whatever, and report ia opinion aa to the validity of the title, in each cane, to the President of the United States. 9. Remlted, That it shall be the duty of all the nffici re having any of the titli'.peptn to the pro perty aforesaid in their pneeasjon to furnishjuem forthwith to the Attorney General, to aid him in mi' iHvtnuigiiiiun oionaniu. 3. Remitted' Thutno public money ahall bo ex. penned upon any site or land, hereafter to be pur. chaeed by the Vnited Stoics for the purposes afore- raid, until the written opinion of the Attorney General ahall bo had in favor of the validity of the title; and also, the consent of the Legislature of the State in which the land or site mar. or ahall be tiven to snid ourchase. 4. Reto'ted, That it ahull be the duty of the District Attorneys of the United States, upon the application of the 'Attorney General, lb rurrtlsh any asaiatance or information in their power in re. lotion la tho titles of the public property afotccaid, lying within their respective district. 5. Remitted, That it ahall be the duty of tho Secrefanea of the Executive Department, upon the appi'CBtion of- the Attorney General, to pro. cure anv additional .evidenco of title which he may dei m necrsvary, and which may not in the poamion of the awT f Government J the ex. peiiMs of procuring v J.''rb to be paid ont of the appropriations mid? f'r f Ii contingcncir. of the DiTariif-nts, respectively. - 6. Roolted, That it ahull be f.be duly of the Secretaries of the Executive Dparfm""'", respec lively, under whose dir ction any lands for pur. poaes nfon said may have been purchased, J!nd over which the Unit, d States do not posscps juris diction, to apply to the Legislatures of the States in which the Innda' tire situati d fora cea-ion of jur;eilictiitn : and, in case of refusal, to report the same tot'ongreas at .the commencement of the next sesaion th -reafter. Approved, S-pt niht r 11, 18U. Slop the Viil:iiu!!! . TWEXTr-firE DOLURS CEW.1RD!!! OX the 24'h insiant, JAMES II M CLOUD -iuukv jail io tW plao-and irmdr -h is wc7r; lieing com-nilti'd under a charge ol br. aking npen aalorc. M C and ia about thirty year of age, m ar six feet high, sandy hair and h 'unl rather red. The subccibor will pay $3.) Oil f r hi appr lien aion. . JAS. M. SMITH. t Adieville, N. C, Sept. 1, lrill. 6fi lolice. THE ubcruVr!iavin!r n'lalified a F.teentor of the last Will and Testninont of Jacob Suinwv, d-c as d, will H on ih 2Gth and 27th dnya of Ojtobir next, on the premises, three mile from Henderson Court bouse, the following valua. ble pnperfy, vix : iillniilr:l Arrea of Iaurl, with a cmufortulile dwelling house, and ull other ncccKsary out building. Thrti tYegroe. Thirty two Slinre of Tiirnpikn StockIIomes, Ca'tlc, Wafion, tlurria?1, and ai cx'i-nsiye set :nsi7nWr'ivBlia BlirclniTtTivT.i T.n B ixesTin Plate, a quanti'y of V tm and Hay, ll.juatliold furnirure C pper Rivet a'td Copper t'linpings Hi'her urticd a no' nmn rated. T. nae of sale. Twelve m inths civditj with note and upproved stcuniy-""" PSUMMEY, )P JACOB RAMSOUR, !V. ft. All peMons indebted to the estato of Jacob Suinmey, dee d, hfi ren nested to make mi mediate -ttlt me;nt, and any peroti having cliiims a raini-t said estate will preaent them, priperly au thenticated, and Within the timn prencribed hy law for pavm 'nt, o1 her wise litis notico will be plead in bar of their recovery. P.SUMMEY. ) : Ex'ro. 1 September 10, 1841.. J. RA MSOUR, j 63 Ids lEISO.TI SALTS AND ALU.TI. DR. JOIIX M1XGUS & CO. ESPECTFULLY1 inform the public that they arc now prepared to work tho iVfiHIQT SG3fSai pn th' Smoky M mntain, near tlie Tennnsee line. and t heyrxpert in b short timer la be utile to Tur- naili the mirronnding country witti rpnotn Salts ant t!nm of the best quality, on the must advaniageotta term. . . Atigurt 27, l"8-il. 4 61 Comiiiitlcd to Jail, TN this place, on the. 3d' b of August, a NEGRO A AT.4JV, who ay hi name laMlLIU t. Siud negro is about five feet eight inches high ; near 3'J years old; say he belongs to William Ziglc), Crawford county, Georgia. The owner ia request ed to come forward, prove property, pay charge, and tak him away, or be will bo disposed of a the law direct. - J. M. SMITH, Jailor. Aahcville.Sept. 3, 1841. tf 62 Stale or Iorth Carolina, CALDWELt. COOJITY. ' COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SES. SIOyS-JULYTERMldil. Wiut Gather, - 1 wtrt er- - '1 ' ) Altm Attachment levied on LaidX Solomom LoirrtEaaniJC ORDERED bv Court, tiia' pnbWimi bemade . fur six week ia the ull ghland M.--nger" for the defendant to appear a our next Court to be held .If the county of Caldwell, at the place appointed bv law for holding aaid Cow-, on the, four'h Mmdav in October next, to pk ad or reple vy, o'herwUe ju4gm. nt pro eonf. aso will ba eater ed np againat-liim, and the Jandslevied oaeon. demned to sutisfy plnin'irTs deb. ' 1 Witnea. Eustia P. Mitxaa, CWk of onr aid Court, at office, the 4th M -nrtav in Jnlv. I3U. , E. P. MILLER, Ct. . Pr'e fee, 85 50 bw , , 1 t rpflE (nberiber ha for sale at his (tore a quaa iJ. tityof firoWrate eWer aced. ' - . OcL6U 6t67, A. B. CHUNN. Filly thousand Acres of SWAMP LANDS FOR SALEJ THE President and Directors of the Literary Fund of .North Carolina, to whose care and management waa committed by law, tn appropii. at ion of (200,000, for making an experiment in drainingand reclaiming theSwsmp Land bolongi irtgto the State, having succeeded in part, do now wuke known, thai in puntuance of Ihe authority vested in them by the General Assembly, a public sale of a portion of aaid Land, will lake place on the premise, on the laxt day of Novrmbt r next. The body of Land reclaimed, and now off red for aale, embrace about 5:1,000 acr 1 ; ii. situate in iha county of Uytle, and State of S rlh Cam. 1 nu, and divides the waters flowing 1 tatiie A1, bemarlc, from those that run into PutnJ.te tjonnd. The drainage, conducted at different period by two ck-ntific Engineer, Me sr. Cbas. B. Shaw and Wall, r Gwynn, has been effected bytwomaitt drain, calli d lvungn and Alligator Canals, toge. her with sundry tributaries or lateral ditches. ; Pungo eanul ia about t mile long, with an av erage width at bottom ol 22 feet, depth of 6 feet, and fall at bottom of 12 feet. Alligator Canal is uboul 6 miles lonr, with an average width at bottom of 30 feet, depth of 7,aud tall of lOfett. ' .. These canal empty into the navigaUe water of Pamlico Sound, and are acccssibuY by vessel engaged ih the coasting trado. ' A large por ior of this land abounds in juniper, cypress and other timber of the beat kind. Ano ther portion consist of prairie, covered with cme and bamboo, and aocording to the report of the Engineer above named, tho soil ia of aurpaaaing lertility. e - - r The rale will be by Public Auction to the high, est bidder, irt qilarter sections of 1 CO acroa each; will lake place at Pungo canal 011 Tuesday, the 3'Jth day of Novenilier next, and will be conducted by the President and Director of the Literary Fund in person. A credit will be given lo purchaser nf one, two and three years, on bunds with approved security, and titlea withheld until the whole of the purchase money be raid. - -- . ----- Given under my hand at (lie Executive Office, in the city of Raleigh, on the 3 Jib. day of August, V.i V' 1911. JOHXM. MOREIIEAD, j Qrm. of the State, nnd. Ex oMtJi, PrctiJtiU of tlu Board. By ord. r, a. - - P. kevnolds. Secretary. bi Ms WHOLESALE GUOUCRS, 1 Charleston, S. V. ' senium a nlL'S'iEB EsPECTFULL a-i tlmt Iheir stock ia now eimiplete to wnicti Ihey have added a Inrg and gemal anHoi nl .f COrrON BAGGING. BALE ROPE, and TWINE ; and ia off red for sule aa usual. C.iarleston, Aug. 2 , 1811. 6 61 OCr Wan fed, iimurtliattly,co 1000!:' EE T of Yellow Pme PLANK, well Kil udriea, anil aenv-ruu in Aihcville. 50it f inch tliick, Vi ri. lung and IB inche wide. 51X1 tu 1 inch thick, 15 to Id inclies wide, and 12 ft. lomr. B sides a large quantity ofo' her sa wn LU M B ER t he pa rt iculum of w hi ch will bo made knuwn on applicuiton at this O.Hj ' Septemlu r 15, loll. . 3 Hi State oV IVorlli Carolina, BURKE COUNTY. Court of Fleas & Quarter Scss , July Term, IS 1 1. .... aiarn a Y . ( J - William iU Larson ana jon unin L. Lar. wnflmniitfrinors, tcTlh the teUTan nexcJ, of John Carson, deceased, and George M. Qtrson; V3. Joseph Me W'CarsMrVhirTrrVnhdn' Rebecca Cur son. Sidney S Ertcinan't wife Caroline, Jumrs Smith and wife Emily , JdiM3 Carson, Sttnnel Ctr.ion, Sarah Rolimion, Sarah Smith, Rebec ca MrEnlire, Jumet Wilson, Ruih Wilson, Mary Wilson and Matilda Wilson. AN APPLICATION TO PROVE AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN THE LAST WILL CARSON IN PUB AND SOLEMN FORM. : IT appearing to the salhtfnction of the Court, in this ease, that the defendant, Sidney S. Er. win, and wifo Caroline, James Smith and wife Emily, Jame Carson, Samuel Carson, Sarnh Rub. inson, Sarah SmithrJamTrAVitson7"Rulli WilsonV Mary Wilson and M.itildn Wilson, are non.resi-dS-nt, and live 'wiihuut the jurii diction of thi Coprt It i therefore ordered, adjudged and de. en-ed. that puhlieaWnn be made f.iraix week in the weekly Rulefgh Register, rmbliahed at R.iletfrh North ('arolina, and in the Highland' M'wsenger. publishedat Ashe villi'. North Carolina, Kiunmtiing the said def -ndantslo app ar at the next Court of Ple'aslind Quart; r Sisnion lo he held for the coun ty of Burke, at the cnurt house in Mjrgantnn, on twr 3d Mtmt'ayaf'cT the"4tlrM mday in SepteinT her next, to aec proceeding touching the probate of the last will and testament of John Canon, dee'd in solemn form. - : , Witness, J.J. Erwin, Clerk of our sauj Court, at office, on the 31 Monday in July, 1811, and in the 66lh year of American Independ nee.. Teste, J. J. ER WIN, Clerk. Pr. adv. $9 00.J 6w N 8 A E.IST OF LETTEKS, REM AINING in the Post Office at Burnsville, which if not taken out in three months, will be jKUiLlo t&Jjrencnl PoetUlfice a dead lei tcrs i Allen Joseph Metimlrp Dr W V Dowrcse Rev GarrcltMe-Elroy Mr M S i Fb rnminfj Suml I 2 McCiurry Jas L Gibbs Thomas Patterson R- v J II Howyrut Jacob 2 Phillipps J ihn 2 H .ward A CJ, i Strnlcy Dr J L IluVhs VV'in " Silver J ch Ii nsfey Henry nnd S'x wf.ird Martin Polly Vi!s n J.-sso T" II iHoii MrsElisaDeth : J. A. WILSON, r. ai. Oct. 8. 1811. , The undersigned, t . nAVING anahfi a Administrators of the estate of BENJAMIN KINOjUe' July Seaaion, 1841, of II.-ndero County Court. irspeeiruliy request an prrjo- wno are indebted to said eate to com forward and make parro.cn i. And thosi having claim gain the eahite will preaeftt them, 4uJy- rtirrtUeted,- thefew"dr: tecta, or lbs notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. - r.uin, uAuiL I U tWptcuber IS, 181U . M?- Lucf WcudftI X tale ot real life. ' ' - BF MtS3 SEDGEWICK." ' ' " . " I am going rnund by Bi-oad street to inquire of Rjss, the glover, about little Lucy Wt'DtJaL' i - .. . LucyJVctldaU .Who ia. U ' Sh is a pretty little .Dutch girl, who lived opposite to me in that bit of a dwelling that looks like a crack or a seam between the two houses on each side of iL She liv. ed with her grand parents, natives of this city, nnd once proprietors of many a" lot within H; but thev had been outbargained and outwitted till they vere reduced to litis little tenement, &omo twenty feet by fifteen. Their only surviving descendant was my little friend Lucy, a pretty fair-skinned, fair-lmircd, blue-eyed girl, of a most mod. est, quiet, engaging demeanor. For many months after we moved to-"' street, 1 knew nolhingof ihe family ; but, from such observations as my eye could take, neut- ness was tho ruIing,j)as.iorj of tho house, hold. Their onlv serynnt, Minervu the goddess of wisdom should have known bet terused to scrub the houso weekly from garretto "collar iheifonty; carpet "win shook every Saturday,the steps wore scour. wT daily, and 1 never in my ule saw tne old woman without a dusting cwtb in her Hand. Such a war of exterminatiorf did she carry iln against the" intruding particles, that my flit ha G. used to say, it must ba hird for her to think of 1 turning to dust.' ' Lucy had no visitors, no cornpanions ; nnd tin.' only induleri nce of the old pcopU-, whii h w.'isi siliiri oil ihe stoop every jilctusttrt iil'lt riioori, accord inr to the nncit nt Dulcli cuHliiin,shi! ncvur (mrimik. Sh ncvtT v nl out cxiepiing on Sutidny to church, and then slu: rcmimlt d mu ol tn ot'tlioiojjriejht prctly IliiWi-i's tlmt hanjj on tho. crubbt-d hare strm of the cactus. 1 jiuticu hi-r. nor Hiiriils of lilo socmen nnssina nwny so drearily. Mv pitv was misiil ct:d ; and I eli it t"i b s wlu n I lookod into her se i one and 8 wo tcouiitonunoo, und s tw ihoro thoin) !S3 of that h :ipinoNM which cor t duly (lows from duties religiously per. formed. Ii h it grrat matter, uraee, to have your desires bounded within your station.; -f t.i rjfnTsnrtlrtrrrrqnrct7 tinn riticptr-jvrr.- fii'iii iiu.o f (ho dttik's I i'ViJonco has ul lotted (oynU; and not "to wastiyiiur 8li eiij;lh in hoi klujf 1 1 d jr i id, or oU.till (iloasurrs b"V n I Vuiir sp'n re. I lux m t rue isdon an I wax Luey VVeiiduls. Al fii tliei camo' t.j ttn;lr obscure fauiily what C tnv.t tinill Jviifli nod itstfliani-H. The dd man and lii-t wile diod within a f: w davx 'of each other. ot the iuflut iizi that then rag';d in the city. Tiie hope of serviur tin-M-etty orphan, induced I no to go to the house. S.ie received ine gruteluily, and is nn old 4Vit ml; for tliougir we hud never exchanged u word, there had been tin iu- terchuuge of kind louks and friendly nod tiiose- unto nuinaniiies tnat oinu even trani;i!M loelher. On inquirinv: into her jiittaTsrf Tmmd iiiuwi, uui uiiii u uiacrwi ituu eiiiu leill lie fii nJ In d procured it- place lur her in R .ss ,ivo fat lory. Lu y was skilled in i i i,... j. .i: . i l . i r i -it tlwrt-4nid .'ruUo4 the iK-etllo.- Ross, .t nee. ins, is a very thriving tradesm in ; and 0 t t!-0 warm riicoinnieudaii ni of L u y 's liiviids, he lu.d piomist'd lobo ird her iu his family, und allow her bullitkut com. pens itioii for lab r. . . Id a few days she removed toher now li.joie. It i now tiilet n m mths since she lelt onr stri et. She ctime once to tell me sin; was perfeclly satisfied with her place, and sinex'thcii 1 have heard nothing of hor. Di not look so ri proving my lady Mentor. 1 h'ivo been iiitemliug for 8 mho timo to call at Ross' to niake inquiries ubiut her. My slory has brought u a.niost to ilia shop ; rJoTiiTRos'r tllovo minui'aciurer.' This mast bo the pl.ico. Slop ono moment, Gmce, hnd I.Mtk through the-window ; that man no doubt is uoss him.-tcif. V Iwt a fine ficadt-'oir-mrglu succeed in too world, tie would have been fj?tote"jKCTt'n hero ho it, an honest, thriving gluverj lind thatjierhaps is just as well; nothjiigJruvr than tll old Mi tuple! , ' Honor and hnme from no condition rise. Act well you pmMere all the honor lie." ' 'TliH ol l man looks as thouo!i h might be a little tyramcal, though. Heaven grubi tliat poor Lucy may not have to sulL-r from that trait in his physiognomy.' ' ' The onlvcustomer is coining out. Now we have a clear field, let us go. in.' Mr. Ross, 1 believe 7 The samp, ma'am.' -L.CaiLMTRos3T to inquiro afW -a voona woman who came to live with you last Christmas. . I have had a great many young women living whh me, ma 'iim.'; The old man s humor required me to be explicit 4 Her name, Mr. Uuss, was Lucy Wend:.!.' . Av, Lucy Wetidal diJ come into the facforv bb-mt that lime.' - TIercvH!t nn expression in Ross face at tlie mention of her n-ow, that I did not ch'rly otmprt'hend. It mighl betide g.nxl find it might bi tido evil of Lu.-V. Imere ly wislH'd to know, Mr. R s, whether Lucy had given satisfaction, and whether she still rcm-dnswith vour t Was you a friend to Lucy Wendul, ma m i I should think it an to. Callinvaclt , but I could hardly ckiira that natne. Sh was my Ceighbor, and lntertated me by her correct d portm n,and uncommon datifulccst to tier old parents.' Roes made nd reply, but fumbled yer some 'gloves that were lying on tho counter, then tied up tlie bundle and laid it on the shelf. . You seem, Mr. Ross, not disposed to answer my inquiries. I am afraid some misfortune has happened to the poor girl.' ' Would you like to know; ma'am, what has happened to her ?' He leaned his el. . .! -V , r 1 . 1--1 : i r" bow on his desk j ancTscemed about begin ning a slory. . 4 Certainly I would.' Well, you know when Lucy Wendal enmo to me, she was a little demure thing not a Deadly, but so comely and tidy that she wus a pretty resting-place" for .tho-cye of old or young. She was as great a con. trnst to the other girls in the work shop as white to black. She just sot quiet in one corner, and minded her work and took no part in their gabbling. You must know what a parcel of girls is, ma'am, dinging from morning to night like forty thousand chioiney swallows. Lucy wos very differ, ent. She made herself neat and trig in the morning and did not Idse half ah hour at rfoon, when the 'prentice boys were com. jug to dinner) twitching out curl papers and iuibt'lowifig her hair. The boys and girls used to have their jokes about herjttnd call her Ihe little parson ; but she only preach, cd lnticrttctro"ns7hd "thi3Tswhat I calf practical preaching ma'am. She was a lit tle master-work man with her needle. ( never had a match for her since I first be gan business ; but -(yoU- know, ma'am, there's always a but in this.jjfe,) she gave me great oflonce. She crossed me where 1 could least bear it.' 4 Not inteniionally, I am sure Mr. R ss'.' You shall hear, ma'am. I have an only son J.ihn R iss a line, fresh looking, good, natured, Industrious lad. I set mybeurton his marrying his cousin, Amy Bunco. She is tho daughter of my youngest sistorj and had a pretty fori u rift in hand enough -to sot John up in uny business he fancied. There was no reason in the world why he shoiJd not like Amy. I had kept my wishes t myself, been" use I knew tliat young folks love is like tin unbroken colt, that rtill nei ther mind spur nor bit, I never m'sTustl that anv thing was g iing wrong till one day i houri the giils blinking a great wonder-in- nt nb tut a canary bird tli.it they AiunJ Uiejl.-Uu;y.UV4-41t44V-Uw-H workshop, in n cage hanging -over Lncy-s sent; und then I remembered that J ihn had asked mu for five dollars the da v before nnd when I asked what ho wanted the money lor, tie lookcu sheepish and tnado no an swer, i tuougiit it pruJow, bvt.re matters went any further, to tell John my wish about his Cousin Amy. My wishes, ma'am I have alwitjs ni'ndo a la w to my children. To be sure, I have taken care for thu most ... ,1... .1..... ..e ..nt it pui i mui iiii-v kiioiiiu ue rt asonaoie. 1 am a little willful, I own it : hut it's young folks business to mind ; nnd 'Children, obey vou parents, is the Inwboth of S tiipturo and of nature. co l told John. I did not hint any suspicion about Lucy, but I told him t!i marri igo wilh his cousin was what ho could to, what I had imrj; ii.eu my iieuri upon, nnu wnut nejTiiisl sot nh-iut without delays on peril of my dis pleasure. ue was silent, and looked east down; hut he 84 w I wostlotffmincdrai.d 1 believed he would not disobey inc. A few evenings after, I saw a light irt- th workshop alteiHho usual lime, and I, wont to inquire into it. I had on my slippers, und my slops made little or no sound. Tljg upper purtid the door is sot With glass I saw Lucy was finishing olT a pairof gloves my son was standing hy her. It nppoar. cd that they werafor him, nrl lie insisted on her try ing them on his hand. Hers, poor thing, seemed to tremble. The alove would not go on, but it came off, and their hands mei witJwtit gloves, and a nice fit they were, i oursL. in upon -them,--! asked John if this was his obedience to mo. nnd I told Lucy to quit my service immediately. Now the whole matter is past. I rfiust do John the justice to say he stood by her like a ttta rf. tlc:said:this warfif MallcrTnwfiich ho coalj not obey me. He had rziven ; his hnrt and promised his hand to Lucy,--and sue owned sue lovt'd him -nun who was not - '. wf ea-. wormy or per love. n sjlioooorned dung W my having hitherto been a kind Tailier and a kind man ; and ho would, not beltcvg that the first case of rnv doing o wrong to be to the orphan girl whom Pro vidence had placed under our roof. "Ma'am you will wonder that I hardendd my 'heart to all this, but you know that anger, Js said to bo short madness j and si if is ; and be. si',e3i ,nfircj9 nothing makes m so deal fo reason nnd feeling as ihe stinging sense that we are wilfully doinir wrona ; I was harsh. and John lost his'tcmper ; and poor Lucy cried, and was loo frightened to spiak "i and it ended with my telling Lucy she should not stay another day in mv house. nnd John, that if he did not obey me, my curso should be upon him. ' , 44 The nest morning they had both clear, rdout, and every body thought thevJwd gone off to be married ; and so I beficved till night, when John came in like a dis. tracted man, nnd said he had been all day seeking Lucy in vain- that thcotdy fri"nd she had in the city knew notliinz of Iter. Land when I answered, ' so much tlte better, he accused me of cruelty, and then followed high worrls, such as never should pass be- -r-itwecn father nnd son; and it ended in iov turning him from my door, I do not wonder vou turn away, but hear fne out. Satur. riglur-rtlwe-aya-tTer,-Jolia ramei homn so altered man. . tie was sa humble as if he oaly had been wrong, fie Deputed my pardon, and promised to obey nw mall things bat piarryiDg Ajb .BraBcc;J-l hate given up Luc'ry fatherj' hesad,but lcani not marry any bodyelse;' 1 forgavo him from tho bottom of iyheart 1 forgaVa him- and I longed to ask hiinto forgive me ; but I had not come quite to that yet. Tasked him what had brought him back to dut.T He put Into my hands a letter be had receivei Jrom Lucy-JSha-had perstja vered in Uol seelnghim but such a letter j ladies ! If ministers could speak so to the heart, there would be riovsin left in the world. She said they bad deserved to suf. fer for carrying matters so far without niy knowledge. She spoke of mo as the ikind est of fathers and the kindest of masters.- Then she spoke of the duty a child owed & parent said she should never have any peace of mind till she heard we were re. conciled ; and told birri it would be in vain for him to seek her, for she had aoleriidJy resolved never to. see him again. The pa per was blistered wilh tears from lop to bottom; but, saving and excepting that, ma'am, there was nothing from whtdt you could guess what it cost her to write lhJ letter. - . ; ; 44 1.could not stand it. My heart melted within me. I found her that night, and without loss of time; brought her back id my house ; and then," he, added, walking hastily to the further extremity of the shopj and throwing open a door that led into o back parlor, ' there j nta'itm is the long and short of it." ; And there was one of the most touching scenes of human life. My pretty, dutiful friend became a wlfo and mother, her in. fint in her arms, and her, husband sitting beside her, watching tho first intimation of intelligence and love iu its bright little face; Such sh mid "be the sUinrrier df happiness when the spring is consecrated to virtue; ' " Good Advice. - .Not many hours ago, I heard uncle Ben jamin discussing this matter to his son, who was conmplaining of tho pressure; "Rely Ukji it, Sammy," said the old man,' as ho leaned uKn his staff, withJ4j3 grey ocks (loving in the breeze of a May morn, ing, "murmuring pays no bills, I have bd u an observer any time this fifteen years, and 1 never saw a man helped' out o'a hole by cursing his horses. Bo us, -quiet as you' ran , for-TihingTWill "grow" tinder a movitig harrowond discontent h irmws the inind. Matters are bad, I ac knowledge, but no ulcer is any thing tho lieiti r lor fingering. The more you groan the poorer you grow. Repining at losses is only putting pepper into u soro eye. Crops, will fail in all soils and wu may be thankful that weihave not a famine. Decides I always took notice that whenever I feel the rod pretty smartly, it was much to say there ia something which you have got to learn, Sammy, don't forget that your scolding isoveryet : though" you have a wii'e and two children." 44 Aye," cried Sammy, "you may say that and a mother-in-law nnd two uppren. Jtwiittto-lhabargatn -afld I -slirrald likeiiS-" know what a poor man can loarn Jiere when the great scholars and lawyers are at loggerheads, and can't forlhcif lives' tcfl) what hrrs become of the hard money." 44 Softly Sa n"imy7t a m older " tharryou."" I have not these grey hairs and this crook. cd back without sumo burdens. t could tell you stories of the continental moneys when grandfather used to stnfTamilkey boi wilh bills to pay for a yearling or a wheat fan . nnd then Jersey women used thorns for pins, and laid their teapots away in tho garret. You wish to know what you may learn. T You may ream these seven things i Urst that you have saved too mile and spent too much. I never taught you to be. a miser ; but I have seen you giving a dollar lor a 4nolfon,whcnyoumighihave laid ode "half aside for charity.and the other half lor a rainy day. .SecondlyThat you have gone too muctr upon credit. I always told you that ctedit was a shado-v, it shows tlmt Jtcrtf lsjalq&tance"' behindlwuich-. casts the shadow : but a small body may cast a shado anJ no wT5o man wilF fol. bwhc shadow any -fartfrlhfiri hd" scS the substance. .You may also karn, ihat yuuJiaviilbJljjwd4heopmiHflrU feshiona of -others, till you have been decoyed intn bog. llnrdly i hat you have been in too much basis to become rich. Slow and easy wins flio race." - Fourthly That no co'urso of life can be depended upon as al. ways prosperous, 'i am afraid the younger race of working men in America, liaro' had a notion tlmt nobody could go fo ruin on this side of ihe, water, Providence has grently blessed us, but we have become presumptuous. 1' ifthly i hat you have not iHfri thankful enough to God ' for his . benefits in times past. . Sixthly Tliat you may be thankful that your lot is no worse. And lastly To end my sermon,- you "may lenrrtto offer, with moire understanding, the prayer of your infancy, 'Give us this day our daily bread.' " f ' Tlte old man ceased, janff Simmy put on lis pr.n, arid told Dick in How away at the forge bellows. Newark Advertiser. A Gbeat RoGCi Judge Jeffries, of no torious memory, pointing to a man with rs.rtme, who was about tu be tried, said "There's a great rogu at the end of my . cane." The man to whom he pointed, ' l e,kinj at him, said, "At which end, my LWdT ..... ; jSATTsr ACtifrx A lad .rpnoifis&rQi'ii i th.reet as though be were shot out of 4 cnnoa, wn stopped short by his father- Heiv, Bill, slop! where are vou goiagt Nowhere.'1 Whfl after T ofSa-V. ' WBat'a jroor hurry tbea V 4 Cos I ia.' - i 4A: r. V l,i " .11 i - ''J. i

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