TOOLE NUMBER 72.' J 'I . - 7f '1- ; ASHEVILLE, NORTII CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER. 12, 1841. rttBSE IVE"T rIDlT MOKKI.fO, -; TERMS. - r wiblabed weekly, at Two Dot. PPU Ccfrri per annum, in advance ; or . IT " " diaeontinned (except at the op. ""JL-m.. will be inserted fccOoe Lr Zwin for the firet, and Twenty ..'.wnt Insertion. A liberal 1 jcJuelw rill made fromthe regular price for 2rti,7 the year. MISCELLANEOUS. r ; About hones. ri the Knickerbocker tells these the sagacity ol6nei : "Of two-lwrairleam,. belonging to the tvj f near Oxford, one wa very ciotharther quite the reverse. Jo the jjncit to tne genus uun up ml winu. m y o - jp, about twenty of them, were turned ..niure. this good-tempered creature m t- l - in inj mnrninir. wirn uw ,.n.itf tnok his blind friend under his tutKtion ! When he, strayed from his iompaoioDS, bis ktgd riona woma run geighiog after, and smell found him, and bea recognized, would walk aide by aide, attil the Wind friend was led to the grass i..iu.nVld. . This horse was so exceedingly potto that he had incurred the character of fgoceroed; out any 01 uiein unw an ui nnno his Wind friend, he would fly to iweoe-wUtsuctlfury-lhat not a horse in the field could stand agninst him. This angular instance of sagacity,! had almost id dlsiolerestou numanny, may wen pui lte whole fraternity of horse-jockeys to the Hush. They, to be sure, will fight; for a brother jockey , whether he is right or wrong ; jet they expect him to fight for them on the int similar occasion ; but this kind-hearted nhmleould anticipate no such reciprocity. " Some years ago, the servant of Thomas Walker, of Manchester, (England,) going water the carnage horses at a stone tnash which stood at one end of the Ex those, a dog, that was acoustomed to lie w the (tall with one of them, followed the J rf-fc . At 1 I tones as uauaL un ins way no wnai tuked by a large mastiff, and wm irdan- Erof being killed. The oogV favorite ne, seeing the criuVtjrifuatioa of his fiiend, suddenly broke loose from the ser nut, no to the spat where the dogs were fighting, and with a violent kick threw the mastiff from the other dog fnto a cooper's cellaropposite, and having thus rescued his Jnendly companion, returned, quietly with nun to drink at the fountain). ' . " God, speaking to Job, asks him, 'Hast thoa given the horse strength T. Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder t- He mock what fear, and i not affrighted ; neither turaeth he back from the sword." ; Shortly after that mighty battle which closed the career of Bonaparte and staved his whole- aale murders, at the disbanding of a part of the British army the remains of a troop of one Belonging to the Scotch Urays were brooght to the hammer. The captain be- f nch.andamau of feeling, was unwil ling to aee these noble follows turned into wicher, baker or beer-house drags, after helping to drive the French from Spain and tarn the flank of the Invinciblea at Wa. wW. Jle therefore bought the whole lot, Iet them loose in one of his fine grass Jto to wear away their old age in peace. yM warm summer evening, when it was JMt dark eoough to render lightning visible, nasn was instant v fnllnwAd hv load report of thunder. At this moment wwraes were grazinglcisurely, and apart "W one another: hut wnng the report, they thought a battle Wbcg'un. In a minute they were in the JWro oC the field, all drawn up in line, beautiful ears quivering with anxiety, leaf of a poplar trembling in the M. listening for the word of the rider fcaa them to the charge. My informant, was an eve witness of thi wonderful hafinV'uie Mold me he had often seen these hort, Tsra. , " 01 them honorable scars 0leir fe, necki and ahoulders, but i M on the rumn. A StyiiK BrmV tarns tan.', "7 -"Some few old horse at public sale. He Ur-Tk. t " WQe a P81' of panniers, or baskets, wooded by, a strong lea. Sr r,P,fr?8 the ""ck. where he him. wit . "S h" feet teated 00 b,ock K2S"dJp the de- Thus wcoutred '"Pp'y to evAomer with JJJf. c. One day he happened to be Jg the gate of Hyde-park at the mo- menTof T9l w" ingr the S L,f8 Kuarta to fall k No S S theJb8ker o" hU back, into w. kick. w Poroosa. n:: u . "WCBri out ait to no the aouM , 'uLcnarier M o aroused .. " sound of thj, . ... . i aim a vaiaiifvm inni an waw -PmJZ? ex?eed"g1r nrased at the SnSf " "d the 7 SUrnriBa at h :.: V. informed the corps that the horse once be longed to the regiment, but had been sold, on account of some infirmity, a few years before. Several of the ofheers kindly greet. ed their old companion;' and the colonel, delighted at the circumstance, gave the signal to advance in line ; when the baker, finding all resistance useless, calmly re signed himself to his situation. ; The trum pet then sounded the charge, and the rider was instantly carried, between his two pan- niers, with the rapidity of the wind, to a great distance. Various evolutions were then performed, in which the animal dis played sundry equestrian feats. At longth the sound .of retreat was proclaimed, when off went the sagacious creature with hi rider. Alter having performer! his duty in thefield, he was content to resign himself no the guidance of the bridle in a more bumble walk of life." ' VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. -.The balance of political power in this country, will soon become firmly fixed west of the Alleghany mountains. The influx of population is so rapid, and the ex. tent and fertility of the soil so great, that the destinies of this country will shortly be determined by the voice of the people of the Vallev of the Mississippi. This stupend. ous jcgion is pronounced by an erudite for eigner, the most magnificent dwelling place prepared bynhe Almightyforman's aboder Yet even at the present day, comparatively speaking, it is a mighty desert, only a stu. pendous moral waste. The geographical extent of this Valley u vast, and the num ber and size of the rivers which irrigate its soil, almost exceed computation. The mo ral culture which should be diffused there, is importanat in a ratio proportioned to its boundless necessities. But few persons are a wureartM.MExtenriifTie- Mississippi Valley exceeds that otSPrance more than six times, embracing a u does over a mill ion and a half sauare miles. Its resources and dimensions fit it for sustaining a pqpt I lation of much beyond the present number of people who Inhabit burope. jThe rivers which fertilize ' its bosoms are scacelv equalled in the old worlds Tlio Mississip. pi alone traverses a section ol country 2500 miles in length, while 500 miles from its mouth, ahins of great burden float Upon its bosotnv Fifty .seven long streams act as tributaries, and help to swell the waters the Father of Rivers. The Missouri ex. ceeds 2000 miles in length, the Arkansas 300, and the Red River 1000. All the va ricties of soil and vegetable productions and temperature of Europe, are found io this almost boundless valley, while fertility and sterility are diffused alike with a pro. dignl hand. The epread of education, and of moral and religious culture in this vast region, is important in proportion to the stupendous influence which its inhabitants are destined to wield in the Union. The tone of society there roust be regulated by tho education which its people receive. while the virtue which chastens, while it elevates the man , must be determintsf by the exertions made by the friends of reli gious aud moral cultb re. The school mas. ter, tho philanthropist, and , ihe-Christian, should look upon this vast field of enter. prwe with eyes of peculiar favor. It pos sesses all- the original elements of vice and virtue which, as they predominate, will di rectly retard or elevate the character of this country. Under such an aspect of thmg;doee tbe-Valley-ofthe Mississippi receive its full share ot attention from Fro. testant Christians. -PAi. North American. SAGACITY OF A LIONESS. The following story is from the English Monthly Magazine, and may be depended upon as accurate. . A party of a ship's crew bemg sent ashore on a part of tho coast of India, or the purpose of cutting wood for the ship, one of tho men.havio gstrayed from the rest, was greatly frightened by the appearance of a large lioness, Who made towards him ; she laid down at his feet and looked very earnestly, first at him and then at a tree a littleistanceonvAlterTBpBatingher ooks several times, she arose and proceed. ed on towards the tree, looking back seve. ral times, seemingly wishing the man to follow her; which he did ; And Upon com- ing up to the tree, he looked up and per. ceived a huge baboon with two young cubs in her arms, which he supposed were . the ioness s, as she crouched down like a cat, and seemed to eye them very steadfastly j upon which, the man being afraid to as cend the tree, bethoght himself to cut the tree down ; and having his axe with him, he set to work, when the lioness seemed more attentive to what he was doing, upon the falling of the tree, she sprang forward on the baboon, and tore him in pieces, she then licked the cubs over and over again ; , after which she returned to the man, who waspreatlv frightened, at seeing her in such a rage with the baboon, bu she came and fawned round him, rubbing her head against him in great fondness : and which seemed to show her gratitude for the ser. vice which he had done her ; she went to the cubs, and taking one of them up in her mouth, went away with it,- and returning soon afterwards for the ; other, she went away with that also ( the man made the best of his wayoflTto the shore, where he was taken aboard and did not get rid of his fright foi some time after. ' ' " V Alas ! the sweetest rose ' bath prickles ; and tbeaincereaL heart, hfJrt hath some vanity in it. .. - . , " .1 VYHT AM I A TETOTALLER T . ' 1. Becanse Ale, Porter, Gin, Rum, Brandy, Wine, and Whiskey, all contain a portion of spirit which is calculated to derange the human system. :'- 3. Because' none of these drinks are ever useful, but always injurious to persons in health. r -.". ' VC'; 3. Because drunkenness is onr besetting sin, and leads to idleness, quarrelling, swearing, fighting, stealing, adultery, mur. dor, impiety, and almost every other sin. - 4. Because our drinking fashions pro. duce a vast amount of poverty, domestic misery, insolvency, bankruptcy, crime, destruction of property disease and 'pre mature death.- ---v ":'"? f- ' -" ' 6. Because a - gieat deal of valuable land, time, labor, and capital are worse than wasted upon making, vending, and using theae Intoxicating drinks. :K " ;.0. Because 55 millions of money is an. nually expended upon the drunkard's drink in the united kingdom, which ought to be laid out in food and in the manufactures of the country. - - 7. Because 5 millions of quarters of good grain are annually destroyed to make these poisonous liquors. r i -v - 8. Because intemperance obstructs the progress of civilization, education and re. ligion, and every useful refbrms-: . .- 9. Because abstinence m sure and safe but drinking moderatcIyJa difficult and dangerous, and has led to all the drunken. neas in the country. . 10, Because I find I cannot, cllbctunjly warn the drunkard, unless I am aipentire abstainer. ' s 1 1. . Because! like to jom4hoso who are exerting themscJvej to promote the reform. auon ana nappinessjet me nation, j - 12. Becauseit is important to act safe examples'perfect, sobriety to our childrenfriends, and associates. . : l "' Because it is our christian duty to ! aehy ourselves even of lawful things to pro. moie tne happiness or others. 14. Because, while 'millions repent of drinking, no one repents of being a Tetotal ler. :- . . - - . . . 15. Because, while no blessing is pro. pounced upon drinking, (jod s approval frequently accorded in favor of abstinence, (see Jer. xxxv., Luke L 15, Rom. xiv. 21 , POV. XX. 1.) s! ' 15. Because I should be ashamed to touch, taste, or handle, or keep in my house, the article which is filling the land with misery, lamentation and woe. , 17, .Because , nothing but tee-totalism will cure the drunkard or prevent the mo derate drinker from becoming such. 18. Because by abstaining, 1 find my. self healthier, wealthier, and happier ; I am more respected, and better fitted To perform my duty to OUll and man. . . Facts fob PAiEjrrs. Mr. Editor You are undoubtedly aware that numerous chil dren lose their reason and their lives bvex cessive reading and study. ' At least twen ty such cases have come within mv person artnoWleogeXree in one Tamily ; and two in another . . 1 The most eminent physicians in our coun try have spoken much and written much, of the iniury .done to the health and forms of young ladies by loii andlose confincmend over ucsks uuu uuuks. . The most distinguished and the most useful men in our country, whether in the Ministry, in Law, in Medicine, or Politics, rewrfvtrd aT-fOTrio- farms, in workshops, in merchandize, or some other pursuit of business. ) Most learned men, who have acquired their knowledge exclusively from reading, are lamentably, perhaps necessarily, defi cient in common sense. A large portion of the forgers, swindlers arid robbers now swarming in our country, have had vast amounts expended upon their book education, and little or nothing for an education to business. The most learned man at present in our country, often remarks that he should re. joice to see a race or men growing up un. der a system of six hours lubor and four lor study dairy. He has for many years labor ed daily with his hands as many hours as he has studied. ' Mr Burritt, of Worcester, Mass., who now, at the age ofThifiy-lwd years, under, stands fifty languages', has, while acqui- ring them, worked vigorously, at the an. vil, and still works, from six to twelve hours daily. ' The late Dr. Bowditch, who at his. death was in the department of Mathematics, the most learned man living, devoted more hours daily to business pursuits than are commonly employed by those who are ex clusively business mea.- Correspondence of the New Yorker. - ..... - silk. -. Reasons why the people of the United States, especially the farmers, should en gage in the business of (.ilk growing. 1. tsecause silk forma the heaviest item In the catalogue of our importations. . , 2. Because we possess the means of do ing it to better advantage than any other nation. . 3. Because the necessary skill is easily acqui red, and no nation ever possessed bet. ter talents to acquire it 4. Because the nation Is under heavy embarrassments on account of excessive importations, and no other means are so sure of success in providing the necessary rebel. . . , r ; 6th. Because h can be e fleet uallv enga ged in by all classes of people requiring lit. tie or no capuau . , 6th. Because we have more spare land than any other nation, and much well suit, ed to the growth of the mulberry, which is worn out for other purposes. ' 7th. Because we are already well stock, ed with the mulberry trees, which will be lost to the nation if not used for that pur. pose.. 8th. Because a stock of silk worms may be obtained the first year, equal to what could be reared of any otheflive stock in a great portion of a life time. 9th. Because raw silk or cocoons are always surer of sale than almost any other commodity. , . 10th. Because it is a, very certain crop. 1 ! dollars can be grown in less time than a pounder wool worth fifty cents. 4 , J 12th. Because it will cost no more to transport a pound of silk to market worth six dollars than a pound of bread-stuff worth six or eight cents, 13th. Because the labor of growing a crop of silk requires only six or seven weeks, while that of almost any farming crop requires more than as many months. XI 4th. Because most of the labor will be performed by women, children or invalids who, though willing are. unable to per form other profitable lubor. 13th. Because there are hundreds if not thousands of killui silk manutacturers in the country who are unable to find . regular yment for want of raw silk 16th. Because the growingand manufac ture or silk has never tailed to be a source of wealth to any nation which embarked in it. - 17th. Because the Legislature of our State, having observed aud duly . whigbed alt the foregoing reasons, have wisely oiler, ed a liberal bounty for its encourage. menti - 18th. Because the American Institute with a liberality "whicftfpeaks volumes to its everlasting credit, has offered for the en courogement of literature, as well as thu most eminent branch of industry, a premi urn of fifty dollars and a gold medal for the best treatise thereon, aud a like medal for the best silk reel fhn porunn lthn would nnt ha alimnlnlod to exertion by such reasons and liberal of. iers of reward, must be sordid indeed. A, OF THE NORTH. , , TEMPERANCE CELEBRATION. According to announcement, the great New York Temperance Mass Jubilee took place yesterday. The weather, like the cause, was, from dawn to sunset, full of heaven sown joyousness and serenity; and the great moral exhibition of thousands of our fellow citizens, as they passed through the principal' Streets and Avenues of our J (Jity, in the brotherhood of peace and the vindication of mind in its consciousness of nobility, was such as has never before been among us, one which has undoubtedly shed a gleam of hope around many a hither des- olate fire side. The-deputarions from- abroad - wero ou- mcrous and respectable, and the banners bore some beautiful illustrations of their de cision and principles of action.. Baltimore was most happily represented; and her champions in the cause added much to the encct; as missionaries i rromttar fnigtst be fairly termed the Parent Society. Boston deputed her " Pilgrims" to tho Mecca of Temperance among the most energetic of the Droud confederacy: .and Newark , urook lin and Williamsburg sent living "assuran ces of their perfect though youthful maturi ty in the causo. liiii the addresses were the grand clima. teric of the day s enjoyments ; that of the Orator of the day, T. W. Woodruff, Esq., Secreta ry of tho N c w x ork V . 1 emper ancc Benevolent Society, was a masterly specimen of talent impassioned by sacred zeal, and arguments enforced by truth; it was well worthy of the occasion, and evi dently went home to every heart. The vast area of Tompkins Square was covered with groups of happy and interest ed thousands, and the days celebration terminated atbuutji-Vcta where the .Societies were dismissed to repair to the respective halls of refreshment and evening jubilee.- v , , Cmxld but the tTiiirexe aacb eight behold. How many a heart were warm which now u cold ! How many a mind awake th' insensate dream, WaivB " meaner thing,"nd triumph eeir-supreme! Several bands of music accompanied the Procession throughout, which was hailed in its progress by the approving smiles of thou sands of both sexes and all ages and cjndi lions ; while the splendor of the banners and he beauty of the various badges and orna. ments or tacfi '"successive Society gave an inspiring appearance to thefintire spectacle. It is not irrevalent to add, that this was the first Temperance Mass Jubilee we have had. May the Universe hail its centenary recurrence JV. Y. Tribune A FRAGMENT THE CONTRAST. Death was abroad in the land. He sought tho dwelling of rank and station, and laid his icy hand upon the lord of the mansion. A burning fever was on his brow a wasting disease was at his heart. His beloved wife was at bis bedside to bathe his aching bead, and share his grief and sorrow bis mother called back ber watchful care, and the fountains of mutual tenderness were again broken up. Broth, era and sisters watching over- him with anxious tear neighbors and friends gath. ered round to anticipate every want .. The Minister was there to speak of eternal things, and open to lira Cm brighlTglories of another' world. Christians were listen, ing to the dying accents of his lips, yea, they travelled with hisdeparting spirit even down to the gates of death J nor did they leave him here.' They would honor the cold clay with every attention all were anxious to aid the last sad ceremony huma. nity claim. Twaswcll. But death entered a humble dwelling the abode of poverty. A female form was suffering pain and disease which was soon to close her earthly career. , There was no mother to wipe away her tears, or give her consolation ; no brother or sister to sympathise in her pains and sorrows J no kind friend to supply her wants. aTlre Min. biter came not to teach her benighted soul the way to eternal life, though her Divine Master preached the Gospel to the poor ' Christians came not to pray with the dy. ing sinner, and talk of tho love of Christ, the example of their Saviour who " went about doing good." Woman tender heart ed woman regarded her s a frail sister, beyond the pale of sympathy, forgetting the kindness of that blessed Lord, whose compassion would not condemn, but said umo the gully, ' go thy way and sin no more.' She had not even a Bible to shed a ray of light on that dark hour of her existence but in the silence of midnight, when- left to meditate on her own wretchedness elte prayed. Yes she felt that she was a sinner, and looked to God Tor aid, for truly she felt that " the help of man was vain. She died. The rich and the great came not to her burial ; but the poor of the world bore her to the grave, and there, without a tear, committed " dust unto dust," and no stone will ever tell her resting place. BE SOMETHING. Tt is the duty of everyone to take some part as actor on the stage of life. Some seem to think' they can vegetate, as it were without being any thing in particular. Man was not made to rust out his life. It is ex peeled that he should " act well his part1' He must be something. He has a work to perform, which it is his duty to attend to. We arc not placed here to grow up, pass through tho various stages of life, and then die, without having done any thing for the benefit of the human race. It is a princi ple in the creed of the Muhammetnns that every one' should havp a Jrade. Isa man to be brought up in idleness 'Is he to live upon the wealth which hia ancesters have acquired by hard laboi and frugal industry T Is he placed here to pass through life like an automaton? flas lie nothing to penormas a citizen ol the world T JJoes he owe nothing to his country as an inha. bitantf A mao who does nothing is a mere cipher. He docs not fulfil the obligation for which he was sent into the world, and when he dies he has not finished the work given him to do. He is a tncre blank in creation. Some are born with riches and honors upon their heads. But does h follow that tbey nave nothing to do in their earcer-th rough UieJ Thej-ereertain duties forevery one to perform. He tome- thing. Don't live like a hermit, and die like u hermit. See that young man, no matter what are his engagements, if he has no particular bu siness" to pursue he" will" never accompluh much. Perhaps ho ho 8 a futher abundant ly able to support him. Perhaps that fath ernas labored hard to obtain a compe. tence which is sufficient for his sons to live inidTcm'ssr world with any degree of self-complacency squandering away the money which their' father hai earned by hard labor? No! No one who has the proper feeling of a citizen, who wishes to bo ranked among the useful members of society, would live such a life. Be something don't be a drone. You may rely upon your present possessions, or on your future prospects, but those riches may fly away, or other hopes may be blighted, and if you have no place of your own, in such a case, ten tOone yOa find your path beset with thorns. Want may come upon you ere you are aware of it -anil ImvliifT nn nrnff't.-siiVn' vnu fifirl vmir. nc-if To any thingbut aFenvmuie situation: It is therefore imiiortant that you should be something. Don't depend upon fortune, for site is a he kle support, wmeli eft when you lean upon her with the greatest contiocQcc. A rust . to. your own exer i rr tions. Be something, - Pursue thaHroeation for which you ore fitted by nature ; pursue it faithfully and dillgemlyYbu1iave a part to act', and the honor in performing that part depends upon yourself. It is sicken ing to one to see a parcel of idle boys hang ing round a fathei, spending tho money which he has earned by his industry, with. out attempting to do any thing for them. selves. Be somellung, should bo their mot. to. Even' one is capable of learning some art, trade, or mystery," nnd can earn a competency for himself, lie should be something, and not bring down the gray hairs of hi father with sorrow to die grave. He should learn to depend upon himself. Idle boys living upon a parent, without anv profession, or. without any employment, are illy qualified for good members of society. And we regret to say it is too often the case that it is the parent's fault that tbev are thus Drougnt up. , They should be ta tight to be something, to know how to .pro vide for themselves" in case of necessity, to act well their part.'and they wili Jeap the honor which therein lies. , . , i ' ' Thankfulness keeps the mercy which ingratitude forrcits.' Jo Haynes, thk BiiTHoumiw Fiia Putbr amp Tax BisHor.f Two bailiOs one arrested ilaynes for twenty pounds, just as the Bishop of Ely was riding by in his coach. Quoth Joe to "the oamnv ' Gentlemen, here is my cousin, the' Bishop of Ely ; let me but speak a word to biro, and ho will pay the debt and charges.! The Bishop ordered "his carriage to Stop, while Joe (close to his ear) whispered, " My Lord, here are a couple of poor wavercrs, who have such terrible scruples of conscience that I fwir they'll hang them, solves." i'Very well.' said the Bishop. . So, calling to the bailffs, he said, You two gentlemen, come to me to-rdbrrow, and III satisfy you.' The bailiff bowed and went their way ; Joe (tickled in the midriff, and , hugging birpsclf with his device went hia way too. la the morning, the bailifls re paired to the Bishop's house. 4 Well, my good men,' said his reverence, ' what are your scruples of conscience f Scruples !' replied the bailifls, ' we have no scruples! We are bailiffs, my Lord, who yesterday arrested your cousin Joe Haynes lor twenty pounds. Your Lordship promised to satisfy us to-day, and we hope you will be ns good as your word.' The Bishop, to prevent any further scandal to his name, immediately paid thu debt and charges. Benlhy't jlfi. cellany. " ' Medical ad vie? or rag Chisese, Tem febance, &c. Be virtuous; govern your passions; restrain your appetite. Avoid excess and high seasoned food, eat slowly, and chew your food well that it may do you good service Do not eat to satiety. Break, fhst betimes : it is not wholesome to go out fasting. You never take a horse out unlit (.nature is satisfied : so should it be with thyself. Make a hearty meal about noon, and cat plain meat only ; avoid salt and tainted meats those who eat them often have pale complexions and. slow pulse, and are full of corrupted humors. Sup betimes and sparingly ; let your meat be neither too much nor too little cooked. Sleep not untit two hours after eating. Begin your meals with a little tea, and wash your mouth with a cup of it afterwards. .Be very moderate in ;h nf all plonanrga W arngfl ; for alt excess weakens the spirits. Walk not too long at once ; stand not for hours in one posture, nor lie longer than necessary. In winter keep not yourself too hot, nor in summer too cold. Immediately after you awake, rub your breast where the heart lies with tho palm of your hand. Avoid a stream or draughtof wind as you would as arrow ! Coining out of a warm bath or after'hard labor, do not expose your body to cold. If in the spring there should be two or three hot days, do not be in haste to put off your winter clothes. It is unwhole some to fan yourself during perspiration.' Wash your mouth with lukewarm water before you go to rest, and rub the soles of your feet warm. When you lie down ba nish all thought- Wash your face and hands after every meal. Not one in ten thousand dies by poison ; yet the baremmjtion ef nrstrikeawith hor ror. Wbat multitudes by lntexperancb ! Yet how little it is feared ! See that moth which flics incessantly round the candle it is consumed ! Man of pleasure, behold thimnnehwgrf' Temptrdnce"'it the best ' physic. The life of a man is a fever, in which very cold his are followed by others equally hot. The man who bath Aiever been sick, doth not know the value of health never dies with disease, ine meaicine that doth, not cause the patient to sleep, never cures him. When a family rise early in the morning, you must . conclude thai th house is well gjverned. One hour's sleep before midnight is worth two after. Very r respcclfulTv, yourobl servt, " Tbtth. Nine Stntes a Dat. Some gentlemen on board the steamer Diamond the other day were conversing about the wonderful pow. era of steam, the great facilities it had given to travelling, dec, one gentleman remark. . ed that a man might leave New York in the moroirtg awdarrlve tlke-gamrnlghrfcr Bal I i more, thus being in fivo Strtcs in one day. " Only five, is it ye say ?" said an Irish. sent, " and ita meeselTwho was in nine states on Monday lart." Thecompa ny were increduous, and galled on Paddy!:, to explain how such a thing could be possi ble, which ho did as follows: J Well ye see gintlemen, 1 was married in New York on- Monday morning at 6 o'clock , and went with my dear Bridget to Baltimore the samo day, and sure before I got there, I was after getting drunk as a baste, so ye pcrsave I was in the state of New York ; the state of Sobriety, the state of Single Bless. cdness, the state of New Jersey, the state of Connubial Felicity (that's wbat ye call matrimony) the state of Pennsylvania, the state of Delaware, the state of Maryland, and the state of Intoxication, all in one day and the whole of which was owing to the wonderful power of steam. .ve. mad. A young gentleman in Connecticut was courting a lady in the same State she was a teetotal havdrank wine on Scripture au. ihority. ' Amongst other quotations to him. self was this, and wine that maketa glad the heart of, man and oil to make his face to shine." , , When tho young gentleman next eai!o4 upon his beloved he found ber shininir brill. i iantly with a good coat of oil! He was tJ . course greatly astonished, but she toJd htra ' her authority and the lesson was aijffl. cienf 4 -J" t 7 .1