ililsaiiiil l : 4 Ai j VOLUME IIfHS f S rCBtJSHED ITt Ffi.Il)Af SOUH W8, B - : : . j. n. cuRisTyAcp; t..- PkUuW (j Trtrntiu, of lA i?. 5- - ; - w siiszis. , ; Thii ppet it i poblithed.iroejdyi:, t Tw Dot. mi tin Fan Cfctm pw annam, In dvsnee ; or Tumi Dollars, if payment ke delayed fU the receipt of the 10th Number from, the time of eub. cribuig. tT Thedi tertnt wiU, i U cote; b itrietlf mdhertd ta. " . ; ' , No fubecription diaoohtioucd (except at tlie op tion of the publisher) until allrrergcre paid. V XortKttmtttnu will bo ineerted for One Dollar per tqtiare, for the firat, and Twenty.five -Cent forachiubeequent 1neertloHA liberal deduction will be made from the regular price for adyartiaere by the year, , '. . MISCELLANEOUS. Edocatlon of All the People. From the Weat Chriatian Advocate. . PttiSBjrt State of Education. A brief survey of the present condition of education may be proper before-we proceed further on this subject. Our resources of infor. maUon, however, are very limited, not having within our reach those statistics which would enable us fo speak definitely on some points ; nod indeed , '.the statistics of education are imperfectly kept, and of course as imperfectly known, nd much of what is known we have not. Nevertheless, pcrhnpa our brief discussion will suffer little on this account, because it Is imperfect in almost every other respect. England. Among the strange things in the world ia the fact, that England possess es no generaljystem of eemenAaryeduc5. tion. For the education of her clergy and ..-gentryj-shehas several-grt-pubticrclassir cat schools, and two universities ; but she has no national establishment, like that which exits in Prussia and othercountrics, to meet the convenience of the people at large, so as to entitle every man in (he kingdom to give h'w children a knowledge of flic. common brandies ol education. Cus tom has decreed that the land holders in England, instead of paying a comparative -trifle to teach the lower orders, should be burdened with the enormous tax of thirty one and a half millions of dollars annually to support a body of paupers, most of whom have sunk into that condition in conse quence of the low morality attendant upon ignorance. To remedy t'uo want of a national estab lishment two charitable institutions have boon in operation forsomo -ycarsr-one -of which is cheifly composed o( friends of the Churchf-and the other Dissenters " while the same purpose is aimed to be accomplish ed by Sunday schools, and infant schools. The boarding schools, so prevalent in Eng. hnd, are accessible only to . the middle ranks and the most wealthy, and they chief ly aim at giving a classical education. In 1818 there were in England 4167 endowed school, 14,282nncndi3wed schools'. "and 3162 Sunday schools. All these tocother educated, in whole or in part 644,000, or bn-iixUenUi of the whole population. Of the 11,000 parishes, 3500 were without a school in 1820, The system adopted by the two great associations just mentioned is the monitori. a!, modified by the Lancasterian which was introduced by the Quakers. The- par tisans of the Established Church first des pised and then condemned this educational project of a body dissenting from them: and finally were obliged to set up something of the same kind themselves, nslnejonly avail able means of defending the interests of the Establishment. Two rival associations denominated tho British and Foreign School Society, the former composed chief. ly of the liberal and dissenting party, and the latter under the crown' and Church, now endeavored to anticipate each other in the planting of monitorial schools in every cluster of population throughout England. Nevertheless, a great field of I, still remained. In many places, a large proportion of the people knew not tho al. phabet. London alone contained 150,900 persons, or a tenth nart of the whole oopu. iation, to whom tho means of education were not accessible. -Tho general government, however, has taken up the subject with some small de. greo of earnestness.,. In. the session of 1833, a grant of JC20j0OO was voted by parliament, in aid of general education, and this was followed subsequently by another, and a select committee of the llouse of Commons was charged with an inquiry in to the state ol education among tho poorer class of England and Wales. The object of the grant of 1833 was the erection of school houses. ScoTlANiK Previously to the Reforma. tion, Scotland was in much the same con dition with regard to education as other Christiajjucauiltriea of Europe, with per haps tome inferiority on account of its,, ro mote situation and narrow resourcesT By an act of the Estates, in 1690, it was pro vided that there should be a parochial school and school master in every parish of the kingdom, with a fixed salary, not un der 5, lis. Id., nor over 11, 2s. 2d., payable by the heritors of the parish, in proportion to their property, who should have the power of drawing one-half oi their tenants. The duty of locating the school was imposed on the heritors ; and the ap pointment of tho teacher and the supervi sion of the school were instructed to the . presbyteries. . In "consequence " of" this "endowment. which was never, .grudged by those from. wnosc Dockets jt proceeded, every .parish to tbeJungdom, except soma of those in tie ' ' 1 Xt largf (owns, was furnished with a school, in which reading, writing and nmmetic, and in somcl cases, classical literature were fobs teemed. ''-The fees-were generally for; EngtUi, Is, fid., for .Arithmetic 2s., for Latin 2. fid. per quarter: the poor being admitted at about two-thirds of this rate. The system thus avoided at once the dis advantage of high fees, and that of an in discriminate gratuitous admission. One prominent department of education in these schools was religon. The primer was prefixed to and inseparable from the catechism t nnd the first lessons in reading were from it. JTie Bible was the other text book of importance ; and thus almost the only ideas obtained at school were those of religion. To these causes, so early put in force, the uncommon diffusion of pious Teeling of morality, so common in Scotland may by traced. ' An idea very generally prevails, that Scotland is remarkably fortunate in respect to education. She may be so in comparison with some other nations; but this is not the case, in raalitr. In 1818-thcro were 942 parochial schools, attended by 54,101 children ; this made only one in every 39 persons. , . The state of Scotland as to elementary education iii 1834 and 1835 may be thus briefly summed up. There are 1005 parish schools, being a few mora than the entire number of parishes. In thfl " Highlands, there are, besides 171 parish schools,. 324 supported by the society for promoting Christian knowledge, and other charitable institutions, nnd 86 planted by the General Asscmbly-Throughout the wholecountryT but cspecjaJJirLJhejmare populous-parts and in large towns, there is a great num berof private schools. In 181 8, tho num ber was 2222, instructing 106,027 chit, dren, nearly doublo the number in the pa. rochial schools. It is therefore certain that the parish schools of tho Establishment have fallen completely behind the popula. tion, and only accomplish in a small dc grec the purpose for which they were in. tended. - - Tho efficiency of these means of instruc. tion is various. In the 143 parishes of the Highlands, even after the establishment of 86 charity schools, there are about 83, 000 persons who, from local circumstan ces, have no moans of instruction within their reach. In the 133 parihe f Aber. deen, Banff, and Elgin, the average attend, a nee at school is one-eleventh of the whole populationrThe average in other districts ranges from one-eleventh to one-twentieth. One parish has one -fourth of her population at school ; two parishes one-fifth : four parishes one-sixth. In Edinburg, there are no parish schools : nor till lately were schools of any kind accessible to the poor ; hence largo numbers of them grew up with out education. In Glasgow 20,000 persons are in this condition. In Paisley, though the casc-waa .different ve years ago, there are now 3000 families into-which ed. ucation noes not enter. The proportion of the, population which attends school in Glasgow is one-fourteenth ; in Dundee one. fifteenth Perth under one.fiftccnth ;r and Aberdeen onc-twentyfifth ; Paisley Abbey parish ono-f wentieth. Tho amount of learning generally is smnll. A child learns to read, and no more is often supposed to be necessary. He is hurried off to tho factories, with his faculties still in a great measure dormant. One teacher in general superintends the tuition of a large number of boys, only a few of whom can any time be deriving much benefit from his services, t he pen od of attending is short, and the impression of school learning upon the mind is very slight. The monitorial and intellectual systems have as yet been partially adopted. 1 he private teachers are, in most cases, women, or else men of very humble accom plishments ; a result of tho very slender emoluments, which range from 4 to 25, the latter sum being very rarely exceeded. The general education of Scotland is far from what it ought to bo ; though superior 1o that of LnHaod and Ireland, and of most other countries. Ibei,aw. -In the dark agcsr Ireland re markable aboveincherxounrrica-for the number and excellence of its schools, which were resorted to by students from various parts of Europe.,. Under the deno. mination of tho English, os well as the pe culiar state of things in the island itself, ed ucation, as well as most other public affairs was neglected or mismanaged. The Pope made a grant of the " green island, to the British monarch, from which time little prosperity has existed there. An act of llenry VIII indeed imposed on the vicar or rector of every parish the duty and cost of keeping up a parochial school, in order to instruct tho natives in the English tongue. This, though confirmed by jan act of William III, was never, more than a dead letter. - The same act forbade Catho lics to keep a school under a penalty of twenty pounds and three months imprison ment. This cruel act wasjBubsequently re. pealed. The people, however, were to educate their children, and maintained number of those mean establishments called hedge tchooJa, where a slender degree of instructions was conferred on a considera ble portion of the community, 7 During the century between 1731 and 1831 various attempts were .made by pri vate associations, generally with the aid ef government to educate the people of Ire. land. Almost every one of them , however went to wreck on the unjust principle that jo religious msirwcuon tnouia do exau- sjv!y Protestao . The celebrated Char 1,11 c la only ' Valued ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ter School Society commenced in. 1731, has continued till a. recent period to pay vast sums in the vain attempt to proselyts by means -of -eduction, .fccaidei aQ the privato contributions, the public parUamen. tary grants amounted .to 1 ,105,860. i-A oe incorporated association for discountcnan ing vice, commenced in 1792, was the ! cond of these societies, and made a greet1 improvement on the first In their schools, the Protestants learned the Church Cat., chism and the Catholics - were require! only to read the Scriptures. In Noven ber, 1819, it numbered-119 -schools7 tended by 4460 Protestant, and 1368 Cath olic chilJren. In 1824, the number was 4578 Protestants, and 4368 Catholics. The London Hibernian Society, establish, ed in 1806, was less . liberal in its pUn, and has not, therefore, done much good among tho Catholics. . Irt 1 823, it had 053 schools attended by 61,387 scholars. It had also many Sunday-schools. In 1S12, the Kildare Place Society was formed under the saction of a Paliamentary cornmiyee forlhe" education of Ihe "Irish ooor. Its grand principle was to afiord education without any interference with the peculiar tenets of any. Its specified objects were to aid in the founding of new schools and the Improvement of old ones, provided the principles of the society were adopted r io maintain io moaei scnoois lor tne exnioi tion of their plan, and the training of teach ers and to publish moral, instructive, and entertaining books. The society began to operate in 1817, and in 1825 had 1490 schools, attended by 132,573 scholars, two-thirds of the schools being- 4n Ulster;: The system of Instruction was a combination from those of Bell, Lancaster, and Pcstalozzi. The total grants from Parliament up to 1854 amounted" to 200,508. uuring tne same recent period, some. thing has been done for the instruction of the poor in Ireland by the Baptist Society, the Irish Society, and tho Sunday School Soci otyi:.Tho' last has been particularly effi. cicnt. From inquiries made in 1828, there were in Ireland 11,823 elementary schools, of which eight parts out of eleven were pay schools, conducted by private enterprise and altogether unnoticed with either the clercv or charitabla. ennUti The num ber of scholars in 1824 was 560.549, of whom 77,326 were Protestants, and 307, 402 were Catholics: and 394.730 ofJhe wholepaid for their education. The num ber ot masters and mistresses in 1828 was 12,520, of whom 3098 were of the estab lished Church. 1058 Presbvterians. and 8300 Catholics. The proportion of school attendants shows better for Ireland than England; a fact attributable to the higher sense of the valuo of education entertained by the Irish. Such was the state of education in Ire land, when in 1831 , the government resold ed to commence a national system, avoid. mg the real or supposed errors into which others had fallen. They emitted the Bible without notes to conciliate the Catholics.: A board of superintendence was appointed by the Lord Lieutenant, consisting of the Protestant and Catholic archbishops of Dublin, a Presbyterian and a few others. As yet tho scheme has been tried only as an experiment ; though it has mot with some success in the lace ot a vigorous op. positron from- the High Church party. The schools now in operation afiord the benefits of education to about 140,000 children. The members of the board con- duct tho business in perfect harmony. The religious part of education is kept separate from the literary, and is entirely under the control of tho various denominations of clergy. One day of the week , besides Sun day, is set apart for religious instruction which is conducted by such pastors as "are approved of by the parents or guardians of the children. FbAncBJ Previous to the first revolution there were various kinds of schools in which persons were prepared for the higher seminaries. The Government did nothing for the education of the people at large, and the clergy, though possessing so large a part of the property of Fra'nceVand having the special instruction of the people under their care, leA them in utter ignorance. Some elementary schools were supported here and there, but the instructions were scanty and behind the age. Napoleon established several military schools, and others for in structions id trades and arts, and an impe rial university was created to have the su preme direction of instruction in France But the plan was on a military principle and did not succeed, so far as primary or ele mentary education was concerned. Since 1815, public instruction has been a department of stale business, being tn- trusted to a train of officers, the chief of whomunder the title of Minister of Public Instruction, has a scat in the cabinet. Nor mai scnoois have been established all over France for the preparation of teachers, ac cording to a regular system. In 1615, there were 22,343 elementary schools, educating737 ,369 pupils. Inl819 the number of pupils was 1,130,000, or ope for every twenty.five of the population. In 1828, there were 1,500 ,000, or ooe-twen tieth of the population. - The number of the educated,' however, is progressing at more rapid "rate than the population'; and the French government is not only making liberal grants lor schools, but is about, to es tablish a state system which shall provide for the whole people. It has been calcula. ted that a third part of the population, the populate beirsg greater ia tfesouth than as 4 U uiefally employed. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, in the norjh, are unable to read or write. I ErAiit. Tbrre are few establishment in j Spain for the diffusion of the first rudiments In kuweage,. A no lower cusses senior earn to read and write : the higher are seldom instructed In any thing but reading, writing, and- arithmetic. Such as are In tended for the learned professions attend a Latin school three or- four years. Those who go to the University are taught little else than the logic and natural philosophy of Aristotle and tho theology of Aquinas. f a Spaniard therefore learn any thing like true knew ledge he must leave his country to acquire it Portugal is in a similar con. . . - , O - - i, - . ; . i lion. And the same may be said ot ooutn America and Mexico, whoso inhabitants carry with them the usages of their Father anus with little or no variation, lliobpan- iartls are , among the most ignorant and bigoted people of Europe. Several gener. ations must pass away, and numerous and important changes be effected, before we can expect that the great body of the Span. lards and Portuguese, and their -colonial descendants in America, can become en." ightcned and moralized. Denmark and thb is etjiebxands. Denmark and Holland strive to keep jjace. with Germany. Jn tho former country there have been nominal schools for the 4ast forty years, and the monitorial system t. i i i . . i- nas oeon introuuceu unu ma nun surpns- ins success. In Holland one-ntth or the population is stated to be at school, and the elementary seminaries are stated to uo un der a good organization. In Belgium, ed. ucation is too much in the hands ot the priests ta be ina good condition. Switzerland. In the Protestant can tons of Switzerland, elementary education is in a flourishing state, the schools have from one-sixth to one-tenth in attendance. In the Catholic cantons, education is not so prosperous, nnd is chiefly in the hands of the clergy. Education is partly support- ed and superintended by the various loco povcrnmenis : nnu in sevcroi (.-umuus there are public institutions for the train ing of teachers. Noewav. In this -country- therefore public schools, of which each parish has one. the teacher being nnnointcd by the bishons of the respective dioceses. Chil dron arc compelled by law to nttend these schools, in which they are instructed in reading, combined with intellectual exer- cises, religion, Bible history, singing', arith mctieand writing The period ol attend. ing is from seven years till the time of con firmation, which generally takes place at about sixteen or seventeen. Parents who withdraw their children before that period are liable to a fine 1 he teaches are part. ly supported by a fixed piece of land, and partly by a tax. Sweden. The schools are mnch on the same footing as they were in the teven teenth century among the German Protest. ants. The rroteitant clergy in the pos session of the Church property of their Catholic predecessors, show little dispost tion to apply a part of it to the public in struction ; and tho, Government is too poor and too jealous to admit improvements from foreign countries. Poland. This country is ravaged by Kussm, and education receives little attcn tion or support. Kussia. According to the decrees of the Emperor Alexander, "schools" for the circles, district, and parishes, were to be instituted throughout the empire. 1 he cir cle schools exist at present on the pattern of the German gymnasia in most of the capital cities of the government ' The dis tnct schools are found in some towns of the middling size. -The parish schools exMt only in a very few villages. The greatest and best part of this plan remains as yet un executed. Several ages will be requisite before the half civilized inhabitants of Rus sia will be raised from the mental debase ment in which they have been so long plunged. l he remainder ot mc topic will be giv cn next week. Father O'Flynn and Ills Coiigrc- gallon Father Francis OTIynn, or, nshe was generally called by his parishioners, ' ta thqr Frank,' was the choicest specimen you could desire of a jolly, quiet-going, ease loving,-Irish country priest of "tho old school. His parish lay near a small town in the eastern part of the county Cork, and for forty-fivo years he lived amongst his flock, performing all the duties of his office and taking his dues (when he got them) with never tiring good humor. But age that spares not priest nor laymen, had sto len upon Father Frank, and he gradually relinquished to his younger curates the task of preaching, till at length his sermons dwindled down to two in the year one at Christmas, and the other at Laster,at which times his clerical dues w ere about coming in. In one of these, memorable occnaions thnt I first chanced to hear Father Frank address his congregation. I have htm now before my mind a eye, as he then appeared a stout, middle-sized man, with ample shoulders, cnvelorjed in a coat of superfine black, and eubstantiaUegs encased in long straight boots, reaching to tho knee. His forehead, and ,the -upper part of his head were bald : but the use of hair powder gave a fine effect to his massive, but good-hu mored features, thnt glowed with the rich tint of a hale old age. ' A bunch of large gold seals, depending from a massive jack, chain of the same metal, oscillated with beconsng'-dignity Jroro the lower verge of his Waiscoat, over the goodr prea3C.,t;w rit ah njrvwte aayeeasftbirgrd 1812. -.1 of his fair round belly.' Glancing his half closed but . piercing eye,, round his audi, tory, as if calculating the contents of every pocket present, he commenced bis address si follows '. ; ; -vm'"- Well, my good people, I- suppose ye know that to-morrow will be the patient of Saint Fmeen, and no doubt ye II all be for gotng to the blessed well to say your podhe- reens; but 111 go. bail there s lew ol you ever beard the rason why the water of that well won t raise a lather, or wash any thing clean, though you were to put all the soap in Cork into it. Wellrpnyttention7and II tell vou. Mrs. Delany- cant you keep your child quiet while I am speaking? "It happened a long while ago, tni ou Fineen, a holy and devout Christian, lived all alone, convaynient to the well ; there he was to be found ever and always praying and reading his breviary upon a cowld stone that lay be6ido it. Unluckily enough, there lved also in the neighborhood a cawecn dahs called Morieen, and this Morieen had a fashion of coming down to the well every morning, nt sunrise, to wash her legs and feet and, by all accounts, you couldn't meet a whiter or a shaplier pair from this to Bantry. Saint r incen, however, was so disthractcd in his heavenly meditations, poor man 1 that ho never once looked at them, but kept bis eyes fast on his holy books, while Morieen was rubbing and la. thering away, till the legs used to look like two beautiful pieces of alabaster in the clear water. Matters went on this way some, time, Morieen coming regular to the well, till one fine morning, as she stepped into the water she struck her foot against a stone and cut it. Oh! Millia murdher! What'll I do!" cried the calliccn, in the pitifulest voice you ever heard. What's tho matter T" said Saint Fi- nccn. " I've cut my foot uyu this misfortinate stone, soys she, making answer. Then Suint Finccn.hfjcd up his eyes from his blessed book, ond he saw Moneen s legs and feet. . - , ? Oh ! Morieen V says he, after looking awhilo at them, " what white legs you have cot!" ' Have 1 T says she, laughing, " ana how do you know that ?" " Immediately the Saint renumbered himself and being full of remorse and coo. thrition for his fault, he laid his commands upon tho well, that its water should never wash any thing whito again,-r-and, as 1 mentioned before, all the soap in Ireland wouldn't raise a lather on it since. . Now that's tho truo history of Saint Fincen's blessed well ; and I hope and trust it will bo a saysonnblo and premonitory lesson to all the young men that hears me, not to fall into tho vaynial sin of admiring the white legs of the girls." As soon as his reverence paused, a bun of admiration ran through fjie chapel, ac companied by that peculiar rabid noise made by tho lower class of an Irish Roman Catholic congregation when their feelings df awe, astonishment, or piety are excited byitlie preacher. Ber Frank having tacn breath, and wiped his forehead, resumed his address. " I m going to change my subject now, nnd I expect attention. Shawn Carry! Where's Shawn Harry!" Here,your Rivirence:' replied a voice from the depth of tho crowd. " Come up here, Shawn; till I examine you about your Catechism and docthrincs." A rough-headed fellow elbowed hia way alowly through the congregation, and moulding hia old bat into a thousand grotcequc aliapra, between hia hng palma, presented himeelf before hia pastor, with, very much the air of a puzzled philosopher. ' Well, Sbawn, my boy, do you know what ia the meaning of Faith 7 Parfictly, your rivirencc, replied the fellow, with a knowing grin. Faith meane when Paddy Hogon givea me credit for lialf-a.pint of the beet? ' Get out of my eight, you ondayeent vaga bond ; vou're a diagrace to my flock. Here, you Tom M'Gawlcy, what'a Charity V Bating a proceasarrer, your Rirircncc, re plied Tom promptly. Oh ! bleased aainta ! how I'm persecuted with ye, root and branch. Jim Houlagban, I'm look, ing at you, there, behind Peggy Callahan's cloak ; come op here, you banging bone tiitvttn, and tell me wiiat hi tne Uut lay 7 'I ded'nteomoto that vet. air.' replied Jim scratching his head. ' I woulden't fear you. yoo Bosthoon; Well, listen, and I'll tell you. It's the day when you'll a!l have to settle your account, and I'm thinking -there'll be a heavy score against some of you. When that day cornea, I'll walk up to Heaven and I rap at the ball. door. Then -St. Pcther, who j willl takin' a nap after dinner in hia arm-chair inaide, and not liking to be disturbed, will vail out mighty early : Who's there t ' It's I, my lord,' I'll make answer. Ay course he'll know my voice, and jumping np like a crecket, he'll open the door aa wide aa the hingea will let it, and ssy quite politely , "lam proud to see you here. Father Frank. Walk fa,- if yoo please." Upon that, I'll scrape my foct, and walk in, and then St. Pettier will aay again " Well, Father Frank, what have ynn got to say for yourself T Did you look well aflher you flock T and mind to have there all ehriatened, and married, and buried, according to the rites of our holy church r -- Now, good people, I've been (brty-five years amongst you, and did'nt I christen every mother's seal of .you J CvgTtgttien. Yoa did, yoo did. your Hi. virenee. Father Frank, WeU, and did'nt I sorry the moat of yon, too 1 CongrtgationsYcnx did, your Rivirenee. . Fttktr Frv And did'nt I do my best ta get decent matches for all yoor little girist And did'nt I get good wivee for aU the well-behaved boys m my pa rift T Why don't you spake np, Mick Don van? ' . . . Feller VeaJL WC, that's settled bat then St. Pether will say Father Frank. say he you're e proper man J bnt bow did your flock ba. have to voo did tbev nav voor dute regular! 7 1 AbR etrWaas'iow sbaTI aswr, tfcal ejaeev ii ' ' i'r"'! . " "' " i - y WHOLE NUMBER 87 ofyoat doot be- ailiamed t oi Stnf pay 4 your priest's doee. Conw, maka a lane there, and let ye all eome Bp with oonthrite heart end open kanda. Tim Delany fnake Way t ot TmH hew Much wttt Jo fWaTim t -:., ; t . .. Tie. rnioi be woree than another, jour, Rvlrence. M rive a crows. . , ' , Fmtktr Vewlv-Tbank vyou,' Timothy the decent drop ia io yea. Keep a lane, there ! ny of ve that karat a crows, or half-a-erown, doe't be oaahftd of corning op with your hog or you retiaer. ..' - -, And thne Father Frank went on eneourarfnr and wheedling' hia flock to pay up hie due, ontd be baa gone througn hie entire eon pre pat loo," when I left the chapel, highly amused at the char: acteriatie scene 1 had witneaacd. 'rrT The Cardinal, the iainfeter snf ' the I'hralciau. , FROM THE FHEMCH. 3" Early ono delightful morning in April, a young man slopped at tho door of a litil road-sido inn, situated near Paris. Io per. son he was tall and slim, his t large black eyes was full of fi re, while his countenance was open and agreeable. Onhisentranco ho accosted the landlady with " Give mu some breakfast, my fair hostess j I havu been walking since daj-break, and am vt. ry hungry." As he was ' speakina 'there came in another traveller, more' youthful in appearance than the first., - Like him he was on foot, ond seemed 1 much fatigued. He was small wv stature, with a complex ion of red and white ; and possessed the voice and hands of a young girl. - " Mad. am," said he, with great timidity, " give me soma breakfast, if you - please," At these words, the first comer advanced to. ward him, saying, ' Monsieur, Ictus break. fast togemejjoureaifelling en foot; so anw f you are going to fans, to tiro I. Let us sit at the same tabic, drink to each other's health, then enter Paris together. snake nands and separate ; do you agree T The modest stranger, still with 1 tho same tone of voice, replied, "you honor mo much, sir, and I consent with great plus sure." The meal was soon ready, and they sat down, their plates end glasses were filled, when a third travelller passed the window, nndJookcd in. 'A his last was dark and rather stout, his features were grave and composed, hUT fine forehead was shaded with long waving curls : of brown hair. The manner of this comer was very different from tho vivacity of the first stranger or the timidity of the second. Gentlemen," c-ied he to the others, " will you not wail for a poor fellow like me T but I fancy I am orrived just in lirnex a tiitle later, "andmust have contented my. self with the fragments of that magnificent smoking ornltitt I see." As ho Concluded the firs teavcller, with his ready "snw'e, held out his hand and glass through tho window, which tho fast .visitor iacceoted, and th;n, entering the inn, placed himself at the r nd of the table, tho bashful youth he. ing in the middle, apparently ; astonished that so many pleasant acquaintances should be picked up on the road to- Paris. Their repast was soon finished, and they pursued their journey. . They were all 'travelling the same road, ond they : walked to gether. At last they arrived at the barri er of Paris they stopped by mutual 'con sent.Ti!L. then-conversation had been light and cheerful, but they wcro. how grave and pensive it was once more fho first traveller who broke silence.: - " " My namcrn said he, " Is Porta! j Tarn coming a member of tho Academy of Sci. ence, nna nrst physician to tho King." "And I," said he of tho brown hair, an going to Paris to becomo advocnto general." -They waited for the modest stranger to speak. - ' And I," he answered, with his soft vo:co and air of timidity vwit Paris to become a member of the French academy, -and cardinal." ; . " Then," said the others, grnvehy In. king ofj their hats, it is you my lord, who must pass first." At that moment the clocks of a neigh. boring church "struck", ond"they entered -Paris. Let us follow the fate of those three young men. The Inst mentioned become the Abbe Maury .'an eloquent orator, mem. ber of the French Academy. .and cardinal. lie died honored' and esteemed." ' The other was Count Treillard, minis ter of state, and friend of the emperor ; he is still living and has not forgotten: his first- entry into ram. Th? tall vivacious PortaT. he became the glory of his profession, member of the Acawmy, professor he was all except physician to the lying. Loh!s XVi.pcrislrocf the on scaffold while Portal was yet a stu dent. The republic had no physician, the emperor hnd one who was hie friend, be sides Portal would be attendant on a King and he was. Ho Isceamc principal physi cian to Louis XVI IT. Ponal died latelvV , At the annual dinner of the Southwest Middlesex Agricultural Association, held on Friday last at the Adam and Eve-Ion, Hayes, near Exbridge, Mr. Ih Pownall, of Spring Grove Honslbw, while eulogizing tlie farmers of Middlesex, on their high de. gree of intelligence nnd practical judg. ment, produced a head of corn, which be said had been grown id the neighborhood of his residence, and as a proof of their me nting the eutozy he had passed npon them stated that he had. that day shown the head of corn to Mr.Sherborn,of Bedfont, who on examining it, immediately said, hv was Egyptian cortf which Mr.Pownal! hid grown from grain found within the cover. ", ing of an Egyptian mummy, within which' it bad been enclosed for upwards ef .2000 years, a statement which produced great I sensation ibrsMgh1? at rtrstDctiae 11 v 4 Si 1 if ( I ft- r If 1 1 . r,. ' -..-'. . 't - ,.'- :: : ' - ' ' 1 . . ' .