'."V.-: j!?;:t, . "'-: n ,: X ; i W l .lit ' Si ' MF 113 II -- fe- pBK" lis? :'iVrJ, iif ' . ;-.t ., ; W;if: av;v- if ; IS! .A 'i : v i-' 7 t " - a ill 'ft $ ; i .. it sTf . r-' - f; mm V - - i V. ". ' r i.i H : t'- . DRUGS wd Medicines: THE subscriber have just received and are now epenlng n lb Iowa of Morganton, N. Carolina, a complete and wall selected amort, incntof - - 'Drugs OTcdJclnsTPatenFricdI- clues, Oil. Dye Stuffy Ac. which they offer for sale on the moat aecommoda tin? torma for cadi, or on a abort credit to punctu a1, deafer. .Country Physicians can bo aupplied with all tha article generally made use of in prac tice, and the article warranted, in all eases, to be genuine. All order from a distance promptly attended to. ' 1 -"Vr.U McREE, ' J. 8. ERWIN. , ; February 1,184283. 5 w. ,. - Administrators Sale, "N Thursday! 17th of March next, the aubscri. J bers. Administrator of Dr. T. Bouchbixc, dee'd, will expose to public side at the late real. dence of Ur, inomas uoucnciio, in Morganion, m OS TWELVE IIIELT NEGROES, assortment of Drugt Medicines, Medical . Work, Surgical Instrument, Horn and Cattle, Arid various other article, the property of i aid Dr. Rnuchetfa. Term made known on the day ol sale, mr Persons indebted to (aid Dr. Bouc'iclle. are . requested to make payment immediately and those having claim agonal said estate will present them in the time prescribed by law, or this notice will be plead in nar. V CHARLES ltfeDOWELL, ) Aiwlr,t WJt F. MoKESSON, J-0''- . Morganton, Burke Co., N. Cvl " February 3, 1842. K td 84 HORSES FOR SA tEj THE SUBSCRIBER wishes to sell four or five good cheap, or low priced WORK HORSES that are sound.'and will work in any kind of gear, ing, on a twelve months credit with approved se curity, bearing interest from deto. THOMAS T. FATTON February 11,1843. 4 w 84 NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to us by book account or note, are hereby notified to come forward and aettle their accounts and pay off their notes on or before the next County Court, or necessity will force- o to make collections by suit, aa we are compelled to have money to meet our dchta. . F.&M.PATTOX. -Asheville, February 4, 1843. 83. 4w. P. 8. We have juat received a large aupply of COTTON YARN. F. &M. r. ii. Walker, RrTrTrMirCOMMlSSlMERCHANTr And Rccciiing & Forwarding Agent, Oct. 17. , HAMBURG, S.C. 6m 68 . NOTICE! THE firm of KELSEY & BRIGMAN was this day desolved by mutual consent. All parsons owing said firm are hereby requested to come forward and close accounts, by note or pay mont. All persons having unsettled claimsagainst them are requested to present them for acttloment. -. KELSEY & BRIGMAN. Little Ivy, January 4, 1 842. 80 JnrorV Ticket, -"?OR tlie Superior and County Courts, neatly J? printed on good paper for ealo at this office Nov. 1841. .73 Second round of Quarterly Meeting for Asheville District, 1842, Waynesvile cir't, March 5 St 6 Jonathan' creek Ecbota mission, 9&.10 Love's M. H Franklin cir't, Greenville a Pickens Hendcrsonville " Asheville " 12&.13 Asbury M. II. 15 4-16 Wesley chapel 19&20 Little River M. II 22 & 23 Sulphur Springs 26 4,27 Uurnsville E. F. SEVIER, P. E. Uurnsville Information Wanted. THE subsenberwants information as to where, abuuta .of aneJ-AMTIIOJXYS TA RLEN, who left this place about five weeks ago, under promise to return in two, and has not bsen hraTfrYRIREP-ffmrt' that I'ubliuatiim be mitde of since he passed the Warm Spring;: Said Star- " for three month in the Highland Messen;cr len ia a native Italian, took with him a French Organ the property of the undersigned. My mo. tive for thia publication, is that I wish him to re turn to this place immediately. Said Starlcn can not read English ; any gentleman seeing him, will confer a favor by informing him of thia publ: cation. FETER BIZANYE. Newport Tenn., Jan. 27, 1842. 84 - State of Worth Carolina, MACON COUSTY. Court of FUa and Quarter Sets. Jon. $., 1842. John N. Deaton e. Ben,j. James and other?, Heirs at Law of JammJimss. Petlion to tuhjeet the real etot to the payment of Plaintiff debt. 'T appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court that Isabella James, is a non-resident ot ima State, it is therefore ordered that publication be made for liz successive weeks in tha " Highland Messenger," notifying the defendant to be and appear before tho Justices of our Court of Ploas and Quarter Sessions, at the next court to be held for the county of Macon, at the Court House in Franklin, on the seeond Monday of March, then and there to plead, answer or demur ; otherwise Judgment pro eonfetto will bo taken against her and the property condemned to the plantiffdcbt. Wjtnes Lk GRAY Clerk of said court at of. fice, tha Monday before the last Monday in Janu ary 1842. J. K. GRAY CUrk. February 4, 1842.-B4. 6w Prs. fee, $5,50 Webster's Spelling Book. JUST received, and for sale at this Office, Web. sters Elcnibcntary Spelling Books cheap. Kov.6. 74 , ITLAW SCHOOL.iJ fWIHE undersigned propose to open a Shool for the instruction of L w Mudents, in trie town of Hillsborough, on the first of January next, pro. vided a sufficient rrarabcr shall apply to justify the effort They deem it unnecessary to allude to the advantages to be derived from pursuing such studies in the seclusion of a quiet village, nor to those benefits which spring from th association of minds engaged in the same pursuits. In addi. tion to the Usual coarse of elementary instruction, thev intend to add, kr means of a Moot Court, some knowledge of the practice in the courts of this State. 1 Examinations will be made monthly, and written or oral instructions given as often as re quired. Eight student is the kast number with which they ean commence. The usual fees for instruction will be required, and that for prrpariug a student to obtain a county iJourt licence will be demanded whether he re main long enough for that purpose or not. FREDERICK NASH, v UUGH.WADDELL. JlilUboroogh, Nov. 3d, 1841. 4 72 .... . irfortgaffcs,, I5JVSsrqnVlf:ir"' Subpomas, for aa.W here. ' 79 feed Horticultural WaeIiowet No. 97, Chm.nct araicr, Fhiluxltuu. r . I7IiERE I offered a full assortment of Wmr. YY ranted Garden and Field Seed, comprising all tha moat superior and newest kind worthy of cultivation, all of tha crop of 1041, - " - Ftovxr Sudiirtmt attention I devoted to this branch, and upwards of 300 choice and rare varieties are offered for sale thia aeaaon. Assort, menu ifat tip in boxes of 13 eery rare kind for 91,00 or 30 fins kinds for $l,tf0.ackboxis accompanied with Directions for Planting. ' " Bulbsus Flowering Root. A large collection, auitable for spring planting, aa Gladiolus, 1'igri- uiu. Amarviiv. i aucrumr. auc. oi Double Dahlia. The collection of thia superb Flower stand unrivalled, liavinr eained the Firtt Prix for three successive seasons, f 1839. '40, and '41, at the grand Autumnal Exhibitions of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Ssociely, lor uie.e varieties and best ditvlavt. Dry Roots can be transported any distance between the months of October and May. 1'ackages containing an u. sortmcnt of 13 fine kinds, and of all the various colors, each root labelled with name and color, and carefully peeked in moss, for $5,00 ; smaller assortments in proportion., ,. - - Books on Farming and Gardeniug. AH the standard and most approved works on the subjects, among which are the Farmcra' Companion, by Judge Bucl, 9 1 ,00 ; Monbray on Poultry, 75 cents ; American Swine Breeder, 75 M'Mahon'a Ame. rican Gardener. 83.00 : Bridirman's Young Gar. dener'a Assistant, Si,25; Florists Guide, 62 J cents t Burnt' FtowerOardcn Directory, 2, 25. Gardening Tool. As Hoes and Rakes, Pro- ning Knivee and Shears ; Garden Trowels, Spades, Green House Syringe, &e. &c. Green and Hot Houte Plant. Shrubbery, Fruit and Ornamental Trees supplied on the most rea sonable terms, from the proprietor's collection or established nurseries.' French Sucar Beet, Maneol Wurtzel, Ruta Baga, Field Carrot and Turnip Seeds, Wholesale antt retail. Dealers supplied with Seedi, neatly put.up in Ijags with printed labels, containing Practical Di rections for planting and managing, Dy me mu or IUUU. or bv the nound. on lavoraftie terms, uaia. loguea gratis, on (post paid) application. NOTICE TS hereby given to all-jthat are indebted to me X by Book Account, that (his day have assign ed them all to Hyatt & McBurney, for tho pur pose of paying a judgment, they rtnld against me and the books will be found with Robert Thomas sheriff of Henderson county, for collection. H. E. LAIN. Mud Creek. N. C. Jan. 21. 1842. 3t 3 9 3 a q farmtrtf mul Ptanttrs FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 18 42, For sale at this Office. Asheville, November 12, 1841. UAJTAWAY From the subscriber, on the 1st inst Negro boy, named AUSTIN about twen. ty years of age ; very dark complected ; about five, feet 6 inches in height ; rather Jicavy countenance.-1 expect Tie will attempt to make his way to the West. A liberal reward will be paid to any person who wil deliver said boy to me at my residence at the Mountain Shoals, in Spar tanburg Dist., S. C, or lodged in any jail where I will get him. R. M. MOSTILLER. Mountain Shoals, Spnrtnnburg ) Dist.. S.C., Oct. 11, 1841. 69 tf "Smith's Geography and Atlas.' A LARGE number of these valuable works for Xi. sale at this Office rery cheap. Ashovillo, Nov. 26. 74 State fi IVortli-CnroIiua, BUNCOJIBE COUNTY. Superior Court of Law Fall Term, 1841. Catharine Snipes, i t . Pr titiox roa. Divorce Jeremiah Snipes. S and Rulhcrfordton Intclliircnccr, for the defendant Jeremiah Snipes, to appear at the next Superior Court of Law to bo held for the county of Bun. combe; at the court house in Asheville, on the first Monday nfler the fourth Monday in March next j then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed against him by Catharine Snipes, or judgment pro confeiteo will be entered against him, and the same set for hearing exparte. A true copy from the minutes. . J . ROB E RTS, Clerks. - .Oct. 29. Pr.adv.lO.J 3m 70-. James Conner, TYPE FOUNDER, CORN F. a or ANN AND NASSAU STUFETS, NEW VORK. ESPECTFULLY informs his old patrons and the public srencrally, that ho continues to manufacture and supply every articlo used in the Printing Business, as well as to stereotype all jobs that may offer. Ho embraces this opportunity to return thanka to those whoso patronage he has extensively enjoyed for so many years, and to say that he is to be found at the old establihed atana, corner of Ann and Nauau Street, fully prepared to execute any order that fie may' be honored with; and that tho typo manufactured by him is from a selection of face taken from his old specimens, together with a number of additions of a superior cut ; that he is enabled to supply Sorts as well as Founts, of the most beautiful of his old faces, and ot a greatly improved quality of metal. He is also engaged in getting up,by a newly discovered process, an . extensive scries of note and highly ornamental Article. Arrangements nre made with the manufacturers of presses and other print, ing materials, that will enable him to execute or ders as expeditiously as any other Founder in the Union, and on as favorable terms. A new specimen is now in the course of print mg. Oct. 1, 1841. 69 ' Large Family Bibles, ZIOMMOJI Bibles, cheap Testaments, Hymn V- Books, ltcn for sale at this office. Nov. 26. 74 State of IVortliCarolina, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions, September Semtion, 1841. John S. Davis, ) Original Attachment litico t. on rsorrsTr i the hamds or Carroll Elliott. S Garhshee. r' appearing to e satisfaction ef the Court, that the defendant in this case is a non-resident of this State It is therefore ordered that publication be made for six successive weeks' in the " Highland Messenger," notifying the defend ant to bo and appear before the Justiees of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, at die next Court to be held for the county of Haywood, at the court house, in Waynesville, on. the last Mon day in January next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur, otherwise judgment pro confrsso will be taken against him, and the property levied on condemned to the satisfaction of the plaintiff debt. Witness, Walts a Baown, Clerk of our said 1841. W. BROWN, Cffc Nev.Se JPr.adf 8550. sw74 EG NEW IRON WORKS-XC THE undersigned take thia method to inform the public at large that they bay their new IRON WORKS in full operation, and are prepared to nU buls lor any amount ot Their Works are situated in Cherokee coimty,N.CM four miles nortn.wcst or lae town of Nurpuy- Any Dersonor persons wishing to purchase as mucA aa 2240lbs.eanhave it delivered at any point with, to the bounds of the counties of Haywood, Ma con, and Cherokee, Nprth Carolina, or Union, Ha bersham or Gilmoro, Georgia, at 7 cents per pound, or 61 cents delivered at the forge. We warrant our Iron to be aa good aa any made in the State, We Batter ourselves that me quality of our iron, together with the very low price at which we pro. pose to soil, will entitle us to a rood portion of the public patronage. Bills forwarded to the proprie. tors will be strictly attendee u. Address BENJAMIN WARD, Murphy. January 7, 1842. - - 79 - i ' ' FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, And receiving & forteardhvt HAMBURG, S. C. TnC subscriber respectfully begs leave to ap prise hia friend and the Merchants of tho upper districts generally, that he is thoroughly prepared to transact business a above, and, con fident in hia long experience in aaid business in this place, solicits a share of patronage. Ilia store being on Market Street, the most elcvateffyart ofTown, no danger from inundations need be apprehended. H. URQUHART. Nov. 1st, 1841. 3m 72 Mr THE subscribers, having formed a co-partner, ship to sell Goods, Wares and Merchandize, in the town of Asheville, at the old stand former. ly occupied by I. T. POOR, beg leave to infonn tlio citizens ol liiincombe and the adjacent conn ties that they will be in the course of a few weeks receiving a freeh supply of New and Fashionablo which, in addition to their present stork on hnnd will render their assortment complete. They have now, and will keep constantly on hand, a largo supply or Cotton IVrni and Cloth, from the Bivingsvilln manufacturing company, s I and propose to sell all numbers of Thread, from 5 rt 1 t v t-oir -- tit.- w ao, ul yri unic They hope by their close attention and punctu amy to Dusmcss, to receive a libcrarnqlronagc. ISAAC T. POOR, JOS. DUNLAP.X Asheville, Jan. 14, 1812. 3 80' HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. THE Subscribers have just received from the manufactories in England and the Northern States, a handsome and well-assorted stock of Hardware and Cntlcrv" which they offer for sale on verv reasonable terms. r nuLiCHAUL, ana nniAU,, at me corn or (brick building) of Centre and Mercer Streets, A MONO WHICH ARB English.Swcdcs and American Iron, assorted sizes, Sanderson's cast Steel, German, English and American Steel, Uand and tloop Iron, assorted sizes, Lead i cut and wrought Nails, all sizes, Collins' Axes, chisels and Gouges, Mill Irons, full assortment. Anvils, Vices, Smith's Bellows, Horse shoe and Horse-shoe Nails, Wagon Boxe,-haifmf-wood -screws, Pots, Bake Pans and Frying Pans, Table Knives and Forks, Peu and Pocket Knives, Mill, cross-cut, hand and tenant Saws, Locks and Hinges, carpenter's Planes and Ham mers, Coffee Mills, Gridirons and Augers, , Grindstones.Manilla and cotton Rope to 2 inches And other articles, such as are usually kept in Hardware Stores. - HENKELL & ROBINSON. Hamburg, Sept. 30, 1841. Im67 , 'The Grecnvillo Mountaineer, Edgefield Adver tiser and Highland Messenger will please givo 4 insertions each, and forward their accounts', o this Office. Journal. ef JList of fetters REMAINING in the Post Office at Asheville, N. C, on the 1st of January, 1812, which if not tukch out in three months, will bo sent to the General Post Office as dead lettera. Dr. E. II. Andrews Mr. L. Brookshcr P. S. Byram -Jas. Brooksher Aaron Banks R. A. Ba'net T. C. Bradshow R. O. Brittain Gen. B. S. Brittain Col. John Brown C. K. Cross Henry Carrol A. B. Chunn Joshua Curtis . . Jos. Carter Capt. J. Davidson or Wm. Smith R. W. Duckett Wm, Duncan Samuel Davidson Gen. S. W. Davidon A.Frisbcy The. Foster A. Fox or D. Hiighry II. A. Farnsworth N. Harrison -Van C.Hale Jtfrs A. Hemby Charles Hays A. Howard 1 Dr.C.JIf. Hill Able Harris N.S. Harris T.JIf. Jones A. Johnson Jos. Jcstes or Eller Wm. J. Joyner N. Kcndail A. Karror W. E. Wilkerson Jtfiss H. A. Lowory E. Ludwick C. II. Lance Charles jtfoore A. Mc Entire S. J. Morris A. JlfcCollongh John Morgan Peter Afiller 2 Elizabeth Afadcass J.C. Mistral . Coi-T. Morris John Nelson 3Samuel Ncwland " S. Olsham - " Ijcvi Prcwitt 2Thomas Powers jtfrsR. Posey Mrs. E. Pliilips A. A. Porter Jos. II. Quisenbcrry Wm. Roberts D. Reynolds Mrs M. J. Single-ton Henry Shedor L.Sorrell . . B. Sawyer "JoK'Shoup John Binder - , 2Dr.Wm, F.Thomas John Thompson F. Troutman Wm.H.-Thomas John Vanderson WnTWardrope Tho. Williams 2A. Walker E. or Wm. Young J.H.Williams , Wm Willis J. S. Wells WmH.Whito Wm Williams Messrs Waugh &. . .Verchison MessrsCG Weaver & Co. OJohn C Williams Rev. J. S. Weaver Jesse Weaver WM. COLEMAN P. M. 1842. 79 John iVcal Asheyflle, Jan. ' JUST received, and for sale at the "Messenger'' Office, a quantity of School, and other Books, consisting, in part, of . Smith' Geography and Atlas, W titter' Dictionary, Smith's Practical and Mental Arithmetic, - Wtbtter' Elementary Spelling Book, Large Family Bible, t Mstor lit E. Chunk, AR of which wiU be sold ID" VERY LOW for eah. , j c- Aaherille;Nov.2. : North-Carolina Eiectitor; Containing th Statute and Common Ly of thit aimu, together with tit decision of the Supreme Curt,and ail Ike ntceuaiy Form Prscedent. rfTENDED a a convenient manual and a safe guide to Executors, Administrator, Guardian Juries and Commissioners of various kinds, ap. pointea by me uourts, Clerks, Blienlls, and all other public officers. Ia abort. It s intended for the benefit of all persons, public or piivate, who are, or possibly may be Interested In the manage, mem of the estate of deceased persons, with the least trouble and- expense possible, according to the laws now m force. For, besides (be leeal mat. tcr above mentioned generally, it embraces the kindred subjects of Wills of land and personal property. Legacies, distributive shares of estates, rules of descent, Partition of estate, real and per. sonal, among those entitled. Dower and other pro. vision lor widows, ate, dee. .. Among the Forms it contains, are. all the ne. eessary legal process, Wills, Bonds, Oaths, Deeds, Uills of sale. Leases, t orms or Aceonnt, Petitions, AfTidavits.Advcrtiscments, Commissions, Notices, Writs, Returns, &e. in all, near a hundred in n ember. . And is believed, by pond judges, to be trie largest, as well a tne most approved couccuon of Form now extant. This Book has just been published. It contain 248 octavo page (same size a those of the North Carolina Justico :) well bound in late binding ; and, in consequence of the scarcity of money, as well aa to p'ace ns within the reach of every per. inn, it ia now offered for sale at the low price of $1 50 by retail. - Merchants and others whrrbuy a quantity to sell again, can have s reasonable re. duction in the price. IHT Apply at the Printing Offico, iu Ashcbo rough, Randolph county, N. C, or at the North Cerolina Book Store in Raleigh. BENJAMIN SWAIM, Dec. 8, 1 841. 3t78 Author 4 Proprietor State of North-Carolina, Buncombe County. Superior Conn of law Fall Terra, 18J1. William Brown vs. Elizabeth Brown. Petition for Divorre. ORDERED by Court, that publication be made for three months in tho Highland Messenger and Rutherfordton Intelligencer, for the defend ant, Elizabeth Brown, to appear at tho next Su perior Court of Law to be held for tho county of Uuncohnbe, at the court house in Asheville, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday in March next ; then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed against her by William Brown, or judgment pro confesoo will be entered against her, and the samo set for hearing exparte. A true copy from the minuter. J. ROBERTS, Clerk. Oct. 29. f Pr. ndv. 810.1 3ni (XrSend in your orders ! .'-CO BLANKS! BLANKS ! ! CLERKS of Courts, Attorneys, Sheriffs, an Constables are respectfully informed that w hare recently made largo additions to our forme! assortment of BLANKS; and that we are now prepared to fill with promptness orders for any ol the following kinds, viz : Constables' Warrants, " "'Ca, Sa's. and Bonds, Superior Court Ca S.Vs, County Court Road Orders, - " " Exccutions," Guardians' Bonds, v. Apprentices' Indentures, Appearance Bonds, Superior Court Indictments for Affrays, " " " Assaults, County Court " do. " " " Affrays, ' - " Writs, Deeds of Trust, Superior Court Venditioni Exponas, " subpainas, do. Vend. Expo. . Ca. Sa. Bonds, do. do. County 4 Superior County Deeds of Conveyance. Superior Court Capias Bonds, " " WriU, Manriage License, Constables' Delivery Bonds. Superior Court Witness Tickets. Lountv lurt art, do. Deeds of Equity, Indemnity Bonds, Sheriff's Deeds Vend. Expo.' " " Fi. Fa. Appeal Bonds, Commissions for taking Depositions. Constables' Offieial Bonds, Administrators' Bonds, Letters of Administration-, Prosecution Bonds, Letters Testamentary, Ejectments, 1 Messenger" Office, Asheville, July 23, 1841. $ 54 NEW ESTAIILISIIITIEIYT! ge CALL AND EXAMINE. Furniture for sale. At the corner Eat of the Court House, ASHEVILLE, N C. THE subscriber, having commenced business . in this place, will shortly have finished and ready for sale, TABLES, BUREAUS, WORK-STANDS, CANDLE STANDS. &C. fcC. All of which will be sold "O moderate terms. He is prepared to manufacture, according to order, every description of Cabinet Furniture, , in a neat, substantial and workman-like manner, j Orders for themanufacturing or repairing of any thing in his line of business, wil be thankfully received and promptly attended to. . 3. BOYD. Asheville, Nov. 5, 1841. 71 Valuable Books for sale, (ErLOW FOR CASH!! THE following valuable B 0 0 K S are for sale at the Office of the " Highland Messen. gcr,n where those wishing to purchase are invited to call, and examine the assortment Watson's Dictionary, Pocket Bibles, Wesley's Sermons, CoveJ's Dictionary, Reference Testaments, " Testaments, Larire Family Bibles. Hymn Books 24 mo," History M. E. Church, " "4 mo. Calvinistie Controversy, Life of Cox Methodist Harmonist, Barr's Index, Joscphus," Life of Watson, Hymn Books, Original Church, Saints Rest, Errors of Socinianism, Preacher's Experience, Anti-Universalism, Pearl Hymn Books, Polyglot Pocket Bibles, Methodist Disciplines, Parent' Friend, Sunday School Tc'ts, Blair' Lectures, S. S. Spelling Books, " Teacher's 1st Book, Quest., Hist Old Tes't, Evangelical Rambler. Cateehisms, of different kinds. Together with, various other pamplets. Tracts, &c, on interesting subjects ; all of which Will be sold very low for cash. j - -July 16, 1841. t - 3 Smith's Arithmetic. - TTST received, and for sale at tbisoffice, f very cheap. ' . Nov. 26. Webster's Dlctlonarfr TTOR sale at this office very low for esah. X' Nov. 26. - ' - 74 i titat4 or Yorth-Caroltna, r ; '.' Boiiooiiss Cowrrr, - 7 SUPERIOR COURT OFnw--FALtTERM wil Mary Townsend, . ,f ' ' y '. .... i Petition for Divort. s ' Wn. A. Townsend . ORDERED by Court, that publication be mads fur three month In the Highland Messenger and Ruthcrfordton Intelligencer, for the defendant Wm. A. Townsend, to appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of Bun. combe, at the court bouse in Aaheville, en the first Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed against him by Mary Townsend, or judgment pro confess will be entered against him, and the same set for bearing exparte. A true copy rroin uie minutes. We J. ROBERTS, Clerk. Oct. 29. Pr. adv. $10. 70 3m State of Iortb -Carolina, - MACON COUNTY. IN EQUITY SEPTEMBER TERM, 1841. . John B. Allison and Joseph Keener, vs. The heirs at law of Jeremiah R. Pace, dec- to wit : Minerva Davidson, Dclila Ineram, Stephen I. Pace, Anne Pace, Nancy Pace, Martha Starrct, riizanotn race, Avahne race, B. r . race, L-a tharine Pace, and Jeremiah R. Pace. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendants do not reside' within the limits of this State It. is ordered that publication be made in the "Hichland Messenger" for six sue. cessive weeks, notifying the said defendants to appear at the next term of the (Jourt of Equity to be held lor said county, at tho court house in Franklin', on the second Monday in March next ; then and there to answer complainants' said bill. and plead, otherwise judgment pro confesso will be entered against ttacm, and the case set for hear. ing exparte. Witness, Saul Smith, Clerk and Master of our said Court, at office, 2d Monday of September, A. V. 1041. SAUL SMITH, C. M. E. Pr. adv. $5 50. 6sw 72 NOTICE ! THE subscriber tenders to the citizens of Bun combe county his sincere thanks for the lib. era! patronage heretofore received. Having de termined to wind up all his old business, here, spectfully solicits his friends and old oustomcrs to come forward immediately and make payment. Old Debt must be paid, and new ones must be closed by note. Those who fail to comply need not complain if cost be added. He owes money and must have it. I. T. POOR. Ashevillo, Jan. 14, 1842. 6 80 THE LADY'S WORLD OF FASCIffO.Y. A NEW Monthly Magazine with the above ti. tic, embellished with tlie earliest Fashions from Paris and London, elegant Steel and Mez zotint Engravings. I,aco Work Embroidery. Music, cel., will be issued early in December, in advance of tho other Magazines for January. The work wiil be devoted especially to the ladie, and wil". be issued in a stylo never before attempt, ed in this country. It will contain articles from the most popular and pleasing writers of the day on every variety of subject ; but tho work will be in tho main devoted to the cultivation of the home virtues. Hence most of the stories will be of B practical, domestic character, from the pens of our best female writers, while the earliest fashions in all their varieties shall be correctly given ; so aa to make the work welcome at every fireside, tftttie halls of tho fashionable and the gay, the homcbf-.fiie virtuous matron, whose own needle supplies hcr'Taimcnt, as well as in the store and sewing room ofthemantua maker and the mil liner, --v. The Main detignbfHhe- Work.- - The prominent design of the Magazine will bo to furnish in elegant and altraclivo style; the oarli. est, most correct, and full report in advance of all the other Magazines, and prior to tlie issuing of them here, of the Monthly Fashions direct from Paris and London. The advantage of this to eve. ry lady who makes taste in dress the least matter of lifcj-will at once bo apparent, and to the pro fessional drcs maker and milliner of the United States the enterprise will be of incalcuable advan. tage. It is proposed to every month a number and variety of costume, which will put to the blush everything iiTihc i woy of monthly reports of the Fashions heretofore attempted. For this purpose the publisher has embarked tho most ample means and resources in the enterprise, and has matured his plans both in this country and in Europe pri or to commencement. It has been a favorite pro jret and has been deliberately undertaken, and will be carried through vigorously. The first number will give an idea of the beauty and real excellence of the plates. Elegant Steel Engratings. In order to render the work ornamental in the highest degree, and to make it a perfect parlor companion, and an ornament to the centro table, as well as entertaining in its literature, and useful in the style of the fashion plates, it is proposed to the most elegant Steel and Mezzotint- engravings from the first artists in tlie country, illustrated bv choice and entertaining stories of domestic life. To vary the style of illustrations, ocrational Lace- t'attern and hmhroulery, got out in unsurpassed beauty and truth, by that excellent artist F. Quar. re Esq, will also be given ; and to leave nothing undone, at limes will be given the most popular and elegant Jlfusie of the day, Songs, Gallopades, Marches, etc. The Typography. The work wjll be printed on clear and beautiful type, on a paper larger than that of the present three dollar Magazines, with fine margin, and strong, white paper, and will contain a much mat. tcr. as can bee impressed into 36 large octavo pages. 7Vm of Delivery. The Magazine will be issued on or before the 15th of the month preceding the month for which ,l be published, or dated, or about the tim4 the steamships which sail from Europe on the first 01 memontn, usually arrive. Tims the work will be in the hands of every subscriber with the most correct fashions before they can be got out here in any other Magazine. , ' - . TheTerms. To bring the work within the reach of all, it will be issued at two dollars per annum for a single copy, or three copies for five dollars, eight copies for len dollars, invariably in advance, post -paid. The cheapness of the work will be at once appre ciated, when we state that the London World of Fashion retails in this country at $10 per annnm, and the lady's Word of Fashion will include eve. ry variety in the same style of oxcellenco. Addren C.J.PETERSON. Ledger Building. Philadelphia. Plain and Fancy BOOK AND JOB PRINTING! THE public are respectfully informed that in addition to the. former large and general as sortment of Printing Materials belonging to this establishment, a new supply . has been recently received, which will enable us to execute OF EVERY DESC Lin a style equal, if not superior to any other estab lishment in tne elate. CT Orders for any of the follow jnt kinds of Printing will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to t Blamu, or rmr Dt- scxirnow, pAKraxrrs, ClSCVLASS, ' . ,.. CATALOflDfS, ! MiKtrTES, CabDS, OV ALL KINDS, ' rUMD-BlIXS, Snow-Biixa, WAy aicd Stags Bills. Ticket. Lajeis, Ac. Ac. r MesswKJE." Office, I Asheville, July 53, 1941. j 54 Factorage and Commission Hamburg, S. C. A S I have declined selling goods, I beg leave xSL to return my gTateful acknowledgements to any friends, snd the public generally, for their lih. eral patronage while thus engaged. , ILT 1 now offer my servioes to the publie as so Agent, to RECEIVE and FORWARD , - ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDIZE AND PRODUCE, And, ss I will not be engaged in any other busf. ness, I will pay strict attention to the interest of all those consigning their Produce or Merchandize to me, and while in my house the best care win bo taken and forwarded with despatch, or order promptly obeyed. ' From experience and observation, I have long thought that a faithful agent could render eonsid. crubte service te the Planters, in selling their cot ton and flour, and buying their groceries ; and, as I have been engaged in this market for the last ten years, and acquainted with the general realise of business, I therefore offer ray services to my friends and the planters generally ; and will faithfully devoto my undivided attention to the interest of all these who may commit to my charge tlie sell-mg-of their producsmnd buying such articles as they may order. Is all cases, arr commission ihaix bb modi- bats. 11. L, JEFFERS. Sept. 83,1841. 2nrS P. S. I am not interested m any Warehouse in tlie place ; therefore nil cotton sent to my earn will be stored as directed, and if no directions, my best judgment will be used for the planters' inte rcut. H. L. J. Tho Greenville Mountaineer, Edgefield Advrr. tiser, Pendleton Messcnger.Highland Sentinel and Highland Messenger will insest the above two months, and forward bills. Journal. State of North Carolina, BUXCOMBE COUNTY. COURT OF EQUITY FALL TERM, 1841. Neheiiiaii Blackstock, 1 t. I Petition for Sale Jacob MiDCAtr wife, and and Distribution of others, heirs at law of Ed- J Real Estate. WARD BUCKNEB, dee'd. J IN this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of tho Court that Reuben S. Billingslcy and wife Holly, and Daniel Bupkncr, two of the de. fendants in this case, oro not inhabitant of thin state, and reside without the jurisdiction of tliii Court, so that the ordinary process of this Court cannot be served on them It was, therefore, or. dered by Court, that pnblieation bo made for mi week njhf i" .Highland Mcsengcr,1-e weeklr newsjiaper published in the town of Asheville, N. Carolina, notifying the said Reuben S. Billingslcy and wife Holly, an! Daniel Buckncr, to appear at tlio court house in Asheville on the 1st Monday "S fterthtnttlrMoriiiBy in March ncit, then aniT there before said Court lo plead, answer or de. mur, otherwise judgment pro confess will be en. tcrcd against Uicm, and decree passed accordingly Test, E. II. McCLUIRE, c. m. a. Pr. adv. $5 50. 6 . 68 SADDLES, BRIDLES, Ac, Ac. THE undersigned (late Smith A Weight,) beg leave to in form their customers, and the pub lic at large, that they are receiving invoices of a Splendid stock of Goods, from their manufactory, and from European mar. keta, and can accommodate buyers on as fair terms ss tlieycan rind any where else. O They will have constantly on hand, a gene ral assortment of SADDLES, BRIDLES, MABTIXGALES, fc WHIPS, Trnnks, Valicct, Rolsteri k Ilarntixe, Soie,Vpner, and Hornet leather, Shoe Finding, Calf and Hog Skin, Saddlery Wart and Fumitureof every description. They request thoso "in need of articles in tlieir line, to call at tho old Brick Stand, (sign of the " Black Horse,") corner of Centre and Mercer streets, where favors will be thankfully received ana-orac-w punctually attended to WRIGHT. HULL 4. CO. Hamburg, Sept. 9, 1841. lm66 O The Greenville Mountaineer and Highland Messenger will copy four times, and forward ac counts. -Journal. PROSPECTUS 7 FOR Thc Agriculturist," AND JOlESArOF THE STATE & COUNTY SOCIETIES. yOLrjMBn. TTAYING nearly completed the Socond Volume J--L of the "Journal of the Teenncsseo Stale and County Agricultural Societies," we send forth proposals to the friends of improvement through out the Union, for the Third Volume. We are frank to say, the patronage of the Agriculturist has already surpassed our fondest expectations, and we have many demonstrations it has been useful wherever ft ha pcen read. Tho circula. tion is, perhaps, greater than any other Agricul tural work of the West, and therefore, those whi read it, may expect to get information from a very large and respectable circle of contributors. We again assure the publie, we will give our attention to every science and subject which we think will be beneficial to our country. Educa. tion particularly Agricultural, or that kind best suited to Farmers and mechanics, we expect to discuss more fully than has yet been done in Ame riea ; it will be our object to clcarlv deflne the trua policy for working men generally, and especially for the laboring classes in Tennessee.- This- will lead us texamine-whether Tcnnee is Intend ed ns a nlantinz. or provision rrominm and manu. factoring. State, or both. We shall still dwell much npon the improvement of the soil, and fully investigate tlie science of breeding and rearing domestic animate. Horticulture will recojyo strict and constant attention. In a word, it k our in tention to expose error olLeyery description, give our readers every thing in our means, calculated to improve the physical, moral, intellectual and pecuniary condition of man, and we will use eve ry exertion to make the Agriculturist the very best paper in the country. CONDITIONS. - The work will be published monthly, on good paper each No. toeonUin 24 pages, well stitch, ed at 92 per annumi tut will, m no instance, be forwarded to a set u isrrilxr wiOiout the Cash. To any orts who will gei fiat newsubseriber and remit the money freee postage, one eopy will be sent graris j ani 20 per cent commisson will be allowed to any one who will obtain s greater num. ber of subscribers, transmit the money, and act a agent for the paper. Aoy one disposed, is au thorized by this Prospectus to beeomc an agent for the work. c - XT Any person receiving this Prospectus snd not feeling disposed to exert themselves in behalf, of the paper, will confer s favor by banding it over to soma person who will take aa active part ia obtaining subscribers. ITT The Volumes for 1840 and '41, can be hsd for $3 ; or a person sending us a 95 bill, will be entitled to the Volume for 1840, '41 and '43. ET No subscription received for less than one year. All subscnpltvns Is sommenst and end uritk a Volume. 1 JOHN SHELBY.) . TttOOSiy . lllgdABsrs . T.JJANNLNG. S CAMERON tc FALL, PMi" NwhviUs, NoxcmboT, 1641, f, t ! ' . . ; - ..'- - - - t : ;..., . ' " . - -, . ' ' . i-.l-- i ' , ! . v - . . ...... j .

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