ASHEVILLE, N. C, JULY 8, 1842. XI) ... .h.rriber in Henderson countu can UW ----- ' feire an qyorlunit of settling their accounts gthe next Court there, as one of Hie Pub. fyynvi attend at Ikndersmeille for that ft- r The accoimls cf distant subscribers . I . r ; i i i .f . Tm vUl be mdde out anajorwaraca snonjt. ifhoped tkul they mil be promptly paid & are at present in particular want of " needful" It ns Oil In consequenco of nn unusual press of job work, anil other business connected iul!i the omcc, and tno noiiuny our ioy. hare been taking, wo issue only a half sheet Wohavo been busily engaged in endeavor i to close all the accounts of iho office cither by cnsli or noto, and again request tdosimlcbteJ to us, In this nnd tlio mlj jiti liiff counties, to givo their attention to this mailer ns early as possible. Temperance '.ccJebratioai. .Tbfi temperance celebration ut this place oa tlio 4th inst., camo oil' in a style far be VonJ-what the most sanguino friends of the tauiwhadaiitkipateJ JJL'ljy order, and ex ercises were, as published in our last week's paper. A gentleman who touk sonic pains taosccrtaiti tho number of persons in the procession, informed us that it might safely lsct down at one thousand. Tho banners -one of which was prepared by the young Mies of tho Ferrmlo Academy, and the olhor by tho Missed Alexandeks were as line things of tho kind as wc ever beheld. The designs and the mottoes wero very up- proprjutc, and the whole presented a beau liful ami imposing spectacle. ' The thank: of tho Temperance Society aro duo to the wung latlies who prepared them. I'ruin tho rntwt accurate calculations which could bo made under the circuin stances', it is believed' that not one half of thcpuoplo who wero in tho villugo that day jainod in tho procession. Hundreds would have joined it had they havo arrived in til!. - Tho following is tho Parody on tho Do claration of Independence, which was read by Mr. Roberts : When, in tho course of human events, It becomes necessary for a pooplo to dis 6u!ro those' bands which havo connected litem with any custom, and to assumo that slatiun to which tho laws of nature and nature's God cntillo tliem, n decent respect (or tho opinions of mankind requires thut i!e should declare tho causes which impel tJwm-te-ihe separation. JVehoM theso truths to bo self-evident: That all men arc created temi'Kiute ; ihnt they are endowed with certain unalienable tight, among which are like, libeutv , and the ruBsuiT or lurriNEss. That to secure these- rights governments arc instituted and Irom the consent of tho governed ; that ulicnover any rjustom bocoiucs destructive f these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or ji!oKsu tpStoTn71ay uiglis foundations in such prin ciples, and organizing its powers in such funn,ns to them shall seem most likely to "'fleet their safety and happiness. Prudence indeed-will dictate that customs long csta Wished should not bo changed for light and nth shown, that men are often disposed to '"Her, jwhilo evils arc sullbrable, rather than abolish Isocial forms to which they have weq accustomed. But when a long train wabuses and usurpations, pursuing invaria- , y 'he samo object, evinces o design to re-J-ucothcm under absoluto despotism, it is II,C1" right, it is their duty to throw off Mich customs, nud provide new guards for their 'eiKxurity. -ueh tms beori aie" pntient France of the friends of good order and morality; and such is now tho necessity "lch constrains them to alter their former stem of social order. Tho history of "nt Spirits is a history of repeated in. m and usurpations, all having a direct ,';Mericy to subvert every interest of moral, rious, social, and political life. To 'wo this let facts be submitted to a candid FC-rldr :M- . ! Ill tho shnrt ann r " ie people of tha United States a direct penso of six hundred millions of dollars. Inmi ' i osl an 'nmrcct espense ot six ''"n, llions of dollars. Rod live ' "too nunurcu iiiou. 4. It l,no. i , . . .... . '"""i one nunurcd thousand clnl Clothe poor house. L'rn ,sconsigt'ed at least one hundred I Wly thousand of our fellow-citizens to ""u penitentiaries. It hfts mmt.v o. I . .1 l liacj "vn. i ii-usi ouo mousanu ma- 1 It llJS mclUnA.1 .1.- . -r rno'tl 7 ""suw;u 1110 commission 01 "Thousand "ve hundred murders. hnmit suich -W thousani1 Pcrsons t0 'cL ! tas burRt or otl'erwise destroyed -m. i i .. oi ui icasi nvo mil- ,jaof du nr. litif J1 has mat5c not lcS3 than Jwo hun- it has madQ al j t c m;mon 0f '''-o children. THOSE l.I)EOTED. 12. It has caused improper assemblages, at places unusual, uncomfortable, and ilin tant from tho walks of tho virtuous and abodes of tho good, for tho solo purpose of corrupting the moral, poisoning the healthy, impoverishing tno rich, entrapping ilio un wary, severing tho strongest tit s of friend, ship, turulog the fatot friends Jntu the bitlerestTnemies, find causing wretchedness and ruin among nil who could bo brought under its influence. 13. It has obstructed the operation of justico by obfuscuting Iho itih-lli et, jaun- licingtho vision, anil pcrveriuig tho judge ment of thoso to whom the adtultHraliou thereof has been committed. v 14. It has blinded tho eves of voters iu popular elections, and thereby greatly en. dangerrd the perpuncney of our civil insti tutions. 13. It has instigated numberless thefts and robberies, and 'excited private feuds, public quarrels, pnd domestic insurrections. 10. It has caused a disregard of the most solemn obligations, and repeated viola tions of tho most s.icred rights. In every stago of theso opprossions re dress has been sought in tho most niild nnd conciliatory manner but theso efforts have been answered only by repealed injury : Wo therefore, a portion of tho citizens of .North Carolina, assembled on this the anni versary of our National Independence, ap pealing .to tho Supreme Judge ofihu World for the rectitude of our intentions, do, by our own autuontv, and In tno iiame ol in jured imi'jceneo and hiitibring humanity, solemnly publish and. declare, that we are, and of right ought to be, free and indepen- lent ot any custom, whether political or social, that would UiikI us to ilia use o nr- lent spirits as. a beverage; that all cennec. lion between us and ueh cu.;tom is hereby totally dissolved: and that, as free .and in- cpondent t)eoiiL?,o will IitrenUor ujo nu. intoxicating liquors as a beverage we wilj not provide them r.s nn article of entertain ment for others and that wo will by all rudent means discountenance their use throughout tho community. And, for the support of this declaration, with ix llrm reliance . uu.-tUo. protection of Diviuo Providence, we tnutally ploqge to each otho our most sacred honor. fHTho-Tehi)eranco Society had ad- journeet, which was uoout li, fi. , Uov Mokeiieai) addressed between two and threo thousand of hij fellow-citizcns, at a stand which hud been prepared for the oc. casion, in n fine grovp near tho village. lie spuko for throe hours, on National and Stale politics, and was listened to with pro found attention and respect. At :i o'clock, P. M., the company repair ed to the dinner which had been prepared by ou'r hospitablo citizens, where, as wo have been informed (as wo wero not pre. sent) the greatest good feeling and 'strictest ordcT-prcvailedy-thouglT "therrrowd there was estimated at not leas than twa thou sand. Tho procession in tho morning was at tended by several hundred ladies roost' of whom wero present, and occupied the so ils I which hail been prepared tor them, when Uov. .Moit:;in:Ai) delivered his address. Ciov. Morelicml'it icc'li The. address of GovMorehkad at this pluco was in every respect just what wo would have expected from a man of fine talents, extensive information, genuine pa triotism, and true gentility. lie expressed those viewa on tho nuoationa of a tn rill' nnd national haul;, that tho Whig party have long couton led for, and which it seems to us must be, entertained by every man who is'not cither too blind to sco the wants of the country, or too sordid and selfish to fool for its interests. From beginning to end the Governor's peeeh was-a most masterly-effort j eharar tensed by that chastity of stylo and dignity of manner so peculiar to the truo gentle man. Wo may call attention to the subject matter of tho address hereafter. Another Veto. President Tyler has vetoed tho t'rovis. ional Tariff Dill, which lately passed both Houses of Congress. It is not for langungo to express the feelings which every truo lover of his country must fetl when view ing "tho course pcrsued by-this man, acci-' entally elected to the Presidential Clmiry .. Ilhodo Inland. The "difficulties in this State, between tlu Suffrage and tho Charter partita, have thickcnuUv Martial law has been proclaim e J throughout tho Slate by Gov. King- few men belonging to tho Charier parly , werearres tod, and after being much abused, were detained a short time as prisoners. Dorr, it is said, has enlisted fin his favor, several hundred of the lowest class of citi zens of other States, who arc no doubt urged forward through hopo of plundcr Dorr, is perfectly desperate and is no loubt acting under the promptiiig3Tf such feelings. Wc look for the difficulties to end in bloodshed Gov. ?lorciic;uIf Appointment. At Uutlurrfiirdton, Wrdnrsduy, July Slu lbyville (Cl. av. huid,) 1-Viilay Iinculntun, fi.Uurtlny Morgnnlon, TucHday Slatesvilln, Tlmrnilay JVuckHvillu. Friday , Salisbury, Sutiirdoy Kci'dn Slori", IMnnduy ('liurlolh!, Tiiuuday Con-cord, WednrHday Slnnly, Tliumdii v Liiwri'liccWIlo, FriJny Flat Sn-timps, Saturday. 13.- 45. lti. l'J. 21. S3. as. a;. 23. 2'J. 31. SALIS1SI?I5Y Il'At 'BOnV. rjpilIS KKtulilishiuoiit ii in ronipli'i.' o)K'ratiim. -L Tho company aro inumiracluriuir, C'utlun yum, Sheeting, Shirting, and Osnaliurj;, of a su- pc inr (juiihly, winch tluy olUr In Uiu puuliu at tlu' luvvcut market prices. Slorchants, and otliecg, who will examine ipialities, and eompara prices, will find it to thrir ink reBt to pnvehase. Address, J. T.IIODES DROWSE, A :t. ' Sulibliury, Uowan Co., July 1, 18-1:1. 1U-1 Till: licv. ALBERT SMKDKS, I.uteot Uie City or. Vac Vork, HAVING opened hi School for Young Indies in tin.' fpacious and finely siluutrd lunlilintrs, recently occupied by the Episcopal School in ljta- irrjii, m prepared to receive accessions to tlio mini. In r of his pupils. It is bin sincere conviction, that Uiu udvuntn;es of this Institution, in rcppecttii i(3 onler and disciliuc, to tho health comfort and happiness of it pupils, to tlioirjcnhivntioii of eve ry graceful and yruuiuentul accomplisliinent, and to their phyprriil, literary nnil religious iinprorc mc iit, c-anniH be surpassed in any similar E-stab-liiihrnont in tlto thittt'd States; T lie ltight l!ev. E. S. Ives, U. D. is fx ujicn, Vitiler of Iho lusti tntion: Tho Rev. Ai.;i:rt Smi:ih:s is tho Hector and .I'ruprkior. An' ctjifrieneed French fjovi-rneifi resides iu the family, nud every elllirt is made to encourage the I'upils to converse ia the f'rencli Eanguaije. Tlio Department of usie ia under llie cam of r. l!u.MiT,on uecompli :.hed musician, '.vhoalso repides in llie Institution. In hid notice of this School, in his lato Address to his Convention, our llisliop thus rcmaik ; " All wo ask for its success, id the patronage which the Institution mny deserve. It has been established !iy individual enterprise, and nsU ujwu individual rcsponsib.ilty. The ('liuicli, however, is not with out a dcip interest in its prosperity, v.hieh, I doubt not, her members will duly recognise, bj securing for thrir children the benefits which have thus been provided fur them at soiuc risk and self sacri fice." Tenuis. For Board and Tuition, in English, per Session. For French .jjil'.' o(l ; for u sic 00 ; For Painting and drawing $15 '00 per session all payable in advance. Young ladies furnish only IJedding and Tow. els. The yenr consists of two sessions, tlio former compii-ncing .t.iy 15th and terminating Nov. 21 ; tho latter commencing Nov. a.rth. Pupils, who enter tho lusiit-ition after the first mouth Of a session has expired, will be charged only from the date of their entrance. Pupils, remaining during vacations, will be rc furfejto pay $50 per week for their board. Mr. Sju:d::h refers to the following gentlemen in Raleigh, viz ; Il jn I). Cameron, Hon. James Iredell, lion. Geo. 10. Uadger, Hon. John II. Bryan, Gen. Sam'l. J' Patterson, Win. II. Hay- wood, Jr. Esq., anil Major Charles L. Hiiiton. Raleigh, June 21th, IH-IX 2t 10.". Uj Tho Standard, Fayettevillu Observer, Vil- niington Chronicle, Newborn Spectator, Highland .Messenger, and Washington YV lug, will please givo the ubove two iuiit'-jnsertions, charge .ilr. S.mkuks. Taken up, by Joseph G. I.nsk, on the '25th ofJimr, lj43,ono PAIIK IS AY HO AN MAKE, with threo white feet, black main and tail ; some si;'n of the saddle on the back, a small star in the face ; with n small blazn down W-ttfl.'irri'tt'rft'i right hind leg near the foot ; ii!iout fourteen haiuU and three inches high ; snpposrd to be eight years old last spring ; appraised to bo worth thirty. seven dollars. Taken up on Spring Creek, eiht miles liuulliiofntiln' -'iw": Sp"") ..ram- IC. 1 . Wt;L,L,S, linnsrr. July 8, 112. 105 Fourth Division. II HAD QUARTERS, Jlrownsville, June 3tTlT9'12. rTMI K Colonels commanding the dilfi rent Regi JL' ments attached to the l!Hh Hrigade, are here by commanded to havo their Regiments at their usual places of Regimental muster, prepared for inspection and review on tho following days : The t'herokee Regiment, L'lltli August. 2:1 27 F. Gaston. until Kegiinent btith ' 80th " , Slth " By order of Major General A. JVTJJA.l JJJSU3L, -AitU-do- .1NO. SEAWFI, BROWN Vamp. a list of m:tti:ks REMAINING in the Post Office at Ashcville, N. C if not taken out before the 1st Oct., will he btntto tho General Post, Olliec, as dead letters : - Alexander Robert S r.iiggs Ann .Urs Beiieuini A . Bowers EiiianueL ' Col Cdiiunandiug RegtN V Miliim i Hopkins John M ll-iron Soibroiiia , iss II..iiipton Highly iss Kunsey William Kl.lKcillcr St Red' (M Killian William .Vi llitvre Ale-.allihr f 'linml)ers William Cobb James Cloudier G Cu-y Elizabeth ilfis Davis Jacob Dclavnux F Rev Efwin John S D D Erwin John P Freeman iWoses Fanning F M Key Fon Lewis Gudger Rachel P. Mi: Hampton Solomon Harris Abel Husk James Hundley John II Hiighc-y Gorge Hightowcr J J G Hightoivcr (' Hundumou Francis Malic rum Mavl'uld II .Morgan Stedlieil. Miles Stephen ( )born ai y A 1, Porter William .11 Rymer E V Rhodes Standiihe? Ray James Souther Joseph StrooiM; Silas Smith John Sen Settles Ehw Sinyly J tinea ' Suriu t Polly 1.' Turin r Baily Truit West Warson Henry Voutiar Rebecca,,, iu. r.M iu.v, 1 Ashcville, July 1, 18 l'J. ,; 1U. t.lOK ?SAIi; On accomm idating tcrm-i, 1 an elderly WOMAN, who is a good CO K, W ASH ER, an I RON K R. Apply at this olljce. Cump-itictW!;. -ThcCamp-Bicctmg at Ucem's t?rcek jthrrpTcsrrt year, niH conuuence, by Divine- peruui.oiu:i, on Friilay, tht Uth dav ol August, jMUf.V- lit-.'. '. BANK NOTE TABLE; SIIOWIM Tllli VALVE Oi-' OKORUIA MOMEY AT AUGUSTA, UA. auguSta notes.. Moclmnii's' Bank, Atfncy lirunswick Bank, Bank of Augusta, par. Augusta Ins. Jk. Banking Company, -Branch Georgia Railroad, Branch State of Georgia, SAVANNAH NOTES. State Bank, Marine A. Fire Insurance Bank, Planters' Bank, Central Railroad Bank, 2'1 COUNTRY NOTES. Stnlo B.-iiik Brunch, Macon, Other (tranches SI4U- Bank, Commercial Bank, Macon, par. ti dib'nt par "ink of Columbus, trunswik- 4ak, iVlilledgeville Bank, Georgia Railroad Bank, Athene, City Council of Augusta, I'lickcrBville Bank, Branch Mar. &. Fire Ins. Bank, St. Mary's Bank; ( Icmulgcc Bank, Bank, Macon, 20 Insurance B'kof Columbus, M aeon, 2 Fumix liank, late Farmers' Bank of Chattahoochee, 5 Central Bank, ..' 21 .'di.-i'nt a o r. u 'Jo City Council of Columbus Macon, -ami Mdle.lL'evlle 3) to Jlonw Railroad Bank, I'ianler's As Mec's It'k,Cohimhu:', Baiik.of IlawkinsviUc, Western Bank of Georgia, Bank of Dincn and llraneliii, j Chattahoochee U.K. & li'kingCo. SOUTH-CAROLINA NOTES. Charleston Hanks, Bank of I tamhurg, Country Banks, brolii par. M"p We are authorised to nunounce (il'.O. ILA W, CANDI.KIt and JOHN BFIilil.V, I'seps., as' candidates to represent the coiiulie-.i of Buncoinbo uud Jli:ilderoit 111'tlio House of Com 110ns in tho? next General Assembly of North Carolina. Ij' We authorized to ammuneo Wii.kv Jont. Ksip, as a candidate for Sherill' of Buncolub ; county ut the ensuing August ck-ction. ITT We arc authorised to announce Col. DAN IEL rj:'NOLU.S as a candidate for Slicrih" of Buncombe- county, at tlio cneuihg " August tlec tion. IT Wo are. authorized to annomico Col. JO SEPH CATIIEY, of Haywood county, as a can. ilidatc to represent the counties of Buncombe, Henderson, Haywood, Macon and Cherokeo in tho Scnatu of Uiu next Legisluturj of North Ca. rolina. - .x O Y'o aro authorized to announce Mr. Ar.n.': AMiicii Hi:Nnv, s a candidate for Sherill' of Bun. combtJ'coiTnty,'at tlio enduing August election. O' We arc authorized to announco ;1ij. FZE. KIEI.DOWDLE as a citudiilato fr Sherill' of Macon county, at tho aipronching election- ttj'- Wo arc authorised to announce JOHN !l. ALLISON, .Esq., as a candidate for Sherill' of Haywood county, at thu ensuing election.' Vofirr. TKN CENTS REWARD ! ! RAKV WAV from tlio subscrilK-r, some time in Mav last, a bound boy, by tho 11:11110 of niUir riiih. iMI )lnri.iiii nni fnwnivaiin il against harboring or employing him, lis I 11 n 1 de. terinined rigidly to enlnreo the law against all such. The ubovc rewind (but no thanks) will h' giv-eii for the delivery of said boy to me, in Ilav. woodcountv. W.'W. IAT'11,1;,' - jfayrTgHf "" "3 "TTiir" STATU OF SOUTH CAKO.Ll.VA, .MACON COl-'NTV. . ('oitrt of Pica and iluarler Srss., JUNE SESSIONS, 131J. HOS. RATCLII-T, Original Atlarhm-nt r. ; la ird un In 1,.... 1 ....1 .1,1.1 Jt)Sp:i'II HICKS. i';i hiiiid.t nf uni msUa. The defendant is hereby notified to be and ap. K-ar heforo the Justices uf said county, at the next court to be held for Macon county, at the court. house in Franklin, oil the si cuiid ' Monday in September next, then and there to replevy anil plead to issue, else judgment of condemnation will be entered against the procr!y levied on, au'd debts in tho hands of the garnishees. - WrtncsB.j.-Kn in-iv, clerk of sriiif court', atof. lice, the second Monday before the but Monday in June, 1P-I3. ' J. K. GRAY, Via!;. Pr. adv. Sj 50. Osw IU I STATIC OF NORTH CAROLINA, SIAIXI.N COI'NTY. 1 f' ' y ' " ' ' Court ori'leas and Quart t r St as., June Sessions, lsli. T HOS. RATCI.IFT, ) Original Aflarhmr.,,1 r.. Irrird JOSEPH HICKS. V" hands of ai 'nitthrc. Tin: di I'cndant !s hereby notified to be and up K?ar beforo the Justices ol said emmty at the next court to be held for Macon countv, at tho court house in Franklin, on the second Monday in Sep tember next, then anil there to replevy and pb ad to issue, else judgment of condemnation w.ll he. entered against the properly levied on and dclrts u( lNe hands of garnishees. Witness, J. K. Giiay, cliik of e aid court, al of. lice, the second Monday b. fore the last Monday 111 June, ISiL J. K. GRAY, VU-rk. Pr. adv. 0 50. (isw 111 '. STATLS XORTII C.IROLIM DISTRICT. IHSTMcir C11URT IN BANKtiUPIli V. v At Chambmin Finjetlcrillc, April 'J, lH-. -jl I A KCL'S L. FORNEY, of Burkf county, ha. j-'l viug, on tiro ninth day of April, filed a cti tion duly verified, prsying'tlint lie may b declared a Bankrupt, it is thereupon, Ob.1i red by the Court, that cause be shown before c ham he pi in this tuiwn, on Friday the twentieth day of May next, . hy the said Marcus L. -Forney be not de. clared a Bankrupt, ptirs'ur.nt to the act of Cotigiess itrtli-arhchartfTtnil ttiarrMirroiti w be iubhhrrf in tin. IligMapd Madceg' r four wo ks 111 siori. II II. POTl Et;, Slate of North Carolina, O.V ( )t STY, Court of I'U'iis :i!s;t 2u:n Ur JUNK tKSSIONs, lsu. I I K.GRAY, - iOi iirmal Altnrlimrnt trtieit j J rs, mi land nnd tit lit in I he JOSKl'lI HICKS. hmtdof tsnrnixhrr. The defendant is hereby notilied to be and apiK-nr beUiru the Justices of said countv. at the lne.t court to bo hi4d for Macon county, ut the court liouse 111 firauKfrfr, oil the serjenil .Vl0111l.1v in SeplrnUeriTicxrf then aiij there A repl. vy and plead to issue, else judgment of coildi rtiiiallon will be entered against the property levied 011, mid debts iu the hands of the garnishee. Witness, J, K. Giuv, rlerk ol said court, ft I of. lice, the secou'd .Monday bef to the lasl Monday in June, 1M J. J. K. GU.VY, ( '.'i,!. I'r. adv. 50. (h,v 1 1) 1 STA'fi'U r ,.V CAKOI.I X A, IIayi ooi! county. Court of I'lra and luartt r ,SV9., Jt'NC SlJSSION'.!, IS VI. 1 C. HOWKI.I,, S AM I. J. S1TTOX i (ntstiihl'''x l,pvtifin Hat! !:!, lie. It llppearingto til" Flltiufarl ion of Mm court, that the del'eiidunMht not an inh ilutaut of this Stab-, that notice can ba pi isiuially served en him, i: i. ordered that publication be made fur fair vei,ks iu the Highland Mes.mger, fur the ilefeudant ."'.iiinti I J. Sittoii, to nppiai at the next emit of Pleas and (juar'.'r Scw-ions, to be lirbl fir the eoiinl v of ilTiy wood, at the courthouse in V.i nrs tiller ou ilia .tJiu'J .Monday in September ne-.t ; tin u and there to sbrnv cause to tin.- coi'itiiiYv, or an order of salo will be directed to issue ( , said ri'al t'slntx for the satisfaction of s.u.l d, lit. Witness, W.u.riiii Binnw, clerk of raid court, at WaymisiihV, the 1st "londay In t'r the l,i:-l Monday ill June, x IvJ. W. BROW. C'ri!.. Pr.'ndv. No .'. I. I-Av Ml M.' n.N ('i)l.'.NTV. Vmirtnf Flan (tuhrtrr kci.-.T.iitc .V .,' i '. Ci I LEU iV DICKEY, ) Orunim! Ml.u-hmn.i, 3 rs. !i cin! nn InmU Ce '' JOSEi'II lllt'KS. . in lmiuLi uf mii,i.;htr. Til.' defendant is hereby nolil'i. d to he knd appear before the Justices of aiil county, al the lit xt court to be hi Id l'-r Macon county', at tii court house in Franklin, ou iho second -Monday in September next, then and there to replevy and c.Uad to issue, .else judgment of condemnation will be entered against the projHTty levied on, and debts iu tire hands of the garnishees. Witness, Jj K. !mav, clerk of said court, at of. fiec. the second Monday heforo the lasl Monday iu June, id l'J. J. K. GRAY, C.VrA. Pr. adv. -S." 5(, (isw Hit Kt;tt'J ol !ortli-t.'arol:i.a, V.M!;r I'OL'NTV. Court I'fEteajtjjn-l Quarter Sessions, Fkhiiuaiu ti;k-ii, 1S1:J. S. C.'iandli r, j.' l.ASD IXYY. Win. D. Audersoji. ) I T appearing to fiiu lalisfaetioii of tho' c cirt, J- that the defendant is not an inliabllant ol lh: State it Li therefore, ordered by the court, that publication bo made for v rueeessivu vi-i ks mi thu I!iglilal,d Messenger, for the defendant to ap pear at the next term of said court, and i-lunv i!Uiiin't (U' ttiiy-ltcJtailiXA hxll'-'-lljl'1'"1'''' shall in.t have leave fur an old r of sale to issue, to sell ll.e smiiic, otherwise the land levied 011 w dl h.) rua. deinued to falisfy the debt and-all cost?.. WitnesH, J. W. G.uil.A.sri, Clerk of said i-nuil, ut ollice, tln 1st .Monday iu I'elenary, . D. IcIJ, and ill the litith yi ar ol our IiiilcH-ndene-.'. J. W. GARLAND, Vlrrh. Mnto i' .iioiJJi-t':ir:::!M, ya:. k coi:.:v.' LjMUjCMkdtUm l'i:iu;l.i:v 'l'i:i:.M, 1 - VJ. Jackson RViv, 1 a. LA SO .. I T. Wm. D. Anderson. ) I T tiiifiearing to the sali,. fact ion of the ( 'oort.l J tho defendant is ri .t an inhul-itaut ol llie. Si it is, therefore, ordi n d by the 'oiirt, thai po cation he made, fur iv iv. .l-i;. iiigiuanu Aies.iengi r, lor Hie uuiejuiaiu i. ap.. ar at tin: next term of raid conit, and iliow eati:-i', (if any he hath; why the plaintiff id, all not have leave for an onli r of sale to issue, to si II to the same ; otln-rwiso the land levied mi will he eoli th mjii'tl to satisfy the debt ami all costs. Witness, J.W.G mii.a-.o, ( 'lerk of our said cm f , at otuee, the 1st .Mouiiiy in Ft hniury, A. D. ItlJ, and iu the IKith )ear,.of ooi" Lid. pen.teiiei.. .1. W. GARLAND, l ink Marcli 2o. CswW) I'r. adv. !..i oO. SlaJc ol r'orih (';tro!iia:a, ii'Nvoftm: eta.Mv. - IX ICQUITY-SI'IUXU. TF.llM, -Vi David Robeit;. r. James Gii.l'o:r, a.hirr of John Kiuidilon ilee'.l, Rob. rt 1'. Will's, anil Daniel W , hh and los wit..- Piisein.i, Jo. Knighton. J. sse Knedi ton, Gcorg-Cato and wife Nancy, IIiiivm.II Richariisoii and wife Elizabeth, Sain'I Sinarl ami wife Susanna, and Daniel and Wile Hiziah. t J ' 'I'.ll.t.'TU ia'lliKl'l.llSi-: A -.toi;Ti,..i;. IN this ease it ..piieiiring to tin: stlisf.n-li.Hi .-i the Court, that the ilefelldanls Dniuel Wi lsli and wife Priscilla, h'mglilon Jessi Knighton, Geo. Calo and wife Nancy, Bnrwcll Ricliarilsoii and wife Eli.-die-lh. Samuel Smart and wife Susan, nail, and Daniel Dro.l.Iv and wik lw,.i!i an: not rc.-idt iils. w ilhiii the puisdieiion of 1 1 1 .-- eoi.i l, so tliat llie ordniarv proei s . co Jl.' Is- served n Ibt in, it w as lfn elo-e oril. n-ii bv-lhe Co'.irl m.w bi-lc, thai publication be made fr six wet k:1 sue. ccssiv lv in lb' lledikiiid .1fsscnger, a wei-klv ucwsp.'isej- puf'.ishi d ut .Ashovillj iu s.iid itati., notify mg the sahl "on residents, tu a)ipuar at a court of I 'unity to be held lor Ihtneoinho coiiol y, at the court house 1,1 Asheville, un the fir. t .'..a. day al'ti-rthu ith .1oiiday in Str.ipti uiber 11, It, then and tin ro to plead answer or demur to tin pliiiuli!''.. hi il , ol hervv isc judgment iiriruii..w s. be, rendered aniscl for hearing rxjmi le aa to tie m. Witness E. H. t-u'et'Li HK Clerk anil nust-mi our said court at oilier, the first .loutlay alu r tile tth -Holiday in .Varch A. ).; l- U. E. II. ( 1,1 hii -.... tV :i l'i o r, WARE HOUSE AND COWMI'jSION MtHCHAN I ,"" lk'ftiViiir.v riirw.ifo'iii l-i t. 1 . -1' HA. iLl K' ' ( lasted talos DiJricl VovlvX oiWovlh 4'nrolin:i. IX IJ A X K U U i'T C V IN fonning a Table of Fees under too Bank nipt Law, my principal obj. et was tv rate tho fees 1.11 a scale suited to the means of of eil..ens whose distresses induced iho passage of (lie Act. But ill my ud to serve tliilMt I limn erred hi pullibg the fees to low ;u tore lard the pniirrest; of procet dings. There is ago iv nil complaint among the mliccrs 011 this subject ; and 1 .l.iu! iiiueh difficult v ill pro.-m ing 1111. 1 re laming propi r chnraeli rs to till tin- olVn-Hsuf As. siguev and Cuinniissi iiier. Sonic deeline accept uis, aiid ollieis, alii r a t.ial, resiioi, lieeaii-e u,. eoinpeiisalioii is inadt' plate, and b ars no pr. r-i . proporliou to the allo anee in ol Inr State-. Ii N w Yi ik, for inst.iiic -, v. In 1 ij the 1 ApeiiM s ... the District Court are llefr.tvcd by Gon nine e., tli.e l'elitionrr is rcipiircd, on filing his peliluoi. 1 . Th-ptTrtfrttmTn tif ljj( fff.Stto rover tnvrv'.iAt;- . . Iu 1 1 ii- liist ad . 11 !im in lit meusi e. In tins State, i hi le by the peculiar striiclure of the Courts and subdivision of tho D...I11VI, it becomes neecs: ar)', !u I'ultiUiog the designs of llie law, to hold anil k p open a t'oar! at l.'haiuhers, for llie iinpose of 11 l ining and acting upon Pi litioiis Icon e. ry p'lil of lie Stale, the 'J'r.-aserv D par'.iiKiit has Ci eid. d, thai alii. oii:Ji sin Ii ,1 Court is pieper under llie law, w t i... 1 xpn -s pt... V.-io'.l is made for del,. l ll g the expense ol . I! uikrupls and not 111- o erinin. lit, ,mu; L I ,.,, tie-liiinlee. ' Thus I II, v. itboii' an :i!ii rnalive, T aiueoiistraii" 1 u to incrca - the l es and Tax. I shall time, fore, leipiir-,- every Pttilmucr liercufn r, n lU.11 Ins l'i lit. 0:1 II the 'erk's t"ce al ( 'haiubers, ?i di hii ,li the inn of Vi, to cover all charges don 11 to the hrst-h-!tnn, the p.-tifiTiiief p. Ii r lor llie a.l. . ill-, in. ut. And in future the Tai ill' of !'. . f.l' .we ll ; llie prii. shall he a.: - i-i 111:111; ': 1:. l-'.rs f the C'erU of the Distriet Cmrt Nuiiiliei.ii-'.ev. rv p iper, c', c.e., 41. d noting it on tl.e dock, t, ) -.' "toling 0:1 the i!oi kel lie- aip. ar ii:e. 1 I any party to show ea'ii. e, flnti ring any or.I. r or 1!, eree, Di.ijv ing ir.cjjro!!i:'g..Cie ;!a., r r f .!.... .,f. . Hill uoids, Pi. paring calender of rai Cf, and i,i,r . 1', , llie Court, end 1 ol. roi e.e . ri l!i ! ..o, lor each Copy same f.r use of p.-.rlies and t!: I .r, Swearing each v.iin-. in Cuurt, t'l H l!l aring a jury, 'i 1 R..-ei and do.'!:einig vi rihel, -J 1 .Copy of iyrdie.t, W ith tabic of i-uum', Iiiiio nnd place of sei.sion of Court, . 'j Diawing and copy of process, when re. (pined, per fol.o, " M 1 Copy ','f docktt oii.iiljouriiun iil, or ap al ol (asetotiiut iwud Cum t, oil Ci rlilicatc to sayie, '."i Enti ring every appeal on doe!, it, w i:h me. Iiioraiidum of rea.ions, '.! j' Receiving, depositing m Hank, drawnig out, and paying over moneys paid iplo C01. it, in 1 aeh easej i ll.i F.very crj t:r:e;i!e, v. hen i;e";uiri-d :J,' Copy ..f 1 ... Is f,.r t.i.'.alioii, win 11 n ,,-eh .1, -J.'i Ta.Miig costH of othor ollie. rsof coin', Ihib ir gold run luifitil.'soj'i 001I a( point ing CuJ.lillls; iiilli r or Assignee, and copy M i:.'i cerlilie ile and seal, 1 OiJ Every oath a.l:-i::i'.sti red and eertifh-ate tilirel.t, V) r.iileniig ro:i luiinile'j for pul.lical.on, and cop) :.ial cerl.lii-at.-, Copy of beliediilcH, per folio, -jii For evi ry continuance uf u catis-i , -PI Commi.ixhn,r'.i-'eri' I 'or t:king proof of q V di Ii' el' IIL'-IU ngnini-t !.aii!:r'ii.if771.y Stutnlci I V 1 Appolnling t oe- and place f. -r t.i'..oi ; muiiv, -'. Ken not appointed !) c-.i:!,) and copy lor 1 p.irlv, .". I Each day attending and io-r I,. ' 0,1. 11 v, '1 .'.II Diuv. iie and copy of examination ol u .1- tii sties or ''bankrupt, per folio, i I L.ery e .oy luriiislied either parly at nae. 1. in r Ew-rv path, with cei lilicate, ft ,lc. i 1 V nee i M-.ii y sun omnia to . ! 11 . s s, .' 1 t . 1 11 1 11 el pi oofs ali.,1 l.l.i.g, .''orti'uel 1 Api asi s in t..!.:i!o p.oof ..,' 1 -nlrlrT'IFPallll 'll:yirTirriH.lBWBII!'r;''-rtrf-r' " n 111.'.; each way, Making report to ill com t of d..- o. .;, rl y conilnel.or of refusal of wilie.s "t-. a? tenil or Miliiu.t to e.ninii..ilion, I A'teihling 'ii reren.-e, and lakmo and slaliu:; an aeeoiiot, or oaLoig nr. pn.t toemtrt I'oon'iiiy mall. i-'jrK-i-ially r In- ( ' -py tes'ninunv or e -,!..!. its. r.ei -om;i-.:i .11" n u I, pi r !..!,.., ( '. pv of !-..sLs, wlien d man. led, ' Ta:v.ilioil o! and e, 1 lilicV, Vi'i-i:..' fill..; as in. l.i: ::.,: 1 , .U.'..;i -'. IW,. For 1. ion. ys ri-c i .e.! an;.!, paid oni, and o.r 1, s 11. e. -,;iry oAp. 11 Ilr. i.liii. a.- al lowi.l l.y Rule 111, F..r evi ry ihport hv I..I11, mien lit,! .., V.' amloN - o All in ees -aty s.f la-e pai'l by cilo r of lie sail! o!'m ( l.-!--,'lit no uud la -td 111 bill of Co. is. II. IN iT I'l.R, ). . . ''. .V- V I'av- ttcviUc,- .liii..' In. I - f-. - 10 IHE CHURCHES WIIH.'M IHO 3UUr.03.'JF fllr" L V rrohtfttrn ot t'osu ari!. 4 T lb' la; t la'' 1 III'-' l.llg of lln- Pre l,)Ufv I S '01 ( ".ii, ..r.l, In el ..I So - I err. i. 1 lunch, il un.. 1 A'...'..''.-., 'i'liat Hie s eond ..-i.iirtlay ot JoU ! next, be, i.b - t v ed a.-i a, ilay of I mi.', Ililiiiilie lion and l'i i.yi r, ni t i. o of lie; ,,l i.ta'e ot R. -i lilioll in ah 10 'i t 'inn ' li' I s'l 'ir'l! EN fTi 'Mi- I 1W.,i..l C-W4 I El.Po i of ,;i, is in our Stale. pnMe I.. d W. .-1 ! "f tins Yadkin Hu-r, will l- kind a., lo givo the above notice one or two in 1 riiei. :. 1 . . ! Mate f .'Moilla-i rini!i!::i, j V'N . I'iciri of P! ";:s .iit.l ili-'iif: r S-'s-.iu:is .';. 1 - I .'. John Ii irnolt, j I. WI) ..'l'i V. ,.i Ii. An.:, r-;. 1, , r RT -ri--u 11. ii i i,. 1,,.. .:U-:!,..o . t.'WQ. iKi, . . -.1 .1 aio..i:. .1. 11'fiolt:, , so.,1, .1 is. 1 1 : . oril' i .1 by tne t 'ii. I, p, . .11011 Is la...:. -.,-so; .an . 1 : -it e HecLsoi t,, 11.:!.. a: .! Nies... ii: . i l a lb.-.I.-!, ii.i.ii.t tti ap p. ,,r at ill.- in '.t I'ii.i ol s,ii. ( iMirl, iinlshotv ,10-. . ,0 a', y le: bal li why I ill pi. 1,1. 1 : ii --1 1.1 II li lt e 1. .1 '. e l-.-l 4ll ..lti I i.l s-t.. lo .-.-Lie, I ;...ll tht! 1 . 1 . . oi i . 1 1 ...... I ' . - 1 ... I i, ,.oi all v. ..1 !..: eo.i ,;, 1,01. - 11, .i -L ..11 i...iU.. '.',i! - . I W. ( : t,. . t-.n. 1 '! ,iU of t.,rl ( ' .nit. ,; . ii . , i'..- cm l,.i!,l.,v 01 I'. !.ii.,iry'A .l'. l-i'.', Tnd i'.!i' tjtiih T.-ir -"ir I i-lrwiiA;l'l-t 1 '.'.:.lum, '