J i .1 '! t J v a M' a u r.E tow: iito:f;icT v for. sale: .tWrit i-'ivmV rifs.Hv it: fare.' i the iruhtie tl,' prop r!'. i'l As'ie riT -Hi !r pur. beatt'ilu! ami i v, M i -.ii l:a. r-l fr :it vol. .mini. 11 Ii.i:iJkoi.ii-situation former Ten i:;'-cn'irilrv rcsid. ncc, nud i.. " ji.al.vn! handsome Improve ;o i. r wwiM Irr : say, that lir l.a II i ; '.I- ' of l IV ii,1, 'i'h j s.i!.ifri. h ahe.-.dy on Sm.'iil nv improvement ( La-- r. ". l,ie!i !;( V JIM.! I. I A-.'.'. ', iua in the eetifilrr. r ptl in of list- pre. all the I.'Cl!. I Ill's II..' Ill-:' l'i;j;'!l 1".' lie-ail x. .11 fiirna-'t 5.1 d r;:; llian can Uo had truii It is unnrr-esrwy In liiiseiS as it v.:i he i i -vialiing to purr!,1.-'' tillir, Uv either ealit'i i.ja w. Nv.iojr.ii, i:.s n sale. The K fins cash, villi a credit i. or, if On rnrcbaseT -.,rv t by t,,e mo.-'.' i any one ;! a ! .i:re!y tun; T. ; lor p-iKo , lo see the preejerly in any ,g upon Dr. Early or Nicho. ., h.i ore anlli i! '. :cii I i make w.il be e.iher one. 'bird in f three v. srs for the bularicf, fd.m.ld ' r it, a credit nf two wars will be civiri en t;,n hole amount, which nmy be seen." il to the .-iuIk.!-: .! r, liy bond and security from lir.' purchaser, together with a hen upon the piupcrty, Wm. F. M .'WESSON. Aslirviilc, J-ino 17rlsl2. fct 103 State J Worth Carolina, BUXCOMtF, rot STY. In Ecnit' Sprins T.nn, A, D. M-' Anilret? II rw;.'n-', rx tetiamrnt of Will Klioda Mr 0 mir!, irul "for i f the l-isl ic.V and m :,!"!) m4t, dee'd, i?r .7 vr ! rr .'.V of Ihi i' ! Wm. Ms .! A".i " 'rr (.',. (Irimrtonil Wi'iiiiii Hfiri.'l r. tittite I'aUuii end h'n .' ' . Archiliiild ft S.n, i ', , .!-! i"- ' Mc Daniel. 'I'io. Alrlhin e'. -in I Rcrr.urd Wil ton, and wife I'.V.znMh, J,n- f),i' wi'irr, tPtduto of J.unr .'. ;,?, Andrew Dunmi. t, $:irah ..'.' , J. '.if i i. fiT.if. n, Thomn Mni: n.il J,-ma II'm;iiill, Thor. McVUirr, nr.d tritr '.Un Mirf ivcl MeUamel cvd liiznh-'tk M, Daniel, Wm. Iltmphill, Tin.'. 11 ,','.', Ai:'.rru Ihmp. .V.;ra.-f !':: ill. A.cf:i!,-i!d 11 r-rn. kill, Ma flrmphvl, end 11. b'asiia it-mp'.M J IN this f ase it, aiji nrkig t ilw natiufnctiun rrf thn Court, that t!ic difi'nJair.ts Margaret - Oriraei Ardiilmi'l Gt'infs AViHtatri- Mrrritt and Wife Sarah, Janii Ounpni'ire widow of Jaiat Duns irwrc, Sarah (lillrrpir, Tli mas TilcClur c and wrifc Mary, Mar'r.rtt MfiX'inirl, and trzalicth Mcl'anicl, bciii! divinrri of tl.ir raid William McDanirl dec'il. plaintifi'i ti!ator and that tiny are rraulfnt, without the jiirm'liciiun of thm court ai that the ordinary process cannot ba m rvedon thim. It is tln n ford ordered that piiMiralion b.' made for six irrik succi iivt lyjn tfio Iliyldand Meiwcnrr, n i ek!y newrpapi r pi:hi:KhcJ in th6 town of Ai-lu villu in fai l Stair, (riving noticn to llicpaiiJ di fi nilants to appear at a Court of L in ly.to lie held for liuiieiinlis county at tli..' .court lioiiFC in A.ilicvilln on the first monduy after the ltll Monday in Septcpibi r next, then and there to iih'ad answer or dimurr to Uic plaintitfMmi, otln-r- wise judgment prornnij wiJw. rcjured againi-t them, and the lull set fur bearing accor dini;!y erpart SV itnrsn K. H.'-VcCm hi-: t'lerk and muster in Paid eouvt atofiice, the tirnt .Won. duy after the 1th "donilay in W.ircli A. !., 1 I J. V.. II. .WcCIJ.'Ki:. The l'tiivr!e! nlio) ! ANOTHER GREAT WONDER 13 FORTHCOMING !' A LEVIATHAN NHWSPAPER Or, Quadruple nasion Xalioa, AVrill fihorily be puulishad, WHICH in pni.it of ;':-, leant if f p-ip-r, n rid I'ptTaphy, rincenierct nf farm, tal'ie and fitihaei nf Content?, and nvmbrr of rp'cndid Kngrariivr.1, trill fur litvp bi that of any erer l-. fare ivtued from any n-iraprr tiia'i'ithment in the: tvx Id ! BT" Tlio s;i!i?rril?r, publiiJicr of the UosTo-i Kotiov, f. Is a decree of honest pride in bi in;r able tonnnoiince that ho is now making the most ex. tensivo arranjremeiit'1, forllic publication, at an early period, of A s'ntendnin prinleil fherl; or Quadruple motion ! which he lias cwr eonli- denco. fmm the naturn of his nrrancnients, in assuring Ilia public, w ill far turp.iss, in point of 'r.r, ItiiAt'TY, ni au k, any of Ins previous rT. forts at nt'wt-jMiKr ntildnliin:', and lo which he. inill chHnT?i!'! the u-n7Xlo prodiic.c an equal ! It will c mtain printed matter, to the amount of near mxtrtn thonmnd S'l'iire inehtu ! or one .. hundred and J'jur t piure jret : ! empkiyin? over three mil. linn and trren hur.ilrfd tMusand L tUis!:: will Ik) embellished with-over S03 SplendicfEn. fravinirs ! of aaeri-ms, coniio and JnUtrrScs cha racter, a laree ntimlx r of them enJrfely original. valnliblec'.iaracttr, and uoarficU wis! bo allowed a place in its coltunns JiMfT liasprcriously appear ed in any Americajn!lii!icati(ir. aiit will bo fill, ed with rntircljVftrio andfmh mttlcr. The naxt "tuarn'rlftwrfAmiv, will briitytta'li-rargt.'rj'W.itril ty of mff rials sent for by uj, c.prrss,y for the Co.iurffiJ-of tins forllicomuirr (itiipenil ius siiett. in'in" other nutters, it wiH-ontain twocntire full aised novels, 1V Hi f.VKa Jinn Jmi.s'. the two . .....i- ... , fm most cekbra'cu and poptiit.r nov andalsoa new novel by Mis.U '' ,on.:. 1 into novi I; I when printed by the uoosKei;rs. w ui prouuiy sen Jul tlgO'im A I' , .1 : I 'I'.l. ';.liv,t, Stitrii-r, Itiasraph rie,miu I'M'. 'Oil Sketehcn, Mnnoiri of fli.flin;rui.ih.,d chnrartrfy:, Aueedntel and fan eiMigh fur a year, cVe., &.C., .will fill Dp ila culumns. I honnh the promise we have made above may appear to (he read; rs of Hie 1 fosperttts, too liberal to bo fuir.l'ed, we can assure tin m in p. rfeet sin Ce'rity, lhal ttejirJ not only able to accomplish all wo hav.o proposed, but that we have in view othe r striking featir.es and novelties, which will materially ctiliar"o the value pf our sheet. The public has pronounced a fuvorablo verdict on our "iVaniiiiotri'Notioiis, bid wo have faTtrn mrasuri s for renderiro' tho foriliroiiiin " Irfvinthan," a greater pcpy limn any of its predecessors. We have ftiacl Ui" asjistanen of several of our most ditinifiiishfd literary men, to assi-t us, With bv makkiff selections, and fiireishiaj original ur la ii -, nnd such a ri.jld cenrorj!,i; will bceser. e e?rd-;ii makin;; up I he sheet, that nr.thiiig unwor. lliyuf b.rinjj cherished and preserved, will find a place within its coluiitns. Il will be euiphatieul !y an Intellertuul Ci'tnt ! For this Great Wonder, the charge will bo Om. 1.T 25 f 'kists' rr:n Cu:-v ! ! To Acevn. Tiiose newspaper and periodical Aejents tliroio'hoiit the country, desirous of bav iuif any of this c(onishin pnlilifation, will please mud us tht ir order at oiic acee-nmauied with' the cash, us only a l.inited cditinn of i'.', t TI. StfTO-f .-e.77es win lie pnie.eo. eria r-i will Ih- pop. ) pnrwl in tne omit in wincn lie y are ri-ctjved, a iter ttilowinj; reasonable time for dulant A(;i i.t.i. The wbotMaje price ti Ajnts and others, will be 20 jier "biimlred. Fifty cojHiies, 10 twt'n'y.iive cuides JSi.r(. To Cluvs. Persons clubinp, shall jvc ive nme copies for St2,0U fourteen copies for s.i,ii j,--tweiitv Copies for g! 1,00, and twenty. five copies for :.! iU. To I'ostmastess, Postm:uJicrs who will trou ble thciiieelvcs to forward is a remittance, shall re ceive an extra copy for themselves in a separate wrapper, (of CTtry $2,0'J for nine cojiies that llicy may enclose to us. GEO ROBERTS. -...: l'thlithrr Buxton Notion. NerioN Ora;rc, ) Boston, June 1, 181 !.' Tiie Postaere on this sheet w ill be only e,ne cent under one hundred miles, and 1 l.-Jc'-nts over ItlOmiln; as it will be printed as 1 l.v.,. -j- ,ptr, Extra Huston (Qijauruj.lixNujjpij. , . Sinith'iliitliuKti-. I'ST reeeivesd, and tor sakjt this ;!,, very ciieaii, ' S,,v. 01. M COMMISSIO. m'SSMIESSl WE, the: undersigned, have con nected ourselves in the " AUCTION, FACTORAGE AMD COM MISSION BUSINESS, u.nUr the'lirm of EDNEY d LYONS. We bi T h a vi t' i u". r o-ir service to vur friendn iiiid tiio "pulilic in tlt- n!."vc biiiucsi, pledging :irclvcH to ti"'- i vriv r:;. rtiua to prmnuto tliu in terests of those wlio may favor us with their pa. Il' nut; rliir pi r.cvi rener, r.irirt attchlion and ;iriii!jl in !, will ii;..arc buccces in our businctn, we cniifui iitlv r.Tp -rt it. In C'lum xiirn witli the aixive b'.J.ines?,tt o wnulil ri'j).'i tJuliy ocrrtitt.iit nicrchanU ami otiitrs, uiat KcrcJvc and forxvard-Cood'. In thin brantii of ;t li'i-inrsii, nmiptncsfl and di!Fjitrh may Ih; cxrvc!".,', our Hlaiiil btiiiff :i Centrii Ftrirt, nrTt iI.kt In ffj.-in! A: fliinimny'n (Jrnrrry istori', ivIt' ail v. i ro:i.i fihiin;; in anil suing out must ikus in rc i. r.'ios. a. ednky, 0. .'. i: i.vn.vs. VAVTOl ,2nd rcrciringCt' fortrarding liAMIIi'Ut;, s. e. TIIK siihiori!) r rcjcctful!y heps leave to ap prise Il f friend ami the Mere!ian!i of the iipjwf ti;l i ii-f h :i. r: liy, t!ut ho ia thoroiiudi!)' pri pared to transact lu. i r.e.- as above, and, eyii. iidont in bin loin; experience in said business in IJiii' place, i-'oue.ii a nhar.' e.f patronage. His si re h in on ."lark, t titrei ., the inn clevated-r need ho n ir! r-fTown.no danger from jiiuiid.itioii :T.!ienJ-.-.b- Vm II. 1'itQUiIAUT. Nov. l.t, Icld. 3m ' . 7 J T3 T HE CITIZENS OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIMCUIT T SIIAl.fj commence mv circuit nt Henderson. J- ville, and fjo round, tndinj at Cleveland. have made arrangement with an abb; Altprney. woo practiuca in the L int-d Males Jmlifi.'il J i trict Court, ti attend to ail petitions of I)an!tnit cy which I may fumiJi. I tfi?reforo will take iplensiire in wmlintF on any anu all persons who may In: iP'Sirou:: ot avaiiin t.iem?i Ives ol lis pro visions at the eilkrent courl.i in sanl cireuit, an tlio Juilyi will be present, belore w hom petitions may he proven anil ci rtiiieu wiiho'.it delay, unil ill" diseiiarirc of the U.tukriii-t procured with as liUlu .!(.!.!' lis puilaio!.- 15. M. EUXEY. .1 Dl I.M olil' on. March 17. TflSaSrJEL,,.IiK- Ti's JJJ loitered in the ltani'er'.i Of. ii!Lt't n ''nyi lol-t by .Mary ;iCiiile, living about five miks west V L e tt , -if. UI lientllTillVliie, ; An KstTay mire ffulf, abmitfour or five year old, of a lifjl't brown co lor, no brands discernible, ulxn.t fourteen hands bih. Appraised to b) worth fifty dollars. J ERE.M IA1I )SUUILN, Hanger. IL ndemon county. Mar 37. lei'i. a 03 - - : : Jfiirsv rat'iily Iiiblct. "tO.MM-t ,N Jl.blen, cheap 'JVrtaintnts, . V ' liooks, &c., for rale at tliia oliiec. Nov. 2d. Hymn 71 Ilia'?;; Co5. FEW fur pal.; at fliij oliiec Cood wfll bound. Ixiw for ca.-h. A paper March 5, isl i. 87 lr. ST lTliS A'OSTIi nSHLIll L'lSTfii I. IT2ICTC(UI;IN ii: At Chimhersin biMlhtiUe.Mril U, 131; WILLIAM roWEI.LUtirke county, lia vin, on thn ni!it'f!f April, filed a jietition pray in j that he niaifSilcehrod a IJankrupt, it is thereupon, Orehrui by the Court, that rsii.'u 4e tliown hrfora'tocX'oiTrt. at cTiahiliersTn this town on Frid; yrvii twenliitli day of May next, why i William 1'owlII bo not declared a Itank- tli. 't, tairsuarrt to the act of Conjrr-ss in that be. half and that Ibis notice be puHis'hed in the. ll-t(hlail AAfrrour weeko in nirrerssion. ii. u. ru'iTEit, AciiiT' Cl. rh of Vmrl in Hndruptcy. IilSTIilCT COVKT IH BANKKtTTCY. il Chambers in Fiiyllevitlc',. April 0, 1S-12. L T.F.ULY,XLUli.SXrUJurIlujliff vii'.",imtiic rnntli ..'ay nt April, lileil a petition liilv veri.'le.l, nnviiii that he mav ho deelared a liaii..rupt, il .a l.l:i n upon,- nipt, il ;.i (hi n upon, Ordered by loo Court,) tiia! eau-.: lie ..'.own bi tore tiin"t onrt nt ehr.in'i' rs tliu town, on I rn.'-.v t.u I vi atieth day of May next, why tho faid ! 1 ",irv lref.--ni II l-e rul declared ,....--.i... i "'in j , 1'iiie i.-ii.i ig i;.. ;iei o un r. ill uiaL I alf: an I !'. it tie. " i,it.ii-1. ..1 il... tl.ii '.'an.l M- n tour v, II, r, ks in sneeesMO.11. II. POTTER, i .'irf? CiVri 0 Court in ll.inkrvlry. I Webster' Sat'Uiar; Bofiks 1 CST received, and fr aUs at Ibis OP.icc, Web sier s i.imiaentary e'lijuij Uooi;s elieap. IIV. . . 11 Iload Orders. A FEW iiuires of Blank Road Order', for the L V uf of County Court Clerks, on hand at this Deeds cf Vahrevttnce. 7 LANK Di-ede of-ConveyaneA ptinti 1 in the J 2 beitstvle. on eid iiaoer for snla us oflic";. May 2' Slat," ot ortlt-Cnraliaa, . i:r:;rir,i: i oustv. Court of l'lrat and Quarter Srssiuas, AphilTkrm, la 12. James M. Smith, . . , .,, ,. rt ( Original AUul.lnrnt 17 tied David Taylor. S on ''" "''al "l'H- JTapprariiiir to the satisfaction of thf Court, that tin- defe ni.ant is not an inhabitant uf tie State, It is, the rrf. re, ordered lliat uliiieailon be made ! for six successive weeus in tin: Highland Mctsen- T, that th" defendant b ' and eppcar Iniforo tiie J i.-!i of our Coutt of Pleas and Quarte r Ses sions, to Iw'.held fur raid County, at llie court house in -Vhev.ile, on the first Monday in July next i tin n and there lo plead, answer r demur ; other, wire IadL'iii'-nt pro cejufesso will lie taken atj'jiiMt li in, ai d tiie ; roH rty levied ou condemned to tiie sat -li.cliou of l UiititX's debt. itiiess- N. ,liir,ijn, elerk of oar raid Court, at oille-thc .Monday aflur the 4th in March A. D.-Mfl-. x. HARRISON, CM. April 2'J, 1SI3. (l'r. adv. !5 50.) 5 ' iJortiiasi', T.N.IbM HONS, P,uity Wnu and Subpanas, for sale here. 37 IMI'EIt. TV'Oil sale nt thisoir.ee, asmsll lot of inxid I1 WRITING I'AI'Elltu A,,ry law for cash. ' May 27, Is 12. S1111 t'lNobSraiiity aitd Vtl,. LARGE number of tlicse valuable works for iale al.lhis Olfieo rirv ri-rry. A-.luvillc, Nov.V'i;. ' 7 1 ft Ten Dollars UcWard ( RAN AW AY fmm the ubscribcf, on Ujc Hthof Aprd last, a negro boy, named between twenty-four crd thirty years old, about six feet high, bright mulatto which boy was rais ed by Josipli Shippird, of Macon county, litre In fa'ji-r and inotiicr hv and where he will re sort. I am inform'.d he Ur a wif.i at Love's iiiar tLr, where h? also baib -m rct.n whie.h uifw bov Wiis purchased by nr.- frn.i J.iseph Shrppi rd, of Yanei v county, where ie.- i a seen laxt tVurt. Any person Oi.it will appn h 'nd naid m "to and lodifc'him in tiie jail of e tlur .f the two a!vc mentioned counties, or in the jail of Waynesvillf. ami tend me word, I will pay tli. m ten dollars, or any person win will brinj him lo ins shall rcd.iiv a toward of twentv dollurs. ; tll'IIKAI M. CaF.EXI.KE. ' rturke county. Ma; 3, ItfSti 3 I'M a B. rj-MiR,.; "i-d.roTir.ilsBioiiers appoiiited by il Comity Court of ('!. avtla.id count j, v.el, CN THE FIRST MONDAY IN JULY NEXT, in the town i f Shelby, let to tlio lowest rcsnonai ble bidder, the budding of the ., .J.3JL HOUSE for soid eniry. The liouso to la 33 by d feet ; six rooms below and six almve, two story hij;li. The body lobe nf brick, and covered Willi heart pine phinel 's. The lower rooms to be finished for tlio Jailor's f.nnilv thn unmr for prisoners; the materials and workmanship lo"bft of the t'tqi.'a-. lit v. V, o defer furttiilr particulars nntil the day of letlini;. Tlic rie ijjhhorhood ulioutids in the best of limber, and Saw.mills very convenient and plenty, and pntvisions clieup. 1', r.-ms wishinp to undertake, would make to their interest to visit t!i3 premises and exur.inc fur themselves before the day of lettinv. W.J. T. MIM.Ei:, Ii. It. HRIDCESS, JDSIIUA lil-.AM, g II. T. I!(AKD, SAM L LATIMORE. J Ruth rford Inti Uieneer, ; IIr,iI.tnet Mis. sender and l.uicliln Iltpiiblican, will im.ert the aTxiveiT weVles, uiidscnd UVe ir accounts toSSii'luy for eolli etion. fi . UU Cleveland eotn.tv, N. C, May !(. T V VO'I'TiT'P ' . . i unilerincu taltes pleasure m olierm! Ins i roieionai:irryiccsioincrt:7ensi,i ve.-ttrn rtort.i t. arolma. and solie-ils tmir Ineneily patron. a-je in tiie praeiici ol lrv and f,qurtii. ia tne i..;l,..;., . f..'t . . ... . .,.., ,. .... ., lancoln, IredeU, lurke, , ancey, Buncomh. Hen- ii-reoiK 1,111111 rioto mm e.iiuii-i ne iiirinrr ansun -.i N)'! puulic, tnal ins wiinio lima u ill be hereafter oVvotcd.cxelusively to llie I'rofi stwiti of fTjaiv, and Ihatsi strict attention to his clients' in terests shall be fjfven, anil a reenter altcndanec in the above Courts nrvy IiO cotilidrntiy expected. Riosc who have hitherto confided their intcrei.tH ta bin keciHiiir, will phaiic accept this as a tender o his highest regard and bVt thanks for their dis interested friciielliip. His wco and residence i ill Linclon, where be will be pleVed to receive any eomniunication addressed to Min in, v his profesRum. al line of business. 11AL1S X . E EDNEY. January a(, 1612. 3t J3G Vnluaulc Laud for $ fiy?iL rHE suliscribers ojJvfiTor sale two 7i . ..f Jr Ji. hundred and jjpj faercsof Land, MM l's'tiiatcd l iiuhfatt of Aslieville, on Siis what icajkr the river road leadiiir; to aluraiiLin. wilhjrfiout 45 acres in Cultivaiion ; the ro is 25 or 3;e.re.s well adapted lo the crow-th of rras?, iwmi.T cleared, and scinn uncleared. Ilia -nlajriStion is welt watered, and in a first rato p:acTor stock of all hmiu. Liberal credit will civen, by the purcliaser irivinir cood security. l or further particulars, enquire ak-tlrutofiice. K. W. & A. I'UKTKU. Feb. 25, 18 12. 3t . H6 STATE OF XORTn-tMSOLI.'J..,.Yan eonnly. Court of l'lrat and Qu.irttr Sessions, Spring Term, 1812. ATTACHMENT LEVIED ON LAND. OHN ANDERSON. 1 PIIDERED. by tho Court, that publication WM. D. ANDERSON, He made in tho "High land MeSscnper," for six successive wee ks, for the fendant lo appear and replevy and plead to issue or the land will he condemned. to iiliimtifl 's use. nl oiiiee, t!i; 2d Aiunday after tho 4lh Mond; ay in .Maren, A. V. -nvt. J. W. GARLAND, CI; May 27. ' Csw 03 FIaiu and Fancy JOOK AND JOli PIUNTLVG! fTMIE public are respectfully informed that in J. addition to the former lar'o and trencral as sortment of Printing Mali rials bc!on''inf' lo this .I,-, . . . . " .r estaoiisiimi-n', a. new Fieeiiy fias Jicenreeeii il, wlileh wul enable us to execute p.Vo '.fl.rdV ft, rfsrf AS V flf 'i J. ,s -1 f J tiiyii il 0ili'i viy-N OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, in a rlyle eepial, if not eujicrior to any oilier ciitnh li:dimeiHvhc State:. U i 'Orders for any 01 tlio follow ng kinds of Printing will be Uiankfully received, and promptly attended toi Blinks, of e. fsv d scftinieiv, P.1MI-1II.IT.S, Cisejet., CATALOCriU, MlNPTKS, e Casos, of all klnbs, II wo-ISilu, Suow.Bii.ls, Wat AsuSTAng Bli.13, TieiiKTS, IAKU, eitC. &C. " .UEssrufiFR " IHiiee, ( Ai heville, Julyl33r IS 11. j ii Ktatc ol .I'ortli-Caroljjua, IIAYWCKiIi COt'.VTY. In Tqlrily, SprinrJ,crinL..-;13. Isaac Robinson and wife r 1. Win. Clark, and others heirs at law of Ben. jamin Clark. Petition fur sale of land f.r partition. I f appearine to the satisfaction of the Court, thut Ilenjwnui Clark. Alfred Clark Zachariali Clark, illiam Smith, who i'.iteruie.rriiil with Charlotte Clark, Polly Clark, widow ofnnoledf Clark, James Waikc-r and his v.'ife Elizabeth', I'a James Grijrisby and Ins wile .Sully, dcfendint inj mis case, are not iniiuoiiaiits 01 Uns Mate it ia ordered that publication be made for six wee.ka in tiio IIi;li2an4 Me'ssengi r, for the said del, intents to appear at toe next ceiurt of Eejuitv, to be held for the county of Haywood, at the Court House ill Wayncsvillo op tbe third Monday in Septiiulier next; then and there to plead, answer or elcmur to the suid Petition, or the same will be tttke n pro conjoin and set lor licarinir.fxpiiru:. iVitiiets, H. II. Davidson, Clerk and Master of eae! court at Waynesvilie, the third Monday in March 112 It. Ji. V tUMJiN. ('. M. E Aprd 8,1842. iJPr. adv. $5 50.1 92 Ifarremts, r 1ASA5. PELTVERY BONDS. t.;.u & ot,cr VV Blanks used by Constables, for seiie at this office, at the osnsl pric. Jurors' Tickets T,tOR tlie Siijierior a.nd County Courts, neatly se J prinleil'on ir-jod paj.'tr for fale at this; otfieo, Ni?'.d..-il.' ' 7 I'.SiatMeVortli Carolina ISislrict piSTSICT COURT IS BAMEITTCT. At Chtwtbers in FaycttcvUk, April 9, 1843. A 'LIJERT C. FORN EY. of Birrkn coontyja A. Tin?, on the fifUi day of April, filed a-peti tion duly verified, praying to on ileclarcd a Dunk, rtrpt, it is, thereupon, Ordered by the Court, that cause Ik shown before the Court, at chambers in tins town, on Friday the twentie th day of May nc-.t. w hy the Haul Allierl U. rorney be not elecla. red a Hankrimt, pursuant to the act of Congress m that beiiall : and that tins notice to puijietiiea in the 11'tL'itland Messenger four weeks in sue. ceion. II. II. POTTER, Arting Clerk of Court in Vankruptry. Stale of Mortli-t-aroliua, YANCEY COt'STY. ("iJxrZ of riras and Qnarler Sessions FEnspAttv TKn, 112. Jae'ison Ray, ) rs. J LAND LEVY. W.n. D. Anderson. S YT anis-ariiis to the satisfaction of the court, 1 that the defe ndant is not an inhabitant uf this State it is therefore, ordered . by the court, that publication bo made for six successive wceKs in :he Highland Messenger, for tin defendant to nrfc i -ar nt the next term of said court, and mk cause (if any ho hath) w hy thcpl titiliiF shall not have le-avc for anorilerot alo to issue, lo sc.i utn same; otherwise the land levied on will bo con dunned lo satisfy the debt and nil costs. ... Witness. J. W. Gabund. Clerk of said court, at olliee. tho 1st Monday in February, Aj IL 11 and in the (itith year of our Independence. J. W'.UARLAM. Cirri. March 23 6swja l'r. adv. 51). State of North Carolina, EUSCOMDE COt'STY. James M. Smith "J David Myers, Clayborn Myers, Wil'am Ilem mingwayand wife Mary, liobt. Myers, and Allen, ho intermarried with Nancy Myers, one of I he devif'ei of David Myers, det'd, late of Richland District, S. Carolina. IJILL FILED IS VACATION. 1 N this case it nppearinj from the affidavit of the JL piiunfitr that thb (leferiimnls are not mhabi taut of this State It is therefore ordered that publication bo made in the Highland Metarnsrr for six weeks successively notilyine tho defend I ants to apjvar at tho Court of Equity to lie held I f'r linneonibe county, at llio Court House in A.-heviile, on tho first Monday after the fourth I j!on,iay in September next, then and them ta ; answer or demur to the plaintiff's bill , r,uirru;,n nwi-n.-nt m,,t,i ill r.lr,,! t . J '. .,' .... . . . . i acrniiisi mem, ami me mil set lor hearjiirr expane, I V,tness, E. H. McCuunK, Clerk and .Waster , n , Tourt. atofl ee. the first JZuudav nfUr fourth Monday in March, 112. E. II. Mi .Very 25. 1313, -($3 -25.) TWO IIUNDREBr DOLLARS iV Tt AS-(U' AY Xrn t4,J-;t St on tho lHlh ol'Iareh. wliil. erossing Paint Mountain, THREE" y A VKOES, which I purchased from D.H iNl. Alexander, t wit : Fames, about 31 years of ago, very black, 5 feet C or 8 inches high ; bad on when he left a Kentucky leans coal, biacir tur hat, and home. made, nnx'd jeans pants ; of a uown.cnst look and slow-spoken. ... - xauit. about 25 years old, of a yellow Cotfhilcxion. and when sho left had on a copperas-colored dress very ircc.soktn. about 1 1 years of ao well grown about 5 feet 11 or 10 inches birdi ; had on w hen ha left a drab cont, striped cotton pants, and w hile wool hat. The above reward of Two Hundred Iloilars will be paid for the apprehension of said Negroes, if confined in qnyjail within tin) States of Ten nessee, North or South Carolina. It is probable that, they will attempt to go to South Carolina, as they were originally 'purchased in tho neighborhood of tlio Basin Springs, in that States F. B. TAYUR. tf 91. IlendersonvHle, N. C, April 1, 1812. PROSPECTUS OF THE tllltvlL. HEPOSMTOai YtAano Nih'leenUi,commenemg-Jun 1ft, 1612, EnihellUhed ts 'ijth numerous Engravings. Trite oiily $t per nnnnml rpn e rural Repository' win be devoted " to Prfiteeite-rBUirgTCOffhiimpy motul ami Sentimental 'VuUn, Orijinul Commuuication.ii.Bi. ojrraphy, Traveling sketches, amusini; Miseella. ny. Humorous and Historienl Anecdotes, Useful Recipes, Poetry, eVc Thn first A'urobrr of the Nineteenth Vome;o( the Ri.'ral KcrosiTORT will bo issued on Saturday, tho 18lh of June, 1S1 The character and design of the Rural ReiKiiii.. lufj," U.'.ll gJicraliy know n, .res it iias been pub. liolied eijjliteen years, and received a widely ex- tended sliarq or public patronage, and liis"j re commended by a lariro isirtion of our coleinpora. rics of the press, and as it must bo acknowledged to be one of the cheapest journals extant, the pub. lishcr deems it unnecessary in his proposals for jiublislung another volume to say more than that it will be conducted upon the same plan, though somewhat improved, and at tho samo low rate, that ho has reason to believe has heretofore-iven satisfaction to its numerous patrons. In 6hort, all that can serve ta instruct anel ."niiise, all that is calculated cither to enlighten tiie understanding or to improve tho heart, is eagerly aud assiduous, ly sought after to oslorn the pages of this publica tion, Aoi an ided shall he folmd in its columns, which would tend to ! . 14 Give virtue scandal; innoen;s a fear, Or from tho soft eyed maiden tttal a tear." ' CONDITIONS. The Rural lleftmilbry will be published every olhc,r"sUurday, in tho 0.uarto"lorrn, every mfinth embellished with a superrior wood enraviniff and will contain twenty-six numbers of eight pages each, with a tittle page and index to th&vojurue, making in Lie whole MO pages. It Will be prin ted in handsome style, on medium paper of a su periut quality, witJi rood type-nrakfngrat tfitrcnd of tiie-year, a neat mid tasteful vohiino contain ing matter equal to one thousand duodecimo pages, which will be both amusing and instructive in fu. lure years. TF. R MS. fin t Hollar Kt annum, rneari. oWy in adcance. Person remitting us .",0(1, free of postage, shall rcc 'ive Six Copies; for .) 01) Ten Copies; for ff 10,00, Thirteen Copie-sJ for SI 3,00, Twenty Copies; for 820,00 Tu-entu.Eio-ht Copies, sent to any direction required , for one year. In order to tave the time of writing the names on papers, wo will send for !J15,00 Twenttj.Tico Co pies, and for 20,00, Thirty Copies, for one vcar mailed to one nodress and the amount in 0110 re mittance, free of jioslage. Wo have a few copies of the 11th, 12th, 13th, Ititli, 17th. lbth volumes, and any one senilintf fur tho 13th 79'imic, can have as many copies of either of tho volumes as tlrcy wish, at the same rate. O No subscription received for lease than one veer. All the back numbers furnished to ucw sub scribers during the year, until the edition is out, unless otherwise ordered. Post Masters, are authorized to remit sulwcrip tions for a paper, free of expciise. " Names of subscribers with ihei amount of Sub. scriplion, to be sent as soon as pos&ib g to the pub lisher, WM. B STODDARD. Ok 5 B3 , Toall uhom it may concent: Til E ciliwnirftf tli wet end of the eountic nf f luneombo and Yancey rnle-nd to petition the next Legislature of North Carolina to have a new county stricken off the two counties, west of the month of Ivy. MavG.lWJ. tf 96 U. 5T1TES-X82TH CAEfiLlN'A D1STWCT. fJlSTHICT COUHT IX BAKjlKUFTCY. , At Cliambcrs in Fayetletilfe, April 9, 1842. I JETER It. FORXEY.of Burke County, ha. vinr. on the ninth day of April, filed a petition duly verified, praying that he may bo declared a Bankrupt, it i thereupon, rdercd by the Court, Hint cause be shown before the Court, at chambers in this town, on Friday the twentieth day of May next, why the said Peter B. Forney be not dccla red a Bunkrnpt, pursuant to the act of Congnwi in that hedialf : and that this notico bo published in tho Highland Metsent'er four weeks in succes sion. 'II. II. WITTER, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankruptcy. "3 $ - Farmers' and Jtetnters ' SZl. JC-s Wa JCL. 3W ya Z2 ffSI 1 FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD . 1842, For sale- at Ibis Office. Ashcv illc, Xovrmber 12, 1 34 1 . 73 , FEMALE ACADEMY. rTMIE Sprinjj vacation havinj been anticipated -L in consequence of tho indisposition of Missy" .-mitii, win ciosc on uic ioui .Arn. as luc-snni-mor resi-ioii will cmnprisu six inonllis, and tiio terms will be lieltcr understood when clmrged per quarter, the bills wUl be made out in that maimer, the rates heiug;, as kerefofore, as moderate as in any School of the tame elans. TERMS. For children under 8 years of ape, ef the primary . class, -, - . . . )J3 50 per quarter For children ever 8-Re'adinjf, Wrilinjr, Geography, Gram mar and Arithmetic, . 6 00 " Pupils pursuing, in addition lo llienlKjvcjtHehirbcrhranehcs,- vi!t. History, Natural and Mo ral Philosophy, Natural Histo ry, Is)cie,Aatronomy,Ciictiiis try, Botany, Geometry; Alc. 1 bra, etc., or seimcof theas, 7 00 " For French or Iitin, or other lanwuajre, extra, - . 5 01) " ' .Music on the Pisno, . 12-00 " " ' Gm'lar, . . ti IK) Drawing and Paintiiiir, - 5 00 Embroidery and Ornamental Needle-Work. - 3 00 Instruction in making wax flowers, for 121i'Roiis six dollars. Board 4 per month, including lights and fuel. IT A class will be formed of such younir ladies as wish to qualify tin nuclei's to teach, and terms mado acconimodatini to them if their circum- stnnces rcquiro it. ttrpiU adTmttCit sfterTHe drtemnir bf lhe school. will be charged from tho time of their admission, out wilt be charged to the close of tlio quarter, if they jjo away before it closes, except in cases of sickness. It is important te them, however, to commence, if possiLlc, at tho beginning of the see. sion. Pupils from a distance will be expected to hoard with the Superintendent, unless tliey board with near relatives in tho placa. iUarcli aj, IS U. SawMuwtf , 00 fcjzSeml in your orticrs 1 1 j) BLANKS ! BLANKS ! ! CLERKS of Courts, Attoniissys, Sherifi's, and Constables ar: retiH ct.'tillv informed that wo have recently made lariro adililions to our funnel assortment of BIANKS; and that we are mm prvpnrcd to fill w fth prompUtaa orders for any 'of tho followiiii; kinds,, viz : , Constables' Warrants, 1 C ataV. and Bonds, Superior Court t'a. Sa's, Coun ty CxtrtRaad Ordera, " " Executions, e Guardians' Bonds, Apprentices' Inelentures, Appearance Bonds, Sujierior Court Indictments for AfTbiys, ' -'." " As'ulls, fetm.ty Court ,10. Affrays, r-.H... . .,. wriu,"-" --p""' - -Deeds of Trust, Superior Coin I Venditioni Exponas, " " Subjxenas, - County " (!,). Velu4,SOh !rvr:;:iS'? Mliirrior " Ca. S.i. Bonds. (uimty " d,. ,J0. Deeds of Conveyance, Superior Court ( -apian Uonde, " WriU, Marriage Ucense, Co:etnl.! - It. II., ,,, r. I Superior Court W itnesu Tickets. t ounly Court do. , Deeds of Equity, , Indemnity lloTid-e, Sheriff's Deeds Veii.l. Expo. Fi. Fa. Appeal Bonds, Coiniuisfions fur Liking Dejiosilions. X Constnblefl.' Officitil Bonds, Administratora' Bonds, letters of Administration,-'. Prosecution Bonde, Xcttcrir TeistaaneBtay,- Ep'cttifcnts, " ' " iMesstnge" Ofliee, J Ashcv illc, July 23, 1811. $ 51 LCT NEW IRON WORKS.erj THE undersigned lako Uiis method lo inform the public at large tliat they have their new IRON WORKS in full operation, and are nrrnnrnd to fill bills for nny amount of ji Their Works arc situated inChcroker f... .u . ., --..-,,,-..- Any isrsonor persons wiKliin-,i,.,.,Kn ... .,'!. .ou. .iiueTi nivin-wcsi 01 me teiwn or nlurjihy. w-tM-HMnii.pgn'ti.i,, ;i A.i;.;Sr.-;.i.i. in tfna bounds of the counties of Ila'ywood, Ma! o, ,u iu viii-r.ii.ee, iortii v uroiina, or Union, IIu txTshaiii or ( lilmore, Georgia, at 7 cents per pound, or CJ cents d livercel at tho wrgc. We warrant our Iron to Iw aa good as nny mado in the State. c nuiier ourselves liat the quality of our Iron, logcther w ith the very low price at which we pro. pose, to sell, will entiiie us to a goeid portion of the public palronage. Bills forwarded to tho propric tors will be strictly at tcneled to. Address BENJAMIN WARD, Murphy. Januwy 7, 1S42. ?j U.STATES...SOETfl UROLHl DISTRICT. DISTRICT COUltT IS BAXKUUPTCY. At1 Chamber tmFayettetille, April 0, 1842. THOMAS J. FORNEY, of Burho county, ha, v ing, on tiie fdth day of April filed a petition duly vcTiiieiL prayine that he mav lie derlnn A . Bankrupt, it is thereupon, Ordered by tlio Court. 1 1 . . . . 1 1 1 r . , -. . - . ' o. uim .re Bin." u utnn; uic v-ouri, at cliamlwra iu tliis town, on Friday the twentieth dv of Me next, whv the said 'llmmar. JLFurney ht? not de.' cSared a Bankrupt pursuant to aet nffnnnra,. :,, I that behalf: and that thin notice be published in the Highland Aftatcuget f.n we in secession. II. II. liOlTER, -r AcUtig Clerk ej Court in Baukrupteu ' ) " If Jamoa Conn; rt'e I? U UNDER wmsiMS AND HAMAlli " ' Yf ESPECTFULLY " ?n Al the DUblie renerll .! .. Ptrorw manufacture and 1 e. " T I uraih. sumilv . I'rintin? Business, a." well aVsl Umt may ofler. lie, tirfmee. return uranu to those whoso tnJ.,! extensively enjoyed for so manvWW that he tato bo found atth. corner of Ann and A'onsaa &'rrr f n. to executo any order that he may 1 Z'J and mat the typo manufactured by kw"fe selection of faces taken from his a"j " to;reiie with a number of additi.!? cut ; that ho is enabled lo sudd'v FoiiKTg, nf the " ui siirmiv sl.b tcuutifjjiu intiroved nnt;i. of a preutly Improved also cnpiirrd in Eettine up, by , ,,-Tf t, process, an extensive aeries of ornamental Arranom.---5t with the manufacturrrs 0f p,, Jf ai rials, that will ci!ab!l,!.-.J "8lnerP. inw materials, ile ra as expeditiously as my other Few?? Union, and on as favorable term. Ca t tw lcimen ut now in th. coar rf IT. fW.1 I lun""!! lnj. The Aiucricnti"afcorr- PROSPECTUS. TTNDEU tlio above titlo th yj publh-h on tlio 1st of April, 1D12 ,B7' S 1st of each sucerding month a U Arguments, .Statistic, f perches, WuT devoted exelusiye y to the HdvoeaeylA of the policy of IWkchon to AerJc., i against the svlfiish and graspingpnlic.-f f Nations, cMceitdlv of wilu T 1 trade, which shut out of their port, ihsZl bulk of our Products, and cmni. ... I" 1 rf Lf' glut 00, niortS, itrupt our MerchantB, depreciate oor enrJUTT, funnsli our Laborers' and Arti'saia by Mori upon us U10 products of their kH a4 Inrfjl!? on tho easy terms prollin d Mm-th byowvTZ non-Prote-clivc Duties, This .Ma'4ii,, T!m flexibly and ardently advoni'c tha true Aaett Policy e.f cotNTERVAiuw Hieieeny, cxZ!!! Great Britain and other Nioi by Iw?-. direct, avowed IVotkci to e:x n.mt tfS tkv which rhail be thorough and eiGeirat. Hie Aukrkas Kiroat s y, jfl . (am the policy cfe ncourngig anJ ,"7; w ifce legislation the establishment tad rrwrtl our country of new or yet feeble braatlaji dustry, strcli nsme CuiThTc e.rsilk, the StT Juro of whatever fabne-s of Wool ('ottoaTb.' tec, mil,- be necerbary for the wui ;i! wants and to secure and perfect urlad aiiLI It-will demmisfnrtonhat triie 'aad'irsis-1 mtercts ol all, lint especially of the Arica!ub ard Working ('lasses universally. wlk. -.t bly and signally promoted by a Joking nd cam mgoiit Ilia Protective PoIicT.andllutU of I Jiltor, tho average prieo' of its Prodoc, the aggregate Product of the NaUeical wlU. will be Eiire ly and largely enhanced thereby. short, this work is intended to faia ceipklc textbook for tlio friends cf Proleftiess, irj , ihoritugh refiilutiun nt every point, of Iks soe. cious fallacU s tut forth by the-forcijs tsd i. guided Ame rican apologists for the policy ef eat. siiled Free Trade. The American Laborer will be pubhtard aik ly in a large octavo form, each nnmbrr Cbabis. ing SJ larec eloublc-coluiaii Dsgf..uf f wi, -, , iiidiiee. j.ucii uuiiiuer wiu coniaia omimi Sjn-cch, Repeirt, or either convincing duronr!, ami a variety of shorter articles. The work si form one complete and eomprc beniire Tolerae ( 3fI laryc and fair pages, and will tie sffUnHls single subscribers for scveuly-Jice cents eaca, una cepie- for Two Dollars, five copies for Three Ui lars, nine copies for Five Dollars, or Iwroty oafn for Ten Dollars. Payment is required ia adrsatc, in ail cases. Hie lowest possible puce has beta fixed in '.rder that its cireulatioa may be reader, ed universal, should llio work receive tbetjM. bat ion of the public. The several Homo Leagues, AgricuHersl So. cietii'S, Mn'hnnici' Associations Slid iniiieskul friends of Piotectiou throiigliout tl:e Couiiirjiic eariK.stly sedicited to aid us in extending UWw cululiou of The Ijihorer. . GREELEY & MeEI.RATfl. 3J Annt. New York, March I, It 12. HHV r-STAiILISH7IE.1T!. call m mm. Ftirnilarc for sale. .-tt the corner East J & Court Hmst, ASIIEVILIJ3,N C. TIIE subscriber, having f ommenced httNBfw in this pla.ee, will shortly have finished ual rqarjy for sale, " '.' TABLES, BUREAUS, WORK-Sf A.SCS, CAKCIE- STANDS, &C, &C. ' AH of which r. ill be sold on moek-ttlc terras. Be is rreiiiired to ruaiiufacti;rejci!incjpj5li'i. rPVif ry!lupcrlpn,,ii oF Cabinet furniture, in a neat, substantial and workman-like misscr. Orders Cir the; inamifacturing or repairing of wf thing in hit line of biicinefs. will tw UuudJclly received and promptly aUcneJejil toj,wh Asheviile.iVov. 5, 1841. 71 , 1IESP.Y A. D RE EE'S Setd A Mortu dltural WarehHse No. 97, Ciiesxitt si iiKKT, 1'uu.iuri.rfliA. ; WHERE ij oiTered a full assortment of Hsr ranted G: irdrnand Field Seeds, amrrmaf nil the most superior and newest kinds woruiyot cultivation, all of thu crop 'of 1841. Flower Seed. Gnat attention is ejevotedto this branch, and upwards of fiOO choice and W variotkai-ttroilrtePir mtlo -tin's ca8""",T?: incuts put up in boxes of 12 frry rare kinds 81,00 or 20 fine kinds for ftl.OO. Each btf" accompanied with Directions for Planting. - JiufAons Flowering Eools-rA large coHeersw, suitable for spring planting, as Gladiolus, i dias, Aniarylis, Tabereve. Ac. ie- . Double Volition. The collection 01 "TT J Flower stands unrft alled, having gained tne"" iVcre for three successive seasons, f lWr ., - 41, at tho grand Autumoal Exhibitions el Pemisylvania Ilorticultiiral Society, fot tho vm ietiet and display. Bry Roots can transported any distance between the month October and ay. -Packages containing m sorlment of 13 fino kinds, and of all tcblors. cachroot Tobelled wilu name sou cuiurs, tucii roui taucucu wan lift ..t . . - - -I. i TrtL.TI.I and carefully paclicd in motmt uf r""' bo assortmenffl in proportion. , .u standard und most approved works oh IhcfOtgcro amonr which are Uic Fanmrs' &mP?.lflS American Swine Breeder, 75 ; M'Mahem A? rienn Gardener, S.1,0' ; P.ridgman's ioung v dencr's Assistant, 1.25; Florist OlMe, i ccnta ; Buist' Flower Garden Directory, o- Gardcning Too'.. As Hoes and fj ning Knives and .Slu irri ; Garden Trowels, Grcm House Kyrin-fs, Ac. e&c. Fmlt Gre.cn and Hot House Plantar--"ia. arid Ornamental Trees supplied on tl,c,,n'V. so'nabL- te-rms, from tlio proprietor's coUecuo. established nurseries. ... 1 Bats French Sugar Beet, Mangel Baga, Fie ld Carrot and Turnip Seeds. anel retail. ' ' , m jo Dealers supplied with Seedg, neatly p J bags wiUi printed labels, containing -'"j at rcetions for planting and managing, by tn 1000. or by the pound, 011 favorable tcmn- logues ffratis, on (post paiel) iipheation. -Vcbttcr'i Dictiouarj. .ORsalii al this oilicc very lo " CT. Nov 26. "V

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