tr ! :i'- ami economical administration of that brnn'-h i.l' lho public service. fiett. 3. And be it further enanttd, That, in liru of . .the psjf rations, allowances, and other omokintenU autlwrkfld by th existing law and reputations, the annual nay of f ursers shall be as follows, viz ! when attached to vessels in commis sion for rrrt wry ice, they plmll receive, for ships of the line, three thousand' five hundred dollars ; far frigates or razees, three thousand dollars ; for r-ioops of war, and stcamem of first class, two thonsand dollars j for brip, and schooners, and steamers, less than first class, fifteen hundred dol. lars ; on ditty at navy yards at Boston, New York, Norfolk, and Pensnroia, two thousand fiv hun dred dollars,?' at Portsmouth Philadelphia, and Washington, two thousand dollars ; at naval sta. tions, within the United States, fifteen hundred dollars? and hv receiving ships at Boston, New Tork, and Sorforlk," two thousand five hundred dollars ; and at other places, fifteen hundred dol lars j on leave or waiting orders,he same pay as Burgeons. And it is hereby expressly declared, that the yearly pay provided in this net, Is all the pay compensation, and allowance, that shall he received unrier any circumstances, by pursers, ex- .t nnp ration est'-b per dav. when attached to vrawls fur fea. ali" In- t ravelin expenses when under orders, !or which ten cents pur mile shall be allowed. See. 4. Andbe it further enacted, Tlml nothing ttt this act"nnttmMhatt"-be--oBiitfMd-WilE!t tb bonds which nave heretofore been given by pursers in the navy, but the same shall remain in full force and effect, as if this law had not been passed ; and the Secretary of the Navy is. hereby authorized and required to demand and receive from them, or any of them, new bonds, with suffi cient sureties", in all cases in which ho may con. aider the same necessary and expedient, and in case any purser shall neglect or refuse to give such new bond, it shall le the duty of the Executive to dismiss him forthwith from the service. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That the mlra and regulations which shall be made in con, formitv with the provisions of this act shall he laid before Congress at their nct session.- Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, T hat it shall not be lawful for a purser in the navy to advance or loan anv sum or sums of money, public or pn. lvate.or any article or commodity whatever, or any credit, to any officer in the naval service, under any pretence whatever. " " " Bee. 7. And be itfurthm enacted, That the pro. visions of thit act ahall go into effect within the United States, from the date of its passage ; and in vessels abroad at the begining of tbo quarter XftariMi official receipt. See. 8. And be it further enacted, That pursers attached to, and doing duty in, navy yards at lias. ton. New York, and Norfolk, and seagoing ves sels of m large1 class than sloops-ofjwar, shall be authorized to appoint a clerk or assistant, to be approved by the commanding officer of such yard or vessel , and tho yearly compensation of said clerk shall be as follows, viz : in a frigate or navy -sard, at Doston.. Hew. Yorkand Norfolk, five hundred dollars.. Said ossistnnt or clerk shall have the privileges which are allowed to the clerk of the commanding officer j and each purser and clerk, while attached to vessels, in commission, shall receive. one ration per day. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted. That all stores of purser on board ships in commission shall be taken by the Government at a fur valua. tion, under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy. ' Sec. 10. Andjbe it further enacted. That all acts or parts of acts, which may be conttary to or in. consistent with, the provisions of this act, shall be, and are hereby repealed. See, 11. Andbe it further enacted. That, from and after the passage of this act the annual pay of the forward warrant officers of the navy of the United States shall be as follows : for boatswains, gunners, carpenters and aailmakera, when on du ty, on board ships of tho line, and in the three navy yards at Boston, New York, and Norfolk, eight hundred dullrrs f on other duty, aeven hun dred dollars, when on leave of absence, or await. irur orders, the said officer.- slum receive five bun. dred dollars, for the first ten years and after six hundred dollars. Sea. 12. And be it further enacted, That when, ever an officer shall perform the duty of a higher grade, by order of the Secretary of the Navy, or the commander of a fleet of squadron or ship, acting eingly on foreign service, such officer shall be entitled to receive the pay of such higher grade during, the time he performs the doty in that grade, and no longer ; and no allowance shall be made for performing such service hereafter unless so ordered, Approved, August 6, 1813. Pcblic No. 80. . - AN ACT irt addition to an act to promote the pro cress of the useful arts, and to repeal all acts and parta of acta b.rUifuta madit foi tltat pur pose ' Be it enacted by the Snude and House of Representatives of iht' U. btates of Ameri ca in Congress Assembled, Thatihe Trea surer of the United States be, and ho here, by is, authorized to pay back, out' of the fi.3JSPiJkQiiiSM- WW M jums of money, to any person who shall have pal! the same into the Treasury, or Id any receivor or depositary, tothccredit of the treasurer. as lor lues accruing at the 1'atent Ullico through mistake, and which ore not pro: vided to li; paid by existing la ws, certificate thereof hling mado to suid Treasurer by tho Commissioner of PatenU. :r Sec. 2 And be il further enacted, That the third scclion of tho net of March, eigh. teen hundred and thirty-seven, which autho rizes the renewing of patents lost prior to the fifteenth f IemliWp-eighteefrhuBr dred and thirty-six, is extended to patents granted prior to stud fifteenth day of De. comber, though they may have been lost subsequently : Provided, hoteever, The same shall not hae been recorded anew under- the'provisions of said act. SeevA, And be it further enacted, That nny citizen or ci!izens,or alien or aliens, having resided one year in the U. Slatesj and taken the oath of his or their intention to bocome a citizen'or citizens, who by his, her, or their own industry, genius, efforts, and expense, may bave invented or pro- , cluccd any new andonginal design for a manufacture, whoiher of metal or fther -material or maUals, or any new and original design for the printing of woolen, silk, cot toot or other fabrics, or ahy new and ori ginal design for a bust, -statue, or bas relief or composition in alto or basso relievo, or . any new and original impression or orna ment, or to be placed on arty article of ma. ;nufacture,the same being formed in marble or other material, or any new and useful pattern, or print, or pjfliuj, to be either worked on, or printed or painted or cast or xitberwise fixed on, any article of manu facturc, or nny new and original shape or configuration of any article of manufacture not known or used '- others before his, her, or their invention or jrpductiofflliefg; "of, and prior to he time of his, lieror -tbeir apphcation for a patent therefor, and itwho shall desire to obtain an exclusive pro perty or right therein to make, use, and -sell and vend tlietame, -or copies of the same, to others, by them to be made, used, and sold, may make application in writing to the Commissioner of Patents expressing such desire, and Jhe Commissioner, or due proceeding had, rr.ay grant a patent there for, as in the case now of application of a patent! Provided.Thbt the fee in such case which by the now existing laws would be required of the particular applicant shall be one half the sum, and that the duration of said patent shall be soven years, and that all the regulations and provisions which now apply to.the obtaining or protection of patents not inconaisiem wun we provisions of this act shall apply to applications under this section Sec. 4.- And be it further enacted, That the oath required for applicants tor patents may be taken, when the applicant is not for the time being residing in tuejluited.i3uttes, before any minister, plenipotentiary , charge d auuires, consul, or commercial agent hold, ing commission under the Government of the United States, or before any notary public of the foreign country to which such applicant my bo, See. 5. And be il further enacted, That if any person or persons shall paint or print, or mould, cast, carve, or engrave, or ,stam,upgn anything made used, or sold by him, for tho sole making or selling which he hath not or shall not have obtained letv ters 'patent, the name or any imilation of tho name of any other person ho hath or shall have obtained letters patent for tho sole Tnntirur Tindvending of such thing, without consent of such patentee, or his assigns or legal representatives ; or if any person, upon any such thing not having been purchased from the patentee, or some person who purchased it from or under such patentee, or not having license Orcon. sent of such patentee, or his assigns or le gal representatives, shall write, paint, print, mould, cost, carve, engrave, stamp, or otlierwiseniakeraflix4he word patent or the words " letters patent," or the word " patentee," or any word or words of like kind, meaning, or import, 'With the view or intent of imitating or counterfeiting the stamp, mark, or other device of tho paten, tee, or shall affix the same or any word, stamp, or device of like import, on any unpatented ar'tice, for the purpose of de. ceiving the public, he, she, or they, so of fending, shall be liable for such offence, to a penalty of not less than one hundred dol. lars, with costs, to be recovered by action ui-any- of-4he.cimiit-courts -ofihe United. States, or in any of the district courts of the United States having the powers and jurisdiction of a circuit court ; one half of which penalty, as recovered, shall be paw to the patent fund, and the other half to any person or persons who shall sue for the samo. Sec. 6. And be it further 'enacted, That all patentees and assignees of patents here after granted are hereby required to stamp, engrave, or cause to be stamped or en graved, on each article vended, or offered for sale, tbe date of the patent ; and if any person or persons, or patentees or assignees , shall neglect to do so, he, she, or they shall be liable to tho same penalty, to be recovered and disposed .or in the manner specified in the foregoing fifth section of this act. Approved, August 29, 1842. Pcblic No. 61. AN ACT to provide for the reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court of tbe United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatits of the Untied Stales of Ame rica in Congress assembled, That tho re porter who shall, from time to time, be ap. pointed by jhe Supreme Court, shall be en titled to receive from the Treasurer of the United States, as an annual compensation for his services, and for the copies of the annual Columns of the reports ho is, here iuafti jcouiredjo of State, the sum of thirteen hundred dol lars: Provided, Thit the compensation shall not be paid unless the snid reporter shall print r.nd publish, or cause to be print ed and published, the decisions of the said court, made during the time he sliaM act as such reporter, within sixjmonths after the said decisions' shall be rnade : ,21n5 provided also, i hat he shall deliver to the Secretary ot otatOj in lieu ol the eighty copies of the annual reports which by former acts h was required to deliver, one hundred and fifty copies of tho said reports, so printed and published, which said copies shall be distributed as follows, to wit s To the Pre sident of tho United States, the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States the Judges of the district courts, the Attor. ney General of the United States, ths Se. c eta ry of State, the Sec retary of 4he-Ti sury, the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, the Postmaster General, the r irst and oecond Comptrollers of the Trea. sury, the Solicitor of the Treasury, tho first, becond, lhird, rourth and fifth Auditors of the Treasury, tho Auditor of the General Post Office, The Treasurer of the united States, the Register of the Trea. surer, the Commissioner .of thpiGcncral Land Office, the Paymaster General, the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, the Com missioner of Pensions', the Judges of the several territory courts of the United States, the' Governors of the Territories of the United States, the Secretary of tho Sen ate for the use of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Representatives for the use of the House of Representatives, and to the Commissioners of the Navy, each one' copy ; to the Secretary-Of the Senate, for the use of the standi off committees, ten copies ; and to the clerk of the House of Kcpresentatives, for the use of the standing committees 01 the House, twelve copies : and the residue of the said copies shall be deposited in the Library of Congress, to be. eome a part of the said Libraryr And prtr. tided also, That the volumes of the deci sions of the Supreme Court shall not be sold by the reporter to the public at large for a greater price than five dollars for each inlilml - - j " ' tnuttcu, a Hal in case bf the death, resignation, or dismis. sion from office of either of ihe aforesaid officers the said copies of the decisions of the Sapreme Court shall belong to and be delivered un to their - - l - - - g- ------ -wvvutfvi a in the said offices. fPrBUC -No. 85. ' AN ACT auuiorlainf the Secretary of the Navy to contract for the purchase for the United State the risrht to use Aabbit'a antUUtriUon metal. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of i Representative of the united States of Ame rica in Congress assembled, That the Se cretary oT the Navy be, and he hereby is, authorized loT contract for theparchase, from the proprietor of the patented interest therein, for the United Stairs, the right to use Babbit's nntu attrition metal in the con. struction of machinery and other work : subject to the ratification of Congress, Approved, August 29, 1842. Public No. 80 AN ACT establishing a court at Charleston, in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stales of Ame rica in Congress assembled, That hereafter terms of the district court for the western district ofTirfMnia bo holden at Charleston, in the county of Kanawha, commencing on tho Wednesdays after the second ftfon duysof April and September of every year in lieu of the sessions of said district court now directed to be held at Lewisburg, in the county of Greenbriar, which said last mentioned session of said are hereby dis continued. Approved, August 29,1842. PrjBLie No. 87. AN ACT4 provide for the nublicction of a new edition of the laws and regulations of the Post Utiice lK-partment, and a perfect list of tue post offices in tbe United States Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Ame rica in Congress assembled,' That tho Post master General be, and he is hereby, autho. rized and. required to cause to be collated and printed in jamphlet Torm, suitably for distribution,, a complete edition, ol not less than eighteen thousand copies, of the laws relating to the Post Office Department ; to. gether with the regulations established by said Department for the better conduct of its business ; and also a new and complete list of all the post offices in the United States, showing their respective distances from Washington, and from the capitals of the States in which the several offices are situated. Sec. 2. And be Ufurlher enacted, That fcrHliepOTposef-earTying-toefleet-tl)! provisions of this act, the sum of nine thou sand one hundred dollars is hereby appro priated, out of any money not otherwise appropriated. Approved, August 29, 1843. PtfBLte No. 88. AN ACT to reorganize the Navy Department of the United Mates. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of Ame rica in Congress assembled, That the act approved rebruary seventh, eighteen hun dred and fifteen, entitled, " An act to alter and amend the several acts for establishing a Navy Department, by adding thereto a Board of Commissioners," be, and the same Is hereby, repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there shall be attached to the Navy Depart ment the following bureaus, to wit : 1. A bureau of Navy Yards and Docks. 2. A bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs. 3.. A bureau of JhamitumM Clothing. 4. A bureau ofMJrdnance and Hydro- Igraphy. 5. A bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Sec. 3. And be it furllter enacted, That tho President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint from the captains in tho naval service a chief for each of the bureaus of and Hydrography, who shall each receive a salary of three thousand five hundred dollars per annum, in lieu of all other com pensation whatever, in the naval service ; and shall, in like manner, appoint a chief ol the bureau of Construction, Equipment, constructor, and shall also appoint a chief of the burea i of Provisions and Clothing, who shall each receive for.his services three tnousana dollars per annum; anu shall in like mannor appoint from tlie surgeons of the Navy a chief of the bureau of Medieine and Surgery, who shall' receive for his ser- vices two thousand five hundred dollars per" annum. ' Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy shall appoint the following clerks, to wit 5 . , of the-ofhee of Secretary of Navy, a chief clerk, who shall receive for his ser yices two thousand dollars per annum j one registering clerk, who shall receive for his services one thousand four'hundred dollars per annum : three recording clerks, who shall receive for their services each one thousand dollars per annum; one principal corresponding clerk, who shall receive for his services one thousand five hundred dol lars; and two assistant correspendine cierKs, wno shall receive for each twelve hundred dollars per annum ; one warrant clerkwho shall receive fbYhis services twelve hujKrred dollars per annum ; and one miscellaneous clerk, who shall re ceive for his services eight hundred dollars per annum.- ror tho bureau of Navy Yards and Docks, ono eiyjl engineer, who shall re ceivo for his Services two thousand dollars per annum; One draughtsman, who shall receive for his services one thousand dol lars per annum ; one chief clerk, who shall receive for his services one thousand four hundred dollars per annum ; and two as- sistant e'erks, one of whom shall receive for his seryicesTonozthousand dollars per annum, and the other shall receive for his services eight hundred dottars per annum. for tho bureau 01 Construction, Equip. went, mi RejdfflJasjtaBlxoflsticU XouiauftlheteOIiaaotuyg&ifen than j.r;! mnnrt or and draughtsman, who shall receive 4br sand four hunered and sixty -eight dollars. 1 Zt' noao-f?,'.,ina or his services the sum of one thousand six hundred dollars per annum and fourcjerks, one of whom shall receive for his services fourteen hundred dollars per annum; and the others shall receive for their services one thousand dollars per onnum each. For the bureau of Provisions and Cloth- fog; one chief clerk, f bo shall receive far; bit services one thousand four hundred dol lar J per annum f and two clerks, one of whom shall receive for Ms services one thousand two hundred dollara per Jinnum, arid the other shall receive for his services eight hundred dollars per annum. For the bureau of Ordnance and Hydro graphy, one draughtsman, who shall re. ceive for his services one thousand dollars per annum s and three clerks, one of whom shall receive for his services twelve hun dred dollars per annum, and the others shall receive for their services one thousand dol lars per annum each. - For the bureau of Medicine and Surgery, two clerks, one of whom shall receive for his services twelve hundred dollars per an num, and the other shall receive for his servieeseight hundred dollars per annum j and one assistant surgeon, who shall re ceive for his services not less than the high, est pay of his grade in the service. . Sec 5. And be U further enacted f Thnt the Secretary of the NWjFshatT assign and distribute among tho said bureaus such of tho duties of the Navy Department as he shall judge to be expedient and proper ; and all the duties of the said bureau shall be performed , under the authority of the Socretary of the Navy, and their orders shall be considered as emanating from him, and shall have full force aod eflect as such. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed to each bureau a messenger, whoshalT receive for his ser vices a compensation not exceeding seven hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the chief of each bureau hereby established shall be authorized to frank, all communi. cations from his bureau : and all commu nieations to his bureau, on the business thereof, shall bo free of postage. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That tho books, records, and papers now belong ing to the office of Nay Commissioners shall be distributed among the bureaus, ac cording to the nature of their duties re. spectively : and the Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized . to provide for each bureau such books of record and accounts, and such stationery, as mar be found "ne cessary: for .which purpose the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars is here- by-ppropFted, payabU-out-of ny nney4 in the I reasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, lhat the unexpended balance of the appropria tion for clerks in the office of the Secretary of the Navy, and the unexpended balance of the appropriation for the Commissioners of the Ny i their secretary and clerks, together with such additional sum as 'may be necessary to carry this law into effect, be,' and the same are hereby, appropriated out of anj money , in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 10. And be Ufurlher enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy shall, if the same can be done without detriment to the public service, appoint, with their consent, offi cers of the navy, not above the grade of lieutenants, to perform tbe duties of any slerkshin created bv this act. fexcenl as r J ' 1 herein otherwise provided,) who shall re ceive each for their services not more than nine hundred dollars per annum, including their regular pay and rations; but the ap. pointment of any officer in tho navy to any of tho offices or clerkships in this act shall in no manner whatever interfere with his grade in the service. aec. 1 1. And be tt further enacted, I hat all acts or parts of acts authorizing the President of the United blates, or the ae cretary of the proper Department, under his direction to transfer any portion of tbe moneys appropriated for a particular branch j of expnditiJrerhffiaT Department to be applied to another branch of expenditure in the same Department, be, and the same are hereby, so fnr as relates to the Depart ment of the Navy, repealed. 'Approved,. August 31, 1842. PrBtieN. 82.em? AN ACT making an appropriation for the erec tion of a marine hospital at or near Ocracoke in ZWtn i.arnlina. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the V. Stales of Amen ca in Congress assembled, That the sum of ten thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the i reasury not otherwise appropriated for the purchase of a site and the erection of a marine hospital at or near Ocracoke in North Carolina ; the site to be. selected d tho-btntdrrnrto becorrtracted-for-and erected under the superintendence and di rection of the Secretary of the Treasury and that he (the Secretary of the Treasury) be directed to report 'to Congress, at its next session, the progress and condition of the. work: rrovided, Tbta the expense of the land and building shall not exceed that sum. Approved August 29, 1842. Pcblic No. 83 AN ACT making appropriations for eertajn sites for marine hospitals therein mentioned. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of itcpresenlatives of the u. States oj Ameru ca in Congress assembled, 1 hat the follow. ing sums be, and the same aro hereby, ap. propriated for sites of marine hospitals, se. lected and purchased under the act of March third, eighteen hundred and thirty seven, entitled " An act to provide for cer tain harbors, and for the removal of obstruc tions in and at tbe mouths of certain rivers and for other purposes. For a site for a marine hornital at Natah. ez, in the State of Mississippi, seven thou, sand dollars. For the site of marine hospital atNa4 poleon, in, the State of Arkansas, one thou. sand dollars. . For the site of a marine hospital at St. for tne site ot a marine hospital at Pa.' ducha, in tbe Stale of Kentucky, one thou sand dollars. For tho site of a marine hospital at Lou. sville, in the State of Kentucky, six thou- sand dollars. For the site of a marine hospital at Pitts- burg, in the State of Pen nsyl vania, tan thou sand two hundred and fifty-three dollars. For the site of a marine hospital at Cleve land, in the State of Ohio, twelve thousand dollars. -' --.-.' - -- Sec. 2. .find be it further enacted, Thai the said several sums of money be paid out of any moneys in the Treasury, not other wise appropriated. - Approved, August 29, 1842. Pcblic No. 84. AN ACT to establish and regulate the nary - ' iinns. Be it enacted by the Senate and HousHif Representatives of the U. Stales of Amen ca in Congress assembled, That the navy ration shall consist of the following daily allowances of provisions for each person One pound of salted pork, with half i pint of peas or beans j or one pound of salted beet, with hall a pound ol nour, anu a truarterof a pound of raisins, dried ap- nles. or other dried fruits : or one pound of fsatl bef, with half a pound of rice, two ounces ol butter, and two ounces oi cneese together with fourteen ounces of biscuit one auarter of an ounce of tea, or ounce of coffee, or one ounce of cocoa : two bun ces of sucar, and ono gill of spirits : and of a weekly allowance of half a pound of pickles or cranberries, halt a pint ol motas ses. and half a pint of vinegar. - SeGr-Hr-And be it further enacted, That fresh meat may be substituted foi salt beef or pork, and vegetables or sour crout for the other articles usually issued with the salted meats, allowing one and a quarto nounds of fresh meat for one pound of sa ed beef or pork, and regulating the quanti ty of vegetables or sour crout so as to equal the value of those articles tor wuicn tney mav be substituted. - t Sec. 3. And be furiherinatMttA should it be necessarv fo vary the above described daily allowance, it shall be law. ful id substitute one pound of soft bread, or one pound of flour, or ball a pouni of rice for fourteen ounces of biscuit ; half a pint of wine for a gill of spirits ; half a pound of rice for half a pint of beans and peas half a pint of beans or peas for half a pound of rica. When it may be deemed expedient by the Presideht of the United States, secretary of the Navy Commander of a fleet or squad ron or f a single - ship ben-not acting under the authority of another officer on foreign service, the articles of butter , cheese raisins, dried apples, Or other dried fruits pickles, and molassej, may be substituted for each other and for spirits : J roviaea The articles substituted shall not exceed in value the articles for which it may be issued according to the scale of prices which is or may be established for the same. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in case of necessity the daily allowance of provisions may be diminished or varied by the discretion of the senior officer present in command, but payment shall be made to the persons whose allowance shall bo thus diminished, according to the scale of prices which is or may bo established for the same; but a commander who shall thus make diminution or variation-shall report to his commanding officer, or to the Navy JJe partment, the necessity for the same, and give to the purser written orders specifying particularly the diminution or reduction which is to be made. Sec. 5. And be it further enated. That no commissioned officer or midshipman or any other person under twenty-one years of age, shall be allowed' to draw the spirit part of the daily ration 5 and all other per sons shall be permitted to relinquish that part of their ration, under such restrictions as the President of the United States my authorize . and to every person who. by this section, is prohibited from drawing, or who may relinquish the spirit part of Ins ration, there shall be paid, in lieu thereof, the value of the same in money, according to the prices which are or may be establish ed for the same. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted. That the provision of this et shaH go tnio-ef-i tect in the United states on the first dny of the succeeding quarter after it becomes a law, and in vessels abroad en the first day of the succeeding quarter after its official receipt ; and any acts and parts of acts which may be contrary to, or inconsistent with, theprovisions of thisact, shall bo, and are hereby repealed.- : -Approved, August 29, 1842. Electoral votes. By the new apportionment the number dent, chosen by all the States, will be 275, 01 which 138 are necessary for choice, We give the following comparative table of the numbers of electoral votes to which each State is entitled, both by the new and 01a ratio : New ratio, SO 26 23 , 14 13 It 12 Oldra.tio. 42 30 21 23 15 15 14 9 15 11 11 '' 7 - 10 5 10 t 8 4 8 7 1. New York. 2. Pennsylvania, 2. Ohio, 4. Virginia, 5. Tennessee, 6. Kentucky, 7. Massachusetts, 8. Indiana, 9. North Carolina. 12 11 10 10. Georgia, ' 11. South Carolina:, 12. Alabama. 9 9 9 8 7 7 6 .0 6 13; Maine, 14. Illinois, , 15. Maryland, 16. New Jersey, 17, Missouri, 18. ' Connecticut, 19. New Hampshire, 20. Vermont, 7 5 4 S 21. Louisiana, 22. Mississippi, - 6 6 5 .. 3 3- 285 - nn . 4 3 25. 20. Delaware, Arkansas, 294 An old lady who sells eggs in Cincinnati. has over fier door, " New laid eggs every morning, by Betty Briggsi' - Sbiuto Marouw Sornsoflksf foeo papers are talking orUvL Mangum instructed by the won 3 certainly look well foTffil renting an admitted minority Jfil ' of the State to attempt to i'strucutt was elected by and still reprtW.iu.1 ingsand interests of an urTd&H This-would be-r beautifiCfWT Domocracy.the mny)r rutins Mr. Mangum would laugh Sj W tions. faycttevUle Obs, iQMn- If, instead of representinff . the people of North ttrolH. W. ture of that State had been electedK. acknowledged majority, we should reL!3 any attempt to instruct M. nr.. any piei Till piece of very cool impudenc on The case of Messrs. Rmun .j 0 still fresh in the remembrance of ih3v and if Mr. ManBm k..M 1- WPnN Il fresh in the remembrance trfihZ?,:' the instructions which may be sent by the Locofoco Legislature of North W Ima, he Could quote Locofoco rrerX to sustain him. ; p aett" Should Mr. Mangum receive instruction. from the Legislature, we would sueKgu! him the propriety of returning themt, ib Assembly with a request fliat they .hoy. be reared to a committee,' consaT the Hon. Bedford Brown. Bedford would-be-Govepior Henry, could " coniZ and organize" himself, and make, we bin notloubt, a -most Jtwnrnotw report-,, ing nice distinctions between en tram, sion of opinion" by the Assembly indft, use of the word " Wilruc." peterji( Intelligencer. Cm Pnsss. We like the ides of the " National Forum," Philadelphia, jng a list of the Clay papers 10 that Em, anj irassing it round for additions, l& l be doneln every State, and let utbirti full and complete list of all the papers j, the Union, which are united in support rf the great American Statesman. Ihnw (at North Carolina. Fayetteville Observer, .a Wilmington Chronicle, Newbern Spectator, Washington Whig, , Elizabeth City Old North"giate Edenton Sentinel, J Roanoke Republican, Oxford Mercury, - Hillsborough Recorder, Greensborough Patriot, Salisbury Watchman, Asheville Messenger, Rutherford Intelligencer, Charlotte Journal, Salem Gazette, Milton Chronicle, Raleigh Star, - Raleigh Register. RalReg. Marruge 'Extraordinary. On tin 26th September, at the Post Ofictii Sal isbury, N. C; Mr," Jones of Miss Henrietta, Maria Mojftjson,of Remi county. The parties were eatirettraagen to each other until within an hour arenas to tho wedding. A rowdy he, of easy vir tue she, and equal match in character, short contract, shortly consummated, and wry shortly dissolved. On the morning of the 27th an officer and posse from Cabarru, county, apprehended the same Mr. Jobs, and carried him off to give him safe Wg. ings in the jail at Concord, until he shaH answer an indictment for burglar?. Be fore starting he proposed selling Bisr for seventy.five cents, the cost of Mar riage Licence. limit n.!ls!n Bloanuhin which M 0 IBS course of construction by tlie Great Wei- tftCO company, at 0rioi--x.i!giuuuJ - trt luS thA Inrnvat in the World. She will be ready for sea in the spring. She n 22 met long, oi feet in oreuuui, n. . .1 .1. i i. i. j onn which exceedi the registered tonage of any two ateio. ships in the world. She will occomrooMte ouu pusuiijurs, ami w - - Wffs iBfthar.-Tth l2O0toWb Ol ...Ml I f..... nnninM fiBcll of Si! kjiio wii iiarc mm vufc'.'f , horse power, in all 1000 horse power," ... -r I. r- mntt i.i.m .JnlCT. three boilers containing 200 mm of watery and heated by 24 fires. She is to be pre pelled by the newly invented screw pro peller. 'V ..This cake derive its nnmn fi-nmfhfl fact that it WM I" hio am. Washington; .L- I . . I.U lif it I W! iiiu iohi iu years w '"-i . formed one of the delicacies of MrtW table, and is considered one of tho nnm dishes ata Virginia dejune j? ti,i. rounds of flour, one quart of milk, with an ou nee of butter ed togetlier, put the milk and butter iotouw flour when it is about lukewarm, . u r three e'CCS tea-spoenful of salt, place it in pa night, and bake it in themorn'ng, ? . -t nf an hoar-"" quicK oven lor tnree quoi . Albany Cultivator. UsEPnL.Recent experiments i than one family in this city, says W Gazelle, have establislied that the P known to botanisU as tbe latum, commonly called water M3. . , j' .u:-t. ha louw - smart weea, ana wu " , jtDe great abundance along ditches, roaos, and barn yards, is an effectual sad 1 een destroyerof the bedbug. It """LV ercisa the same poisonous effect on " A strong decoction is made cfte B"D: the places infested with theinsectare fully washed therewltn. f""nlboat also, with much advantage, be strewn e room Aiihel- Elderberry leaves, laid upon Be of a cupboard, will also drive awa es and ants In a very snor. (says on exchange paper) thej ceremony was about to be perfornw church, in aneighboring town, clergyman desired tne pru - rtarried toriseup.alargenurnberof immediafbly arose. - I