" .i wT niUlflEC. SOCTn-CAEOLD'i. T71L attend personalty to the receiving and y "forwfrdingoftjoode, andto diealofall pfrwinceer an (mat mnun country. tf 135 TTJANTED in payraen t f debt due tin offio i fur wfcioa the market prioe will be allow, co, if delivered in that place shortly.-, Ashevilla, Dee. 8.- .. jjs f - I84 Two Hundred Dollar Reward. ..7.t:' noauiTipi v.: Bf m BtteUency UMM M. MOREIIGA.D, (himw, Captam Central, anACanmmn der in Cliuif sf the Slat tJ Mart Carolina. , .Wirtni.n. it haa bean made appear- to tba Ex. eeutrvo lepartment, that, at the ladt Term of the Superior Court of 4iecomity J Bimrrn tne Grand Jivryfryind a true BilUgmaat MARK KI.S "OR, for the murder of Jams 8. Ruatu. ; and that aaidKiaof rtaa.flod from justice, i ; ,r . Nets TWi'ore, totlie-fcnd that tai'iT Mark Kisor may be arrested and bronjrht to trial for tho eaid-ortence, 1 ao nercoy "" iwamma- inn offiirinrf a reward of Two -Hundred' Dollar for the apprehension and delivery of the said MAK'io.lothe rwierirofCiAaiTu Anffdo, rrxovrvhruhy enjoin and require all Ofheers ofottotaStato. Civil and Military, to Me their bust cxertione to apprehend, and to cause to be appro, bended, the Wfugiuve aforesaid, ' ' Given tinder my nana a Governor, &c - -nd twhioa 1 hart eeuacdr tba Great eAu)lof State to be affixed. , Done at our City of Raleigh, thia 2plb October 1843. , JOIIN M. MOREHEAD. By hto fcxceBeucy'e command; '"' Faro Reynold; Pri. J S descbiptjonZ . Kiaor ia about 30 year of ago, fivers tewUiobes high, dark hair, aouar boulders, .kii ska, large mouth, aoioe appearance of scold-head, srttk.ck, to. a blacksmith by trade, ha a bad I . --ie5-e-, ?t f"1 "f "Tln! M Rum. and t"; ii.'i... . tnilM in'Gcoriria. and two ute Mia.ia.ipj W eaarried to fatrot Evana, teeouicr to v.ouin. v . ,r" WOTES LOST On JttMSJU M. rtTfllW in .Morganlon, at 'Burke Snperi ir " W crl, I loator mialaid two. note of hand, aiened by, and in the hand-writing of John Hall, of-jlfacon toaaty, N. C.S oo. im to wyeell for 12(1 111, dated A.igu.1. 1843; the other payable to Col, 1 T. Averyfor $i 10, dated Augmt, 1843, . The above notfr it to forwaro all penmn from tradioa for mid lhy nBy0 J08 or mwrdadin Hlieii1" ZS .Iforrantotr." - : . - EIJ McKEE, 1 rj, -I..,, Former SAen ef Jfacon counfy. tavenAerll,1843., & 1 ,.r IVOUCC. rrME tm'janunned. b mutual conecntraa well -!l- by limitatwenf-tnei eoiitiactiaye-d""- ed the partrjerenip nereioioro cimmi tlreek, Haywood county, N.C.- All the land ( ' and Uier property belonging to the firm have lmna&ned to William II. Tbomae. - All tfhta dim tlie firm are payable to him ; and all debt due from the firm are payable by bim. -- ; W. H. TllOMAS. " - V J'ALLEN FISHEB. November 10, 1843. , ' 3t 193 v.. ' : v ' HMrl wanted. t A NY qnihtity of WOOL will be received ta vxchange for Good, by ' T7 i 4 HOBRRTS. Dee2iK-''.--- 185 ..r. ... , . .. i. . ... . . . .. ; . ' : ltlce. " THE eubseriber will receive in 8 or 10 day a .load of SALT, which ho will eell for eiwt and carriage, by thjieacfc.' A. B. CHl7NJf. AaheviUp,Dec.2,1843. -124 4 8XATC OF Jf . CAUOLIX A, i-1--' t V".-. : llay wood county. i- , r Cottrf er JPI and Quarter Sen., . - Smiaas,. 1842. . ;. D.C" I?L f. -ha "m 8A'L1. 61TTON. S . " . ., rluppsaring to the (atisfaction of the court, that -, the 3r-fndar4 Is nvt an inhabaant of till Stale, tihttt iiii'idaeanfca pciaonully wryed on bim, it is e ecdercd that publication be mado for four weeks -4n the Uieliland - eeseneer, for the defcadant ..Aii.nirr. A 'tptV-to -VPi At:tbajicx t court, of i J less ami wuarnjr puseions, o pe neia lor me 'ounty ofHaywood,at thcoourthouscin Waynes, t villetea the third. ,on.day in, September jjt f i ana tbcre to show cause to Uie contrary, or ' ardor of sale will be directed to inue to eell eaid real estate for the satisfaction of said debt, i.,. Witness, Waits Bsowm, clerk of said eourt. -tr Waynt sv ills, the 1st onday before the- last , - emdny in June, 1813. W. BROWN, CUrki 4w Lr. - j ., W4- nv.Pr. ady. S& SO. Estrau. ;- Taken op, by Joseph O. Look, on i. i uc alii ui .j ..no, viio vnuk M BAY ROAN MARE, with three J white feet, black main and tail ; .1. . A..L ..r f . tuC . niDr cm some sign of the saddle en the back. a smaM star in the facei with a small Maze down to-4ue rraee ; with some white on the inside of the richt hind leg near the foot : about fourteen bands and three Inches high ; supposed to be eight years ' old rast sppng appraised to be worth uiirty-seven : - dollsrs.' Takrn op on Spring Crock, eight miles couth ol tuts qfarm Bpnngs. . . ' ;':' ' R.P. WELLS, Ranter. 7u!y 8, 1842. ' . . taWTOtf ACADEMY. rpUE subscriber will be ready to reu4ie life JL .-course of instruction for young gentlemen on ' Ndtiday 2ath inet..and until a competent assistant ' i t -yiceuTod expects to be with his scholar without , tntrrranijori during the whole of the school hours every day, providential hindrances .excepted. Terms as usual, suited to the times. ' . i " - iMiar sr -v my Wov. ICtft 1842. 123 ' ttate of BfortU x:arolIaa-' -' BUNCOMBE COUNTY. , , ... ' -' - , -w .'.-, OURT OF PL)S AS AND QUARTER SESS -IfalvlP.ntl IWI1 SU1J llIUI iuui - Ciii.Ei.ES Gbeeb, ) Original Altkchment, - ' , V. kvied on t. j - Personal Property. Wrt.-O. Wobley TT appearinff to tho satislitctmn ok we court, X Ihatlhe Defendant W. G. Worlca,1 noton inhabitant df this State. ' It ordered that pub. publication be mado in the Highland . eMengcr for six weeks, that the Defendant appear at Uie aext Court of Plena and Quarter Seraion. to be TiPtaT3rna1a-toffnTv7aTO Aslio- vitle, on the first inunday after the1 fourth monday in Scptembcrncxtl then and there to plead, an. iwwi m di nun, ui duilr,iauat willbu IIiKl pie wis ' .nd the property aondenined to satisfy the awititPsdebt. .-, Witnem, N. Harribom, clerk of our said court at office, the first monday in July A. D. 1843, and tho 66ui year of American Independence. N. HARRISON, C. C. C. July 15, 1842. - I Pr. adr. 85 50 106. - .-4 rtU Talnablo Laudi and Tavern f..iii T On the 2nd da v of Norembornetthi y purenajieeef adeerwof thecourtof . h EottitT for Buncombe county, made at the auit of Mitchell King ijjam ueorge Sara). mcy and other I will for ready money fx pone to : . - t .. . . , . .. . . . puhlie ale 410 acre or land aiiuate at r lai noci in nenderaon eounty m cnMinr tm well Known boiiao of entertainment now ja the kaapkig of Ucorge Auraincy inquirer " n i i v E. H. McCMJIRE. tT)ctober,21,1843. i tdt H8. TO HUNT. r.. N tho lot day ofNoveaaoar nextton tba Dre- V misee pariuant to an order oi.tbe Cwti, i4 Equity, 1 will rent to the hiffbeat bidder aevea hundred and fifty a area, of land iocbidintf the junction of French Broad awl Mill rivor, belong. : . .i i : i t .u- l-i- '..1 Ik. fid Myrea. Tlio ronlcr will be repaired to gijte bond with good accurity for payment et in rent, tba waper cultivation A( liie luad sod return inj the Drrmtn hi a coad of tier aa they now anv at tho end of twelve jnontlt Jta Uie find, day of January net,. Foeaiion will be given on tlie Brat day."" January next. On the prrmiace Ihrw aro about. 1J5 aereB ef cleared lartd, most of 'IHch of ..the. very beat quality including Hit) place wbcio Gen. P. Dritlain now live. ' E. II. McCLUIRE. C. M. E. jPctobcr. 19, 1843. tda . 118 FRANKLIN ACADEMY. - THE undersigned, lAving taken charge of this' Institution, no often his services to th6 ertt.1 tens of .Macon and Uie adjoining 'esimtMs". Tie ha been regararly' engaged in teaching for the last thirteen year, three of which have beea ta Raleigh. The school goes into operatic taia dor at die rate of the following charges, 1 wH : Latin, Greek, French or Mathematics $15, Geography otEughsb Grameaar jjQ, and all rotber, d por : e n j ...Vc . to tlie following gentlemen, vn : Hons. G. E. Badrcr. J. ILBryarvJas. faedclL WU. BatUe. as4Clwe. Man I vEsoo Raleigh i Ion. J,U. J. Daaktof UttlbAu, Ja. S. Battef doaoiuae. and the editors of the three Tfnii iuli tMard ew ne.ndiow ut puat Mewses, as aiMt abU.Fnnkll.. ,wiv1 - - v " jvsaii x.iMV. Franklin. Oct. 31, 1843, , . U, j ,.. 120, Factorage and Com missioaBy uiess, 71 fjllljj undersigned would BiAt repeetut(y in. fi. . form bieiriendaand she jjuWio guaofajl, that be continues to traDct the .( . . ,.,, FACTORAGE" AND-OOMlllSSiON : wtssvomsstg- In the City of Clutrlestoni S. C. (O0c$ pn He will assiduously apply bis best exortiene' to promote tlie Intcrrst of his patrons aneV from Jiis long experieaee-in the t'irtton Trade, aad by prompt attention to businesa, he hope toeoaumie to receive a librml srrafeW palraaaga. Hie tern. mbeioa for actling Catton is M aem per bale, for rrCTivinTrmiJfeTrdhfrtlot package. - No atorage will be ebarge4 on tloods regularly eonwgne) t him, that are ta be for wartfe j by b Raif Boad.anid no eapenac incur, red or chargc( that' cuq possibly bo avoided. Persons shipping' cotton to him from tke Interior, by the way of Hamburg, can obtain liberal advaa. ces on it, by Applying to Dr. Stokcs, of that place-..ti.itft-. , GOLDSMITH. I August 19, 1849.V s.;'. r 110 1 - ii ' ' t V. M I ll f TWEmDOLUnSBEWArtD. x X AN yirom early la" July, my V J j,cw j,,,- TEPUMty, about 18 carald, wcu act ami chunky made, dark coiruik xiiia. she wa a eood. deal ot wlulo to hia cyca. and io atiemptinf to murn tina a stutter, and haa a peculiar manner at such times of throwing open .hi mouth more thaut usuajly aide It ia believed he, has in bis .poescfBion a considerable . araoout of money, and ha been heard frequently to speak of. an intention to ro to a free.Stata. lie bus also, been know to have mado a visit recently to tho. neighborhood of Ja. kins' Old Mill, in GrccncyilUj District, Tho' above reward will be paid fof delivering the bat to me near Yarrenncs, or lodjjjiig bim in any jail so' uiui i vun goi iiun. . ,(t TilOMA3VILUAMs;Sea. VarcB!ctScpt,23tJ84i; Hf. 3r.l ; ,V . State of JVortbCarelina, ? INEQVITY-SEPT:tERM,64Si. 1 ,--. :' . t,s, ri , John B. Allison and Josopk Kroner f , r "'A !r .'-,7T taat-V"!. 4 TJm heir at law ef Jeremiah Rr Mee,Wec'd, via . Stephen L. Pace, Joha Davideon and. wife "t li""! ' HendH A nd wife Sbeaaaab, Evelina Pace,1 Bfca. ' jamin F. Pace1, Catharine, Pace, Jerismah G. inica and widow Kiziaa, legatee and devisee. II appearing to the eatiefaction of the Court Aat fhwasiel dsdanaaaopt )WIhX'Ia. gram aae) wrra Dili!, a not assMle.svHhia 4ha ntwte of-thia totav jUrdend that Pttbaiaatkm be made foreta aaacassi week ja, tba Michamrl MeejigervUiaXtli.aBid defeadant appear t the pext sourtf Equity to be held i for said county, at the court houao, in, Frankliru. oo be second jwfiuay in muron next, uien ana itiere to answer uuuip isiiian vs sum du i.cojicrwisc judgment pro tea. J" w, ue.Tenucrea gam u em and tbe Base v. u . PT .J. . i Witqy.Aaut Surm CTcrk and Maetcraf earl raid court of Equity al office, the Sad Mondavi Saul smith, a m e. " APPOINTMENTS FOR QUARTERLY MEETIt8$ ON THE ASHEVILLE DISTRICT.-" Alimct( rMBoy-maah l4 Dee, 3d aad Hfc, ,cuoui mission, (move's n. h., Dec. 7th and 8tb, FmakKh et, Uuim m. b Deocsaber lOand Ihh Wayneayillo. ct. Bethel m.h Dec. 1 Ub and 1 5th Hondereonville eL, Little River h.1.7 aad 18. fickons ct., Hocky Spring nj.li. Dee.. 24 and 25. tirccnvilio'ct, Hopewell a. h., Dcc.31 and Jan.l. Bumvillo et., Cknty River m. h., Jan. 6 andT. ' Nov. 4. - , E.F. SEVIER. T BUBKE COIiJiTY.' COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER ES3., r-PMILL8 Atlw.hiunt levied on land. . J. P. BRADSIIAW. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that A the defendant John D. Bradshawitan inhabi tant of anotlier Slate, K was thefsfot ordered and adjudged that miMieatiDn be made for six week in the HigWanij Measeager, for said defendant to be and appear before the Justices' of our next I ya?g..aLff?,ndJtueii, asaata '"r luo eoumy ot Burke at the Court house in morgamon, on m third Monday in January next, then and there to replevy, plead, answer or demur rltn jiirigaiont pto sewft na ill im taken ggalnftt him and tlie tend levied on ,be eondemned and soiu io sails it me same and eost. witness, i. J. IS win Clerk of our said eourt at offiea fa) Morgantonroo the third Monday mhert tka r.....l. nr . o ,ti.rt - Test J. J. ERWIN, Cleric. -November 25, 1843. 6ws 123 RT. rVTATTV'S IIAf I ' . Bavenicreft Orore, IlalelgB, IT. C. ' 'i' SlflBt BKT. L V JTM, p. p. i rWTBt, ,v "RET. ALDERT gMEPEA RECTOR. fTlJIIS Institntioa tot tba educatioa of Yoonf J. IAdias, in rwpeet to in sie ana eonvenienos of Its bnildings, and (be beaaty and keahefulnese of Ha location, enjoys advantages apt sarpaased by those of any aimilar institutioa m tba country. It is the constant effort of the Rector to make It in every respect, stieh f School, a a judictouaChrt. tlari Parent wouM elMoee for nis daagheata. . Tisssv-For Board aad Kngliao .Taitioa w eewiea, 1U W, payaDle in advance. , Par Tuition iii French ft 1 9 SO ner SeasleflT HFor Tahloa In Mutte MiS , wltk 3 99 for the see of tli PiaaeH ptrSeasto. rjt Fee Drawmcand PamtMig, ae Seaama, For owm of instruction in Qraamental Nsedle wora, $a uu. . , , , No extra charge Is mado for the Ancient Lam- guerer. - '' .,,( . TbsHobool year la divided inbatw Srsirs; the former aomriMnoiag Mar 7U, aod. texannaliiig October llith. The latter commencing Novcm 36th, and terminating' May th. - 1 6th to Neweeaber 35th Tbeea will ale be a e. eeasoX a nreck,,duriog lii ClvisUnas boLdr of a week ip.the SpriDg--ai4 of a week ia Mid. summer, for the recreation and health f fupits ad Teacher. ''' .... . FlraUa, reajaininr dnrtao tbe-yasatiea, wiu pay 3 50paaieak, tifliieir board., . . i Pupils are required to furnih their own bedding, (beds are furnished by the School) and Towels.'' Mr. 8trt will be haptvy t' aoaerteeend tba exeeatiba of y arraageaaeiala, lateala amy wish toaesot too,eloUwig( Ver ehUUAa, wau atscbeeUj v. . , ; w. .. . . JPupils are not allowed to contract bins ia the, eity without a special direction from th Parent to the Rector; aor, except ia special easos, are they aemitteel. to-visit tka eitr or leave tba ample noma of the Institute, anaconsnpaaied by .Mas, baaac,oraaeaf aer asaoialea- I OcSstMS , - . v. biw - ! I'M! i TU af,eor af Wasiriuaandsato of Caaaaisa khool for Bu neon be eoitnly, wUlawoi at in Ueecmncr next, to traaaaet business. It is re quested that ait tbe superintendents will attead, and tliut tlie eommittce.of theaera,l drttrietaoa that day will report tire number of children from t toSJi yaaraW .(fceir reapnetiva districts'' . , , r JAkJES GtJDOER, . 'JWi v tJ. 8. District cnrtf "J.CarUaa, ' ' ' fit BAltKBtTTTC. '.'" - 1 OTrCB IT aluwr eaaaw gatea Frtltioar-: 1 v Jwwm Dmnkim, f Headessan count y, ear. penter, to be declared a bankrupt, at Wilmington, on monday, tbe Slat day of 0rJtoWteCil. ' i. .. ay order of theuowrt. gentembor 30, 1843- 115 - licatlon t itnLEi e to ta next General Assembly f - f Nartb Ceaotioa. foe psuuaiary aid fc lh (JaaottnauB laeob Ckio edaeaionf Jacob Cfoato. (a deal aad dumb man of UunceQibe county.) -,-.-.-t, .T-fr s- State ol ft rt h Carolina , , . : 'rffw c?ttv..v t -;' 1 1 a:-. Joha BlyTJie j. t. y lieh'd HobMiA' Original Alttchmomt Isattd aa 'T appearing to IbV satisfaction of tfi Court . that tha AcflHnt- 'Viol. Aril Hnatnl fa nst in ihttKlnl il. .9,. (a . f. U ihM.fk Mj.Mr.T that publication be mad in tka Highland Measer). got jor six wee successively inat ina aeieneani appear at the aext Court of Pleas and .Quarter Mnoni til hm Tv'ld tnm thj. .mini. .T IIihiIkmim at the court-house in Henderson villc, on the 4th nionaay m ocpiemper next, tneo ana tnef to re plevy and plead to. issue, else judgment Of con demnation -will be entered against debt levied on in the handa of GarnijJiAe tttr an immml nffirtienf to satisfy plaintiff's demand. ' ' "' WitneseTusa Kio, Clerk of oof said court, at office, the 3d Monday in. July, A. D. 1843, hod viiaycaroi uacncaa inaepenoence. : id9iiA xktnu, u, r. o. Angast8.842.V" ., 6sr's" IIP' flat at Warlfc-CaroHaa,',' : uniwitn cocHTY.-. EQUITY OFSiCE, , Jacob i R4meet aad Bamrjol ytea - P.Srmpaaav i fmnssinTr.r. TT .pjnmr open the sffidaytt tfaee. 1 r Appearing npon the affidayft Jof Jacob Ram sour one of the complainant ia tttoaheeo eaa that Pride Bradidia, Henry Side nd wife 8u. sannnb, Jonas' BrarrsrVaw, FieUa Brddskavr. and I4tram Vradamrw, ek-rttnuant in tna-atri aa-ra sidn brynnd the lirtiita of thia Btato l tliarrfuwli t G' 'ieation be -made for four week k & High. MesserfceY,. notifying the ai VfeB)afr4 to he and appear at tbe trext Court of oaty4a j held for Lincoln eourtty, at the eourt house m Lin. colnton, on the second monday wfter th third aaomlay m Aorastaeat, shea and the to plead answer ordvmmrt the aid-aa4utt 1 otberwh judgment pre tWe against them and tbe said Bill bear Mnrtr.r -n . ,ii i ' , - Atteat W. " Writ;'CleHf wnw satl of litmy si court M office; th seeom) wtonday after inexmro-vrrenoay nr rwrttary av , rtM3, OTaryeeT Vt the Wedmaf said Stato 4i- ' W wtr i iiHtii n.x -m, Fehrnary Av D.' HM3, W. WILLIAMSON: fr V. b "'Ja1jpS0,!I4t. rwl07 Prady. 1 A FEW foraakat thia af&ta ,Good jaipor- l.. wennouna. rvar rot oasfc. i,,,... ,,. t JyIajbi,W43,..,.1 v;. ,-,47 Ta all wbona It aaay eowncra. mi OTICE ie berebjr gives bai tbe andorsigaed i.a iatendDiesenua;aBetitnto tits aext Le gislature of North Carolina, praying for a divorce irom ner nuaoano, yvuuem ll. KoImmtU. - POLL.Y ROBERTS. October 29, 1843-,.,,. , 120 Siofth'a Garapb attU A Una. A LARGE number f tkeae valuable work for A.-sale at tri 1 Utnea--t;ry eeeaa. "f ' ' Aeheyille, Nov. 86. , - .. 7 , 74 NOTICE. APPLICATION will be Made to the next Ge neral assembly of North- Camhaa, for an Act incorporating iba Davrdsou's River Haau. factunngLsnpany - Davidson's River, July 23, 1843. ' 2m'tha 107 IlOU SALE On eeomm idating term, an elderly WOMAN, who to a good COOK, WASHER, and IRONER. Apply at this office. U. STATES DISTRICT C0C1T OF H. CAROLINA, I n-a K n pin ft "VTOTICE to sheer cause against Petition of Jaime W. HunUr, of Hendenon Bounty, Carpenter, to be declared a Bankropt. at WiU mingum, uu Monday, the 9Ut Uay of Octobe next. Georrt CUmts, of Buncombe comity, farmer. to be declared a Bankrupt, at WUlmragtoa, aa Monday, the 3 1st day oi October next, " By order of tho Court ' ,M. it. rUTTEK, Acting Clara Ceurf ia Bankruptcy. r urn i.urc .-Furniture. 'S'4' 'if tfi -Ha . " r,. GALL at the fjabi'ii'et shop on the pubtie square, Immediately east of theeottrtbanse, Wbv 70a ill find targe stock of woll assorted . : . consisting m part,'of BUREAUS, PRESSE8, TABLE! iaaadamalb-WORKJaTANDS. CANDUS-8TANDS, &c. .. ; V ., Tbe establishment ha lately rhanged nands, and the nriee of Furniture rajraVa4fvrWMeea la a row day tnere win ae yeairr a airga 01 1EFCBUCA JIBSTIABSi'. k-r-u substawtl! nU neat, but ao "FrencA," ebant them. Eyery bind of work ia the above line wm tie don to order at this shop, with a heatn and dispatch, not surpussed in the Western part of this State.' i...,i..-,-,-f H- XT AD Whsde of aanatey produ eaarpt Fra. mlaea. Tabasco and Whiskey ot . Brandy, will b lake in payment for FtiwtVura. , l AsUeville, July 21, I8. JWi. xt. WILLI IAS 9b ROBERTS HXVl! recolvei an addttionhl auppl of 3-4 ami 4-4 BROWS DOMESTICS, 4-4 OSNA, BURGS,-i fr(i te rnrM' lisl Cf r.p" - .-.vfWT. -Ala. t--viMj'w-. , 1, . S0Q bate COTTON YARff. imoAt'A mimbor: yrsia the Salutmry Minufaclory, which they lire etling, as they da every thing else, at th aaeat rednoed prices, lor east) or mercnanaute proauoe.: The ansa mniy are leapacifully asqucstcd to eail d .examine their stock aad price.,- y AufuatS,I84!l. . HOLLOW-WARE, CASTINGS, Boxen, &e. A. WAGON. uguat 13, 184 . :,k ., im im.m l !rtlt CarUaa. BOIM cetfMTY. '' ' CMttfPkd Qmrter SemJmlf Trr, 649. Mnn u.wimaaa i xleAM(lidra.a H.m,li.Free.n; S ' , T IT appearing t tbe satiafaoUeu ef tl) Ceurt in Ibis aase. that tbe ekfoaaant ha absconded of so Be a sealed himself that the ordinary process of law cannot beaerved bnoa him. it h there, for ordered and adjudged by the eoort that Mbli. eatton be msde for six week aa tba Hiffbiand afsseensua. for said defendant to be and apaaar befsaa tba Jostieee of our next eourt of Picas asid Quarter AeMionsto be held for the eeunly of Burke, at ther Court Haww In Morsrfiton,"0: ttta 3rd Monday alter tht 4ttr Monday of tbeptenaaefJ next, men ana mare te ptean or replevy ; otnes. wine judgment prs emtftua will be entered aa against him, and the property attached be sold to tisry tne same. , J .. mamaAJk Hwa alatti -K-anr ImM -mm etotboeaa IbaJM JHonday Mlf.iHW. -yrrf -Terto.- f v J,J-ERWINiefcr.,, v September S 6, lofa. .Jec f$, J, 17aite4 Stales Dlstrltt Crb'nrt afj1 aTADirif nfttiuijiit hitvonMfv' M alUH liunin VavMHT lit aa. w a a v a TCBto Bbew'canae gaiMC Petition af T J. . Csever, of Cbsrobee'ensMity, farmer, to be daonuad a aaakrapt at. Wdmutgtoa, on moadoy, tile 3 1st day of October next,. t '( H.P. OrtnnrH, of Cherokee eouftly, farmer, to be, declared a bankrupt, at WUmbgton', n mon day, tne list flay of txnofter next. -t RokmJhH, a Cbsrakee ceawty, aarntes, to be declared a bee k rut) t, at Wdrnjafton, an aoala( toe am day of Uctobcr nexj Joarok Weir A. of Macon county. tolanter. to Mr, declared a bankropt, at WUmiBtfton, an monday. tka aiaf day at October aaxt- -; . .Hffol'JcBj, .',-... .,tni.. a-".'- THE rrtlxenaof the eeuntics cmMemed, fntntd petit ienlng tbe nest LeguOalurao North Ca reUaa to establish, a new county oot 0 the a est end of Henderson, the cart end of Maeon, and a small portion of the southwest earner of Haywood eomtt. (For turtket partiouhn, see petiliea.y ' a -Oolober lS&S, ..,,'- 4 , , , -.R -,li . ' i". ESTH AY. .',fei rpAKEN up by John Robert, Esq., at Ui yet. JL ' drnce oa Lanrel CToek, in Yancey eoemty about 3ft toilee Aaw Barney ilW-on. b SUtb.o June, nae, JMY; PXXxV aboat three year eld fourteen handa high, with some small whiie spot on Jwr back, auppoeed to be saddle mark, with her main tamed on tlie left side of basaiib lain i taisn at alB. "The owner to eeeaeeted to mis 11 ana) ftm aiopeatyvpay cnarf ea as tbe to W;Qrot. er a w.ill ae aeaujwitu according to tlie same. J . nptirtcr - nrrr -'.tr lJ, direkee Cannt-, lr; C - ' flKPtSWBBK 2, 1843.V THE taerignd baa in the' -baea aounty,' af.rlaiiiThleilum1ity f Isnj, itifrh I.. ofiens Cut ealson aeewnodating tern, aad receive ia payment the following, article, yix: ' IRON, BACON. BEEF-CA TTLE. BERF-MIDES. and CORN. ' Tbe payment ef an -thM ef the price efthelaud; wO bcrrequirsd at tbjn.nnpiaa. tonal an) aea enetltndnstwa veasa and ail third ia ttiro yarsand when the circunutancee of U Dtsrcbasere make U necessary, the farther inclulgoncp of ene year, Will givetr o each bend after' it became due. ltuxustner eaeurity toreejeartd n gaod charaeter and .iaduairmua bubitis, . Any person wishing to purchase, can ap ply to tr. King,wh resides In Murphoy, the coun ty aoat of tho above enmity. " .' h , ' w4u. 1 wiluamh.tho5iaa feat Beef ttnd aavj fur Illslan raiHK subscriber will av aaiib for pood cow JL bide and eell leather, for cash or hidcs,.for it takes hides to make leather and be must have one. or the other for h when sold, and be intends to endeavor to keep leather ft all that brmrnvhidea tnrougir me rau season. - n. . . ,..., .... i; , m '"iAflt.Mi SMITH. ctobeTl7,W43r- twarvt- J18 Staifl t Jf orlh Carolina,' atflljjT John bilate. . .. .. . ,..',. . IN thi case it appearing that the .defendant, John Slate, in 001 a citizen ef thi State, but resides on be rerjaevad without the limits of the sameao that lba ordinary; proees of luw.eanpot be served oa bim v It is Iherefore ordered that pub. bcation be wadn. in the Messenger, according to law, that ha be and appear At tba next term of tbe Superior timrt at" Law .to be held for Haywood county, at tba eourt boose in, Waynea.yilla,tt the' third Monday in Marob next, to plead, answer, or demur to the petition of Mary E. Slate, yr the same will be takon pro comVeso and set for heaf. ingx-erf. , ' : ' Ws,' JOHNSTON, Cfk. , Vavneavirie. Oct. 21.184?. 6,w 1KL- "4ALISBURY FACTORY. ITMflS Etnabiialiment to In eompleto liberation. r;x Tht ,c6fflpny ifrininb Tarn. Sheetinz, Shirting, and Osnaburir. of a au. pcrlorrrtraJity, which tueyofrbr to the public at the lowest market prices. Merchant, and others, who will examine qualities, and compare prices, will find it to their interest toporchsse. . - Address, J. RHODES BROWNE, Art Salisbury, Kowan July 1, 1843. 104 IMPORTANT WORK!! flow ii tne couno ui puuiicinua. . A B ictionSry of Arts, ITIauu- rACTUREi AND MI5sl ( COWTAIHIKO A t ' CLSAE EXPOSITION Of THEIR WJN. i ' eUUM AsTB BA0TIcp rif.J j Bv ANDREW VRB, M. F.B. if, f. G. i My A.'S. Menu Acad. N. , S. PhUndet,, S. Ph. Sof if. Germ, ease. Inula, fe. fe. I1XISTR1TID WITH ONU THOUBAMI TWWfcltXD AND THIS is unquestionably tb aseT popular work ol the kind ever, publislied, and book most admirably adapted to the want of all elasaea of the community the following nrhn iorporUnt objoota which the learned agthor endeavor to aa. 1st. To instruct th Maaafcntiisar, MstoUnrgist and Tradesman in the principle of their rcepee. ItVa procosscs, so a to render them in Tsality, the master of their business; aad V etaaflQipate then. irom a stats of bondace to. such a are too aummonly governed by bfind' prejudice and a vi cious routine, ,ruii.rt iiinM '"" ' Sndlv. To siTord Merchant. Broker, Drysalt, dra, Draggiat. and officers of the Rovenae, rha. sactcristie deseriptiom) of the eommoditics which pan through tbrirbtvo(ki,. .4 vt - li ..-.- f - 3rdjyv By exhibiting some of the finest develep. menU af Chemistry and Physic, te) toy Men aa exDant prnoticsi aetoaot tatudanwf these kin. dred societies. ' ir , f- ( ' 4lbly. To teach capitalists, wli may be do. aiiBnaef plaelay tnalrfune in atsna-arodaettoe ftraoch of mdustry, to select, IuUkuousiv, among alausiblaelaimanU." V " " " taly.-vn enable gsntlelmen of the Law tabe entne well acquainted with, the nature of those r ileal achemes, whiok are ao apt to giv We to Ugatiarav: .i7i.ff-4;(--'l'- ti -w -ws ' 6thly. Te present to legislators such a clear di. poaitionoY the sUpt manufaotOTe. a may db eaad akant fsoae jeiins; tow wuic obstruct ia. duatrynr cherisb pn branob of t to the injury of many others. ' -''''v ' And toettrta evu trie' mmtb reaaati, intent. rktoilir ml IntellrrLual Cullivatioit. siewsof many of tlie noblest achievemenU of Science, m effectj in g-those .gyasxi aiaasforenatiorit ea. tnattar to wuich Great Rrttam k l.l mw. ther permanent wealtnT rank ahd power' amonjf tb-aatoaea theearth.-j.- a yra-t jr it--- r Tha latest statistics of every inmarlaat object ot manufacture are given irora me eosisna nsuav 1 from official Mtharity at tka eae) of each article. , Tbe work, will a printed from the eecond Lon don Edition, which kIU for 9 13 a copy. It will be put on goad paper ,4a naw brew type, and will makaibovU JI400, 8 yo page. It will be issued in twsnty-bne tcmi niontlily number, in eovcrs, at 35 cents, caeuyyabtoBealiveyy..- ' .. ST Taanr person sendinr as five dollars al on time in advance, we will forward the n ember by saikpopald, asssiitheyorai IVesa arsis. Te suitaule agerita thi affords Etas ajiportuni. ty, a we eaia put tlra work to them en terms x- tt emery aynrsfclei' in every atonaTaotninr town and every village tliroughout the United kttatc and Canada subscribers may a obtained With the greateffkeility. J',A i drain font anal, 4).' Appnv loa A. U'HI, ti road way, ii f8eptemoer 28. 1843 '.Aaw York. Faelofige CtiiniiissioiT BflsioesSj . AND RECEIVING AND F0RWAR01N1 AGENCY, iH.-d jn 0A3IBUKOV aVV? . 4 uV V . " - THE aubearibar raanectfuily begs 1mm 4a fa. tarn bie mcere nckaowtodgements to hie friend and tba public, fur lhtronag hitherto bestowed an him--'" fev turh.h-f.'tf, -i J! ., ,.. Ia soliciting a continuance of the .confidence and patronage of hie friends, he Wg8,to assure theanoftex andimiasihed rttattoer-o than: ear rests, in the various department of his biciaea ; aod trust that bi experience and facilities will en bia to gtywgeaeral satndaotios. ar.' 4, A t;.,,v J, Ff. BJBNON P. 8. Especial attention wilt be devoted to the ale af Cotton aad etircr psaduea, eutiastod to bia cay. a , t . . , ,? .... CT Mercbandite received and forwarded with toe Usual pm'i i Manlily and-dcapaleh. . -yHajabMrfcAugsds it ,w .. W , Tri Dollar Reward I T ANAWAT feoaa 4W bscrtW an tba 4tb XV jBta,.Ncgio man named TOM,5,or60 tear of tie, 5 reef 8 or 10 incite high, tolerably atoat buiit, broad MuUerd, iKbic about W loe .quite black, bign foretiead, bair grey near each temple, beard also grey and mootl growl aua Itia iihai sad taw ardi bjaeara, haa dswrtrast, menn Jlppk. A b, runaway a fca; years pince, ana, was lurnnneu witn iree paper, nemca in naanl naifIHe earn nam, whilst lying I" AsheyillcNiiG dsdio n win resort to tne same trick again. Ha ia riwshiant mmmwrimvmXnifmi&l Oilier Negroes, and pcrbap some wbito person.' inaarwv wrewardann an aeaassary esprnssa wiu oe jaia tur tne apprehcasion of said Mcgro aod niseonnncmont in Jan, and such information giv. eatlUtlslngUiri.V . Letter uporj ibe.subjoet may be addressed to District.. C. ' ' u" s,'"WILtlAr STROM. "Octm7i8e:'' ' -.y in fc JA t,19A.Ur LLXTLUS RB- AUUXG wthaPest4ffiont AaWiHo, Aotk ieeUliViJ.biaav il.wi,b. out rwiwsnentiia, will boaanttoth Gaassal i-ossuins nana aswesw .. AlleaJ DOero- - ajarsett Mary Brnk RobajrtesntOsrJfMMjBlM W ., ' f gaehasinh -r .KirkUMtdDi t' r-; - BojrsJ Jamea Wslcasne Lindaey Hnaan v u:'rf., Bailnht Benjamin :.. m JfelOnaiel Jf. j. .., Bronaea Luke IV . . v ; iforgan Wol . 1 - 'v-S Bartlett J L Re rgan AbneV .-. w Cole Joshua - - AfoAu Iv Af.r. M Cbgbwn PoY lie r agruden 1'hoatasL Cellhflr ffsrab 1" rbnder Jai f j .Or G .'. vwi ,. . Dyidon fnrudCol Dearman Peter Ratcliff Thomar or For. Edwarda Wnv tlSM m. '-. s' - - Buraon nargaTeitaue-tCurraser JMra. . Tritma - . i - ItameMrJob' 4 J,.: Fagg John" -. . .f R. F.V - Guthrie Florfcnee ar Ao-Rabura Hodge; ' drwwr- Vifteia Lovinar Mrs i Crracy MYf ' Gsiran Jarara ' aVehlrerCbarieaJ.-. Sulee Jbfr . . . g8mith Strnl --. . .. . . . Whltoeids J B ,. . Well Mary . White WiUiaanN -Walker Jams. E..: - YoUBgJssepb r ,- -w,YPATTON.- t Green 3fr " t - Harri Lewis N Huioambo r Horton John Harrel Francis . Jackson Joha --Oct. 1st, 1843. "Ta alt whinsa It anv iuifs. "VTOTICE M hereby gtverr thaeapalicatiOB will - D made the -aext begtolatatw of North CaroHna for a repeal of the law requiring; the twa mito hands t work six day -on the' Uuneombe Turnpike Roadi f ' - rr - -,. October 7,1843. ,-........4 n- ; v 11$ "NOTICE" W WILL apn ly to the Legialatose of North Caro Hna. at tlie ensuing session, for ecerraanaatioa for mating. Mul 14 tl.- n( HoadoTlUII, which road Wn sfli wards granted to the Bun. combe Turnpike Company.' t .. . , - 1 -' . GEORGE B. GREER. " October 14, 1848. . '.-. - 117 " ' itlrttrairey . . -...' rrJUNCTIONS, Equity Writ and Subpoma for sale here. ' 37 that w. are nov, prepared to fin wiS order, for any ol the following ktod. Suptrior Court. Cainifj.., IndicUnenufgfJ Wltneas Ticket. Wriu, .-.' Capias Bund, Ca.Sa, Bund,' . SobpeBhas, . , Venditioni Eipoaaa, RoadOrdo.. oMDpomas, fcflodn,r inuwHneatamr Aitrays, jurors- j lokeu, "nia, exc- A. 1 "VlacfUatuoUi. Constablet' Warrant ta oa. ana Bonds, Guard tana Bond. SWifl-'i D,.. ArwInwTT- Appreatiess'IjHiuoturo ALarriage Liernse, Appearaaee Bunds,' ' ' Deed or Trust, Deeds of Conveyance, Const. Delivery Bond, Injunction, - . Eouity8ubpni,.J'.' Writs, ,r Deed of Equity, ? Indemnity Uonda, .--.urn in, Beposttior- . , ContUblcs'Officy AdmmistaiiaV. rrosscutHw n Testsnw, tjeetafc. "J- - meseengerv UOioe, , ... , i r Aslipvilie,July 32, 1843. Messenger',' Offioe, BOOK: AND JOB PRlNTrvr r7UIB pnblio .n. n-neetJuU, toft ' nMMtoar to tba former Urge tnisW' eortmcnt of Printing MatoriaJs W.u!' establiriimcn., ."mfj tiXS? reaoiyed. Which win enable., to !) ' h.M- fif E V EJl V BE 9CjTlPlioiy liahment tn the State. r rimg wm be than(Wlly roeeived, uiJ. atteadedte: .; .'. : . "'"aPrk Blank, or tvitr di. acairrloM, . PinwiiLrr, CftaDs.ovn,- -w, Snow.Brn. ' WM.nD8ii.al ju. Ticxrr. . "ta. ate. , Oractruaa, . : IATaLaavEa, MmiTTK. - AIMSKNOK" Uffice, I ..: Aahoyillc, July 33, 1813. .... u w "D Y tho sack or single bushel, for site by PROSPECTUS OF THE Nrtk Carolina Literary Record rTIHE subscriber propoees to publish hi 'feufe -'wf njb'r " TOfcgaxnie'aiflf Tti &, It will a printed in montlilv nrmibm. a. octovo page of loed paper, wub.neod sfertat Two dollar a year la ilrMei, a to designed to be a publieatioa of gment isa. rest, containing biographical ekstchts of bt I luatriou native Of North Carolina: ki.(M papers, embracing partioularry aiannctscni to tb present aged public men i and seimtifie nt. clus. Thismogaxine will cherish th fmdj lilt. rary and Ha. page wiD, be gmeed wits pottk eonwtoubena. A prominent place will to rim to the mtsrestsW the Conao eoneot, svttcatf eduejatian ia .our State. - A Sevixw drasrtaNst will be added, which will prcscni notieessf wm pu'olicutions ; and It ia designed that lbs work shall have a monthly cwRomcn of literary Me). Ilgenee. - ? v . , . , - The subecribcr feels safe in making tlie abort statements, because he has the promist of smb. anoe from several distinguished gentlemen ia tbe Stale. In whose acquirements the public kassl confidence. He desires 4o make it a periodissj wbick (ball eompare with any 8onthrn anp xina, ornament tbe table of the literary man, ad be a Welcome visiter to any family io th Sua. It will be seen that the subscription it ornauallj low - Tour Hundred and Eighty Octaeo Fagaftr . " Two Dollars! .The work ia put at this price that its circuit- tion may. bu the greater ; but it will be at aw perceived that the Publisher cannot mk son- aaenoctncnt until a suffioient lumber of aitotaV r ahall be obtained to cover expenses. -; , fT A sooa a nro hundred retpMuftb scribers shall be secured, tlie first ausibor willh 4lasneito-atvhteh time thir rMvmearrtetbr W Volume will be eaaaidcied. ia adranes. WW subacriberecMivethatBurobeTTtbeyailllar the anaotmtufthBir. subscription immc(liatlyi will take tho publication of that number at I gaorantee that the nugaaine will be iwjucdrd boat one year. .. This arrangement niM ooin purees. Who. can' donht tliatNorth Carolina seedtltdi n magazine 1 . Who can doubt whether there a not mure than infflclont lulmit In out State t-tov- tneto fill fte aeges with profitable s.nd eitrrtt mg matter 1 Who will not rink tws soussa aa expert meat ao well worth making I W"' lialAn fViv b. nr.1 nA vnnM a kesrtv rrspois. Let no one wait to ace how it will appear; tr srich course may prevrnt the poblicatwoer ly t but lot every on friendly to tlis aork by for rnaa, and thou, if it be not worth taki1 him abandon it. , ,. We want the names of all who will wtoentoi b tfi flrat nt Jnnr nnxL r earlier, if pea- eobhk Postmasters every where, iM d"1 take pleasure in forwardiag teem, at they w thorised to do, free of postage, ! ' , Postmaster and others, who wiu towe responsible for Jive subscriptions, shall reenrt oopy ior one year. .j AB oomaimtication to be addressed, fef V . .. , . . THOS. A LEMAI. . Rafcirh. NLCNov. 14, 1843 .--.- : . Walker. WARE HOUSE AMD COMMISSION MERCHANT,' ; And Receiving k Forwarding km "ict.'ll HAMBURG, 8.a JfL TraiMUlanile Newspaper and 8ntral Uf1 t'MMt, Lirerpooi. NeKipaper,.Fvneirdijijr.aiid General AfF Forwards to order , nf' I- a cats, sHirrtNA lists, MAouwiii to all parts of the United States. CnM" Scotia, and New Brenewick, by the tf"T era, nailing on the 4th and 19th ef e f"" from Liverpool, as well as by those frT, and Southampton) and to an the W lnj Istaade, Mexica, and Texas, by th M?""" stesmcr, sailing every fortnight from ,Jf7T ' JVrxl of Kin, andafl other description J""" tsseaasnsrecerved for insertion in all theEuwf" publication.' . .' ' " N.B. Anorder.houIJbeaddresd''Cur W...U. A.ll ..J ksltSBw uw. m tun, mm mvwww w. rfS I unless arfrimBBiiitd by m KmiHaaeeroMe'g-f for payment on some Liverpool or Lonow" wood, Macon "nd Cherokee eountie lit Bcpss, W43.-: - am Webstcr'a Dictloaaryi . F UK sale at thai otlio vry w Not. 8, ana nil whom it may tonrf -A PETITION will be 1?! ii-Gcral Assembly of North CtJjj. a nw eount nnt of the northern Prt ry