It would now be unjust to charge ttoy of ho leading politicians of Kentucky with Kvorin.'- the measures of a set of New. England fools, because they wished to rid eSwel of an evil which laid like an incubus upon the body politic of the State ; and it is eq"uly unjl,st t0 atlemPt t0 identify Mr McDowell with the abolitionists of tho North because of tho views entertained and expressed by him twelvo years ago, when .i..L,i;mt was properly beforo his State. rte truth is, we aro heartily sick and tired of the pitiful attempts by southern dema. ungues to excito prejudice on this subject, b had hoped to find the practice confined toLocofoeo papers and scccli-rrui Iters it suits ihcir crccu.nna is no uouui congenial with tli'ir fcolings they aro always ready ocatch at any thing no mutter what, truo --disc that promises. however remotely to make them capital ; and their reiterations of the clinnjo f abolitionism against the l-iinofitedJJARRiMrx onoot tlio purest pa riots and worthiest men that over lived mint still be fresh in the memories of nil and remembered by ul! candid men to tho .tTr.-ice. of who did it. It is tiino to ,w. such stulK Tho idea of a man of Gov McDowell's good sense, genuine phi lanthropy and undoubted patriotism living iti the Sjuui, atui iv nin;jj n miintR-r ui slaves, favoring the fanaticism of Northern abolitic-iiists, is preposterous. Ho may have tWircd, nr n't" au;;ot w'o Know, may yet desire, the abolislimeiit ol tliu MiMtitm ion of iloincHlie slavery, but not in tho manner reached by Nor! hern m ulinon. P Cow pound exlMd of Murray, Walker, ml Wehil.r A practical anti-tcnliieranee n.un, not a Ititii'dvd miles Irorn tow viiiayc, theother day , while enlarging on the evil eifrcH of twajniraucc socjclica, stores, etc. liyr-t f":!h i:i tho following strain : " Do gl-jrc i was ruii:i:i tiiu inunity , Liitilo people of(':i:': civk ih fns emi!! lor cm too, da have a nu din toiler day and suited on de matter aii'l concluded nut to let him hah t.-.rc eoi'ii i.t no n uuceu price uis . 'ii. very S out has been do saniv nnn, fjn'. I don't b'am.j S as 1 do in tnvn ; hi! jist Vccts him how to U.-al .1. v ho can Otir I.rgitlatiiro. j.!o-I.jving,,ijoil.. 'Ti. r,u;inr-, lj'i:ik-dc-pi.;iiig, Democratic Legis .n il" of this S'.alr, has been now in ses m; i ij!.! -. ;ii .so vc.k., .".n.L-v li'tt has V'e:i ii :; .' Aye, v. h.u? Mvaly wo can't icllol .my tliiugof groat importance, except perhaps, tho election of a L'niioJ States Scrntir. No meusuro of relief, and no "(tempt (.1 nnv, that wo have seen, r.lwavs v. -ptiog tiio famous shin. plaster project of Sheplierd, which has been billed in .Jf.mcy. Nui.'eroiw bills, petitions, reso '. ns, etc , have been introduced, which -1VCS yrniiml In htipw sinrwylhin uilt vljtic after a while. Pinna' atjt. Tlio Fan Daren Democrats and Jw Cu'.l.'iun -Democrats of this Slato aro fairly iilo;i other's wool. . The Culhounilcs arc rani'j mil J becauso Judge Saunders wan not (Ico.Uil Senator, and no loss enraged at tho plan which a:it been propound by llit-'ir frie-nds ( ?) the Vauitf's fur districting the Stalo for ConjrcsH. 'JVy complain awfully. CO' A minister in an adjoining county, at on;; of his late meetings, announced to uV congregation that tho words from which he would address them was, " in Paul, first vers.', R:.;!? IVtcr kill and cat!'' Huzza fa: North Carolina Divines. Vuo". Ch;.n. Intelligence of tho final closo of the (-him war, lew been received. The principal items in the treaty aro, that ill.- I'lii.'iese (ioveriimeiil are to pay thi laiisli, lu Liily.ono millions .f dollars du ring tho p.ij, jjxyl ih-ri-e succo.:ling vers, and tint tho I, land f J,l onrKong, ;s to he c d 1 forever, to hoj; Hritaiiic Ma. J-tV, li"r heirs and Successors. Tims bus dosed a and on the part of the poor, iguorai.t aJ d-Iuded Chinese, n bloody war, whirh oa the part of -Kngland, was hean and aul d, m t!, mijst sordid and nurcenary feelings. ', X is Little newsjof impoi tanc.o from tun c.iuntry. Congress was in session dt Hicl-st dates the Message of President "tibfictfon: Me" n hfiJSeTiTs" TfirrVvh7it.r n presetiT5Ttie country to be -in-a most AyTctcttcrl and dc A... l,i I'ura'jio conJ.ti hi -i.AAi.TmTl-r-Ul - tt-lUi-ilXii3. Kill lit- l":tic ws of importance, from Hngland,ex wpt Hie excitement in reference to the Corn Law., -pi,,. e iich arc luxuraling,, the poor -ircslirv;,, t "X'iitcsfc Very little of public interest has us ju, u en done by our National' Le Nature. Much private business has been u:spy..l of. Our town. e are beginning hereabouts to show some signs of improvement. Tho com "iMon, ls aie luving ,le 9irct.t, improved and toU-guii,. ij. tttjiOU9 winter even-"ig- we bav,; a Lyceum which holds weekly lamings ol quite a interesting character. ,si XU( k Ke-v. Mr. Rowley delivered n jlure which c hear highly spoken of S absent from Tow,, we had not the Pleasure - of hearing it. On Wednesday mght last, l)r. J. p. L Hardy delivered a lecture on optics, but as our paper went to prciw soon after, we are compelled to re sere a particular notice until next week. n t . Be Art to ttU with attention Uw two article. in this week's pnper from the Raleigh Register, the one headed Locofocoism Unmasked," and the other m " Postscript," in relation to the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of the State. The facts brought to view here will eervc to ahew up Locofocoijitt in its true character and exbibittJio kadersof that party, a. they are. a , , ... r J ' ' demagogical, trutiwharcgarduv set of mon. Who can have forgotton the ranting of the prominent men of their party last summer , against banks j j . .. uu u,g ,u.uUun8, aenuncmg me whole ai "corrupt," "swindling shops," " rotten con- ccrns," and those engaged as " rogues and s wind- Icrs-T Now these very same men when they have .... , . ., , an opportumty to their assertions, if they 1 I I . .... 1.. r t ... nau ucc iruc, uiwriy miuse io no u : i es re- r . .i n,. r n..,.. , ... wu, , iUb a.iikiiU1 the State, and that too after they had passed rcso- lutions appointing committees for that purpose. They knew well, that a report on that ...i ... :e r. .. e .... . . suojcei ii luiuiiuuy mauo out, wouiu expose their former Jesuitical proceedings, and ii.:. .... r.i i mL... - .'iui. incy uscur- taincu tnat an investigation would exhibit the fidelity with which these institutions had been managed in this State, and the-rcby redown to the honor of tho, under whose ninnagemeiiLlheyJiavu b ing disgrace and ruin of Locofocohmi ! I lence their shamefull backing out, after so much blustering. Will so lanjo a poriion o of the peoplo of this State suffer themselves to bo uny longer imposed upon by the lead- ers of that party 1 Will honest Democrats (for SOJllO stich" tinrie are) be any longer gulled by" st of .rHutinjf .demagogues, who iro ulwavs crying out for one course, and iractising another, who, the moment they gaiii a temporary ascendancy, commence what their own jianera call a "disgraceful scramble" for the very spoils which they Uad professed so much to hate ? Surely riot. Wc call upon them calmly to reflect, to candidly compare tho promises, with the iractiees of the leaders of their own parly, ma see it tiiey have not mistaken mcir men. as to measures, wc navo no hesi tancy in expressing the opinion that one iaii ot Tiiose in tuo west, wno can tncni. selves Democrats, aro at heart, in favor and girls in our common schools tho true both of a judicious Tariff, and National standing army. These soldiers are in cita J ' .1 .1.. .. i.:..i. .. i .. . .i . .. i i ... Currc-nev. which, hvthohv. nro tho nronii- ... , ,,,, . ncm measures lor wo.en too w ings con- tend. Then why not coma out like men, irow off the shackles of parly, and here, .. t I uo'i , voio ior inosu wnom you navu every ' J J igui to oenevo m uo wnai nicy can, io .!.. I I ... Ml .1 -.!-. .1 .. carry out these measures, and not for those who oppose every thin", and propose no- bins:. Question cf veracity among the hon- ouaules. inere is a queston ot veracity at piTsrnt. pending, wherein John Tyler, ohn C. Spencer, Caleb Cushing and II. A. Wiso, ore plaintiffs, awl Thomns Esving, ohn J. Crittenden, Geo. E. Badger and ohn Bell, aro defendants. Tho former aflirtn that Mr. Tyler said thus and so, and ic latter deny. So they have it. For the Messenger. TlsiiB"s in 7Ia'o:i. 1 1 Gold. The gald fever, which prevailed during the past year, to some considerable wounos mmcicu oy ms wno, uw was pro extent in this county, has greatly subsided. duccd b' aneurism, caused by c.xtruordi. t is not unlikely, that those who were most severely ofllictcd, whether now in a state of . ,J ,, n i coi. valesccnco or collapse, will endeavor in , ,. . , .i-ii i p . .do iuiuio, io Keep oni oi uio Doming oi us mi- ' ... . , . . asmatn. 1 et, still as it has boon kept, (lor , , ' i r nave not seen a tori oi u i.i any news- J per,) there lias been a considerable quan- ty of ifu d a I ready produced, awl several -b . - ' r , ' .. . ivens yet, bi-en but superficially cxantin ed, nd that adore the close of- tho present year, t!.M wl be regarded as tx valuable m.mngcountry. All the South-eastern sec lion uf the country, embracing a mountain ous region of more than ,rU0 square miles on bd!i sides of the Blue, Ilidge, as well as the North, rn part, in tho vicinity of the Smokey mountain, abounds with this pre cious metal, w hich may bo found in small particles in rilinust every branch or rivulet. t is probable, that during the spring and summer, of the present year, tho most fa- vorable grounds will bo thoroughly tested hnd exuusively wrought upon where they 111 .piLliA-LUb.Ja.U3J . . -EiMjeAtteN, X3or Common Schools have not been in operation according to law, since the last act of ti e Legislature on the subject was passed, owing to tho Tart that wu-huU to reload the money wc -drew I rom the Literary fund, under tho act of 1833, which covered the amount or nearly so, to which this county would have been entitled under tho provisions of the act of 1840. l'revious to that aetol the Legislature, our county was behind but few in the State, in their preparations to adopt the Common School system " Wo have in successful operation, at Franklin, a male Academy under the super intendence of Mr. Micks, whose qualifica tions. and deportment, entitle him to the confidence and patronage of tho commu nity. A female Academy is also under way, and to Ik; completed in .March. -Temperance. This great and glorious cause, is still advancing, and during thc past year, received an impulso from .the "Young Men's Total Abstinence Society," organfzetl at Franklin, in May last, which I trust it will not lose until it shall have numbered among its faithful adherents all who are not confirmed in intemperance and beyond the reach of recovery. Yours, &c. II. G. W. ,, " ,' . ' . ., purchase too lurgejy ami become embar- Micon county. To what extent they are The young mbs who flirts away profitable, H.avo not been accurate y in- jn a unJof fo formed. I suppose, however, that they i ',, ,,, i ,wl,U,i,f,,,,l. mmiii'u i i-ii in tv in v ii'i'i'vv i l ri r.t i 1 1 1 i in i American Oattlo-ihlp. ; ' " ,r w. waixacb, qV et. " ... Out on the sounding sea, - VVith a flag-of atari and row of steel, Iid tie tenlPe,t cowl tai h baUle peal ' The kt ihp of the free ! Awy 'rom bet moorings away o'er the wave YXll,!!?g1?l? 'a the uro-bunt of morning, the darkness of night, Like a goddesa she itrive with the gale. r Behold bcr alone in her glorious might, W,i,h ber b",nnc of beauty and streamers of light, Like a condor when out on h terrible fliebt. Whcre the breath of the tempest prevails, Hark, hark ! 'tis her thunder 1 her Abts are all out. ' And lightning's tho wreath she will wear , wOW .'f m,ne ," ,c r 'l "urned about, 'Mid the ring of the sword and the rapturous sliout, uy UieXrcalh of the sulphury air. J 1 J .... ., ' . 1 Vf ,?,ho wraPl m lhe black-curling smoke? Vliy thus Have her thunders tumultuously broke O'er the halls of the dnrk-roMing wave T Why thus havo her stur-crustcd flaj been un- Liko thc wi of some d f lhe . , , ' worm i - She but tks abroad for tho brave ! Proud hone of our land ! wo have civen thv form o;Jof thc brccZRnnj lc tiJj of thc;torm . o havo hung from the top of thy hiboaring .,,",... . ,. . Abroad sticct of stripes with the Bird Who crerfh-s his rving in tho homo of the blast, tZS' nf (! , ' i . 1, ,,, ,f .in, (if those who have battled for ua on the flood. And blessed thee with hearts, which the freemen n uIo" , ,, ., - Can Dussnss. when wo saw thee sit firm on throne f thc P. ! '"ten,. Go forth in thy glory ! and pomp o'er tho main And bnrst with the niilUof thy mire-pointed gun Tho breezes hIiuII kiss thro ; the sturs shull illume Thy pathway when dangers aro there, And around thee the laurels of triumph shall bloom, Like the plumage of angels abroad on tho gloom j iaa name's tempestuous air. Aye !' tho great Uod of Freedom who holds in his hand" This universe blazing around, Who walks on the billows which hear his com- mand, Anr! Mtmiirlit in 1wn miii.f urn rimrl 1. Aye ! he who fias yoked in the ether afar. Tho lightning-mimed steeds of thc storm to his cur; Shall guide thee all safe o'er thc foam. And at last, by tholorchof his bright b( ucon-stur, Kostore llioe once more to thy home ! Tke Constitutional A km v. The boys ul' 3 ,u,su u"' u,uuuu U3 ",u "ou,t;i,l bulwarks against ignorance, the worst ene my of lV. ,)umnn Tnco yyiiocvcr builds a scliool - hoimo or teaches a rood seheol. is erecting thc strongest monument to free. ,1, - . tr ti, :... i. ...i UUMIi It i.ll.: 11IIIU 9IIU11 UVl.1 JUIUU III.II , . , .in... i lis irreat L'ovcrnment shall totter, when this ieacon, now the sign and wonder of . P C tho world, shall wax dim, the cause will be folmd in ,no 'gnorance of the people, And i thc people perish for lack of knowledge.' Miss Hamblin's trial. Tho trial of Mrs. Ewing, for the murder of her husband, Mr. Ewing, in tlio llientreof Mobile, last spring, took jilnou in thnt city on Hie Utl uit., and resulted in the Jury returning a verdict of not guilty. The case excited great interest, and thc court room was crowded from tho commencement till the conclusion of tho trial. Perrv Walker, Esq. Solicitor for tho State, conducted tho prosecution, and Messrs. Win. Dunn and J. W. Cliildcrs appeared for thc defendant. 1 no main cvioenco in the caso was tiur, ol r. Levert , which went to snow that the dualI f. Mr. wing did not result from tho ,K,r "-'"""' n, ,rl r , 1 akk care. I here are few persons who , . , . . 1 . , r not stand in need, at somo period ol ,.r r . , n .i life, of the above caution, lhe youth, as , ' ... .. ', be i;oes into vicious compnny, must lake , .,, , . , Vm c.t re np in wi II h( riunf-il I hi vnnnrr m:in , ' , f , , , , ... ,, , , ... , . ,. but Liule capital, must take care, or he will will finally bo obliged to work to maintain ia mU3l laku caro ho contlucts 0'r ll0W he spct.ks, for at s futuro d sln3 wiU 'be brought U how some day his sins will be brought to his remembrance. The mechanic who ne- gleets his work and disappoints his custom ers, must take care, or they will go else- where and ho be obliged to give up Ins busi ness. Tho clerk and apprentice must take care bow they spend their time, or they will grow up in lgnorancej commanding neither respect nor influuncc. The aged must take ctfrc and improve their time, or death will come upon them while they aro unprepared to meet their God. hi fine, trt?re-is-rx-rtH-HV4-Hg-,-414-xr young, male Of "female, who should not heed tins cau:ioii.JiiiJ-lakc- care what ho does. He careful look well to tho consequences ami--wutcJi -vigiloutlvngainsLc viJk .of., n U. k i mis j-iHid-you- will. Jio safcvneg! cc caution and vou may bo ruined forever. Stay of Execution im Tennessee. The Legislature- of Tennessee, at the re cent session, passed a law providing that upon nil judgments to be thereafter render oil before any justice of the peaco in Ten nessee, the defendant or defendants shall !' entitled to a stay of execution for eight months, upon giving good and sufficient security therefor, under tho same rules, regulations and restrictions now prescribed by law. MARRLKB, " In Knoxville, recentljyfiy the Rev. T. Sullin, Mr. Thomas VV.Atkin, printer, to Miss 1I.rrilt M. Thompson ; all of that city DIED, In:,Franklin, Macon county, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Caroline, wife of Mr. Wni. Lambert, aged about 25 years. She was an acoeptablo member of the Methodift fc,. LTiurch, and left an assurance to her bereaved friends and relation! that their loss is her gain ; and that she has gone to those mansions which Canst has In reserve for the h.ial ly faithful. Comm. Proposed adjonrnmezt of the l.e gislatarc. Both. Houses of tlio Legislature of this State, havo resrJlved to adjouro jori. next Monday, tho 16th inst. The bill to district the State for Congress, has passed its final reading in the shape in which it was. originally rf ported by thc n Tho bill to lay off the Stale into Senato rial districts, has passed the Senate without amendment it will no doubt pass the House. The bill to appropriate one thousand do! lars for constructing a road on Spring Creek in tins county 'fins been indefinitely post poned i.e. it has been knocked in the head. We intend to proceed immediately to a general review of tho entire proceedings of that iHMly, accompanied with such remarks I as we may tlunk necessary. A inoro ex traordinary session of tho Legislature, we will venture to say, bus not been hold in North Carolina for years. (K7"Tlio Raleigh1 Register says that thc Whig members of lhe Legislature arc in fine spirits, feeling" a promt ' coTiseio'.-s'tiess of having discharged their duty, mid " a conviction amounting almost to certainty" that tho present is the last Locofnco Legu. laluro which will "ever control iho desti Dies of the Old North Stale.'" So hoi!, say wc and fur which blessing wo will endeavor to be thankful. OCT" Read attentive !y the letter of Daniel O'Comiell, Esq., to thc Haliim ire Adver tiscr, which will bo found on tho first p'.u'o of this week's paper. Ur. VotxJain, RESIDING AT 1'LKASANT IIII.L. Eifilii milrn from rrp-iiKlin, Rcrpeetfully tondrri his services in tho various branches of his ProiVis.-io'. to lh v.'Mi. as of Mil- con and thf ttrijoinin counties. Ha will offer no ikittcrinjr inducements to thc .coimii'Jiiil,. but will tlninkfully receive and promptly and Cailhfnl. ly nltcnd to any ealU with which he may b.i la. vored. January, 1 J 3. Iy....l2;) l-'ASIIIONAULH ASHCVILLE, N, C. HELLO, there ! ye youn men, and old oncu, ton iKim here, and I will make you thcTicut and most fashiouablo I OA 1 ol uny man in tnc six counties .' .' t ' The subscriber would most respectfully inform the public that he hus received I he WINTER FASHIONS; and now, let any person wishing a cheap and FAsnioxAULi: Sit St of CloHxes made, come to mr, and he xliau't go off displeased. He lies in Uic last twelve mouths so jjrcntly improved in the art ol X V TTl.N'G, that he flatters himself that he cannot be excelled by any one west of Iho Blue Kidjre. jr He has "RlCDL'fLD his Plift'lOS, sn that his customers cannot grumble, and will give as long a time for payment us nny reasonable man would nslc. 113 He tender:) his thanks, for the iiatronaae already bestowed. ('V"IIj ftill occupies his old stand. A.J. FAI. A.I, vine, juii. i o, in in l-)0.. A chance to make Money! Ewant U hire ten pood hands immediately, none will be received for a shorter time than twelve mouihti, and will pay cash for their Ber vicis. I will nlso purchase Itaecoon, Habhlt, SfrnVfuskratSkijis For which I will pay Hat3 or Ooo.N. WM. COLEMAN. Ashevilr, N. C, Jan. 13, 1813. 3t 112'J ,a k T W UNTY DOLL A US Kanowav from lhe subscriber, on Friday ni'lit histf the 3fllh of December, a bright niulat. to"nin, nunied MADISON, abent 31 yearn old, 5 fee-'. 7 or 8 inches high-p-tolcrably tout built, weirt'iinjr 165 !bg., has red curly hair, is so liht'd thnt he miht pass for a white man, if not particularly observed is pli. htly ruptured, and wcam a trusii. lie wore; oft' a liroad-Urimmed whit) hut, a chocked home.8pun cotton coat, and bluehii.ted paiilaloonn. lid had a l'a:.s, which c.vpirtd on tho id int. lie rod' off' a small sorrel man It ij possible he may have been furnished with i free pais, and is n doubt endeavoring to jet tt a iioii-slaveholdiiiij . The ahivu re. wnrj. and all in-cesary exH iises, v. nl be paid lor tho apfeh nuioii of s.iid Fellow, and his confine. ar.v Jml, so tiiat l can 'ei mm uain. I ttirH upoii i'ic subject may be addressed to the subscriber at Tvkrvill' 1'. O., Iiureim District, S. C. " JAMF.S II. DILLAKD. Jan. 0, IS 13. 3t l-IJ Istray. mAKKN up, by John Cfn j'ton Kin. at his residence on rrencli Urn... I pi.'i.r in Ifrtutel'Mon COIlllly. lwi'a, 18 miles from IlenderhOtiville, on the. 12th of November, I 1, ono mare MUM., of a dun color; a black streak alnujj its back ; cup- poned to be three or four years el. I ; 13 hands hi'Ii appraised to be wmth I'nirly dollars. The own. er is requested to come and prove property, pay charges as the taw dir. cln, or it will no ueaii wan accordiii" to the snine. I I'Air. M t II (l.'.HORX, K mz'r. 3a-mi?1n'ii:- trf t. 1- jn an Kit;; PTc-y "VJOTK'I to shew cause, naiiu t Petition of j - Jh:i-,Uulf4J.-uarMi. -CKt rokcejvolluJJtiLr. JlK'lV fb be(J-c!urid a Bankrupt at Wdaiin Monday tut l;r&i dav.f .May ne t. ; - WiUiam fuleman. pf IS ineombe coun'y, Tate Merchant lobe declared a Rankriipt ut Wilming ton, on Monday the first day of "May ne.-.t. John Mtirif, of Yancey county, to be declnr. cd a Hankrupt at Wilmington on Monday C'1' first day of May next. Hv order of the Court. ii. h. porn.!:, .... 'Artin-' Clerk of Court in lUnkrvptry January:!. 1W43. 2-d Vl'i fTMIE year is now drawinz to a close, and with X it will expire the the term of credit for which we have made tho ereater portion of our debts, ami ue be? leave to remind our customers that ns our debts were made W ith lhe positive understand. imr that oavmenU were to be mndo by th1:r.t January next, wo have incurred obligations which will mature at that time and which will require our customers lo'inect their engagements promptly, or we must bent considerable incon. venience and forced to thc disagreeable necessity of resorting to collection by suit. We will receive an additional supply of WIN TER tiOODHin a few days we shall be able to sell GREAT BARGAINS, and whib we beg leave to lender our thanks for post ravors. c will be pleased to see and sell to our friends and customer. -i uouvlk-'' Asl!Tille, Dec. 29, 1843. ' , 127 Will be sold, on Wednesday, the first day of March next, . A T tho late residence of Leonard Hill, dee'd., xl in partanburgh District, S. -J&jL- ONE TRACT jRg&t MM,- a r containing 237 ACRES, on which ii aituated COTTON FACTORY) working 330 f.pindles....with machinery sufficient to carry on tho saino. Also, A GRIST MILL, with three . .s of Runners. In tlio Cotton Fac tory there aro six iovi:it Looms, Dres.irr, Wood and Iron Laths, and En ginc. lAilh, with ail necessary Tools, sufiinicnt for kerpinj up tho same. The Grif.t II has 2 reta country stones and ono of rrinch lurs, all of superior gin. 1 BLACKSMITH'S SHOP & TOOLS; Gijj-honso imt! Cotlois-Uin. ayv 'AND ALSt), l;i;1fL commodious M DWELLING HOUSE, Kitchen, Smoke -Jlouse, Barn, Sialics, and iiia-n; other small Dwelling Houses, suitable for families to carry on the Factory. 17" Tha MILLS have lately been repaired, and are now in complete order. Thc water-power at tnese won;:i is abundant, and tho machinery now constructed a!l w; !l constructed to iruurd ar linst frecficts. ti i" credit of one, two mid tlircfe' year? will Do ven pnrchusers civiiit bond with at. proved security, and mortgages to secure thc pay incut of the purchase money. THOMAS YonXG, Executor. Jan. 13, IS 13. .1.. ..) look i2t:stj:. T it worth while for us to remind oiir custom -- era, Ihat their debts fell due on the 1st of Jan. nary? Wr think they know itjind will attend to it, and wherrthey come Tojay up, wrfiteh y,'c hope w ill be immediately, lliat tiiey will bring more money than they ,vve lis, wilh which to buy some ol luu t IttartST UtllUIS ever pold in Ashe vill,-. . f WILLIAMS &. ROBERTS. I . I ou had aH better believe we need tho money, rind must have it. W. &. II. Asheville, January G?18 13. 123. tf. .1 I.i ST OF WITTERS. 1J EMAI.N'IXC in the Post Office at Asheville, J-t N, t!., :ilst Dee., ISl:, i( not taken out be. fore the lut of April, will he sent to. the General Post office Department us dead letters. Mr Ale.tand r lananuel S Adams Sainl AIam:i II Ilarnard Mrs Hister ISarr.ard Francis Byers John I!erli!y Klijali I'ruco William Hruco Jesse I5i rry A M Iiuller John Iiradley John K. Uraniier Ra'ciisi iirookshear 11 ,.n (icore 15 Cahners Win A Camplx'il John Casnidaor John Luster C: McCartcr J ('ochriim Alfred t'rai;' Col C C Carson Joseph Cook. Piitta Dover R F Davis C..1 uinl DavidFon Mrs. Jane Davidson Miss R (iudjrcr Rev T Ilarkins Jacoli Hu e Davolt Ilunsucker Ciilson D Ha'na Jo-epli Xiarron i: i. HuidK M I Mm ( ' 1 famptoTi Smith-IIairaii F ! I (Iain. s Thoimi" (itiinrs Jani; 3 Iredell Daniel Jennings Rufus Lisle Col J Lo.vry 2 M Lytic W MeMdler Alex Me Red John Meltirdo Robert MrClelland K II Mcfluro Mr Melted Mrs M C iVoody II iWOsborn David Owen U E Owenhy .Totm ration (. Prestnall Peter Prestwood John Roberts E I. Ray I Uosenlleld T Katclitr Eli Rvnier J I! lia.. 1 Reniard Rosekml L Re. sc Afr Richardson Adam Siler W II Smart Col A E Smith (Jocrjre iSummey - David Shuck J II Tate M D Alexander Trihle Mrs S Wheeler 2 W Willi James Wihm Wiiham l Whaley Jolm Willicra V" Worley D Wvhei A Patterson F I. Walls M. PATTON, '. .V. -f-1 Dec. 31, Sl-2. .OTlCS'. Tlin heirs mid distributees of Thomas Shrp bird, dee'd, are requested to attend at Frank in, in the county of Maemi, (in the .Monday be- fore the last Monday' in January next, it l-mg c Monday of the county ('-oiirt, in order to make a final settiement of said estate with the rxece nr. THOMAS SHEPHERD, Vxr. I)ec.29 1H13. Franklin Academy. THE exercises of this institution closed, for the present yepr, on Friday the ltilh ult., af ttr a Scission seven weeks. The next Session will commence on Monday the 2nd January, 1 143. Ntudebls Will he prepared for the university of our own or other States w hen desired. f'uition, for Classical or Mathematical students SI5, Oeograpliy or English Crummar, 511, und all others 3' 1" r session of five inonllis. l;..r..r ... Ilonu. C. K Iln.looi- ' "Tsn. J". Jri-'djilUAV. nijUh and Charlef Manly, l-.sq, of Rabi"h: Hon. J. R. . I. Darnel of llahlav and Uic editors of th three Raleigh papers. Hoard ca obtained low in traiikhn. JOHN Y. (IICKS, Franklin. IVc. 23. 3t , 12) 1 1 rnt irtsHtfff; A NY. -V esc NY ruantitv'of WOOL will bo received in 1 ban e. for (!oods. bv ' W ILLIAMS ROfimTS., u 15 Dee. Chrrolu'c Comatyi I. C Septembck 20 ,; 1342. THE undersigned has in the above county a consi.l- rable quantity of land, which he nw offers 'for sale on accomodating term's, and r'ece in pavm- nt lhe following Brticics, viz: IROb, If A C(). BE III. (A TTLE, flEni'-l!WI, and CORN. Tho payment of one third efie price of the land, will be required at lhe expfa tiort of one yeur one third in two years and nc third in three years, and when thc circumstatccs of the purchasers make it necessary, the further induig-iice of one year, will be given on tch bond "after it becomes due. No further Kcurity is required than a good character und induairous habits-. Any person wishing to purchase, can ap ply to Mr. King, who resides in Murphcy, thc coun ty sent of the above county.'- 3wll5. WILLIAM II. THOMAS. milE subscriber will receive in 8 or 10 days a JL load of SALT, which he will sell for cost and carriage, bv the sack. A. B. t'Hl'NN. Asheville, Dec. 2, 1812. 121 Irrical ft departure or the Jflalls, EASTERN from Ashcvillo to Salisbury, four horse 'coaches arrives Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, at 3 a. m., and leaves MondaytThurs dT and Saturday, I r. si. SOUTHERN from At hcville to Greenville, S". four horseioachcs arrives Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 f. St., and leaves Sunday, 'ae day and Friday, 4 a. m. WESTERN from Asheville to Warm Springs, four horse coaches arrives daily, -1 a. m., leaves daily. 4 a.m. From Ashcvilo to Clarkcsvill", Ca., twice a week, horse-back arrives &undv and Wednesday, 7 r. si., leaves Monday and Friday, 5 a. h. From Asheville to Aorjranton, two horse hack arrives Monday and Friday, 9 r. u., and leaves Tuciday and Saturday, 5 a. :i. From Asheville, to iVorirantnu, via nurnsville arrives Tuesday 4 r. and leaves Wednesday, 6 A. M. From Ashcvillo to Cathoy's Creek, via Sulphur 5'prlnsrs leaves Friday, 6 a. m., arrives .Satur day, 7 r. m. darnsvillo and Calhcy's creek mails aro carried 8 on horse-bnek. " Tho Post Office hereafter will lie oicned on Sun day for thc delivery of letters and piqicrs, between 8 and 9 o'clock a. m. M. PATTON. i .M "Asheville Dec. G, 1842. Tennessee Stone 15Vfrc, OF every description, for sale bv WILLIAMS A- ROBERTS. Asheville, Dec. 9. If 125 NOTICE! VALUABLE LANDS BY virtue of a d eree of Henderson Court of . Euuitv, I shall offer for salit.atjmblic auction to tho highest bidder, on u credit of ono and two yearB, at tho Court House in llendersonville, on Puesday of the next February Court of Pleas tfnd (Quarter .Sessions, tnc five following Tracts of Jjantf, bjionging ta the licira of Lewis aaj !5 . tison. rirst Iract of a hundred acres, s.tuate in I ten. d?rson cnanty, N. C, on bS.'i wJjs of the road lead ing from William Orr's to Uetison's turnjiike, iiicladini; lltgtitolVcr? rir.thT graulrd to K; lifwht r.d U. liensoii,on tin; l.'ilh IVc.niber, A. D. 1818. f ecund Tract, siluale in Henderson c. unity, and lying on both sides of the north fork of east fori;. of French Ilioad river, including the Hickory Flat; tho I.owcr jAtfhvand Noilh lt.ttoms m said- - creek, containing three hundred acres; granted to R. Icwis and O. IJciiton, tho 1 olh dav of Decern. ber, li'S. Third Tract, lying in Henderson connty.on both ides of Little River, including Phillip's improve ments, coittaininir 2."0 acres; granted to R. Lewis and (.;. lienson, lath December, ISIS. Fourth Tract, in Henderson county, on C lear creek of Little river. Fifth Tract, in Henderson county, on Carver's mill cretl; of French Broad river. Purchasers toyivc bonds with approved sccun . Due attention will be given bv me. W. HRYSON, c; m. e. Nenderso-ivilie, October 22, 13-12. 6w 121 THE undersigned, by mutual conrent, as well as by limitation of their contract, have dissolv ed the partnership heretofore existing ut Aeotts reek, Haywood county, -V t . All tnc land nd other properly belonging to the firm have been transferred to William !I. Thomus. All ebts due thc firm arc payable; to him ; and all debts duo from the firm are payubb by him. v' ii Tin ivi a e ALLEN Fli'HER. 3t 125 Novcmber lO, lSi2. lr. K. li;ri I Court of M. CuroIiMU IX CANKItUPTCY NOTICE to shew cause against Petition of Leri lluiter; jr., of liuueoinb." county. Far mer, to bcideelaied a liankrupt, nt Willmington, on Monday, the. 13th of Decdiuhcr next. Stephen Phillips, of Henderson county, farmer, be declared a Bankrupt at Wilmington, on Monday, tho 19th of December next. II tram h.J-nc.i, of Henderson county, farmer, be declared a Hankrupt at Wilmington, on .Monday, the 19th December next. Joseph fttenp, of Henderson county, I armcr, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, 011 Monday, thc Utliol December next. John .Sums, near., ok 1 alley eounly, r armcr, to be' declared a Hankrupt, ul V ihninglon, on .Von. av, the r.Hli of December next. William II. Sam.i, of Yaney county, Furmer, be-declared a Bankrupt,, ut .Wilmington, oil .- JVonday, the 19th of December next. Jonathan M- lii iMn, of Aaeon county, Sad. Her. to be declared a Bankrupt, ut W ihumetuii. on Monday, the 19th of IVcember next, Isy order ot alie lnnrt. II. H.POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court in llanlruptcy. November 19, la 12. 121 JAIliX and IIIS.lS (usaorlod,) lor tule bv 'WILLI AMU t- ROBERTS. Dec. 9. . if 125 lT. . District Vorl oi X. Crolia i.n isANKiu:nc'V. "TOTICE to shew cause 'against Petition of 1 Benjamin Richunhon, of Henderson county, Farmer, to bu declared u Bankrupt, ut Wilming ton, on iWondy, thc 19th of December next. John Brymn, of Cherokee county, farmer, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, on Mon day, the 19th of December next. Iluddt Margan, of Cherokee county, Black , umith, to be declared a -Bankrupt, ut Willmington ou Monday, the 19lh of December next. Uy order of lhe Court. II. II. POTTER, Acting Clerk oj Court ill liaiil.rll-,try. November 7, 18 12 2fM ' 122 Smith's A riililucf iv. . J'UST received, and lor sale ul, this office "Vcry"chTa"p: Nv 2li I.'. . Dilri't t'ociit of .Ti.farolliia. iji.vxjttirrri'V. TOTICE tA'shoxiTcTtice BgairiSE 'Te'UfiiToi" www-iaooAD, of Cherokee, r.QU.'Ulyjji!kL dh r. In l) rJeclared a l.ankrupt, ul mii.ngion, 0:1 Monday, the first of M.iy next. By order of the t.iairf . H. II. I O I TER, 1 Art in" Clik cf Court in Bahkrkptcij. Dec. 13, 1SI2." 2'JJ 127 ,-tilHtlnlstrators' .'olIrr. VLL persons indebted to thc estate of Asa kU. ney, dee'd are requested to call on M. M. Edney of Henderson county, and make unmcui- ntf navmeiit. And those Having eiauns agamsi said tslute. are req'W sled t'i present Ihem, duly authenticated, within the t.uieprcscrjut'a oy law, or this notice will be plead m bur of their recove ry A. J. EDNEY, Admiiuitratnr. Oct. 11. 1312. Ii7 mil i IM: On aecomm Mlating term. it1 an elderly WOM AN", who is a good COOK, WASHER, and Il'.ONER. Apply ut this office. Smith' CcograpSi y and Alias. A LARGE number of these valuable w orki for XI sale at this Omce very cneap. Asheville, Nov. 26. 74 Bar Iron and Ca Mings, ... 1 i- a. nnnrnTS For aalo bT V il.l.i.A.uo w, iui-y . Dsc. 9. tf 125 I