1 1 . n I ' Om (be Death of Children BY 40HM ttUINCT ADAMS. Sure to th mansion of the We. When Infant Innocence ascends, Some ngl brighter then the reel The potle spirit' flight attend. On wing" of eeetacy they rise - Beyond where world material roll, Till soma fair ister of the skie . . Receive the unpolluted eoul. ,t There, t the Almighty Father1 hind, Nearert the throne or living light. The ehoir of Infant orapli eland, -- And daxiling shine, where all are bright. Thatunextinguiahable beam. With dust united al our birth. Sheds more dim, d iscolorcd gleam. The more it linger upon earth. Closed in tbia dark abode of clay, i The etream of glory faintly burne, Nor unobecured the lucid ray To ile own native fount returns. - But when the lord of mortal breath " Decree hia bounty to reenme. And oointa the ailent shaft of dcaUi . Which speeds an infant to the tomb No passion fierce, no low desire, " Ha quenched the radiance of the flame Back to it God the living fir 'r Return, unsullied, a it came. 7 L-A.W LAW. An upper and a lower mill Full out about their water ; To war they went, that is, to law, , Resolved to givo no quarter. The heavy cost remaining still, ... Wrro settled without pother ; One lawyer took the upper mill, Tbc lower mill the other. Franklin Academy. - fTnE egetciseaoftBi insliluTion closed, for ' X the preaenfjrear, on Friday. the 16lh ulL, aC. ter a Session seven week. 1 he next session will commence on Monday the 2nd January, 1143. Student will be prepared for the university of our own or other States wheal desired. TutiH for Classical or Mathematical student ,5, Geography or Enfflisn -Uramniar, . 89, and nil others $b per session of live month. llefc r to Hons. G. Badger. J. If. Bryan, Jaa. Iredell, W. Battle and Charle Manly, Esq, of Raleigh ; Hon. J. K.J. Daniel of Halifax and the editor of the three Rulcigb palters. Board can be obtained low in Franklin. - ; . JOHN Y. HICKS. Franklin, Dec. 23, 1842. 3t 120 V. 8. District Court of If. Carolina t.t Bramrnrrcr: " XTOTICE to sbear: cause B(rain'st Petition of JL 1 . Penjtmin Riekardmn, of Henderson eounty, Farmer, to b declared a Bankrupt, at Wilming. ton, on 3ondy, the 19th of December next John Bryton, of Cherokee county, Farmer, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, on Afon. day, the 19th of December next. , Rudif Morgan, of .Cherokee county. Black smith, to be declared a Bankrupt at Willmington on Monday, the 19th of December next ' 'By order of the Court. - ' " njfi'u -H. II. POTTER, Acting Clerk of Court in Bankrnptry. November 7, 1842 20d- 123, V. S. District Court of If. Carolina. in BANKBOPTCY. NOTICE to shew cause againtt Petition of Jem B. Brooke, of Cherokee eonnty, Sad. diet, to bn declared a Hnnkrupt, ot Wilmington, on monaay, iuo nrsi ni may next. 4 '.' By order of theCooit. .. H. H. POTTER. Acting Clerk of Coirt in Bankrkptct. , . . otdmini strat&r' JTotlce. ALL pcreo n indebted to the ealate of Asa Ed. , B'y, dee'd aro requested to call on M. M. Edney of Henderson county, and make immediate- payment - And those having claims against oid citato, are requested to present them, duly ' authenticated, within the time prescribed bylaw, - n hi notice will be plead in bar of their recove. ry,' i , ; A. J. EDNEY, Administrator. Oct 14, 1842. .in TZ Cnerokco Cocntr, If. C. V- . i W , Septembee 26, 1842. THE undersigned ha in the uhovo county, a eonsioVrable quantity of land, which he now .offers fcr sale. oaaccomodating terms, and reerre in pavarnt the fnllnwincr article, vix: IRON, BACON. BEEF.CA TTLE, BEEF-HIDES, pbWCOifTtenayriienrof on thrra of the price of the land, wUl he required at the expira tion of one year one third in two years and one third hi throe year, and when the circumstances of the purchaser make it necessary, th further fadtrlgeneaof oan'year, will be given on each bond after it becomes due. No further security Wiatiifl'thii ft (km! chairecloF ftni imiiMiiiouf habit Any person wishing to pure has, caa ap. ply to Mr. King, Who reside in Murphey, the coun ty seat of the above eounty. O 3wU5. -' WILLIAM H. THOMAS. ' 1 eVotlce. THE subscriber will receive in 8 or 10 days a load of SALT, which he will sell for cost and carriage, by the sack. A. 1. CHUNN. Aahevffle, Dec. 2, 1842. I 124 tiT OF LETTERS. REMA WINK injlie Post Office at AaheviHe, N. C,.3)al pee., 1842, !( not tuken out be fore the 1st of 'April, will be sent to the General Post office Department a dead letters, rf Mr Alexander . Emanuel S Adam ' Ssml Adam H Barnard ' ' ' " Mrs Hister Barnard Traneis Bycr John Berkly ' -Elijah Brace William Bruce Jcsso Berry ' AM Butler John Bradley John R. Branner fiajes Brookshear 11 WcU Daniel Jennings Rufus Lisle Col J Lowry 9 M Lytlo W McMiller -Alex Me Red John McBirda Robert McClelland E H McClure MrMcRed Mr M C Jloody II JVOsborn David Owen U E Owcnby John Pat ton tJeorgo"B llrhor "XT??itna."TT m A Campbell " PeUrFreslwobd John Caasidaor . 'John Luster i ". C. McCarter ' J Cochram ' -Alfred Craig CoJCCCarmn x Jri?nnh Cook w ' PaitaDover R F Davis Oil Suml Davidson Mrs. Jan Davidson Miss R Godirer Rev T Harkin Jacob II ice John Robert ' EL Ray I IRoscnfield T Ratcliff Eli Rvmer - J B Rusw-1 Bernard Rasclun L Rve Afr R'iehardson Adnm Silcr W H Smart Col A E Smith Goerge Stimraey Dsvid Shuck Diwlt I MTTate M D . Colson D Haznn Alexander Trible . Mr 8 Wheeler 2 W Willis .'Joseph Oarron E T. tT?n. t M Helm. James Wilson William B Wbaley - John Wiiher W Worley D Wvlie & A Patterson F L Wall ' M.PATTON.P. JV. 128 ii Hampton : - -Smith Hagan F ii Gine r . I'lTinnias Ouine Jams Iredell Dec. 31,1812 tttiii - a rmmtmtir to the recivm and VV forwarding of Good, end-to the ealoYaJl I produce of all kind irom uie -November 25, 1842. c , tt , , J25 Notice. THE undersigned, by mutual consent, a well aa by limitation of their contract, have disaolv. td the partnership heretofore. iting at Scott Creek, Haywood county," N. C. All the land and other5 properly belonging to the firm have been transferred to William II. Thomas. All debt due the firm ate payable to him mod all debt due from the firm are payable by him. : W. H. THOMASV . ALLEN FISUER. November 10, 1842. 3t , 125 V. S. District Court of flf. Carolina. IN BAWKI0PTC1f NOTICE to shew cause againei Fetition of Levi Bailey, Jr., of Buncombe county. Far. mer, to be declared a Bankrupt, at WUImiogton, oa Monday, the 19th of Decdmber next. Stephen Phillip, of Henderson county, Farmer, to be declared a Bankrupt "at Wilmington, ou Mondav. the 19th of December next...',.; ,i : Hiram K.Jonee,n Henderson county. Farmer, to be declared a Bankrupt: at .Wilmington, on Monday, tho 19th December next ". Joeeph Stepp, of Henderson ennp ty farrner, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, flu Monday, the 19th of December next j , John Sown, nr., of Yartoy county, Farmer, lb be declared a Bankrupt, al Wilmington, on Afoav Jay, th 1 9th of Decembnr next William H. Sumx, of Yoncy county, Farmer, to be dtclared ft Bankrupt, at Wilmington, da Mondav. the 19th of December next . JgMfn 3L .JaVyaau. of , ifacou ..county.JS'a.d; ! dler, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, on Afonday, the lMlhjf Deaeanlhnj a est, By order of the Court. ii. II. POTTER, Acting Clerk of Curt mBjutknipt'u- Novemuer 9, 1043. , 1 " MT AILS and BRADS, (aworted,! Jj for lala by WILLIAMS & ROBERTS. Dec. 9. tf 125 Two Hundred Dollar Reward. :'vmumm , Bv Hi Excellent JOHJFMr MOREHEAD-, Governor, Captmin General, nd Catmnemmtr in Chief of the State of North Carolina, Whbkeas, it has been made appear to Ilia Ex. ecutive I) epartment, that, at the lost Terra of the superior Court of tho county or ' aaamw tne Grand Jury found a true Bill against MARK KIS. OR, for the murder of Jane S. Russkl ; and that id Kiaor ha fled from justice : Note, Therefore, to the end that said Mark Kiso-mav be arrested and bronrh t trial for th I aid ottence, 1 do hereby issue this my rroclama. tion onenng a reward of I wo Hundred Hollar for- tax apprehension -md delivery of tba aaid Mark Kisor, to tho bliurill'of Cabarrus: And 1 do, moreover, hereliy enjoin and require all Officer of thi Statot Civil and Military, to use their best exertion to apprehend, and to cause to be oprn-e. hended, the said fugitive aforesaid. Given Under my hand a Governor, ate., and to which I have caused the Great skai f eal of State to be affixed. 1 ' '-' Itone at our City of ltaleign, this Z&lh October 1842. " JOHN M. MOREHEAD. By hi Excellency' command, rxroa Kir.xouw, r n.- Hoe. 1 .'9 yTTr . JH :-v. "t' - " " DESCRIPTION. , , . Said Kisor is about 39 years of age, fivfce ten inches hicb.dark hair, anuar ahoaldera. dblk skin, hrffi. mnnib, some appearanc of scald-head, speaks quick, ia a blacksmith by trade, bs bad countenance, aad fon'd of carrying I: is Kin," and Liquor. He has a brother in Georgia, and two liter in Mississippi, one married to rarrot brans, tne oilier to - - Collins. f jBr ; m JTOTE8 JLOST OR JMSL, fl. ITfHILE in Morgan ton. at Burke Satnw - Court, I lost or nislaid twa not ot hand. Mgned oy, and in the haad-wrtUna of John Hall. of Afaooa oouutyi N. C; one due' to myself Lr SIM, dated August, 1842 ( th other payable to Col. I. T. Avery, for ft 1 10, dated August, 1843. Th above notice i to forwarn all oeraon from trading for said note, aa (hey hare been lost or misplaced in the Superior Court Clerk' .office, at morganion.. , , JcittK, Former Sheriff of Macon county. November 11, 1842. . 3t . , 121 Ten Dollars Reward!. RArfAWAX; fsc4ivU.sttlweube on the 4 til , inst,a Negro man named TOM,M rS0 Tear of are, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches blah, tolerabr fatdttt owtr,'ororf nte3iayfelh S3 ioe., quit oiacx, nign lorracad, bair grey near eacn lempio, oeara ano grey ami mostlr rtsn upoa hia obia and towards ha ears, hdo'wacaa mean look. A he ranaway a tew year since, and was furnished whM free papers, denied hi master's and changed hi own name, whilst lying in AsheTilleyNrJttilvtffiroTrthsVlrli pror paoie no will resort lo me same trick again..,. He ia no aount endeavoring to reach a-nonlavabotd. inif Western tat, and may be ta aompany with other" Negroca, and perhaps some white parson. The above reward aad all rsBeeasaryoxneaassasiU be paid for the apprehenaion of said Negro and hia confinement m Jail, and such information giv. mat m gvi Dim gain Letter upoa th (abject may ba addressed to menu of Chemistry ai the Subwnber, t Dntonydks P70L, Edgonoldikxcellerrt practical sch Diatnet,.C. - :..,,,;, ,,,",.,. Tired oeietin.-'n !'- WJLUAM STROM,, . Oct Blr 1843 st III JOTICE to shew cause sgainat Petition of XI Jamtt W. Hunter, of Hon d arson cinmty, Carpenter, to bo declared a Bankrupt a i Wik mingtonn Monday, th 31st da of October nxt George Clrmle, of Buncombe eonnty, farmer, to be declared a Bankrupt at Willmingtoa, on Monday, th 31st day of October next By order of tha Court. - H. II. POTTER. Acting Clnrk of Court in Bankruptcy. Factorage and Commission Business, CJItRLE&TOirtS T IIE Jindcriizficq would most respectfully n. form hi friends and Ihe public generally, I that he continue to Xransutft llie FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION' In the Cily of Ckarlttlm; S- C. (Office on Maeirnodt WkartA -Ha will assiduously ninly hi best exertion to promote UieinUreslol liisI patron and from his long experience in the tPntton Trade, and' by prompt attention to business, he hope to continue to receive a liberal shaw of patronage. His com mission fnr i.tt'inf n,.fw, rn . , i . receiving and forrHirt:. K?. I uaiiaaj-e. ; an ijdrat-o- wi be chanred mi c57g7d on 471:. . lZ'zL.-l'ti w rei gularly eonsiirni d to him. th.t .r. i. i. . warded arded by the Rail Road, and no expense Incnr. red or charted that rn ibly he avoidtd.' renon Mipping cotton to him from the Interior, try the way of Hamburs, can obtain .a c on it, by applying to Dr. Stostm, of that plaeei August 19, 1842. ! no U Smitli'a Arlthmrtl.. , . JUST received, mnd.Jbr ale at this office verv chean. ' ' - Vn.. oe TJ Y virtue of a' decree of Henderson Court ot Jj EqoHy.I shaH offer for sale, a tfpublia auction to tba highest bidder, on a erodit of one and two years, at the Court House in Henderaonville, on Tuesday of th next February Court of Flea and Quarter Session, tne flv following; , ,, ..... ?Srrc"fi ofJand.J t belonging totha heir of Lewi and Sanson. - First Tract of a hundred acres, attoato in Hen. dcraon oooaty, N. CVM both aide of U wed leading from William Off's tu Benson' turnpike, including Hightowsr's patli granted Ui R. Lewi and G. Benson, on la 1 5th Doospbsr, AJ),lol8. ' Second Tract, situate ia Henderson county, nd fying on both aidci of the north fork "of east fork of French Braad r!vri Including .the . Jtipkory Flat, the Lower falls, and fort n lioltoeus on saia creek, containintf three hundred acres; rrsnted U. Lewis and U. Bentoa, th Uth day of Decem ber, 1818. . . . ,. Tliird Tract, Tying In Henderson county, en both aide of Little Rrvr, including FhUlip'a improv. menu, containing 250 acres i granted to R. Lewi aad G. Benson, 15th December, 1818. ' . Faurth Trast, in Hesderm aoaaty, aa Clear eroskof Litlarivr..-, , .. . . . , fifth Tract, In Henderson county, on Carver's mill eraek of Franea Broad rtver. , -' PorcJiascr to giv bond with approved securi tv. Due attention will be given by me. - f, t-W.BRYSON.CM.E. Henderwaville, October 22,1842, 6w 124 DIRECT IMPORTATION. Hardware and Cutlery. - THE stibseriber have juat- raeeivwd direct from tba inaAufaetureT in England, snd the Northern State, a handsome and well-assorted STOCI OF niKDWIIE LIB CUTtEIT, purchased principally for cash f which I bay offer for sale, on reasonable term, at their (tore, in th brick building, corner of Centra and Mercer it., English, Swede, and American IRON. I Hollow Ware of all lt J t WW w uaa ana f loop iron, Collins' Axes, Adxe, Chlscels, and Gouge. Mill Iron, a full assortment ' Anvils, Vices, Smith's Bellows and Uaniraers. Horse Shoe and Hone Shoe Nails. Wairon Boxes, trace and other waroa ahaiu. Table kaives snd forks, pea and pocket knires. MiJI and eroas-cut saws. Hand and tenant saw. '''.- - . Lock, Hinre, Auger. , Coffce-milla, Corn-mills. Grindstone, Manilla and cotton rope. ; " . Short and PirTunJron Wire. , -r Sheet and Pi Lead. With many other articte id llicirlino.makuir the moat complete and well-assorted stock ot hajua WAKE fiyejt.Mered.ln t htl.nja.rx;e.t, . HENKELL 4. ROBINSON. Hamborg, Oct, 26, 1842. . 6 120 riain and Fancy BOOK AND JOB PRINTING! THE pubHc ar4',reipectftijry m farmed 'that m addition to tba former tarara and sencrai aa. ortment of Printing Material belonginn to this establishment, a new supply has been rcoao'Jy received, arnica WW enable a U axscuif , , If EVERY OEeCRIfTION, 'n a style equal, if not sapsriof to any ctlMW estab lishment in the State. ET Order foaanr of tha follow ji' klsdx of rtinting will bo Uianxl uJ ly roosived, a d pxa ptly aitcnoca to ; . . Bumxi, or xvxkr v'WiBta, oiik "sis'."-'! ' scairrron, : ; PAVULrrs, , CiacvLAxa, CaTacootnts, , Miatrrc. y... Iliiui-BiuLa. Show.Biix, Wat amb 8t. vis K jj.' TicanT, i t,,;. , Lasels, tec. &3. Mx!oa" Office, ' J " AsheviUe, July 22, 1842. ,-..;.. 106 IMPORTANT WORK M . i Row ia the eoaru of pBblleitioa. A. Dictionary of Arts, Itlanu- , riCTUBES AND MINES; CONTAIN1NO A , . CLXAS EXPOSITION OF THEIR PElIf.' ,: " CTRLES 8D PlAfrriCES By ANDREW VRB, M. JX, F. R. SH M. 0. M.A. S. Lon4H Hem. AomttJI. A. PhilmdeL, 8. Ph. Soc. JV. Germ. Hanov Mulii, ae. d. ifxnaTsaTto wrm ami tbowakd tw bwmhw mo .,-,.-J.oa'rivaaa aioavino. i. fTMJIS i unquestionably the most popular work JL of the kind wsr published, and a book most rtiwliably wtapto totha wants W a riasTav W tba common iry-the folia ing ara tha kupcctant objost wbioh tho karnsdaujjiox sodearor loac. complish. - i mlr"f''' - - ' 1st. TomitnictJaoTSanufaetarer. MetIIufrit and TVadennan''m the principle af their Mapse tiv proeesseat ao a to rssuUr them ia reality, tha miskiii their 7bnsinaT nd to eiaaaeipata tbein (iota a state of bondage to uoh a are too commonly governed by blind prrjudloe sod- a vl. clou routine. " ' ''''i ' - " Sadly. ToaJbrd Merchaat. Broksr. Dt-vaaU. era,' Druggists, snd officers of til Rovsaue, rha- racterntio description of th commoditie which pas through their hcjada. . . tfroly. By exhibiting som at tba finest develop. 7 ana mysirs, is lay open an school to tudenUof these kin. ,, 4; ..,.-) jl( ;, 4thly. To teach ea slrou oT placina- then 4thly. To teach Mpilalist, wb mav ba da. sirou oi placing ueir nind in some produouv branch of industry, to elccl, juiciowj anaong plausible claimant. ;. "- t " 5thly. To ensblo renllemen of the Law to be. come well acquainted with the nature of those patent schemes, which are eeaptto give rise to litigation. , ' 6ih)y. To present Utegblatorssoeh tleardis. position of the staple manufacture, as may die. made them from enacting law which obstruct in dustry, of cherish dne branch ef it to the Injury ef many othr..,j . t- -. : . Aad lastly, to giv the general reader, aatent chiefly on Intellectual Cultivation, views of many of the noblest achievement of Science, ia effect, ing those grand transformation of natter to whicjh Great Britain and the United State owe ther permanent wealth, rank and power amonr tba nation of the earth. The JateaL statistics of svery important object of manufacture are given from the best and osunU. ' m vJ irom omciai aumoriiy at tne end of each artid. The work will be printed from the aecand 1m. don Edition, which sell for $13 a copy. It will be put on good paper, in new brevier type, and will make about 1400 8 vo pegeb- It win be issued in twenly-one emi-monthly numbers, in covers, at 23 esnts,ucb,ravableoe delivery. . .. j . U". To any person sanding us five dollars at one time in advance, wo will forward the number by mail, post paid, a soon a they come from pre. 1 To suitable agent thi afford a rare opporluni. ty, a wa on put the work to them oa terms ax. uemeiy levoraeie. la every manufacturing town 'J.M'.f rooghcniu.tej. greatest facility. Aidreas, postpaid, 0. Apple. 124. ton Ak Co, 2i0, Broadway, Jew York. September 28. 184a . I2t BY the sack or singl bushel, for sale by ' . j WILLIAMS A Knnp4rlt ' 7 tf . 12$ EOIK SAL.K On aceomnjxlattoff term, an eldxly WOM ANVwho ie a goof COOK, WASHER, and IRONER. Apply it thi office. THE iubscriber k now ireceivinf and opening a large and handsome supply f in rail and mater ' O X , i Ilrettlyron the City ef New Ysrk, whicli, in addition to hi former stock, will make hi assortment full and oomplet. Unwilling Is create any Imaasaslon which he may not bo able fully to aiwtain, ha will barely remark, that ha w determined to sell Good so low, that all desirous of obtaining GOOD BARGAINS for Cash, shall not go away dissatisfied. Grateful f jt the patron, age already bestowed by a generous community, n Ox tee himself, that if prompt attention la businesa, and a ipoition togiventir atifac lion, will uccefully sustain him against tho ho. norablo competition wHh which he ha lo contend h will still continue to receive a liberal shar. ' conclusion, be, respectfully request ean bayera toeall and examine In loou, and judge for themselve. He will orntinue to tot k.n, thaNlhllnirinir nroduce. at cash prices, vii. Festlier. Snaka-roit Beeawax, Tallow, Hide,. aad Corn. A. B. CHUNN. Unn herv ver f body 1 1 WILLIAMS & ROBERTS, Have received, ht tliehs. ' Chean Store in Asheville. a Fftts-i -wrrisT or - WINTER GOODS, AND expect m a few day to reesiv an addi tiosal supply, which, added to their praaent clock, will make their assortment complete, 1 NOW LOOK OUT FOR ' AAatBjA.XW To those who wish to boy a large quantity of Good for a small sum of money, wo say, HERE IS THE PLACE, a we are determined to put then down even than w hav heretofore sold them ; and having arrangement by which we will be receiving can slant addition to w 8 TOOK, wo ieiclfutly eall the attention of the Goods-purchasing publio to our establishment promising at all time and under all tircumstance to us our beat exertion to giv general satisfaction. ' We receive a we have heretofore done the PRODUCE OF THE COUNTRY in exchange for Good j allowing for it the highest market : ..'WW ww. . a nnpflra .. WILLIAMS Sc. ROBERTS. Aahavflle, December 4, 1842. ST. MARY'S HALL, Rarenscroft Crore, Itaiwlyn, If. c, j , EIGHT SET. L. a. IVES, P. D , VISITER. REV. ALDERT 8MEPE8, RECTOR. LfTyf I? JLnMttttjsil.6Jhe.ed ucj tion ofYoun g -- Indies, in respect to tne size and convenience ef its btiilrfmrs, and the beauty and ' keahefulne of its. looation, enjoye advantage not surpassed by those of any similar Institution in the country. It is the constant effort of the Reotor to make it in every respect Mcb a a judicious Chri- tian Parent would choose for hi daughter. Trm ror tloard and EnglMn I uilmn per ssioa, J1U UU. payable in advanee. ' ,- For Tuition in French $ 12 50 per Session. For Tuition in Music $35 00, with S3 00 for the ase of tb Piauo, aer besaion. -, For Drawinsr and Painttnr. Bid 00 per Session For course of instruction in Ornamental Needle Work,5 00. ; . - No extra charge m made for the Aacient Lan. go o res. . To School year la divided into two rjessions; the former commencing May 7th, and tcrminatuig October 10th. The latter commencing JNOvem. S6th. and terminatinr May 6th. - There i a vacation or iv warts, from t Tiooer 16th to November 25th. ' There wio also be a re- ceseof a week, daring the Christina holidays of a week in the Spring and or a week in raid. summer, fur the recreatios and health of Pnptla and Teacher. ' ' Pnpila, remaining durine the vacation, will pay 82 50 per week, for their board. " Pupil are required to furnish then- own bedding, fbed are furnished bv the School) and Towel. Mr. Smcdm will be happy to (upcrmtend tne execution of any arrangement, arenta may wtun 10 roaxo tor tne clothing of tqeir eliUdren, while at scliool , Pupil are aot allowed to contract bill In the city without a special direction from ihe Parent to toe Keetor: aor, except In special cases, are they permitted to viit the city, or leave the ample ground of the Institution, unaccompanied by Mr. dm ox, or one or aer associate. - October 18, 1842. , '. ' osw r ' ISO Furnlture--Fnrnltture. r --- -r CALL at th Cabinet shop on th publie qore, imaied lately east of the courthouae, where you will find a large stock ef well assorted . wl7 MmimrM-batJ jamaBS, consisting to part, of BUREAD8, PREiBSEti, TABLES, large and small WORK-8TANDS. CANDLxUTANDS, tU. Tbe asUblishment ha lately changed hands, and th price of Famiture sesMidsrssl reduced. . ' ; Ia k few day there wOlb ready a large lot of lirCBUCIIBEDSTEiDSr ubatantial and neatbut no "French,'' about them. Every kind of work in the above line will be done to order ai thi shop, with a neatness aad dispatch, not surpassed in th Western part of thi Slate,,, - T ; ET All kind of country produee' exeept Pro. aiises, Tobacco and Whiskey or Brandy, wiR be token in payment for Furniture. , AbeviUe, July21rJ842. ' ; 108. tr." -' WILLIAMS A: ROBERTS HAVE received an additional supply of 3-4 and 44 BROWN DOMESTICS, 4-4 OSNA, BVROS. - ' , ' Alao, ' ' " ' ' '"' 200 bale COTTON YARN, aaaorted number. from th Saiiebury Manufactory, which they are selling, a they do every thing else, at the most reduced prices, for cash or merchantable produce. Tho community are respectfully requested to call and exaqiinp their toc)i pn) prica. 7ugut5t1842w 108 'Aba, HOLLOW.WARE, CA6TINU8, WAGON. Boxes, tie. A.C. Angost 12, 1842. 109 NEWTON ACADKTIY. THE iubscriber wiU be ready to resume hie course of instruction for young gentlemen on jlfoaday 28th Inst-and until a competent assistant ie secured expects to be with hi Bcholar without interruption during the whole of tbe school bourd every day, psovirWitial hindrance excepted. i erma aa nsnai auiimi in ina iimea JOHN DICKSON. Nov. 16th, 1842. .122 A FEW for sals at Uhs urhce Good paper - well bound. Low for cash. , i ' Mareh5, 1842. r "87 Iftool wanted. ANY quantity af WOOL exchange for Goods, b NY quantity of WOOL will be received ia tor Goods, by - - williams d) Roberts: Dec. 9. 125 BLANKS I BLANKS !! CLERKS of Courta, Attorneye, eberiflk, and Constable ar respectfully infonnsd that we have now on hand, and ihall continue to keep, a large and general assortment of BLANKS and that we are na prepared to fill with promptness order for any at In following kinds, via t Suvtrif Court, Cmuntu Court, Ca. ba', . ,, Witnew Ticket. ., Writ, Capias Bond,' Ca. Ba. Bond, Subpoenas, Venditioni Exponas, Indictment for Assault Affray, Juror Ticket. ' Execution, ' Road Order. " Vend. Expo., subpoena, Ca. 8a. Bond; Indictment for A 11 ray, " Assaufui, Witness TickeU, Writs, eVe.,U. Ja.or Ticket, MtoceUatuou. Constable' Warrant, Ca Be', and Bonds, . Guurdiana' Bonds, . SherifT Deed Vend. Eli no. . . SherifT Deeds Fi. Fa. Apprentices' Indenture Appeal Bond,. Marriage ucensc, Appearance Bonds, -Deed of Trust Deed of Conveyance, Const Delivery iBond. Injunctions Commiton for taking Deposition, . CoasUble' Official ' Bond, ,. Administrator' Bond, Prosecution Bonds, ' Letter or Aaninisra tion. , A Equity SabpaMier- ' Writs, Deed of Equity, Indemnity Bonds, Letter Testamentary, t-iectments, etc., oto " Messenger" Uffice, Aheviflc,Juy22,1842. ALISBIJIIY PACTOR THISEatabllshmonl Ma complete operation. The cowipany are ImanaCaoturing, Cotton yarn, Sbeetingrwhirtiag, and Osaaburg.of a u. per lor quality, whicktbey offer to tho publio at the lowest market price. Merchants, and other. who will examine qualiticsyjmd compare price, will find it to thlr interest toaiwobaan. , Address, J. RHODES BROWNE, Agt. Saliabary. Rowan Co- July 1. 1842. , 104 JL1 ii. PR08PECTUS Of THE Nortii Carolina Literary Record r I THE fubscriber oropuee to publish in the city -L of Raleigh, a magazine with tho above title. It will be printed m monthly numbers, on forty octavo pages of good paper, wilh new and elegant type and neat cover, for1" Two dollars a fear ! advance. It i designed to be a publication of general inte. rest, containing biographical skctobe of the it. lustrioo native of North Carolina; biatoainal paper, ombraeing particularly bkmikiscxnce bv the present aged publie men and scientific artL eie. 1 nis uagaxine will chenah the purely lite. vary, ana iu pages wiu be graced with poetic eontributiena. A prominent place will be given to the interests of tbe Common Scnooi, system of education in our State. A Rxvntw department will bo-added, whieh-wiU-proacni notice ef now publication ; and it w designed that- tbe work halt hare a monthly cnae.Nics of literary intet h'gwne. i,i -j.'-., v, The sabaeriker feele aafe in making: the abovsl statements, because he has the proroisOvof asaitai ance from several distinguished gentlemen in the State, in whoes acquirement the publie ba alt confidence. He desire lo- make it a periodical which shall compare with any Southern maga. tine, ornament the table of the literary man, and be a welcome visiter to any family in the Stute. It wut be seen that the o.bcripuon ia unusually low -';;: . . -. ; Four Hundrtd and Eighty Octavo Paget for Two Dollars f . jV The work i put at thi price that its circula- ' tion may be the greater ; but it will be at once perceived that the pnbhsuer cannot nak m eom. menesmeat antil a sufEciorrt number ef subearib. r ehaU he obtained to cover expense. . . O As soon as fir hundred responsible sub. criber shall be secured, the first number will be issued, at which time tho payment for the first volume will be considered in advanco." When subscriber reeiv that number, they wiU forward the amount of their subscription immediately, and will take the publication of that number as a guarantee that the magaxine will be issued for mt taut" en yean This arrangement will sec are both parties. .;,,, . Who can doubt that North Carolina needs such a magaxine?,, Who .can doubt whether there be not more than sufficient talent in our State at lei. sure to fill It pege with profitable and entertain. Ing matter 1 Who will not risk tw smxaas on an experiment o well worth waking T W shall listen for a reply, and expect a hearty response. Let ao one wait to ae bow it will appear ; for such a tsourse inay prevent tbe publication entire ly ; but lot every one friendly to the work try if , mam wh, ia wena taking, let MUU KWWIUUU IS , t We want tbe names of all who wiU ubscribe . w ' cnoe, JT5 ''T'w .i n doubt ay..tna lirat of. Jnouary.jiftxt..re cable, i Postmasters averv where. Uke pleasure in forwarding them, a they are u thorioed to do. frea mt Itnmtmmm ... . ea Postmaster and other, who will beenm. responwoie lor BCS (Ubscriptioni. shall recmn ropy for on year. J All comtnunication to be addressed, post paid, " 1 llLlS. J. 1.KH1V Raleigh, N.C., Nov. 14, 1842. State of IVorlh Carolina, . , bobkb cochty. COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER 8ES&, October TfirBi I84HV , : , ,.f 0. P. MILL8 LVS ' '1 ' shaw., V ; 'oil: AUmckmend IrwwLwJ P. BRADSHAW. ) ; on land. . IT appearing to th atifactionof the Cburf that - tnedefetidant John D. Bsadshaw M aa mhahL tent of another Sute, it was therefore ordered and adjudged that publication be made for ix week tn tbe Highland messeatrw, for said defendant to b andppor Jwfoos tb Juatiee of our next Court of Pleaa and Quarter Session to ba held for the county of Burke at the Court hoas ia Mornnton, on th third Monday inJanu arvnezt. then and there to replevy, plead, anawer'or demur else judgment pre confesso will be taken against mmv in mnus lerica on ae eondemned and old to satis ly the same and costs. Witness, J. J. EawiN Clerk of our said ennrti office in Mornnton. on th third Mondsv rw ,k- JU. ,L U J I u . , r, . ' .o iwiui luuuuaj m peptemoer, 104. e J.J. EKWIJf, Clerk. November 25, 1842. 6w 123 tairiTlforth Caralina, BUNCOMBE COUNTY. OURTOF PLEAS AND QUARTER 8ESS. July Term, 1841. , . Chablbs GiEEt, ' ) Original Attachment m. levied en Wa. G. Woklev.Y Personal Property. T appearing to tho satisfaction ef the Court, that the Defendant W. G, Worley, a not an inhabitant of thi Stale. It i ordered that onb. ptiplif Iim n fnmnei n 7ff HlgPHaBa rer- for six week, that th Defendant appear at the aext Court of Plea and! Quarter Session, to be held fjr aid eounty, at the court bouse in Ashe. villa, on the flrt monday after the fourth tnnnH.y in September next then and there to nleed. an ewer or demur, or Judgment will be thkaa two ton. ft, and tb property eondemned to aatiefy th riamun oeoi. i Wifeneae, N. HAaanoN, elerk of oar said court at office, th fint monday in July A. D. 1842, and the 66th year of American Independence. : i st. riAkitisu.K, t;, v. c -i July 15,1812 Pr.adv. f 5 50 ,106. v. s AND RECEIVINQ ANO FORWARDINEUQENCT ""-"" v n, j;, HE ubscriber respectfully ben . . torn bis aineere ark-i.jT " ba. friend and th public, for the patrWl! bestowed on him. - r "T kitojaj In Mtlieitin vntnttsav. . and patronage ofbta frd,, b.ZS them of an undiminished attention f a ."ai rests, in th Taj4oudepsrtmeaaf ki.T nd trust, that his experience iad fli?'''! enable him to give general atisfaotkiT F8, Espeoiui attention wUl to'devotL??'. ale of Cotton, and other produc. antrMS1 hi earc. flu" , k B3 Merchandise received and forwwdes .a tlie usual punctuality and despatch. Hamburg, Ang.4,'1842. . . fa ' State of North CaroTiiT""-- , Bumcotntif, CeurtoPIee end Quarter Seu.,July Ttrm, John G.Duncan ) . , ( wb,W Hamblin Freeman, j , thai!.- IT appearing to the satisfaction of the vJ . thi case, that the defendant h lUi or so concealed himself that the ordinirtZ. of law cannot be served npon him. Ith fore ordered and adjudged by the court thstZf cation be made for six week In u. Mi Ju - i before tfie Justice of our next court of "ruf?", Quarter etokm to be bold forth. T, Burke, at the Curt House in MorgMtoT'V 3rd Monday .fierce 4th Mond.y" next tlien and there to-plcad or renlevr' Mi. wise judgment pro coacstowiU b titom a against lum, and the properly attached be mI satiofy the amo. WitnoM, J. J. Eww clerk of oar ajilhto. at office on tho 3rd Monday of July 1842, Teste, - " J. J. EKVVISj-i. b?TT6, 1842. "IPra. feetjpo State of North Carolina. - -JiA WOOD C0USTT. PETITION F08 DivoKl IN this esse it appearing that the kkoht - John late, is not a eiiixenr of this UhjJ reside or ha removed withoutsllie limits al same, so that tha ordinary proccu of. U v euat bo crvoii on him: It I IhereforoorderafthstsaV h cation be made in the Messenger, icewdiar law.thathebeand aipeur at the next term a! lb Superior Court of Law to be held for Hmosi eounty. at the court house In WayneiriBe, tb third Monday in March next, to plead, awsa, or demur to tiie petition of Mary E. Shit, arts! same will be taken pro eonfesw and setbrstv- unr exptirte? Wa. JOILNSTON, ttk. Ar :lf r. flT ,o,n w ' ... rw ayiicsviue, ucu i, jo-ui. DSW 11 - - stake of North CaroUaa, UKSDLAHQh COUNTT. . Court of Pleesit and Seteiom; July Settin, 18ft John Blythe - to. Rich'd Howard. i Original Attukmentlmtin debt in the hand) tf Gsnuto T appearing to the satisfaction of tin Can . that the defendant, Richard Howard, is not a inhabitant of thi State : It it therefore wdeni tliat publication be made in tho Highland Mesa, gcr for is week successively that tbe oefcacnt appcaret the next Court of Pleas and Quart Seasions lo be held for the county of Rendemt, at the court-house in Hcndcrsonville, o lot tit Monday in September next, thsn and then Is a pknry and plead to kwoe, tba judgment of demnalion will be asieied against debli kriedsi ia the haads of Garnishee for an amouat aifoeieat to satisfy plaintiff's demand. Witness, Euan Kino, Clerk of eur said esat at office, the 2d Monday ia July, A. D. 1642, i 67th year of American Independence. , . , ELISIIA KING, C. C. C. , Augu.t 8. 1842. fcw '119 State of NertavCarvliaa, , . LINCOLN COmr. . ; i EQUJTYOFFICE. Jacob Ramsour and Samuel 1 our and Samuel') v . h P. Simpson CROSS lILt Elizabeth Bradaiiaw. et al. I - . IT appearing upon the affidavit of JscofclUiv sour one of the comnlainants in tb abort ens, that Pride Bradshaw, Henry Sidciand sannah, Jonas Bradshaw, Fields Bwdshtw, af Larkin Brsdsbaw, defendants ia to said saw a Me d )e bmitM tilk SUUI. thsrefanlrt rfon iTmade KoFfour weeks la a ftjb "d MecngVl notifying the said defmdwtils he and appear at the next Court of canny held for Lincoln eounty, fet the court hoaso is I eolnton, .the second mondsy after taUart moaday in August next, then and r answer or demur to.thaaaid era Mi iiidgment pro tonfttm against them aad to " .XJiir neard erparte. - 11 AUert W, Wiujawo, Clerk and wrier - 5 ; our said- court at office, the second ffrrl" the third monday in February A J4 M 6Cth year of the ludepcadcnce of .- W. WILLIAMSON, C. Julv 09. 142. 4awl07 Pf.adV.f 1 State or WorthCaroIina, MACON COUSTT. IN EQUITY SEPT. TERM, 1842 John B. AUisonTod Joseph Eeew" The heir, at law of Jeremiah R. ice'k Stephen L. face, John Davtuson ia Minceroa, William Ingram and wifr M"; liam MeCurday and wife CVanfort Anns, Aurrelt ud wife Martha, N.ncy Hendrixi;nd wife Susannah, iamin F. face, Catharine, Pi Pico and widow Kixiah, legte aa IWiCNCTlOH AHD BELIBf. . TT appearing to the tfaeUoa JL tnat tne said detenaania eIOC. .uj, tat gram and wife JUilila, oo not 'Y-ujl!iii U of thi State, uroereu u. - r.w.A ., r m.i.ilva week in to D1"7 Messenger, that the said denwdsnUipr" (, next court of Equityto beksld "J5 at tha nnnrt bousn in Fnutklin. n ,nr u j : u i ii... .nd there W muniwr in niwvn wwwrmw, -- . 1 wrt CSS" complainant aid bilI,owerwieJiidgniB,r will be rendered again them snd b set f r bearing exnarte. ' . aa si.".. iZ TUA andMw" aid court of Eqoit -it office, the- fTJ nnr. 1 a. iMJ. " b.v in irt KaV WANTED in payment of debto due ft" fi .hirh the market one W , ' ed, if dulitued ill thw pluee ahaly "TUT Asheville, Dee. 2. To all whom It MT . Jf-TOTICE i hrrphy given that "".-"U 4 1 a intends nreacnUna- peuuon - r . M-mj. gistature of North Carolina, prayinfr Uetober , iw. FOR aale at tha office ray w" " - ,4 Nov. 98. - r - - Mary . Blato, 1 re, John Slate, 5 i I J