THE MESSENGER -, R. WAN UV 81 J. R0BEIlT8j EDITORS. ', Friday, dTannarr T 1S43: Ir. Frantii Speech.-. We have on file an excellent speech of Mr. FtAMots, of Hay wood, delirared lo Ibe Howe of Uornnoow, on the resolution! lately before that body, respecting the Bank of the State. ; We wil publish it neit week, and now ask for it an attentive poruaal-particutoriy by tnai por. tion of the community who have beea aa costumed to look upon )Batik a iwind. ling shops" and in their tendencies a ruin. put to the people-, (ffT We intended to' publish flii S WOC'K M oscellent article from the National In- teWgencqjrJhc'oded'J Ppfitlcat Movements" but it haa beea crowded out It will appear interest, .s - ""'M '' - ; The AihtTllle lreeBia.'..We had the plea. bure of hearing quite do able, debate the eiber evening be tore thie association on the comparative slrength of intellect in theses-ea- It was oarriod on by Messrs. Habdt, CSt, RowtBt ,.tVooDnn ihd Wjuuiis. Theandionco was largr,andsppeared much jnterestqd. '.. - ' . r C0SG1ESS.' ' - - But lii.'lo of general "interest has been done by Cnigress as yet, Much time has beea taken up in, discussing a proposition to repeal the Bankrupt law, without any final action at the last accoontaT We are now much inclined to th;nk that it will not be repealed thiasoawqial least.; Mr. Bottsi of Virginia presented a ticlea of itnpeach- ment against President, TW,r rather Maes' for a committee to enquire into cer. tain charges which he preferred which committee were to report whether any fur ther action on the subject were ncccijary. The B)otioo"to""iaTse a committee wasl5.if. by vote of 127 to 83. For ourselves, believo ti;at tbe course of .the .acting President has beet; 'uch as to call for some actios on the part of the House of Rep re- sentartves, and so we bei;cved about the course pursued by Gen. JacksoH during the hst four years of his administration i but it is highly probable that the House litis taJte'.i tke safer plan. The gcnerJippropriation bjll has been passed. . , Mr. Filmobb, from the committee of Ways and Means, made a' reporUur, the Sscbcquer scheme reported by the fcecre Ury of the Treasnry, and recommended by the President, concluding with a resolution manimoutli adopted by the commiltoe, that the plan ought not to be adopted. We do not believe that any action will be had by Congress on that aubject, further than to reject the scheme proposed. . The Whigs will not be satrafied with any thing short of a National Bank, the Locofocos will not be eontenLLiol golbeyond a Sub-Treasury scheme, and all efforts to 44 split the differ ence by Exchequer plana will prove abor tive. - -... - . 1 r A bill providing for the occupation of the Oregon Territory is before the Senate, and has been the aubject of animated debate. It was of posed by Messrs. Gixtrotn and hotb, on' the grounds of its conflicting 'with stipulations in our treaties with Eng. . .... --o I McRouiiKTS and Bwdehson took opposite grounds. "Mr. IIbbien, from the committee on the Judiciary,' reported back to the Senate the toluol amendments, so that it should not involve aoycensore, either of Gen. JicfaoN or Judge HaiI nor leave any possible infer ence that the Senate acknowledged thele jaS authority of a military offiper to estab lish martial law ia (his free Republic7ul simply to refund the, money In consideration of the services rendered by Gen. Jackson, nd in accordance with the desire expressed by several Legislatures. This in our hum. bW i opinion, 1s the correct view of this sub-Jt- If the day should ever arrive when e United Sthtee Senate . should afiknow. the right oH any military officef to 'uiorce martial- law, and should by any Wction of theirs, e'rfo suBe"macv to the r;tivlr'(fcctva'iaV. nqT'mitii. ! ! ?av 08 well considered as in great danger.' 1 We can see no good renson at au wny the money should be refunded, in -asniuch as Gcn7 Jacjcsom wasguilty of the mestflagrant violation of civil law, and hen the fine was imposed it waa promptly by. the .iuzens of New Orleana. Yet , le have no objections to his having the mo y epoa such condiiiona ss will in no way "nect upod the authorities by whom, k was ""posed. , i ?,nT' Of Inqiiry in reference to th "aon mm ne w.. .t,n t' .inn.T ISe "vices. The evidence, so far as A Eune. ffoea In anatnin ih ai-.-vuint crivtjti b7 the CommiintlB jiMtify lilm in thf "VonsibUity which be assumed. .Mr-U B lECISUTTIB., ; v The Legislature did not adjourn oil (del 16tbaa waa first resolved. Tbo 23d was4 subsequently Bxod upon, as the time for ad journment. We have not as yet heard what was the result. v :"- :f i' r The bill to district tlie State for Congress finally passed, substantially as it came from tlie committee, and as we published it some time ago. We believe that we have already given notice that the fa mow resolutions Tri reference to the State Bank, as modified in the Senate, have finally passed It matters little whether they passed or not, at they by no means met' the question, and were every way cvasive-a mere quibble. The ob ject we believe, of tho Locofocos was not to acoepl she charter, but as they bad made so mucn nao jbdout, the corruption pi ,lbe Banks before the people, they thongbt that ther must needs make a.ihow ,'tif ighi at least, in order that they might have some. thing to say to their constituents upon their return home. -l. a ; At the last advices they were discussing resolutions instructing ouf SenatoUln Con gress, which wa wjU notice more , pafticu- larly hereafter together with the winding up of the whole Legislative forcer; " J 'ft tea, JIFISOJTS FISIHsAliuf " The Richmond Va. Compiler quotes the folv lowing, 'which die editor salts Is, tp bo found in the 9th volume of Niies' Register, page 252, andja: appended io .tomcuremarka on the aubject of the fine l ; . . m,r,- '.: "It will be recollected that this fine was In- Undy said by the citizens at Urge, wbo limited the subscription for that purpose to oitc dollar each, that many might bare the honor of takitif part (n the eonlnbutiofl, and the bus-ness waa as ssanaged that the General! check on the bona waa retarnea to him, far the marshal without being resented." In view of the fact that tho fine was paid by the citizens of New Orleans, and Nile' Register is acknowledged to be good au thorily, by all parties, w'e wouW ask to what light docs the Generals friends now present him and themselves, by asking Congress to refund the amount wfth "inter est T If fines are to be refunded two-fold, the pencrawoujd have QOlKgooi bust ness to have incurred a few more. That line was imposed in January, 1815, and why is it that nearly twenty-eight long years have been suffered to pass before the subject waa brought before Congress, and remune ration naked T We confess our perceptive powers are rather too dull to see through it. CO1" The scarlet fever ia raging in the k.Ver part of this State j" and also fn some parts of Virginia! , 1 Siga !n Ir- Cilbanil The Demo erotic portion ;f the Legislature of Geor gin, it will be recocted, nominated Mr. Calhouii as a candidate fo. tlie Prsklency i-whereupon, the people of the State turn ed about, and by a majority of several thousands, elected a Whig to Congress, over a Democrat Inthis way, pretty plain ly expressing their opinion as to the nomi nation. The Locofocos in this region , say that they are Democrats, but cannot vote for John C. Calhoun. .And thus it will be, as we believe, with a majority -of them throughout the Union. ' ,7Ti'T"",-. OSr The Lemslatarerbf Massachusetts, after several baltotings, has elected a Whig Speaker. Miaows MotToir baa been by the same body chosen GoTernor. ' j 1 Joll I. f leattatl ...This distinguished po litical writer has resuoiod Els connexion with the Richmond Whig. If talent were O ; I all tharwasiiessafy lomaka a goii edi- tor, Mr. PLBasAim would be one of the best in the Cntonr-rbut, alas, with , all his talent, we consider him very deficient in other qualifications requisite for. the able editorial chair. &y The Madisonian," at Washington City, aays that the Globe; 'published at the same place, has received, 'since 1832, for public printing, over tevem hundred Aouwd dollars, mil in good hard money ! This rsador, is the good Democrat io paper thut can mock at the distresses of the people', brought about by the prevalence of the doc- trines which it baa advocated. No Wonder it goes for tho hard-money project ' ' Tint Family Q,ntmL...Tbo last Jeffcr- sonian says that the editor of the Standard deserved to se read out of ' the jmrty." Modest very -considering the age and ata ndingjjjhn.twfl.inm Tberjjt tho Locos of this Slate, whether of the Van Boren or Calhoun party , begin io see piret ty plainly that they are '"' done for," that they have run the. thing Into the ground, and made a perfect case of themsel hence their criminations and recriminations of each other. , - rtlliylTUit.....The leading Loco focoe in the Lecwlature of this State have pre. fentBdnictea-:xrnm!ac their own Governor, charging him with bribery, corruption. &c. Mr. BucSiifAlf has oeen re-elected United Slates Senator by a vote of 74 to 57. NNo little confwion was produced, in the ranks of the faithtul by their caucus cnndjfrKf for rWk hfing beaten. Acconna from this country represent the Texiad army as having of late rained scve rl sfight adva'nugea over the Mexican army, which, If ihey had strength to follow up, might be made to result much in their favor They bad take small Mexican town, and, crossed the Rio Grande and planted their banner on the soil of Mexico'. In the papers of Texas, President Houston is charged with corresponding clandestinely with Mexico- of misappropriating the pub' lie fund of earloining sundry acts of the Legislature, and of many other equally Improper acts! Whether these charges be true er false, we of course) cannot pretend to say but pi I'rcsident Houston wo can say that we don't believe him incapable of such a cpurseT" We happened to bCa tesi dent of tho .State of Tennessee! when he was there elected Governorsubsequently abandoned bis wife left the seat of Go vernmentdressed, himself as aq Indian, ami in that dress went on to Washington city with a delegation, of Indians epent the winter there, and amopg other oluval. rosVlceIs' ianed an Old marf frwW" Ohio, $y Ae", name of. $iansbury, a .meniber of Congressj 1 because he (Sisnsbury) had aowoa veu-jaexsoa ana ma something about Houston' which he did not like. Subsequently, T. D. Arnold, member from Tennessee, made so mo severe strictures in his place on Uie floor of Congress, on Houston's course whereuponrlIoutoV thinking perhaps thbl ftrndld would not be mahaged astsy as Starfsbtiryas Arnold was a atout man( jo the. prime of fife,' and Stansbury near seventy years old, and frail at thathired, at waa generally believed. a certain4 Morgan' Ar Heard to chastise Arnold. s Heard attempted it and would have died a dg a death bad not a member from New York arrestetj Mo4rnW arm. Here Houston became ' acquainted with Santa" Anna, who, by the reverses of for tune, had been- driven temporarily from his country and here, as was generally be. lie ved, they two concocted a'plnn for the invasion of .Texa7 m the- event if Santai A bod's fortune continuing in Mexico as they then were ; but ia the mcantioe, a change was mad, in 8anta 'Anna's fnvor, which caused him to Wave" the United Status, and rcassume his post in Mexico, leaving Houston fn (he Jurch. . Sootf aAer this, Houston commenced operations in Texas And now we will frankly say tltat, though we believe Texas to be one of tho beat countries of land, and in some respects one of the most desirable countries on the con tinent of America-we have no confidence in the Government while Houston is at the head of it,' or of; expeditions which be may plannNoi that we think be lacks intellect of tact by no means but that he lacks, and always has lacked v moral principle Wcn he. first, went to Texas, he bad no- thing to lose and a prospect for making; so, indeed, pf great portion of 'his fol- lowers. ' ; , , iii w i l..3- ; The weitker. Last week, and tmrt of this, wa bad some daya that were disagree ably ;warm. Notwithstanding it was the middle of January, the nights were by no means coTd; 4nd ronwallsiifeynn.; comfortably warno. Ws do not recollect to have experienced "soch weather at that tunecitM year.- W)it Of all the strange beings that inhabit this mundane sphere, a genuine Yankee Is decl- I II acai s to which flesh is heir, and under winch most men sink into detpba tency,' the true Yankee calmly pursues) theeven tenor of his way without i complaint Or scarce an &tf7. edcountenahce Ho readily engnifcs In asy bosineaa that offers a sufficient induce. ment ; and if he failf as is often the case, tn !ace of silting 'down to repine and fret over his bad Juck 'K he. quietly ivides out among Jus creditors what ia left , gathers op his budget,; and wiih a, merry whistle, acts off to try bin fortune somewhere else. - Find him where you wilt, ho ls always at bomc always " ia town, with a pocket full of rocks, ready for any speculation, and for every emergency. Throw him up when you will, and like a cat, ho is sure (o light on Us feet and turn every thing to his own account. Shipwreck him on a foreign coast and let him be sold as a slave to a barbarous people, and ten to-one but in six months he is a general commanuing tneir uriiues.oru politician managing the affairs of the nation. It was but the other day that we noticed that one of the most noted public houses in Ezvnt was kept by a Yankee. In the late Santa Fe expedition, which resulted so un fortunately, there was a Yankee who, upon being liberated at the city of Mexico, seem ed not to think of returning home until he had tried his band at something, and no finding sdiuuls quite scaite, he de termined to make an effort in favor of the educational interests of the rich Mexicans ibd id said Id done al il be went, and the last' accounts represent him as doing a fine business,' having .-one of Santa Annas daughters, a fine maiden' of swept sixteen. fori piipit. ' It will not be at all surprising if he marries thai selfsame girl, and in ten years from this manages the affairs of Met I. eo.; Any other man but a Tanket, the moment he was liberated, would have made a bee line for home; but not so with this man he had started out on a speculation, and was not to be foiled. He war a true New.Englander, and as such could be fat and flourishing where another would starve. 03 In ana her calumo, we publish the remarks of the editor of the Raleigh Stand. and oh the subject of his being read out of the Democratic party, by sumo two or three members of tho Legislature, to which we alluded last week. Read them. Codty'l tady'l Bfl0k.'.Tbe February num. ber of this popular work fs already at hand, and, like the former numbers, is most cle. gantly got up. Tho engravings aro fine, indeed. Mi. Godst mokes to old and new subscribers tho following offer : ( Any person wUhing to subscribe for this work which contains the true fashion plates, and elegant mezzotint and -line en. graving who wilt remit to the publishe r rlWrrdol!6rswu1T)S' furnraTiedWTtnI.e Book oneetr,'and a'eopy griria of " Go. deys Ccntre.Tafedrnaroenr?'' ' Any tw subscribeTsvUckibbing4ogetlier aod xcmittingCve dollars, will-roceivo two aopies of the Book and ono copy of the above mentioned ornament. H la all cises, tlie money must be in pd vaoctt-ftd tlienustr age paid er tlie letters franked. Address, L, A. Godey, Publisher's Hall, 101 Chest nut atrcet, Philadelphia. W continue to act as agents for this work, and for Ihe Lidy a World of Fashion, both of which works are highly prized by the ladies. The latter is also published at Philadelphia, at two dollars per annum in advance. ' ' , Tut World Of Maiie-.Tiiis interesting pu'j. licntidn still continues to make its regular visits. It contains some: .most excellent pieces of music, together with a good deal of rich reading matter.. In tho lust number me piece caffed Away the Bowl" is very fine. We hope tho publisher will meet the encouragement he deserves. The World oi Music" iq published semi-monthly, eight pnges, at one dollar per annum I Add res John W. Moore, Bellows-Falls, Vermont. ' A lost Husband. A certain Mrs. Polly Smith has written to ua requesting os to give notice that bar husband Merriti Smith, has deserted her com. nany having-been seduced by the Peril and his (Smiths) mother, which Polly toys arc all one. and says ha wilt not five with her any more. Pol. 1 aays that Merrit did not desert her board, f r be never provided any thing to est, and she " Forr. warns all ponona from trading with him te tr.e amount of one copper, as aha will pay no debts of his contracting-. , That's right Polly, don't pay tlie scamp's debts, but publish hint to the enda of the earth. Distress in Philadelphia. Tlie evi- dences of extreme poverty and acute disr tress (says the Spirit or the l imes) stare at terribly every day in tho face. , Yesterday i several persona begged ono of our magis trates to send them to prison to save them from the pangs of hunger, and on Tuesday we saw a very handsome woman Coax the Mayor to commit her to Moyamensing for fiber sarniEM; . Wa recommend the nbovo facts to the consideration of those who withevery com fort or life wilwfl their own reach, come coolly to the conclusion that the idea ol prevailing public distress and private sulfur. ins is all a miotnke, and that in the lan guage of one of the idols' 'of jinny, there is really " no sutlcring that an honest man ouchtto rcar.-t.4 Nor, we fear, has th- worst of 8titrorin' from misgovcrnment yet con.J jVaf. Int. ' " ' ' The Cincinnati Gazette of thw 19ih tilt says that Cincinnati is infested by a g'inr of c6tcrfeiterstwhV hnvo succeeded in I nutting into circulation a largo numuer nt ' .... - I o r, I ' T . I counterfeit ius ana aus on tne iNonnern Bank'of Kentucky. Tub Kuuno Passion With all detcrcnee, it is our settled, QJWVMtion, that- tns Hon. ucdloru Broffo is " as mad a JUarcb bar" on the subject of Banks, and the general politics of the country. No maUM what subject cornea be tors toe aonale, whether or not it has the eligbUet connection with Aanka at "Political iIia Hanurabla Senator hanira a speech on it, and vruts his spleen to his heart's content. It was only Jast week, that on a bill to amend the School Law, ha went into an elaborate dissertation of matters and tilings in general, lug. (ring in comparison between the expenditures un der Afr. Van Dutch's last year of AdministTttrrin, and the 6rst year of Whig rule that is which eemmaueed m Whig, and ended in the worst sort of Loc Foeoum. And, on Thursday last. Gen. Dockery introduced a bill to incorporate a little Light Horse Company, soma where in Robesou ar Richmond, and to the utter amazement of every botlyBir Bedlurd rose in bis stirrups, and st""' eo me oiii on m jtrt reaaing a ining 01 iiseii, wholly parlimcrtary. IIo mounted the Light Horsemen, but soon jumped on t'fhe Banks and other Corporations, and having demolished them, dtc. 4tc. Every Senator looked, as wmni tixuiia tiRo,im sjug tfm-Poo-s"s, . . - f n I 1. J . 1 1 1 thjsugh he thought Te laugh, were want of manners and of grace, lotto a grave, exceeds all power or face ! Gen. Dockery- replied most ertdclively to the Senatorial ExJonator and carried the war into AStiem:-RaUigk Rrguttr. mud thiTwlneodsaOiat Jack built," At a celebration of the 8th of January in Orange county, the following . grateful and palri otie toast was drank : w The iwmury ef His Man, wha nlMa tbi larn. tnat fed the Uoose. that bore the uoill, thai wrote the 'Declaration af Indepcndeaes !" O. i'mtnot. ....... Ovid finery coin pore i a oken forfone to s fall in eoltnnn-i-the iowar it sinks tbe greater weight it M obliged to sustain. BANK NOTE TABLE. AU8U 8TA NOTES Mechanics' Bank, Agency Brunswick Bank, . Bank of Augusta, Augusta Ins. St Banking Company1, Brsnclr Oorjris Railroad, -! ' Branch Sute of Georgia SAVANNAH NOTES . State Bank, Marine 4. Fire Insurance Bank, ' Planters' Bank. par. M J par. u 3 dis'n par Central Railroad Bank, 9 a , COUNTRY NOTtS. State Bank Branch, Maooo,' Other Branohcs State Bank, . Commercial Bank, Maeoa, Brunswick Bank, Millcdgeville Bank, , Georgia Railroad Bank, Athens, City CoancN of ASgnsta, RuckersvHla Bank, ... ' . Branch Mar. &. Firs las. Bank, St. Mary's Bank, . . Branch Central R.R, Bank, Mtaion; Insnranre B'k of Coluinbos,Mamni TTJ'cWa a 3 - Potiix Bank, late Farmers' Baak- 6f Chattahoochee, 5 Bank of Ocmulgce.- . Central Bank, , ' - 33 Cty Council of Columbos '. - : Milledgevlle, Maenn, Manroc Railroad Bank, Planter's & Mcc's B'k, Columbus, Itunk of Hawkinsville, W cstern Rank of Georgia, ' , Bank of Darien and Bnnehca, . Chattahoochee R.R. dt B'kingC. ' 4 ti "SOUTH-CAROLINA NOTES. m 19 " ' no sale. S 33 " anecrtaia broks Charleston Banks, ; Ir- Bunk of Haniborg, Country Banks, a PVBLIC AaTCTIOIT. 4U thr Houwholtt ant XUrAe tt TCRNITIISEn; "D B LONGING to T)r. SAMuai. U. Dwaaoit. win bcsoIdatPUBLlCiAUCTION.athisdwelU in;, on Hwannanot, two miles south of Ashevillc. 1 he sal will commence at 13 e'olonk on the Fri day of our February Court Best. Terms made known oa Uic da of sal. JOHN DICK80K. Asheville, January 94, 1043. 131 l ' . - r 1. Money Wanted. THE subscriber n about removing from this Slate, and having to raise money ebortlv. ho respsctfully invites those owing him money fn Buncombe county, to meet him in Asheville, on the wek of our next connty court, and pay him at least part. Prompt attention to this might pro. bably save cost. BENJ. JOHNSTON. Ashevillc, Jan. 20, 1842. 4w 130 .FASHIONABLE ASHEVILLE, N. C. HELLO, there ! ye young men, and old ones, too Run hern, an d I will make von tlie best end most fastiinnable COAT of any man in the six counties : ; ; The subscriber would most respectfully inform the public that he lias received the WINTER FASHIONS: and now, let any person wishing a cheap and FASHIONABLE Suit of Clothe made, tome to me. and lie shan't go off displeased. He has in tbe last twelve months so greatly improved in the art oi lum 1ju, mat he natters himseir that he cannot be excelled by any one west of the Blue Ridire. ST hss REDUCED his PRICES. so that hi cuHtonim cannot grumble, and will gie ninjj a Hint- lor pn vmrni as any reasonable man would ask. JT He tenders his thanks for tbe liberal patronaire already bestowed. O Ho still occupies his old sland, A. J. FAIN. . Asheville, Jan. 13, 1843. 3 129. A chance to make Money), I want to hire ten good hands immediately, none will be received (or a shorter time than twelve months, and will pay cash 'for their ser vices. ' I will also purcliase Raccoon, Rabbit, jr JOutkrat Ski nit For wlticb I will pay Hats or Goods. ' WM. COLEMAN. Aahevile, N. C, Jan. 13, 1843. 3t 129 TWENTY DOLLARS mmtrja. RaaswwT firarn Vl subscriber.' WFridav night last, the 30th of December, a bright mulat to man, names MAVl&VM, about SI years old, 5 foet 7 or 8 inches high tolerably stout built, I weighing 165 lbs., baa red early hair, to so light I colored that a might pass far a vhtt mast, if not particularly observed is slitbtly ruptured, and wears a truss. He wpre off a broad-brimmed wliito hat, a chocked home spun cotton coat, and blue mixed pantaloons. He had t I'ass, which cxnired an the 3d inst. He rode off a small sorrel mure. It is possible ne may Dave been wrnisbcs with a free pans, and is no doubt endeavoring to get to a non-slavebolding State. Tho above re ward, and all necessary expenses, will be paid for the apprehension of said Fellow, and bis confine, merit in any Jail, sn that I can get him again. Letters upon Ihe au'i nt may be addreesed to the subscriber at Tylcrsj l o P. O., Iiiirens District, 8. CI JAMES II. DILLARD. Jari. S, 1843. 3t ; - 139 LIST OF LETTERS. REMALNlNGin N. O, 31st De ii the Post Office at Asheville, ec, 1843, if not taken out be fore the 1st of April, will be sent to the General Post office Department as dead letters, Mr Alexander ; ' Daniel Jennings Ruf us Lisle 'Col J Lowry 3 MLytle W MoMillcr Ales Me Red John McBirdo Robert McClelland E II MoCture MrMeRed Mrs M C Jttoody HAfOsborn, . David Owes) . ' U E Owenby John Patton C Prestoall Pete Prest wood "JohHoberts Emanuel S Adams 8s ml Adams H Barnard -Mrs Hister Barnard Francis Brers John Berkly . Elijah Bruce Willi am Bruco Jesse Berry A M Buller John Bradley . John R. Branner Baless Brookshcar H Bell George B Calmcrs t Wm A"Campbeir Jlm Cassidaor jODn IjUttrr c. McCarter J Cochram ELRav IRoscnfield - T Rateliff E4t Rymer --!- . J B Kussel Bernard Rosekatt L Reese Afr Richardson Adam Siler , W H Smart ' Col A B Smith Goerre Sumraey Davi d Shttck Alfred Uftitr I . Col C C Carson Joseph Cook ' Pstta Dover R FDavt -Col Kami Davidfon Mrs. Jane Davidson Miss RGudger Rev T Harkins Jacob Hiee Colson D Hagan Joseph Garron E L Hinds Alexander Trible Mrs 8 Wheeler 9 W Willis M Helm . Jamas W'l w G Hampton Smith Hagart T 11 Gains Thomas Guinea James Ired.-ll William B VVbaley John Withers , W Worh-y D Wvlie & A Patterson FX Walls M. PATTUNf ! m . Dec 31,1845- Arrival It depmrtwrt of the Mailt, at axo r bom ashctilu , k. c. EASTERN from Asheville to Balisbnry, fouf horse coaches arrives Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, al 9 a. m., and leaves Monday, Thurs day and Saturday, I r. u. SOUTH ERN from Aslievillo to Greenvin, B.C. four hoiaa eoachea arrives Monday? Thursday and Saturday, 10 r. a., and leaves Sunday, Tucs. dsy and Friday, 4 a.m. WESTERN from Ashevillc to Wsrm Springs, four horse enaches arrives dally, 4 a. leaves daily. 4 a.m. - - From Aahevile to Clarkceville, Ga., twice a week, horse-back arrives Sunday and Wednosdc-, 7 r. a., loaves Monday and Friday, 5 a. m. From Asliuville to JMorganton, tw'o horse hack arrivea Monday and Friday, 9 . ., and leaves Tuesday ahd Saturday, a. M. From Asheville, to Aforganton, via Burnaville arrives Tuesday 4 r. a., and leaves Wednesday, Fiii' Asheville to Cathey's Creek, via $ulplir ; Springs leaves Friday, 6 a. is., arrives atsr. day, 7 r. m. . damsyiHe and CalluV creek mails are "carried ' teahbrse-bs; s The Post Office hereafter Wifl be opened on San. day for the delirery of letters and papers, between 8.nd o'clock 4.11. M. PATTON. P. M. AshevUlsDeo.6, 1843. a. WALKEIt, nmm, sorrii-cjROLi.Y.i. TT71LL attend personally to the receiving and V V forwarding of Goods, and to the sals of all produce of all kinds from the country. .November aa, levi. tr ij Khu kere,"cvery bodjrti WILLIAMS & ROBERTS, ' Have received, at their ' CheajitoteJiLmMahevUU a raisn terrvt or WINTER OOOD AND expect in a few days to receive an addi fhimil supply, wldcb, added to their present stock, will make their assortment completo. XCher IOK OUT FOR To those who wish to buy a large quantity of Goods for a small sum of money, we say, IIERE IS THE PLACE. as wc aro determined' to nut them down even LOWER than we have heretofore- sold them i and havinw" arrangements by which we will be receiving eon slant additions Io our STOCK, we respoctfuiiy call the attention of tile Goods.purchosing pubfio to otir establishment promising at all times and under all circumstances to use our best exertions ' to give general satisfaction. ., We receive as we tinvo heretofore done thr OF THE COUNTRY in exchange iur whni , uiiuwmjr ior ii tne nnrnest mark price. WILLIAM t ROBERT! Asheville, December 4, 1843. TJ Y the sack or tingle bimhe llor sale bv -U WILLIAMS 4 ROBERTS. Dee. 9. 195 arlVfP GOOdS. THE subeoriber is now receiving and opening a large and handsome supply of Fall and Winter Dirtrtly from the City of Nt York, which, in addition to his former stock, will make his assortment full and complete. Unwilling to create any impression which he may not be able fully to sustain, ho will barolv remark, that ha ia determined to sell Goods so low, that all desirous of obtaining GOOD BARGAINS for Cash, shall not go away dissatisfied. Grateful f jr the patron age already bestowed by a genoroae. community, he flatters himself, that If prompt attention to business, snd a disposition to give entire satisfac tion, will successfully sustain him against u.e ho norable competition with which he has to contend he will still cotitinue to receive a liberal share. In conclusion, he respectfully requests cash buyers Io call and examine his Goods, and judga for themselves. He will continue to take In ex. change the following produce, at cash prices, vis. Feathers, jL-Boeawaxr Tallow, Hide. and Corn. A. B. CHURN. NAILS nndV BB A l, aaortel, Jot solo by . , - . . WTZLlAMS d ROBERTS. Dec. 9. . . tf 13 Franklin Acadcrav. rpHE exercises of this institution closed, for J. the present year, on Friday tlie 16th all- af. tor a Session seven Weeks. The next Session will commence on Monday the 2nd January, 1143. Students will be prepared for tlie university of our own or otner Mates when ucairciL. Tuition, for Classical or Mathematical students fit, Geography or English Grammar. 89. and all others 6 per session of five months. Refer to Hons. G. E Badger. J. II. Bryan, Jast, Iredell, W. Battle and Charier Manly, Esq, of " Raleigh ; Hon. J. R. J. Daniel of. Halifax and the editors of the three Raleigh papers.'-Board can be obtained low in Franklin. jonv Y HtCKH Franklin, Dec. 23; 1843. . 3t - 130 V. S. District Conrtof. I. Carolina, IN BAItKBCPTCY. ' NOTICE to shew cause against Petition of Benjamin RUharitoti, of llenderaun county. Farmer. Id bo declared a Bankruut. at Wilming ton, an Itfondy, the 19th of December next. Jnha ttrymm, of Cherokee county, Farmer, to be dealared a Bankrupt, at Wilmington, on Mon day, the 19th of December next. - '.a Kudo Morgan, of Cherokee county. Black smith, to be declared a Bankrupt, at Willrrtington on Afonda, the 19th of December next. By order of the Court. H, II. POTTER, ? Acting Cleric of Court in Bankrupts. November 7, 1843 30d 122 Cherokee Conntr, If. C p -. September 26 .1842. THE undersigned has in the above county, a Jfconsidi rable quantity dl land; which he oosr. offers for sale, on accomodating tormsraiutraoauia in payment tlm followinp articles, visi IRON, BACON, BEEF.CATTLE, BEEF-HIDES, and CORN. The payment of on e third f the price of the land, will be rrquired at tbe expire, tion of ono year--opa. tbird in two years and one third in tnree years, and when the eirournsUnees of tbe purchasers make it necessary, the further indulgence of one year, will bo given eat each bond after it becomes due. No further security is required than a good character and industrious habits. Any person wishing to purchase, eaa ap ply to Mr. King, who resides in Murpbey, the eoun tv srst of the above rountv. 3wU5. WILLIAM. H.THOMAS. JYbtiee. THE subscriber will receive in 8 or 10 days a load of SALT, which be will sell for enst and tartiagu, til Ilia sack. A. B. CHU-VIV. "' AsheviUa, Dee. S, 1843. 134 . Smith's Oeofrnpttf and Atlas. "A LARGE number 6f these valuable works fef sal St IhltOaca vcrvlrXrap. Asheville, Nov. 96. 71 'I I r : ' i SV -o - S v J-M : '. im . . '

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