1 i -r.- 7 W : '! the names of those who make thomand tho time occupied by each. I recoil net, sir, wheii'T'WfW- addressing tho House ofl last evening, ho looked ut mo very often and then at his watch, he sujd nothing but thought much 5 he reminded mo of an anecdoto I once heard told of n Irishman's parrot, and if the House .wil. indulge tne, 1 .wilt, relate tho anecdote. 'An- Irtshrnop was oucalMerwg parruMnd much (Jejjghwd nt its imilatioD of tho human Voice ; a shrewd Yfcnkeepertai vf ng U,nd suppcM.g tie could make a sort of speculation, uked the JridMw&Md4lMk to kuy . parrot; a bargain was soon strut unu iiie Youkeo agreed for five dollars, to furnish ' the Irishman, within a wools, with 4 parrot; ' true to .his engagement t He carno'at the ' armolnied timo, und drew from a handker. ; chief,, carefully wrapped up, a largo night owl, which ho sold to the confiding Irisli- . ' man for five dollars, ' informiug him at the same time, that tho parrot would not talk " any juntil ho became familiar with hU now domictl end its inmates. Some timo after, ' the Yankee met tlmli ashman, and enquirpd . if his parrot lulked any yet,' No, be Jasus,v replied the Irishman, ' but he'll talk tplinty after a' while, for ho keeps a dieil bf a Uunklng. 5o it is witn tne genueman from Asho. .He thinks much, and as my friend from Rockingham says, ho is deter- mined to do the voting. " Having thus disposed of my Bankdubts, 1 Mr. Speaker, I will now beg leave to return Ad tho matter bufure the House ; and I woulld ask. WhaiudvehUuies are we to derive from 'bi winding up of Uie concerns of the Bunk tercd by the Democratic Legislature of ltiJi. I nuve taneo some puma, sir, io ascertain what advantage the State hnsdu Irivcdfrom-thiswi-tlwBauk of. Cape Fear since 1835. The Batik of tho State has paid the Treasury, .,. 252,000 And hus 'now for our use a, re. served fund of 63,000 Making in all, a sum of The Bmik of Cape Fear has paid to tho State, since the sumo "'period,' - . $17,000 ,233,000 550,000 '.Now, sir, tho Comptroller tins lunuiy furnbhed me at -my request, a list of the taxes from all sources, paid into the Trea sury since 1835. -. Tbq wholc.ampunt.of Jand tajsosis 8193,. "123 337 being' 'little over one.third the '" omount received from theso two Banks in hat same period. ;, There has been paid io for poll tax since i$33i$203,161 49. -The amount of reve. nue from all sources of taxation, including Jands, polls, town tax, store and tavern tax, dec. &c, for the same period, is $553,. 223 76, being three thousand two hundrod and twenty.eiht cio'mrs more ilmD was received Irom the Banks, during the same timo. Thus we see one eroat source of J-evenue is. about to be cut off; its loss must be suDDlied so far as the exigencies of the Government require at , least, hy a. direct tn Uron the honest veomanry of the coup try, and this too, us their, leaders tell us, rather than the dominant party in this House should be taunted by the Whigs. .Here is the. benefit tho. people will derive from '"this great measure ; this momentous question now pending, upon which haugs the welfare or total and irretrievable ruin of tho People of this State," is to bo doter mined against the very best interests of our constituents, lest the dorniuajjt party should be taunted and "jeered for want of consist, ency. It Is 'not my custom to use tho lan. gunge bf entreaty, bitf I would, call upon members to pause in the course .they are - about to pursue. A terriblo day of -reck. doing is at hand, when the sovereigns of -the country--will call- taursetvants to ac account for the act they are now about to -perpetrate... But'Jet us look a liltlo farther TBto accounts ; you have tow in circulation, of Bank notes of this institution, six bun. dred and seventy-five thousan4and thirty, tight dollars, while the Bank holds the notes of individuals for $1,817,373 02 Suppose every bill in circulation of the Bank them as to tho investment of the Fund on hand, if they have any preference.' The Board cannot have any other object br in terest, in making the investments thon the good of the State, and; the interest of the Fund, and they therefore deem it due thorn, selves that the Legislature should use lan guage so plain, that the most common un derstanding could comprehend its meaning. k Whatever doubf there might have been AS i ZkVj ImZvZ. ilicCoaiaUUee-ia wxiluig WrUo. a themeaniog of the Legiskture,, the loSKuu I,Wi.Wb.s been used for the language 1 above live sanctum".' "At the last session the Li tetary J3.9ac4jPJHrleol to. I he Legislature dissolvo the co-partnership. TJonscious of the rectitude of their own conduct, and un. williriir to remain the objects bf suspicion and Jcensure "Without cause, and Without. bolnff heard in their own defence they now desirff that Hlio business of the Institution should be gradually wound up, having due retrard to the interests 01 an parties. 1 think a direct answer U thereforadue fom this body as befog a co-parlner fb llmtcon body -cent.; is duo Htbrt.f When wo romember that the Stuck I hi 1I1 h rs In t lua liank constitute a iraiiu i'Dtis and hiiililv rcsnecUUlu cl4a j2urtlkK citizens, some of whom pave been Imnprea by fti6 pcoiile1 of th)s Sirito1; 'with tho highest und most rcsbo'nsiblo stations "whlii.n' the itlft rf n ftovoreitfri 'ncoiile. and who are rtiemBelves. n nartbf that people who con Pilule our constituency, .surely a ue ro gd'rd lo iTi'iTcourtnsles of social life, to'say nothing of the fibligartons; of the trust re po!od fn usrimpeaiivcly 'demand from us a direct response i'o iua enqalpr cohtaincd in thoir resolution!. ''. it ". ' ' But. sir, I think ' difect answer Is due frotti anolhet and perhaps'ahfghof conside rhilon : Wo are' (lib B-CDrcscntatives of t free people ; wo ought td reffec't the dignity of those whom V6 represent ;' land although we should be totally indiffereut to all n9. tiona of ttlf. respect, as a deliberate body, we ought at least to have soma, regard for tlio character and lipnor of those we repre. sotit. ' And 1 hold it, sir", to Tie far beneath the dignity' of tho representatives of tho free people of this Slate, to j-esprf to any such nitiful couivocatins subterfuue as that contained In iha j-esolutionavpt-the " centlCi man from Orange. It is a direct insult to our conslituents. winch win receivo Irom them tlie severest reprotiatton. hen, the majuray-in-tlns House nre is paid in, there remains the enormous sum due to the, Bank of $1,142,335 00 over a million of money. , Where, I ask, is it xxpejted this large amount of money can be raised t . Talk of hard times ! pass tlioso nrCTofatttttiBTperiiiit tlieflankcrrnd'Tirtfr tlis period, and dire distress, unexampled embarrassment and squalid poverty, in its most, hideous forms, i-wiiliatalk abroad through every section of the StateLCarry 1rig mwery an J wretchedness to thousands ; whereas, if you give the people lime, by indulgence, and the exercise of. industry and economy, for which our fellow.citizeDs ore. so eminently proverbial, thoy will in a aborttime. be enabled to surmount their determined, at all hazards, to answer in the affirmative to ihe resolution of enqujry of 4he Stockholders of the BanX, let hem do so openly and decisively, and 10 such Ian gunge' as becomes the representatives pt a free people.,. '.!. -" But I cftnuot sit aown,': Mr; Speaker, without calling on the members of this body to pause before theyacf. Remember that tho very best interests of Vour constituents are at stake. Tho vote which you are now about to give may inflict upon theman injury, which many years of economical industry cannot repair. And this,, too, without any earthly equivalent whateVer, for it is admitted by all, that this Bank is per. fectly solvent, and its affairs judiciously manaecd. What excuse then! let mo ask, can you render to your constituents for the course you are about to adopt! Was this country invaded, was a foreign foe hover- ing around your coast, I am aware, sir, that the people of this Stato would cheer, fully surrender their worldly substance and domestic ease, on the altar of patriotism tney would consider no sacrifice too great in defence of constitutional liberty. But, sir; here there is no principle involved, no richts attempted to be assailed, and yet this House seems determined Io rush head. long on to the perpetration of an act which must inevitably result in tho utter and hopeless ruin and bankruptcy of thousands of our follow-citizens. , " , " ... Thh Duvil's orrxio or CitA!cltT. The Pc Uraburg Intelligencer has the following with re. gard to the Randolph Will. Cae t ': - t The long-continued, always begiaing sever, ending-, complex, intricate ana voluminous " Ran dolph Will Cass," is now up for consideration be. fore the superior court of this town.' ';" , This ease ia very well illustrated by a story wt onco heard.. f. -r-- --. r- It icemt that " onct upon time" a person, who was not enlinfied witli hia lot in life, (ought an in. tenriew With the Devil, lor Ui purpoee of aaccr. taining whotherhe could not make an arrange ment which would improve hia eireiimataDcea. Hit Satanic Majctjrwa" overjf. thing that fM obliging," and toon the following bargain was atiuct : .The Pesil agteedy tot : the term of ten ; years, to allowhtevliMa (ullawing1 Of thii world.- lie was to slo preciaaly a he fauaa, and hare what he pleased, upon .tondiiion, that, at ttia end of thtr term, be was to Surrender biro. self as the abeolufe property of the Devil,, to be debit Wfth, as the Veyil might please. : - ' ' - Well, time passed on, the porcon employed bfm. self to the top of bis beat' wearing purple and fine linen," Stc. &c nntil tin sands of .the firtit ycaf had, well nigh run oufa lrnn lie be Gorcruor ITIorehead's Letter. In reply to certain inquiries of tha Committee ' EtEccTivj OFrics, Dec. 13,1842. T Col. A. Briggs, Ckoirmmt e th Commtttt tf Sir: i have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of yesterday ,"1n which , . . .. J k.. . 1 j ou soy am lus'if vJ,'T,JO'H,,-r tec or rinsncc, to requcsi vou ro luiorm baHtofFRalf Rd-tStfpunv."1 And rth Wilmington nndRa!eihRail Road.Cora-m pany, und by what (to said investment was. mad -n "" --C " : ; In reply I have fh6 lienor rt'oHtoTb that Khrj aTportion Wtfiat Pund "'Bs' tb5'j osed, Wds fdr'lho'n'rp6se' 6f 'hinVlnff a'n'"irtvc'st4 rrtbnt of ,b fortidfl 'or tlmt T'un,' which Wat fyhigldic fn rno.'J'rensurjrforthe boh, eflt tfnd increase bf the Tuu'J,nnd;bf eotjrs ofl ftivestmrtits fbf hc 3f thai'Tund must be madtf'out bf the Fund itself.1 ' If iWrfcalgB oiJie Vnquny' Istb'' kopw the rcasofijj, vh fch li floVnced .the Literary. Board', InkelecWng'the Bonds'Tor" Invest, mints', ; ntefld nfanVothcf bhjects of in vcslnieiit.l wifl briefly glvothem."' ' HIl Will bo obsrtrved, that, the last Legisla. turc directed the public Treasurer "Io bor. row'ony' mopfes the PublicTreasury tnlght heed, from, tho Boards nf Interna) Improve, ment ondofLltefaturet the Treasurer was tinder the necessity of using a largcramoiint of this Fund,' until the PublicTaxes 'bf 1841 were paid ih Sep.onibcr hnd October1 of that yea itu '''' ' '; TIie S rsf of ilifeo Vfti a Jrge nriwun'Wthelftcr'al'jpruoif idlrfT jn the TfeoSuryptibd not'rnucK 'prbballlirjf of its buing reojuU'ed'by the TuhUd.,T'asury. -Tho Board determined ' to inyest"a' small umouiit 6"f ,the FuW, which they did irTThb tatter pan 6f 1811, but "mostly' in the first '' In cn'stTng about fot suitable objects 6f investment tho lioara turned thetr attention Td such 'Stocksfahif Bonds' as occurred lo them, for tod W!f obsdio there Is no law iq nuuKinzo mo runu 10 ue luaiiuo. m uiiii time, bur BafikVwefe fn'lt state of sospen sion."' The 'January dividend bf lo42w'ln one Was 3 per tent, in the other only 2J per cent, hnd it was not then known when they would resume Specie Payments, ' nbr had the Board hiuch hope" or large dividends from tte Stock in the Banks, and Jtidr judg- ment in this matter has" beep sustained by tne vmy dividend, uvone mns. ot gt per cent and in the 'othet nothing. They al ready had upwards h6f bne millKirbF TJ31-" lars in the two Banks arid fhey didct at that time deem ft prudent to make larger investments ' in tho stock or suspended Banks, when theV believed belter invest ments could bemade. '' " " " '" There was no United States Bdnk Stock, in which to make investments, "which might have resulted in loss even if there hod beeii. There was no Stock bf the UnitedStates, that Was worth inore than six ' pef cent., and some uncertainty: if that Stock was purchased 8s to the promptness and puactu THE MESSENGER. D. ft. M' ANALLY 8t J. ROBERTS, EDITORS. Friday, February 3, 1S43. came nncasy, and wont to his friend the Devil, to ascertain if be- oould not get Release from his bargain or at least affect a oavironiMe. Much to his dismay, he found bis friond utterly . wnpimsvJ ticable. aiyiocK-nxe ne claimed the penalty of d J j . . a .- . .. : : "the bond,' and turned a deaf carlo his client's prpsenypmbarrossmcQts intb vigorous action ( But,' sir, I perceive tlmt members are getting unensy, they are anxious to get a vote on the Vjt3stion ; if, sir, thoy are de. terniined, in opposition to tii best interests of the State and the well being of their constituents, p declare jt to be the pleasure of the Xiegislature, that this Bank should Jn despair tb. person sooglit a lawyer, amd stated bis ease -after which, be with -hi legal friend, repaired to the (juartcrs of tlte Devil, and matte -euntirv propositions to Dim all of ' whicn were micctcd. At last tht lawyer. In a passion. 11 hook tiirlistlinlDevirirTaee ana said to hint, " club, footed hwn headed long tailed nnp of dark, jiess, I've got yoa now, if you don't accept the last proposition that I made to you : I'll put you in 'Vhaneery,tryt:iiT I'll put you in Chancery, and then we'll see when you get out." ' The Devil turned as while as a sheet, hia (ail became as lim ber as a rag, and in a trembling voice be said. ray sir, l'lt-gnre-tmr man up ; take him, my good air, and do what you pit-use with him." Those who know any thing of the Randolph Will Case, will agree witb us, thatjthe lievil acted like a prudent man. Church s.pThe town of Winchester, Virginia, ontaining a population of 4000 souls, has thirteen ality with Which the PrlncipaT and interest might be! paid.1 There werCno'Rail Road of navigation Stocks j 'In' dur "State, that were deemed safe'Jnvestmenti.'VThen1 the question' was In what shall the investment be rrradbf " bm-w- ... 1 Here was a large amount of Rail Road B'orida endorsed by thtfState bf North Car, olifia-i-her 'ftith and bredit'pledgod forthe1 prbmpt p&yment bf ihp .Prtocfoal eind In; terest ana these' n&ymerits to be made 'at oor Ajof-i-drawffig six pcr'cent Inferst,f payame semt-armuany nnd toDepurcnaso at ten per cedt.' discount .''"'With 'such'-ah opportimfty'fo'f shfe abd 'for"1 prbfi table- TS1 vestment 'psefited; thd" Board co'aW 6i' hestth to stlectr In thfesft Bonds, the in. yertment tt tafti Is the rerifrScrrj:t)fi'N. CoTollW", Whb will, say , Tticre edHM bctUtr aoeurtty than the1 plighted laith pi otrnorr.' . est Old Stat.ThTb vesirridit 1s proJUdlti: ITiestt Bbridi wereTrjurchased ni f 90 Tn lOO-ithns-yielcfingffJ iq $90" invfestcd.l vniicn is ng percent. 1 ne mvcsrment yields a certain rne6to?,vhfch ii 0 ve"ty fmportdrit' that thoy had invested in the Raleigh and Gastbh'Rkii Road Bonds," UO.OOO-Bd in tho Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road Bonds $3a,00a ) The Treasurer's Report shewed, that thai amount Imd been paid out for thorn; and likewise shewed that interest had been received upon them ; and to far as 1 nm informed, Bot the slightest informs, lion waa msdu that the Board had not au thority to make theso Investments. "' But againat the same Session, a Reso. lution waa. pasaod requiring the "U'ublio Treasurer to furnish a statement of the amount of surplus revenue, received from the General Government, and of the dispo sitions and investments of the same, and also a statement of tha; whole Literary Fund, specifying what portion of it has been derived from the Oenerei Government and what front other sources1."-' Senate doe utneni, Nd. 25. -In -obedience td this R solution the Treasurer reported among oth erthinirs, as beloncinirto tha Literary Fund these tame Rail Road Bonds. - Here it ia to bo remarked, the caN was for-' a llate. ment of the whole Literary Fnnd." " These Rail Road Bonds are (riven as a -, and the Report i acquiesced fn. 1 - JBotJlwre w a not lie r fact,-k) which 1 will direct yburHittentibnThToperha thev Government which have a." reaioreo and never will- Yok, told that the United State. Baakl S? uiwpaipaniyruuie. TheUolu.r Bankneverdidfaih, aPenawnia.alPhiUdelphhT finite t mistake ! A military chieftain. and a '' thrice defoatej "candidate ' for the Legislature, in an adjoining county, rbports j that our paper is about to die a natural death in his county- This ia quite mistaks Our paper i not only aUve and kicking, but doing' a most excellent business, t Our subscription list increases, and we axpect before the close of 1844 to walk into Loea. focoiam about feet and thirteen ineket much to tha .discomfiture of tthe gallaat knight alluded to above and his- political friends. :': v;i-. irfl.,.wi go further to sustain the course pursued by tho Board thon any other. f--.'-m At the -last session of die Legislature, the Senate appointed, on its' part as mem bers oftha committee of-Finance.rie fol lowing gentlemen, ivis Massrs'SprOill, I Orlslietille lycenm.n..A Lecture Willie delivered before this association this even. ing (Friday) commencing at aboutbalf after six o'clock, in the Female Seminary, by Rev. John Dickson, A. Ml Subject " The best means of diffusing useful know, ledge through the community, "on(f of secu. ring the ends proposed in the organization of Lycenffis. We hope there will be a ge. neral attendance on the part of the citizens of the village sfdd surrounding country as the subject is one of interest and Importance and theknoWu abilities of the lecturer such as to warrant the expectation of a rich en tenainment, ' ' " "; - T.r- 1 1 . - , Vniu delpl srnm than is the Central Rant, .10. ' have been told that tin Ha st tL- '. nave been told that under the Dri " wr promineniirKJMuresofuwrwT Hftyrsllwndldj" 10 answer ait the demands of th. L ' dead mutlr. lea yeara, -and wbW. J? fong-promlsed-gold-ona invert . Wbexal, ,11, the. relchedoasi J ' answor! Youhavt been toUf Oat,; 7 nave free trade, wiih other rtk( J1 a tariff ba forelsrd Imnorta.;.. ' sclieme to enrich one portion of tha munity at Ue expense bf the" other I f,hlWuheenjold iana snouiq. no allowed t0 bring b,J pf her products .she y country, and pay litaeortwduty9Wfll(1 When they are laoded, sod th, ttj eiporting our products Uwrsjroait,; penea to pay eigntyeteiWDdhai. Wpoaevo,ry bushel of whet, tod imii.jjiii prupompo, oerore wscule mitted to offer it u . Jbe-most-ielern,- lM)Wcw,-aisi1L v ia, among the mmi ligent-admil, when pressed, the of a Revenue Tarff, or ot a dutjTI e'n importations, su flic teat toaaxk Fund; And rhdreforb4t rnbTe suitably for' that Fund thai) rBanlc Stock" tvMch" orfKOmes yields a'ctoddivldcnd.Bncf'dt others',' horie cadsihg the rietiannutitincorrte o fluctuate , ..u uicicuT ucrouxuiK me cuicum- I lommnn cut on lr nuu ui -nnrncnuor omminee-mcn, ana su- nnux ptfriiitenoenrs 01 common Escnoois. ' " I have thus ulyen Vou' the' reasons why thbinvCstrneBts -were rnade'ln Rail Rood BonM. ' ' ' '':" "As to (ho second inquiry- ''Under what law said ihvtmcm was "made','' 1 wbuld direct your attention to 'thb 868tth Clian. ters of the Revised Statutes; "'These ' Sta" tutes give the Board ample poWer according 10 uic opinion 01 some 01 our most eminent jurists, to invest the whole Fond, nn "irinft'r A WORD TO ALL CANDIB IEX, and partknUrlv thou wh tall themselrei w-vvnivfi--' Semoerati. j .kl this time, and Ibr several years last . - . I 1 en , .1 pua. wof cuuuiry we uqvd sunoruig uimcsi neceasa TV expenses f h flw Wilson, AlbriRht.Melvin. Move. Harerave unpiralteled pecuniary embarrassments. after the proceeds of the saWf ,uZiT McDaimaid, Ward. The House appointed This is known and felt by all. The pros, lands io the west J,li"b.. L 1 .... " r J. Q. K. .Williams. - ,: TUesa gentlemen constituted the Joint ""u nunareas ana thousands -ofl more than one Urnta of the aanmlenn. Select Committee ol Finance. It will be .our ToJlow-ciUzena who have been aoens, Idituresof the Government. and ih.k.u-. observed that Mr., Wilson of Edirecombe. tomed to liva in tha mMai - ' c .... ' I w -vumuuiivh su I fiiwm wej 1 ;iisjr iisr A rift mb.,. lion hence, rather than be driven Hfe doctrine pt taiutioa for mem. U MarUn. yoursell tho present chairrnan of we,f aeDl renw,n unpaia. Bocnnasbeen We meawiUallowa tariff. vBatthsfki. the Committee of Finance, together with the change, in. the monetary affuirs of our I contend that the public lands helms kil 4ve other mombei's of the present Com country, that property considered worth a 8ttea. and are held b ih. fi . SntColmSw tbound dollar, five year, ago, would not only ..Uue,e.Jur8,aW,.od,hlll. hvthetwoSrieakera. who were memyra of now when "ld by the officer r command proceed, of the asles should bo Mi the Committee of Finance at the last Ses n0'8 than ono-third of that amount. Hence among the States aayerally, io proportin sion. - ; , , , .. a debt of a thousand dollars contracted some to their feural rjopuiatios.beMrc. Now tho Committee of Finance, thus years ago, could then have been naid with nriated bv their" stiral llriim., constituted at the last Session, passed upon whot Drooertv ,he debtbr had ia noasW manner tUt .h-,11 u. . j vouchers to tho amount of f 140,000 for the . , -.k . . 7i ,TT T. nurchase of Raleigh and Gasto Rail Road but now .the same property will not pay that a tariff should be laid oa all ten Bonds, and passed upon vouchors for 4585,. niore than one.third of h. - What has pro. importations, aufTrtiently high to nKttat 000, for the purchase of the Bonds of the duced tlus state of things T Has it been the the necessary expenditures of tha Gcbenl Wilmington end Llalcigh. Kail lUd, I hat prevalence of the doctrines maintained and Government. When thia ahaU ks Jons, I Committee reported through it. Honorable conlended or by Whi T , Th h,Te wiU tfford inciden,ai to , Chairman, Mr. Spruill, now a member of- .... . , , , ' , . , , . your Committee. -In that report, not one "ot held the reins of the FederM Govern, manufactures, r and make as to ths wprd of objection i "raised to these invest ment but one short month in fourteen years, sense of the word moVpeidert, -Is 1 am rpenta, and it expressly sayt that tbey hod From the 4th ef March to the 7th of April, obvious to ail that Ibo gitat a portioS d cafully examined all (he books and vich. 1841,-was the only time thai the Whigs our population are engage ia sgriolltwl n,lat Jr?I1Kre.,lt,Dd ;ComPK0,l3.,' hive in reaKty beeaja powers True, the purBuit-4hat tbe.waofe count 7 bow Officea, and find thai they correspond with .. u . . . - , . . t . ' r j. t the reBorts.awde.by the two Officers,! pre- PW Congress has majority of Whigs, stocked with- the pradacts oT the fciw- sidtng over. those Depertnaents.'lt. Both ef but the all-glr?erig;Wtoef President Ty- tjiaMvo almost allhave agrfculrarsl jn. these, Officers reported 4he . purchase of leV,'whci. has Von uUcmpting to carry out ducU in market, eoi Ind no torchaswl tnese.RsjlRond, Bonds. aThia report of the the 'favorite dobtrines pf the Democratic Why- is tide, so1Bcaose thtpmifce. commwee was reooiveu ny Uie lgWature UBtMoppthmtouii turefs ef Englond san employ hbownt and approved, so far as I am informed . . . ' ... , , , . . .. , . . , 1 - Aftor these repeated Legislative sanctions, '4'" -W"rte C'g to foorteeB CenU and the sanction of the Cmmittce..joUi. thc.e,ffyi,iegula,atbxj,.curr tbeir goods to to-vev ports idmosl fr! nance, ttsctr. l conress 1 .was a tittle sur. the country remains in this respect as here-1 duty, and of coarse eU them cheaper tbw prised, Whenl .wascalled Upon by the Com- toort'Tou'hav'eUa tohj ihaLuinijed Tthay can.be mannthctqicd ter.rvrhtW tZSJS TV Prieeof labor i-mocb higher, 11.- 625,000, in theso .Bond, was made, when c'4' B"a,r C e.country and prevent die. all be veUenougb, so ,fart a. t the sameXiommiltee, at the last Session. ters like those under which we at present provided Encland would alluw at lo ctn passed vouchers to the amount of, $325,. I sufTer ""bui is it not a auffiJcrit finswsr to lour agricultural pnrdwtt Into f0' pnrtiat t)00, foriht,purclHise pi. similar.onds, tbi, to. know thai tvfaila aueh . Rank In a. low rate. her ffoods are broufiHtinto k..:.t a . L . Hi is ca unon me for thia informal on. I " ' -wc epri. 1 . '," '"-"6 think would have come more anDrooriau.lv encedT ,Ypu have been told that a United xnanufactured eoods. But this shewiflnot through a call from the House t then this I States Bank wa. unconstitutional ; but the do. . In the ,fir8j,jace1she wniagtborg morfl nf nur nrrwliicts than wbfttlbakC till Ia awsi.if nu 1 m .a .. - . - wind up, 1 beg ofLaeulkmcn that-thev wi41 say so manfully not endeavor by evasion TfjdiUibDimg tO'trooge ine quesTTorj: The pjain and courteous language used by tho btockhdldeis. in asking a simple question, merits at your hands, at least, a direct and categorical answer. I think"it ts due to those gentlemen without quibbling or cqui vocation, to give them the information they sock.. 1 think the attituuo in which we stand, and the" relntiorr we bear to these' Stockholders, imperiously require that we should pursue- this courao. The Slate of North Carolina enters into a co-partnership wil l these., blockholderj in theB.mk. I Methottist, 3 tmlhi'lnn. i-Gcrmsn uemrmca. a rrMoytenan, 1 episcopal, 3 Uaptist, 11 . ' , , a.jEAuruui.iiursa..A .mominy-pwpfr says- that a newspaper is a mirror which reflects Intelli. pence from all auarters of the globe, as the first four letters of its. name tlenote NEWS north. CBBl, WCbl, SOUin. -jf thinic as such, it is due' from one partner to anaihss; tw gtye Ilia mlunniiiiuii iuulit."" You conceive your co-partners are mis. managing the 0 fairs of the partnership con. cerD, and have so declared.. Now co-partutrs come forward end ask whether it is your pleasure to wind up Aetiiodist S. Schools 1 Omo.-The number 01 caDoaw schools within the Ohio Conference ia siaica in me Clinetian Advocate to be as follbw, 280 schools, 20,897 scholars, 1 ,952 teachers, 445 r u,uv ran m me libraries. A Shwulae Curiositt-A lad who was formerly Rovernes. teaome of the royal family at fet. Petersburg, lately died in London, and left, among other relics, a ciiriously gi.' mirtrsiis! Co.,.,.t-d6l genuine kusiia Le.the and bock! 1..H- -1 ii.- i.J . I .' . """ aim " " " '"Vr "' Ponslied at JHoscow, when Bonaparte and bis army invaded Russia. wa Lanquaos . I i. .t.i.j ,1... ken in Hungary,, and the Aehmt.. 1. ature of that eountrr an om,n...j : that language. , v from what source the fund arises, in such Stocks hnd permanent Securities',''' aslhey may ueem proper. rrom tr.e peculiar nhra. seplogy of the latter part of the 4ti Section of the 87th Chap'teJ", omb have been led tb doubt whether the Board'Vas' authorized to invest the prbfits and dividends arisin fr6m 4Bank-8toclrnTentr6ned ft that SectfbnTJ any ..inrrjg cisenan ijanR Hlock This 's('!,e langunijc used . " Which orofits shall Jhej;usieoUx)Uh rectors, from timo to time as' they accrue', for the Use of said Fund, as thev mav iudir? best; subject, however, at all times, td the j . 1 .1 . n ' . ; 1HJ-VIIUH aua couiroi "OI me ionerai As 8embly." v : '"' -; You will perceive that this has referonee only to profits arising upon the Bank Stock mentionod-4n4hat Section, and has nothing to do with any other portion of the Libra ry Fund. - The Board believe they have the power to inves these profits, if they choose in Rati Rqad Bonds. , or other snitnM n. vestments; but as the laneuap-n i . w p" wnnan . " Latin isira TOU. 1 K. r ;.l I 'I Hll nd ouiii rui cavil, anu IS hot as Clear and explicit as it should bo. In the Report of the Literary Board, made to the Legislature last week, 'the attention of the Legislature is drawn to this subject, with a request that they will cause language more explicit to be UscaVandJhat they advise vant, 1 your i J. M. MOREIIEAD.! o . 1 r possession 01 me Mouse, cut to avoid anv I tk. kWi :...!..- , .. . . . . . . . , -1.1 delay and to expediteyour inquiries, J have Z' "J ""T J U' H7..WJpeJIl to do; and la the secona p, nWfir.J v..r HnmrniHM , .i r.A officially satd otherwise. . Gen. WABHwe, Khm AopJ b.iv Isi taked so blah at tottafoit tequest the (avor that this7Communi(MtionJT0 wno L'Vbfjto may, aticuuiuuiiy . vonr-ReTOrt71uiJ"boifi H wb"ichirra7ied the Constitution of thellnihtH :n tkL. ili. .invt .but out from kf Ht ' , m t 1 - .as Basra ww mj avaisi-, - ouses boput possesiuon of it. cpntents States,' aigncd the first chaher for such a ports with the products f our fcbof, aSveXSriobey J3? ",ld.?a! h together whh his able country is continually being drainedrfj viuct, ait 01 wnom, excepi nr; J effer- gold and silver to pay for hermamiiaoU. OM, were of the same opinion-incomne. mvui. . Sl.nll tKi. minoiia eoanebewft tent to judge of the constitutionality bf gucb. ecLloMiuinuehalliLbjee' a measure J. Presidents Madison t Morrob rrneaied, how shall it be donef tE01" and both the Amuses, believed in the con- will continue to protoct both her mass stitutipnality a well as the expediency of turingand agriculturalinterest. ' such an institution; and even President not meeta fair sale in bet portsfcf Aep J ackson, who has been of late so bitter in ducts of our labor or a fair sKbaag his denunciation, of it, did not, during the hers, and . while iwe- contiBue to at Swcrr Potato. CorrEc. Sometinis ' apt, we aw in a Memphis paper, a recorniueodatioa of sweet potatoes a a substitute for ooffea. The freak, took us a day or twoainea, to make trial of it, by way of expsriroeat u dj.:i- ' ',; ,1, ,t; i Yesterday morning we drank of " ths proceeds" at ore last, and nopa to do so Una morning.- A fiicdium sized sweet daIaIim wm narpil ab A ik.. I ' -J . . while in the raw stall, sliced;-Tiiese slices were' f fir8t fouryears of hi. Admini8tration, qoes. mors cash ihaffweTakr Inrwer doina; -a ruinous business.' r Had mainUode. of ordinarv dice. These w rK- IHOUn was chairman of Oie committee I meji beltciiclacejjtjttXJJPeis hoaswd sftWly)jverTfire,ai- tbajwEIch drew up the charter of the last UnuTportationa that shall be enuivateot moisture bf the poUtc gradually evaporated. ,nd -j o . , I l """"" . ?. ..l.o in about the timo that coffco would be prepared olBie tan ana 01 C0UT alDM Ume diflerence inthe price of leoor for the mill, tha poutoe substitute was ready for be did not esteem soch a measure as uncon- j counties, and-.thusjjompel jbo E'1!' the aaioe pioaaTna trindinr war carried ow'tr. ;.:.J 1 . . .... . . I """ "t "- r easily and perfectly, and the grains came out Bret- "luuona- " nave neen told Wat a U ui. I manufacturer to fix SUCB a pric - tilv frnm h mill Tl,. i J - YC i.J S.., D 1. . II n I , . aBP guvua mm win vwiuiv -inv tily from the miU. T! beveraire was mads vm. tcrday by the French method of dripping;, and we nave rmra orana a cup with greater pleasure. t mm powoe coma aa stron pearance as any other, and from " Havana" by reason of a slight resemblance w cocoa, slantlal Who else ted States Bank waa a " rotten concern, moneyed aristocracy," a" ! monster," (acturer to compete with him, justify' tronr and dark in ap. dangerous to the liberties Of. the country, I tion ef ttJ: 8Dd 0,l lhat "rt of uff; bu those who manufai oBr own citizens jn r,.i...:n ! r rests a .", j aKiB .. i- . 'L... i -.MwliietSa was i. It takes very little sugar, and i a sab. make such declarations koow W ought to at home for our agr&ultural product! I sotet I. know, that .durung all the time that thia. , .ive for.thffn uch W'JI ii - It iv better coffee than we evernV u tuu iiank acted as the fiscal agent of the Govern, a rticles as we may need T assisBlh Cassliswi Ge khu ur AiAhims sat I mAnt nrtf rifts aiinrrla tT um l...s a. break&stini, , ZJ... i """" "r " w SB ileV 7. . 7 . mm wo would pal ucuiariy recommena H lo the landln.l.'nn tKJ .i i . . . . . ' : j " souuiom oana or ine Knanoke. We hope to see our planterstry it, and doubt that many who lire far rrom or inconvenient to market will do well to introduce it. Poor people in toe city eaa make coffee for a week, with a pica vane's worth ,J potatoes. N. O. Crttctnt. L' ...111 ika Cmi till Will y? J" w sKibI m . I a . Mfjiw uon in consequence 01 it, or in any way articles, and compel us 10 pj, - .. through Its agency ; but as soon mark it we do now. So it may, but it as the Government funds Were withdrawn price of every thing else. lioVttt from ft and placed In local Banks on depo. can get a good piece of cloth for a site, then commenced a series of losses telabout4iYe-dollars par yard- bu .' " r J