V MISCELLANEOUS. Th varied itcautrcrnents . I ond extensive knowledges of thd Loiofoco loaders ond great bugs, of Tcnricssco, ore certairity very fliilteritig lu the giod citizens of tfie State. A few months'ago Mr. Dow, a member of tho Tennessee Legislature, located the Plymouth Itocfc in " Virginia, commonly the Old Dominion"-Vi few days since Mr. Andrew Joliuson, another mem. bcr of that8Cno enlightened Legislature-, nnd now vcamlidate for Congress, nlludud, in a public sfxjsih, to tho btftid of ltuvolu lionary patriots who threw thqi, lot, over board " in the harbor of Baltimore ! .'" It has been reserved for the lion. Harvey M. Wattcrson, n Locofoco member of Con gress from Tennessee, to crown the pyru. mid raised by tho above rnmod gentlemen, to the honor of Tennc3?ce. The President of the United Suites end this last named distinguished inJivlduu! -.vi.ro engaged in conversation: Well, Mr. Wattcrson,1' aid his acciJency, in a patronising1 tone, I believe 1 must send you to Venzi;i:la." " Ah," replied tho grateful and overjoyed member. "I am incapabloof expressing to . you the magnitudes of tho oWitjotion you have conferred upon me; but, really ahem I fear tho climato of Canada will bo too cold for my constitution ! ! ! Amongst the extraordinary events which preceded tho death of tho 'Into venerable Bishop Griswold, the following seems al most providential. At morning prayers in his family , on the morning of the day which vhedied, he selected and read the first chap. te)f St. Paul's Epistle to the Pliillipians, in Which, among other interesting passages, very remarkable under the circumstunces, is the followingY-tAccording to my car nest expectation and 'tay hope , Utut in no. thina I shall be ashamcd?buA that with nil boldness, as always, so nowlso, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death, For mo-to livcSis Christ, and to die is gain, But, if I live iu the flesh, this is the truit of my labor; yet tonal I shall choose I wot not, ror I om in a strait betwixt two, having a desire lode pari ond be with Christ, which is far telter, Nevertheless, to abide in the flesh is mere needful for you." Boston Transcript. Destructive shot. Experiments were tried at Albany on Wednesday, in tho pre. """sence cf--Gen.-AVooron-u"5Iujor Batter-, oft the army, which satisfied them of the final success of tho hollow shot or shells, invent. -..in... o - i r i:i. r 'Pt, cu uy tsuuti uuu uuruiua, u uiui viijr. no shells are loaded with a composition do- jm4j6 expledo .them at the instant of- f bbjopjltjHiich they may bo Joytjngo. tho effect of a iS hfSf ship would be to I' iistdlWaneously, and ex. war aTodgf troops it would destructive". J. V ! " jro awnwd and ludicrous attempt jveth feelings of the company was araiy ever maao than mat ot the r rench, man, whose adventure was as follows: in company with some ladies, ho mado some disparaging remarks of the sex generally, when the landlady exclaimed, " O, fio, sir, yotr shoold ajwayiiscept the prcsonf com. pany in your remarks." Mnnsipur tn-n sured up this admonition ; and on returning .um em.. Aiuiaiuii quiiiu unit? auer- wards, he commenced, " Veil, ladies, I take von ploasant walk ; do weddair ver grand much gentlilliomnie on dc street, but I only see two ladees do ueliest ladces I ever see in my life the present company etcept.n Thb old North State vs. ttie old Do. minion. The Greensbordugh Patriot tells the following anecdote: " Well, my little Tallowface," said a Virginian to a boy who sAJtHM VWMr ti, ; . .. t r - r I XNprtH State, " my jjttJo Tallow-faco, if till the rascals m North Carolina were killed - fn n trnii Inll ma lww Wn ntr mnn I Vin iir.-n M bo left f" Yes, sir," replied the urchin ; fiehough lokilJL all the houcst, men there are in Virginia. . . Kill oh ccre. A good story is told of a sharp fellow' who promised a quack $50 to attend upon his wife kill or cure. The .woman died and the quack wanted his mo raey. . ' Why,' exclaimed the man, in utter cori sternation, ! did you kill my wife 7 , ' Tho Lord preservo us no !' replied the poor doctor. ' 1 Did you cure her?' Why, no.' - l ' J hen I have nothing lo pay you I wonted you to kill or cure my wife didn't care mucn which and you huve done nei ther. Leave my house, sir you. must be n n i nrvtvi-ko tam I ' 1 - Wash for "teees. The best wash for t bodies of young trees is ley, made from ashes, 'or from potash ; one pound of pot- asn win do enough for one gallon of water. This should be applied with a brush or a awab, to the body of the treo in tho month - wj , mi una ia iiiu BUilSUIl Hi WIJ1LII ill sects lay their eggs on the body and at the roois ox me trees. Tliis wash will entirely destroy all the moss on tne ooay, and all the lice and eggs and young worms that come in contact wit& it. Tho wash is much to bo preferred to lime wash, as it is ai;egciablo substance ; and it will pot close the pofes of the wood as lime will. It has been lorjff tried bv ihn jMsrcchardits4fh to injbre the apple tree, when made as above directed". Queee firm. There was three or four VMM anAji.tu A.L, - - . . j -e- ... ..v., ui icaua a tuuon ueuling house under the firm of Peueh & Bein. As few persons could pronounce these names correctly , our inglorious countrymen adopt, ed a couple of English words that came as near them as the case admitted of. ' Pork and Bcaos" was actually in common use as tho designation of that house as Ions as it lasted. - f Oh book. Meetings hove been lately held at Cincinnati, at Pittsburg, ond ot Colum. bus, Ohio, in which opinions were expressed strongly favorable lo tho occupatioD of this territory by the United States. ' . Elijah White, who wcqfout ot United States Agent to Oregon, and took with him n lurge party of emigrants, writes under date of August 17, that bis party increased to 1 12 althouch they had lost two, one by sickness and the other by an accident. They started with 19 wagons, and their journey had been slow and tedious; but they bad-passed two.thirds of the way nnd wore in excollcnt , health and gooa spirits. A favorable opportunity for emigration will occur in April, through tho aidol Mr. Fiiz pat rick , at Independence. Heoflbrs to pilot a ptuiv over tho mountains irom mm Mr. White advises those who intend to go, to prepare li;ht, strong wagons, and to-tnke no loading except cooking utensils and pro. visions for four months. Mulcanro pre ferable to huises. He says no ddwbt exists as to tho uliiuvito success of .he colony . Give a tew minutes to that child. Tew parents realize, (says President Lind soy,) .how much their children may bo taught, at home by devoting a few minutes to their instruction every day. Let the parent make the exrierrrocrtt with his son ton yen is old for a single week, and only during the hours which are not spent in scho-)l. Let him make a companion of his child converse witlr him familiury put to him questions answer inquiries corn- mifhicaTo facts, tho result of his reuding or obsfflrvutipu awaken his curiosity explain difficulties flic meaning of things and thojeasou. of things and all this in on cuX. playful manner, wilhout seeming to inose a task, ond he will himself bo nsto. islicd at. the progress whichJvejvilLm&ke- Thk most unhappy. The King of. Per sia, conversing with two philosophers and his vizit r. asked, " Whnt situation of man is most to be I deplored!" : " OntTOi the philosophers replica, tnai u was old" age accompanied by poverty ; the other, that llwos to have I lie body oppress, cd by infirmities-the mind worn out and the heart broken by a scries ol heavy mis. fortunes. The vizier, however, replied that he knew a condition far more to be pttied.Mt is that," said ho, " of him who Jsas past rtftoOgh.uTo"w1tBBuTInTj unexpectedly surprised by death, is sent to appear before tho bar of the sovereign Judge of all." The Somers affair. It ia very certain, says the New York Express, that the case of Mackenzie will not fail to be duly in. vestigatcd, ao far as a most indefatigable examination of witnesses is concerned.--Not.onc half of the witnesses have yet been examined, nnd we can expect no tcrmina. tion of the trial bctoro tho end ot lour weeks at tho soonest. , Ingratitude never so thoroughly pierces the human breast, ns when it proceeds front those in whose behalf we have been guilty of indiscretions. Dr. Wood an, AfgV,, JIESIPIXC AT P LEAS ANT Hlhtrff- Eight milfs from franklin, Respectfully tenders hia services in the various branches of his Profession, to the citizens of Ma con and the adjoining counties. He will offer no flattering inducements to the Community, but will thankfully receive and promptly and faithful ly attend to any calls with which ho may be fa vored. January, 1643. Iy....l29 State of North Carolina. . comn-r or si'RKB. !, IN EQUITY. ' Burton Murjihy, Thomas Hall and xctte MtzHuvm, iv m. Kxarrison ana wifcKmi. lu, George Ledbetler an I wife, Eliza Re becea, by John f.ems guardian of Elt Ktliccca and John Elems. ' "7" J. - vs. , Wm. Murphy administrator of Wm. Mur phy, senr., dec, John Sherrill and wife Margaret, Jason Sherrul and wife Cla rissa, Joseph Murphy, Lambert Murphu Thoma Murphy, Mills Higgins and wife liebeeca, John Hunter and wifo )taha rine, Nathan Hunter. and wife Elvira Catliarme Murphy widow and relief of the said Wm. Murphy, senr., dec, and lhomat hlholt and wife Mary Malind t, MLL FIXED IN VACATION. ri appearing from the affidavit of one of the Complainants in this case, John Elcms, that Joseph JUarpliy, 1 hot. Murphy; John Hunter and wile Catliarme, .Nathan Huoter and wife Elvira, are non resident! of tun Mate, and without the jurisdiction of this Court. Notice it horcby given them to be and appear beforo the' Honorabk the Judge of the Court of Equity, for the county of uurc, ai .ine youri oquse jn luorganioa, on uie third mondav after the fourth mondav of Marsh next, and plsad, answer or demur to the Bill of complaint hied by complainants, or tho tame will be taken pi e conjessa as to them and set for hear, ing e port. , Witness,' Tiros. W. Scott, Clerk and Master of our Court of Equity for Burke county, this 25th Heuruary, I , VV. StXJTT. C. M. E. . Pr.odv. S , 6sw 136 State ofrorth-Carolina, MAcrjji corNTir. Citpt of Pleas and Quarter Set. Jan. Seu. 1843. J.K.UHAX 1 e. ' Attachmnt levied en Hiram Dodgina. J -Land. I appearing to the satisfaction' of the eourt that the Defendant Hiram Dodcins. is an in'. habitant of another State : it was therefore order ed and adjudged that publication be made for tlx wceKt in the Highland Messenger, for said de. fendant to be andFappear beforeeJusUcct our next court of Pleat and Quarter Sessions, to bo held for the county of Afacon at the eourt house m r ranaiin on tne tecend monday in Afarch next, then and there to rcnlevv. dead. anwe or da. mur, else judgment pro eonearn will be taken against mo. and the land levied On be BanAemnA and sold to satisfy the same and rmti Witness. J. K. Gav r.lprk nf ffice in Fraaklin. the mondav Wrnnt ),. U.t monday in January, 1843, r- L1- t , J. K. GRAY, er. Franklin. Jan. 31, 1843. Prt. fee 5 50. 133 Bar Iron and Castings. Foraaleby WILLI A M8 & ROBERTS. ' A8HEVIUE,N. C ., . TTELLO, then ! ye young men, and old ones, Xl too Run here, end I will miikt you the beat and roost fashionable COAT of any man in th six counties ! ! h- The inbscriber would most respectfully Inform the public diitliifBfftr-receivedlha . WINTER FASHIONS; and now, let any person wishing a' cheap and FASHIONABLE Suit of Clothe made, com to me, and ha shan't go on diapleascd. He has in tho last twelve monlln au greatly improved in the art of CUTTING, that bt flatten iiimaeir that lie eannot be exocllcd by any one weit of the Blue Ridire. O- He has REDUCED" hia PRICES, ao that hia eualomcra cannot grumble,. and will give aa long a tiiua for payment aa any reaaonaule man would ask. O" He tenders liia thanki tar the liberal patronage already bestowed. ITT Ho till occupies hit old stand. A. J. FAIN. Ashcrillo, Jan. 13, 1813- a Ten ccuti Bcnard. . . ANAVVAY from tiio subscriber oa tho 24 M of January last, bound Boy, b the name of SOLOMAN FRADAY. All persona are fare. warned atraiiist harboring or employing said boy. aa I am determined to enfore liio law againat all such. The above reward will belaid for bis d hverv to me on Cullowuee, in itfscon eonvtry. Feb. 17,1843. 31134 NOTICE. mWO AlULATTOES.a man and woman JL wero arrested and committed to jail in tliia county, on the Gih this month. Thoy cWim to bo free, but are believed to be sluvca, having no suf ficient evidence of their freedom. The man ia 35 or 30 years old, about sfx feet high and ealla himself ANDREW JHcCALL. The girt is about 18 or 20 yi ars old, and says that her name ia Louisa JlcCall. They say that they wero kid. naped from their home near Norfolk, Va., by San dy Hoean, a trader from North Carolina, and oftrr travelling in the South about two months, nnv awav from him. x.y T UiauMH nid riavea, are requested to come and prove property, par charges and take thcin away, or tliey will be dealt with according to law. B. J. BMi rri, Jailor. Burnsville, Yancy co., Feb. 14, 1843194. State )I Ifrtta-CaroliiMs, iur woo9, cocirrr. COURT OF PLEAS AND QUARTER SEA Janntrjr seuioii, mi. G. W.Clayt e. Original Attornment John L. Ditlard. ' levied en lsund. Ti appearing to ine saiisracuon oi ine court mat the defendant John L. Dillard, ia not atihabi- Lant of this State; it ia ordered by eoort that pub. licaOm bjcoiatU uvOhftJlighland Mrasangat-foa six-weeks, that tho defendant appear at the next eourt or-f leat and Ijoartcr sessions, to be held for said eountjrat the ooort house ia Wayneeville on the third noonday in Afarch next, tkea aad there, to replevy and plead to issue, else judgment of condemnation will be' entered up againat the property levied en. n. Witness, W. Blown, elerk of ouf -said court, at office, the last monday in January, A. 1843, W. BROWN, CteHfc Tenne$ee Stont Ware, . OF every description, for sale bv WILLIAMS f ROBERTS. Asheville, Dee. 9. tf 13S - i Estray ' rpAKEN np.by JohnOion Esq. at hit residence on French Bread river, ' ia Henderson county, 18 miles from Hendoraoavifle, on the 19th of November, 1843, one mare MULE, of a dun color; a black streak along its back ; tap. jweed to be litres or (wr years eld ; 13 beada hh appraised to be worth thirty dollura. The own. quested to cuinn and pi uie property, pay charges at the law directs, or it will be di colt with according to the same. JEREMIAH OSBORN, Haider. January 13, 1H43. 129 Furniture Farnitnre. sM ALL at the Cabinet shop on tlio aublie V immediately eaatof thocOorUMMase, where yoit mil End a large stock of well aaamm - jsET -WLJ M.KaT m.rm?mJ JsW. JB3, consisting in part, of-BUEEArS-PRESSES, TABLES, large and small WORK-STANDS. CANDLE-STANDS, &c.' - I be cetabhshmcnt hat lately changed hands. and the price of Furniture considerably reduced. in a lew aaya mere will be ready a targe lot or REPUBLICAN BEDSTB1DS, ; substantial and neat, but no ".FVeneA,' about them. Every kind of work in the above line will be dene to order at this shop, with a neatness and dispatch, not surpassed in the- Western part ofthis State. O All kinds of country produce except Pro mises, Tobacco and Whiskey or Brandy,- will be taken in payment for Furniture. Asheville, July 21, 1843. 106. tf. NAILS aad BRADS, (aMortea,) for tale by WILLIAMS 4 ROBERTS. Dec. 0. tf 126 LOOK HERE. IS It worth while for us to remind our cottom. era, that their debts fell due on the 1st of Jan. nary T We think they know it, and will attend to it, and-when they come to pay up, which we hope willbe immediately, that they will brinr more money than they owe as. with which to buy some -1 r w f .in, m .-i . . ...... oi mo tnoArw i ytjiJ3 ever sola in Atae- ville. i WILLIAMS ft. ROBERTS. r. S. You bad au better believe we . ncd the money, and must have-rt.- W, 4, R. Asheville, January 6, 1843. 128. tf. WILLIAM & ROBERTS HAVE received an additional supply of 14 and 4-4 BROWN DOMESTICS, 4-4 OSNA. BURGS. AUo. 900 bales COTTON YARN, asserted numbers, from tho Salisbury Manufactory, which th are telling, at tbey do every thing else, at tho moot reduced prices, for cash or merchantable rThrcOTOmu,H"I7 are respectfully requested to call and examine their stock and prices. August a, 184V. 108 Also. ' . i HOLLOW.WARE, CASTINGS, WAGON. Boxes, oW &,o. ..... ; August 12, 1843. 109 NOTICE. " " THE heirs and distributees of Thomas Shep bird, dee'd, are requested to attend at Frank lin, In the county of "Macon, on the Monday be fore the laat Monday in January next, it being the Monday of the county Court, in order to make final aetuement of aald estate with the eleva tor. - THOMAS SHEPHERD. Fr. Pec, 29 1813, BLANKS! BLANKS ! I CLERKS of Court, Attorneys, SheriSa, and Constables are iwDectfullv informed that we have now on hand, and shall continue to keep, a large and general assortment of BLANKS; and that we are bow prepared to fill with promptness orders for any el the following kinds, via t Superior Court, Countu VourU C. tia's. Indictments for Assaults Witness TickcU. ,s Writs. Affrays, Jurors' Tickets, Capias Ikmds, Executions, Woad Orders, Vend. Expo. Ua. Sa, Honda, Subpomaa, Venditioni t-xponas. Subpoenas, Ca. Sa. Bonds, Witness Tickets, Writs, &c, &.C Indictments for Anrays, Assaults, Jui-ors' TiekeU, JfllsttllantouB. ConstaMcs' Warrants, Ca Sa's. and Bonds, Sheriff's Deeds Vend, Expo.- Ouordians' Ilonds, Sheriff's Doeda Fi. Fa, Appeal Bonds, Apprentices' Indentures Marriage license. Appearance Kunda, . Commissions for taking IConetaUcs' Officii! ' 1 lAMaiunna. Uveas of Iruat, Docda of Convevanoc. Bonds, ,1 ! Const. Delivery Bonds. Administrators' Bonds, Injunctions, , Equity Hubpemas,' Preeecution Bonds, -Letters of Administra. tion. Letters TeaUmontary, Ejectments, &cn to. " writs, Doeda of Equity, , Indemnity Bonds, messenger umce, Asheville, July 22, 1842, PIOSP ECTl'S OF THE li. C. LITERARY RECORD THE subscriber proposes to publish in the city of Raleigh, a magazine with the above title. It will be printed in monthly numbers, on forty octavo pages of good paper, wiib new and elegant type and neat cover, lor Two dollars a rear la adrance It it detiimed to be a publication of general inte rest, containing biographical sketches of the il lustrious natives or .Worth Carolina; Historical papers, embracing particularly aiKmrtcairc-Bi bj . . ( It' . I t n - the prcteni ageo puune mvn , ana soiwnuno mm . mL: J : : II 1 : L . 1.- J... Clitmt X Bis umaraxiiv wiu i;iicimu mv r " ,Mly rary, and iu pages will be graced with poeU contribuUcns. A prominent place win do gurer. to the Interests of the Common School system ol education ia oar State. A Rtvisw department will be added, which will preteai notieee of sew publicatiooi and it io deaigncd that the work shall have a monthly cuaoNicas of literary Intel. Krence. Tho subscriber -fcels aafo in making the above statements, because ho haa tho promise of astitt. anea iram savoral distinguished gettllrmen in tlio Slate, iq wnoso aequlrcmente tlte public haa all confidence. He desires lo make it a periodical which shall compare with any Southern mara- nae, ornanwni us laesa oi ine iiurary ass, and be a weleome visiter to any family in the State. It will bo teen that the subscription ia unusually low Four Hundred and Eighty OctavdVages for iwo Dollar! Tarworlr"!! pUrTTThis prico"thT7uicIrcu1lat ion may be the greater ; but it will be at once eroeivoa that tho rublieaer eaaoot risk a aom. aneaccawat until a suffioieat nuaabor of ouboerib. art shall be obtained to cover expenses. tJT At toon aa fire hundred responsible sub teribert Shall be tecored, the 6rt number will be issued, at which time thu payment for the first volume will ao considered ta advance. When subscribers receive that number, they will forward the amount of their subscription immediately, and will take the publication of that number at a guarantee that the magaaine will be issued for at feast so- tr. 1 n:s arrangement wilt secure both partiee." : . . u '. . Who can doubt that North Carolina needs sack a magatine ? -; Who clta doubt whether there be not mors than sufficient talent in our State at lei sure to fill its peget with profitable and entertain, mg matter T Who will wit risk two-bollars on an exporimeat ao well worth making 1 "Ws shall listen for a reply, and expect a hearty rcsuonse. Let no one wait to ice how it will appear ; for' such a course may prevent tne publication entire. ty f bat M every one friendly to the work try it fart TBia, and then, If it be not worth taking, let mui luuQua iu We want the names of all who will subscribe. by the first of January next, or earlier, if practi. cable. Postmasters every where, will no doubt take .pleasure in forwarding taefn, aa they are an thoriaed to do, free of postage. Postmasters and others, who will become responsible for Are subscriptions, shall receive eopy for one year. All communications to be addressed, post paid, to lllt-XJ. J. fJLMAx, Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 14, 1842. Smith's Arithmetic. TUST received, and for sale at this office O very cheap. Nor-26 Two Hundred DJlatire lUswtxrd. PROCLAMATION By Hi Exrtllency JOHN M. MOREHEAD, Governor, Captain General, and Commander in - Vhiej of ine stale of North Carolina. ' Wbeseas, it hat been made appear to tho Ex eeutlve It eportmcnt, that, at the last Term of the (Joerror Court of the county of Cabarrus the Grand Jury found a trae Bill against MARK KIS OR, for tiiC mirder of James S. RuteiL ; and that ,said Kitor hat htd from juttice : Now, .Therefore, ta the end that said Mark Kitor may be arrested and brought to trial for the saia onence; i aenereoy issue una my rrociama tion offering a reward of Two Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of tbo said Mark Kiaor, to the Sheriff o Cabarrus i And I do, moreover, hereby enjoin and require all Officers of this State, Civil and Military, to use their beat exertions io apprehend, and to cause to bt appre hended, the said fugitive aforesaid. : " Given under my hand at Governor, ccc., and to Which I have eaoacd the Great seal. t'eal of State to be affixed. Done at our City of Raleigh, this 25th October 1843. ' JOHN M. MOREHEAD. By hit Excellency'! command, Paroa Reynolds, Pri. See. DESCRIPTION. Said Kitor it about 30 yeara of age, five foe ten Mebea high, dork hair, square shoulders, daik skin, large month, soma appearance of scald-head, speaks quick, it a blacksmith by trade, has a bad cotraUnaoce, and fond of carrying t.is Rifle, and Liquor. He bat a brother in Georgia, and two swters hi Mississippi, one named to Parrot Evant, at other to yoHinE OWTXT Plain and Fancy BOOK AND JOB PRINTING! THE public are respectfully informed that in addition to too former large and general at. tortioent of Printing Materials belonging to this establish tncn, a new supply bat been reoerj-Jy received, which will enable im lo exeoute fl n V E ROT 8C A fFTTO N, in a stylo eqnal, if not superior to any other 6tab lithment in the State. Ifjr Ordera ;fgr any of the folloajig kioiiiof Printing will be Uiaiuuuily received, and prorrptly Blanks, or svaar ca. Caeos, OFAL' wnx. t scairnoN, Hand-Billb, Show.Biixs, - - . War Attn ST-iauB jm. PAMrflLtTS, - Ciaoowas, "" Catalsocks, TlCEETS, Munrraa, ' ' Laseu, dtc. ka, MassKWEa" Office, I Asheville, July 92, 1843. f 106 . Alortcag-es, m E JUNCTIONS, Equity Writs and Subpoenas' create here. 1 : - - 37 TWENTY DOLLARS ' ' Ratiawsr froro lhe sobsctiber. on Fridav nTgbt laat, the 30th of December, a bright mulat to man, named MADISON, -about 31 years old, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high tolerably stout built, weighing lb ids., nas re a curly nair, is so lignt colored tnat he might pats for a white man, if not particularly observed ia slightly ruptured, and wears a truss, nt wore en a Droaa.onmioea white hat, a checked homespun cotton eoat, and blue mixed panlaloona. He had a Pass, which cxDired on the 2dinst. He rode off a small sorrel mare. It it possible ho may have beeff furnished with a free cam, and ia no doubt endeavoring to get to a non-slavcholding. State. The above re ward, and all necessary expenses, will oa paia lor tbo apprehension of said Fellow, and hia confine, ment in anv Jail.' so that I can fet him again. Letters upon the subject may be addressed to the tubdcribcrat Tylersvillo E. Oi, Laurent District, 8. V. JA.tltS H. U1LLAK1. Jan. 6, 1843. 3t 139 Ran here, every body It WILLIAaiSROBEliTS, i , Uftia received, at their, . , i Clieap Store in mlsheville, a raisH surrLV or WINTER GOODS, A ND expect In a few days to receive an addi xi tional tupply, which, added to their present stock, will make their assortment complete. NOW LOOK OUT FOR jmmjmm.MML9XZrjk.wLmrmB To those who wish to buy a. large quantity of Goods for a small turn of money, we say, HERE IS THE PLACE, . aa we are determined to put them down even LOWER than we have heretofore told them ! and having arrangements by which we will be receiving eon etant additions to our STOCK, we respectfully eatl the attention of the Uoodapurohasing puMie to our establishment promising at all timet and ander all eircumatancet to use our best exertions to five general satisfaction. We receive aa wo have heretofore donethe PRODUCE OF THE COUNTRY in exchange fur Goods : allowing for it the highest market price. -WILLIAMS Ac ROBERTS Asheville, December 4, 1843. PROSPECTUS OF THE New Genesee Farmer, AND GARDEKEtVI JOURNAL. Yak Iv far 1S43. Henrv CouUn, Editor for the first quarter ; and M. B. Bats nam, for the remainder of the year, Published by C. F.-Crotmart and E. Shepard Rochester. Sixteen pagas monthly, enlarged and imntoved : Mice to 1 00 nrr vur. in advance. u .' r - -J ' . . 1 he eharactcr ofl ucaarBiexlioH. 6TdaoTrWwh"aSbeen well known, and its ability and usclulnees umverselly applauded, fabhshed in one of the beat farming district in tho world and in one ol the finest and busiest eitiea of the growing west, the very home of active industry and intelligence, where information and mechani cal talent of the highest order are concentrated, no pains will be sparse to make il all that such a paper should be. Under present arrangements, Mr. Colmsn is expected to continue In theedctorial department for the first third of the year ; and whenever he retires from itt supervision, it will pass into able and competent hands, who will do justice to the paper and its subscribers. Mr. Cofinan contem plates an agricultural tour in Europe, and will bo a regular correspondent of the paper through the Air. llaU:baia,astravellinr srent andeorrepon- dent, designs to spend moot of nit time among the farmers, observing their condition, and operations, and hit contributions will be Interesting and prac tical. The numerous and able eorrespondcntt of the N. G. Farmer, it ia expected will continue their valuable contributions,.- With these arrange ments, the proprietors feel assured that the long tried friends or the Genesee Farmer will not de. scrt tho paper ; but will use their influence to ex. tend its circulation and ascfulnces. If each tub. tcriber would mako it an object to procure one other, he would render an essential public benefit. The correspondence being extended 'throughout the country, the paper will embrace the hhaband. ryof New England, the Canada, the Middle, the Southern and Western States ; and it will communicate the fullest intelligence of the pro. grcsa of agriculture in me old world. Being con, ncctod with an extensive Agricultural Establish. ment, for seeds and implements, under the man. agement of one of the fublithcm, it will farnii'i information of all improvements. The proprie tors will use their utmost endeavors to concentrate the beat talent in their management; to have the mechanical execution and appearance greatly im. proved, and to render it entirely worthy . of the patronage oi practical and intelligent farmers. Six Copies will be furnished for. 915. Thirteen Copies for I0. On Twenty Conies and over.a discount of thirty per cent Kill be made. Pat- MENT ALWAVS M ADVANCE. BiUl of all StWcio DaC in IT kanlra will kj, I r, U on at n. . - . t Postmasters are permitted, by law to remit mo. ney free of postage. The friends of agriculture are respectfully requested to assist fn obtaminrr uDscmrcrs. xaca numoers er, volumes can be i i ti i , . . n furnished. Communications on business or for the naner. .may oe naarcssoa to L-rosman dc. Buepard, Kocbet. ter, y. T, . BY the sack or aingle bushel, for tale of . WILLIAMS 4 ROBERTS. Dee.1 -.tf. . 125 . LIST OF LETTEilS. REMAINING in the Post Office at Asheville, N. C, 31st Dee., 1843, if not taken out be. fere the 1st of Aprilwill be tent to the General rosi oihee JJcparlment aa dead tetters. Mr Alexander Daniel Jenninirs Emanuel S Adams Saml Adamt H Barnard -Mrs H inter Barnard Francis Byen Rufut Lisle Col J Lowry 9 MLytle W McMiller Alex cBed -John McBirde Robert McClelland EHMcCluro ' Mr McRcd . -Mrs M C Moody John Berkly JMiiah Brnca William Bruce Jesse Berry ... A M Buller John Bradley John R. Branner nm Vtborn David Owen U E Owenby John Patten . C Prestnail Peter Prestwood John Roberts EL Ray IRosenneld T Ratcliff Eli Rymer Barest Brookshear H Bell George B Calmers Wm A Campbell John Ctasidaor : John Latter C. McCarter J Cocbram Alfred Craig - ColCC Carson Joseph Cook - J B Russel - LBrnardRotekaB rPatiaXfoyer RF Davis Col Saml Davidson Mrs. Jane Davidson MietRGudger Rev T Harkina Jkfr Richardson Adam Siler WH Smart Col A E Smith Goerge Summer . David Shack ' - ' . JIITateUD . . Alexander Triblo Mrs 8 Wheeler 8 W Willis . James Wilson f- William B Whaley John Withers W Worley D Wylie it A Patterson FLWsllt Jacob Hice ; Divolt Hunsucker Colson D Hagan Joseph Garron K i. tlmds MHelm G Hampton , Smith Hagan F H Gaines Thomas Guinea James Iredell M. FATTON, P.M. Dee. 31, 1843." 138 Wll 5BllMPrtliaA- vSASBUU, SOIITMiVoMir IN prod uea of all kinds from tht oof alt kind, fmm aYZn,' country... November 35,1843. Hi fHOSPECTPg OF T8 TTTOWEVER the i.u r . Pnportant acienc. of Agricultura l' 7 PK wrmer Uraee, the 4 kL J edwhen it becomes necqssary to eni Tf eiBDoraia aeienco or the neoetaity tad , such publicaticms,vand all practical mw:"' constrained to admit the beneficial influeiJsT they utcrolte upon the Agricultural induT! wuu in ma increased tj. of laborat.lh.tho general Improven it at.tfftni Impressed soils. Impressed wuh thesa eonvieilanT.2 7 no less startling truths which are dailvJufA: . to Uie mind of every reflecting manlbs wf Iv of riivertinir . nnrtinn ti,l.. l.i ed fn the production of our great sUrje, and more profitable cmployment-ihT Jl!r! Bread-ttuns, Provisiont, Stock of.ll kirj by tendering the southern section of uTtW less dependent for all the articles of atilveos-T lion, iiion our Eastern and WesUra Lml and affording a more ample field (brimmivZ? of our rapidly exhausting toils-ibe oadnS have been induced lo undertake the puWicatilj the SoimiiaM Plaster, a work which wiBL plusively devoted lo the cause of SoBtbrni culture, and whatbyor . pertains to the iwaiX of tlie tcieneo, in all its vand wtificalionterZi inW. ito tinwigh all. the Mech.ni, ArT This brief sketch of the objects and dm j the work, will doubtless commend it lo the Lynn. ble consideration of every intelligent PlntL fcela tbo necessity of such a medium of eoom nication, and to tuch, without furthiri.iT V, " uii,iiiiia.uviiui Willi lanntu.. . make a direct appeal ia ill behalf, eonfideatik mv va.rvuinij ww uiicvbi wuicn II M ottered ,9 i :. !.: ,i l . ,v pmuv h wituiii mo rcaou vi every iinaer wn ever limited hit means. Merms. the Southern Flantcr wUlbe isswi every other week j the first number i0 lpM early in January, oa vine papor and, mm f bought exprcaaly for The work) in t form toiltbk """! nuuiurr io eonum liaaTstrnl 9 by 13 inches, which will iomx at tht sad 7ikJ year, a voiuiuboi mo pages, and wiU be juikdlJ BLT In ADTANCC. The CASH principle willbe rigidly idhrre. J a 11 u ,iv vara win UISWIUI UQ lOf WUdwt tBSM the cash accompanies the order. I Every citizen whether he be Farmer, Metbta Lawyer, Doctor or Merchant, who feek tbisej ccssity or maaing an enort to advanot Uwrml AirriculluraTarid Mechanical interests of ibtaisa try, it requested lo constitute himself ta ipri for Uie circulation of the Southern Planter. -tJT Postmasters Will forward til loWnptiotJ nee oi cuarge, u nanaca to tbenl. UIDemiw all letters and communication, mast be to) sii t - J . WwJe-W. 8. JONES; Bt Augusta, Ga., Dec, 94, 1843. I IVoticc. THE undersigned, by mutual consent, at ml as by limitation of their contract, bars diasoli. ed the partnerchip heretofore existing at Scati Creek, Haywood county, N. C. All the Itndi and other property belonging to the Una ben been transferred to William H. ThonuuT debts due the firm aro payable to him; andil dcDta due from tne brm arc payable bv him. V.H.TilOMAi ALLEN FISHER. Noyenebor 10, 1843. 3t lii A NEW ENTERPRISE. By tho farmer Editor of the Saturday trr root and Saturday Vouner. COMPRISING the fruils of twenty yean n perienco in the Newspaper busineai; unJ of the most distinguished newspaper wriltn td the day: a valuable Forriirn Correiponena with troops of Literary friend, and the dctcmiM, tion to publinh a Newspaper for all classes, wbic& SHALL fcOT (EtUtrAHEDl- rmjDEiPHTnTniDiY museii OP KNOWLRDGB, NEWS, AND aMUSE1TE.1I. . A Family Newspaper, nculral.in politic posed to quackery, undcevoted to the asrfal Artu ucs lion, Morals, Health and Amosrracot. The Talc, Sketches, Narratives, BinrnptW Rsays, and Poems, shall be of tho 6m snkt-l the best production or we oest writers 01 wear. Alto, articles on History, Astronomy, voemwur, and all the useful Arts and Science, with. Ik ral porlilt-of light reading, anecdotes, wit ut humour, makmg a varied, rich, and mirlfl-iBSfir. uiff Olio. . ' Lira on thW OcEAiirfimiishing nsrretirtid sterling adventures at sea, showing the toonre and heroism of the Jiofd Mariner, as He sprrngt from bfti hamrnockshd flesto the deet Whore amazement conironu aim wim i-i Wild; winds and road wavct drivt Ui Ta wreck, - The masts fly in s, lintcrtthe shroudsntai Foreign and Domestic news, Congreswr ;nu 1 . 1 .i-m at sll mitten -v.u,,,,., w lltl M usil.lw. ' " - interest or importance, will appear. T,mn.... ru..,n.iiii.iiTi rnmnramf SHIS. landscapes, architecture, portraiU of distiogotsa. ' i,i. . Tr. these, as wellei fn.iBwiaf(Vs,in WUI swausts . .. jn neatneat of typography, the Museum Hall De surpassed. . F,.n,i r.sMPONDESTa.-ArranrrraentiBi" been cnmnlcted for tecurinir a rcjular Foreipif- rcspondence more extensive and c"jr hat ever enriched the columnt of aa . Aatnw New.,pcr. . - .u Commercial. t he state 01 do.h - - prices of tram, flour and ill detcrip""' try imMlul!, merchandise, &e., will sotual les, in Pbilsdelphia, BalUuiors, York, Boston, &.C. ..a rnntf SELECT AND ORIOMI.CE Mi-Mi.. S'-KST' Mrt.Loue. ' . Bi' Mitt H.Gould, ww?ARfl ONE THOUSAND WLlAif- At an early period will be w.nu,n"litWf of One Thousand Dolhrt, which he 2fWe intend awarding In Premiurot for the oe ry Productions,lustroctiveStorie,Touciimj AflectingJDcscriptionsA Essays, rf ordor to enlist the ttrongett array of live Talent in favor of this great the prise". It being, in foot, the determnwu" proprietor; to leave nothing nndone, ans no paint, exertions, or expense. . 33- Eveay eubscriber to tbie P'PTVt, a eopy of Cuaxt'i Ameeican f,enn.tw noticed below, wiUiout charge, thus tetd Saturday Museum the most ,,?l7NeFafer attractive, and the cheapest - FsL' ...i gutek that hat ever been published in lbs Uu"B u Any individual who will takeJJM euro the Mmes of hit friends, and remit will be entitled to the commissioni w present, and will continue to be. "" afa tioo. more liberal by far, than v?J7srit n waiuiinwi u. ,w : 1. i.ihr. allowed to agents upon each subscrio" The Philadelphia Saturday J-oXi-ed every week at 83 per annunvss vanee, or 3 al the end of the ye- y ib. IT- For -30, in current iui.ui -1. will " Newspaper, end 16 copies of n0" 'rf of t forwarded, securely Pc,?a' , Tfl orden United States. 9 copies for a. "'a(rF' communications 10 " "U"J CW to THUS. V. afuseo. NoTlOl Chesnut ttreet, I

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