, -..FOEIOSOTS, - By iberriv.l of. the Britannia at Cos. too on the ithint., we tpe put trt poaies. J f rUn na lo'lho 19th ult. , The A.t tmnortant Iterti ii thot of the ar real o n'rn!t Immediately alter, flirresi ha Issued he follpw"g ?d?feM iL Hv2)t of Ireland: ' HnlnVflQ lei UW CUUUHJiuvu ..i-. . to you that which you will hear from other ' quarters', namely, that t Have tnis any giT en bail to anwer to 0 charge 6( conspira. cynd other miadcmeanors the first day of nexiWrnuI. make this announcement jo order lp conjure the peopla tine and ell, to obaerve the atrictest and most' perfect tranquility Any - attempt to "disturb tfie Bublicpeaeetnay be incmt disastrous r cer. twoly would be criminal and mischievous.' Attend then, beloved countrymen, to me. n noi tcftiDtod bv anvJiody to break the Mace, to violate the law, or to 'bo guilty of " . i. . , TUa ali.ihlnal any lurntiii or giBiuruaiiw. wis crime against order or tho public peace may . ruin our beautiful and otherwise triumph, ant cause.:" ..'..'''; ' ; f; If you wilf, during this crisis, follow my advice, and act a's 1 entreat you to do, pa tiently, quietly,' and legally, J think I can pledge myself to you thai tho period, is not far distant when . our revered Sovereign 1 -1' j i- 'Tt.i?-' ft t ri...ii . x win open tne, insii raninmcw w uiiigo Greco. "-. ", : ' ? T'-J.: Evej-y ajtempt of pur enemies to disturb .theprogress of repeal hiiherto, has had a j. l-m -(V. ... 'pi. : airuci ewiiirury uucci. ms a bo fail unless4l be assisted by any nnscon. duet on' the parrof the peoploT ' Be tranquil, thenPnd we shall be'tri. umphant . I have the Tumor to be, 'v ' Your tvorTamtfu. serv't, . , ' , DANIEL O CORNELL. .; Merrion Square, Oct. 14, 1843 Some suppose that this is a precoooerted plan to humbug "the people of Irlanav, Mr.' O'Connell and his nssociuteabavo about $600,000 in their hands, collected from both hemisphere. v This Laum will do very well to dose the drama with. . ., . ... . .. ; - , ' Graham's Magazine. Tho December No. of this beautiful monihly ja upon our tuble. , li contains somo very fine engrayings. 'I Tbo Mother's Jewel fs beautiful V A Day in the Woods '4 is a splcndjd engraV. ingby Dick; " The Moss Rose11 is very neat; heconlents. varied-nnd excellent. Tfiepresent number '"closes the current volume.' Tho first nuoibpr (for January) of the nextoljjirn 'witl beisBUcd on the "lOik of December Now is thrno to subscribe for tho very best mnga.iqe. The terms are single $2 pe'anouniY copies for $5, and 5 for $ lO Tho' pub lisher offurs the Magazine for . one year ond a copy of the " Gems of Art and Beauty," magnificent ornament , for the centre table, containing thirtoen splendid engrav. ings the price of which is '.fl to any person forwarding $3, thus making Jhe price of the Magazine onty$2 ! Subscribe by all means. . " Another Warning. A man by the namo of Smith' Oder, of Rappahannock county, Va,, stabbed his son severely a short time since, while in a fit of intoxication. ble nur county 1 ,TbQ flalcy aa rar.'arare. In compliance with the public appoint mont,' yostsedj( waa devoted by our citl. sons to. a participation in the ceremonies id bonor of the memory of-lhe gifted and la men tod LeoaiH. Notwiihatnnding the very inclement weather, the procession was tormea near tho appointed houf.and mov. ed up Meeting at. to tho Circular Church, thfl spacious interior of which soon pre. seated a thrpng of botli sexes, anxious at once to hear tho eloquent eulogist, and to pay th triDuto ol respect and aUection to departed geqius, learning and worth. The exercises werd opened with an appropriate Erayer, oy tne uev. Vr. Tost, l'astor of jtie 'hurch, followed by an anthem froin the choir. The eulogy was then pronounced by tho Hon. Wii.mAm C. Preston, who, for near tin hour and a half, enchained the attention of, a deeply .interested nudiance, wan onej)j,ine richest leasts ol both nnnd antThcart, it hna oveKbeen our privilego to enjoy; ' It has' been often remarked that tho eulogy, is a most difficult species of composition, and one inwhich tho,. great orator frequently fuils toachievo a success corresponding with his previous fame ; 'but on tho present occasion, the eulogist was signally- felicitous, coming up to the full measure ot puolic -expectation, raised to the' highest point by the well known tri umphs of his Senatorial elequence. "It is but echoing the universal sentiment to pro. nounce Mr. Pbest6n's performance a mas- torly 'effort; chaster ad siinplc-iii atyfe, yet glowing with fineimagory and pervad ed by a touching pathos and winning ten derness;, in its narrative full of the charm of biographv, and in its more reflective" portions replete with all and the higher re. quisjfesof the funeral oration ; at once just generous in its estimate and delineation of tho character of tho deceased, and elegant and discriminating In its criticism of his productions and performances as a writer find a soeftkor. It was indeed a worthv t ribute to the illustrious Legare.bs a schol- ar, a jurist, on orator, a writer and a states man, and to his character as a man of gen- tie nrtues and pure and noble nature-ond, when publishea, as it will doubtfesa be, we hesitate notto say that it will take the high est rank as a literary performance, and be regarded as a model for future efforts in the same line of composition. Cmr. Courier, yeoiallr-the agef enfeebled, ar aignairy """ " w iwyi reaay, for in suca an boar M ws thmfcnot, the iSon of Man comcth. ''h" fel hd been for many year a member WAlf TEDmAd epprentice to learn the printing fanaineea. Apply at this office luuucntaieiy. , . , , i i " NEW CIOODS. WE are now recefying 1 eplendid Tueorimenl frofti New York- eomarieinv et'nrv variety uiiaum mr win country, wnicn we ere aolcrmir ea 10 iou on me moat . favorable term for caMi or in exchange for the trade of the country. -- ' ft rrrxr Aim.tn.T W Anherilre, Nov 10, 1843..- - . ASIIEV1LLE 1TIALE ACADEHIY. rPHE winter aengion of this Institution com.. J- menPefl on Monday last. It it desirable that all intending to attend will-commence with the leaaion. The rate of tuition will be as here. tofore. -Board can be had with-Hie principal at $1 50 per week ftKroj us KUWLcix, rrmcipat. Anheville, Nov. 10, 1843. - 3t -170 AT the dissolution of the Partnership between McAoaUy &. Christy, a division of the notes and accounts was made. I have placed alt the claims due to me in the bands of William Will iams of Ashevillc, N. C, wlio is my aecnt, and as such is authorized to receive and receipt in my name for any debls due mo. The claims at a dis tance will be presented by some one of said Wil. hams' appointing. It i hoped all will see and feel the importance of closing their accounts at once. D. R. McANALLY. Nov. 10, 1843. ' , - 6t 17j ' State of Worth Carolina, ; BIINCOMBR COUNTV. COURT OF PLEAS 4 QUARTER SESS. - ? Oct. Term, 1843. Mows Freemen ' 0rjginaJ Atlae)imtnt Ahel NMiles.1 S Uvhd on Land. . : IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant Abel N. Miles, has remov ed beyond the limits of this State so that the or, dinary process of law cannot be served on hint It is therefore ordered that publication be mado in the Highland Messenger for six weeks, that he be and appear before the JusticcsTjOf our Court of Plea and Quarter Session at the next Court to be held for the county of Duhcombe, at the Court-house in "Ashevillo, on the first Monday in January next, then and there to replevy and plead, otherwise judgment by default final will be entered np against him, and (lie lands levi ed on condemned to satisfy the plaintiff's debt. 1 N. HARRISON, Clerk, Nov.rO, 1843. .Pre. fee $5 50 6w 170,, Arrivals & Departures of the Mails; Ar ABD FROM .ASHBVIIAB, jf. C. EASTERN From Salisbury to Asheville via KUtiicnordtoa, arrive Sunday, Tuesday, n,d Thursday, by 3 A. M. And leaves Tuesday, Thursdav. and Saturday, at 8 a. m. from Salisbury to Asheville via Morgantonfar i rive 'i uesdav and Fiiday by 3 a. m.; and leaves Sunday and Wednesday by 6 a. u. From Ashevile to Clarkeavills, Ga., twice a week, . horse-bsck-an-ives Wednesday and Saturday ' 6 t. leaves Mondav and Fridav. & i.v. from Asheville to Morganton via ,BurnsvilIe ar. rive Monday 4 t. if., leaves Wednesday b r. M. SOUTHERN from Asheville to Greenville, S.C. four horse coaches arrive Monday, Thursday and Saturday, 10 1. m., and leaves Sunday, 1 nee ds v snd Fridav. 4 a.m. ', v WESTERN from Asheville to Warn Springs, four horse coaches arrives daily, 4 a. H., lcaves daily. 4 A. M. From Asheville to Cutjiey's Creek, via Sutyhur efpnii(Ts leaves l'rwlay, b a. m., arrives Satur day, 7r. m. it . ' . . Burnsville andCatliey's creek ma. U are carried on horec-back. . f- , . ' . The Post Office hereafter will be opened on Sun. day for the delivery of letters and papers, between 8 and 9 o'clock A. Asheville, July 5, 1843. M. FATTON. PxM- For the highland Mcssenfcr. Asheville, N.C., Nov. 22, 1843. " At ft' .Whiff meeting held inAshevile on the 3rd of October ult., in whiyli a rcspecta- ifnuied more than any thine else those of 4 Klelaiirbolv Suicide. On Thursday Inst, the dead body of one FIenrt W, Johnson was found in a field of Mr, George" Mqsteller, nboul four miles south of ol this place. The head was half disengaged from the body, his" Clot lies' and the ground around him were dyed in blood, and by his side lay a dull pocket knife with which no doubt the desperate deed was per petroled. A Coroner's Inquest was imme. riiately .held, and the verdict of the Jury whalhat he came to his death by a wound or wounds in the throat, inflicted, in a state of mental derangement, by his own hand. x The circumstances of tho case as detail, ed to the Juryare briefly these : Mr. John, son w.is a Book-binder, by trade, and; had for several months paHjiceri carrying on' hia business a? tho Papetjilanufactoryof the Messrs.; Moslellers. Axweek or two since, he left the Paper. Mill; gotinto a lit of drunkenness, (which it appearswas a periodical thintr with him,) and did nbtre- turn until Monday morning last. He thcal left off drinking, and lay about the premises the. two succeeding days in a very melon choly mood.' On'tho night previous to his dbath, he became maniacal, paced thefloor of his roorrt incessantly, talking' and gcs. linilatintr in tho wildest manner. The wit- ness stated, that his words and nctiolw xi- . . . ... li- II . I T ot tne citizens pi uuiii"k were associatea. a nesuiuuuij wo ' . . . v nanirriously adoptea empowpnug uji, Lowrv, who presided as cuairman oi mo meetinff. to appoint detegfttcBTS-fhe' Whig Slate Convention to be lield at Ruleigh on the 7lh of December.- Jn pursuance of whfch powers tho-chnirhaa oppointed (and 'proceeds to nalify of their 40(pointmet,) k W. Woo'dfin. J. W. Woodfin, Jfio. H. Coleman, and VVilliarrr-Villloms, hsqrs., delegates to represent Buncombe couriTy in soidnconventionf' -f.;'' By Order of tho chairmnin. -H' '. -trv p. VANCE, See0af!h - ' if is confiaemly hoped that sombor alt ofjhe abijelnumi.naJe.dgenUejmejij tend the ccMfivefititHi. We know- theje are . WSny diflicullies and privations attending sogreat a journey, oVer such a rood, and jtBucra season -but, urged by evjTfy pineiple?of patriotum, and by the callof oar common country, vtbat dilTtcuttles can we not surmount 1 . We woujij much regret thn niA ru,nrihn should not be repre. sented: She should be heard. But should hn hn ilpnt on the 7th orDecomber, our word for-it, sho will speak oit-on the first .Thursday in August tiext, unoi miswKe 'Os, gentlemen of the east; w d our voting '"away up here and.. just wait till 4th November,'44, tlien hear from the '"state of Buncombe," and see her " launch her . rthqakv2i-.Sh- thenr, ill-apeak-tft-a. Toice of thunder" not to be misunderstood. ft Growth op . Michigan. Michigan, for the laattwo periods of ten years, has in- , creased in population pi a higher ratethatvl any other State or lerruory ; sne nsfven outstripped OhiOj asto rate of increose, at "the aame relative atoges of their growth. From 1820 to 1830 the rate of increase of the population ef Michigan was 225 per tent $ the next highest during tho same pe. iod wasillinois, which was 185 per cent ; Alabama, 142 per cont-7 &c. From 1830 to 1840 hj rate of increase was 622 per cam. ; or-romnf"pppTriatioii " of 28 ,004 (exclusiveof the .counties now, embraced in Winn.in to 212.267. The next ' highest State Or Territory . as to rate of in erease durinn the aame period, was Arnan- as, beinir 221. per cent.,- then Illinois, at 202 ner cent. ! MiasissiDpit173 per cent.;. "Indiana. 09 tier cent..&c. In 185 -the Press estimates that her population wilL he over Jialf ft million. Thai is the way thft Weat grows. -;1 ' y ' i" a tratrcdian on the stage. But it seems he was determined that "the last ncT"-should be performed In , thj: sight of no human spectato r ' ait the., dawn of day, he ex claimed wilh much, energy of manner, ' I Kill hWe at least a drink of cpol water,1 and left the room, ns witness' supposed to return in a short time but he waa never more seen until h Was found a bloody, mu- tilnted corpse ! Mr. Johnson, wo understand, was a na- live of Scotland, and worked at his trade severaK years in that country, - lie alleN wards settled in New York, andTor a timo" carried, on nn extensive ousmcss meie m hia line ; 'but the firm of which Jio was a ST. MARY'S SCHOOL Kaleigh, W.C. V Right Rev. L. S. IVES, D. D. Visiter. Rev. ALDERT SMEDE8, Rector. rTMIE fourth Session of this School will com-1 J- mence on the 1st of. Doccmber. A punctu al attendance of tho -Pupils at the opening of the Session, is very important, and is particularly re quested. , TERMS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. For Board, including Washing, fuel, &c.,.with tuition in Eng lish, and in the Ancient Lan. - guages, if desired,' $100 00 per Session, Tuition in French, 12 50" " ' Tuition in Music, tin the Piano or Guitar, 25 00 " wilh 83 -for tho use of Piano, Tuition on the Harp, 30 00 with K1U. for use of instroment, Tuition on the Organ, 25 00 with S6 for use of instrument. Tuition in Drawingand Painting, 15 OOpersession. for a course of instruction in -- Worsted Work. " 3 OO per session. ' N. B. Buds and Bedsteads are furnished by the School : Pupils are required to furnish their own Bedding and Towels. The clothinf of Pupils should be distinctly marked with tlio owner's name. Mrs. Srnedes will superintend any pur chases Parents may authorise their children to make in the city, but' no account win oe openea at any store, without tho express sanction of "Parents dr Guardians. The Religious service ofundoy, being held in the Chapel of the Institution by the ; Rector, Pupil haft rare, ly occasion, to visit the City, and the plaj'nctft at. tire is all tiiathey require. They are allowed to accept invitations in the city, for the day, only once a month, aniNcvcr for the evening. They have opportunities of Seeing their friends, and ac quiring ease of manner iit-ocicty, at the evening SoimsEs, which are staledlyNjeld during the Sua sion. ' Raleitrh. Oct. 30, 1843. X4t 170 Oct. term, 183, Originat Attckment h levied on hanas. State of Worth Carpliua, i: BUK01)K fOlJNTY Court of Pleat and Quarter Aess. Benjamin Katclilt r AKI N. Mitea.' IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the Defendant Abel N. Mile, has removed beyond the limits of this State so that the ordina ry process ol law cannoi oe scrvcu " is therefore ordered that publication bo made in the Highland Mcssenirer for six weeks, that he may be and appear before 4he Justices of our Court oTTfcas-and Quarter Sessions at the next Court to be hed for the county of Buncombe, at the Court-Fiouso-Hi Asheville oi) the first Monday in JannarVTiext, then and. thcrelto rcplevy-anfl Sears' Poklar pictorial Works, The most splendidly-illustrated volumes for fa milies ever issued on the American continent, containing mor than fic Motisanrf beautifyl en. graving, designed and exeeuted by the most emi nent artists of England and Ahierica,. Published and sold by Sears teWtfHce'r, Ntis. 1 14 Fulton ahd IZt Nassau slrcev, jn ew orajcuy. JUST PUBLISHED, (a,ix jdoilar book pub." ished and sold for three dollars,) THE CHRIS TIAN'S GIFT FOR 1844. The most Splendid-ly-illUBtrated work ori Bible History ever offered to the American public, embellished with several hundred new and fine egravings-the whole work (two volumes in one) making seven hun dred large and closely.printed octavo pages, ele. eantlv bound in guilt, and lettered, in the must finished style of modern book-making. Price only three dollar, being the cheapest work ever issuea in the world ! The publishers respectfully request clergymen, teachers of Sabbuth schools, heads of families, and booksellers, teexamina this new, cheap, snd splendidly-illustrated work. 'The cha: racier and contents of this volume are ueuer aa. fined by its expressive title---" Sear' new and Complete History of the Holy Bible, as contained 'in lhe Old and New Testaments, frrtlrMhe crea- ... ... .i .... ..ii . r t.. tioWol tbo world to tne ma csiaDisumeni oi ;iiris tianitV. Contammir a-clear and comprehensive account of every remarkable transaction recorded in tho acr.cd Horiptures during a penoa oi up wards of four- thousand years. With copious notes, critical and-explanatory, forming anjllus. trated commentary of the sacred text. Part 1. The Old Testament History. Part! 2. The New Testament Ifictory. By Robert Sears : aided by the writings of our most celebrated biblical schol. ars,' and olfier learned persons, who have mads the Scriptures their study. Two-volumes in one." Commentators. Icxicoirrapliere, oriental travel- -lorfr.rand biblical critics of the greatest name', have bceoyexlensively and carefully consulted irj pre pniihg this work. The editor trusts It will be found worthy of tho patrortnge of christian pas tors, instructors ana parents oi an uenominai.io.iB, and well calculated, under the Divine blessing, to eplightcn the understanding, purify the. heart, and promote that knowledffo by which w may obtain happiness in this' world, and eternal salva ton in that which is to come. ' T The following is from the editor of the United States Literary Advertiser : " The most snlcndid Gift Book of the season. anil the cheapest and most useful work ever is. sued on either side of the 'Atlantic, is Sear' 'New and Complete Hittory of the Bible deduced from the labors of the most renowned biblical Scholars I it 11 KiniittW.f ii.uui putd with nunierouti ori ginal and curious embellishments, engraved by the first artists which has just made its appear ance. This work proves not only an elegant, but a most interesting and valuable volume-. Evf dently no pains or cost have been spared to ren. der it such i and when it is remembered that it is the production of the well-known editor of the 'Bible Biography' and other pictorial works, which have had such an extraordinary popularity, we feel assured that the most sanguine anticipations of the christian, public will not fail of being real ized. From what we have cen of it, we predict this work will. be, pronounced at once the most useful and spleiidid'of all Mr. Sears' pictorial pub-, licalionS. Literatim, profaneand sacred, has been combined, with several hundrcjLetnbelliBh' incnts, tu produce a work eminently adapted as a family book of the very best order ; while we chn. iider it also onoof the cheapest ever presented to American patronage. Of the descriptive ond ex planatory leltcr-press, it is enough to Fay that the records of ancient history, and the researches of therbest theologians, .have been put in requisition fnr th elucidation of Scripture difficulties, and llhilln.lralinn of obsolete customs, manners, &e.j arid, the faUtt will be with the public u sucn a book remitting ff 3, current fund, free of all expense to the publisher. shall receive cdpy of that peri. odicalforoneyear,and a volume Of either of ; lh above works, to be kept subject to hfs Wdtr. . . Every Postmaster, or any other individual, wh will obtain rivi new subscribers to Bears' Fsmi ly Magalinc," and jeniiUhe money ($ 10,) free bjf. postage, shall receive copies of the Hiatoav or tiii Bible," and "Bible BiooaArtrr,"'or"WoN. dees or the Wosld," elegantly bound in gilt and lettered the books to be kept subject to hi or dcr. - Is there a postmaster , or a clergyman, or Sabbath school teacher in the United States or British Provinces, that cannot, easily famish this number 7 : Try, reader rav. . ... Important t ITIhII StibscrliKr Tbo oostaaeon "Sears' Family Magatine" his heictofbre constituted a heavy tax on the subscrib ers receftrlntr their numbers by mail. It hna al so operated to prevent many from subscribing, who would otherwise b desirous to do so.' 'lo meet this difficulty, the publishers have taken ad. vantage of the latest economical improvements in pripting, by which they ar now able to print the same number of Daires on a sheet double the form. cr s ize-r-o as to reduce the pottage, -n heretofore charged, to half the amount. It will hereafter be charged,, on no sheet and a . half, instead of threeshecto. ' AGENTS rV-4iV2'i7.--Agent?-responsille mcn-are wanted to sell the above works, in eve. ery town and village throughout the United States and British North Americarr Provinces. . For particulars, &c, nxldress, post-paid, "u ' -- fc. WALKER A. CO.. ' - 114 Fulton St., )H. Y. - The aboveorks will be found the most. Pseful and popular ever published, for enterprising mn to undertake tbo sale oi in all our principle-, cities and (owns. -- '". . ; " " " All Potmatcrs are requested to acta Aenl. To Publisher! of Paper throughout the Un ted State and British JNortfy America. Newspapers or Magazine, cop"ying the obove entire, without, any alteration or abridgement, (iftcluding this no. tice,) and giving it twelve inside, intexlions, shall recoive copies of the above works, (subject to their order, by sending direct to the publisher. Will proiirietors of iiewspaporf throughout tl)u country; when it is Convenient, act s Agents, and receivo subscriptions T The" most liberal per centage given. . 12t 171 Prices Current at'AshcTpIe. CORRECTED WltXLti . Arficleii Retail. BACoJfj - Butter, " BEESWAX) Br.r. CastinoS, COKFEE, Corn, f Cotton yam, Domestics 4.4 " "" 5.4" 6-4 l'toua barrol, . 5 Feathers, GimER, Gf.vrowDER,1 s Iron, I.kaii, Leather sok, Lari, . 3 -Naiij, Oil Jinsccd, -Tanners' ',, ' 1 OATS, V 6a S3. 9a 5a 12 a 60 a 10 09 00 3 16 00 1 00 .81 . 1U 16 18ii 00 a 6 t'U 20 a 00 20 a 25 WSoUtal. a 2 V 3a I 25 a 70 a 4. 331 37 a Mi -. 10 a 25 a , 9a 7a 87 a 1 00 a 1 2Ua 50 8 12J 51 10 10 00 50 25 1'ai.nts whito lead, per k. St a 5 - ed " prlb. 20 a 2p Pr,Msit brown, ., 10 a IVi'pek, 25 a Potter's ware, per gal. 25 KF.CONU VOLUME OK THE MAGNET, devoted to the investigation or Human Ph)ioloty, EMBRACING CEPHOLORY, PARENOLOGir, PATHETOI.OG Y, PHYSIOGNOMV, PSYCHOLOGV, NEUROLOGY, ELECTRICITY, GALV.AN1SM, MAGNETISM, LIGHT, CALORIC, ' LIFE. 121 00 37 t? 12 25 Oft I! 502 i)0 00 a Kick, per lb. 8 a Sugar brown, 10 a loaf, ' 20 a Spk.'E,- - 25 a Soa country, 8 a ' bar, 20 a Salt, per bushel, 1 " sack, 6 8nEi-German, per lb V English blister American, . Cst. . Crawley, Scttbes nWing, ( cruoling, Shot, per lb. Tobacco, Virginia, Taixow, 1 ea Irnperiul,pcr lb. 50 (Junpowder ' 1 DO a 1 75 I lyson, 1 Black, , Twine country, , Wheat, pef bushel," Wool, per lb. 20 a 20 a 16 k 31 25 a 87 a 1 00 a 2 25 15 a 20 20 a 50 8 a - 9 OH a i 2: 73 1 00 12 a ea G2a ,75" 20 a 25 6a Na BO a I 16 8 7 00 20 Augusta PriccsTnmnV " CORRECiTJtn WEEKLY, FROM THE CHRONICLE SENTT. . i a 1. came to the south, and hat Dcen woramg ill Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville, S.C, until within a few, months back,. when he cume to this place. - He, has two brother's living in the Unitecf States', who are chem ists, and reside either in Monrplelier, Vt., or about Lowell, Mass. Lincoln Courier, Nov. 11.?- '-'. - The Rule of Three. The Locos kind. l)y allow Mr. Clay six States, andallowed Genera! Harrison four, it, witli a L.oco. foco allowance of four, General Harrison carried nineteen States out of twenty-six, hovf manv will Mr. Clay carry, when they eive him six to start on?-. It looks, without figuring; nsirhesrtmiacBrry-o inc oiutca, and some three pr four adjacent countriea ! Forum. ' " r tsf.1i Ka tnto tpA n n airHinst him. and the lands levied on condemned to satisfy the plaintiff's" Jebt. -- -'N: HARRISON, Clerk. Nor. 10, 1843. Prs. fee $5 50 6w 170 5oltfails of uneiamplcd success.1" v. Bicb, Alimsing, fnd Instructive Bookt ' , "Jle who blend inttruction with delight. Profit with plenture, earrie the Tolet." SEARS' GUIDE TO KNOWLEOGE.-t-A splendidly-illustrated work comprising the finest series of embellishments ever presented to the American public, in one handsome largo octavo volume, of 500 pages, elegantly bound. Price .!'. in Ti,,t..il.inll.l.-imlumo -comnriscs "'"ry .? , r '"7 :i-..r..i u . BY LA ROY SUNDERLAND. The design" of this popular and interesting work, is the investigation of all the laws which appertain to Human Life, and which are concern ed in the production of those; states of the Mind, called Somnambulism, insanity, urbamino, os.. atwatiigB4ftOMiirATiir, Tranck, Clairvoyanck, and various other Mental Plienomena, winch have, hitherto, remained shrouded in mystery. Its p.sffcR arc enriched wilh Essays and Com munications, detailing Facets, illustrating the sci ence of Cephology, which teuches the Influences and Susceptibilities ol the Human Brain, and the method of controlling its sepaiatc organs by Pa. thetisin f together with such information as may assist in the most, successful application of this wonderful agM to Diagnosis the Delinrtition of Character arid tho Relief of Human Suffering. The second Volume will bo .commenced in June, 1843, in large octavo forin and issued monthfj, on the following TEltJNS. r 1 T'vo Dollars, in advunce, will pay for one copy for the year i or sixteen copies for anyone numoer. 3 For Six Dollars, fifty copies of any one num ber j or four copies for one year. 3 For Ten dollars, ninety copies of any ono number; or seven copies for ono year. 4 For Fifteen Dollars, one hundred and fifty copies of anyone number; or twelve copies for one year. .. 5. To the trade, they will be put at Nino Dol lars per hundred, when one hundred copies arc ordered, at one tiinc, with the cash in advance. Agents must slato, distinctly, what the money sent is designed to pay for ; -whether for an en. lire volume, or for so muny single copies of one number. , , - '-.-. As these terms are low; the Publisher cannot doubt but Agents will see tho justice j)f giving special attention to what follows ! 4 - AU payments must be received by the Publisher before each number is sent out of the office. All payments must be remitted free of postage, and in safety fund moncy.or its equivalent in this cily. '- Agents must givo particular, instructions as to the manner in which they "wish each number to be forwarded. ' , . , .-- . . Ever Editor wjio shall give this Pfospertil(H (including Ihis'parAgrnpb) six insertions, shall re ceive Tim Maunkt for one year, from June, 1813, provided the papers containing this notice be for. arded, marked, to " i lie magnci, .New i ora ilv :" and provided, also, that these conditions bo complied with bi. fore January, 1844. . Nov. 17, 18. . . BACON, hog round . uurns, per lb. irt slvle. and copious in information, eniDracing an extensive range of subjects in literature.seience and art. - "t-- Plain and Fancy - BOOK Am JOB PRINTING ! THE public are respectfully Informed that wo aro now prepared ta executo- tt OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! in a style equal, If not superior to any other stab-, lisiimeni in me oiaio. - .. . . , . O" Orders for any of the follow Jig Kinasoi Printing will be thankfully received, anil promptly attended so.: Bl.AJIKS,-Of aWIRT DC- "died, " On the 17th ult.. at the residence of George Thompwn; In Ifedell county, N. Mr. MR-l.-.JL arr.iT.. Miir.t of John McKee. in the 95th yeartrf neragrykrr-. tli reaper, she wargainerea io ine pnw o...,: ed lor all living, and ner spun qureuj bod wbo gave it,. On Tuesday, the 14th inst.. about the going down of tb sun, Mr. Ruth CordeU, aged .w u.in. . She had Jived far a number of years in the family ol 6er Oromer, t;ol. jonn viayiun, . ilendejson countjuwherahe-mj:t hciend. Oa the dav of ber death she was in her usual, mougu rakti. .lata nf henlth. and had acarcelv seat ed herself again in" ber chamber wheri she was prostrated by a paralytic stroke, wnicn sne nai twice before been called to endure, Her volun- norviM were entirelv : usrieaaen na iun.1 wm iven to summon a few of the pearest neighbors and commit her departing spt rit to thetiod who (vo ii, wncn n i ..i... fiMi.nnnt nrenared it is hopped, to ren- iuiici i r- ... , . der it ur with iov, and rccieve th reward oi a I virtuous and pious life I . - . V. ,.JJ.n Jam! scairrioN, PArntiTjr," Circuurr, Catai-oovks, MlNIITES. 1 Mkssenoer" Office, , ,, t Asheville, Nov. 10,1843. J In the sudden demise of Mr. C-orjeuall, and Cards, or all kinob, Hand-Bills, . jtW-Briit,: Way and Staoi Buxs, Tickets, . Lajsbls, ate. etc. Aalievllle -' -e :TliiE nent jioieon.mcncii.a th 3)th I .trt. Rirents and truardins are requested to give early notice of Uietr intention oi placing ,lth ii. na hoarders or; otherwise. It is ..,Mtlv honed that thev will not ubiect their . .. i 1- li.. ..aaai'tn nmrrnunl en iluren or warus uj mo .w.. -.- r ilm.raion : all Dossible care will be taken to prevent their suflering fromany unaue exposure, .. i.t. ... J: 1 .. ..I..) turn ftarrll ft mi tnoir neauu biuwouimv uiuiu.-i v -y theirTntntahand moral V$77 Oct. 3rd, 1843. Jwa .uiiaauj. "D v A.TiTVfl TOR ALL! Cheapest ancest Family Magazine in America! MONTHLT rnrVllLr MAuftiim:, momui; llnmr moral and reliirious instruction, embel li.l.nH with numerous cmrravinirs. Published on . . . U fnwlx, In flfl tne 181 Oi every iuuiju., n l" w' v each, (double columns,) at 18 .mb ner nart. novablo on delivery. To mail sub. scriberi, two dollars per annum invariably in ad vance. ; :w . in nm.r'mrr "such a fiiiscellanv as the above pe- rinipsl tn tho miblic. we wish to make it clearly understood what is the object proposed to be ac complished by its publication, and what will in. variably be the chracterof its- content v, and by 6"fpecteT6T"aTig or form of deception,- at- tempt to maKe an impreon k" ,,lw.i.t nnanrsainir a leiritimate claim to their en joyment. "Searf family Magazine ir a peri odical wnose onjcci n iu bimtoi, """-"i -the o-reat mass of standard general knowledge, contained in works so numerous and voluminous as to be altogether beyond the reach r m.nkind in ireneral: and. thus collected and prehensivensss, within the reactvol all. r ti.. .ond thn fnllowins. from the edtoro ft iram J . , thn United States Literary Advertiser, of Janua ry, 1843 : . A new and great literary enterprise APPOMTMEST8 it n..ri-l Mfrtimrt-on the Asheville District. ureenvine, . '' - " Pickensr Dec. 9 3, Independenc. Franklin, 9 " 10, Union m. h. , Waynesville, " 1 " WayncsviHe. j .v,.'n " h 39 24. Sand-Mosh.c HendersmiviUe,"'30 Hooper's ercek. ' Nov. 10,1843. " "' has been commenced by Robert Sears, which has for its object the diffusion of popular information on eeneral knowledge, to be called 4 Sea- Famu State ol ftortU aro Una. MACON. COI!NTV. IN EQUITY. SEP T EMBER TERM, 1813. John $hcrill and wife Margaret, f . ...... ..... Ml : ' Willinms Murphy t Catharine jVlutphTwiilojy - . i . t-i it.... i ,.,:r. r.'.il.n JOSepn ItlUrpilV, JOlin ftUliit-i nm wnn vu.iiw- :-rinc, Nathan Ilunter and wife Elvira, Thomas Murphy, Lambert Murpliy, mills iiiggmsana wilesjlcbocca, Jason eiicriu, ana who viuow, and the-c.hillren of Jamos Murphy, deceasud, viz : Alberta Murphy, Thomas Hall ad wife Elizabolh. William Uarrison and wife Ursula, Oeoreo Lcdbctter.and wife Eliza, John Elms . . .mi . iiii-ii 1 and Wife Kebecca, ana i nomas ciuou ana wue Mnrv Malinda. - . . TTnntisfaciorilvsnDears from the affidavit of the .1 Complainant that Joseph Murphy,John Huntff and wile Ualharmo, nunan uunirr ana wo vira and Thomas Murphy do dot reside, wiiuin the limits of this State, and are beyond the juris diction of this Court; they are notified by six weeks publication in thfc Highland Messenger, lo appear at the next Court of Equity to bo held for aid nniintv. at-tlie Court-house-in Franklin, on Lflhe2r)d Monday in March next, then and there n nlpnrl. answer, or ucmur io wraimiimaiiu boiu bill ol complaint, oinerwisu uuguii.-iii .wnrvv ill ha rendered atrainst them, end the case set for hearing exparte as to mem ..... I -! L. shoulifers " side " " BUTTER, Goshen " " Norlli Carolina " " country " COFFEE, green Cuba fr""" ordinary to good " " 8t. Domingo " " Kio " " "' Lngnira " " Porto Rico " " Java " " Mocha " " CANDLES, spermaceti" " tallow, " CILEESE, American " " . English " " FISH, herrings,' . . " box mackerel, no. 1 " bbl y " no.2 " " . " no. 3 " " FLOUR, Canal " , Baltimore mm 'ft-...'., western ... ' " " eounlry ' " FF.ATHEUS, " " lb GUNPOWDER, "j ' keg blusting, " ." GLASS, 10 m 12 box 8 m 10 " " IRON, Russia " Swedes, assorted " loop " sheet " nail rods " LEAD, JIOLASSES, N. Ori. " llavanna " NAILS, l'EPPEJl, bluck, . " RICE, prime " inferior to good " SUGAR,,14. OrUans " llavanna, white " " brown " Jtfuseovi do " ' -" St. Croix Porlo Rico " - lump " loaf " SALT.Livcrpool ground" M M M STEEL, German lb. blistered " " TOBACCO, N. Caro. " " Virginia, TEA, Uohea . ". " Souchong mm Hyson - " ." Gunpowder " 75 13 00 11 00 5 8 l 7 16 10 18 9 7 7 9 9 9 11 10 28 m b none a cwt 00 lb, cwt lb Kty-ATiirv's Bank. Witness, Saul Smith Clerk and Master of aH Branch (VntralR.R.Bankaeoti, ffinri t nffieR. t heUnd Monday m sempmoer, n. D.. 1813, and bvth year of American inm-pcna. " '-. Jfti.ItI UMITII n Al V ence. : oaud o.h a h, . i. Prs. fee;H OHj ' ' H-Stat"t--N rM" ;-la " BUNCOMUE cocntv: Court of Pleas and Quarter Sees., Oct. term, 1843 Jonathan Wilson 1 Origin Attachment rs. letied on Land. Ahr .N. Miles.. i 00 50 '50 50 00", 00., 00 6. 85 M2 3 50 2 50 11 7 :: -j' '. 12 13 bush 45 sack 2 0 15 V 15 62, GO 80 00 8 10 7 20 15 25 10 8 9 11 11 11 16 20 37 l 12, 1 00 15 00 13 00 11 00 7 00 6 75 C 50 6 no 25 7 00 4 50 3 5r 3 00 5 50 5 50 8 00 8 00 8 00 - 8 374 37 h 15 00 00 8 124 8 0 It . su IX. 15 50 25 . .16 SO 874 75 25 85- BANK NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED WEEKLY. 1- AUGUSTA NOTE Si Mechanic' Bank, ; . Agency Brunswick Bunk, r Bank of August; .- Augusta Ins. ot uanRuig company, . Branch Georgia Railroad, Branch State of Georgia, SAVANNAH NQTESi State Bank. ' Marine &- Fire Insurance Bank, Planters Bank, Central Railroad Bank, COUNTRY NOTES; State Sunk Branch, Macon, Other Branches State Bankj Commercial Bonk, Macon, Brunswick Bunk, Milledgeville Bank, Georgia Railroad Bank, Athens, Cily Council of Augusta, RuckersviHevBank, Branch Mar. St, Fire Ins. Bank, par. par. 6 dia'n- pr Central Bank. Insurance B'kof ColumbuR.Macon, I'obitU Bank, Columbus, Dank of Hawkinsville rt'ty Council of Columbus - ' . Milledgevlle, f"irJJs4jf.'.,MjvIaCon, , Monroe Railroail Bsnk, Planter's Mec's B'k.CoI'imbus, Western Bsnk of Georgu, Bank oi 1'arien ana rrsr,clte, 5 , p . f .1 rUIIH "1 j.a.i.... .ftin.,onc, TT appearing to the "'fMljoii of thc ' Conrtl Chu,ul,oorhee R.R.. &. BingCo, 1 that the Delendant AVI N. Miles, has removed . . f 0cmu,rue- lyrMagazint.' We wish all succcm w"'lnf-n-,i,P limit. Of this Statcjta IhajqhjumiinBbJ , ,i.,g endeavor in bdi?lf of -popular VlWes ""ved on him-itl is therehire oroi-reu be made in nA .. m hear it is to be profusely embellished and to include among its contents the'guinMsenee 11 u ft-nlimhle contributions -of the London ui n- - - , . ,. . , ' Pennv Magandc,"-lamDers- taingourgn .i i ...A ,h.r admirable works f their class, we Cannot doubt but that it will successfully compete with these in poir of inUinsic vahie." READ TWlSl Elegant Premium for Sub. cribcr,.-A very liberal offerr-Aneasy method to BTontre a copy ot rfW' s.b.-n-y, - "Wondcrraf the Woriar -iny p N . HARRISON, Clerk. subscribing himself, or Pn,K n"l r Ld ov. 10, 181X Prs. fee f 6W IV) to Scars' Family Magaiine" for one year, and " . v 1 8 dis'nt 7 " nOftfala . M 5 dis'nt 20 - -uncertain u broke t that publication the Highland Mcssenger for six weeks that he be ..,,1 nmsr before the Justices of our Court of Pieas and Quarter Sessions, at the next Court .o be held for the county of Buncombe, at tlteC-jurt-house in Asheville, on the first Monday ir, J ir.ua ry neit,th n-and there td replevy and l'.ead, oilier. Iwise judgment by default Unal be enter. -1 . . L : I 1.a r 1.. .. .1- 1 : J Ied up agamsv nun, w j. .us levieu mi vun demued to satisfy the plainMi 's debt. v-' SOU , rl-CAROLINA NOTES h Charleston jnnks, P'. Bi-.nk of Haiiiburg, " - " Coi'iitry Bunks, - " BANISTER k RAVENAL, TKRiAM) WHOLE BALK DEALERS IN DRV 00001 No. '4 , lltiynu at r eet , . " Charlrston', '. C. - Oct, 13,1813 51 1T IMl'UR

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