& f Tf'iT "'fit-. ' ' I I . - - j lr their I a,; tai :"ilrgi rcfut n I.ttknptto . I v t f I I - 1 n'ofuir b ' :;t L-s.rjc!ii vo a eve; J hi mn; vonon, wasspt p ilf ' I-'-tiers pic friend j u-ere gcslr i i. i - o, re i nary reason gi ' pin h army J Jtrmness." C'o friend to offer. rf' 11 a amiable an: America cculd observation, t; he had lul one fife . . Allliougli ilijo ir r I'frm 1.-. .LI lii ."id religion, jct . Jjflcsof war, cV i". hilar cnsr i . It u, however Capt.iin HaJj,, Tti epprehen J :H IIur.-,6cd clear . '. ! i'..-t ;;1 IIjV.C &t (jnCO :cct:icd the next rgly executed m f br J by u$ reat cJ humanity. A :;c .ho desired, vvas a few morricqtj' dc a I: hough he wished he morning cf his 5 mother and other md ih very extra, ihs provost-ma rtii! : I not know thcyh:l a 3N' M:s:i; i'..-t c will L rely Arkabiji i 1 t!:3 lisijarj GjjJ. T;.; c plar.iiius arc; cut cl danger from the Tic Prew ! ' there r-1 present day that Jijca not reff i: ,cs D"--' ; lover cf the human misJ'! I,,cr myself, I h:r.or ths Press;l honorU's hor.cn zr.i cunscien. tious Icosducwf' : r J" it 3 cno cf so. o for asl eoc:..l;on, thus vorihv.a young man s( with l!i is as Jus dy. he on V lamented that e for All wintry" of this execution will jry fnci:4 to humanity j cannot be a question 'fit cOniurmnuio to the practice itf nations in justice to t!.j character observe that his motives ,rcnt ornthoi ihichccnerally infiuencc i'-ra in oimilar tumstances. Ncil!ief cxi PjcUiunofpror lorinar pecuniary reward, -sd him io i I aiicmpt. A sense of duty, ajherithat he n'jht in this way ba ustful to "P1 jtry, nn an .opinion which he had "M'.'j thai t-T-'y kind bf ecrvicenccessary nS. m tsary, wcVo the creat motives1 which iijduct.. Vn, to c hgago In an enterprise by i".VV..; " connexions josi a mo&t nm ab la If lend.: 1 hij rnLtri; mn .f'it.. LllL. jortcrs . . . i of iliii prorriising 'oang man ex aiosi iiitercsting reflections. To ciety gralw K:? for r53! cr : for tvil. It ndiresscj c-31;" Net; a valley cor a mouciS'11 not a Villaa' nor him. let, not a !-fe 1: r a nni iarp . I', j moral scntimi.t, I . .. ;y savP1,6 or;I3 tGlxteJ by prtss. iri Jtf vith ttwj;h ;,::J while I.woulJ not diminish th2 rt:;;or.ii. ,IIity; rSli3 uPcn: lts conductors, j I am wii- d him, will n ling toglVCi totaeir cutscj well performed, my c nti re r.tf ed of o p p rob a u q n. Uanld Wclster. The h tiles' lht rd see such i jchanctcr, in iho flower cf, youth, - chccrfullr irea itg in the most hazardous paths, i;.:,;enc(d by tlia purest intentions, ond only tuKxn lu do -ipood to his country, without i imputitioD of a crimefail a vie tirfl to pc' y, ni-t havo been wording to th fcelt even nf his enemies. ; j . hbu!: - comf arison bo drawn, ctween Major ?, ire' am! Captain Hale, injustice would be ; ;na j0 ho latter,; should hb not be placed cr, an touil cround with thciformer. Amcri- Whilo ftl. :-t every historian of tho can revot. an had celebrated tho virtbennd lamented -...a Tate ))f Andre, Halo has;r'"'in on not? claracter existed Dir .Waihin-lon counly, Teini, on the SCth ult., Mr. I NJ; Tuoiifso.v., Vc will give a more ex. tendea ote Snext ; cck-i. y,! ;:. ;V;;,'.' t-V::, .;. :: l. 1 . -;'r- :L J.' -1 la tU county cn the 6th ict., Mrs. Polit Jones, la Uij63tla year of; her agt;, consort iof Mr. Ebcd la this vicinity on; the lDtli 'mat., at the residence 0f fiddio ratton'; Mrs. A. AJ Weaver, ajred 35 years, ,2 months and -3 dayst consort of James WciveH , Esj. i;fi j v Sii PH. : M ; J Gcn'l Edmey will jaddrcus tlie people; of the coun. tie of jlawood, Henderson, DuncombcJ and Yancey, the; Mondays bf jtho approaching County Courts, upon nation alj politics, i'a connection, with the ques tion of annexation of Texas. I i i ' ' A party bf ladies and gentlemen design visiting the Black Mountain, and would be happy to receive any addition jto their present numbers. They' will leave Abbeville on tho morning; of. tho I3ti instant Suitable preparations will be made. j AVe-are aulhorized.lo announce N. W. Woodfin. Esq., as a candidaic to represent the counties of Henderson, puncombe, and 1 ancy in the ecne torial brand cf tha next Legislature, ' I "Ve are authorized to announce Col, ti. S. Can tiIer as a candidate to represent tho counties of Burke, Mcpowcll,: and Caldwell in ! the 'senatorial branch' of the next Legislature. . We are aulhorized to announce John Thrash, Emq., a whole hog Whig as a candidate to represent Buncambo county Jn the lower branch of the; next Legislature, j ;" ,! "' j.:'1; ; ;! j ";4t pp: We Tare authorized to announce C j.' John ClaV. toS as a candidate' to represent Henderson county in the lower branch of the next Legislature. T ihc memory of Andre, his country Has t'pccfcd the most nDagmficent monuments, and btstwctl on his ptnvily iho highest jhonors uhdmost liberal rewards." To the memory HdjJlpt a stone has hcen erected f nor an insctLlion to preserve his ashes from fnsult! HjuJjVilliam A. Craning the Whig can llidau for the Qfilca of Governor, will address his ftlov citiscns:at the following places and limes, viz : t Greensboro- on Saturday. 15th June -trmanwii luesuay ioiu J Atfxjngicn " Thursday 20th rrnay yisi Farmers, Read This! The Norlh Carolina1 Agriculturist. We: havo been frequently solicited to publish an agricultural ' paper,; and after 'mature deliberation, have concluded to send out proposals for such a pub. lication to the farmers of this state for their conside ration! That a work of this character is Wanted in this state, no one wri deny. It is now for the farm era to sav whether they will hare such a Work, de JOWU "iUc-oted Entirely to the it interests, or not, as this paper. ii pu totalled,-will DO ae voted exclusively to Uieinte rests of the farming-community , and will discuss ecry subject that can possibly be of interest to that clasg. ; .iv mt i!: . w-:::;ti ' j-:;,;: j j. 1 The AGRicoLTURtsT will bo published every week", on a beautiful sheet; 17 by 2 J inches, at the low price of two DOLtAKS per annum, payable on .receipt of the first number or two dollars and pity cents dur ing the year. J . , J . With thesoj brief remarks we commit the proposed paper to the. hands of the friends 'of agriculture throughout the. state, and respectfully ask their aid in sustaining! die enterprise. . P. S.1 It is proper to say that the Agriculturist will have no! connection with the Messenger what, ever, other than be printed in the same office what appears in one will not in the other. I Subscriptions to tie Bent in by the 1st of September. The first number to be issued as soon thereafter as possible, provided a! sufficient number be obtained to Uuiisbury At !bcksv;'!c Aticsv'i At VlkV -o . Atllcwo: 3 AtLwc"..,.- Other nnr.Wcnt Mill ct Saturday 22nd Moniay 24th Tocsiay, 3th Thursday 27th Friday 2Sth Saturtlf) 29th i'l bj? bounced in warrant the undertaking jEyery Editdr in this state is requested to copy tho above advertisement (together, with this note,) and send a 'copy of his paper containing the same (marked) to the Highland Messenger. The favor will be- cheerfully reciprocated,! whenever de 'Sired." j: H;Ji;i 1 .: ;. &m "Pi. I i '-P ph .C:i':,vi';'' ' ' THOS. W.'ATKIN&CO. ' I - V - ' - Asheville, N. C. Mat 3 1 1844. ll0Ml. liMBp i m W'P'M EAGLE . V P: l..t".I L. :rvt!.'. v. c . .v it e: .:.; t . al:--t thr-e ir. e-.. LcS'I cf l;a;r 3 I cs:i i . cou.ir.rnded iU u;i t j n r a'J wt a t.f i:. If i no I ult of its r::er il u Lv: u:: yc'-r Tcr.Ic, I ! tk!-;s ct.:; ! jyc.! f-,rtl,3 mUC.I. It "V t: 1- :r.r. ri-r. i C3 ?.'rlngstrct.t 1 . . r.irl.!re s s'vvcr.or erf 1 i - -? , ar. X r;v nrsr-:.- I r; .1 frc-j t'v ctlcr c Ti Ink. tf various c -'lay ID, iu: . r. .::;:farture?r IJo." : .1 c r n 1 1 :-i uc t a manu. ..iv other i i ta United I t r:- .s p.s it-can be 111 :..-hnuT.l. II IQ lors, as rJ,.Uiie, 4t i9a ; Ir : :vJ,3 tl it , cjperic ever had. Trent t.i:r, tary C.- n. Dr. r. : :. due U yr-; t ct derived froM tic i only used on; Jeii faU-ofMl. Tan Duren is try i ?i!?cacJioly 'ssja UP?Q lKe mutability cf - - humaafljj-,: Jho Roman forum is iov a cow.r. ;rj. t , J hitaco of the Ciesars is -a palaco PpcVk 'nrj Martin Van -Buren is an un ate in tho Locofoco ranks. nal. ' oistir.r - tor i ;: NFEKiifs-CE. A ' Washing s that tha committee of 1 cotvcile (if possible) Mr. M th niQa'wafor the Vice Presi- ;r.;uie Baltimore tcN V j.? I'tWaph, while Mr. VO f ulne uuriy-c . vijJew? and reply Jo .ied and 7ec Lis- to run. True .rrur.r thcin. ' Th. (I 1 I. f - i writi tho Wc; "oIs. f cf u? Cincinnati - Atlas, co of says : VAslicvillc, tSuucoxnbo Co.,Jf. C. . Tuts extensive establishment having undergone i vera! improvements, is now in better condition than iY ha3 been heretofore. Situated in this high Lsd BEAtTTFri. viLiJiGS on the thoroughfare from the uth to the west, and surrounded by the highest fountains in tho western states, and one and ono tjirtb miles from, the romantic French Broad. It vyl be found a desirable Jlac for a transitory atop, iiYiot longer, to travellers and visiters in Bearch of hdjth qr pleasure. f The society is gc'od, a fjourish- - SiTi 1 . 1 .k. r n T J inrcmaie ituwi.uuuci tun care oi ur, juo. Dtison, formetly of Charleston ; and ' two' male pchV)s near by, one under the management of Bev. Erulias Rowley; the other Mr. Stephen Lee, gen tlerrln of the highest order in every respect. The prop!ctor respectfully solicits patronage:, and promis es tvl.spare no p&his or exertions to give general patisf ction. His ! charges shall be as". favorable as other cspectable houses in this section. : , : I i f . JAS. W. FATTOxM. .yH a.,,. Ji A. Mf mASLLm M I" ;Vi :' -i'-'.: !K. Axong tl:e tliOHsand medicines advertised as "cer. ta:n cures fr pulciccary cctplair.Lf," JAYNE'S KXPECTO KANT stands alone. Its path ta pub lic confidence has been paved, not with t)u2V. Lttt Cures; and the vouchers for its clUcaey include an amy or names v, uicfjt for character anl respecta. biLty, cannot te surpassed in this cocintrv. Dr. Jayne, befog hiissdf a physician, Coes not profess to. pcrlorm physical impossibilities ; but he does as sert, and he is borne out by well authenticated facts, that in all Diseases cf the Lungs and Chest, which are a use cpti Lie of cere without miraculous interfer ence, his . Ex r ector a nt will restore . the patii-ut to health. No other medicine will remove mucus or pus from, the throit so thoroughly as this. It ciTcct- uai!y loKiscns the coagulated masse from the mem. success that I brane which lines the trachea, and at every coura the patient will bring up portions cf tho disengaged matter. la alt complaints ef the pulmonary organs. even where nature seems to be making no effort to throw eff the disease, Jay tie's Expectorant imparts vigor to . the machinery of respiration, and enables litem ta disencumber themselves of, tue obstructions which had impeded their free operation. It has re stored hundreds to perfect health after their physi cians had given them up aa incurable, with ConsutrtjK tioa. Coughs, Colds, AstL:.ia, Influenza, Uronchilis. Hooping Cough, Spitting 'Uiood, in a word, all dts eases of a pulmonary nature yield to this preparation, if properly administered. Uev.'J. S. Mainnis, Professor in Ilami'ton. N. JO Literary and Theological Seminary, eaysi "1 would not be without JJr. Jaync s medicines in my family for any consideration. I have found them successful in cases where all other means have failed." Mr. Nicholas Harris, corner of. Front and Lom bard streets, Philadelphia, was cured of cough, asthma, and bleeding of tlie lungs, under which he labored fr many years. Rev. Ira M. Allen, late of . this, but now of New York city, isays:- I have used Jayne'a .Expecto rant, and have more confidence in. it than all other medicine of the kind." Rev.- Wm. Laws, Modcsttown, Va., says: "I have used your Expectorant, and found it an excel lent medicine for pulmonary diseases." Mr. John JBcckford,of East port, Maine, Rays: " Your Expectorant has just eured a man whom his physician had given up to dio with consumption and also another, in tho very lowest stages of Iron, thtis , Messrs. Slosson and Williams, Booksellers, Owe. go, N. Y., sayst "Your Expectorant gives univer. eal satisfaction." Rev. John Ellis, of New York city, says that two bottles cured him of influenza, a hard cough, and apparent consumption. . Mr. Adrial Ely, cf Watertown N. Y, says: ' Many respectable people offer Certificates" in favor of your Expectorant. 1 believe that all your medi cines are the best preparations that have ever been offered to the public, for the relief of the afllictcd and the cure of diseases." Daniel Henshaw, Esq., Editor cf the Lynn (Mass.) Record, Bays : Jayne's Expectorant is a very valu able Syrup, which we have lately used with good e fleet in stopping a cough and loosening and break, ingupacotrf." i , , Rev, . Arthur B. Bradford, of. Darlington, Pa., say that it cured his son of croup in a few minutes. .' The Bangor (Me.) Journal says: A; trial of Jayne's Expectorant will satisfy all that it is a spee dy cure for coughs, colds, influenza, asthma, hoarse, ness.and all kind3 of Pulmonary affections.". . Mr. Ebcnczer Webster, of Providence, (R. L) was cured of a severe asthma by using five bottles. Rev. Simeon Siegfried was cured of influenza, a hoarseness, and a hard dry cough, by one bottle. c Rev. Dr. Bibcock, of Poughkeepsie, says that knowing Dr. Jayne to be a regular Physician, and having used his medicines personally and in his fami ly, does not hesitate to commend them as safe and eminently useful medicines, and a valuable addition to our JSlateria. Sledica. , Rev. John Scgur, of Lambertsville, New Jersey, wao Was suffering with a hoarseness and soreness of ine lungs and throat, and a Bunocating asthma, was cured bv one bottle ' - Mr. J. L. Sirhpluns says that it " cured his wife of consumpliont and one of his children of hooping coirrh. . .j , Jlev. Jonathan Gong, D. D., President of Gran villc College, Ohio, savs, " he was laboring under a severe cold, cough, and Jiaarseness. and that his diffi culty of breathing was so great that ho felt himself in imminent .clanger ot immediate suriocalion, but was, perfectly, cured by using this Expectorant." Mrs. Dilks, of Salem. N. J.. was cured of asthma of 20 years' standing, fcy using two bottles of this medi cine. Airs. Ward, also, of Salem, was cured of the same complaint by five bottles. Lewis C. Levin, Esq., the distinguished advocate of temperance, stated at a meeting ef upwards of three thousand persons, -that he should not h;ive been iatile to address them, but for the use of" Jayne's Expectorant.? . He said that he had been laboring under a hoarseness and Eever,.cpprcssion of the chest, that he had purchased "some of the Eipecto rant tho 'day before, which-had relieved him in a fow hours, and he found himself, contrary to his own expectation, able to address the" multitude. Thepr6prietor could add hundreds of other names equally respectable, who recommend Jayne's Ex pectorant as supereior to ALL OTHER MEDI- LllSES ix iG cure of all the various pulmonary diseases" ; " - ThcYiioovc medicine is for : Fle, in Asheville, by . PATTON & OSBORN. Jlay, 21, 1841. 197 S. S. Irrcu, D., Nj. 112 C.wc tt. II a r. i -J;nE!.P. :, J-. 1 I. 1 1 S3 J . Dr. D. Jjvne fc'ir: I ta r!.:.?-. ::i i-.-:Vn;iii:-r you t!;at t'.e bottle of Hair Tt::;a v.I.:! 1 tailed of jo a xi Oclcher, has : jvc J i;:rst t-i!" rj!iory and success fid. My Liir i.aJ Lrakr;; t::v,i l-t-tii exceed I:: ly thin, but f-r Isocr three years psst it LaJ 53 fallen est that i:iy head UJ lccc;c a'. 1 oitirelr tald. I was under the Tit. ccs-sl:y cf cn. :.:-tha talJacss, by cc;;:lg the l-.-ir the sij. c ver it. But now, after uing & lttlo rf the Tonic, I have is luxuriant a j-rowth cf hair I C. C, Park, late Pastai tM CI..:rch ct HaJJd:.::. ! J, N.J. 1 "iVi. Lr :r L OrJlnary i Vc oad. !)f.r Su:::ier District, S. C. :T::r.viU.f, S. C, 15th Jan. IS 13. iTc Co. Gentlemen: I deem it ;cate the- bem.Lt that I have i. rjjyj-c's Hair Tonic- I have cf it, u.nd that with fo much .ill convinced cf iLs virtue and ci:ieacy. Tiie hair isr t:. :r.;: which were pci.- :'-ly thickening. . I have great c -r.r anticipate from a f irtho: pkte restoration cf myhuir. Several geuVu':::;:i nf my acquaintance have used it, and all of the: i with great success. Very rery. ;tfiil), yoursi &c. W. Lewis. The above iv'dicine ia for palo in Asheville bv PATTON &.OSBOUN. May 31, K II. 193 cut on my bead in places , and 13 htiU growing and 2 in the Hair Tonic, and cpi-lieation cf it the com- p -i, VI mn-dntl 'Fane yl:.v.: pp LOOK AND JOii'-riUNTING '.vltriTicntncs, a:id;xt very ,: . AT THE C.-F;: CFJr-E. MESSENGER, J -- v; ,v."jii:t2e Evcuy Xutv of . ; WILL Li. :RX,.PTiit7SnOU'riKST ' - Accoririon-vTrN:.- -'! I2cc::'ha!xli;ii ctr? ' V ' iTIIii t i.Ys, CarcXs. Ja l ..... ja?i - i : I nuted in sec-or ntvle. i - t HiSDClitS, IxVITATIToy r.'iPS, oiKES, El-KCTION : lJCKSts, Ulank t op Hand, Hat Tirs,! Watch as SadcLs Tickets,. Goow Biixs,.or all sues, AVat Ihlxs s - 'HoRSC A." l.CK llliXS, Jtfi PRijrrrjTiTH fatness and sespatch. ; PertGnsCvrsliing printing done of any description, will Hod it greatly to their advantage to give us a call." i . j Clerks, Sheriffs, Con sta elks, and other public officers, are particularly invited to call ur tend in their' orders, we keep constantly on hand a variety of which we offer on the most reasonable terms, and will take pleasure in printing or forwarding to ordc any kind that may be desired. to which children are exposed, As! Mile, June: 14, 1844. If 200 ng f(ow ok: : i . c r Que Vc5f.jcicr!d3tc of 1.2 lith ult- . ' ' JJ .,avc a 0er:tlcm ! Q board our boat jicra Ued River,it!;at v;c Jo1 rom public as sho came cv': rver says there are ly; two 'stations,, for 300 tnilv. 3 i:p the ri?cr l v. re overflown. Sorr.3 of them Atu Uion ! Enucocihe Troopers, Yoo i"C hereby commanded to parage in front of tht Cour. house in AsheviUej on the last Saturday-in June, at 1 o'clock, A. M armed and cqu;p?ed ac cording to 'aw. ; W. JONES, Capt. tne 14, j , (1 2 c.-i i.2 carr.2; T raitatior!if r : :cs, ihsl'b :i acct under water, iind . ,i c n went otcr a num. .1 1;; the pcoplo out cf : r-r.nin alonsido of - r. j 5 are ft:Sl cf horses , ai.i!- great":: :.; I -1 ff the t.nio of r orth Carolina, - ' JJACO cctty.: COVlrd EQUITY SPUING TER2J-1844. Benjam-i Jimcs and Sarah Junes, James James, MartbA Jaite James, William U. James, John A. J amc Han iet Louisa James and Salina Catha rine Ja&cs, Ij their next friend, Cenjamm James, P r ' ! 'Aaro. RoUnson and Wiliirn Mayson. It satis fa eriiv appears frcm the aSdavitof Ben, iaroin James, one of the cctrip.aiaants, that Aaron Rolinson, oiit0f jhiS defendants, is a non-resident of this state, andtyiprefora iis bevond the. iarisdlctinn of this court. Vie Is hereby notified, by fix succes sive weeks puliation in the U-hland Messenger, to rppcar at the ;e3Ct term cf this court, to be held Fr"rMi,.cTi the Monday m 'cmher rst; then. xd .t'icrc; locatt answer, er 'inr to eorn-p'-'r"M' rs.id ;b'u..j,cru.;f? j i-3:-tnt pro con u I ' re-idti iaj:jipt I::r'i, i r.d tLe case set i - - " Z ex . it ta r s 3 irj. , " .: , SV.-i Siiii,, CWk tr.a .T taster of said TInad.iV ch. A. D. ::.VOII3IS Of the C nor-. t.r j n fjt-1 to t::r:n a? worms. Lm fortunately chlhlift: ;.rs free froin them, and as they imi- tale lle hj-mr-tusvs cl almost every other comphvnt, they c fieri pioduco alarming eiTects without being suspected. Worms are not only a cause or disease thc:n.rl vt3, but ly their irrita;ion aggravate all oilier discafCi. wanJenng . from one, part of the body to another, wirrmg themselves up into large balls and obstructing the : bowels, and frequently tho throat, causing convulsions, and too often death. The best remedy ever yet known is Dr. JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE which is perfectly t?afe, and so plea sant that children will not refuse to take it. j It ef. lectnallv destroys worms; neutralizes acidity or sourncpsof the 'stomach, increases appetite, and acts as a general, and permanent Tonic, and, is therefore exceedingly beneficial in Intermittent and Remit tent Fevers, Indigestion, &,c., and. is a 'certain and permanent cure for Fever and. Ague. ' It not only destroys worms, and invigorates tho whole syfr'cm, ibut it dissolves and .carries otT the superabundant 'slime or mucus so prevalent in the stomach and bowels of, children, more especially of those in bad! health. This mucus forms the bed, or nest, ra which worms produce their young ; and by ronioving -itJ it is impossible for worms to remain in the body; j . j - . It is harmless in its effects on the system, and the health of the patient is always improved by its use, even when no worms are discovered,,, . This Vermifuge is very far however from ; being limited in its usefulness to mere cases of worms, for it may also be prescribed with most decided advan tage in all derangements of the stomach and. diges tive organsgeneral debility-r-dropsical swellings- female complaints, as sick head-ache, flour albus, menorrhagia, &-c. . . . ' ' ! I'iles. .Numerous cases of piles have been per. fectly cured by the Use of this valuable Vermifuge. This beneficial result may be accounted for, from its strengthening the stomach and bowels, and also by tho removal of ascarides or small thread worms. These, veri in generally inhabit the lower part of the boweti and by their irritation are a very frequent cause of jMlcs. . , Dyspepsia may always he cured by taking one or two tea-Spoonsful of this Vermitugo morning, noon, and night before eatircr) and by taking ray Sanative Pills, at bed time, in sufficient doses to produce one, and not more than two evacuations from the bowels everv rnornih. Weakness, loss of appetite, and general debility is soon removed by taking this Vermifuge in doses of a tea-spoonful at a time, from three to five times a day, as it is an effectual as well as. an extremely pleasant Tonic. . . ! - ' The above medicine is for pale in Asheville by ; PATTON & OSUOKN. Mav3L1814. j - 198 Court c . , JoaA-M. K li John Spriegs " . iTapponrii.'r tlio tifc:;. the dfi:jJjnt in thisr;:) iai ; thia slaUritU l!itrcr.r nr.V? decrftcd that ruV.Icatiuii 1;: i - i. i Messenger for six sueces: ii-; w e ant to appear at the next Court f f ter beseions to be opened ar.d hc!J f IlcnsJeron, at the t-o ut liOC! i i on the 4lh Monday in JweneTt. ' plead, answer, or demur, ot'.K confess rviU be tal.cn arir ' . the hands of thcgaraiths -j Li use of tho plaint.il. - , ; ' j W itness, Lustu Kixc, Clerk cr car fk! at tf7ice, the 4lh Monday Jrt MarrhJ A. D. IS l! KLISIIA KING, C. C, May 10, 1844,: PrsifveGb) bw It: o.-lligh!. , r.J Ji--e cotit.t ; Jersouv. and there , Jimeiit : iiand the debt f condemned to t 1 1 . II. Williams & Kobcri Wtsit to purchase Wool, Feathers, Bers fallow, for which goods at the lowest prici given. iMV iu IMI pprenticc IVantitf, A soy of good moral character, from 14 Tears or aee.wm oe lasen ai misomce .nt printing business, if applicatinn be rdc Augusta Pricjcs Carrciil.; Corrected from, the; Washirjgtoniun. Articles. i-C ill; 'V- Javnc' Hair Tonic FOR THE PRESERVATION, BEAUTY, GROWTH, AND RESTORATION CF THE HAIR; , This Hair Tonic has produced beautiful .Ew hair on tlie heads of hundreds who had been, bald for years. It also purifies the head from Dandruff- cures diseases of tec fTciJpprcserves the hah from fallingoff. .... 1 ' ' . Prepared, cfiily by-Dr. D. Jayne, No. 20 South 3d street, Philadelphia. . Please to read without prejudice, the following corrimun'feations, which,1: in addition to hundreds of others equally respectable should remove the doubts of every reasonable person M the uniform and singu lar efficacv of JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC i Fro the tlet. Georgt WJEuton Professor in HamiL ton Literary and Theological Seminary, Madison county, 2V.. Ir. . .. - - - . Hamiltox; Feb. 1 5, 1840.' Dr. D. Jayne Dear Sir: I had not finished the first bottle of your Hair Tonic, before a decided change was manifest over the bald part of the head to which it was applied. Anew growth of fine glossy hair, much like that of an infant, appeared, and has continued to increase, so that I have had it cut two or three times. - I began the use of the Tonic with little or no faith that iUvould ever be successful on my head ; and I was as much surprised as delighted when I saw the efTcct. You recollect the appearance of my head when in your oface. I assure you'lhe hair has been nearly, if not quite, an inch long at the times I have had it cut, oa those parts which were nearly desti tute of any when yon saw me. - - -- ' Respectfullr yours, &c. Geoe.gr W. Eatox. rmm the Somervillet N.J.) Whiz. - Sorne time since I called upon Mr. P. Mason, of Somervnle, for Dr. Jayne's celebrated Hair Tonic, to restore my hair, which was then falling oat daily. I procured one bottle, and applied its contents ac cording to the directions. When the bottle was "ex hausted," I uncovered to my great eurprisq andsalis f.ir;ion" thdt the vouzr- hair' was starting hand- r;'clv:-I .therefore purchased another, and soon t::l I'had.uxd three bottles, and now; as a compear satin, my l:a?r is as thick sis ever. Aud what is more surprising, my baldness wes cot ocs?s:cucd by sickness, i:i which css3 thcrs h great cr hc-Txi c f rector - ti : r. but w;i3 hereditary. j !A.. O. Methodist minister, " TuntHc-rob, Soxersst co., N. J. ' Mir. Jraijnc8 Jramily JUemcineS Patto.v & Osbors have for sale DR. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT " Jl AIR TONIC, ! i " j HAIR DYE. i CARMINATIVE BALSAM. " j SANAT'IVE PILLS, ! . VERMIFUGE. May 31, 1844. . 199 jStatc ot'IVorth Carolina, . i HAYWOOD . COUNTY. COURT OF PLEAS a QUARTER SESS. I March Term, 1844. Mary Wells, widow and relict of N. Wells, dccd, 2p i mppit v.'M 'H-lj .-Hi: p f i . . Th os. Wells and others, heirs at law of N. .Wells', dee'd. . . . ! . PETITION FOR DOWER. 1 . Is this case it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant's,. Thomas Wells, James M. Wells, Joseph Wells, Wm. Well, and John A. Wells, .reside outof the limits of this state, it was ordered by Court that publication be made for six weeks in the Highland Messenger, giving notice to the. defendants to be and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to held 1 at the Court-house in Wavnesvillc. oh the 3rd Monda'v in June next, then and there to plead, and answer to the plaintiff's petition, otherwise the same will" be taken pro confesso. f ..;-. Witness, Walter Crown, Clerk of our said Court, at Waynesville, the 15lh day of April, A. D., 1844. i W. DROWN, C. C C. v April 26, 1844. (Pre, fee $6 Gw 193 State of JIortH Carolina, j BUNCOMBE COUNTY. . . ' COURT OF FLEAS AND. . QUARTER SESSIONS. I April Term, 1844. Samuel Smith .' 1 . - ts. i Original Attachment. . Wilham Fitsroy. j ! . It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that William Fitsroy, tlie defendant in this case, & not an inhabitant of this state ; it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Highland .Messenger for six weeks succcssivelv, notifying" the said de fendant to be and appear .Sefore the Justices of our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court-house in Asheville, on the first Monday in July neit, then and there to replevy and plead to issue, otherwise judgment by default will be granted against him. VV ltness, jN. Harrison, OlerK ot our said court, at oSce, the first Monday after the fourth Monday in March, A. D., 1544. - . N HARRISON, Clerks May 3, 1844. Prs.fee6j 6w 19 : . PAY UP I PAY Up j In? undersigned has in his h?.'nd5 many of the notes and accounts of the late fjrm, fcf McAnally & Christy," which remain unsettled. Now. it is earnest ly hoped that those - indebted, will avail themselves of the first topportJiniiij of forwarding ther amount due. ; Tho accounts of Vnose at a distanco will be once more made out and forwarded, trusting that not a single indhid indebted will fail to remit, th amount by irjail tjr private conveyance immediate rv, C3 further indulgence cannot be given. . T ! J. H. CHRISTY, -i . S. Zi would pay to those persons in this county vrhohvc promise's to settle their accounts with pro daoe that if ithey cannot maks it convenient to de liver the articles promised, cash will. answer mv nwr. po.s very weji cne cr tr.e other l.must hav diatclr. - i . Near Aslieville, May 24, 1844. - t A SEW ERA OF SllAKSPKARH IN AMERICA. The cheapest and most splendidly Illuminated and Il lustrated Haitian ef tnt XAra oj Aeon, etcf . published . Edited ly the Hon. Gcilian , C. VkrpLanck, " ; Robert jW. Weir, Esq., will design, select, and arrange the illustrations, of which there will be about 140Q executed on wood, in the very best style of the modern school of that art. j In submitting the Prospectus ef the editor to j the public, the publisher has only to add that he; will spare neither expense nor pains- to make this edition of tho World's Poet; superior to any that has here tofore eppeared in illustrations, typography, land paper. The form will bo royal octavo, and will bj issued in : . weekly parts, price .12 1 ccntst . which places, it within the means of pursons of tho most limited fortunes, whilst on account of its peculiar beauty it will gain itself admission into the libraries of the rich, and there prove to be one of the choicest ornaments. I Those who wish this work in the most perfect state, will only be sure of it by taking the parts as they appear, wmcn win contain tue cany proais i tha engravings. , . . The Trajredv of liamlct is now in press, i lhc first part will bo issued in March, i " . PROSPECTUS. . The Pictorial and Illustrated editions of Shak- fpcare, lately published in England are amongst the most bcaulilul specimens ol tne receni ana remaraa ble. improvement of the art of wood , engraving. which by combining great excellence oi execution with economy of price, has' given en unprecedented diffusion to the most, useful as well es the most ex. quisite productions of tho arts of design. . . ( The designs ot Kenny iuenuows lor me uiusirn. tions of Tyrasv edition of Shakspcare, express the character of the several personages, and tho spirit of the scene, with wonderful truth and power; whilst the wood engraving of Knight's pictorial edition combine with the highest merits : of art and taste, such a learned and minute accuracy as to scenery, costume, architecture, and antiqnity, as to make them a perpetual and most instructive commentary upon the Poet's text. . It is now proposed to embody inan American edition, the admirable illustrations of both these editions, engraved .with equal excel lence of mechanical execution, to add to these, ovher engravings from eminent artists, as Reynolds, Fnseli, S. Newton,. &.c, and to accompany them with a beautifully printed and correct text. . But the publisher, anxious that his country should pay some Part of . tho homage due from her tu the greatest of poet's, as to one who belongs not solely to England, but to all . ! , ; Who speak the tongue I J., ! That Shakspeare spake, "! . j could not content himself with a more republica tion or compilation, lie has therefore prevailed up on RobtJ W.. Weir, whose reputation as an artist is already jdcntihed with his country's history, to con tribute a series of .original designs., .together! with bucIi advice and assistance in other details of .art, as his taste may suggest, for the illustration and cm. Rlliihment of this publication. From the jrame reason, the publisher, instead of reprinting the! text and commentary of any popular English impres sion, was desirous that his edition should have the supervision of an American editor.' This task has been undertaken . by G. C. Vcrplanck. J - . The plan proposed to himself by the edilorj is to furnish the reader with a carefully prepared arid ac curately printed text, unencumbered by any hotes 6r comments.. upon the page itself ; as however scr ful they may be elsewhere, they are too apt to divert the mind from the power of thepoei's thought and to disturb the magic of his scene. Such notes as may be thought useful for the explanation or criti cism of the text, will be put into an appendix to each play. . . -; t .. . The text of Shakspeare's dramatic works, drawn from old printed copies in his age, which hadhevcr passed under the author's own eye, was consequent ly disfigured by many errcrs and absurdities. Ill pass ed during the last century through a succession of varying icditions until the revision of Stevens and Malonc, j .Whose text, (or rilhcr .that of Stevens,) has1 become the standard from which most of the English land American editions have been printed, with various degrees of accuracy. . But within the last twenty 3'ears, A more minute and familiar acr quaintance with old English idioms, habits!, and modes thought, guided by an intense and; con- 1 3 Mo.' tb. Jl :-'.,"f '! lush, net - 46 lb box lCt lb stantly increasing admiration for ' Shakspeare's geni us, has led tq the .strong conviction that vcrylnaany of the numerous though slight deviations from the ancient text; eppearing in modern editions, are use less or erroneous Interpolations, sometimes weaken ing tlie sense, and often substituting an aybitrary monotonous, metrical regularity, to the port's own native melody.. Accordingly, very mauy of these emendations have been rejected bv the last and beet English editors, especially Mr. KmVht and Mr. Collier, jand the readings of old foYfos and quartos have been restored, unless where some error j pf the press or manuscript was undeniably manifest. ..Yet there are many such passages, confessedly corrupt, and requiring conjectural -mendations; tfiere are also differences of reading between tlie severel old impressions affording grounds for some ..diversity of text and warm cotitro versy, bctwen the more recent editors. Upon these, tho American editor thinks it due to the character qS this edition, to decide foi himself without irrjpp.city following- the text of anyone mod ern editon As the industry and learning cf prior editors bivc furnished the collation of various' rcad rcadmgj and the authorities upon which thcyay be supported, the task is ,no longer that of Jaborous iir ycp.ugation, but, as it werej of judicial decision en h.ghtcned by contending argument. f ' As many of these variations arc bf nearly equal probability, and as some of them aro doubtless the authors own alterations at different periods all the more important readings will be presented to the reader j in ihe notes for his own selection.' Those notes will also contain so much .of commentary as may be usefal to explain antiquated words and phrases, yb'tcurely expressed passages, and allusions to obsolete opinions or the habits or history cf th e-L times ; the whole in s condensed a form as rta?jjrh commentary BACON, Hog ouud IfUns ; Shoulders Sides ; ItF.EF, Smoked , BUTl'ER.Gosh'n North Carolina Country u COFFfil!t Green p itne Cuha . Vr at nary to gutta A. Vmntrigo Rio Isigtiira Porto Rico Jura Mocha CANDIES, rm Tulhw, Georgia u do , Northern CHEESE', American " English " CRACKERS, Augusta made 41 northern CIGARS, Spanish American CORN FODDER j FISH, Herrings Mackerel No. 1 " do No. 2 do ' No. 3 FLOUR, Canal Baltimore , Western Country FEATHERS, GINGER i GUNPOWDER. DponVsWfleg . . ; Blasting GLASS, 10 h 12 8m10 IRON, Russia Sioedes, asserted Hoop , 'Sheet : . Nail Rods -LEAD, Bar : Sheet LEATHER, Hole Upper -" Calf Skins LARD ... ! .MOLASSES, N. Orleans I Havana English 1 NAILS j OILS, lamp 2Jnseedi Tanners OATS . PEA S " PAINTS, Red Jsead While Isad Spanish Broiah .-:... - xelloto Ochre PEPPER, Black RAISINS, Malaga Muscatel - - -. Bloom RICE, Prime,. , Inferior to good SUGARS, N. Orlean - Havana lenie do. brown Muscovado St. Croix Porto Rico Lump Jsoaf Double refined SPICE SOAP, American No:. I do. No. 2 SALT, Liverpool ground do. do. STEEL, German Blistered SHOT, ult sizes TOBACCO, N. Carolia Virginia TWINE TEA, Bohea Souchong Hyson . Gunpowder 15 iroo ,20rt .5 00 iiiao J 75 75 q 1 0' 13 00 111 5 0 11 00 1J13UI no bush box cwt bush. . ' ,t 3; I sari r-V i 7' ! lb. ' " -t ".. 1 " -;"' "e imrac II. C. 157 Tj:ossufour subscribers frho wish to do eo Can pay utx subrcnpUona in corn if l;yer?d shortly. Augusta Exchange 'i Corrected from the Wasiiingtonk AUGUSTA NOTf S. Mechanics'.; Bank Brunswick Batik Bank of Augusta August a Insurance & Banking Cq. jjranca vtrorgia nan jvtaa Branch State of Georgia j t : ' :.; i SAVANNAH Jtn Stale Bank ! Mari'te and Fire Insur Planters Bank Central Rail Road Bank COUNTRY NOTE:, State Bank Branch, Macon' Other Branches SlatcBank Commercial Bank, Macoii MiUedzeviUc Bank' i Georgia RaiFRoad-Ban Athens. .City Councilor Augusta, - i, ,' "Branch Mari'te & 'Fire Jnsurcnce'BtT - . St. Mary's Bank j V' I ' p Exchanae Bank of Brunsiny- Insurance Bank of voivp it Phctnix Bank,Cohtr,.:;s -- ;:j y Bank of IInptg' -;. r -City Cnfttf-b&on. . j- -- able. But C.Hit Cjfa'oe It nil &cs Chatiaho .t- j or (y est a - . tent Borneo cPlht higher crfJpoo J feerf'C net on tho inlcrprctatroiwof K ' nas,ions . . 0f O'' hia thoughts. hi3. charafltf "3 frorn If . ,6. philosophy. The rIculty here -. -i 8 J-". : abundance, 4fce w.pt V:urVrbri' - contributed , durg the , la.t.haif Ulcvcd- . . " moat brilliant mindof rily periai R''t- U: J., he. saliSlS uiat nil.-i uju - - -vPn outsng fv iiEV , -.,. March, l?s For s a Av.rA'2 hi