i;. .!, ' ',':.f ' 1 ; .(. ;YT' hi .i: v: '. V j -; ': X ! v ;Wi - - Vbf lha Elesaii !' ;hrecfourths t nd it rin For the Highland Messenger.! !i Ms. Atxui Sir: At thei tiroal I gave .ort notice cf Dickson Wheat last spring, I promised a more extended ope at future pe- 'riod. This wheat seems to have been intro duced into Burke county, in this state, by Mr.; Robert Dickson, (from whence its name,) some jean ago, about 1830. I think lie ob- tsined a smalt portion on Red River, in Ar ksnsas, perhaps about two quarts, tod bri)ugh It to his home in Burke, where, from his care tnd attention, he has been enabled to spread 'It general! through hts portion of the county, and it now has the preference to aniseed that Is sown, by all who hare tried it. j I think Burke, county should, and 1 am surd I do, feel fcdtitt of gratitude to Mr. Dickson. I. Bet my owd feelings must be more fully directed to my old frier, J, honest Dutch; John Pun nelly, trhich appellation he truly deserves, for fend. Jng me two bushels in the year 1812, from trhlch I haven sufficient start to disseminate U almost throughout our ' county. Tle pre. fjrenco which this wheat has over all others that I have tried is, first : it should not be "cawn until so iato in the season that it will rj're time to gather the corp crop and prepare ; " the ground-well, thereby escaping all danger Hessian fly, and not sowing more than fourths of a bushel to the acre. Se. ripens, from ihrco to four weeks t.?ner than the common, or all other kinds thc I have planted. . Thirdly-; it escapes the . rusandby ripening so soon it does1 not give sedcient time to cockle anJ cheat to mature. An? one of these advantages I should think i j " j.-. , ... I, . , iufcient; but i in addition to alt, Ij find no ivvilin it, and I know that many of my " tr ;hbors arc complaining of them.! . T . .! harvested rnino thisyearpn the 29th and ..w.'.i'of May. but could have cut it on the 20ih, hid not the showery weather prevented. -l . SVVANNANOB, ' , ' .) .'Vr -I, worclffn.Iutelllscncc. i The Briltania, arrived at Boston, brings V s ..I j . . .1 .... 0 . : ...... 4Trnooiuaies ip me am 01 uic present month. - 1 , i J- - The French Squadron had followed ui the attack on Tankers by the bombardment of I.iagidore. This is 'the principal seaport; and craporinrn c'f 'traSo in Morocco. The attack took place on the 15tb of larst month, with Iwo ships cf the Unc, two frigates, .hree'brigs of war, and two steamers. -The islandns bravely defended by S2D Moors who conipos ed the Garrison. A great number- were Jcilled ; 140 who had retired Into a j mosque, ultimately surrendered. The loss of the French on that day amounted to 14 killed and 04 wounded. ' There will be a stationed Garrison nf 500 French trosps, and the nar lar of Magadore will be shut up. j j The following telcgrnphic difpitch . nas l:cn received at, Paris, from Marshal Ba. Marseills, Aug22, 5 P. M. ! ."TIo Govttnor of Algeria j I - .t to the Minister of War : i ! Zlzsuac of KcrcJiat Abdcrraham, 1 I Having marched upon the; Morocco nrmy, whi:Ti became daily more stfong and r ;r.ac- ir tf Algera, I came up. with it ttMwo Jeag :j"m front of its camp. . It assumed the cClr. 've with 20,000 horso at the moment thq 1. Ji of our columns were crossing the Islay. Wo were surrounded on all e: I. t-Wc Ined V most complete ; victory. ;Ojr infar." y, which stood most firmly, and a !:;! j V. 1 JJzX t'cnr ca-valry, 'fought with tho". utcr-.t s i -successively capiurcu ajs ir.o cair- which covered a space of upwards of a 'ect3 in extent. Eleven pieces of ariIIic ryt and of colors, 1G00 to : 1,103 Icjntj, ;ivponhich was that of the Emperor's Son, 1 . : Mexico anil -Texas. ':J j "-:-v," : A I Washington correspondent of the Charleston Courier under date tl:e 20ih iost. i ': ' It is now understood that this Govern ment has determined upon the course of poli. cy which it will pursue in case the invasion of Texas1 by -Mexico shalS tike p-. .That determination is, in brief, that no power shall interfere between Texns e;:J t!.3 U. T., unlit the pending question of anneiica shall be settled1. It may, be said that it is settled, so far as jibe Senate is concerned, but it would oppeat that the administration do notcon sider it as settled. Perhaps they look upon it as depending on the result of the Presidential electioinVV ' 'H' if""':: fl Thus it oppears, that Mr. Tyler and his cabinet, at the head of which is Mr. Calhoun, are determined,1 if possible,' to bring this govi ernment into a! collision with! Mexico J re j i j i gardless of the national faith and honor, and heedless of the will o( the nation, as. express ed through the constituted authorities'. Was there ever such a measure heard or drt amed of by any set of men having the slightest preten. sions to the character of statesmen, as this policy would indicate? Ve ask the people of ihis country to reflect 'hat theso men are in the zealous support of Mr. Polk, and that their measures are designed to t promote that object , Regardless of ihe peace and quiet of the nation or the interests of the people. In their zeal ihey have become reckless, and they stop at no means, however desperate, for the 'ac complishment of their ends. Let the people beware how they sanction lhcs3 men and their measures. C rz..'dz c I .7, . Half the secret of success lies in t!.3 r.r. of tho vili-- tho jmight of an inflexiblo'spirit determined to surmount ,cvery! obstacle and to brave cyeryi ganger in a good cause. -Such is tho temper of tho noble . Tennesscans who made these Resolutions. ! M 1.' Resoled, That ire can elect Clay and Frelinghuyscii. '.' ; ' ; 2..-Re$olvd, That Ave will, i : Let these rcsoJuiFor.3 Iz every where adopt. ed by i the Whigs, and the work is done'. - Whign of North Carolina is this your deter mination? Raleigh Register. '! 1 , ITEMS OF NEWS. f hi;' f ,nal baggage, a considerable cntatity '.i.e store, nnu on linracnsu wiji is P. h our! power. The dncmy left about ""'1 on the field of battle. '. Our locs, 2vero, arc light when we ccr.sirr ..Tiportance of the lattle which vc!fc-!I itlleef Islay.. 1 v he Journal des Debates en grvinj tTie'for. ' cVpatch says a Tlic height cf KqnJi. Vbdcrraham, which wasacacatle to coth :!cs, is a, hill injhefxsnt cf thaj camp of jnostj3,dvarjced vstiOn the ilgepan fcron. ail' t r: a rlvulcf, called the -.ln'AboUQdAry- , r't 'afjectiorwar, the Tyne and , i to ra;- andriatkin jypt, a. 1 t O . i i ' cd ripen! i On the 4 th of that j- an United States, fia at t-Te'Tyne fired a sa- "'" example set helo observing that ii :. - :lish should rejoi ce 2.Continc ct , is i ihefla1 of RI Some few cases only of yellow fever ! have occurred at New Orleans this season, i f At !ts own request, Capt. Newton of the Navy is to bo tried by a Court Martial for the loss of the Steam Ship Missouri. At the dale of 'tl.'o hst a J, ices frornC!iir:a, Mr. Cushin;. the American Commissioner, was atMucoa, not lining tl;cn'aitcmptcJ to visit the Court at Ptkin .There h seme doubt whether lie will be' permitted to do so. There arc rumors of inlccd rc$igna. tion of the Secretary of the Navy, John T-. Mason. 1 A London papr slates, on high authority, that tho King of France has had several, fits, and is in a most precarious state of health. -A physician is with him day and night, j ! Cuops'in Arkansas.. Ths Van Burcn in telligencer cf ths 31st i:!t. says : 41 The corn crops in Washington, Crawford rvnd Franklin counties, Arkansas, will L3 very short; ihe cotton'! will be fine, fcnJ from the prospects o judgs n r.rjcli brgRr shipment of cctton will bo maJj t!.'. .cason from this port than poa former occasions." 1 General DjT Grn lnstccn c:r.lcd the new Consul at Galveston. h A man in Do.: . . : c r:pelIuJ to pay C32 for injuries in&ctcJ Ly a dog of hts on a per son.1' .' , " v'L .; :"i i ! ;", . " ' ! Eactiiquaes. Th-s Jarr.: ":a De-;atc!i, cf the ICth u!t., s'.etes t!- I Ie:t:r3 f : .:m St. Juan Nicaragua jivs 'accojr.ls c." c:i c:rth- quakc.,' The city cf Nicarrui lies in rv.;25, or.lv cr.3 ho-33 13 to bo seen. Ths churches diivj TcxSi cr.d criers Led Iccd received at Vera Ijruz Id draft the young men cf the place fur the ormyi but t!.ere appeared to be many doubts and fcirs slcut tgain encountering those eagle-eyed and iron-headed Texans. Vera Cruz was compat-lively qr;Ict. Ii. Y. Express, Sept. 2(). . Godwins large Cotton factory, at Pater, son, New Jersey, 1 tvas destroyed by fire on Friday morning last, together with all its ma chinery and contents. Loss estimated at between C20 and CSO.000. Capt Cornelius Post, the foreman of the establishment, was seriou.ity if not fatally injured by falling from a' ladder.'.? 'vj t 'j - & :,; ' j-; Fe63I BEsatCDA. -We have the Hamilton Gazette, of August 27 and September 3 ; but they contain lililo, news. The Colonial Par liament closed its session on the 2Gth u'.t. 1 -1 The address of the Governor. Col. lleed. speaks in very high terms of the improve, ments in agricultare.ccc., and tlie general prosperity of the islands. j1 .Dominica papers mention that lonly one of he ring-leaders in the late Negro insurrec .ion there had sufTcred ihe last penalty of the law, the other fire who were found guilty hav ing their sentence commuted to five years of imprisonment. JY. Y. Com. Adv. The Arnoldvillc Print Works near Provi dence, R. I., .were destroyed by fire on Sun. day morning : last. Six thousand pieces of goods were destroyed in the works. There is no doubt whatever that this was the act of an incendiary. ' i , The lands of the Wyandot Rescvation, ' '".rtl are to be sold bv auction on the ...id Cci-bcr r.ud are said to be of great Tl;c amount of specie received in New Or Ia;,3 from the 1st of Sept. 1843, to the 31st of Aifc . lSIt, was C3,170,5o3. So says tho Bulletin. ' ! - - A French ourarg cutang, now being ex hibitec in New York, is said to be one of the best specimens of the wild , men of the wood ever brought to this country. Her re semblance to tho human species is striking and wonderful, j She cats her brcid and but. terr sips her coffee, (which she is very fond of) and uses the spoon, the-knife, and the fork,' with great dexterity. She has also learned to sew, and if ever taken back to her own country, will be able to make breeches for the males of the -whole tribe, and bustles for fj-:.:i!n.' . of L:rd2cn. .V -' . - J.g:;1:!t. scd lore wa errtiVT 13 ;t.r - 1 c f Li nature. 11 was r 1 J: - c:.-1 v.h a classical cducallan, t Miamd nil r atura! pood, and lead'rj, he was t''l tioies mailed t .bring forth r- r.crtr.J t!J ct f tlie wurif tic rati truti. To bit xtct IJi hcmble labora reachej in the enters In cfi'.u'4l:.? J::frtcf c-i end dead crjlj Lnjv. t'.j, Lul rr.anj i.uw Ilrinj can testify of Lis itr:-:-:r.!2i:tv ii il.tir raTat",..n. Baths is gone, carrjtrjr t-is !.iarcs L!ai4 and we trust he has nrjT cr,vrs cf tc ;'.--. l!a -aa tbe father of twelve cliTIJrcn, ;rar.l."allicr cf thirty, and great ranCriiier c-t f mr, HI jf trLcamay be jally proud of sach an ancestor, a cJirif'lan, mud an honest man. la carlj ll'i l.c rc:t-l much and dcjijbjcd in controveryt Lut aa he ripir.ci ia jean and grew in grace he lost a'! ta-t3 cr rt ! r'i T r i!t and fur many years he has been a pin cf cr.e end that loci tkt lille, atcompaiwed tvilli Clarke Com men tarlca. At2iiaislrnlcr43 Czlc Tutu will be sold at tho Ut re:icace of Clsha L. Hay, Jee'd, at public auction on Friday, ths 5lh of October, two negroea, a boy and a girU x brad of mules, one horse, two wagna, scTeral bead c! catlle and hogs, the present crop of griia grow ir joa the place, household and Litchen furoiiore, farming tools, blacksmith tools, one baroach and I.rr.cs4,and rarioas other articles, all on a credit ot twelTe mootha. Bond and appro red security will be repair ed of the parchssers. - 4. t JAMES M. ALEXANDER, i Admimatralor. Oct. 4. loll - 3t 2lfif Nencs is hertbr gen that James M EJncyand others intend applying to the next General Assem bly of rorth Carolma, for a charter fur lurr.pike Road, commencing near Jesse Whi taker's ia Dun. corahe coaniy.pissin by Edaeyrule, lUaJjpatch, Uutherfurdtin, &c And aiao tor m renewal of the Mills's Cap Road. : Oct. 4. 1844. . : : A 21S IS OTIC 12. IConcs is hereby gircn, that a petition will be Wesley's nvtes, Watson's Tl.colngical Institutes, and the various references occomrtanyinjr the cottar 1 presented to the next L-tiature of roriu Caroina bible, &c.i Tlicsewere I.U counsellors, and wejtbefxKition of new county out f portions ! were they beeded.; ' Tra?t l.e read the news of the I Qrt 4 iat day, and religious paper, Lut laey were always se Vc 1:: u a l Li ct-V.ou Tn-rbulbi hbelsen ;the great "he 'faPged i it isVen rumred txc and defensive a ;a if isJy been, formed be- i Russia.";. the custom There are jf i . ..." , , tyeniy;twu j corrt t. making to 7' C xw; ' Won to effect this areTidiculina ion, because iey remen and pantatior.? :t quarter ro alio - ::.: in who came .'. : w ' j, i an affray :lC:.:!J;r; .Tot:!, in Vicksburg, cf;::: " ! ::n a man by i J to be an over look place cn Fri.'tv cf;::: - ) lQ carr.3 of Porter, .o h seer, a man ofdosrcrato character, aid a high ly rcspcct-L!j;3''-rj r.zn, l lztzl't, ran:cJ Waters, which resulted in the dcaih cf the latter. Ti.3ficl3 eft' 2 c;:?, -V rt2 i..." r -ed, r..;j lhr:3. V';.'.cr3 r:".ad3 a with reg"rJ Id j tji.'.irjir.-i:..-, Porter, in a v, !.,;irj rf J !.J and cITrcd Ij -l t!::it il was . . V's. ters rrr!!: I ! . ! r . 'i to L:. a;J .".3 Lis conversation directed to ethers, 1.3 re clined t.-virj 1 y ti.irj to do with him. Per. tor then threatenc 1 t j .wh?r him. which ho Porter t!.:n en- would have revenge, Lut r;ct i;:ecccdirg, hz left iho bur room, obtained and concealed a knife, cr.3 then returned and attacked' Wa tero; ;.i:h a w!;ip, end cn his resistance, stab bed hi.n to the . heart, and when the bystand ers loc!; I.olJ cf l.'.s arm, hs villi savage fe rocity, h,! '.-.J t! . kr.ifj i.i l!;'i wound that le condary. Aj more, stud.ous anJ constant reader I have ncverj known, ' Ha preached a!;ncst without a fortnight's interval Uirough life. The latter part of his life he preached setting in his chair. Far and near in churches, court, school, and Lg houses, and as the gospel, was free so was h;s preaching ; and I never heated i him preach a sermon during life that did nut tell in his countenance and tears that he be liered and I fell what he said, and that did not show an extensive and practical knowledge of the sacred oracles of eternal truth. IIi sermons were always marked 03 solemnity and. earnestness. He had two maxims froth)1 which he nerer departed: they were that he wa obliged to tale time to dUnnd therefore he would tale time to serre God daily while Jiving; and that if- he lived treZ.he knew he should die irefl, and consequently be always tried to obey God rather thaq mai. He .was once asked by a rich and intelligent man, what he would take fur heaven? He replied. 14 I will take nothing for heaven but hea ven." He related I this incident in the last sermon he ever preached; which was from these words: But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts ; and be ready always to give an answer to every man that askelh you a; rcasdn of the hpe that is in you with meekness and fear," 1 Peter, 3 ehapv 1$ verse. In the love feast, sacrament, class meeting, and the private circle he was always ready to testify to the goodness and smerey of God, stating that he had trusted Ami in 'his young days, in middle life, and vow in old age ; and in all ages, times, and condi tions, he was tho chi:f among ten thousand," the Vone -altoetlicr loyely," e.n J as he grew weak in the body he grew strong La the Lord. Ilia faith in God never wavered. His constitution was etrongand vigorous, and the greater portion of his life was spent in hard labor on the, farm.'; He field, orgot by marriage, a family "of negroes, but being unable to live ia rcy.ee with tlicra without chastisement, and the laws nut allowing their liberation, ;Lo solj t.'.c. ., rr.J Ei;;!ieJ their places by greaterj'nduslry cn I j own j art, believing it better to have lull:::; :. , zz t!.aa much with contention II! j cc..;ar.Ln fLarcl his toils. In 1842 she wnt f ? ; I' 2 r-T:rr'r.t t-L'.j and quarterly meeting, anJ in ISIlAe from l!ie sacra ment t. I ClKJi .tACCt told him to do r.t deavorcd to borrow a ril. tel. 216 Ths sub!rribcr will o&r a pcLlti rt la t!:c r.cxl Gen- eral Assembly tf North Carolina fr a charter to a Cndje erected lv Imn across I rci.ch ilroad river, at the mouth . of Little Pine creek, in the roantv of Buncombe. . - SAM'L CilUNN. Ort.4. 1841. - 4 216 At: just a. Prices Current. Ccrrrcfrl frcn t!:e ViV!:?: -Ionian. Article.. VkoU9altLctmd A suitable reward 11 hcrchv ofT.-rr.! for fvel !"nfor. mation as may enable ms . to ctmviet t!.c person or persons who have been injuring my vacant i:ot:sc una premises, near IMewton Acanciny; and a:l suc;i ci. fencers are warned, ut their peril, to desist from feci outragrs. JOHN DICKSON. Oct. 4, 1844. 4 C'O.V, Hog , 9U d . : ii. Sdet ft:-" i't" rV BEEF. Smlea - BUTTER, Goshen ' ' - " north Carolina . . . Country - , CO?TXT27, Green prime CU Unitary to good . j t :i .,i Dmigl -1- I Itio - - I Igir Poitolllc , " , .' I Jul : KjrL 1 ; - CASDLES, St. . -, Tallow, (tt ?rii ' if A'jj ( ' rru CJIEESIl, America . English " CRACKERS, Augvttmvude " 1". - Nrt her CIGXtlS, Spanish ! America " j CORN I I ' FODDER i FISH, Herrings . tua ! Mackerel, Aa. 1 III. 1 . . Xe. 2 do A '6. 3 " FLOUR, Canal ' Riltimore. ' Westfrn C'.Ktry FEATHERS GIXGEIl ; GUNPOWDER, IS -? 4 - 81 H '18 . .33 .121 I will attend at B'ackstocks, Ciglvy, and HrTa's creek, on the last Saturday in this month, for the purpose of receiving instructions, or attending to any business. JOHN A. TAGG. Oct. 4. 1844. 4 21 G a . jm j i j . . . . kj . Remaining in the Post O.Ticeat Aflievi!!?, II. C., and if not taken outLcwre the 1st of January, K 13, will be sent to the General Post OZite as dead Utltrs. If"! I:: PS Bodonhammerr Jacob Eewly Luke L Bronson George P Brown Miss II II Barnwell William Crowdcr G W Candler Col S W Davidson 2 ?I.3 Ann A Dupre mH.t rr. 113 V wcr;;. arrc. ?, and it rcr::::ir.3 o L: authorities cf Vicksburg will cTal Uood-lhirsty, fjrocio--3 cn J c - L dcrcr. JV." O. Trc-i.:. forthwith i !.yr t!.e . it'.i uc!i a :coJ rnur- destrojud. . No rr.cr.tion iirr.ada cf ...y lives b-ir,- lost. T.2 v:.:":::, :iy3 tha Dei patch,: must have taken placo soma tims in the end of June. Ths Criih'i LIjs'Jj of the port of St. Jmn is still continued. Hon. II. V. llilliard, lalo U. G. Charts d'A (fairs to Eeljiurn h-j rcl'jrncd lor.?. Pcrr.ic Dcctof Alabama. Tho i Melius Register sl-tc3 that all tho -ictcrpst duo cn state Bonds forths current year has been provided for, and the short Donds which fell due in 1844 have been extended." ThJ Louisville Journal says :--A Locofoco writes' to us to say tint 1 3 ihinka) we trc-t Lis friendi too harshly.. If we do, we must try to treat them belter.L We .will take a hint from old Izak Walton's advice to anglers as to tha proper mode of impaling worms and nies upon tueir usii-uouks. yuu i wuuic the- creatures unnecessarily," , says the: kind hea'ried old man, but take them between your thumb and finger and slip your hook through them as gently as if you' loved them.,T Birth in the Cars. A German woman, rn we learn from the Baltimore Clipper; cave" birth to a child.'on Wednesday, in one of the cars of the western tram; from Baltimorejror Cumberland, when it reached th3 Harpcrs ferry bridge-,. Both rnothcr and child were ",W as well as could tocxpcctednheo he downward train passed, and were intent on pursuing their journey to the lar west. v":Fre VeraCrcz- By the bark Ann t.;,4 Mnrschalk. arrived from Vera, Cruz it pnin wc have files cf the Diarto del Gobierno.' ,1 There v,-a considerable talk about inva Ort tbc 3J ScFln by E:Jer Thos. Stradlcy, Mr. Joio IIicxis to Nancy T af all of t!;:3 c - :3 L:rn i.i A ty, C, cn I, ursJ'j mcrn. r.-r.i.u ana xouriccn cays, ia u. miaistrv. '.' : ! .1 :. The suljcct cf thia nerr.crI lar.i county, I,T. C., cn tho iLh cf 7T respectable parents, and lived ti'l 1 twecty.five M v.i:' - 1 G I nr. I ' world." About this .vic, throi-'.i 1 : ity of Methodist Uavc'" - j ; : : - ' r , ! ' " to see his fallen condition by nature, and lLo t.. r. inity ofwiirland rcpcitcj trar.rrc !:."3 cf C vine law. He eonrht with many prayers and tears the both happy in Go.d. . Over twelve months since he Mi fjv. .1 a houii-j fraci r: 1 l.a tl.h Ic.r.e, tnd re. ceived injuries otherwise, to tuch an extent that he r r:. A c ".y t-ilrcd bod.ly fa i; If' I i cf l.'i L - i friend, a dear son, e " ' - " ' ' 'I '. '- l.'M:cz:, toother with c i ..I cr.Iy y hen carrie d or ::otc' r- 'i wc' ' rJ c'jwn I.!s s.i'-S :d him c.'.a totlciijjlj "depart si- 1 Lo v iJi C:,:'. I" r-.l Lis f.icnJj v, i j .. ..-3 j'oiie L.;.r:. Th:; v.-- r.-.'.a c!,J over I'.. 1 hcri. con of his 6.m ry r? I j lj:!. i his f r - z'- r I'.ti l.?m T-i ; .,. . tictjt tiis v::iConvcr'ed cf his ' "'...i. were t!.a Larlhen cf I.i.i ':i)-era f r: - l-.'ly years. Hut h!3 tortus id Luol.cJ, and now ii.- 4 3 t!jC ilerp of death, and their cr- - and Lit i refers are with God, w' -j t!oct!i ri;'.4.. Up to the moment of attack he app :A e: 1 ex pressed himself as fttlinj belter ar.J 1 .tl i.rt! ..il.s had fr monllis.- Itc felt and hnc? 1 :.s "Jips-.Ijtiun was near fur tome time previous to Lis clal':, ar. J of ten declared he was willing, ready, and wailir ta go. o that to him death had no terrors a r. J t'.e grave no victory j to live was Christ, to dlu was gai.T." He r.cvcr ppoke nor khowed any b'gs cf 6ensiL'.fy af::r he was taken till death released him. The attuLi. 1 -!ed luirty-six hour?, during wl,:r.!i never openc J Lis eyes but once, and as he had lived a pcaceal': J quiet life so he died a peaceable acd q;i:t deal!), tppartully without the least euflrinj of L ' ' , ; . 1 vc feci assured i Uruishing head ia at rest, . . j t!-!-.!iirj anJ achinj aro o'er; His quiet immovable breast, - It ! r J I v ji r! ction no more : I " 1 rt is nolonjcr the seat . --Vj rr ' toriurinj fain ; i Las ceased to Cutler and beat, - -vrV. Gutter a in." j tits the dead which die in the Lord," &c. " ' 'r wcrks da follow thcra. : i . alo-ut thirty who commenced the ministry , cr.ly one or two are now livin. i -s, for fty years, a strictly temperat man, T r.cvcr tasted ndrop of ardent fpirits durinj J Vm J thnsjc WmJarrct - i Wm Lewis '' -I"' - JVlix Mcrrilt ' Charles Moore ' Jude M E Manly Dr Uol-crt .".Iuldrow ; Dr Francis Nutali :, . ; Ilev I) Teotlca CLi!i cf ihcCourtofC-TUi-rlips IltT.rittta rcorksa tv ' V'm I'restwooi ., ; TL( -:-.s H . IlriJ -3Uar:sscy ;, M A ; ..th Miss M L Savaja MrsAf-al'i ' , Mrs It Wt-'prowt'l i VtTiIliaru Snelson ! - riiss KicbcIJ'JjcJy James Strattin9 i , ricCall'i'ata II i:Vi:,r : : - . Dr Win D Vi'Lird. ' - m. rA-rro:.T, r. :i. 3t 216 I IVter S L row rkr T V IIascltine Thomas Ilerrin Georgb Ilutt George Hoil N Harrison DrTWIIui W Hockaday Wm Jones - JabezJervij Wyley Jones i Oct. 33th, i8U. Vcrlh Carolina Side XT.-; ' Cc:i vcnlloiu Ti:s next annual meeting of the North C.iro!ina Ciptist tut Convention will be he'd at the Ljlist Church in the city of lial-.ili, commencing on Fri day before thd third Sabbath (18lh) of October next; at 1 1 o'clock, A. 'T.I. , The North Carolina Daptist E Juration Society will meet on the evening of the same day, at earlv candle liht, when snveral ad dresses will be delivered by distinguished citizens of ct:.cr states. On Monday morning an opportunity will beofTcr- ed to such of the dt legates, visiter?; and thir f:unilic as dijiire it, to ta.-:c ia ric;:rti'in (i t!. ; and Gaston Rail Road, to Wake Forest police und back tl.e tame even in;. Scrt.13, ISH. SCf Editors of newrpapers in N. C. wiI confer a favor on their Laptist friends by pubashing the above notice. The suhscriHe r, about to leave this county, rr ; '??ts all persons indebted t him to Kettle their ac;-, .".t. on or by Ilia first of October next; otherwise luey may expect them in the hands nf an ofHcer. Ali Lavi.-: claims will please pre pent them. , FETCH STRADLEy. AIicvi::?, Sept. C, 1844. Ax J 12 doz Ih gal. Ih GLASS, 10 k 1 J . IRO::, Russia cut , - Sieedeo, assorted . ' ' ' Jhop . Sbret . i 'Nail RjJs LEAD, Car ' IV Sheet " LEATHER, ?,!e c'JfSlinl LARD ' :.:0LASZZ, IT. Orleans Hatan Enzlish Il-rri" NAILS i OILS, Lamp ' . ' gal , Jjtnseed . - n ' - Tmmn : ..: M OATS ' " ' i 'lash. PEAS - PAINTS, ReJ Lead J lb White Lead ... It ! , Spanish Brotca -J " Yf&a Orhre ' PEPPER, Clack , RAISINS, Malaga . ... lox ' Muscatel ' Bloom RICE, Prime, ' c Inferior to good. . SUGARS, N. Orleans ' lliraw ithite "j. Ire ten i' ; Mascovd i :' f.t. Croix Porto Rico t Lump - . ; , IsJ . . Double refined SPICE - ' SOAP, Amniran, No'. 1 ; ' do. No. 2 SALT, Lirerj. o-J gru nd I . do. . dj. . STEEL, r7-r. n SHOT, all sizes. " - J TOBACCO, N.Ci-ll. , Virginia T17INE ' TEA,Dohea , SoucJtong' Hyson, ' - - - ' Gunpowder Corrrcted from t'.e W 13 ( 3 1K1 ii C3 5 75 4 13 10 Cl3 ' ) -1 ) 4:1 7C3 7C3 7 C3 C ' 3 l :,3 13 C3 7 311 no 1 o: r f8 ' n . f.3. aw" 4 5" 2 C 2U 2 0 "c 11 7 - :j 14 i 1." 3 IUC: ri' OTP i - O -as r.-..y !. ill": '.- -..:.aial- for: 3Cf ...3 fc:?. ar :h i!.3l!aci cf atoneinj Lamb found that peace that the world cannot give nor take away." Tl;e call soon rrcEr cd itself upon him "woe be unto mc if I preach not the gospel, and seemed eo clear that after much prayer and consultation, he went through t'.ecrdina. ry course of study, received orders, and cc.rcnced preaching ia 173 1. After travelling four years he was married to Eleanor, daughter of William Mi Up. and located. lie , travelled what was then called the Black Mountain circuit" including western Carolina, Virginia, and a part of Tennessee, over a cireml of something like three hundred miles, a great portion of which was almost destitute of in habitants, and infested in many places with the M red men of the - forest, who at that time were totally unacquainted with Christianity or civilized life ; and consequently, the 1 itinerant of .those days literally " took his life in bis hand, and suffered nearly eve ry privation for : the sake of winning souls' by preaching Christ end him crucified."', -From that time till death - he was a citizen of Buncombe (now .Henderson county,) during which he acted in many capacities, kind oSces, &c, with perhaps as much acceptance as any man in the' community. The law .".."'." 'i - ' ' c 3. t ir- " : ' '," f r r.. 1:1 come r :rr...:r v.!.- Eiood around hi grave '.J..Ay tl.at a father, a znd, a neighbor, and a good man, had t tl.it I'. death had "left an r.cvcr fill-? , T ! r.J, ac-a-r.taree, "c.sed, " prepare to neet t?,y r r - ; ; tl.::.k r.ot tl.stsncf - - l'.:v r i - tcari. Mc:!iOJist, tut Le ct . cdeiatJ i.i t!.:!r alirs : trt f.r Lis f jr :ss may be ex; ' I tl.e right .."--.I;.-:, J i.Tv.'icd then anl ui: . lis dz hisd.th. Ad cation cf L'.s creek- . Sept 4, is::. . The Jonesborou.. " Ra!eih Register, . a favor on the friends of t above an insertion. ' I ' ' " A REVOLUTIONARY SOLDIEU GONE. Ath is residence on Fiat creek, in Cuncombe ca on the 23th of September, 1S44, Damk. Caix, tr., a revolutionary soldier, in his eighty-second year. fir? C10 J'-; I :J)tiee. The citizens of Henderson county are hereby no tified that I will be at Hendersonville, Henderson county, on the" last Saturday ia" October to wait on any business the people mav have or wiih riie lo transact of a pubhc character. -' . . L . PctlSii. " ; ' -- - -- 4t 2is ' Ths d Vjc:- Tjy note, acconnt, or otlienTi, It t'.j ! f.': 1 f J Anally &. ChrUty, have been r A ir'jJl'j! . s f f Uiric Keener for collection, er.J hj l! na is t'.e n:;'l.orizcd aent for the firm. All p 'J 1 t?r. t J.r: ufUr be uide t Lim, ls he wi'.l tA- t:jt:it:.iLT . ; : cAN ALLY & CUR! STY. r,;'.r,r::. 4t u:,- ' . A . J. V k ArriJCATiox wi'.l bo made to the next Legislature of North Carolina, for an Act of Incorporation of the Davidjon River Manufacturing Company in the county of Henderson. " CHARLES TIOORE, Preft. Sept 13, 1844. , tf 213 Plain ai:d raucy BOOK AND JOB PRINTING executed witli lYenlueM, andat very Xlcclnccd Irlcc5, AT THE CFFICE1 0 TH'.L1SC IT: ;I EH,' " ' WILL BE DONE AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, AND ON THE MOST-- :"v"' ' - ACCOMMODATI."SG TR":S. J2qoJ; C::!r.!crjttt3, Circulars, .IIIji tites, Ccrds, ILabcls and I2::Zl TUktt8,:l:-.. :; ;'.vk;-'.: Printed in superior style.1"'1;";'' m;-'' I r' At so ';--'" '"-''".. HAM3t:LL I.wiTiTrrojf Cazos, NaJtci, Electjos Tickets, Dlakx Notes oir Hamd, Hat Tiiv, .1 NV'atcii axd Saddle Tickcts, Goods i ;;.';;.' "; Bills, or' all sizes... Wat Bills :,-:: ''"'' . House axd Jack Tills, '&c, ' ': ; . rr.i:;TZD vara keitxess'and despatci'1":!' Perw3ns wishing prinlinj dono or any dscrijiQ: , will f.nd it greatly to their advantage to give us a Clerks, Sherijts, Constazles, and other public cheers aie particularly invited to call or send in their orders, we keep constantly on hand a variety; of r.'i' jl". a,. JZiT;.-.. J "''!!- - ' '; j c :7.-r on the most reasonable terms, and ; j " cje'j'e ii printing or lorwardicg to order - ; ; ' ' t 1 'Tlx fired, ,"?.','.;,.; c. ;;. ... ' " ; l ilctccnlli -i:rjgradc.; :' HEAD QUARTERS. - - : FaAXKWX, July 23, 1344. . Tiie C-' r---mi':i',nx the dlTlrcnt Regi rr.;..t3 ? . i t :' -; 1 3Ji Brigade. are hereby com. manJed to have t!.cir rginerfs at their usual place cf ILir.itnta-1 muster, f r -m i f jf inspection and review on the followi.-i 1 1 js : r Tts Cl'.crskta r.?-;-cnt 17th September. " - ' - " ' 23th -' t eCih . . Ist-OctoberJ 6i:h " ' . f ; i-' J :: -;t.r 83rd ' '':'"': . : " " - fills t"i , , ' , 37th " . ICth-c; ", 'r By ort?rr of Enr. Cct. D. IL Lowhet. , - ' TUOllAX :L AliGUL, Aid de Canp.' Atr?t2.1814- ------ " Ct'37. : , A U G U G T A 7? SJf ick L'm f. i ?;Tt cf A'-zVi Ai:",u!i ' -r;:- v -T.-i Dranch Georgia ilad Aloud Branch .7lsi: f it c.v;;.:,:::'.:! i::nz Sl ule Bunk '"iTiue and Eire II surur.ee Z . . Planter' Lank ' c '. End Eat.k C.uillul lIl . t)i (T Hi -,nr ' C ere 'nl 1' " 1 R ' 'l Caur,ril f , . fit' nMjCSA l',ra-rL iri-i- ', Tire In" rf '...''. Central Lank -J "" ET','!'"e V.ink of Brv'i " . . Lir.kcf XJv!.j.1.3, P:.r-.:x Bttk,Co:n'.us Rif.k rf n'r-XiriorXe (J.'y Cnuucil if y "' ' ;f rills C.'. j Cjunr.lrf yjccn c;"r c : r C..' ' -f "Iji.. nl jIjoJ I'j.ink -':'' f E:ri-nerli:, V: r;: : . v.. I"e':'"-;i -; .-, rf Gnwu-i V, rtJi tf Cc ..-:":' us . P. 0' er ifL I r. h a n ic$ B 1 , IhnkcfGdlr Georgia 6 pr. ct. 1.1' mlffo GeorT' t " : " ". el. " "j r -TJI r - ' J i ( i Charles 'f 1 U Bankff '.;.'. '-:, , Covn'i y Utnn , ,," f r I in.. J' i : nVip c.i f n LuInO's I i ;hfiri ):n ir; L,,- !vtd hytnutv I i;ia;i:is tor L;ilc aXXii;CJUca a-, 75 CcaU per quire n ' t .rj'an w is t' jy ! :: I tiow'Lv Ifa' c to intend my U lie jr-m.:raUy I .'.it I, tvitl carry c i l' ? " ' c g.isjis si ox x: uczr. r: at the. pamc housed and hope, by tTOT't s to busir-rs and puttiri 1. ",. 'ir3 to ".,'1 ! .: ', if the lij'nein., to ft a re J;:!era.'!,!j cf ll.t .,.:'' V, z ag, (and for a trial heie .I'or., rt-ecivii:,,; and Lr. "':.r i-Z t tr.'.r.i. ecrJa ji;r packs;'?: fnr v-vM'? z. sr"J ', the river or rai!roicl 121 ( nfi T'-r ii"L&e cc i r i ng n 4 kc ii n g "; pro d a c e :.! p r c e n t. : f r L ; j ; goods or billa of Idling aai f ir?r2 F '.r f Hambirg, S, C Jr;ly" 11. Raxawat from tie tulscril-cr on l. " 17 mulatto apTjpn:;ce bfy, lurime ,y ".vood. name a c 1 l.l 11 1. " 1 1 t;aid boy In a C hereli'T fortwum , 1 " Court of Hay about 18 years old. hft . imaken IjX" .! from trading with' or Iiarboring tail 1: ? 1 : 1" penalty f The' law. I wi'l give &' . r for ez'iC I ; if iver- I - wood county, C JulvS. lBIf." AT 1 he 314 S3 311 10 9 ' 9 Itt 10 10 IS C3 at 13 1J y 1 r ' :7 -It J . 15C 13 CJ CiJ 625 -SC3 23 15 7 C'J i : ) 3C s: 5C: 8 CO 8C 5 U J 2 i 2 f i d C J 13 37 I 23 1L Ci tf Li 15 2: ) 1-1 8 1 ; 2: i 22: sn s 11 11 3 I! 1.1 17 f t r?- I- 1 ::"'r i' - - f - - . , - . v, Q :. :