'if - J POETRY. The Cat her iu. : Son!?. The following capital onj ira nng recently at fba Rmt vfaa MctJnc at rrir.actjr J.V ! Aroate I aroase ! come, Whig, arouse ! For Harry of the West ; Of all ths me a for President, , Our Harry is the hett Lt the farmer leave hi plough and scythe. ax a never grunge a eaj , if For man a day has been spent for (limY - By good Old Harry Clay. . J Let tlie man that raelU die stubborn; ore, Wipe off the sweat and dost, - j J And tpend a day for Harry Clay, - Tha man we firmly trust ; -i j I . Tia be would keep your wages irp i Above European pay, -f '"!! Th?i freely leave your moulds, and baste, ' join the Club for Clay.f j ! J : " Let those who draw the massive bar " . Look backward on the past, ; ' ! Without protection to your trade, j '. Your hammers, would stand fast ; While to England's pauper laborers,' A tribute we must pay, , Then rally freely with the restj And join the Club for Clay. And yoo whs r.ie the anyfl rinj, ? Come join us without fail, : 'v . j V or to content to drive the shoe, ; . i While England makes the uail ; , j ' ' ' Cut raako our scythes,' our chisels and knivei .While by protection blest,;. "T Then leave your fires and join our Club, ' for Harry of the West. .''I . And you who make oar boots and shoes, . And you who make our leather, fall In, your Interests are at stake, j .; Nor care for wind nor weather: jr Fur France will make our boots and chocs, - 'And you remain oppressed. Unless protection you support, In Harry of the West fiorrte all, coftte All, of every trade. ' United let us stand, '";;"'4 ! ; l ; ",!'' And still support our spinning wheels, 'Gainst those of foreign lands: j: i ; Let's raise the wool and weave land full, Till every trade is blessed. :, ij ; " ' By means that always found support,' j In Harry of tho West. 'i. Come all, corns all, who feel opposed To annexation and free trade, j Against their champion Jimmy Polk,- ' , 1 Now be their protest made ; . And rally, and join from east to west, j ' From mountain, glen and brae, . And east your votes, November nezt ' i For good old Harry Caly. . j ' iT. M. CoUrain, August 27t&, 1844. - - i 'r, i ,'.. From tha New York Tribune, if" nardcr and Synching florr.3 weeks aince mention was made of a cass of murder and lynching wiiich occurred, ca CillphuV Fork , Texas. ' Tho story was then' confused, but wc have it now in all its enor- - tnity, as communicated to the editor of the Arkansas Intelligencer by Col; S. Reeves, n rcsrcctabla citizen of Van Bu -en county in ' that jbtatc. ' Col.' Reeves has,, ust returned freni tt trip to Texas where bo v as present at tha trial ,-&c. in Fannin county. The reader will obtain tho readiest insight into the story by reading the confession of L. Ray, or Vray, one of the men egaged in tho first . tr.urders : 't-Andy Jones, Harvy White and Read came - tv my house and proposed to go and kill a I prty of. Indians, who we're encamped about tvd' r'?3 and a half above my house on Ciu:'..Ca"hur, At first I objected, but they . insisted, - We went, and I prevailcd pa them -1 to return. Upon our return we heard of Mitch. ell, and Jones observed that if it was the same Mitchell that be knew, he was of the riht sort." Jones went to Mr. Mcatchs ' to get some corn ; on tTis rouio bad; he met ... .with Mitchell, and they came tomj house and ' commenced talking about killing the Indians. Again I endeavored to prcsuade them not to ; kill them, but of no cOVct they started and I went with them. When we arrived at the camp, which consisted of three men and two ' boys cf the Delcwarc tribe, Jones sho; one of . the men, Read shot another; both were killed instantly ; Mitchell snapped. al one. and bent hisguabya L!ow upon the Indian's head, . vlb ran ofi. They told ni; to pursue him, - which I did, and ran atcut c:!.ty yards, and thi-n fchot at him. When Mitchell catne up i toi.n. - .l7--- m , i i i Tj' taTwait until I had bade d my gUIl ar.i I would , ahow him; we pursued him soma ctancevj---" On our return back wc came by .!.crc a tit-' 'tie Indian hiy dead. I asked. Mitchell wha ki'.Iedhim.? He said Iw caught him j and Read stabbed htm with his knife. One. Indian man, v wounded, made his escape also a boy, unin - jured. . The property taken from the Indians was . twclre horses, lour guns, three bVais -kettles, some saddles, &ud about forty deer akins, nil of whjch'was equally divided be. . tween us five in number. s So far es we can understand the ma ter, all these wretches, save Read, who" roa!del his ei . cape, were arrsted by the inhabitants! of the county' and brought to summary tr'ialj t Col. : Reeves thus describes the manner in which it was conducted : . ;".". - j -The compnny on the ground about-250 ;rsons selected four of the oldest'; settlers ounty to. choose V j-j- of twelve from iiffeie'nt parts, and la lh?countv Jf l!'e.M,ad"ahy " IS L I " jury Were jabsebt a short time and returned a TCroici againsi Jones, w iihbi bsw vuwi, and sentenced them I to be hun. but were idi- vt dei in opinion, respecting Rar,- who made the confession.1 Tle verdict .was aulrouted to the cempany, whp formed ihemselvea into n botlowr square, wben a vote was laienJ I'.j, ; ;s r. .:( ;.. -i"i-)T '."i I'f1" ' "!"" !:,u"'""f - ( r ) vote was unanimoui to ban? Jones; White and Mitchell In the case of Ray,1 a fewe were for sparing him, because he con fessed: but a large! majority voted toj hang bim&nd the next uay thcr were all ciecu- ' It Is to be presumed that in a remote and thinly scattered selilement, like that which was the scene of thii tragedy, it would be im. possible to bring offenders of this descHptios to justice, in the usual forms of law followed in organized society It is abundantly man' ifest jlhat the murderers of the Indians de served the fate llhry 'received ; but that there roighjj be ho question on this point, Ray made the additional disclosures; implicating several of those hung in crimes committed in the Uui ted Stales. We copy this part of the confes sion: '. J C :; 1 7 ir..j ! f At this lime Jones, White, Rend and Mitchdl have in their possession a negro, whorrj they said they took op in the prairies. The last conversation I heard them have, they were jlalkingof running this negro and selling him,-Jones and White had conditionally' sold their part to Mitchell and Read. Read ob served that ho bad done almost every ; thing that a man could do, but nt running negroes be said he did not know whether he was a secure hand lor not. Mitchell observed that be had I : - 1 ; ..." ...! 1 ,. 'I .; .. v - i ; " dealt in the article1? some, and that the only way wus to sell him and ask him to meet you in some remote ,Iace, and nvike clean! work of him meaning to kill him. Read told me ihat Jones and While had killed a man in the oiaie pi Arkansas Dyiine nameoi iuos3.; tie said that soma men by the name of Pie rev hired jtheru to kill him; they gave them a race mare, a riflj gun, and promised some money. White and iJoues waylaid the corn, field no til Moss cane to work : Jones fired first, according to agreement, and killed him. They got the raqe mare and carried her to Missouri, and placed her in lbs hand cf Jch.i Whitesides, uho, with Elus Rice, ran I . ', ;. m, fkfAnl -i . v i; ); ;' ! J b 1 1 H O'JUJ C. i Cr: .1 i:. Tt;c nsijM,ihood of Dal., time j lt. 1 Ho .vard streets was thrown into a scenu l t t.jst mirthful excitement the other evening between the hours of six and seven . oclocK. . ine clattennjr ot horses hoofs had drawn the merchants and their clerks to their doors j in .expectation of; wit nessing tho passage of a troop of horse, but it proved to be a more interesting sight, that of two beautiful ladies,! with their gallants by" their sides, whipping up in a masterly style. A lady on horseback is certainly a most at. tractive sight, and ncycr'perhaps had two la. dies a larger host of tidrnircr3 than the two in question. In passing tho corner of Howard street J however, the jform and figure of the lady iq advance was observed to bo uuderiro. ing a wonderful change What can the mat- lerbct was the universal exclamation, j An :m I. J ' j -j j ,, s. . . . .... i " j evident transformation was about taking place but the mystery was finally solved by a hugo and unearthly lookinig object falling into the street.- The horses behind took fright and dasheef ahead liko lightning the boys shou tea wc clerks .were unallant enough to laughand the draymen lay down and latih ed in tho excess of their mirth. The article was speedily seized on by tho ben s, but a gal-' lant young admirer of the ladies snatched it, from their ruthless grasp, and triumphantly boret it away. Soma idc-a of the size of thu 3 ! . article may bo had by the circumference,' in, eluding the exterior j appendages, which , is twenty six inches. Ball. Sun. To those xrho Thixili. j -What is Disease? What is unhealthy vims 7 How is it that the email quantity of matter upon the point of a lance epoidJ bo capable of causing the most fearful complaints! How is it that the teeth of a dog, of an adder, or of & rattlesnake, should be capable f imparling.maledies before which the most powerful or the most feeble fall victim 7 Is it not that the viru- has the same power over the fluids of the human body that yeast has upon fermenting liquors.? Now some persons have their blood in so pure a state that they cannot receive iafectioh of any kind. Many cases have occurred where a rabid tloghas during the same day bitten several persons, soraw of whom have escaped entirely, while others have died ThiisonIv to be accounted for on tlie 'Tinpbs that there was po impure blood upon which t ?ct in those pcrBons who escaped. AH can bo in f ..xiA-eondition whi wishi and who are willinir to per. kiJVerc with the BRANpRETII PILLS until' their blood ;is entirely regenerated and freed from all im. panly; Uow important it is Uicy should bo appre ciated) ; ,:t -liv v k ";.. i , ,:-!! nv' ;-:k., !.:,' , .j... ;.; Tiiese Pills are . for sale in every county in this . fr . v . 1 . . . ... i.i siaict Ri crnw per uo , ana may do nan Dy ine PATTOtf &. OSBORN, Afhcville, N. C. ' J. M. ALEXANDER, French Droad, Ni C. . IJAS. C SMYTH, IVIorginton, N. C. iWM. L. GILL & CO Marion, N. C. Sept. 23, ; V I103J 1 The.' Bdncombe TaoorERS are herebv c- - to parade at Wm. R. Baird's, on the Slh cf Oct." next, at 10 o'clock. A. SI, armed and c- -,; c 1 cordins to law. Cy order cf . ,T " " ; .. W, JO-NES,;. Spf. 13,1844.- -' 213. : Williams tlc';cr:a" Wrsn to purchase Wool. Feathers. Ccrswax. enti Tallow, for which goods ti the lowest prices will be given. I ; ,v 1 !" Mai 191844.' J-'" ': f'i'1 .'!;!--' : n' r A Valuable Lot in Ashevi'Je, north of the Court I house, and extending from the slate road toJ.be Hay 4 wood road, containing four or five acres, with a comJ fortable DWELLING HOUSE, and TWO LARGE CONVENIENT SHOPS for blacksmiths andcar-i Tiage-makers. Appiyw . . j fETER STRADLEY.I Athevill, Bept. 6, 144, tf 112 V' sV. " f Dn. M IS TI! JAYNE'S MEDICINES. Mclicwe?" we exc!a:med the other day. on tdfcliD-rsume of Jayue Tonic Vermifuge. It certainly Uas nunc of the nauseous flavor which one associates with the idea of jiytic. Cnilcren consid er it mile a treat, and in laking.it their palates are gratified, an i their health restored at the same time. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge not only destroy worms, put carries off the jmucus in which they are imbed ced. and effects a radical and permanent cure. Evc- r mother knows the prominent symptoms of worms. uch aa veracity, leanness, fetid breath, grinding of the teeth during clet-p, ; pulcness or the lips, itching of the nose, &c, but there are other indications not fo geneially recognised. A dry cough, dull eyes. enlargement of the abdomen, and many other ay mp- toms common to other disease, .frequently denote the presence of worms, IT their existence is ercn ut-oected, this Vermifuge should be administered, because it can do no harm in any case, and may do incalculable good. iV. 1. lribune. i Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, No. 20, South 1 bird street, 1 uiUdelpIua. Wia! War! The. Wig makers have declared bosl ih ties ngainit our neighbor. Dr. Jayne, on ac count of bis Hair Tonic, which is knocking all their business into a cocked bat. Ladies and gentlemen. old and younz. are flocking to the Doctor's standard. Heads Ioug divested of even the first rudiments of nair, alter using bis Hair Tonic, soon appear with new and flowing locks, which Absalom himself might have envied. Beardless boys arc seen with large and bushy whiskers ; and ladies emits again through their raven ringlets' more beautiful and be witching than ever." Bald heads are doffing their wigs, and throwing them to the iuoIes and bats while the wig makers stand aghast as they behold the demolition of their business.. What will be the consequence of, this war wc know not, as the wig gies are outrageous, and the Doctor remains firm and declares that. some tilings can be done as well as others, and that bald beads mar as well wear their own hair as the hair of others. TV-' -j tenger. . - " - i. ' ., -Prepared only by Dr. D. Jaync, lij. LJ, South Third street, Philadelphia. . ' Hive too a Cocuii 7 Do not r.c!ccl it ; thousand have met a prematura death for the want of a little attention to a common cold. Have yon a Couh 1 Dr. Jayne's Expectorant is a safe medical prescription, containing no pol&onous drugs, and used in an extensive practice fir sevcra years, will most positively afford relief, and 6aveyou from that awful ciase pulmonary Consumption, iv!.:' j .veeps into the grave hunun,Ji of V ' , 1 ( M, the fair, tltc lovely and the gay. .voyoua Conjh7 lie pefnuaded to purchase iMli of tli3 Expectorant! To-day 1 to-morrow may La too late. Have yon a Lough 7 Ja'nrs Lipcctorant 13 the only remedy vcj f liouli lake to cure you. For this plain reason, that in no one of the thou sand cases where it has been used has it failed to re. lieve. ! Prepared an J fo!J by Dr. D. Jaync. No.29, South Third street, rhde'.ii. s. What can be more trying to the feelings of a moth. cr, than to b.ho! J h;r i.-.Tji..t writhing ia Hie agoniea of cholic, or iv; " r " dor l!) it tcrrille scourge - cr co-rrAivr? c i be t.oct d wi:.'i Frccd of infancy, dioKri i" And -ct a ra.cal r .; and certainty, Ly i.d. .rin tj f that ines;'JniiL! rr ' i J... l"ttl EU..t:rcr Balsam. Nob-wit' '! !-.. '" ' . :n. ! - rll rr -n- a j iui.iiiK.nt ('.'it. sable family medici"1, i-j ? ' plaints of the fctom icii, bovtI-, !,..- tern. In le ecu;.i and v. ct it place in nc?.rly every d:- - Prepared only by Dr. 1). Jayr.?, Third stiect, Phdadol; Lia. O.slv C.i: ir a "air Tiiial. We ask no more r f anyo"", l. 'i lorrri ur. j.;vf"-,T- Lixpcclorar.i a la.r trial, and if it dues r e'-re t'"- v"-1' disca-es for w hic!i it i.s rtrommt'i.. J, PfM3 ".. r i; - ir- " c'ljcf ual- Iy t!.u.n any olher medicine thai . ..- . : t . . cllVrcd tt t. i puh.ic. the proiTulur h -'-. pcvilty, however severe, t'.c pi.'. !. ; : ; r to impose upon him. It ha, and it v. i!! c i 2 colds, asthma, bronchitis, bleeding fru:n t!: ' lav- or throat, v. hooping couh, croup, and a very lar-j n.a- jor.ty cf l..e nrtt Lopeless cases .if conr-u:. ; iLn, w hen j'liyfricians and their prescriptions fau to t) any good. Aainwe6ay, only try it. It will not harm jcj, but it must and will do you good. Prep i red 01. Jy by Dr. D. Jaycc, ICo. 2J, South Third street, Philadelphia. Nothing can EdtAL it for curing consumption and olLcr pulmonary diseases. The follow ir -I Liter of Dr. Drigham, of Lowell, Mss., Lut tpca.. -s t.'.e uni form language of hundreds of other T. . j, v ho hare tried, and therefore know how t j cjrcciile Jayne's Expectorant. 1' Loweix, Mass., Ju.n. 27, 15 14. Dr. D. Javne: Dear Sir, 1 have used yonr medic! - (so univer sally known by the name of Jay-'a Ii:; "'innt,) in tny practice for a number of years, ar. ' .1 ict truly say, that I have been moro succt; nseof that as a milJ, safe, and theror 'i ex; irl, than of any which I have ever used. It id the best for the following obvious reasons. It dies rrA (if riv en in proper doses,) occasion a du-u- "!;r.i3ca. It does not weaken the lans ar.d j : - - tern like most olher eipectorar:!.-; i . nor does itabatu the appttjle of the i' it' nauseating medicines, which h lecn i faculty. In a word it is' taij tr (4 ... : . whicli has been Eculit f .r by i;.-r.y . for ages gone by. i I remain, yours, tc, 1 :. : Luther T':ta Prepared fivtly by Dr. D. JayL: . Third street, Philadelph id. ' ..Worms are Swept Awat from C 3 : i bowels by Jayncs Tonic Vermifuge, as Ly t. ...i of destruction. They pcill un.!. r i" - p: ii- fiuence instantly, and are exp. cd . 1 in which thev are imbedded. Th"s cure i .3 all cases permanent, and if a recurrence jf t!ie dis order should take place, a few drs of the rri tion will never fail to produce th.2 desired o J?ct iVr the effect does not weaken with rrrcfithn. Those who suffer from piles or tclj llci.t fver, or any cum plaint where a mild tonic or alternative may L-3 c1 sirable, wi3 find in Jayne's Tonic Vcrrr.ifc, a i..: t valuable remedy.- - Prepared only by Dr. D. Javne, Io. 25, yz'Zi Third street, Philadelphia. The Hai?. c""-ot grow while the roofs are ( . ged with fcjrf .and dandruff, an7 more than l! " tree can flourLh whose trunk and branches ar. r",c. '.zd with mdi-3 and canker. Scurf and dandr;..7 are cncsrdbv P''ppressed pcr?piration, and pre a certain s:2T t' ".. t ? vcscla f the ecar re'i.'re inTigorating dvstbcm tj th"-v oiT t!.j Toistnre which rn- : hird. s- ".3 of the rkin. V ' -t'--Tf . f', i; -suif so crjc t- . - i: , . I.ieh by promoting and Etrengtheft .ejs the hair always in i . -'.' .y circuh.i. inj the iacl3 .f the -a rTficllv L:j.!'div Prepared and sold by Dr. D. Javr, 23, Eoutli Third street, Philadelphia. - - . - . "' j ;: -" ' t ' iz :( - '' '- i ' """" -' ; " , " : '' -" . . . . ,Ca a-V,"omaji BE EEACTirTL, strictly sptakin?, without she has a fine bead of hair ? We think no?; Lot if any lady lacks but this to make her hair criti cally beautiful, perfection is within her nacfu She has only to apply Jayne's Hair Tonic to the sparsely scattered, or coarse and! wiry tressen, and in a very short time she might complete with Venus herself, in the tidiness and luxuriance bf her shining curls. Prepared onlyi by . Dr. D. Jayne, No. 20, South Third street, Philadelphia. ; - ' ' i-. ' i ' " : : : . .-. : il : : ! . ! t. f I .'tlirt ' Zr.;!& 'J"i Hats Too et Twed it? If not, do ijoj dly aaother day, bat eend immediately ; if yea have been one of t:, wleanJ r fu-...t, t..J tLtaJ bought a bfAlle, tLe ftuetijn ii s.vJi.l y. x Lars recovered ycir health. - JaTne Cartiir.ilire Li'.;m, f-.r L jvtci an3 hum mer UMspiaisl, pever x .s. it is l.:e or.; meaicine that wij cere. Tl.oueaads of person?, tiave given thej- UsL;.: ;ny ia lis fa r. lici fazZj tLc-Ii rct fce wi:hout it, , Prepared or.lv It Dr. D. Javne, No. 5, South Third street, I'iaviclphia. Jatxe's Fx?CTCia:st. lo tihcr tifJIcins will remove mocus or pi frcii tLe throst ca ihorcvhly as this. ' It effectually loo?ens tr.e Coagusatcd masses from the membrane w hich lines the tracuia, and al every cough the patient will bring cp port'.ons of tLe d.sen gaged natter. In a:l ecrap.a::.t3uf t? f u...i- nary organs, even where nature se"nu V Ix i.ain; no effort to throw off the disease, Jayne's Kipccto rint imparts vigor ; to tle macJiinery of rerpiration and enable them to dusencumber themselves of th obstructions which had impeded their free tperation Loughs, colds, bronchitis, pleurisy yield to this pre pa ration, if properly administered. - . l'reparecl only by Jr. I). Jayne, no. outn lliird street, rhitadelphia. Tiic whole Woai.D !siiocu kxow It, Uiat Dr. Jayne a cipccioram u a certain core lor Asuima, j ana that tor cu2s. ioias, consnmpuon. noopmg i Congh, Croup, Ifronchitis, and every other disease of the Lungs or Tliroal, is sore to produce the moet decided benefit.; Jt is recommended by thousands,, n ho have tried it, and all say that it is the best rem. edy, without any exception, for all Pulmonary Dis eases, that has ever been known, for it always gives relief, and .cures when every -ther means have fail ed. T- V"' ;. VT'-" . , :r, . ra Prepared only by -Dr. D. Jaync, No. 23, South Third street, Philadelphia, ..-.-, , Jatne's VeRio?i cK, has gladdened the heart of many a mother,1: wiro had . ezpeeted soon to follow her child to the: grave, but found it restored to life and rosy health bf this "celebrated ispecific.- It ex. pels worms without irritating the coats of the stom ach and bowels, jand combines the virtues of a tonic with those of an alterative.'' Neither the Vermifuge nor the Expectorant has a rival in the whole range of the materia mcdica, for diseases t? which each is adapted. . ! i Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, ") Third street, Philadelphia. i Tub Mo.net is retur-ned if Jatm-.'s C does not produce the most d ":.,.-J l- : Sick Headathc, 1 Gripir ' D derangements of the f. : . - sale at No. 20 South Thud street. It Nevf . A-r. . , j Ar :' erf.::., -. . u :J;j , " L'.acI:. ; ' 1 . . . irritatii;:! t t. . -.1 all euch cava ly i . ..s ,v . ing a healthy tore to t! 23 Soutn Third street. - , .. 3 arc rat; ; I.y ths - av.vk's Vl Luicurci the wormta and niipart bowels. For tale at No. - ' - i Asthma ca Fimiisic is caused, by a lodgcrr.crt cf phlrgm or racus in the'air cells, which tlstr ih1? pa-"T'; of the' air throt3?h the wind t' ' Jayne's Expectorant removes tho obstruction, v.;h the greatest facility, and cures the t'.i.-e tti.,, . It is prepared at Jfu. 23 South Third ttr: . Coughs akd Colos. Jayne's J2xpcciora:,t is a pleasant and certain remedy for all IV!: : ; - ry aJTcC lionsJ Prepared at No. 3 South Tl.irJ Elrcct. CaoxcuiTis, Coccus, Co"CirrrN. Thousands die annuallyi with the above diseases. Jayne' a Ex. pectorant never fails to relieve, and pLrmanently cures nine out of ten who cse it as d. reeled. Pre pared at Nc.;20, South Third ttrcct. '.Worms Df ioy ti:2 Liyl3 cf 'iYtsanp, nrt only of chi!d.M L-l hLo ado...-, prjj.icing I' - pepsia, Einaciati.i, C'T.v:' ' IV - - horrible train of dtvih drn". Jiynf 's Verr;' fugelo be Lad at Io. ZJ-'.i 'ii.'.rl f.rtt., U th? only , remedy i.ced.-d to i.: : tj rw-L-r-iion to health. ! Ccsi.vmc, r.io:.."":r:', .s-r::::. TTo remedy has ever been found to remove the above diseases bo rro:v.i!t! v ar.d a ccta! v 1. 1 jV , ne's E-i i ccru.t. It cle-ir!?es the fr--1: at the fame time it he'i IV, -:.dat 2o.3 '. inv;"-jral?' '''.en- ,dtt Lt. - . Every r-.'Ver . It is vtry , p.;- :.:. ly i(f thf? .t-im-. .-ih TL.rd ' ' Avi'.Ic, OoIiORN. 1071- C. 1.1CS ami lYnT:" j c . flpuld hiva Jayn, C.i. thing th"v r"" 1 f',r t' "ir c'. cures 1 he Choi. c ar. i -ilay all in Uch a lid Luttia. a tji" bu.C al . street. ' T' 3 above tncd!i-!ncs rr" f - b . ' P ' " ' 1 j ' - i.ii j Ac-ust3, 1311. O,' :i . ,a . j , I,'. C, on the 2.:ih of August, a mn ) v ' I -i- If Suin'ul ct!;r;.-ve; ai.J a ncgrj r;rl .hj cal'.i herself Sidney. Snr'-"ov? about iio year3 of age, about 5 feet 10 inch' s l.';h, gray eyed, sandy Lair, rc i whiskers a..J C-r'.l r oi. flexion. lie Elates that from Leil.'rl j I' t., S-C Sncljrove's cond ,c t waa w !.'. j trj ! to pat,s through this county, v. tjc""!e k: j c!n and cause his arrcfcl and eom.Ti'ttil. l1ir!:v,-o-man is aboutj ycc..-3 i f i. j u L i.l ".- - j-1 5 feet C inches in L.;-'.1,.i ' ' ' 1 - ; " !. real owner will do wt.l t .V-o: . . ." 1 1 ".ve his owners! ' , Grbl-3 will Lj th.-p- t.' 1.3 l'.e law directs. '. ri. LA'IDERT, Jailor. Spp'cmlcr 13, 1" 11. Cl. 213 Z2r. Zay. ,"s l:rii'y . I'atto &, O-BORX hive f r sale Zccllciuc? A... J.ll At HA III T " HAI" EV; cal.:i:;a' vr;; em ArrE pills, v y 31,1 J. . ... .AM . . i: io: ' J . . vjik) i i..c c.i..- i.a of Ahevii that IjC bus coi.iL.viiC "j-.try, 1..3 . 1 1 Tct in j.'; j., various Lranch -, i t .-J ( -iir i rlh-t --t cf the Court-house, where he ; ;- : tj eiccu'.e all work in his line wi:,'i neat : J lv ; tc!) ; and from recent instructions in f : 't ?1yl3 of cutting, frcm .ots cf the t.z;-:l f . ! ill 2 labors in the c!ty cf New York, L3 is enaL., d to say to those who have frequent intercourse ' .di the i..-irihi.r:i ci'des, ar.d have heretofore availed t:,crrt Ii-C3 of t! - c rf"vty ' r ; rocun'ng fasliiona. V' t:,:'.'r-t!ierc, t: .t l!,a iicc-sity is now supcr- d.d, and he he; a fiorn Lid attention to buinesf, and btudy of the fashions tp merit a I.beral chare of the r-ub'ic p-itror:: si. Ch-.'gri, moderate. N. B- 1 n iil c t ('.-''-! e-j c';t cf ere and al;n!f yarJ., t.ix catUt cltii, f -r fCiH'.l men others in I r:jortiun. ' All kir.Jo cf .irncnts cartf:iy cut for th j to v. h 5 h Ii 1 3 1. a v " th : ::i uj.de by f t rr. s Irs. i. ::cD. Af-heviile, Sept. 13, I' It. If 113 Ziifor::i..:iGii ZZ:nted - Or. Willi a 3i "IcAfle, a ritie cf Termacoy, Dtr rv co'j-n-, Iund, whs, v.heabjt heard from ia 1815 was i.i lheem;!jy tfC.-i. IVrs cf Haywood county, N. C. Should th'.s'r.T'tt L:s eve, or that cf any one knowing him, they r.cUJ confer a favor on the advertiser by addrcsir s a Lne to J. Ferguson. Itl Chatham tquare, JS. . .'. . t ' . N. D. The above information is desired by his niece, at the request of hr mother, Mrs. Proctor, who is anxious to know whether he is dead or alive, i August23, Ibii r , .7 i 111 ' -f7 V ir nm n a'nr.-. I . GrcciiTillt, S. t'.,. , L . - 5 iA-POTHECARY." CIIE31IST, AND Jveeps constantly on hand a full assortment of choice and genuine Drugs, Medicines, Chemical, Perfume ries, Paints, Dyesluff a Virnthes, - OHs, - Window glass, Physicians thopl furniture, nd hollow. ware, etc. etc., and ill articles in lis line all of Which he will sell at Charleston and Augusta prices..; " V uraers are solicited and vjrill be punctually altend. ed to. ; Jane23,184L 3t cow- 202- a O OlXti. Wk are now receiving a vtrr superior atfck, di rect from the cities of New York and Philadet phia, receully purchased on the most faTcrable terras anJ with great tire, selected by one cf the Drx, consUiting in part cf the following: Droa i r .-lhs,-casiir;rr, ar.J gnbrr Ker. - ' ' rs :::r i'.J ,:.erj-j?, .... . i ..;'.:r.'suiH'i;,t;wi'-'..:'S. t a:.J i . r!.ia, IL. . .t cT silks, l'-':-ri:ies,nioi:i.!:2e de Ij. , .j aij, ani nn!j:rs. I'ricv trir.t. and r!n:-ha:ns cf evry Xirtv and price, I-rI.h, l'rtitcli, and wi'h can tries and nv.' :ins. Aiicri-an, tc :Ltr Cleached and brow a wheeling, shirting, and other uomestics. , . - i White and Lrown linen, Uwns, an J diapers. v r Laces, edging, gimps, braid.-, and cord. Black filet veils, gloves, and mittens. Gentlemen's and ladies' era vutsl very handsome. Gloves, hosiery, and pucktl handkerchief, fcilk aoJ cotton. ; Lace and dimity, capes, co"ars, and frills. jjunnet ribbons, caps, and turn ers. Loruod s&u"U, worsted and cotton taw3. Suspenders, bossom?, and collars Turkey yarn, ppoot cotton, tapes on J corJ:. Umbrellas, parasols and sun shades. -BRUSHES. Toilet, clolhes, shaving, tooth,, il.li. Lad, Lite- wash, paint, fchoe. and h.rpe. corns. Dressing, Cne, tuck and s'Je, ptcket, redding, ic uf ivory, etetl, born, ar.i wood.' i IZrJSi rtrv.iKlSy and Cai$. Ccavrr. Ttir, 1- ' " "".ma, and pi!.-n leaf, of , black, dr ' brims. Men's aiui Lie brtit-. Floience, c; nets. Cloth, velvet, r f :diional!a .nd trend , new and fashion a !raw, and lawn hon 3. far men, bpvs, and :f " 1 bc'.s. i f.nvt ..1 and re:.""'. ! L. .'.a. ' i - .. I v.. '. "... J bev. v J and pegged shoes. v'. I..JMCC0, and Er-al pumps- - - , Vtlvet - Flippers. Youths and bojs calf and seal, sewed end pcf'jed Ycj' ' r." 1 boys ca! ar.d kip Lrc-gans end wia L" ' ! ' !, rn:rccc3, asicalf vvalliing thocs, tics, and slippers. - - , " i Kid, bukino, and half quarters, black, and colored. MLsfcs and children's gaiter boots, butkln?, brograns. Button cacks, ties, flippers, and walking tdiocs. - Women's morocco, calf, and seal fclippers, Eewed and pegged. . ' - - cooks a::d rrrATio:n:::Y. Lire family l-illr en 1 t ; - c-py an J hynin ..i i, j ...-) t S nt w (:,U ;:i ,:.! i d --, c" 1 nJtPxtl'0.kt&c. ' 'P 1 '!."' rt plain and ruh'd. kadi, wax, andvaf.r. Clay mcm I,- it and f Medicines, perfumery, points, indigo, madder, nnd other dye-BtulTs, jlasi" , Jy, &.c. " CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE. Good assortment, plain and fancy, of every kind. - CtM'tHrtMO ' " f f f ' Anvils, vicct ; east, Gennin cutler, American and Enjli.-h lllistcr I, English pitent grain and mowing tejtht , G-rr- in :ra?s do., bramble do., re.-p h ,r "' yl ''r.iw knivci', knives and f ik-.f .rv, ,. - L-Uhcr do., pocket, r-cn, t'" l Khaving bo3ni, jWi f'rii tljrarstnd fciFors; iacr : chisclii ; knob, stock, and pad , art J drawer d j. ; gun lot ks and 1 ce-fUcniilla; '. jU ur.l t J t f -id'-s, nrd t 1 'jvfjj, Jorg and I. iy fjih?, (t;" j f li 1,) f;'o"5S .... !ef and krn:i.,ig pins, f.-hir s; h.sium; r, hate ..t I?, Col.. -a , .'tr. J j inc( r? ; r- 1, wry A, t.:J lice : I jk.hr, j.m-'s ; : l...rt ! and ivai lin- - : ' . r-ir l.-:r;j ctr'-fj cut and wroi: taw, ur.d Ur tM.-P, a-. l;r f-ivr's, carid'.js' '. -, : r 1 ptu-Ti rs J ht ra and tacks ; 1:1, , cro. hand ..t tn.; httf)...-;, i t pi i ?f u,I; ct.rrt oi.ihj. tracj a.d ! -!:r c!i.u"s t- "tthtr w.::i r :miy of ether ert-' this lu.o. " - AT.ro, Saddlery, Lam--1', l.dt'.tr, whip, and trj-' ?, i7; rrrr;. .",Cd II s. n..Ae. Li j, LrL i u, Porto Rico, cr.d J jtva. jo a I , c r u s rs e u , i i a v a n 'i , a n a L llj- ,i ' r,j l; , r, i.!-, .iV'tr.t' - r.utms ; houeydew i.r.d e- fr.d t i!! )w caudles. Ai. ', iitid Killpetrc, t: P. -, ' t, c:.J lead, and i n!;;..;fT-.' to mention. A'd . J.i c ' . c ' l'-.e:,i. :. , f ! .ves. i -.-" tvlacco, p xd ta.fr: 'v.'e' v',:i ta1..-! try ct tho r.. -.rk - : : cf f c . Am. 1' ;.t c.!- I' 1 - r it f i t! ti: patto:;. " . r T - er i o r u : o n , a. r r i v c s & o n a ay, dav, 1 y a.;;. And h-avcj ! if , and Thurs day, Thursday, T. ar.d L'alarday. at 8 a. ::. Ir l T.ih.-Lury to A.-hevi'.l? i ornton, arrives i t'".-. y ;n 1 1 a, :y t y or.::; .;avc3 J-i-diy and Wrdneiday by 6 A. m. IVo.m Ahevile to ClarkesviiL, Ca tv, ice a week, Lurtehi-ck arrivts Vi"td;iesday and Saturday C p. ii., leaves Momhiy and Prid-i, 5 a. m. Troin Ashvh'le to Morginfon via Lurnsviile arrives Mond jy 4 r. m., haves Wcdnesdajr 6 r. u. Lrs. lack. . ' , - u. - SOUTHERN iota A? he vi'de to Greenville, S. O, four horse coaches arrives Ilonday, Tliurpday and Saturday, 10 r. m., and leaves Sunday, Tues day and I'riday, 4 x. ii. " ' t7jCSrCJLY-frei.il Abbeville to Warm Spring?, :t horse coaches arrives daily, 4 a. leaves daily. 4 A. M. " ' P'rom Asheville tm Cathey's Creek, via SL'ulphur 5pring3 leavcsrridjy.GA. m., errives Saturday, 7 r. iu . Durnsville and Cathej's crc.Ie cia.l.i z:? carried ca homback. . j lo3 I urkcy. Creek na:i &r;,.es every Friday at i- o c.c iv. i.,ana loaves ta.r.e day tt I o'clock TI.e Tost Orjce hcrearier . Lc opened cn Sun. day for the delivery of letters ar4 rratyrs, between a and 9 o'clock a. m. IJ. PATTOXt P. L , Aiheville, July 5, 143. "Valuable JLariil. For Gale. The Fubscribr wihes to sell about SEVEN uuiii'iii.u nkitLio ui aji. a, jjiug on a rf;r..i Droad ..river, in. Henderson county, near' Kind's Dridge, teven raile west of Henderson vide. There are about t. j 1 Zii,Z acres of river - bottom, part of wbichi? r'.k.- ;- i, -The- buildings are situated i.i a high, hcaitHy-rjiart- of the country, near a good spring, f There is a got?d dwelling house w!th all ne cessary ut buildings on the premises.- There has been gold found in nearly every branch on the clace. but ba3 never been tested uciently to know he ther thev would be worth working. Th lc'R:, thinks' it ennecesary to give a full description the premises 'as any person, wishing to buy will, course, examine me iana ana jucge lor thernselves. The terms of sale will be made easy, and the price of the land in accordance with the times. ' -, i " v moses cirni. '-. Hcnicrion county, Aug. 23, lStJ-tf. 210' ATTCN'TIO:; ! kz rcerc-J l?--;r r -tps' : t merlyc-ci;,!;iJby 3Ir...., v.tr.iv -I ' rccentlv l-T t!.a priclir t-.T.." . i. . - t vl received ' urge anu boau'w.-l , t : c ; c. . French, and AcrtCaa Gijd.', cer.la"...-j i-i the f"oL-.g c:t;c-s: French and Enrlish super. vo.!-djfl 1 Cloths; Uoe, brown, and t'uil mixed CI. ; vcr and pilot c!-"h f..r cvt rcat. ar.J r-hbed Cas inters and F itinsts, (a bts' chs;) Kentucky Jeans tTl3it "ty. check coometdey r.4.ln Jn rr.I, (a article fur pcntlcmrn's. wear.) 1 lain and satin, tP.k velvet, Valrntia, I:-iill:s uud lt"d::rg TCft:r. D'sck a ?ci bombazine; a ipara lustra , urn? ir i; cr de Swiss, hr.cn Chuarss and Lv.za:.,..., Iv new and, tvr!"l trt'.c!o f..r lidk ' LI.r !i Itilian f. r.ry . I rench ei can print-, chee?, p.iu.., I....J tri( c?, v' and ksriione.) L.acx, I ut.r Lrirs: Jaconet: SaiJS. I 'iid, t , -.ett; w".rcruillir",l-lir."t ; ' ' ' 1 ' " ' hlo end thread edisand ! .- ' end vKVtuaV'j tlcir; llacu t. '. s . wortted and rl'n bind.n ; si:; r. tlr . . ; and bonnet r.Lbons; ( .i i r.rd l-:-r!fJT. bans. Uat.taba; IV: !i capes and r ; cambric; plaid and fancy silk drrn ' and scarfr; ilk.Cag, pongee, an ! . ; l.anderkcrchiefs; Llack and w! - d. hosiery. .hita and bn"is r ' mitts; black ana wnne t . r- ij'i-i mcn'a super. 6uk ana l..rv. a . vi; super, t-.- s Llack Italian sewing r' : ..J twiot; colors do.; padding, 1 i d'ick rr.J . bomb-line an J satin i ' - id fanrjs. tike ) ; w:;:;ets. . . . - Leghorn, rpen w French trimmr r Alpine, Amazon v. . Deavon ttraw, ' i. Loncyccmb, and L:. . Lynncts, (rcr.:' :'. ' V t ".. and handsome.) HATS. : Russia, l!ack, i'rip, plain and r-; I i.r I (come rc4T5rkaL' (heap; Ix!.' . i' inn, pai:a bats; clot I, uiohair.er.d f .r l.;; s. ita::dv:m:i: a:;d cuttle ry. Knives and forksac-rt J ; f '"" nd pocket V - rafps and files; German and Jhighbh crad'; mowing scythts ; 1hh.s, f; ad s, aud h jvrli ; screws, .and locV., ; '.d; Enlih, Crawly, German, t steel;. fi.it ir irons ; iron fyiar f'.ws ; t Th ;":d 1 tr.Jlr:. ' s;l..r ; .isscs, croj rut t -; trace chaii-. ; .J clothes Lru.-h ; ; t, pantaloons, and vt.- - aeorUd; toilette glasses, 5tc. &c. , - SADDLERY. Gentlemen's plain and cpid'cd " ' plain and plush scat do.; bridle r.r J 1 : .. martin;;'., girths, and harnees; ZZ Jli wL!p, i: c nxs A nd , t :u i r Ixtt r r. .1 cap writing paper; p.ll..'t tr .blues' Alii) :::lDici::r A I.kr., ; : ortment, c-. ' r r turpnti-ie, C r.f with every i '!r art'.'-' : f - use, together with tur. i t.: .. kpt here exce; t by j pal; .w.c.:.t s r - t r Wiite and r: ! 1. 1 ' chrotno green cr.J y'.', ; i , j allum, biimfctcae, n' !' CofTce, tca, rv- pi r, tt . , :r, cinnamon, j -..vder, h -1, u- r.ooTZ a::u . A larrc OFFortmcrit c f f 1 shoes, ladies- heel inoro..co . hid pcrs, bfys and ini.-'.' tl. J' .- . '. ' Kir iron and r! r. ' ' and c; per leather, ( flrs-lr." Tvo V!-i!:f f r ' .) Kt titid . t J ch bers, togcthir wi'h every ot I i : : -"ja.-y t ;...;,y cth.'. t : . i i . '-I'MLV f ' ; cf t.'ic c .:jl,1c;. " ' 't Ti ( i: . d t . e v. , .' : i i .( v in : i.i t' 1 ill'C and oer -. . f:re l- uy, I 'i -"l let " r CALII or,;..ej va t.ndcr t j e . ' ' 'tr.! i fjr t" 'j c d on u-, ve t :r ation of that patronage., 1 in; them- of r c- . an 1 not i und 1 ti tl to tra!3 w k.) r . I roducc if thA; to:., 'jr which the h:!.ctt , rvh, f oods will r to attract attention.!. jhie our block nidpii' v.'iluv:' i:: April 5, ltll. 'J. we . b.:f-'.l i:xo:.vi! '-rr pfh V.rj rf t' j t'.s Vti liy Lcf-r? t' -r next. The c:-rre cf studv d J to L : l ' :" the f':x vtar;l! I ; ' t - cf ed .cation. j! : J f'r rr"!T are re-sr J n W n t t : et.. i nJ pi'i-ds arc M.trerml'li i f ' tlud.. ,i.u., ' -.erj hy t:.d Il-lry l -i't-JocJ. I'" i'r"t rpelh'ng, iv. Vi-r.rr- 'p daily in ad the classes, thoi''.i not ci; Ti. ' nt Teachers i i t. .y de; .r t aiid fiithful, jind n,' h f.nly ii.j 1 t.tuiion. The. patter.;; . t'i inter I M COIi , -'-"'I Li f t! t r .itronofr., i a cab"'. -1 Lr-, ! " J .nt ii occupied w i .- j th.it t very di-priri ..'its i.::;ervL - fvf.ec r '. f ry inlf r 1 1 i.'d js.o; -iical and ' j ' cn j rocurtd, v i f r ( -'inr , t t V.. . f h-wc. ' anv .1 ii V d fi ivnoxvi.: L37 -i 1 -al r " Y other' I iy intn ' i . -;i ssgood cs ' J Cf Tr ersir.j ry, vru-iii". ... -rrd:- n ! fr"i frix to ' M d Pirerli t ' r ',: g t' that all j , '.!.?Jllter., inter' ;t. f-:.J th:.t UU( the :'-' I-.s tf a f ed .c.iJ joR,"and not i .. tTif . words and . TI.:. tern. of " PRCPARATf " let DlTh.ioa in'-'f's tine, andmer jIq. 2nd Divisior T..' tea Arithc.wt' . 4 Crarnm-ir t . ACA-: Including the ab and Mental P" .. 1.1 :-t 13 any, and allt Literature ' Latin and Frcr branches cf r.iufeic Drawing and T. if. i ElZaI ro;aery, lie in.. 7h: Sept. 6, 1841 Appointments f j ; , J. ? tillt Waynesville c' Franklin . Pickens Greenville - " .r -HendVmT"-t CurniliSI.'ioi"" Ashev; ?V'' cC-"" - Xf' ' " of &t. " --v "" if'

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