4 3 -if T)0 n . V-' v -7 -v- I V I . ft v 7- NO. 13. t' ASE3VILLE..N. C FRIDAY, T r.:ri3H-8,i844. " 'Two L A-anc', . : ; V r ; ' Lon of tli" Adrerl' f r t"'ir'; n.J ... . n;- ! till i . :33. W. ATKIK, . : AND PROPRIETOR. the Mcssnsccn j it.ui and Fiitt Cent pcfr annom in - . .r.c Dollam within the year. '1 be discontinued, exrt pt at llie,oj I" 'Tt onlil all arrearage ary paM. ( : .i will b intviicd at Okc DoLLA.fi r T I n li'np or Iw, for the firut inju-rtioitl rr.Fir CfLtrrm fur rach tontinoanc.-ij r of fnarrtiona deairtd munt be markec. 'i, 'jr the adrcrtiftcuit'nf will be contyw. ft'd charged accordingly. Court Or. .urcd twenty fie percent ixU. 1 1. ig'i'a.iMii.m I 'jBgwttijw4-u i " ; ..ISCELLANEOOS. '-tircti . Ono t ".h'j'iin hi j c ' rem the French fyr t'ic EeTti!l. ::ccdole , ol a JtluiicIiC. returning from Cuilcrmtieio . pinion, he itoppednl an inn l mran iifj)c..i ioce, ; H was disui4d aj Culubri in peaot, with a Urge irmnile, pUtoi, poinurd, on!, on deirunding supper, was iVj.' i ima a liiilo back room, lighted by B arn.ixy I 'in,, whrd four men, ofa dia grccallo in,' cnierrd, and. plac'd tliur s!ve at i r., 'laring table. After-a fev moments Kc uiwerid that th men regarded liitn wjth curiosity, 'and irpk in a law tone, circumstances' which t auyttd , badly;. al,1 fH ualcrp, when th cooitcriaUor,bccome more frca. - . , ; " " r ! ' ' j Fra Diavolo toon, gathered that tho newj comtrs were prwicssiunal ussnssins, who had recognized him, and whoo achetno it, was til efcciiro and deliver, him op for the reward of. fercc. O.ie of ihem wished ta secure' him nt "n'ri the otljers, more 'prudent, thought bisl Jo await the moment nhn he should . o in bed, unnrmed, and drfenceteas. In the meantime, tho innkeeper entered with the sup. prond Pra Diavolo nvuiled himself of theJ no;s to' rbuio himself naturally, made a hear, jy. tneal, and leaving ordered a good bed, .f. .i'p-aid 'the landlord, withdrew la his ctiam .' At midnight tho four ruffians, as ho expect, cd, stole noiselessly in upon him, nno advan, triff first with an plMCure light, and a dagger in hij hand. Tim first regarded him cluiiely, an ) made a sign?! that he 'alept profoundly; oil reproached, and .were ub.iut to strike, wi.cn Fra" Diavolo springing out of bed, c)in- afmed pointed his pistol, at the fallow iviih light j andt blowing- but his brains, eric 1 "t wi'Ji dmdain : , ' 'r ,;hes! think yoa that FA. Diavolo tV r i hlthroat to he cut like a ahrp!", 'i 't'.irea assassin, struck wtLh dismay, r ' '. .i.tly, and; roused by tho r'se, jh 2f appear ,'frllh a lamp innis had, .d trenbhng. v . " "' "4 ' r.i Fra Diavolo M cried his logger, .j is scliipon my head : learn and re. everywhere that the fate of tjiis i i reserved for all who dare toraise a jiir.it nielM Thus saii.g, he disap his Jife, content!! himself wiih tying him, hand and foot, the cVremony concluJ d, he did as much for the rppaik-d and trembling Larber, who bad taken to hs prayer instead of his het-Is. Tj conclude the whole," put on the ciptain V I ,rkVanJ h-tt, threw hil-t cloak over hisahouldercnrounicd his horse, which stood at the djor, Vde him ood morning, and gallpped out of tho tyn ic carry the joke to his bind. ' ' I ' The Philadelphia itive" Amerlca'a' saysJ 41 We have been put in pssc : m of the par. ticulars of the birth ( ibcSno f insular and iremnrfcalta object the l.j-r.j,n pecics, I" I :r time, he met the Neapolitan excu , canducting two brigands to the little Ami, where they wero to bo hang( II detachment of carbineers were an " having hasitencd forward to make 'lions, ind three men onl formed the i-aDnvolo attacked them, at te "'v t,f Gve. delivered the tyo M? 0.3 hangman Ca-jruinst .cry reaonh!e ha. auth-jiitits of lite ''Vi, i!o cxpecteil ' a messeij. f . I 4 .. ! .! .t ' ' wuicjj nas uecn seen in mis cojiry, or per. hops in the worlJ.'. " I The father of the monster told the Am"ri. ran." informant that ho had honed, tho f . would not come to the ars of the community. Proceeding to the back of the morn, which ty shaded and darkened by dam i& curtains, je found the nurse, who wished to know i( were losiruus of seeing the baby? and Suiting the action to the word, drew the era. die round to the light,' and took from lover it ajjquilt, and exhibited to'hisvicw, he said, one of (ho most hideous and singular sped mens of the human species which he ever recollected hearing or reading of. The hcadf irlj shape nod dimensions, resembled more that of a large bull.rng than any other quad. rued or biped, being long and flat and cover edj with short, thick, soft black down. The mMtuih, when open, is sufficiently large to take in a small egg. The tongue appeared to be forked, and when fretting in the least, stuck ouMike that of a serpenti The eyes, which w(re of "a reddish cast, were con.stry.ily in motion, rolling from side to side. Tha throt. tleie described as enormous in tiza ; and wht would choko an ordinary child, ihi3 one swallowed with ease and indiHerence. U is of the male gender, and in other j r- spejjtj resembles ordinary children, with the exception of one fool, Which ts as broad as lonj, and may be considered aa cloven.- Wljcn out of humor, instead of crying natu rall, it sets up the most pitiful howl imagina. blc,'aud 7hat is very remarkable, the child, he vas informed by the nurs has never shed a tear. Its food is generally boiled milk, swiftened with sugarthe mother not deign ing to suckle it.' Its appetite is always era vingnud it swallows every thing given to it wiihravidity. It eats very readily a saucer of its ulial food at a time. It has, been pronoun ced Ey scieciifit: contlt-men ivho examined it. hs tho greatest phenomenon in nature, and the creates wonder of the ojre. A fail cc- count; of it would, ere this, have K .'.litli ed, bui il was prevented by the f.tl.-jr, who was tenacious and immovable on tha point. This Recount, it is said, jjives but a very f .ir.t idea Qj-the child, and it v.t.s given !-v ; tlfma'l who ' was a mere casual vi!i.. . j made'ttto other examination than was z.;r !. "ed by ti few minutes view while it lay in the cradle, , ' 1 ' 1 '"'.V 'I ' ' Theshock of iin eartliquuko experienced on the West India Islands pn tho 30th of Au. gust, is said to have been longer in its dura tionthh any ever felt in that quarter before. In the inland of -Trinidad nil the clocks stop, ped. rpie waters of the Gulf, were extieme. " ogitffted. At Grenada, i the shock was vpry severe, snd its duration is said to have been al.iriningly long. "At St.-Vincent it was equally llwfulJ At St. Lucia the undulations continued for I fifty seconds.1 ! At Demerara njnny oj-the chronometers stopped, and ali the crews of vessels on tho liver thought thet i 4 j . i . were r on ,fou of by . other vessels; brick bijilding.i were rent opart ; the inhabitants were in reat terror. It was felt with the most severity at the penal settlement in Deme. rara, thesite of which is rocky. Tho ' con cJsion o;f the buildings themselves, and the -ntcred thebcavy irop fastenings of their doors and gates, created U tremepdous uproar, hign nbovu which, however, rose tho screams and bel- 'blowings qf the prisoners, praying to be re- JThe FiiLLiNG Leaf. Falling leaf! thou Jiindesthme of my own mortality. A' few njonths since ttou camrst forth fresh and :ri"hu Bui the frosts camel and thou hast alien. . 1 must fade and die.! A few more years and the frosts of death will touch my form, and $ shall fall like thee Jo the earth, audfmy bijr mingle with the dust. Fallen Iiaf! I will learn a lesson from thedfanc remember that my 'time,' is short, andjpassinglway May I so improve the re. maitiing f3ars of life, that when the pale 'messenger omcs,!like thee I may gladly loose my hold on fife, and sink a way without regret in anticipation of a more glorioual state of ex isterjee. Pirtfan Tribune. ' TkE Missouri Methodist Conference. Ve learn triirn the St. Louis' New Era, of the 5th uH.Vi'that the Methodist Conference ot -Missouri aljjourned on;. the day . previous. They ajpoinied delegates to a convention to be htild at Louisville, to take steps to separate th j Methodist Church, and to render thesuth. N-n wing inf pendent of the northern. - This .jvisiin aris'es.outof the question of slavery, Vhicii arose' from he proceedings in the case A TanZice Iiccu:akcr - You han't no occasion for a jour cor no. ihiii, I pose,' said a j illy son ' of Crirpia from the land of wooden nutmegs, as he en tered a shoe establishment, with his kit nicely done up in his apron. , , Wonder if 1 hain't was lhecp!y of the Doss. Why, I should like a dozen if I could get "t ; but what kind of a shoe can you makft 3 . ' ' ' O, cs to the rnvter of that,1 said the jour,' I reckon how I Cv.i make a decent sort of a Craft. ! j-- . ... - . ,: ;' . Spread your kit then,' said the Boss ; ' III give you a pair , to try, and if -your work suits mc, I can give you a steady seat of work.V 1 ' - , Crispin was soon at it, hammering and whistling Away as'happy as a clam at high water, and the Boss was called away on some cjsmess: which detained hint two or three hours meanwhile the tampering jour had produced a thing which bore some laint re. semLbnco.tT a shoe, and feeling somewhat ashamed of itjiid it in a pile of leather chips that lay on the (bor, and proceeded to make another, which ha had barely time to finish when his employer entered and began to ex amine it. , ! " , ' Look here, mistersaid he, ' I guess you needn't rn ike the mate to this ; it's the great est botch that ever was mads ia my thop, thii's a fact. 4 . ' ! P'raps youM like to bet a trifle on that said the jour. i ' j i' Bet, responded the Boss, ' why I'll bet u ten dollar bill against a hand of tobacco, that there never was a shoo made in this shop half so bid r.s this.' Done,' 2vs Crispin, at tha same time castit -j a sly wink ot the shopmates, 4 but stop, let rns sc if I've got so much of the weed with ' rne. Oh yes, her's a whole hand of Cavendish and lading it on the cutting board, he ventured to jsuggest the propriety of having the suet skin laid along the side of it, whjeh was no sooner done, than he proceeded to draw fron its hiding place the other shoe. : ' 'jllere, Boss, said he, ' you must decide the'; bet ; say which of the two shoes is the worj.t. 4 Well,' I guess I'm fairly sucked in this time, replied the Boss, pushing the Ca. vendish and ehin-plaster towards the rightful owner, and throwing a riinepence to the youngest apprentice. Tl:3 toy needed no farther instruction as to his duty, but wa3 c3" in the twinkling cf a ted poet , arJ soon return ed with a quart cf bhek trap. After all hands had suCT.cienlly rejaled thsmselvs, tha shrewd Yankee r -t h:s tic..3 t-j-lher, and biJJing th'j le:i n h:-arty r;noi bye, started giin on a tramp, very v.tll rv'.iif.ed with ths fjrecjun's v.t,i!.. ; , of the so re; ar lived tj'i y ?ase, and their . j disappointed icquisite iy ta bo hanc': 1 neither oj jTSjuI must who was tn uf tl m ,p urf !c ;iri r hts lien As this dreadiul iCvUi- ) l.-i ht:ly Lrcke cut in d.fTorer.t p uts cf C.2 c.".:.:try, vo re publish lh3 follow ir,- prrfcriptijn for its cure. It is given by !!r. Ci,-.:rd C.:.;.Y.n, cf S.C., who says that out cf l!.:rty-four cases which he treated, not or.3 rc.-r.'iir.eJ in bed 12 hours. Directions Irr.rr.edli'lely cn the first symj)tom, which is sore throat, give a full dose of Julap, to an adult CD, 70, or even 80 grains, at night give strong red pepper tea, from a tea cup full to a pi.nt, according to age and violence of the symptoms; the next day give a small dose of Jalap, say half the quan tity given the day before, continue the popper tea at, night ; on the third day, if there is any soreness remaining in the throat, give a .do- j of silts, which will generally effect a cure ; tho doses must, 'of course,! Deregulated ac cording to the age of the patient. Mexican Clai:is. The Ohio Statesman, published at Columbus, states, on the author ity of a letter from Mr. Shannon, the Amer ican Minister at Mexico, August 23th, that the instalment of 0209,000 now due from that Government, will be paid within 10 days from the date of his letter. 1 , As Columbus was the recent residence of Ex-Governof Shannon, the correctness of this information, coming through that place, may be i relied upon. Phil. U. S. Gaz. i : ' i ' ... ! ' , . . - : ' " On! ContfTRY's BmLE.-iThe American Messenger says, three of the speakers, at the late Bible anniversary, alluded in terms of deep-toned veneration and gratitude to those noble patriots who composed i the American Congress of 1782, who superintended a large edition jof the Bible, and formally recom mended; it to the inhabitants ! of the United States, thus publicly declaring; to the nation land to the world, that our free institutions are based on the oracles of the Jiving Ood. : i . ! .. " i i-i -. si, "i ' A Mcsselman ix GothamJ A new shop ias betri opt-ned in Bro;idwav,NNew York, by a young Turcoman, who offersNfor sale a great variety of -Turkish slippers,$worda, sruns. and embroidery. ; Trca tlie KalcWb R- gistcr. ) ; Ctats Tc:::; cruacc Coavcuticu. illALLica, October 3 j 184 The Executive Cornrnittce ofithe -.Stall , Temperance S:ciety, met this day at the call of the Chairman Present: Messrs. Peck, Lacy, Lcmay, Primrose, and Loring. - ilr. Wm. Peck look the Chair, and Mr. D. Lacy was appointed Secretary,- After .the object cf the "meeting had been stated by the Chairman, or motion, it was " i c ; Resolved, That Friday, tho lCiti day of December, 1814, be fixed upon as the time for holding thfe North Carolina -State Tempe ranee Convention, in the city of Raleigh.; H I Resolved ', i That the adjourned Convention of Fayetteville , to meet at Raleigh on the 24th of December,? be respectfully and earnestly requested to meet the Convention on the 13thj instead of the time fixed at the adjournment. Resolved, That all the Temperance .Socio tics in the state, be carnestiy solicited to send as many Delegates to the proposed Conven tion on the 13;h , as they conveniently can. . Resolved f That all papers friendly-to the cause of Tenipcrance, be rqucited to pub lish this notice. 1 ' " V . ' ' , , ;' HILL. PECK, Chairman..' D. Lacy, Sticretary. . . , ) ,r. WASHINGTON TEMPI SOCIETY. At one of its meetings held in Raleigh, on the 25th of Octobcrat night, it was ' Resohed, That it be recommended to our brethren throughout the state, heretofore in. vited to join us in memorialising the Legisla ture on the subject of the License Law, ' to send their Memorials to the Stute Tempe rance Convention; meeting here on the 13th of December neJJt, (for the consideration of that body) as wojinlead to give ours that di rection. ; . ' " - . . 1 wJ?i ASHLEY,' President. P. McGowan,. Secretary. . j... N Gordon Scutcuced.. We learn from the Providence Journal, that on VVednesday , John Gordon, convicted at tlie March term of the Supreme Court of Rhoda Island, of-lthc murder cf A masa Spraguo, was brouglit up, and Judge Durfee, Chief Justice, delivered an elaborate opinion, as the unanimous, judgment cf tha Court, overruling the motion for ansvr trial. lie was then sentenced to be h u r ca the 14th cf February next. The prisoner . -3 then i!cd if he had any thing to say why rer.tcr.C3 cf death ought cot to ba pronounced againt him, and being given to undent and that he had permission to speak for himself, he made the following declaration: 'Gentlemen These may be my'hst words ; 1 therefore here declare that I r.aver had hand, act, or part in the murder cf Mr Spraguo. I never had hand, act, or part in tha murder cf any man, tvoman, or chilJ. further declare that I never knew that gentle man. My persecutors have wickedly s worn away my Y.ht cs it is always mare easily to do to a stranger,, than towards one who is well known. I havo no more than this t? say. i . ( This address was delivered by tha unhappy prisoner in a calm, firm tone. i Wonderful Escape and Providential Rescue One of the most thrilling incidents that we have ever noticed, showing a vcnder ful escape from an awful death, occurred at Tuscaloosa, Ala., a few dayssir.ce. - On lh.3 evg-nirg of the 17ih ult. Mr. Thcs S. Tu!:'rd, a respectable citizen cf Turealoo aa county, . .yi) pursuit of his hors3 fell into a well t J.ivcca 70 and CO feet deep. He remained there that night and the next day. crushed bv the . fall on bricks at the bottom, No person heard his cries for help until a lit lb boy, between sunsct and, daik, threw a dead pig into the well. ' Mr. Talfcrd then spoke, and the news socn srd. Ropes were brought, and Mr. Josrph T. IVu worthy mechanic, descended the well with a rope fastened to his body, and fixing another rope round tho chest of Mr. TJ.'....!, Ljth were drawn up. The Monitor states t!.it Mr. Talford was in the last t9e f .:ioa and suflering. He had beta ia t!;e v.c'.l cl twenty-three hours,' doubled up as ho fell, unable to move his limbs. He was unable to. stand or to move his legs; the concucsica of the spinal nerves had paralyzed him. He was taken to a dwelling, where he received the attention of several medical gentlemen and the prospect of his recovery is fair, though his extremities were still torpid.' Mr. T. is fifty-one years of age, and the father cf six children. Therelwere in the United States, in the year 1840, 333 ropewalka, which gave em ployment to 4,464 men- ,The capital invest ed in them amounted to $2,565,577, and the value of the cordage, produced by them that yjrar was 04078,307. The greatest num. ber of ropcwalkjs is in Kentucky viz., 111. The article madp in that state is almost exclu sively ropf for.cottonjbale8, that being the de scriptton most wwtedW the sootL yt Suicide. J. ILNeal, a young man who was! confined in the jail' at Ripley, Tippah county, Miss., on a charge of negro stealing, hung himself with his cravat J on Sunday, the 15th ulu" The 'ceiling iwas not sufficiently high for a complete suspension, and he ac corrplished his purpose by drawing up his feet from the floor.' " ;, A poof crazy fellow, named B. Hilton, ap. plied to the Lord Mayors of London for the arrest of XiOuis Phillipe, 'during, his contem plated visit to that pity, for a debt. of 150,000 francs which he said tho king owed him for having raised men to put down Charles the X. He was advised ; to wait I till i tho king made his appearance in Loodpo. ZTalls of niara. " Thed:;orcf tha Woodstock HcralJ, 13 noticing tha frightful death of the young lady who Tecently Ic,t her fifo by fallicjj fruoi the Table Rock at the Falls cf Niagara in ta at tempt to pluck a wild Cower, relates the foi. lowing interesting particulars : - We happen to know something cf kanlrj over this Table Rock, and it is right that e j pie should tc rr.ada aware cf tho daegtr'thfy incur in trying ths experimst. It is cot tLe mere losing of balance that constitutes ths danger. ' There is irresistible fascinatiea. We tried tha experiment i-.r.3 years ago. Having heard that such fascination did exist, we determined to ascertain whether it v. ej r j or cot. Accordingly, having lain Cat down on the Table Rock, with a strong man hold ingeach foot, we looked over the fearful pre cipice into the foaming boiling surge below, and before many minutes we felt an over whelming impulse, which, but for the physical force with which wa were restrained, would have induced us to plunge at once into that unfathomable 44 hell : of waters.? It was a moment of exquisite pleasurable sensation. buv ,o mome'nt the bare recollection of which strikcievery chord of our sou! with inexprcs. sible horror. , Such is our own experience so far, and v. a believe few know tho Falls of Niagara. more familiarly than wb do. J We have stood on the Table Rock in 14 thunder, lightning and in rain" in sunshine and in moonlight. In all 'its aspects the scene is terribly beautiful Nervous people, however, should be careful in the amount of ; indulgence which they rive themselves in investigating the mysteries of Niagara Falls. W e remember cf a your j man having become irrecoverably mad in cocse quence of his going behind tho 44 sheet of wa. tcr ; but at the same time, we muet say that wo have seen your.g ladies come up like Naids in gladness and in, glee from the came terrible scene. Philadelphia Tbact Sociey. By ths re cent report of the Philadelphia Tract Society, it appears that tho Society has employed, during the past year, 3 Tract Missionaries, 23 Superintendents, and COO Distributer. It is estimated that ct least 100,000 persons are reached every month by tha labors cf tl.ii Society. Tho receipts durirj the pa;t yzir have been C2.5C3. Co:riN3 to t::z re:::x. William Sr;.":h, only brother cf t! ?ht2 !:rrr:-n Prophet, has been preaching lately it NewBedford. , The Bulletin says ha concluded one of his dh courscs in th-3 following emphiU: rrords: 44 Brethren, I will say here, for the credit cf the audience, that at our last rr.cctirj I collect, ed soma two dollars, while at the sumo time the expenses cf tha hall were tit dollars. Now, I wish ia all soberness to assure you, my frieris, cf ens eolemn truth, end that is, that rather than pay all expenses, preach for nolhirj cr.d find myself into, tha ... bargain, J will see the tsliole generation damned first!" "? .. iou arc rsea; cut w.iy tr.eu;a youc3-so plaguey mean t What do yea euppesa that worthy young man thinks, who ju:t c.!:eJ you for a littls assistance, when you answered him so angrily 1 - Ia years to cenr.?, when he prospers in business as perhaps he will, as he is ea '.enterprising, character with - what feelings will he reflect upon you T He can not forget the manner you treated his modest request, and he will always look upon you cs a reeea and miserly wretch., It would have beea cs easy for you to do him a favor cs to walk to your house, and yet you wot;! J not. What can you think of yourself while you thus betray an Unaccommodating spirit, when ycu have the power of rendering invaluable ser. vices to others T, .Will you take a little advice, even though it cornea from us! Go .fcems and reflect upon your disposition and . charac ter..; Ask yourself, " what am I made fori1' and if you can give any reason that will satis- fy yourself, it will pass current with cth But you cannot,' while you possess your pres ent niggardly disposition. No one loves you none respect you, and every body ca!!s you eld ", you kno what. - Reform ttrive to do good end assist others. It will make -you feel happier, and at eight, you cannot tell how much mors pleasant will be your sleea.r Be a man we pray you, and not a mean miserly wretch, despised by all who know you. Portland Trihtne. . '. ) , "TTAmeriCas ;.M a NurAcrutEs. At the second annual Convention cf silk cultarists and rnan ulacturcrs, held in New York, it was stated that in ajittle town ia the west, called Gloves, ville, gloves to the yalue of from 300,000 to 500,000 were annually made, and this manu. facture at that place consumed, in , tho same, period, 010,000 worthof American silk. The same quantity of Italian silk was former. ly - used. A communication from ""Myrtdert Van cicnaicn was receivcu, eoCTosiDgiuw, to be1 distributed at 0100 a year, for the best niece of mnnuficture3 silk.J..-The communi cation spoke' of the writer conviction that in a short time the silk manufacture of this countiy would rise 1020,000,000 annually, and alluded to iher .'acknowledged .hot ihit Amorican iilk jwas ;soperior jand made less waste! ia. reeling f rota .the cocoon 'thin any other.! .The facts wera tinined T. by csrrcr.j . Below we give tho ofTiciai returns of Crr re'.2 for fjovernor of this state, at thc!ecl tion ia A ejus! last j aUo tbt vote in shewing C.2 d:tzzzz ttlwtea' i 5 rctt-ria1 1842 and IZlt the D:eer-l!e cir.Ji-V.e la . Ceauf;rt . Bertie, Bladen,' . : Brunswick, Bur.ctmbe, urc, Cabarrus, C-ildwell, Camden, Carteret, ' CasrcII, ' Clalhara,. Catawba, a Cherokee, C SaW t 4 SJ " Chavclar.J, Cc!l:V-U3, Creven, Currituck, . Davidson, Davie, " Duplin, . Edgocorr.V, Frach!!.-?, Gates, Greene, s Granville, - Guilford, Halifax, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, rj. 4C3 fr 410 V. w cca 77 " r - 11C0 707 CCD CC3 2J1 CCD CZj CIO ZZ1 421 c:o 11C3 cn 427 1C3 C39 418 410 210 c:i in 123 . 377 1S70 1C0 C77 ?;-c!l,& .CCD !il:eurg, 11C2 :!er.-:r.:r7, ICj le?t Uzzzrzr, CZ3 3 Jor.cs, Ler.oir, Lincoln, Macon, Mtrtto, 4 W t i Ozzhxr, ;:; Pa s '..i c 1 1 s i f . - Perqui.r.crj, Person, , ' Pitt, Randolph, Richmond, :" ' Robeson, "' Rockicghem, Rowan, iuthc rferd, . Ctar.Iy, Ctokesj Surry, ; , Tyrrell, - .( Union, e ' " ' Wake, ' . Warren, Wesliinglon, Wayne, Wilkes,!. Yaccy, '. 'mj11 3 " c:i i :r: 1 4 ' r t - 4 r. f m ' IS J. J Z tO f j J '. f' , LJ7 C" I .'CM 173 ... C C 3 c::)v. I1C J ""1C3 CCD 11C5 730. ". 3 c:a 103 art:.:: CZj CDl c:d 15U no 4:3 c:3 214 ZZ2 CCD r 12 J no VvJ 73 1223' CCD 112 71 ZZ3 313 274 GOl 1G15 CG7 IZj CCD I'.'J I. w t 213 210 C70 421 CCD CCD mr I 12 uzz CD cn, id . C: Z10 C1'2 11CS . c:d :.:3 UC3 1 w. 3 ; 1123 " C34' 233 COD ; . O 3 113 r 1 " .-. -t C-J -::d ::d Cil 2:3 ci K0 m ' CJ 211 1C3 723 ; c:: 1C73 4C3 ' c:j ? i no 710 wo VZj 4C3 - 73 u J CC3 2:3 1CD C73 ZZj 1 1. j ZZ'j tllCX ... "I CCD 'I" , -177 217- 210 ' 113 ' CDl. 7o- ;4C3- ' . 727'. . Cl 11C3 1C-3 CCD 1271 .... 7ig I. i C I j 137 C13 ; :c:7i ... w t j 27 IS ,IZ'j cnz -.544!. Ci3 j 43 ii 73 j 11C3 ( CCD j CC3 'ZZj, CCD ::d C3l 127 C11 ZZj 213 113 V -1 izo u C73 1CCD ZZ'J J t 'J ZZ'j CCD . cz 2c:r C-D IC 3 "CD 51" ., I7:, IT- C . rcT 1CC3 C T " i: li en f 1 -j ., , l:;7 r 1. 1 3 1 ' J04 C jrjZ 3 . ' lCCCl' An 3: i T h v. that c Jfjf J t ., ia"ic:, Rowan. ' , V madce:j uscleejT' was fit had a,f lV, lhev v. w "I'"!' ili..U'!.-i t J t J IWlb "Itw '"' t .-::! (I) vi:h Burke j Uniun '(e) v.::v. : an J Mecklenburg . riCi2 tho'eeufttics cf Rorrsn f r. J I t ether, which eVp!air.i the . z-' ' -t . kJ . ...... - - .1 ' t; twee a tr. v:.e ci i..4juri....i 5. 1 . ,,; . : zzxj tni CilIj vct:d l-'-eihrr r Th? same remarks epply ts do to' Svift called " it 44 voluntary" T1.3 Chines3 seen, to1 think it '''TST;i.caCc"er3'.Anr:a' . the cheers cf i!."3 Centurun ' !n"je Court Lj-". -ay ; v! ...3 the operat... vV-'-ftly toor.a c , it xKw -. rs'ir eg r v z r.!,i ci J il I " i9J 4fcJ k jf UU ... J - your L-;,T.'' ".-.''j," goyernmect, to its uo....jrirf' States and e!:ey here, d" ' ' no passport j"to of Cuba, as such eatennsthe terrr. h There was a t Havana end ill astraontb. At i?Ju; '" boa;ri trero ua.n a a y -; edterrfJy. "f r x tanzaj but"' A.' U1

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